Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes (HBO: The Weight of the Nation)

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024

Комментарии • 91

  • @DerikSchneider
    @DerikSchneider 11 лет назад +31

    The hard truth is that there are serious health consequences that come from not taking care of yourself. And diabetes and obesity are both preventable diseases.

  • @faa1412
    @faa1412 4 года назад +9

    Don't forget moderate weight lifting! Even just 15 minutes of two sessions a week could help lower blood sugar levels. As you're building muscle, that muscle needs glucose and takes the glucose from the bloodstream to use for energy. Also, don't forget stress also increases insulin because stress raises cortisol and cortisol pushes glucose into the bloodstream. Then insulin must be released to bring all that blood sugar down.

  • @RuthHenriquez1
    @RuthHenriquez1 4 года назад +11

    I went on a plant-based diet and lost 20 pounds without trying, and also got my fasting a.m. blood glucose level to the mid-eighties down from around 120. I'm eating nuts, seeds, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans and lentils, and a serving of fish a couple of times a month. I do not feel hungry.

    • @notmebutyou8350
      @notmebutyou8350 4 года назад

      That is great! Congrats to you. 😀😀
      I'm starting on a plant-based program as well. I purchased two containers for my food that are air-tight and water-tight so I can prep my fruits and veggies and have them ready when it's time to eat. That way, I'm less likely to reach for something unhealthy.
      What types of beans do you eat? Do you use canned or cook them out of the bag yourself?
      Thanks for responding.

    • @cincin4515
      @cincin4515 3 года назад

      Bully for you. Do you know how many people cant tolerate grains and beans?

    • @RuthHenriquez1
      @RuthHenriquez1 3 года назад +2

      @@cincin4515 No, and if studies have been done I'd like to know. The diet worked for me for years, but I am now no longer tolerating even low-glycemic carbs like beans, so I've had to go on a low-carb diet. Clearly, not only do different people have different metabolisms, but a person's metabolism can change over time. Still, for those who can tolerate it, a plant-based diet is very healthy. I liked eating that way and I miss it.

    • @jwill5892
      @jwill5892 Год назад

      Make sure you exercise too!

  • @philadelphiapennsylvania3088
    @philadelphiapennsylvania3088 6 лет назад +18

    Valuable information don’t sit in the house. Walk run to lose weight

  • @joanneesposito3295
    @joanneesposito3295 6 лет назад +7

    Great video. Clear, understandable, and informative.

  • @donnabyrnes9587
    @donnabyrnes9587 5 лет назад +4

    I recently watched a video on diabetes in India. Its becoming a big problem, but these people are very thin. I'm sure there is more to it than fat and sugar.

    • @faa1412
      @faa1412 4 года назад

      After doing much research, there are many things that can raise insulin and lead to insulin resistance.

    • @mariobecker199
      @mariobecker199 3 года назад +1

      Could be that maybe they eat a high carbohydrate diet and a low meat diet. Too many carbohydrates cause diabetes

    • @tarag7292
      @tarag7292 2 года назад

      Too much sugar is turned I to fat by the liver. It's liponeogenesis. So when people say it's really fat that causes diabetes, they're right about the cause, but they are not right about the source.

  • @jenniferf6265
    @jenniferf6265 6 лет назад +16

    I disagree with medicine being used as a prevention strategy. The body will always rely on medicine. A better prevention strategy should incorporate a plant-based diet.

    • @jeff-md7km
      @jeff-md7km 6 лет назад +5

      Plant based diets tend to be high in sugar... which raises in insulin levels. Unless your planing on staving yourself, a meat based diet high in protein is a much better option.

    • @andressoccerplayer94
      @andressoccerplayer94 6 лет назад +3

      Yeah plant-based diets are not going to work for diabetics. Plant-based diets are just bad in general. Humans need healthy fats and grass fed/grass-finished meats.

    • @andressoccerplayer94
      @andressoccerplayer94 6 лет назад +2

      A P wtf? How can high carb improve type 2 diabetes ? 😂😂 do you even know what you’re saying ? It’ll improve the diabetes and kill you quicker. Thats the only thing it’ll improve.

    • @andressoccerplayer94
      @andressoccerplayer94 6 лет назад +2

      Pick up a physiology textbook and you will know. Actually your body has two preferred sources of energy. Ketones and glucose. Without ketones, our ancestors would have died off.
      Umm no. Sorry to burst your bubble, but high carbs do not protect you against diabetes... The whole point is to keep insulin low. Why would you give more carbs to a diabetic person? And even if one WAS protected against diabetes (there is no such thing as protection from one disease) you will reap the consequences of a low fat intake. There are essential amino acids and fatty acids. there are NO essential carbohydrates

    • @andressoccerplayer94
      @andressoccerplayer94 6 лет назад +2

      LMAO!!!! your stupidity is beyond belief... i hope you never go into the medical field. And heart disease? you do know there are many kinds right? care to elaborate? and you do know that cancerous cells thrive on glucose right? and carbs are converted into glucose... so how does a high carb intake help prevent you from cancer? this is comedy. ummm what? do you know what essential means? take your sick looking plant based ass out of here with your rudimentary knowledge on BASIC nutrition and physiology.

  • @grandegulo
    @grandegulo 9 лет назад +17

    Low Carb High Fat diet!!!

  • @lindahadi5216
    @lindahadi5216 7 лет назад

    Thanks for the very informative Video and the content is very much true.
    I Was given victoza injection, Glucopack for almost 6 months but the glucose level did not improve much. Started the program with skinny world a couple of weeks ago, no carb, no oil - lost about 6.5kg and the glucose level has gone down to normal level without medication. So change of life style and eating habit is the key.

  • @Kyarrix
    @Kyarrix 6 лет назад +4

    Eat a low-carb, higher healthy fat diet. Whether you choose to make it more about plant-based foods or incorporate wild caught salmon, grass-fed, sustainably raised beef, preferably pasture-raised eggs, don't eat processed foods, don't eat sugar and try not to eat very much bread, rice and pasta.
    There is a lot of information out there, on RUclips also about low carb higher fat diets. Fat doesn't make us fat, fat does not provoke an insulin response, carbs do and protein in larger amounts does. Google Dr Robert Lustig, for a start, then go to Dr. Jason Fung.

    • @blaisetelfer8499
      @blaisetelfer8499 5 лет назад

      "Pasture raised", "wild caught" and "grass fed" are way overpriced and unnecessary. Whether or not something is organic has no bearing on its macronutrient content.

    • @cincin4515
      @cincin4515 3 года назад

      How on earth is the average person going to afford your elite grass fed, wild caught what knots?
      Diabetes affects all classes. Not just you wealthy elitists.

    • @cincin4515
      @cincin4515 3 года назад

      @@blaisetelfer8499 thank you. I get sick of reading these ridiculous comments.

    • @Kyarrix
      @Kyarrix 3 года назад

      @@cincin4515 What are you talking about? It's your position that the masses can only afford to eat packaged sugars and carbs? Good food costs money. You know what, bad food costs more money. The amount of money you end up spending out of pocket to fix the problems that happen to you from eating a diet of bad food is significantly more than spending on eggs. Eggs are healthy. Eggs are in most people's budgets. Wild caught salmon is extremely expensive. I don't often buy it, when I do it's a treat. It would be great if that were available for everyone. It should be available to everyone. But your condescending ugliness in my direction just has me so pissed off.
      It has me angry because you're wrong and you're going to do yourself and people you love harm if you think this way. Spending a little more each week on better food yields tremendous health benefits. A lot of bad eating is unfortunately lack of knowledge and sometimes laziness. It doesn't cost a lot to make a salad, it doesn't cost a lot to buy a bag of beans, a bag of rice, a gallon of decent quality olive oil. If you can afford packaged fast foods, you can afford rice and beans. You can afford the occasional vegetable, you can afford protein every now and then. Fast food is expensive over time. Both in the immediate sense and long-term health consequences to the person eating it on a consistent basis.
      The more I look at your response the angrier I get. If that was your intent to make someone on the internet angry because they care about other people's well-being, well then I guess you win. Mockery will almost always succeed in making the person being mocked angry. The point being made though is that you do not have to eat grass-fed beef or wild-caught salmon to eat a very healthy diet. What you have to do is avoid the inside rows of the supermarket where everything is packaged and processed. More than 80% of items in the supermarket have some kind of added sugar. Our bodies have not evolved to handle that much sugar. It taxes our pancreas, taxing the pancreas leads to pre-diabetes and then to diabetes. There are so many other issues caused by eating a lot of packaged processed foods. Everything from the lack of fiber, vitamins, nutrients, micronutrients to the lack of good healthy fats and protein.
      It makes me so angry that you throw out a few words and think that the person providing information must be an elite because they talk about grass-fed beef. You have no idea how I come by my knowledge. You have absolutely no idea how offensive that is. Do you care that the person on the other end is a human being? I lived on rice and beans for a very long time. You don't know anything about me or where my knowledge comes from, how much time and effort I have spent to accumulate what I know.
      Your sneering response, your assumptions that anyone who knows anything about eating healthily must be an elite is just so wrong headed. The hate in you towards everyone, you think that working class people can't eat healthily? Why do you think so little of them? There are plenty of people across every socioeconomic group who lack knowledge. It isn't just working class. There are plenty of people eating badly everywhere in this country because we do not have the knowledge we need. The corporations who manufacture the fast foods have a vested interest in people not knowing how bad these things are for them despite the evidence in front of their eyes.
      If you really need to make ugly sneering and ultimately harmful comments, then go ahead. But the fact is that I'm offering information to make better choices that will help save lives. What are you offering? The opportunity to mock someone because they dared to talk about better quality eggs? Because they said to not eat processed carbs and hydrogenated fats, but to choose real foods when possible?
      You owe me an apology. Let's see if you can be an adult, let's see if you can feel abashed and recognize how wrong is to attack someone, to mischaracterize what they're saying intentionally in order to mock. Let's see if you can apologize. Unfortunately I am betting that you won't but I really want to be surprised.

    • @Kyarrix
      @Kyarrix 3 года назад

      @@blaisetelfer8499 not entirely true. When you go to eat eggs, pasture laid eggs are better. When the hens can walk around and forage, the nutrient value of the eggs is higher. The yolks are bright orange rather than pale yellow. There have been many studies analyzing the nutrient content of pasture laid eggs versus mass factory raised eggs. I can share some with you if you want or you can look it up yourself, your choice.
      There is also the point of not participating in cruelty. Hens are living creatures, they deserve to live without undue suffering. Thousands of hens crowded into a small dark building without access to sunlight or grass, their bodies rotting as they live in their own feces is horrible. I would rather not eat eggs than buy those eggs. If that means that I don't get to have eggs as often, I'd rather buy good ones. Good for me and good for the hens.
      Wild caught salmon is very expensive but it is much better nutritionally than farmed salmon. This is not an esoteric point. Farmed salmon are fed pellets. Wild salmon are not. Farmed salmon has almost twice as much inflammatory omega-6 and half the amount of omega-3s, the desirable fat. There is also the problem of antibiotics, we have become more and more antibiotic resistant due to overuse. This overuse occurs in farming, both land and water. When you are trying to extract every bit of profit you crowd animals and fish into small areas. They get sick, they're dosed with antibiotics and those antibiotics end up in us.
      Some of the labeling is ridiculous. Companies will latch onto what they perceive to be popular. There are all sorts of marketing buzzwords that don't actually mean anything and are used to justify raising prices. These practices should be called out. But it is not correct to say that in all cases pasture raised or wild caught is the same nutritionally. It is more useful to determine which fall into each category. That is worthwhile but takes more effort and doesn't lend itself as easily in sweeping dismissive RUclips comments.

  • @TheShawe123
    @TheShawe123 11 лет назад +5

    Scary shit.

  • @damiancopadomaynard376
    @damiancopadomaynard376 9 лет назад +3

    I hate losing weight that just makes me more hungry nobody likes to lose anything its more mental than it is physical I hate it

    • @jacquelinewhite5253
      @jacquelinewhite5253 9 лет назад

      Copado Americano Consuming the right nutrients at the right time is essentiaI to getting the right combinations of nutrients into your Iiver and kidneys when it matters the most lnstead, if you act today through this secret website you now find yourseIf on…. and make the life-changing decision to reverse your diabetes for good… while breaking free from both the medications and Iife styIe restrictions that have until now been keeping you in chains… Here >> DiabetesTreatment25.blogspot.com >>>>>

  • @maximhollandnederlandthene7640
    @maximhollandnederlandthene7640 3 года назад

    I lost weight a lot but the diabetes stayed.
    Its the unhealthy food and drinks that is poisoning.
    All not home processed can be a danger !

    • @MooiMeissje
      @MooiMeissje 3 года назад

      It’s is! The unhealthy, processed foods that are making us sick. Hoop dat je nu inmiddels onder controle hebt check out Jason Fung :)

  • @razonyespiritu
    @razonyespiritu 4 года назад +2


  • @toni4729
    @toni4729 4 года назад +1


    • @happydays1336
      @happydays1336 3 года назад

      Add in intermittent fasting.
      Please check Dr. Jason Fung's videos. He's a nephrologist who treats patients with diabetes. He advocates for intermittent fasting and lower carb diets.

    • @toni4729
      @toni4729 3 года назад

      @@happydays1336 Jason and I are good friends.

    • @happydays1336
      @happydays1336 3 года назад

      @@toni4729 You're lucky to have him as a friend. I've learned a lot from listening to his videos. Next time you see him say "hi" to him for me!

    • @toni4729
      @toni4729 3 года назад

      @@happydays1336 I didn't mean I know him personally.😥Sorry, you misunderstood me. I just know him the way you do. Very well, I think I've read and heard everything he's done.

  • @curtisdommett8671
    @curtisdommett8671 7 лет назад +2

    11B2 wys anyone got the answers to the documentary review sheet please

  • @deboraheyitayo40
    @deboraheyitayo40 Год назад

    Thank you for being the dedicated, thoughtful, and compassionate doctor that you are, you are more honest than I imagined, thank you so much Dr Igudia RUclips channel for curing my Diabetes, you are amazing

  • @shawnmckee1783
    @shawnmckee1783 2 года назад

    Work is the cure ! Eat whatever and get after it

  • @adamualiyukukawa3748
    @adamualiyukukawa3748 Год назад

    Words failed me on how to appreciate you for sending your Herbs to me after I place my or order which cured my Type 2 diabetes Dr Igudia.

  • @goodbyeBrielle90
    @goodbyeBrielle90 4 года назад +3

    keto diet is the answer to all of the problem :)