Jzk brother for this great video. This video reminds me of a poem which was written by imam shafi'i (May Allah have mercy upon him) where he said : Don't you see the Lion being feared although it is silent and the dog being dispised although its barking.
Correction at
Strength of the MIND (Aql)*
May Allah reward you immensely for translating these videos
One of the key characters of the people of Jennah al-Firdaus is they stay away from idle talk. Silence is a great virtue we must strive for.
How do you avoid doing so without showing bad akhlaaq?
Jzk brother for this great video. This video reminds me of a poem which was written by imam shafi'i (May Allah have mercy upon him) where he said : Don't you see the Lion being feared although it is silent and the dog being dispised although its barking.
Jajakallahukhairan...once I get time I will write the whole lecture on a piece of paper to benefit myself and others
Learn silence like you learnt speech
-Abu Darda
Jazakallah khair
May Allah preserve our beloved Sheikh n may Allah give strength to benefit from such lessons
Jazakallahu khairan