856 views. There should be 856 million. This is the best most heart warming content I've seen on the interwebs in 6 months. Your old man's a bloody legend. Your old man standing on those crate boxes is incredible. You guys are awesome. Just when I was losing faith in this country watching you guys has restored it. I wish you the very best gentlemen.
856 views. There should be 856 million. This is the best most heart warming content I've seen on the interwebs in 6 months. Your old man's a bloody legend. Your old man standing on those crate boxes is incredible. You guys are awesome. Just when I was losing faith in this country watching you guys has restored it. I wish you the very best gentlemen.
Excellent Video Boys !! 👌👌👌
Very keenly watching mate. Looking at getting a kit for myself! Thanks for the time you put into this
Awesome work mate all the best on the build keep the videos coming hanging out for the maiden! Reminds me of me and my old man
Great job Kyle
Great viewing Kyle, I’m hooked
Not Bad Not bad at all!
That's a nice laser you can see it good in the daylight what make is that
What style of riveting is used and what riveting equipment do you use?
Hi Andrew, we only use the standard pull rivet and our equipment is a power drill riveting head attachment. Very powerfull and quick.
5:57 I thought he is drilling hole in the drill machine.
Hi how old are you guys and how is the build going
What primer are you using ?
DEAN SNOW HiChem super etch primer