하영언니!!! 뽑힐줄 모르고 정말 아무생각없이 신청했는데 당첨자 명단에 있어서 너무 행복했어요!! 진짜 하기 전날 잠도 설치고 ㅠㅜ ㅎㅎ 베이킹 처음 해봤는데 너무 재밌어서 그 뒤로 베이킹 영상 열심히 찾아보고 있어요!! 수능 끝나면 취미로 베이킹 해볼려구요!! 좋은 추억 만들어주셔서 너무 고맙고 영상에는 없었지만 중간에 게임한것도 너무 재밌었고 !! 하는 내내 언니가 너무 재밌게 해줘서 즐겁게 할 수 있었던 것 같아요!! 몸으로 말해요 할 때 쥐며느리는 잊어주세요 ㅜ 평생 흑역사일거예요 ㅠㅠ ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 언니 보면서 수험생활 잘 버티고 원하는 대학 꼭 붙어서 수능 끝나고 팬싸 꼭 갈테니까 기억해주세요!!!! ❤❤
소중한 빵다들을 위해 어떻게 하면 빵다들이 긴장하지 않고 편하고 행복하게 해줄지, 쉽게 이해할 수 있을지 방송 직전에 고민 많이 했을텐데 하빵이 컴백으로 바쁜 와중에도 열심히 노력해준 덕분에 빵다들한테 인생에서 가장 소중한 추억을 간직하게 해주고 우리 빵다들을 웃게 해줘서 진짜 고맙고 감동이에요🙏 나중에 하빵이가 시간이 된다면 또 다른 많은 빵다들에게 소중한 추억을 만들어주셨으면 좋겠어요!! 항상 우리들을 웃게 해주고 진심으로 생각해줘서 고마워요🙏 그리고 위버스로 빵다들한테 답글도 달아주고 소통 잘해주는 것도 너무 고마워요 ㅠㅠ 역시 신문물 이해가 빠른 트렌디한 여신 하빵 덕분에 오늘 아침부터 기분 좋게 시작할 수 있었어요!! 늘 우리들을 행복하게 해줘서 고마워요🙏
하영누나가 컴백을 준비하는 동안 베이킹파우더 과자까지 가르쳐주느라 고생 많았어요!💛그래도 누나는 무슨 일이나 잘해서 컴백 무대도 멋있고 베이킹도 잘 가르쳐주셨어요!😆오늘 또 하영누나의 가르침으로 잼과자 만드는 법을 배웠어요!😄하영누나는 어떤 분야든 꽃길 걷자, 난 언제나 누나를 응원해!💛
컴백준비로 바빴을텐데 빵다들하고 같이 소통하면서 베이킹 컨텐츠하려고 노력해주는 모습이 너무 예뻐보였어요💛💛빵튜브에서 하빵이가 좋아하는 베이킹을 빵다들을 위해서 가르쳐주기도하고 빵다들이 긴장했을텐데 편안하게 분위기도 만들어주는 하빵이 모습이 너무 멋져보였어요💛💛뭔가 빵튜브 시작하고나서 하빵이가 빵다들과 더 편하게 소통해가는 모습이 보기좋고 하빵이가 좋아하는 걸 소중하게 생각하는 사람들이랑 함께하는 모습이 너무 좋네요💛💛이제 진짜 제빵왕이 되어가는 오탁구의 모습이 보이네요💛💛다음에도 빵다들과 함께하는 시간 많이 하면 좋겠어요💛💛재밌었어요!!💛💛
woah another zoom baking with hayoungie 🤩 International pandas will forever be jealous. Everything seems interesting every time you talk 💛 Thank you pretty habbangie for another yt content.
차근차근 알려주셔서 베이킹 잘 안 해본 저도 언니가 알려주시면 완전 잘 해낼 수 있을 거 같아요!!☺️ 그리고 빵다들 편안하게 해주려는 게 보여서 제가 다 감동이었어요,,, 완전 스윗✨ 다음에도 또 줌 베이킹 해줘요😉 직접 참여하면 더 좋겠지만!! 이렇게 영상으로 보는 것도 또 다른 재미가 있는 거 같아요👍🏻
제가 하영누나의Zoom라이브 베이킹 수업에서 정말 많은 것을 얻었어요!😆지난 시간에는 하영누나를 따라 오레오 케이크 만드는 법을 배웠고, 이번에는 잼쿠키 만드는 법을 배웠어요!😁오탁구 정말 세계 최고의 베이커리 선생님이에요. 오탁구 선생님 학생들도 정말 잘해요!👍비록 여러분이 아직 오탁구 선생님의 베이커리 수준은 아니지만, 앞으로 오탁구 선생님과 같은 맛있는 베이커리를 만들 수 있도록 계속해서 노력해주세요!💛
지난회에 제가 하영 선생님한테 베이킹을 배우고 싶다고 말씀드렸었는데 이걸 보고 나니 제가 낯을 많이 가려서 못 할 것 같다는 생각이 들었어요 ㅋㅋㅋ 동료 INFP형으로서 저는 하영이가 이것을 할 수 있다는 것을 존경합니다!👍👏 멋있어요 하영이!!💛💛 7:25 ㄷㄷㄷ 😂😂😂
잼과자는 만들기 어려워 보이지만 오탁구 선생님의 가르침으로 쉽게 만들 수 있었습니다. 하영누나는 정말 최고의 베이커리 선생님이었습니다!👍직접 구운 잼 과자를 가족과 친구들에게 선물하는 것이 선물을 사는 것보다 더 정성이 넘치는 것 같아요!💛누나의 수강생들이 만든 잼과자도 훌륭했어요!👍
Wow, I didn't know the zoom baking class was filmed before comeback until today. The cookies look delicious. Hope to have a chance of tasting it in the future.
직접 만든 잼쿠키를 친구에게 선물하거나 직접 만든 잼쿠키를 먹으며 매우 보람을 느낍니다!😆열심히 만든 잼쿠키를 먹으면 밖에서 산 과자보다 더 맛있을 거예요!😋오탁구 선생님 잼쿠키 만드는 법 가르쳐주셔서 감사합니다!💛하영누나의 온라인 베이커리 수업이 정말 재밌어보였는데 아쉽지만 이번에 참석하지 못했는데 나중에 기회가 된다면 하영누나의 대면 베이커리 수업에 참여했으면 좋겠어요!💛
저는 오탁구 선생님의 Zoom 베이커리 수업에 참여하지 않았지만, 두 번의 Zoom 베이커리 영상은 제 베이커리에 대한 흥미를 끌었습니다!😊오 선생님은 잘 가르칠 뿐만 아니라, 학생들이 어려움에 처했을 때에도 인내심을 가지고 도움을 줄 것입니다!👍오탁구 선생님을 따라 베이킹을 배우는 것은 정말 전혀 스트레스 받지 않아요!😁하영누나 수고했어요.누나는 최고의 베이커리 왕이자 최고의 베이커리 선생님!💛
오하영!!! 진짜… 스윗해… 빵다들 오븐 뜨거우니까 조심하라는 거랑, 뜨거우니까 식히고 먹으라는 거랑… 터진 쿠키를 보고 오히려 더 맛있다 해주는 우리 다정한 하영이.. 오다영이야. (대충 오늘도 다정한 하영이란 뜻)💛 그리고 하빵아!! 괜차나?! 몇 달 전 촬영이겠지만 그래도 걱정돼ㅜㅜ 데인 건 아니게찌?! 늘 조심하자요! 그리고 하영ㅇㅣ 만약 선생님이었으면 남을 엄청 배려하고 마음 헤아려주는 친구 같은 선생님이었을 듯 ! 우리 하영이 강의 너무너무 잘하고 쿠키도 너무 맛나보여요. 그리고 쪼꼬미 판다분들도 너무너무 귀여워 .. 다같이 쪼물쪼물 쿠키 굽는 거 보니까 정말 힐링재질이 따로 없는 걸료? 🥖 우리 하영이가 유투브 해줘서 정말 감사해. 오늘도 하영이가 재미난 영상 올려줘서 마음이 편안해지구 따뜻해지고 그래요!! 날씨가 점점 더워지는데 우리 하영이 몸관리 잘하구 💛 집에 발뮤다 토스트기가 있는데.. 그걸로 쿠키도 구워지려나?… 저번 줌 베이킹보다 왠지 이게 더 쉬워보여
Oink Oink.. I am sitting down by the shores.. Looking at the Waters coming In.. On a big rock.. I am sitting and just thinking about You.. I am looking at two Empty Bottles.. for some reason.. I started to drink.. the More I think of YOU.. the More I miss YOU.. on this Night.. why do I feel the aching in my Heart.. I wish that I did Not look at your Picture.. I received a Letter from YOU.. and YOU are telling me YOU are going some where so far.. and telling me that It is going to take YOU a while and after hearing these words after I read the Letter you wrote me.. I just could Not take it any more.. I could Not stay inside the House.. so Leaving the House.. and so I wrote YOU a Letter back.. But.. I am wondering at this Point.. what am I suppose to do with the Letter that is In my Hand.. if I am unable to reach YOU.. YOU have Not tell me where YOU are going.. and how long will it take for YOU to come back.. I would look at your Picture.. and looking at the Letter.. I am feeling so much hurt right Now.. it is because I am missing YOU so Much.. All I ever asked for is Your Heart.. I would ask if I can Have your Heart.. is it just too much of asking YOU for It.. because I want to tell YOU that I love YOU.. without Your Heart.. there is Nothing that I can do.. then please tell Me.. How do I win YOU over.. How am I suppose to make YOU mine.. what is the secret so that I can take action.. and also tell YOU because I am Not sure what to do at this Point.. So I have decided to come to the Place.. this Rock has been here ever since I first came.. I would sit on the Top of this Rock.. when I want to see you the Most.. I brought with me a Shot Glass.. of course I did not bring YOU picture with me this time.. because I know if I do.. I would be taking a Look.. which it can make my eyes pop out whenever I see Your Picture.. I wish that YOU knew this Heart of Mine.. why can't you see through.. why can't you understand me.. or relate with me what I am going through right Now.. I have bought three bottles of Rice wine.. so far.. I have finished two Bottles.. I am taking a Look at the third.. the last One.. I don't feel drunk at All.. but I need to wash away what is in my Mind.. what is inside my Head.. I am trying to wash YOU away.. trying to forget.. or to erase YOU off but the More I try.. the More I just can't.. so Please Help me for once.. Help me How to win YOU over.. I am still trying over and over.. but I am asking YOU now.. if you know the answers.. if you know the secrets of How to Make YOU Mine.. I feel like I am dying inside right Now.. I feel like I am ready to die instead because I want to have Your Heart.. if only YOU can show me Your Heart and I be able to hold Your Heart in my arms.. and to able to speak to Your Heart.. will you let me tell YOU something.. will you let me speak to Your Heart.. because that is the Only One thing I want.. what I truly need.. to have your Heart and to tell Your Heart.. I have a Heart too.. and My Heart just loves YOU.. How can I transfer this Message to reach Out to YOU.. How can I tell you that I love YOU.. YOU are so far away.. there is this distance between Us.. and I would like to get close to YOU.. How can I get close to YOU.. to your Heart.. Please tell me and let me Know.. as I am looking at the last Bottle.. my hand grabs.. twist the TOP and open it.. holding the Glass shot in the Other hand.. the One with the Bottle.. my hand pours into the Shot Glass.. what if I get sick.. so sick that I rather die instead.. I feel so sick in my stomach because I need to see YOU.. I need to hold YOU Near in my hands.. in my arms and I would say to YOU.. will you please show me Your Heart.. How can I see your Heart.. Please.. let me see your Heart and Please hear these words of Mine.. that I been here.. always waiting for YOU.. just to Love YOU.. and to tell YOU that I love YOU.. will you let me tell YOU these words of Mine to YOU.. that is why I need your Heart.. I need to know so that I can tell YOU.. but when YOU tell me that YOU are going to take a Long time and YOU are leaving going somewhere very far.. How can I tell YOU.. that is why I been asking YOU.. at least Leave Your Heart with Me.. let your Heart be close to me so that I will not feel like I can't do nothing.. as I am looking at the Shot Glass in my Hand.. I would open my Mouth wide and slam the Shot Glass with rice wine into my mouth.. since I did Not bring your Picture with me.. Now I am dying to see YOU.. I am starting to miss YOU because all I see is the waters coming IN and going Out.. I just can't stop.. but why can't I stop.. I would tell myself to stop.. but How can I stop.. it is because I love YOU.. How can YOU stop someone who loves YOU so much.. that is why I need to hear words from YOU.. If you can tell me to stop Loving YOU.. I know that I can finally rest in Peace.. but.. I still be missing YOU.. still be looking at your Picture and just wondering.. what If something can happen.. How would it be Like if YOU were here with Me.. and I be able to hold YOU in my arms.. and tell YOU.. looking at Your Heart.. even though the Time flies and many weeks and months has passed By.. I still Love YOU.. and If you are asking me.. why do I love YOU so Much.. how is it possible to love YOU this Much.. and if you are asking me and wondering on the Other side.. I would look at the One I am holding the Bottle of rice wine.. Looking at the Other hand holding the Shot Glass.. I would be pouring the Bottle of the rice wine Into the Shot Glass.. placing the Bottle on the ground.. I would be looking at the waters.. I open my mouth wide and pour.. slam the rice wine into my Mouth with the Shot Glass.. and I would close both eyes.. Just thinking about YOU.. I be thinking of YOU.. as I am going back.. I am standing inside the House.. and I hear the Knock On the door.. and I know that YOU are coming over.. after receiving the Message.. the text Message from YOU.. I open the front door.. and I see YOU standing there.. I receive the Letter YOU gave me.. and I wanted to ask if YOU wanted to come inside.. but.. YOU tell me that YOU needs to go.. and I watch YOU turn the other way and YOU start to walk.. where I stop seeing YOU.. as I close the Door.. I would unfold the Letter.. and a Picture falls Out from the folded Paper.. as I go down.. and I pick Up the Picture.. I look at You.. and YOU are wearing a White Dress.. and I just can't believe it.. YOU are so Beautiful.. especially in that White Dress.. But this is Not just an ordinary Dress.. It seems like something is going to happen soon.. It looks like a Wedding Dress to me.. and On the Letter YOU are telling me that YOU are going to get married.. and YOU have invited me to come to see YOU at your Wedding.. I am wondering.. with who are you getting Married too.. because I don't want to receive this from YOU.. why are you telling me to come if I am Not the One who is going to stand next to YOU to make YOU my wife.. If I am invited for the wrong reason.. I do not want to come.. I don't want to watch YOU leave my Life and go with another.. It should be Me who should stand next to YOU.. the One who can put the ring on your Finger.. But why did YOU write me this kind of letter.. It really hurts Me if YOU are telling me to sit and watch the One you love to be taken away from Me.. and I just can't believe you are telling me this.. so I would rip the Letter into pieces.. I just can't take this from YOU.. I don't want to receive this from YOU because YOU are Only hurting me More.. what have I done to deserve this Kind of News.. why hurt me when YOU know my true intentions.. My true Motives.. I know that if I stand next to YOU through Thin and through Thick.. through the good times and the Bad times.. I know that after a certain time.. YOU can Love Me.. why can't YOU give me a chance to proof that I can love YOU more.. and YOU will know.. you will see that YOU too can Love me back too.. YOU just don't know until you give me a chance.. give me a shot too so that YOU be loved.. I can love you more.. and Over and over again.. YOU will know how much I love YOU and can feel that love comes from me to YOU.. but telling me this and breaking my Heart.. and tearing it away is Not going to be good for YOU.. because YOU know that I love YOU.. NO matter How much YOU hurt me.. How much YOU tear down my Heart into pieces.. I can still Love YOU.. I will even love YOU more.. and more stronger with time.. but YOU have to give me that chance.. why can't you give me this shot.. I know that YOU will love me.. I know that I will love YOU but the most importantly.. YOU be loving me back too.. YOU are wondering How do I know for sure this can happen.. Because I love you first.. and ever since I told YOU that I love YOU.. I am still here loving YOU more.. that is the prove that I can share and show YOU that It is real.. My Heart is real.. just too real sometimes but is it not
MAH MAH.. I am looking at the Bow.. I am pulling the strings of the Bow.. wondering if I can shoot this arrow correctly.. How can I protect YOU.. How can I defend YOU and fight the Battles.. the UP coming Battles if I cannot shoot these arrows correctly.. as I am looking at the Art Sketch Paper.. the drawing of YOU.. I would put the Bow down after pulling the strings.. My hands grabs the Art sketch paper.. and I would LOOK at You.. LOOK at your Beautiful Face.. MAH MAH.. and I would Lower.. both on knees.. LOOKING at the Art Sketch Paper.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. Crown Princess.. and I would LOOK across.. the Board.. the Target that is ON the Middle of the Tree.. I have been trying.. trying to shoot these arrows.. I would pull on the strings of this Bow.. that is LAYING on the Ground.. I been in this forest.. inside the forest are these trees.. which I would come at Night.. and I would look at the Target.. I would pull on the strings of this One Bow.. and my Father made this Bow for Me.. He has made the arrows.. and would give it to me.. and I would grab these Arrows and walk for few Miles.. It becomes Dark when I arrive to this Forest.. Having your Picture.. the Art sketch paper with me always.. On my Side.. On my Chest.. I think of YOU.. and I would say.. One Day I will see YOU soon.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. CROWN PRINCESS.. I will see you One Day.. I will meet YOU some Day.. just wait and see.. and I would always Unfold this Art Sketch Paper.. and I would look at YOU.. the Drawing of YOU and I would say.. WHY does my Heart hurt so Bad.. is it because I am missing YOU right Now.. and I would put the arrows on the ground.. and My Father would tell me.. first I needs to warm It UP.. PULLING on the strings of this BOW.. and I would PULL the strings till my hands.. my arms would hurt.. I would keep on pulling and Pulling it many times before I would shoot the arrows.. I remember I pulled it too many times that the Bow.. the strings would break the Bow into halves.. and I would sit.. standing in silence wondering what do I do Next.. I would always think of YOU.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. CROWN PRINCESS.. I want to protect YOU.. I want to Love YOU.. to defend Your nation.. But LOOK at How small and weak I am at this Point.. I can't even shoot these arrows right and say to YOU.. I want to Love YOU.. I want to protect YOU.. the Horses are going to look at me and laugh at me for saying this to YOU.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. DO you not know how much My Heart be hurting because I can't do anything right.. so Only thing I know that I must do is shoot these arrows.. as far and right into the Middle of the Target.. after I would pull.. my Father would walk by.. watching me cry as I am looking at the Broken Bow laying on the ground.. He shows me there is Another One.. smiles and looks at me and hands me another New Bow.. I would look at the new Bow.. Pulling on the strings.. as I would think of YOU.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. I would be thinking of YOU late into the Night.. I lift UP to see the MOON appear before my eyes.. grabbing the arrow on the ground.. I would say.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. this is for YOU.. so that when the Enemies comes at your gate and I am ready.. I will be on the front Line ready to shoot the arrows for YOU.. even though I may die in the land I love.. it is for YOU.. and I would put the end of the arrow and PULLS the strings back.. I would aim.. and my hand lets go of the strings of the Bow.. I see the Arrow flies Out and It hits.. I just can't believe It.. I would look at the arrow.. and I would cry because It hit the Middle.. it has taken me more than one hundred arrows of shooting.. many flies to the left or to the right.. some would not even shoot so far.. I would be yelling and screaming because I can't shoot right.. and I would fall on the ground of many hours I would put into trying shooting the arrows.. but this One Night.. even though I would say.. it is going to go to the Left.. or to the right.. But before I picked UP the Bow of strings and the arrow.. I do remember I would unfold the Art sketch paper.. the drawing of YOU and I would look at YOU.. I would say to the Art Sketch paper.. the drawing of You.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. DO you know that I am doing this for YOU.. Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. It is only for YOU.. I have truly Nothing to Lose.. but just my Life if living means that it has any worth.. But YOU know that as Long as I have life to Live.. I want to fight and to protect YOU.. I want to Love YOU.. by protecting and defending the Nation you are ready to Build.. and I would look at the Art sketch Paper.. the drawing of YOU.. and My lips kisses the paper.. and I would say looking at the Art sketch paper.. the drawing of YOU.. I love YOU.. I have been loving you since the day my eyes first saw YOU.. and still can't let YOU go because I still love YOU.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. CROWN PRINCESS.. Please help me.. and I would put the Art sketch Paper.. the drawing of YOU and I put on the ground picking up the Bow.. and I would be pulling the strings of the Bow.. and I would look for the arrow on the ground.. grabbing the One.. I would put the end of the arrow.. and Pulls back with the strings of the Bow.. and I would be aiming the arrow.. looking at the Target.. and I would pull back harder and Let my hand go of the strings of the Bow.. watching the arrow shoot out and flies.. it hit.. finally at the Middle of the Target.. I stood there.. my hands are bleeding.. my arms are hurting.. but looking at the Arrow finally hitting right into the Middle of the target hanging on the trees.. I fell on two knees.. started to cry.. wailing louder and louder.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. Only if YOU were here.. Only if YOU be able to watch what My eyes are seeing at this Point.. I think you would of at least gave me a smile.. Crown Princess.. If YOU are truly on my side.. at least please give me Your Smile.. and I just can't believe what my eyes are seeing.. I would grab another arrow on the ground.. the end of the arrow.. pulling the strings of the Bow back.. aiming the arrow at the target on the middle.. PULL harder and My Hand lets go and the Arrow shoots out and flies and hits right in the middle again next to the first arrow.. I would hear a clap behind me.. and My Father was watching from the distance.. and I turn around to look at the shadows and His figure disappears into the Night.. I stood there.. and I knew that my father saw everything.. I would look at the ground.. with the seven friends Behind Me.. and Behind me is the Art Sketch Paper.. it is the drawing of YOU.. the same Art sketch Paper I had when I was at the forest.. when I was YOUNG.. when I was practicing shooting the arrows.. and I see YOU sitting on the Horse.. and I see you getting Out of the Horse.. the Servants who came with YOU.. came at your side to help YOU down.. and I would unfold the Art Sketch Paper.. the drawing of YOU.. as YOU walk with the few servants behind YOU.. and YOU stop.. I am on two knees.. My hands unfold the Art Sketch Paper.. and I am looking at the Picture of YOU.. the drawing of YOU.. YOU stood before Me.. and my eyes are filled in tears.. without this.. I know that I could Not go on.. without this Art sketch paper.. the Picture of YOU.. How can I dream of anything.. YOU gave me a meaning.. a reason to dream Big.. without this Paper.. the Art sketch paper.. the Picture of YOU.. the drawing of CROWN PRINCESS.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. How can I come this Far.. YOU gave me a meaning a reason to live and to go On.. without this.. I would of Never though of coming to Your Presence.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. I don't need this Art Sketch paper any more because Now I am beside YOU.. I am close to YOU.. I am right by your side.. what am I going to do with the paper.. when I see YOU as the Person.. as the Crown Princess for the Nation.. I don't need this and I was ready to ripe the Paper.. the Art Sketch Paper.. the Picture of YOU.. the drawing of YOU.. YOU held your hand high and I stop.. and I see you wanted to take a LOOK at it.. as your hands grabs the Art Sketch paper.. the Picture drawing of YOU.. YOU see the scars in my hands from the strings.. pulling the strings of the Bow.. as I show you both hands because YOU wanted to look at my hands.. these are the scars of pulling the strings.. trying to shoot the arrows.. trying to hit the Middle of the target when I was young.. when My father was with me.. He was the One who saw all these things before he passed away.. but He told me.. before he goes.. He wants to teach me at least the foundation
MAH MAH.. Sketch paper.. the Drawing of YOU.. the Picture.. the Only One I had for a long time.. I Just could Not go.. but Now.. I can let that Art Sketch paper go.. go with YOU because it belongs to YOU.. as I see you LOOK at it and YOU LOOK at me.. and YOU gave it back to Me.. I am confused.. I am Now here with YOU.. I see YOU.. the WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. the Crown Princess.. But.. I see you held Your right Hand High.. letting me know.. THAT IS IT.. and I see you turn and walk away.. going back to the Horse.. Now.. I hear horses foot steps coming.. and I turn to LOOK the Other way.. where the ten Men are sitting on their Horses.. who was shooting their Arrows UP far.. I see Six Horses.. and I see the Six Princes and they have their Armor On too.. as I look toward the Gate.. I see the Gate being Opened.. and I knew.. It is TIME.. and I would Shout.. MANSAE TO WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. and the Seven Men behind Me shouts Out Loud.. MANSAE TO HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and I would shout LOUDER MORE.. MANSAE TO WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. Crown Princess.. and all of the Military Men shouts Out Loud.. MANSAE TO HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and I would see you get ON your Horse and YOU raise UP your Right hand and I say NO.. CROWN PRINCESS.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. NO.. and the Gates would Open WIDE.. and I would get UP.. two legs.. NO CROWN PRINCESS.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. PLEASE.. consider.. reconsider.. I see YOU hit the Horse and it starts to take Off towards the Open Gate.. NO.. MAH MAH.. NO.. MAH MAH.. and I pull out the sword.. and I would look at the Open gates and I would run after YOU..CROWN PRINCESS.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. Please consider.. I am looking towards and I am watching the Arrows flying and many arrows flying over the Wall of the Tower.. I turn to look at the Left.. ten men sitting on their Horses.. bows in the hands.. Looking UP.. and Arrows shoot Fire and I am truly Touched.. these are the Men that belongs to YOU.. Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and I see the Chief General standing on the Tower.. and He arm raises holding the Sword UP.. and ALL the Men up on the Tower of the walls.. They are too holding the Bows.. and arrows are shooting out.. I grab the Bow.. and I turn back.. grabbing two Arrows.. I remember when YOU.. Crown Princess.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. when YOU were a girl.. I saw YOU on the Practice training ground.. I was sitting on the Horse and My Father next to Me.. I have never see a Princess.. Now a Crown Princess.. grabbing the two Arrows.. and the TOP GENERALS.. the CHIEF GENERALS who were standing behind YOU.. and they kneel.. two knees.. heads looking Down.. asking Only to shoot One Arrow.. and I would watch YOU.. the two ends of the arrows.. pulling back the strings of the Bow.. and pulling aiming and off you release.. the two arrows flies fast and Hits the Target on the red BULLS EYES.. the Chief General.. the teacher holds the flag and swings.. BULLS EYES.. and the five TOP generals.. three are Chief Generals.. they raise their heads too look.. hands would all clap.. and I would sit on the Horse.. my hands start to clap.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. MANSAE.. MANSAE WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. my hands would clap.. as I am holding the Bow.. two arrows in my hand.. DO you know How much I love YOU.. I was touched in my Heart.. I was truly touched in my soul.. I was truly inspired when I saw what YOU did when YOU were young.. I even started to practice.. when My Father was with me.. I would ask HIM that I wanted to protect YOU.. How do I protect the Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. Please help me to be the Protector.. and I remember my Father looks at me.. and lowers.. Do what the Crown Princess has done.. I started to practice Shooting arrows.. as I am looking at the wall.. I look UP sitting on this Horse.. I raise up the Bow.. putting the two ends of the Arrows and I pull back the strings.. and I aim looking towards.. I release the string and the two arrows flies Off.. over the Wall and I would keep on looking back.. two arrows.. pulling back the strings and release.. the two arrows would keep on flying over the walls.. I hear the foot steps.. I hear the Horses coming.. and I see the seven friends and they all stop behind Me.. and pulling their Bows.. grabbing the arrows with me.. and aiming looking over the wall.. More arrows are shot fired out and the Eight of us kept on pulling Out the Arrows.. shooting over the wall.. and Chief General turns who is standing at the tower of the Wall and shouts.. they are retreating.. and He raises the Sword UP and Shouts in loud cry.. and I raise UP the Sword.. the Seven men behind Me.. they raise up their swords.. and the ten Men on the left side.. all shouts.. MANSAE to the Crown Princess.. MANSAE TO WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. MANSAE TO CROWN PRINCESS.. MANSAE TO HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and I can feel the tears flowing down my Eyes.. CROWN PRINCESS.. the enemies are going to come back.. But right Now they have retreated.. SO we have WON this Battle.. and I turn around.. Protect the Crown Princess.. Protect HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and as I turn to look back.. I just can't believe it.. and the seven men also turns to look back with Me.. I see YOU.. Crown Princess.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. and YOU are riding on the Horse.. even few Chief Generals and the Commanders are on the Horses and YOU are leading.. I see the Bow in your Hand and also the Sword on the Side.. and I just can't believe it.. YOU must not GO.. the Battle is going to be fierce.. we won but the More are coming this Way.. and I get Off the horse.. and I would walk fast and I kneel before YOU.. two knees.. Head looking down.. my arm up.. and I see you stop the Horse.. Now the seven friends of Mine also gets off the Horses.. and they are behind me.. kneeling.. two knees and heads looking down. arms are Up.. and I see you raise Up the Sword.. and I lift up my Head to look at YOU.. I just don't want YOU to go out there.. I have been waiting for this Battle.. for a Long time.. I been practicing for so long because I knew that one day this day was to come.. I promised YOU that I wanted to always protect YOU.. when I was young.. just before YOU came riding on the Horse.. I was sitting here.. I thought about when I was YOUNG boy.. I sat on the Horse and I saw YOU on the practice training ground.. Of course YOU did not see me.. but I came with my Father.. the Day when YOU grabbed the two Arrows.. YOU took my Breathe away Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. I saw YOU.. Three Chief Generals.. and two Commanders stood behind YOU.. my Father told me the reason why took me on this day.. the Crown Princess was to pick two Arrows and going to start shooting to hit the Target Board.. I wanted me to see the Heart of the Crown Princess for the Nation.. and I remember Your Teacher.. the Chief General by the Target.. with the white Flag.. and I saw you grabbing the two Arrows.. grabbing the Bow.. and putting the two ends of the arrows on the strings of the Bow.. and aiming the arrows.. and your hand releases the string of the Bow.. the two arrows goes straight and Hit the Red Dot.. the flag was raised UP and the Chief General swings the Flag.. I was sitting on the Horse.. my hands would clap with the Chief generals and the commanders.. and they would shout.. MANSAE to Crown Princess.. MANSAE.. HOORAY and I was truly touched.. I asked my Father that very Night.. when I was at Home.. I wanted to Protect the Crown Princess.. How can I protect the Crown Princess.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. Please Father tell me.. Please.. and He tells me.. DO what the Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH has did and what I saw that morning.. every Night.. I looked at the Target that my Father made.. with the RED DOT Circle around it.. I started with One Arrow.. my hands would hurt.. my arms would ache.. and I knew YOU were so strong.. because pulling the strings of the arrow.. my Father would tell me to keep on pulling it over and over.. for months I had to do the basic training.. just to pull.. then He gave me the arrow to shoot.. It would not shoot at all.. as Months.. more months went by.. I started to shoot the arrows.. hitting on left far to the right far.. But I was thinking about YOU.. I was thinking about that if I don't this.. I can't protect the Crown Princess.. but I have made UP my Mind and made a Promise that I will protect YOU and always will love YOU.. from Months goes to years as I would start picking UP two Arrows
I am looking at the Moon.. I am waiting for YOU.. just thinking about YOU.. Looking at the Moon.. I feel like I am starting to Miss YOU.. when can I see YOU.. can I hear Your Heart.. Can I see your Heart.. Please let me touch Your Heart.. because I need YOU.. I truly need YOU to love me Back.. only wish.. Only hope.. only dreaming if YOU can show me your Heart.. as I am looking UP toward the Moon.. I can picture in that Moon.. the Shape of Your Heart.. I want to see Your Heart.. My arm stretches Out.. my hand opens Wide.. my Other arm reaches.. stretches Out.. My Other Hand opens Wide.. if YOU can hear Me.. If YOU are able to hear.. Please listen with Your Ears.. Hear my words because I am talking to that MOON.. can YOU Hear through that Moon.. I want to know.. If YOU are Unable to hear my words.. If YOU are Unable to Hear my Voice.. On the Other side.. Is it Night.. because at this Point.. the Sun has went down and Now.. it is the Moon's Turn to get UP.. and I am looking at this Moon.. Hoping that It is Night on that Other side.. if it is.. Can YOU please come Out.. If YOU are able to see that MOON.. Please come Out from the Place YOU are.. I want to tell YOU something.. I want to speak and tell YOU something.. my hands are both open wide.. asking.. Can YOU Please give me Your Heart.. I will be standing still.. Until you give me Your Heart.. I been asking YOU for a long time.. Did you not forget.. ever since I first laid my eyes On you.. all I ever wanted is Your Heart.. All I ever talked about and asking YOU is for that Heart.. Please give me Your Heart.. Please Open your Heart.. I do not want anything else but Just for YOU to show me Your Heart and Please.. let me have Your Heart.. My Heart has been breaking.. It has been shattered into Pieces.. I am trying to put the Pieces of my Heart together.. without YOU.. I know that the Pieces of my Heart cannot come together.. that is why I am asking for Your Heart.. Only if YOU can show Me.. so that I can see the Shape of Your Heart.. and I can open my chest.. and Put your Heart inside the Chamber.. which been waiting for your Heart.. I need Your Heart.. I want to have YOUR HEART and Put close to my chest.. to see How can I live without YOU.. I know that I can't unless I have Your Heart.. I told YOU already.. How is my Heart be broken and How was it torn into Pieces and Cannot put it back together.. I broke my Own Heart.. So that I can put Your Heart instead of Mine.. that is How close I want to feel Your Heart.. to Feel the Beating of Your Heart.. to hear the Beating.. to hear the sound of Your Heart.. I want YOU very close.. SO close that I can hear Your Heart inside of Me.. so that I can see YOU close.. I am truly missing YOU.. I don't know why.. because it is so Hard to explain at this Point.. if YOU are asking me.. WHY do I miss YOU so Much.. I just saw your Picture.. which I would have it close to Me.. I would take a Look at your Picture.. and only Wish.. Only Hope when can I see YOU close.. will you ever come close to Me.. because the More away YOU are.. the More I want to see YOU close.. the More I miss YOU.. the More My Heart breaks.. breaking and hearing the sound of my Heart.. just breaking into pieces.. and I want to know.. Does Love hurts.. does it hurt you.. because for Me.. it hurts to Love YOU.. it hurts me so much that I can feel the breaking of my Heart.. I want to cry.. I want to cry a lot because it Hurts me more when I don't see YOU.. when I miss YOU.. when I step out side.. and I stand still in silent.. and I look UP.. toward the Moon.. I want to shout at the Moon and Cry when looking at the Moon.. I would say.. Can YOU please come Out tonight.. I wonder if it is Day.. Or is it Night.. If I am able to see the Moon tonight.. can YOU Please step Out side.. On the Other side.. do YOU see the Moon appear before Your eyes.. Look UP at the dark skies.. do you see the stars.. do you see the Moon.. if YOU can see the Moon appear before YOU.. Can YOU Hear me.. Can YOU Hear my voice.. Listen to my words because there is something very Important that I would like to say.. to tell YOU.. and I know for sure you know this and maybe heard it more than thousand times by Now.. But I never get tired of telling you this.. I just hope that YOU never get tired too.. If you do please tell Me so that I can stop.. if YOU hear me.. Please LOOK at the Moon.. can YOU see that MOON.. the same Moon that we can see together.. as I am standing still alone.. I am here by myself.. Looking at that Moon.. I been coming here.. from time to time.. when I think of YOU a lot and my Mind.. it gets very busy because I am thinking of YOU.. before I came Out side.. I saw Your Picture.. I saw the Picture of YOU smiling.. when I saw Your Picture.. My Heart was touched.. I put my hand on the Chest.. and I can feel the Beating of My Heart.. and I would tell Your Picture looking at YOU.. I love YOU.. YOU do not know How much I love YOU.. I am still here.. I am still able to tell YOU.. I am able to write to YOU still.. that shows that I have never lost the touch.. that I think of YOU always.. when I saw Your Picture.. it felt Like I got drunk.. I wanted to fall.. and sit on the floor.. I felt dizzy and my knees got weak when I saw YOUR picture.. I told myself.. I should Not keep on looking at your Picture.. because once I start to look.. I would miss YOU.. Missing YOU leads me to walk Out side.. Missing YOU leads me to Look at the Moon.. and my eyes would wander looking UP at the sky.. Looking for the stars.. and Looking for the Moon.. I would close my eyes.. Both eyes shut closed as I would put YOU in my Head.. a Picture pops in my Mind as I would think of YOU.. and envision YOU.. wanting to see YOU.. I would open my eyes.. as I am staring at the Moon.. I would look at the Moon.. and I would open my mouth and say.. Do you know why I am here tonight.. Do you know why I am lead here.. I saw YOUR Picture.. I saw your Beautiful Picture.. saw Your Beautiful Face.. Now Look what YOU have made me do.. I am asking YOU if YOU can hear me.. Please say something back.. Please tell me something because My Heart is listening.. say something because My Heart is opened to listen.. Say something because my ears wants to hear Your Voice and Your Words.. Please say something because tonight is the Night I really want to hear YOU.. that this very Night.. for some reason I am missing YOU much more.. even though every night I miss YOU.. and I want to see YOU every day.. But on this very Night.. I really really want to hear from YOU.. I want you to Know that I love YOU.. I really really Love YOU.. Why can't I hear from YOU on the Other side.. is it because YOU can't hear me at all.. YOU know that every time I come Out.. every time I look UP at the sky and Look towards the Moon.. I am always expecting to hear from YOU.. but every night.. I would be the One who is speaking.. saying something as I am looking toward the Moon.. after I am done speaking as I am looking UP at the Moon.. I would be so sad.. My Heart be broken.. My Heart be breaking.. My Heart be crying as I would go inside back to the House.. because I would come Out side on this Night just to hear something.. Your Words and Your Voice but I don't hear anything from YOU.. I would be Looking UP towards the Moon.. asking YOU.. if You can Hear me.. if YOU want to hear my Voice.. to hear my words.. I am here this very Night.. I am standing here All alone.. Just waiting for YOU to show Up on the Other side.. if YOU can see the Moon.. If you can hear Me Out.. Please say something so that I know I am speaking to YOU as I am here On the Other side.. I want My words to be Heard.. I want my Voice to be Heard.. if I say the Word I miss YOU.. I am telling YOU from My Heart.. that Means I really Miss YOU.. if I say the Word I love YOU.. it comes from the Deep within expressing my Heart felt to tell YOU that it is what it is.. that I am telling YOU this because I do.. But I am not sure if My Words are being heard.. if My Voice is being heard on the Other side.. What If YOU are Not there.. What if It is Night there.. and yes.. the Moon has come UP.. but YOU are Not standing Out side where YOU can see that Moon.. I want my Voice to be heard for YOU.. I want my Words to be Heard to YOU.. because None of it is empty words.. it is Words that comes from My Heart and My Mind.. from Inside of Me.. that is why I been asking for YOUR HEART.. If I can have your Heart just for One Night.. if I am able to put Your Heart inside the Chamber in my Chest.. and I close the Chamber of the gates of my Chest.. I know that if YOUR Heart is inside
MAH MAH.. Eyes and see How much I have never stopped loving YOU.. will you ever Know.. I want it to be known.. will you know It.. I would fold the Art Sketch Paper into Half and Put it on the Ground.. and I would say.. I love YOU WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. CROWN PRINCESS.. I would grab the Bow in my Hands.. if the Only thing I can do is protect.. If the Only thing I can do is Shoot these arrows off the Bow with Arrows.. if the Only thing is holding a sword and use to fight Off the Enemies which comes across the Lines.. if this is the Only Way.. the Only will I can help and to Protect YOU.. I know as long as It comes from my Heart.. maybe you will see my Heart.. My Love of being next to YOU and close to YOU.. Just be standing in a distance and to love YOU.. I will offer as it is.. my tears would fall from both eyes.. But I love YOU.. Do you not know.. can't you feel this Heart of Mine which I have never stopped Loving YOU.. as tear drops hit the ground.. I grab the Arrow.. putting the end of the Arrow of the String and pulling it back.. I wish that I can give More.. or I can do More for YOU.. but I am limited right Now.. that is why My Heart breaks so easily.. I want to give YOU so much More.. give YOU more and more of my Love.. but.. there is NOT much I can do to show YOU what I can do.. I am aiming the Arrows.. hand pulling back the String and hand lets go the string and the arrow shoots.. but it goes far off.. Missing the target.. It Breaks.. It hits and I hit my own Chest.. I missed the Target.. I can't even shoot the arrow correctly and I would stand there.. MOON comes UP into the Night.. and I am crying.. balling with tears and weeping.. I can't even shoot the arrow correctly.. and I would say.. I want to protect YOU.. I want to protect HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. my arms are so weak to pull back the strings of this Bow.. and It just can't go far.. and I would lift UP my Head.. looking UP at the MOON.. How am I suppose to protect YOU.. I want to protect to show YOU that this is all I can do because I love YOU.. but I can't even shoot and aim the arrows.. I have tried five arrows.. but ALL of them I missed.. my arms are in pain right Now.. just killing me deep within Me.. I have to get this One Right.. and I would pull out another Arrow.. now My arms.. I can feel of too much pulling far.. It aches Now.. but I have promised and Made a promised to YOU.. that right Now.. I may be very weak.. can't give YOU anything.. can't do anything right.. can't even pick UP the wooden stick.. can't even grab the arrow and shoot.. PULLING the strings of the Bow.. can't even pull far.. but I have made a Promise.. that promise is to accomplish this so that I can go to YOU and that I get to meet YOU soon.. as a Warrior.. I want to show YOU that I be Your Man.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. I am always coming out to this WOOD.. full of trees.. and I would stand at the same Spot.. grabbing the Bow.. pulling the strings.. and grabbing More arrows to shoot and trying to Hit the Target.. My Father is always there.. and He sees Me as he stands Behind.. giving a space and distance watching Me.. before I would start to Use the Bow.. I would always unfold the Art Sketch Paper.. the drawing of YOU.. the Picture of YOU.. I would stare at your Picture.. Into the Night I would LOOK at your Beautiful Face.. I would first thing about the TIME.. I would smile and say.. I want to be there soon.. I would like to join YOU soon.. I am Not sure when that TIME would be but I know that TIME will come SOON.. I wish that It can be Now.. I wish I can go to YOU NOW.. but.. I know that right NOW there is Nothing I can do.. Nothing I can give to YOU.. I feel useless and I feel so Little and so Weak.. I don't want to show UP when YOU see me at my Lowest.. but when I become a real MAN for YOU who can say.. I can Love you Now.. I can use and be helpful to YOU.. to support Your Kingdom.. your Nation and to be part of Your Team so that YOU can launch Out to go further.. I want to see YOU at the Highest Level.. at the Best stage of Your Life.. at your Strongest.. and I would look at your Picture.. the Art sketch Paper.. the drawing picture of YOU.. as I would take a Look.. my hand touch my Chest.. HWANGJABI MAH MAH.. CROWN PRINCESS.. do YOU know that I am touching my Chest.. where I can feel my Heart beating inside when I think of YOU.. when I call your Name.. CROWN PRINCESS.. and I will ask the Art Sketch Paper.. the Picture of YOU.. the drawing of YOU.. can YOU hear my voice.. Can YOU hear me Now.. I am looking at the Sketch Paper.. the Picture of YOU and I am asking YOU.. DO you hear my voice.. can YOU hear my Words because right NOW I am speaking.. but I know that I can't hear YOU.. NO Matter How many times I say and call Out your Name.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. can YOU.. or DO YOU HEAR me Now.. I wish that YOU can tell me that YOU do and YOU can hear me.. but ALL I hear on this side is silent.. But I want to hear YOU.. I want to see YOU.. I want to hear YOU say something back to Me.. when there are NO words of exchange or I don't hear anything.. I feel so Sad.. like YOU are ignoring me for some reason even though YOU are Not.. and I would be looking at the Picture drawing of YOU.. I would hear the foot steps and My Father stops next to Me.. He has his Bow.. and He would always stop by to show Me How to shoot.. PULLING back the strings of the Bow.. grabbing the Arrow.. the End of the arrow and PULLS back the strings of the Bow.. ARROW aims.. and HE lets go of the strings of the Bow.. I stand next to HIM.. the Arrow hits the Target and hits on the spot.. BULLS EYE and shows me the Mistakes I am making.. and I grab the Bow.. my arms are so weak.. and it is hurting because of too much pulling back of the strings of the Bow.. But I must over come and endure this suffering and this Pain.. to let my Arms be strong.. and I would be thinking of Your Picture.. I would be looking at the Art sketch Paper.. the Drawing of YOU.. the Picture of YOU.. My Heart.. I know that I must.. so that I can go to YOU.. I must win.. I must conqueror the Pain.. I must because this is WHY I am here to Love YOU over and Over again.. it is because I love YOU.. as I am Kneeling.. on two knees.. behind me are the Seven Friends and they are all on the two knees.. arms forward and head looking on the ground.. YOU are on the Horse.. and the Horse raises up two legs.. but I would say.. CROWN PRINCESS.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. Please.. Hear my Words.. Please.. hear the Plea that is coming Out of my voice.. I just can't see YOU out on the Battlefield.. YOU know that I would rather choose to DIE if I see you Out there.. Please consider and reconsider.. I can't let YOU go out there.. I just can not see the One who I love.. going on the battle and putting death first.. I am asking YOU.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. Please consider and think about the future of Your Kingdom.. I do not want any one to see YOU fighting.. I am Not going Out to that Battle if YOU go Out there.. YOU are telling me that to put a SWORD INTO MY CHEST first before I use the sword to fight against Your enemies.. who is going to let their Ruler.. their leader to go OUT when YOU have many men behind Your Back.. You have plenty of soldiers and warriors.. chief Generals and Commanders who are willing to fight ON your behalf.. WHY do you break My Heart and Our Hearts.. Please consider and reconsider.. and ALL the Voices of Men would raise and say.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. Please reconsider and do Your Nation the favor.. and ALL the MEN ON two knees.. Heads looks ground.. arms forward.. Please Consider.. Please reconsider for YOUR MIGHTY MEN OF WAR..I am thinking of You.. as I am holding the stick in my hand.. I would say.. Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. My One wish.. I just want to Love YOU but also with this Sword.. I want to protect YOU and I would swing the Stick.. and My friend who is also holding the stick blocks with the stick I swing at him.. and He would look at me and swing the Stick in his hand and It hits me on the Arm.. I would swing the stick I am holding with my hand and it hits his head and my friend falls on the Ground.. and He looks UP on the ground.. I stood there.. just thinking of YOU.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. my hand grabs his hand and I pull HIM up on his two legs.. as the Moon is High Above.. the Six Friends are making a circle on two of us.. and they are all holding the Sticks.. and as I am thinking of YOU.. I would look at the Seven Friends.. I have to go back to the Palace.. I have to go see the Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and as I am on the two Knees.. My Head looking on the
MAH MAH.. Hear more foot steps walking.. I see you with the Big Crown on top of Your Head.. I see you turn around looking back.. there are seven Chief Generals.. with their Foot soldiers all walking to YOU.. and Five Commanders behind with the Foot Soldiers.. they all stop.. both on knees.. Heads all looks on the ground.. arms UP and I see YOU.. a great large of army military men has gathered around you.. As I am holding the sword.. I would Lift up my Arm up with my hand holding the Sword.. and I would shout Out.. MANSAE TO CROWN PRINCESS.. the Seven Men.. my friends all would pull out the swords.. hands holding the swords.. arms lifted UP and they shout out with a Loud Voice.. MANSAE to Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and I would shout Out louder More.. MANSAE TO WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. to Crown Princess.. and I would hear.. the Chief Generals and the Commanders.. they pull out their swords holding in their hands.. arms lifted UP high.. MANSAE TO HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. the Seven Friends with the Foot SOLDIERS all lifted UP their Swords holding their hands.. MANSAE.. HOORAY to Crown Princess.. and I would raise UP my Voice Louder and Cried OUT.. MANSAE to WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. to Crown Princess.. and I hear all of the Voices.. MANSAE.. HOORAY to HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and I see you stand in the Middle.. our heads looking at the ground.. and I would say.. YOU are so Great.. Look at you because the men has gathered.. I know there is something that is about to happen.. but my Heart.. to Protect YOU.. and Too keep on protecting you to the end.. and I see YOU looking down.. as I would lift UP my Head looking into your eyes.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and I hear something behind.. a Messenger riding on the Horse.. and He has a scroll in his hand.. and the Heads would all turn to look.. the Horse stops.. the Messenger gets out of the Horse.. two on knees.. arm UP and Head looks down.. hand holding the Scroll.. and I am wondering.. what does this Mean.. a Private Messenger only for the Crown Princess.. and I see you raise YOUR HAND.. and the Messenger gets UP.. and He would unroll the scroll.. and starts to share.. a War is going to break Out.. and the enemies are coming to the Fortress.. and they are bringing many foot soldiers.. horse riders.. and the Six Princes are in the Eldest house and they are drinking having the Party.. and the Messenger goes down both knees.. Head goes down and arm up.. and I am wondering.. a War.. and I turn to LOOK at YOU.. and YOU look at me.. there has been a talk about a war for a Long time.. and it is happening.. I look at YOU.. Why did YOU not tell me about this war.. then I would of been preparing for a battle.. but why did YOU not tell Me.. and I looked at YOU.. it does Not matter Now.. because it is going to happen anyways.. and I Just can't believe you have kept this from me.. I told YOU that I wanted to protect YOU.. and that is what I have said.. I have promised YOU that the reason why I am here.. it is to Protect YOU and Your nation.. if YOU told me about this War.. then I could of found More men.. gathered more Men.. and I would look behind YOU.. which there was more than thousand Men.. they are ready.. has been prepared for this War.. and of course.. I knew that you had the men power.. but I also wanted to bring more so that we can win this War.. and I get UP.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. I told you.. ever since I saw you from the Garden.. that I was going to come to YOU.. I have made the Promise in the garden.. when I was only looking at the garden of flowers.. even though I am a lowly servant son.. that One day I am going to see you and meet you at the Palace.. I told you that I will make this promise that I will become a Swordsmanship so that I can guard and protect.. Because this is all I can give and this is all I can do for YOU.. I may be very small.. and not be much to YOU.. but I know that I will never give UP on you.. I will keep on fighting for YOU as long as YOU give me a chance to stay.. and Now.. here I am.. I have kept my words.. I have kept my promises to YOU.. it took me long long long time to get and come this far.. but I am here right Now beside YOU.. I told you when I was young Boy too.. but when YOU first stopped and saw me at the garden.. I fall on two knees before YOU and told YOU.. CROWN PRINCESS.. that One day I will love YOU and One DAY I will come just to be by your side to protect YOU.. at least you could of told me about this war that is going to break.. there was NO reason for YOU to hide this from Me.. why would you hide this.. what would of happened if I did Not come to YOU.. few days ago.. there was something heavy in my Heart.. it was few days of riding this Horse.. Me and the seven friends.. if I just stayed by the ocean of waters.. I would of Not known this.. I would of missed Out this great war.. if YOU told me this sooner.. I would not even go to the Ocean waters but been practicing and training to prepare for this War.. I come with the seven friends and Now I am hearing about this News that I never knew in the first place.. if I did not come.. I know that YOU have great fighters and great warriors.. they have more experience then me at the art of swordsmanship.. but having more Men it be better for this war.. and My Heart.. I just can't believe I have to hear it like this.. at the last minute when I did Not know anything.. and I just can't see YOU go out on the Battle.. I know that YOU would and you will.. I can't see you at the battle field.. I saw you training with your teacher who is the Chief general.. when I saw YOU with the stick.. I knew something was going to happen.. YOU know that I can't lose YOU.. YOU know How much I love YOU.. and it be better if I die rather than YOU.. and I hear the Horn.. and someone is blowing the Horn from the far.. and I know now.. so I would get UP.. both feet.. and I turn around.. and I look at the seven Men.. the friends.. I am going alone first.. and I am looking at the Horse.. and I get on its Back.. holding the sword with my hand.. and I see your hand telling me to wait.. but.. I know that it is time.. I needs to GO and handle some business here.. I look at the closest friend and I tell HIM.. to Protect the Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. be with you.. and.. I see the Other Six Men.. they all get on the back of the Horses and holding the swords in their hands.. I am looking toward the Fortress and my Heart.. it is Hurting me More.. when I am thinking about this More and More.. my Heart keeps on hurting.. why didn't WANGSEJABI MAH MAH did Not tell me anything about this situation.. I know I may not be much.. but I know that I will fight for YOU.. I will do anything for YOU.. even I know that I can die for YOU.. I am sure I can bring some enemies die with this Sword.. but why is My Heart keeps on hurting me.. this is NO JOKE because this is a War.. and I would turn to look back.. and I am looking at YOU.. the Crown Princess.. DO you not know how much I love YOU.. and I am grabbing the strings of the Horse.. and I swing it and the Horse takes Off.. the Six Friends behind Me.. they too grabs the strings of the Horses and swings it.. and follows behind Me.. as the Horse keeps on running fast.. I turn on the Side.. putting the Sword into the sheath and I pull the Bow on the side.. and behind is the arrows.. and the Horse keeps on running.. leaving the Palace.. and it is going to the Fortress.. and the Horse stops.. and my hand hits my Chest.. How long was this been going On.. How long was it for this talking of the war.. I wonder how the Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH felt.. knowing there is going to come this war.. and have to keep it inside for a long time.. and I grab the Two Arrows.. putting on the Strings of the Bow.. PULLS the strings Back and I would release the strings.. the arrows shoots far off.. and I would sit on the Horse.. and I would think about when I was a young Boy.. watching YOU from the far.. when YOU were young.. I was sitting on the Horse.. the Commanders behind YOU.. the Chief General next to the Target Practice.. with the Flag.. my eyes full of tears.. YOU were holding the Bow pulling back the strings with the Arrow.. and release the strings and the arrow shoots and hits the red dot of the target.. and hearing the cheering and hands clapping.. flag swings around.. BULLS EYE.. and as I am sitting on the horse.. being still.. what bothers me the most.. I was by the Ocean water.. thinking about YOU coming to the Ocean waters.. but YOU just stood.. YOU just sat on the Horse.. watching me from the distance as I am looking at the waters.. but did Not tell me anything about it there.. it bothers me when I saw YOU looking at me.. sending four new friends
Oink Oink.. I am looking at the window.. as I am in the room.. I just keep on thinking of YOU.. I know that I am missing YOU.. will I ever see YOU.. and I would walk closer to the window.. and I would kneel and looking Out the window.. I am wondering.. do you think as much as I am thinking of YOU.. I can see that the Moon is come Up.. I am wondering what YOU are doing.. who are you thinking of.. is it snowing over there.. is it raining.. How cold is it there.. and I would look UP and I see the Moon.. it is staring at Me.. and I put my hands together.. I wonder if some one can hear me.. Hear the Heart inside crying.. because I miss YOU.. I want to be with YOU.. but why can't I be with YOU.. when will the time be when I can hold Your Hand.. and Pull you closer to tell your ear.. how much I been missing YOU.. how much I been loving YOU.. even though I want to say it this time.. why is it so hard.. why is it so difficult to tell you.. this distance.. it feels like from in the room.. I am looking Out the window.. Looking UP toward the Moon.. that kind of distance that leaves me puzzled.. and will you tell me Yes.. will you let me love YOU.. I feel like YOU don't want me to love YOU because LOOK how much I needed to wait for YOUR yes to come to me.. or is it No in your Heart.. I am over here tonight.. Looking for an Angel.. WILL the Angel hear me this very night.. can the Angel hear my voice.. or the Angel is Not there.. and I am looking UP.. looking around.. I can't see the Angel.. I don't see any Angel over here.. But I wish that the Angel can hear me.. I wanted to ask.. can I borrow two Wings.. can I have two wings.. I know that staying here in my room.. looking through the window.. and just looking UP to the Moon.. this distance is not going to take me any where.. I be missing YOU.. I want to tell YOU something.. I need to say something.. Let my words say something.. kneeling here and just looking UP at the Moon.. it is going to take me No where.. I want to be with YOU.. I want to Hold YOU.. if it is cold there.. If it is snowing.. or raining.. I want to Hold YOU.. let my hands touch your hands.. let me pull you closer.. so that I can hear your Heart Beating against Mine.. will you let me stay by your side please.. I am looking for the Angel.. I been praying and wishing for an Angel.. I would enter the room.. and I would look at the window.. and I would walk closer to the window in the room and kneel.. looking through the window.. asking.. Are you there.. I am speaking to the Angel.. I know that YOU can hear Me.. because every Night.. I come to the same spot.. asking for the Angel.. I know that YOU be tired of hearing me asking for the same thing.. so why Not just show UP and tell me that YOU are there.. can I have your two wings.. I need two wings.. If you can't give me two wings.. at least let me borrow two wings from YOU.. can YOU Please say something.. I need two wings.. and if the angel would finally show UP and tell me.. I am going to look UP.. Angel.. I want to have your two wings.. and can I borrow it just for one Night.. I want to spend my time Just being by YOUR side.. if the Angel Allows me to borrow two Wings.. I would place the wings on the right and left of the shoulder blade.. and I know that just for that One Night.. I want to be Your Angel.. and I be asking You.. can I fly over the Moon.. and if YOU believe in an Angel.. at least YOU know that I love YOU.. this Angel will Not let YOU GO.. this Angel will stay by your side.. just to tell YOU that I love YOU.. YOU know how much I missed YOU.. How much I been loving YOU and still been loving YOU.. I want be sitting on the top of the tree branch.. just watching you from the distance.. and having YOUR picture in my Hand.. to show YOU NOT to be afraid of me.. Look.. I will tell you.. LOOK at the Picture.. I am not a stranger.. and I would be with a Letter.. LOOK.. I am the One who has been typing YOU.. sharing to YOU how much I love YOU.. so that YOU would not step back or scream.. the Prove that On the Other side.. for a Long Long time.. I been asking for Your Heart.. for YOU TO Love me too.. even though I am not asking you right Now.. but I am asking you.. will you please love me some day.. I do not know How long it is going to take but until YOU can tell me that YOU love me.. but I would show UP as your angel.. and I would flap the two wings and I would lower to look at YOU.. and I would say.. I did not come here to hurt YOU.. I did not come here to scare you either.. I came here to say.. I have been missing YOU for such a Long time.. I had to ask.. I had to beg.. I had to pray.. I had to wish.. and Many Many Many Nights.. I would enter the room.. and go to the window in the room.. and kneel.. I would LOOK UP to see the Moon.. and I open the window and I would be asking for an Angel.. if the Angel is real or true.. and I would be asking for the Angel to answer me.. I would keep on going to the same spot.. until One night the Angel came down to the Window I was kneeling.. I just could not believe my eyes.. I started to cry when I saw the Angel and the Angel asked me why I kept on calling for Him and I asked the Angel.. two wings to Borrow.. just for one Night.. and I would show the Angel the Picture of YOU.. and I been telling the angel My Heart.. How much I been missing YOU.. How many nights I had to come out.. asking for you.. I would start just standing Out side by the House.. and Looking at the Moon.. I would pour out my Heart to the Moon about YOU.. and I knew that NO matter How much I would tell that Moon.. the Moon is Not going to tell me any thing.. it hurts because I wanted YOU to know.. so I went to the room and I believed in the Angel.. Maybe the Angel can Help me instead.. so that is when I started to call for the Angel.. which the angel came.. I asked to borrow the two wings.. which the Angel gave to me for just one Night.. I showed the angel the Letter I been writing to YOU and also the Picture of YOU and I had to be the one to go to see YOU.. I been missing YOU so much lately.. I just had to come.. Now.. I been sitting on the tree branch.. I saw YOU in a distance in a shop.. so I waited.. Of course I did not mean to scare YOU.. but the Angel gave me the permission to be an Angel for this one Night.. Now I am looking at YOU.. I don't want to leave.. I want to stay by your side.. and be there with YOU.. I want tell you how much I love YOU and if I do go.. I know that I am going to be missing YOU.. I hate missing YOU when I love YOU.. why can't YOU come with Me.. or why can't I stay with you.. I brought the Letter to show YOU.. it is Me who been telling YOU and sharing you my Heart.. so that YOU would not think I am crazy.. Do you see this letter.. Do you see the Picture.. it is YOU.. I been having this picture for a Long time.. and Only this Picture.. when I feel down.. I would take a LOOK at your picture.. I can't stop crying.. Because YOU Look so much prettier.. Because YOU look so much Beautiful.. Why do you have to be this Pretty.. WHY do you have to be this Beautiful.. When YOU Love some one.. YOU look much more Beautiful in my eyes then ever.. I don't know what it is.. maybe it is because My Heart sees so much More.. I see Love that Only I can bring and tell and give to YOU.. I just want to hold YOU.. to tell YOU that I have never stopped loving YOU.. I came all down way.. flying over the Moon.. Just to see YOU for this One Night.. Now.. I don't want to leave.. I can't go because I know that I be missing YOU again.. I want to see YOU again.. I want to tell YOU how beautiful YOU are.. How much I want to be with YOU.. that when YOU leave.. when I go.. I know that I am going to ask the Angel again for the two wings.. if I can have the two wings so that I can every Night.. flying over the Moon.. waiting for YOU.. sitting on that Same Tree on that branch.. Just to tell YOU how much I miss YOU and how much I love YOU.. but Now.. since I saw YOU.. and I gave you the letter.. I know that I have to go.. YOU are the Only One who I love.. that is why I just can't go.. I just wanted to say.. I been on the Other side.. just waiting for YOU.. I even stoop by the House.. when the Moon came UP at Night.. I would stare at the MOON as it stare at me.. and I would hold Your Picture.. asking if the Moon can speak.. I first tried by asking the MOON to be the Voice I really needed to tell the One.. I been showing the Picture.. to that MOON.. to take a closer LOOK.. and LOOK at the Picture.. to Please Come Closer.. if the MOON has an ear.. can the MOON hear my words.. I first came for few months.. I stood in the same spot out side of the House.. with your Picture.. but I just grew tired because the MOON never seems to care.. did not come closer.. did Not speak.. it just stood there staring at Me.. so I had to try another way.. Now.. Look at these two wings.. I do thank the Angel who responded to my request because Now I get to see YOU.. I get to give you this Letter.. when YOU took this Letter.. My Heart stopped.. and I felt the beating of my Heart goes faster because YOU are the Only One who I love.. My Heart keeps on beating faster as I am looking at YOU.. But.. I just don't want to leave.. WHY do I have to leave YOU.. I just can't leave.. But I know that I must because I made the Promise to return.. to give back the two wings that I borrowed.. But I came here to see YOU.. I kept on missing YOU.. just looking at your Picture was not Enough.. just telling YOU through writings was Not enough for Me.. I started More.. I started to feel in my Heart I want More of YOU.. I want Your Love.. I want to see YOU.. your Presence.. your Smile.. Your Beautiful.. Your Scent.. I
MAH MAH.. I am thinking of You.. as I am holding the stick in my hand.. I would say.. Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. My One wish.. I just want to Love YOU but also with this Sword.. I want to protect YOU and I would swing the Stick.. and My friend who is also holding the stick blocks with the stick I swing at him.. and He would look at me and swing the Stick in his hand and It hits me on the Arm.. I would swing the stick I am holding with my hand and it hits his head and my friend falls on the Ground.. and He looks UP on the ground.. I stood there.. just thinking of YOU.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. my hand grabs his hand and I pull HIM up on his two legs.. as the Moon is High Above.. the Six Friends are making a circle on two of us.. and they are all holding the Sticks.. and as I am thinking of YOU.. I would look at the Seven Friends.. I have to go back to the Palace.. I have to go see the Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and as I am on the two Knees.. My Head looking on the Ground.. the Seven Friends are Behind Me.. both on the Knees.. Looking on the Ground.. arms UP saluting to YOU as the Crown Princess.. as I hear more foot steps walking.. I see you with the Big Crown on top of Your Head.. I see you turn around looking back.. there are seven Chief Generals.. with their Foot soldiers all walking to YOU.. and Five Commanders behind with the Foot Soldiers.. they all stop.. both on knees.. Heads all looks on the ground.. arms UP and I see YOU.. a great large of army military men has gathered around you.. As I am holding the sword.. I would Lift up my Arm up with my hand holding the Sword.. and I would shout Out.. MANSAE TO CROWN PRINCESS.. the Seven Men.. my friends all would pull out the swords.. hands holding the swords.. arms lifted UP and they shout out with a Loud Voice.. MANSAE to Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and I would shout Out louder More.. MANSAE TO WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. to Crown Princess.. and I would hear.. the Chief Generals and the Commanders.. they pull out their swords holding in their hands.. arms lifted UP high.. MANSAE TO HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. the Seven Friends with the Foot SOLDIERS all lifted UP their Swords holding their hands.. MANSAE.. HOORAY to Crown Princess.. and I would raise UP my Voice Louder and Cried OUT.. MANSAE to WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. to Crown Princess.. and I hear all of the Voices.. MANSAE.. HOORAY to HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and I see you stand in the Middle.. our heads looking at the ground.. and I would say.. YOU are so Great.. Look at you because the men has gathered.. I know there is something that is about to happen.. but my Heart.. to Protect YOU.. and Too keep on protecting you to the end.. and I see YOU looking down.. as I would lift UP my Head looking into your eyes.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and I hear something behind.. a Messenger riding on the Horse.. and He has a scroll in his hand.. and the Heads would all turn to look.. the Horse stops.. the Messenger gets out of the Horse.. two on knees.. arm UP and Head looks down.. hand holding the Scroll.. and I am wondering.. what does this Mean.. a Private Messenger only for the Crown Princess.. and I see you raise YOUR HAND.. and the Messenger gets UP.. and He would unroll the scroll.. and starts to share.. a War is going to break Out.. and the enemies are coming to the Fortress.. and they are bringing many foot soldiers.. horse riders.. and the Six Princes are in the Eldest house and they are drinking having the Party.. and the Messenger goes down both knees.. Head goes down and arm up.. and I am wondering.. a War.. and I turn to LOOK at YOU.. and YOU look at me.. there has been a talk about a war for a Long time.. and it is happening.. I look at YOU.. Why did YOU not tell me about this war.. then I would of been preparing for a battle.. but why did YOU not tell Me.. and I looked at YOU.. it does Not matter Now.. because it is going to happen anyways.. and I Just can't believe you have kept this from me.. I told YOU that I wanted to protect YOU.. and that is what I have said.. I have promised YOU that the reason why I am here.. it is to Protect YOU and Your nation.. if YOU told me about this War.. then I could of found More men.. gathered more Men.. and I would look behind YOU.. which there was more than thousand Men.. they are ready.. has been prepared for this War.. and of course.. I knew that you had the men power.. but I also wanted to bring more so that we can win this War.. and I get UP.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. I told you.. ever since I saw you from the Garden.. that I was going to come to YOU.. I have made the Promise in the garden.. when I was only looking at the garden of flowers.. even though I am a lowly servant son.. that One day I am going to see you and meet you at the Palace.. I told you that I will make this promise that I will become a Swordsmanship so that I can guard and protect.. Because this is all I can give and this is all I can do for YOU.. I may be very small.. and not be much to YOU.. but I know that I will never give UP on you.. I will keep on fighting for YOU as long as YOU give me a chance to stay.. and Now.. here I am.. I have kept my words.. I have kept my promises to YOU.. it took me long long long time to get and come this far.. but I am here right Now beside YOU.. I told you when I was young Boy too.. but when YOU first stopped and saw me at the garden.. I fall on two knees before YOU and told YOU.. CROWN PRINCESS.. that One day I will love YOU and One DAY I will come just to be by your side to protect YOU.. at least you could of told me about this war that is going to break.. there was NO reason for YOU to hide this from Me.. why would you hide this.. what would of happened if I did Not come to YOU.. few days ago.. there was something heavy in my Heart.. it was few days of riding this Horse.. Me and the seven friends.. if I just stayed by the ocean of waters.. I would of Not known this.. I would of missed Out this great war.. if YOU told me this sooner.. I would not even go to the Ocean waters but been practicing and training to prepare for this War.. I come with the seven friends and Now I am hearing about this News that I never knew in the first place.. if I did not come.. I know that YOU have great fighters and great warriors.. they have more experience then me at the art of swordsmanship.. but having more Men it be better for this war.. and My Heart.. I just can't believe I have to hear it like this.. at the last minute when I did Not know anything.. and I just can't see YOU go out on the Battle.. I know that YOU would and you will.. I can't see you at the battle field.. I saw you training with your teacher who is the Chief general.. when I saw YOU with the stick.. I knew something was going to happen.. YOU know that I can't lose YOU.. YOU know How much I love YOU.. and it be better if I die rather than YOU.. and I hear the Horn.. and someone is blowing the Horn from the far.. and I know now.. so I would get UP.. both feet.. and I turn around.. and I look at the seven Men.. the friends.. I am going alone first.. and I am looking at the Horse.. and I get on its Back.. holding the sword with my hand.. and I see your hand telling me to wait.. but.. I know that it is time.. I needs to GO and handle some business here.. I look at the closest friend and I tell HIM.. to Protect the Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. be with you.. and.. I see the Other Six Men.. they all get on the back of the Horses and holding the swords in their hands.. I am looking toward the Fortress and my Heart.. it is Hurting me More.. when I am thinking about this More and More.. my Heart keeps on hurting.. why didn't WANGSEJABI MAH MAH did Not tell me anything about this situation.. I know I may not be much.. but I know that I will fight for YOU.. I will do anything for YOU.. even I know that I can die for YOU.. I am sure I can bring some enemies die with this Sword.. but why is My Heart keeps on hurting me.. this is NO JOKE because this is a War.. and I would turn to look back.. and I am looking at YOU.. the Crown Princess.. DO you not know how much I love YOU.. and I am grabbing the strings of the Horse.. and I swing it and the Horse takes Off.. the Six Friends behind Me.. they too grabs the strings of the Horses and swings it.. and follows behind Me.. as the Horse keeps on running fast.. I turn on the Side.. putting the Sword into the sheath and I pull the Bow on the side.. and behind is the arrows.. and the Horse keeps on running.. leaving the Palace.. and it is going to the Fortress.. and the Horse stops.. and my hand hits my Chest.. How long was this been going On.. How long was it for this talking of the war.. I wonder how the Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH felt.. knowing there is going to come this war.. and have to keep it inside for a long time.. and I grab the Two Arrows.. putting on the Strings of the Bow.. PULLS the strings Back and I would release the strings.. the arrows shoots far off.. and I would sit on the Horse.. and I would think about when I was a young Boy.. watching YOU from the far.. when YOU were young.. I was sitting on the Horse.. the Commanders behind YOU.. the Chief General next to the Target Practice.. with the Flag.. my eyes full of tears.. YOU were holding the Bow pulling back the strings with the Arrow.. and release the strings and the arrow shoots and hits the red dot of the target.. and hearing the cheering and hands clapping.. flag swings around.. BULLS EYE.. and as I am sitting on the horse.. being still.. what bothers
MAH MAH.. me the most.. I was by the Ocean water.. thinking about YOU coming to the Ocean waters.. but YOU just stood.. YOU just sat on the Horse.. watching me from the distance as I am looking at the waters.. but did Not tell me anything about it there.. it bothers me when I saw YOU looking at me.. sending four new friends to me.. and I saw You turning the Horse away and in silent you left the site.. but the Heart.. was it heavy leaving without mentioning about what was to come.. why did YOU not say anything then.. why did YOU not tell me that something was about to happen.. why just leave in silent.. YOU know.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. if YOU told me.. I would left everything behind and just went with YOU that night.. I would of not think about anything but to Just to protect YOU and to Protect Your Nation.. I would of done anything.. If YOU just said something.. I would come with YOU much sooner.. I feel like a foolish person now.. because I would told YOU that I was Not coming.. I do remember you be asking me to come with YOU.. but I told YOU that I needed some time away.. that I wanted to stay by the Ocean water.. but if YOU just told me then.. what was happening.. YOU know that I would leave it behind and came with YOU without making you feel frustrated.. because I know that I can be some kind of Help of your Need.. why do YOU think I wanted to be a Swordsmanship.. WHY would I learn this skills and this Art of holding the sword.. I have promised you.. I remember when I was YOUNG.. I made a Promise to YOU.. even at the Garden when I knew Nothing about the Sword.. I told YOU that One day.. I am going to master the Art so that I can be useful and to be a part.. to Love YOU and to protect YOU forever.. and YOU have seen me through it ALL.. YOU have seen me when I had no skills at the sword.. when I was working in the garden as a flower Boy.. just as gardener.. Now here I am with the Sword.. at least you could of told me then.. I would not feel so bad right Now.. Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. YOU know that I would drop everything just for YOU and to Protect YOU because YOU know How much I love YOU.. I am sitting on the Horse.. as the Horse runs.. I am going back to the Palace.. I am thinking of YOU.. I have never stopped Loving YOU.. I would be pulling the strings of the Horse.. and I see the Horse running very Fast.. Behind me is seven Men.. four are new friends who has joined.. and they are all riding on the Horses.. as I am on the front.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. I thank YOU.. I would be shouting.. as I am going to the Palace.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. I would scream from my lungs.. Do you know that I still Love YOU.. I am coming.. I am going to YOU.. as I see the Moon behind Me.. I am hitting the Strings hard.. the Horse runs faster and faster.. and as the New Day comes and the Sun rises.. I am at the second training ground.. I am standing next to the Horse.. It was my Father's horse.. it was once Young but has gotten older now.. as I am standing next to the Horse.. I watch YOU.. My Heart.. it is My Heart.. I watch YOU walking in the center of the training ground.. the Seven Men.. my friends are all behind me.. they are all sitting on the Horses.. I am crying.. as I am watching YOU.. the fences.. the wood bat fences.. and I am looking at YOU.. as YOU are holding a stick.. I see you about to spar and the Chief General.. the TOP of the generals.. he steps out with a Stick.. and He is the One who taught YOU how to fight to be a swordsmanship.. I never knew that YOU wanted to be a swordsman.. as I see the sticks hitting together.. My Heart would jump.. I see you swinging the Stick.. and the Chief General ducks.. and He would swing the Stick.. which.. I wanted to go Inside to Protect.. to fight Back.. but the Fence stops me.. I know that I can't go in.. I see two guards guarding it.. and they would NOT let me in.. but I see the Stick swings and Hits YOU.. I grab my Sword.. and one of the Friends would shout.. which.. it makes YOU stop.. and YOU look back.. and I pull out the Sword.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. Are you Hurt.. can I go in.. YOU know that I came here.. I came here to ready to Fight On your Behalf.. Please.. tell the guards to OPEN the fence Door.. so I can fight that General.. and the Men.. seven Men all gets Out of their Horses.. and they all Pull out their swords.. and We all Kneel.. both on the Knees.. and arms Out.. Heads looks on the Floor.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and with One Voice.. we Shout.. CROWN PRINCESS.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. Please.. and all Eight of Us.. heads looking on the floor.. which it stops YOU from practicing on that training Ground.. and I see you.. ON the White Dress.. I see you coming.. and I see you walking forward.. and I see you close to the Fence.. and I hear YOUR VOICE.. as I lift UP the Head and too look at YOU.. I have promised YOU.. that I am never going to Let YOU go.. even though I may not be with YOU.. there must be a way something can Happen.. but for right Now.. I have promised YOU that I am not going to let YOU down.. YOU also even send four new Men to join my team.. without YOU how can we be added like this.. I know that I may be so Small in your eyes.. I may not have much to give YOU.. but I know that I can do one thing.. to Protect YOU.. if YOU allow me to protect YOU.. I can do a little service.. and with these men.. I know that we can help.. I came here without eating.. we practiced and trained all through the Night.. I was thinking of the Promise.. I know that I can't do much.. but My Heart.. tells me if I love YOU.. there is something that I can do.. and It hit me Hard.. and I just started to think of YOU.. I know that YOU have many soldiers.. you have great generals to Chief generals.. also Commanders are with YOU.. but YOU have gave me four New Men and added.. why would you do something like that for Me.. and I told the seven Men.. Let us ALL go back.. Let us all go back to Protect YOU HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. is this is the Only One thing I can Do.. I can do it the Best.. I can give YOU my Best.. all I can Give.. I remember while I was sitting on the Horse.. I begin to think of YOU.. Only YOU because I never felt so Important.. I would turn around.. LOOKING at the four New Men.. they joined with the three friends of Mine and together they were singing songs.. they were singing to the new Unity of building a Dream together.. and wanted to be a part to see the greater works in play and they were all singing joyfully and I sat on the Horse.. tears started to fall from My eyes and I saw the seven Men turn to look at me.. they all came and surrounded me.. around the horse asking why was I crying and I told them.. it is NOT about Us.. but about the Kingdom.. all about the Palace.. that we were put together to Protect WHO.. and we all raised Our voices together.. and with the Swords UP.. the Crown Princess.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and I told the seven Men.. Let us ALL go back.. let us go to the Palace.. and Be a part.. Just to protect YOU.. CROWN PRINCESS.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. I saw each Man get on his Horse.. and I would lift UP my Head.. looking at the Moon.. It is this MOON that brought us together.. It was around this TIME I would look UP at the MOON.. asking about the Crown Princess.. and I started to Hit the strings of the Horse and He just took Off fast.. and the Other Seven men follows.. I came this early in the Morning.. One of the Guards at the entrance told me that the Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH is going to the Second Training Ground.. DID NOT tell me anything else.. but YOU were going to be there.. SO I would tell the seven friends of Mine.. Let us go there and wait together.. I would be the One who stood by the Horse.. Letting the Other seven Men to rest while sitting there.. I saw YOU.. from the distance I saw YOU walking.. it is when we eight of Us arrived.. YOU were holding a stick.. I don't know WHY.. I wanted to run over.. to let YOU know that I have come.. the two Guards guarding me.. I asked if I could go inside.. to Greet the Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. but they would NOT allow me.. telling me NO ONE can go inside but Only the Crown Princess.. I saw the Chief General walking with a Stick.. wondering.. why Is He able to go Inside and I can't.. what is going On.. tell me.. but the Guards would Not tell me anything.. they decided not to say a Word.. what am I suppose to do.. I can hit the two.. so I just went back to the Horse and stood next to it.. I saw the Chief General.. His stick would hit YOU few times.. How dare is that MAN to Hit YOU with the Stick.. and It was getting to Me.. How can He hits the Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. who does he thinks He is.. and it made me Mad.. NO ONE Hits or touches.. and I knew.. if the two guards won't let me In.. then the sword is going to Help me to get inside.. so that I can fight.. and I pulled the Sword.. and I turned.. to face the two guards.. I am going in.. to Help and to Protect the Crown Princess.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. and this time Your Words will not stop me.. and as I was going to make that.. One of my Friends calls Out.. it got to YOU.. and I turn back.. I see the Seven men.. my Friends.. they all pulled Out the Sword.. and I hear them.. they are going to go with Me.. and Help me to Protect YOU.. I could not see anyone Hitting YOU with the stick.. My Heart would Not allow it.. My Heart just couldn't see that.. and I would be showing YOU my tears running down.. I am on my both knees.. the Swords
MAH MAH.. struck on the ground.. the seven Men are behind me.. arms out.. swords are all struck on the ground.. I have come.. so that I wanted to say.. I love YOU.. and I wanted to protect YOU.. Me with these seven friends of Mine.. that is How my Heart feels because this is the Only thing that we all can do.. and I would hear YOU speak.. of course I did Not know that the Chief General is Your teacher.. and even since YOU were young.. and How you wanted to protect Yourself from the dangers of Your Six Brothers.. the Six Princes who wanted to be the Crown.. The King.. PEH HA send the Chief General to be your Body Guard but also to teach the Art of the Swordsmanship.. and Now.. He is like a second father to YOU because He cares for YOU like a Daughter.. as I would hear YOU.. My Heart is moved by how It is unsafe to stay in the Palace as a Young girl.. scared of being killed by the older Brothers.. and my fist.. I would clinch my fist.. that is WHY I came here.. that I wanted to Protect YOU because I love YOU.. What more words Can I say.. I know that it is NOT easy to be the Crown Princess.. But Now.. YOU also have eight of Us.. Unity together as we stand.. to Protect YOU so that YOU can be the QUEEN.. I hear the Seven Men behind me they all would shout Loud.. QUEEN.. to be Our Queen.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH one day.. and I would lift UP my arm.. and Head looks ON the Floor.. and the Seven men behind me would also lift UP their arms and heads looks down as we are all on our knees.. Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. I just want to see YOU to succeed.. I want YOU to be seating as the TOP.. as I would look on the Floor.. My tears are hitting the Floor.. I am looking back.. the Four of Us by the ocean.. and I would turn to look back.. I would see the Four new men.. One is holding bunch of wooden sticks.. and I would look over them.. I see YOU.. YOU are sitting on the Horse.. and I see YOU turn around.. the Horse turns away and I see the Horse starts running off with YOU sitting ON it.. I am looking at the Four New Men.. One of them saying.. the Crown Princess.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. to be a part of this brotherhood.. and I am looking with the three friends of Mine.. I just can't believe it.. WHY would the Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. WHY would you sent these four Men.. and I would look at them.. I just can't believe it.. I am Not worthy to have.. I can't even lead a thing.. But why would they come.. and I would grab a Stick.. and One of my Friend grabs a stick.. and he is the One who came to visit me when I was IN prison.. as I am thinking.. and I am on two knees.. and I would hear Your Voice.. and I would lift UP my Head to look at YOU.. and my tears is rolling down.. I can't even lead.. I am Not even on the special Guard.. I am Not even a Body Guard.. I am only the one who stood by the back Gates of the Palace.. why would YOU trust me with four new Men.. I am unworthy to Have.. because their lives are on the Line.. If to Die.. I rather die alone.. I don't want to take any other Lives with Me.. and I see YOU.. and YOU smile.. I wanted to grab Your hand.. I wanted to touch Your Hand.. But I can't.. YOU are going to ask Me to kiss this Hand right.. but I can't kiss YOUR HAND.. I rather be distance then to be close kissing Your Hand.. but HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. do you remember that before YOU left.. before the Four New Men came.. YOU asked me for something.. YOU said.. to Promise YOU something.. that I am Not going to leave.. and YOU told me to make that Promise Now.. because Later will be just too late and while YOU came close.. I was looking at the Waters of the Ocean.. you stood by me.. asking me to Promise YOU.. that I am Not going to leave YOU or forsake YOU.. before YOU would go back to the Palace.. and I remember standing next to YOU.. I can't promise kissing Your Hand.. but I can promise YOU that I can keep on loving YOU.. I can promise that I will Not leave YOU or forsake YOU.. that I will go back and I will be there for YOU.. by Your Side.. and I told YOU.. I do Promise I be there.. to Protect YOU always.. and I do remember you looked at me and YOU gave me the same smile as YOU are looking at me on the Other side of the Fence.. DO you know How much I love YOU.. that I just can't never let YOU go.. I came with the seven Men because I made the Promise I will.. this is the main reason why I am here.. because I am keeping my Promise I made with YOU.. to Always Love YOU and to Always protect YOU..I am still standing by the waters.. Just thinking about YOU.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. I wish that I could be with YOU.. I have dreamed ever since I was a young Boy.. even though I knew that It was never to be happened.. I know that I can't be with YOU because YOU are so Big.. but what can I do as a MAN who can Only dream and believe that Maybe if there was a Chance.. How can I be with YOU.. to Love YOU.. all I ever wanted ever since I laid my eyes on YOU.. when I saw YOU.. even though I know I can't.. but I still do believe that I can.. all I am asking is for YOU to know my Heart.. to know How much I love YOU.. I want to be with YOU and spend the rest of my life by your side just to love YOU.. to tell you how much I love YOU and love you until I die.. do YOU know that I never will stop.. as I am looking at the waters.. and I turn to look back.. I see you on the Horse.. YOU are sitting on the top of the Horse.. I see you wearing the White dress.. so Lovely.. how come you only wear that White Dress.. why are you showing me that YOU are so Beautiful.. if YOU keep on showing me how Beautiful YOU are.. what am I suppose to do.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. and as I am on the ground.. with the three of my friends.. Looking at the ground.. I can't come with YOU right Now.. I know I can't go.. I just need some time to be alone.. and before YOU came.. One of my friends told me.. He saw Six Princes and they were standing next to the King and Queen.. PEH HA and HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I am wondering who those six Men were.. I know they were from the Royal Blood Line.. as I heard your voice.. I would listen to your Voice and with the three friends we all get Up.. as I wanted to come closer to YOU.. I see the Big Crown on top of your Head.. I see seven Men behind YOU.. the Chief Generals and Commanders.. DAE JANG GEUN.. they all showed UP and standing behind YOU.. and I just can't believe this happened so fast.. I knew that this day would show UP but so Fast was unexpected.. and I would lower myself.. on two knees and I would ask.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. I am asking for the permission to speak.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. can you please give me the permission to speak.. and I hear YOUR voice.. I am wondering about the Six Men.. they were Princes.. who were standing next to the Queen.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. may I ask who are those Six Men.. and I would hear the Head of the Servant who shows UP.. He looks at me and pulls Out the sword.. I see YOU lifting UP your hand to back down and he goes back.. and I hear you tell me.. and Me and the three friends are all shocked.. and I am wondering.. How can this Be.. they are the Older Brothers of CROWN PRINCESS.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and I am wondering.. How can this Be.. if the Crown Princess has six Older Brothers ahead.. and YOU have succeeded to next in Line to get the Throne.. and I feel like a Storm is going to come in the Palace.. and I look at YOU.. and I see YOU put your hand Out.. and I am thinking in my mind.. YOU have great army with YOU.. look at the Chief Generals and also the COMMANDERS who got Your Back and has your Support.. even the King and the Queen.. PEH HA and HWANG WOO MAH MAH are the ones who gave you the Crown.. I saw them both kneeling and kissing Your Hand.. of course I did Not see any of the Six Princes kissing Your Hand but now I know why.. But why do YOU need Me.. YOU have even the Prime Minister.. TAE SAH JAH.. and even the COUNCIL OF NOBLE MEN.. all the Maids.. even the HIGHEST KITCHEN LADY.. and even the Chief Doctor too.. WHY do you need me to help Me.. YOU know that I am so small.. I am Nothing when You look at all these great and important people around YOU.. and I see YOU getting Off the Horse.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. Please.. Stand back.. YOU don't need to come closer to Me.. YOU know How Great and Important you are and has become for the Kingdom you represent.. and I have become so Low.. Now it is so hard for me to get close to YOU.. when I see these great Men.. warrior Men surrounding YOU.. and with me the three friends would step back.. but I see YOU coming.. looking so Beautiful.. with the big Crown wearing the white Dress.. WHAT am I suppose to Do if I feel like YOU are this Great.. if you are this Big in my eyes.. what am I suppose to do.. and I am looking at the floor.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. Crown Princess.. and I would hear Your Voice.. and I would stop.. I would listen to Your Voice as I lift UP my Head to look at YOU.. as I would show my tears in my eyes.. How am I suppose to Love YOU.. if YOU are this Great and this Big.. and I feel so small when I am around YOU.. I just feel like I can't do anything any more.. because I have Nothing.. and I see YOU standing there.. YOU are wondering what happened to the boldness.. the courage.. the confidence that YOU saw in Me.. It is still here inside my Heart.. but.. at this Point right Now.. YOU have just gotten bigger.. and More stronger.. YOU have
MAH MAH.. gotten.. that is why I am asking YOU for some time.. that I needed some time and space to think it through.. and No.. YOU are not going to ever lose me because I have never stopped loving YOU.. the process of.. and needing the time and space to help me to bounce back is what I am asking for HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. that is why I came here to the waters.. to bring the peace of Mind and to think it through.. and as I am looking at YOU.. I see you standing still.. Crown Princess.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. Please know that I am going to go back to the palace.. as I am looking at YOU turning around.. I feel the deep sadness.. because I love YOU so much.. I feel so helpless at this Point.. watching YOU getting and the two Maids would help you to get YOU sit on top of the Horse.. I don't want YOU to go deep inside.. but I know that YOU must Go.. YOU are the one who to rule Next.. YOU have all of the great important people backing YOU up and supporting YOU.. they are going to help YOU to defend but also I will come very soon.. soon to be by your side.. I feel bad that I can't kiss Your Hand either.. looking at the six Princes.. I saw None of them smiling at ALL.. they were there but.. NONE of the SIX PRINCES went over to Kiss Your Hand.. and I feel like maybe is this the way YOU are seeing me like Your Older Brothers.. because FOR ME.. I want YOU TO truly SUCCEED.. I want YOU to truly rule.. I want YOU to be seated in the right Place where it is your Seat.. but thinking of Your Older Brothers.. this is the reason why I know I must go back.. I know that I must be by your side.. I feel like something is going to happen in that HOUSE.. in the Palace and I want to help YOU.. and I will help YOU.. and I see YOU sitting on the Horse and has turned around.. I would watch the Special Body Guards on the sides.. left and right.. I see the Commanders leading the way.. and the Chief Generals in the Back.. and my Heart.. WHY is this Happening and I do remember my Father would say.. I must be a swordsmanship to Protect the Princess.. to Protect the Crown Princess.. if I truly Love YOU.. I must know and learn to Protect.. and I would Pull Out my sword.. as I stood up.. watching YOU.. I see the Horse keep on walking forward.. my three friends behind me pulls Out their swords.. and I know that I must go back.. Back to the Palace.. just to protect YOU.. even if I must fight and even I die by the Brothers.. I know that the Crown Princess Must had the seat.. because that is the Only one thing is on My Mind and Heart.. to see YOU succeeded to the Throne.. I would turn around and I am looking at the waters.. I would close both eyes.. My Father is looking at me.. holding a training stick.. wood shape as the sword.. and it hits my Head.. I am crying as it hits my head again.. I would hear his voice.. telling me to stop crying.. even though it hurts.. that a man should NOT cry.. the WOOD training stick shape of sword hits me head again.. I am holding my tears.. the angry as the pain hits my head.. I would look up at the Father.. telling me.. holding the pain inside.. and the more it hits me.. I have to hold all the pain that is killing me.. Until I just can't hold it no more.. and that is HOW I feel.. when I see YOU.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. CROWN PRINCESS.. it feels like it.. this sharp Pain that stabs my Heart.. when I saw YOU getting back on the Horse.. I know that I should of told you I will go with YOU.. but letting YOU go.. and I am not going with YOU hurts me more deeply inside.. watching you sit.. Horse turning away on the Other side.. and it was a pretty Long journey that YOU came.. it really hurt me Hard.. YOU are the Crown Princess.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. and I have turned YOU down because I needed space.. but thinking about the situation.. and at the crucial time.. I should of kept my mouth shut.. I should of thought about the situation first before saying something.. I did not meant to reject.. but wanted to let YOU Know I am coming.. I am going back to that palace to join YOU.. but just to give me a little time.. I should of been thoughtful.. I am so sorry Crown Princess.. I am so Sorry WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. I am so Sorry.. I know that YOU are going through a lot.. especially what is happening in that House.. as I am looking at the waters.. My Heart feels more heavy.. what if I never asked.. If I did not ask about the Six Princes because that was None of my business.. but Now I know what is going On.. and it really really sucks to know because I would of thought that everyone would celebrate this.. I was so happy to know when I found Out that the King had made YOU into the Crown Princess.. MY Heart was laughing while I was laughing so loudly when I heard.. I turn and I looked over.. I saw the King.. He comes over.. with the big CROWN putting on top of your Head.. Your Father was so proud and in tears with JOY as He was the One to put on top of your Head.. and He kisses Your Hand and says.. well Done.. Now to keep it.. I saw the Queen.. and I saw Six Men.. on the royal robe coming down.. and they would just stand by the Queen.. I do remember just looking.. never seen any of the six Men before.. but they were wearing the royal Robe and knew that they were a part of the Royal Blood family line.. and they just stood next to the Queen.. did Not say a word.. looked more angry.. But I did not know who they were at all.. Never seen any of them before.. When YOU told me who they were.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. I was shocked to know.. because I did not even thought of being in your own family.. I thought maybe like the Uncle's sons.. One of them was wobbling around.. like had too much wine to drink.. and would fall on the ground.. But Now I know why YOU came.. Now I see what has you troubled in your Heart.. I know that I have a true Mission to protect YOU.. to be with YOU and Help you to be in that throne.. that is the Only way for YOU to secure and establish YOU as the Queen of the Throne for this Nation.. It is that I will fight For YOU.. for your behalf because YOU Know How much I love YOU.. as I am looking at the waters.. my three friends would shout with Me.. To Protect the Crown Princess.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. To protect the Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and with One voice the four of us shouted.. We will protect the Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. we.. I will protect YOU.. and when I turned around.. I see YOU there.. I see you sitting on that Horse.. and I would lift UP to see YOU SMILE.. I have made this VOW.. to stay by your side.. to Love YOU and to always protect YOU.. I would bow my knee.. put my arm front and head down to show.. I too be with YOU forever.. the three friends behind.. we all did it together to be with YOU..I am sitting in the Prison.. I am in Chains and I know that My time is drawing near.. I would unfold the Sketch Paper.. the Picture of YOU.. I am looking at YOU.. my hand traces over your face.. and I know it is My Heart.. does Not matter what happens to Me in this life.. will you love me Please.. How about after life.. How about in a different times.. may be when I am well off.. maybe Born into a better family.. being in a Low Born.. only thing is my Heart.. I ache because I can't fully love YOU.. even though I want to love you more.. and share this Love with you.. I feel like I can't.. I want to love YOU more.. tell you more how much I love YOU.. then YOU are everything I dreamed of.. I wished for and only loved.. WHY can't you understand this Heart of Mine.. How much More I must tell YOU.. that it is My Heart.. it is My Mind.. the thought of YOU.. just loving you here and my hand touch my Chest.. YOU should know that underneath where my hand is touch the Chest lies and lives My Heart.. I will always Love YOU.. and as I am looking.. MAH MAH.. CONG JU NIM.. DO you know that each day that passes by.. does Not matter how many years.. I have never missed a Beat of My Heart loving YOU.. I wish that I can transfer this Love and let YOUR HEART knows How much I love YOU.. I never stopped.. and I would hear foot steps and it stops.. I turn my Head to look through the Bars.. It is the Guard.. the Guard who was with me.. who has become my friend and who would listen and He looks down.. and I look UP looking at Him.. and I know.. and I would close my two eyes.. The New Guard comes and stands next to Me.. I was alone guarding the back of the Gates.. Now.. I see that I am not alone.. the New Guard looks.. I unfold the Art Sketch Paper.. it is cold at Night.. in the Winter.. as the snow flakes falls from the sky.. I am Not sure.. but why do I feel it More in this Time.. MAH MAH.. CONG JU NIM.. DO you know that I passed.. I thought that I was Not going to pass at all.. I saw YOU sitting with the few judges.. BUT I knew.. this is the Only Chance.. it could be my Last Chance.. I felt in my Heart.. WHAT IF I fail.. I don't want to show YOU that I am a failure.. I was shivering because when I saw YOU.. MAH MAH.. CONG JU NIM.. I wanted to show YOU that even this Low BORN has Dreams.. that I am also a MAN with words.. that I do want to do something BIG in this Life and I only get one shot.. BUT when I saw YOU.. I could not believe that it was YOU.. I wondered.. why did YOU SHOW UP.. DID you know that It was I.. the Low Born at the Garden.. I knew that It was YOU.. How could I not
MAH MAH.. forget.. the one who is in my Heart.. the One who I love the Most.. I have never forgotten Your Face.. always kept this.. the Art sketch Paper.. the Picture of YOU.. I pictured in my Head.. that One day I will see YOU and that day I want to show YOU a different side of Me.. not the coward who runs away frightened but the One who can stand tall on his two feet.. ready to fight.. and I wanted to show YOU that I can be bold.. I can have a Heart like a Tiger.. and to tell YOU that I love YOU.. I did not think that I would see YOU at the Judges table.. sitting down and watching the Exam.. But.. I knew this was my Time.. and my only shot so I gave it all.. I gave my best performance.. when I heard from the judges that I passed.. I could not stop.. but kept crying.. because I felt like I was not going to make it.. I felt like I would fail.. the way the judges looked at me and HOW I finished the performance of the military Art.. when I was given a position to Guard the back gate.. I was happy that I had fulfilled the first Part of my training period.. as I am standing by the Gates of the back.. the New Guard would look at the Art sketch Paper.. the Picture of YOU.. of course He did not know that It was YOU.. MAH MAH.. CONG JU NIM.. I guess he never saw YOU and told me.. that YOU were so Beautiful.. that YOU are so Pretty and I would look at the New Guard and I told HIM who it was.. and the New Guard was shocked.. But I told HIM.. it due time.. when the TIME comes I know what was going to happen to me.. but for Now.. I just want to keep on loving YOU.. MAH MAH.. CONG JU NIM.. the New Guard smiles and we would stand by the Back of the gates.. freezing cold.. as I would see the Snow Flakes falling.. and wind would blow.. and more snow flakes falls and becomes heavy.. the New Guard tells me something.. if I turn Back.. on the tower.. the Upper ROOM.. the Princess.. MAH MAH.. CONG JU NIM.. her room is UP there.. and My Heart.. I am sure that it couldn't be.. How is it that the Princess.. MAH MAH.. CONG JU MAH MAH.. the One I have this Art Sketch Paper.. the One who I have the picture of.. that I AM so Close to YOU.. I am guarding the back.. which when I open the Door it leads to YOUR CHAMBER.. and I turn too Look back.. I don't see anyone.. the New Guard smiles.. He looks at me and tells me.. and as I turn too look back.. I do see someone walking.. it is pretty late and cold.. as I am looking.. from a distance.. I see many guards around.. Must be special and body Guards.. and I see YOU.. in a white Dress.. I see YOU.. is that really YOU.. the New Guard turns too look back and BOTH OF US LOOK and he tells me.. It is YOU.. My Heart.. I am so Close.. But why do I feel so Far from YOU MAH MAH.. why can I say MAH MAH.. CONG JU NIM.. I am over here.. MAH MAH.. do YOU see me.. I am here.. I have made it to the Palace.. I am so near.. can YOU NOT SEE ME.. MAH MAH.. CONG JU MAH MAH.. PRINCESS.. and I turn too look down.. at the Art Sketch Paper.. the Picture of YOU.. I am thinking.. if YOU are so Close.. on the Other side.. just turning my Head and looking back.. I can see YOU but why.. WHY DO I turn and keep on looking at this Picture.. WHY am I holding unto this Picture if ALL I can do is turn too look back and I see YOU.. MAH MAH.. if only YOU can hear me.. If you can hear the words of Mine telling YOU.. HOW much I missed YOU.. even though all this time I had this Art Sketch Paper.. the Picture of YOU.. and I would look at it many times during the day and into the night.. just thinking of YOU.. and my hand touching my Chest.. My Heart keeps telling Me.. I love YOU.. I miss YOU.. I love YOU.. I wish that YOU knew My Heart.. and I would look at this Art Sketch paper.. the Picture of YOU and speak to this Picture.. acting if YOU can hear me.. and I would say to this Picture.. One day I will see YOU again.. One day I will tell you these words of mine to YOU.. I will see you soon.. I never imagined that this day would come so soon.. but look at me.. I am here by the back of the gates and all I can is do nothing.. I can't even tell YOU that I am over here.. on the Other side.. I am guarding the Back of the gates.. so close to Your Chamber CONG JU NIM.. MAH MAH.. is this a dream come true.. because for a Long time.. I never thought this day would come.. It felt so Far.. I felt so far that I would never see YOU again.. I only believed that YOU got married and left.. and I would never see YOU again.. but I still had hopes that Maybe.. just may be one day.. I can see YOU only.. I wish that it can happen sooner.. but WHO knows and I kept on looking at the Art Sketch Paper.. the Picture of YOU.. Only If I had the voice to speak.. Only if YOU can hear me.. I want to tell YOU by letting my VOICE be heard to YOU.. but How.. I felt so Far.. I was so far where I could not see YOU.. I could not find YOU.. that you were no where to be found.. until I saw YOU at the Exam.. I just could Not believe that it was YOU.. and I was touched.. that I had to believe in some way that It would come true.. when I saw YOU.. my tears.. it would not stop falling down.. I do remember when I was sitting down.. waiting for my name to be called and watching other men go UP and perform their Military Arts.. when I was sitting with the many men waiting for their turn.. I saw YOU.. my tears would tell me.. keep crying.. cry as much as YOU can Now because when I go there.. I can't shed no more tears.. I was looking at YOU while wiping my tears waiting for my turn to come UP.. After I passed.. of course.. I knew that I would Not see you any more.. this Palace is so Big.. But I had Hope.. that maybe we would run into each other Later because YOU were at this palace.. so I knew that YOU be around.. It gave me hope that I am not finished yet.. that I can still have dreams and to build ON my dreams.. maybe later on.. I can tell YOU if I can't tell you Now.. later down the road.. I am sure we will meet again.. that gave me something too look forward.. WHEN i got the Post to be the Guard here at the back of the Gates.. of course I thought it be far until the New Guard who stood with me told me that the Chamber belongs to YOU.. Now.. what am I suppose to do.. How am I suppose to cope in this condition.. when My Heart is On YOU.. when I want to love YOU More but I know that I can't.. I have a duty too fulfill.. but Loving YOU is the greatest reward to Me.. just loving YOU MAH MAH.. CONG JU NIM.. even though you may not see Me.. even though YOU may not hear me.. and YOU are standing from a distance.. I know that My Heart just can't stop.. Now.. I know that I want to love YOU More because YOU are so much closer then I ever imagined.. but why do I have to be so Close.. being close to YOU has its UPs but also I know that It can Hurt me in the long run.. but I want to love YOU MORE.. as I am holding unto the Art Sketch paper.. my hands grabbing to the Picture of YOU and my voice.. I am speaking as I am looking down at the Art Sketch paper.. What if I was born in a Noble family.. I would not be this hurt.. this hated.. this looked down.. But I am a son to the Low Born and I would cry bitterly and I sat next to the Bed of flowers.. I heard foot steps and my father came near me.. and stood next to me.. and told Me.. I should never talk like that.. Even a slave can have dreams.. even a Low Born Son can do something Big as long as I believe but tells me never to love YOU.. I just can't and I would be wiping my tears.. WHY can't I love CONG JU NIM.. why can't I love MAH MAH.. what is wrong with that.. why can't I just love.. and I sat down.. just crying and crying looking at the bed of flowers.. and I remember my Father turns and walks away.. I knew what he meant.. He was worried for me.. as I am looking on the ground.. these chains.. I guess this is what he meant not to Love YOU.. that I can be in trouble.. that there are something you must not cross because.. and I lift up my head and even though I am on my knees.. I would look and I look at YOU.. sitting next to Your Father.. and I opened my mouth.. CONG JU NIM.. AM I wrong to Love YOU.. I know by the law I am Not suppose too or it is by Death.. By loving YOU is Not a sin.. I should Not be blamed because it is I who loved YOU first.. I know I should of stopped when My father told me not to love YOU.. at the Garden.. I was by the bed of flowers.. I was crying.. looking at the flowers.. I thought it was going to give me the same smile that I saw YOU when YOU were at your Chamber.. outer court.. MAH MAH.. when I was sitting on the Horse.. with my father next to me.. I thought it was going to bring me the same kind of feeling.. but I could not find that kind of feeling or emotions at all.. so I cried knowing that only way is to start loving YOU.. maybe that is the only way.. and I just would tell my father.. I wanted to stop.. but I just can't.. and as much as it hurt me not listening.. he hurts me too.. so I kept on
빵하 ❤ 메리크리스마스
팬 분 들과 함께 한 줌 베이킹
빵을 만들면서 이렇게 행복하고 힐링되며 만드는게
너무너무 신기했어요😭
귀여운 판다들 함께 해줘서 고마워요!!!
우리 빵다들에게 소중한 선물을 전해준 하빵 덕분에 행복했다💛
하영언니!!! 뽑힐줄 모르고 정말 아무생각없이 신청했는데 당첨자 명단에 있어서 너무 행복했어요!! 진짜 하기 전날 잠도 설치고 ㅠㅜ ㅎㅎ 베이킹 처음 해봤는데 너무 재밌어서 그 뒤로 베이킹 영상 열심히 찾아보고 있어요!! 수능 끝나면 취미로 베이킹 해볼려구요!!
좋은 추억 만들어주셔서 너무 고맙고 영상에는 없었지만 중간에 게임한것도 너무 재밌었고 !! 하는 내내 언니가 너무 재밌게 해줘서 즐겁게 할 수 있었던 것 같아요!! 몸으로 말해요 할 때 쥐며느리는 잊어주세요 ㅜ 평생 흑역사일거예요 ㅠㅠ ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 언니 보면서 수험생활 잘 버티고 원하는 대학 꼭 붙어서 수능 끝나고 팬싸 꼭 갈테니까 기억해주세요!!!! ❤❤
개귀엽다 세연ㅋㅋㅋ쿠ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅋㅋㅋㅋ
소중한 빵다들을 위해 어떻게 하면 빵다들이 긴장하지 않고 편하고 행복하게 해줄지, 쉽게 이해할 수 있을지 방송 직전에 고민 많이 했을텐데 하빵이 컴백으로 바쁜 와중에도 열심히 노력해준 덕분에 빵다들한테 인생에서 가장 소중한 추억을 간직하게 해주고 우리 빵다들을 웃게 해줘서 진짜 고맙고 감동이에요🙏 나중에 하빵이가 시간이 된다면 또 다른 많은 빵다들에게 소중한 추억을 만들어주셨으면 좋겠어요!! 항상 우리들을 웃게 해주고 진심으로 생각해줘서 고마워요🙏 그리고 위버스로 빵다들한테 답글도 달아주고 소통 잘해주는 것도 너무 고마워요 ㅠㅠ 역시 신문물 이해가 빠른 트렌디한 여신 하빵 덕분에 오늘 아침부터 기분 좋게 시작할 수 있었어요!! 늘 우리들을 행복하게 해줘서 고마워요🙏
언니!! 언니와 같이 잼쿠키 만들었던 선우예요!! 😆살면서 언니와 같이 베이킹을 하다니!! 좋은 추억 만들어주셔서 너무너무 감사합니다❤❤❤❤잼쿠키도 맛나게 먹었어요👍사랑해요💛💛
This kind of interaction is the best definition of "I'm in the right fandom" and "I am a fan of the right person" huhu
하영누나가 컴백을 준비하는 동안 베이킹파우더 과자까지 가르쳐주느라 고생 많았어요!💛그래도 누나는 무슨 일이나 잘해서 컴백 무대도 멋있고 베이킹도 잘 가르쳐주셨어요!😆오늘 또 하영누나의 가르침으로 잼과자 만드는 법을 배웠어요!😄하영누나는 어떤 분야든 꽃길 걷자, 난 언제나 누나를 응원해!💛
빵다들과 빵 만드는 하빵이!
제가 같이 참여한 건 아니지만 빵다들과 다양한 방법으로 소통하려는 하빵이의 마음이 잘 느껴져서 감동이에요 💛💛
오늘 영상도 재밌었어요!! 고마워요 💛💛
일주일 만에 오탁구 선생님의 베이킹 수업을 다시 보게 되었어요!💛오늘도 하영누나 따라 재미있게 잼쿠키 만드는 법🍪 배웠어요!😆직접 만든 과자를 선물하는 것이 다른 사람에게 주는 것보다 더 큰 의미가 있습니다!💛
예쁜 오 베이커와 함께하는 또 다른 즐겁고 성공적인 베이킹 세션!👏🏼💗 나는 네가 그들을 가르치고 소통하는 방식이 좋아💛 하영아, 고마워! 당신의 콘텐츠를 볼 때마다 내 마음은 항상 행복해요🥰 몸조심하고, 지금까지 좋은 한 주를 보내고 있길 바래!♥️ 포옹🐼🤗
Hayoung is so sweet and kind,and the Pandas are nice.
저거 보니까 소규모 멤버로 베이킹 동아리 하는 느낌이랄까..! 뭔가 진짜로 배운다기 보다 다같이 즐기는 분위기가 너무 좋은거 같아요!!❤
컴백준비로 바빴을텐데 빵다들하고 같이 소통하면서 베이킹 컨텐츠하려고 노력해주는 모습이 너무 예뻐보였어요💛💛빵튜브에서 하빵이가 좋아하는 베이킹을 빵다들을 위해서 가르쳐주기도하고 빵다들이 긴장했을텐데 편안하게 분위기도 만들어주는 하빵이 모습이 너무 멋져보였어요💛💛뭔가 빵튜브 시작하고나서 하빵이가 빵다들과 더 편하게 소통해가는 모습이 보기좋고 하빵이가 좋아하는 걸 소중하게 생각하는 사람들이랑 함께하는 모습이 너무 좋네요💛💛이제 진짜 제빵왕이 되어가는 오탁구의 모습이 보이네요💛💛다음에도 빵다들과 함께하는 시간 많이 하면 좋겠어요💛💛재밌었어요!!💛💛
woah another zoom baking with hayoungie 🤩 International pandas will forever be jealous. Everything seems interesting every time you talk 💛 Thank you pretty habbangie for another yt content.
The baking class is great, will there be English subtitles?
담엔 나도 하빵언니랑 같이 베이킹 만들어볼수있었으면..
빵다들 편하게 해주려고 노력하는게 보이는 하영언니 진짜 천사예요! 같이 만드는 거 진짜 재밌을 거 같아요 베이킹에 관심 없었던 저도 언니 영상보면서 만들어보고 싶다는 생각을 많이 해요 다음에 기회가 생긴다면 꼭 같이 해보고싶어요 항상 고마워요❤️
딸기잼도 맛있지만 사과잼도 잘어울릴거같습니다...상상하니까 갑자기 애플파이먹고싶네요
차근차근 알려주셔서 베이킹 잘 안 해본 저도 언니가 알려주시면 완전 잘 해낼 수 있을 거 같아요!!☺️ 그리고 빵다들 편안하게 해주려는 게 보여서 제가 다 감동이었어요,,, 완전 스윗✨ 다음에도 또 줌 베이킹 해줘요😉 직접 참여하면 더 좋겠지만!! 이렇게 영상으로 보는 것도 또 다른 재미가 있는 거 같아요👍🏻
하영누나 너무 예뻐요 유튜브 해줘서 감사해요 자주봐요~
하영이도 팬들도 너무 따땃해... 🥺 왠지 모르게 힐링 되는 영상이자나요 🥺
제가 하영누나의Zoom라이브 베이킹 수업에서 정말 많은 것을 얻었어요!😆지난 시간에는 하영누나를 따라 오레오 케이크 만드는 법을 배웠고, 이번에는 잼쿠키 만드는 법을 배웠어요!😁오탁구 정말 세계 최고의 베이커리 선생님이에요. 오탁구 선생님 학생들도 정말 잘해요!👍비록 여러분이 아직 오탁구 선생님의 베이커리 수준은 아니지만, 앞으로 오탁구 선생님과 같은 맛있는 베이커리를 만들 수 있도록 계속해서 노력해주세요!💛
나두 빵언니랑 베이킹 하구싶당,,💛
This is awesome. I love interaction with fans!
지난회에 제가 하영 선생님한테 베이킹을 배우고 싶다고 말씀드렸었는데 이걸 보고 나니 제가 낯을 많이 가려서 못 할 것 같다는 생각이 들었어요 ㅋㅋㅋ 동료 INFP형으로서 저는 하영이가 이것을 할 수 있다는 것을 존경합니다!👍👏 멋있어요 하영이!!💛💛
7:25 ㄷㄷㄷ 😂😂😂
이젠 빵 전문가인 하빵양! 😍💖💖💖💖
잼과자는 만들기 어려워 보이지만 오탁구 선생님의 가르침으로 쉽게 만들 수 있었습니다. 하영누나는 정말 최고의 베이커리 선생님이었습니다!👍직접 구운 잼 과자를 가족과 친구들에게 선물하는 것이 선물을 사는 것보다 더 정성이 넘치는 것 같아요!💛누나의 수강생들이 만든 잼과자도 훌륭했어요!👍
하영이 목소리 너무좋아요
Wow, I didn't know the zoom baking class was filmed before comeback until today. The cookies look delicious. Hope to have a chance of tasting it in the future.
오하영 머리띠뭐야 너무 귀엽잖아요 ㅜㅜ
군침돋당 진짜 팬바보 팬사랑대단♭♭♭😍🤩💕💕💕
라이브 스트리밍 베이킹을 보는 것은 재미있었어요!🥰
앞으로도 다시 한번 부탁드립니다!👍
몸조심하고 행복하게 지내세요!💪
같이하는 분들이 빵다분들이라 왠지모르게 넘 반가워요😊
빵다들에게 차근차근 잘가르쳐주는 모습이 정말 베이킹 클래스 선생님 같이 멋있었어요👍
하빵💛 빵다들에게 한마디 한마디 너무 다정하고 스윗해🥰 보면서도 훈훈하고 행복했어요💛
이렇게 비대면으로 수업하는것도 좋은것 같아요!!
저도 하영언니한테 수업받고 싶네요😍
머리띠가 너무 잘어울려요!!
하영아 사랑해
Miss You Hayoung 😖😔😥😭💜💜💜💜💜💖💖💖
잼 쿠키 정말 맛있을것 같아요🍪
언니 진짜 베이킹 쪽으로 밀고 나가도 될것 같아요!!
너무 잘 만드세요!!!
하빵 누나가 오늘은 다른걸 만드나보네요 😀😀😀 하빵 누나랑 수강생들 하고 같이 매일매일 다른걸 만드는 과정을 보니까 너무너무 뿌듯하고 기분이 좋네요 ㅎㅎ 또 하빵 누나는 컴백해야되서 저렇케 맛있는걸 못먹어서 어떻케 ㅠ 그래도 다른 수강생들이 만드는걸 보니깐 누나가 기분이 더 좋아지네요 ^^수강생들은 좋겠다 ㅠ 수강생들을 가르치는 선생님이 바로바로 오하빵이라니...바로바로 에이핑크 오하빵 이라니....늘...우리들을 행복하게 해줘서 고마워요👍👍👍😀😀😀👌👌👌역시 빵다 하길 잘했어 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 항상 빵튜브 보면서 웃게 해주고 진심으로 생각해줘서 증말 고마워요 ~~~😭😭😭
언니 머리띠 너무 예뻐요ㅠㅠ
언니랑 찰떡이에요!☺
Our hayoung is amazing ♥️🇵🇪🐼
Hayoung, did Treasure Hunter stopped putting eng subtitles for your contents? Please 🥹😭🙏
직접 만든 잼쿠키를 친구에게 선물하거나 직접 만든 잼쿠키를 먹으며 매우 보람을 느낍니다!😆열심히 만든 잼쿠키를 먹으면 밖에서 산 과자보다 더 맛있을 거예요!😋오탁구 선생님 잼쿠키 만드는 법 가르쳐주셔서 감사합니다!💛하영누나의 온라인 베이커리 수업이 정말 재밌어보였는데 아쉽지만 이번에 참석하지 못했는데 나중에 기회가 된다면 하영누나의 대면 베이커리 수업에 참여했으면 좋겠어요!💛
오늘도 와빵이 입담에 취한다~캬~
너무 보고싶어요 오하영ㅠㅠㅠ
하영아 너무너무 재밋게 영상보고가! 울하영이 빵다들한테 편하게 해주려고 하는모습 너무 보기조아ㅠㅠ 역시 천사야
하영언니 머리띠 너무 예뻐요 잼쿠키 맛있겠다 😍😘
오하빵은 빵을 잘 만든다~!
하영님 저 왕fan이라
영상 잘 보지도 않는데 일단 구독했네요ㅎㅋ
원탑 아이돌 오하영님
항상 응원합니다~^^
즐거운 베이킹!
빵다들 편하게 해주려고 노력하는 모습, 과자 만드는 방법을 친절하게 알려주는 모습 보면서 너무너무 부럽고 누나의 착한 마음에 저까지 따뜻해지네요 역시 외모먼큼 마음씨도 너무 예쁘세요 ㅋㅋㅋ
헤어밴드 넘 잘 어울리세요ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
Your making me happy everytime I'm watching your video
저는 오탁구 선생님의 Zoom 베이커리 수업에 참여하지 않았지만, 두 번의 Zoom 베이커리 영상은 제 베이커리에 대한 흥미를 끌었습니다!😊오 선생님은 잘 가르칠 뿐만 아니라, 학생들이 어려움에 처했을 때에도 인내심을 가지고 도움을 줄 것입니다!👍오탁구 선생님을 따라 베이킹을 배우는 것은 정말 전혀 스트레스 받지 않아요!😁하영누나 수고했어요.누나는 최고의 베이커리 왕이자 최고의 베이커리 선생님!💛
오하영!!! 진짜… 스윗해… 빵다들 오븐 뜨거우니까 조심하라는 거랑, 뜨거우니까 식히고 먹으라는 거랑… 터진 쿠키를 보고 오히려 더 맛있다 해주는 우리 다정한 하영이.. 오다영이야. (대충 오늘도 다정한 하영이란 뜻)💛
그리고 하빵아!! 괜차나?! 몇 달 전 촬영이겠지만 그래도 걱정돼ㅜㅜ 데인 건 아니게찌?! 늘 조심하자요!
그리고 하영ㅇㅣ 만약 선생님이었으면 남을 엄청 배려하고 마음 헤아려주는 친구 같은 선생님이었을 듯 ! 우리 하영이 강의 너무너무 잘하고 쿠키도 너무 맛나보여요. 그리고 쪼꼬미 판다분들도 너무너무 귀여워 .. 다같이 쪼물쪼물 쿠키 굽는 거 보니까 정말 힐링재질이 따로 없는 걸료? 🥖
우리 하영이가 유투브 해줘서 정말 감사해. 오늘도 하영이가 재미난 영상 올려줘서 마음이 편안해지구 따뜻해지고 그래요!! 날씨가 점점 더워지는데 우리 하영이 몸관리 잘하구 💛
집에 발뮤다 토스트기가 있는데.. 그걸로 쿠키도 구워지려나?… 저번 줌 베이킹보다 왠지 이게 더 쉬워보여
Saranghae Eonni ❤️
Hello Hayoungie..nice to meet you at weverse..🤗🤗🥰🥰 it's such a wonderful day to greet Apink Queen's everyday..❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Eng sub 🥲
Love you hayoung ♥️
빵 질문있어요!
빵에 건포도 넣는거 어떻게 생각하시나요?
저는 환전 불호!!! 왜넣는거야ㅠㅠ
Addicted with "bbangha!" our funny maknae ❤️
오 2탄 있네요! 나중에 외국 빵다들도 같이 할 수 있다면 좋겠어요 후후!
Hayoung unnie have u read my comments? HAHAHAHAHAHA SARANGHAE Unnie ♥️
Lucky fans
하영언니는 여전히 예쁘네요
저도 하빵언니랑 줌으로 굽고 싶은데 제가 한국어를 잘 못해서 못 굽겠어요...... 아무튼 저는 그냥 영상대로 할게요~~~~ 🤭 화이팅!
My love
오늘 위버스로 판다들 점메추로 키토김밥 추천해줬는데 영상에 나오는걸 보면서 스포인가 싶었던..! 컴백 때 다이어트로 키토김밥을 자주 먹은걸 보면서 한번 만들어 먹어봐야지!! 라고 생각했었는데 맛있는지 궁금해요🙏
I wish I could taste that Hayoung unnie 😘 Fighting!!!
Luv ya
👏👏👏👏👏😀 🖒😙🖒
하영님 내가 하영님많이 사아라앙해ㅜ!!
역시 제빵왕 오탁구는 망해야 재밌구나 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
플레이 오 한번만 해주라
콩진호랑 스타 한판만
Why so pretty bbang
이번화에도 미리 시식하는 빵다분이 계시네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Why are you always pretty & cute ?
Confeitaria home office
진짜이쁘다 머리띠하니깐 오드리하빵이네
하영아 위버스에서 키토김밥 말한거 오하빵 스포였어....?(또 제멋대로 해석하기) ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
우앙 잼쿠키 맛있겟다.... 오븐 없는데 에어프라이어로 해두 되나요...
Did treasure hunter stop to updating eng subs? Please give us eng subs
빵이나 쿠키에 피넛버터넣는건 어떻게 생각하시나요?
이렇게 요리를 잘하시는 분이
왜 백종원님과 방송은 안하셨는지
능력이 너무 아깝다
유튜브로만 보기에는
해외 판다랑도 같이 해요ㅠㅠ
still no subs in the last three videos 😞 what's with treasure hunter 🤔
Eng subs please
I can watch it without sub but pls it would be better if you put eng sub and the title in english
언제 컴백 하나요??
하영이랑 사귀는 남자는 데이트 할 때마다 빵만 먹겠네...참 고달프겠다!
No entiendo nada.
하영아, 나는 너의 유튜브 콘텐츠를 정말 좋아하지만, 나는 최근에 네가 비디오에 영어 자막을 추가하는 것을 그만둔 것을 발견했는데, 왜 그런지 알 수 있을까?🥹
Oink Oink.. I am sitting down by the shores.. Looking at the Waters coming In.. On a big rock.. I am sitting and just thinking about You.. I am looking at two Empty Bottles.. for some reason.. I started to drink.. the More I think of YOU.. the More I miss YOU.. on this Night.. why do I feel the aching in my Heart.. I wish that I did Not look at your Picture.. I received a Letter from YOU.. and YOU are telling me YOU are going some where so far.. and telling me that It is going to take YOU a while and after hearing these words after I read the Letter you wrote me.. I just could Not take it any more.. I could Not stay inside the House.. so Leaving the House.. and so I wrote YOU a Letter back.. But.. I am wondering at this Point.. what am I suppose to do with the Letter that is In my Hand.. if I am unable to reach YOU.. YOU have Not tell me where YOU are going.. and how long will it take for YOU to come back.. I would look at your Picture.. and looking at the Letter.. I am feeling so much hurt right Now.. it is because I am missing YOU so Much.. All I ever asked for is Your Heart.. I would ask if I can Have your Heart.. is it just too much of asking YOU for It.. because I want to tell YOU that I love YOU.. without Your Heart.. there is Nothing that I can do.. then please tell Me.. How do I win YOU over.. How am I suppose to make YOU mine.. what is the secret so that I can take action.. and also tell YOU because I am Not sure what to do at this Point.. So I have decided to come to the Place.. this Rock has been here ever since I first came.. I would sit on the Top of this Rock.. when I want to see you the Most.. I brought with me a Shot Glass.. of course I did not bring YOU picture with me this time.. because I know if I do.. I would be taking a Look.. which it can make my eyes pop out whenever I see Your Picture.. I wish that YOU knew this Heart of Mine.. why can't you see through.. why can't you understand me.. or relate with me what I am going through right Now.. I have bought three bottles of Rice wine.. so far.. I have finished two Bottles.. I am taking a Look at the third.. the last One.. I don't feel drunk at All.. but I need to wash away what is in my Mind.. what is inside my Head.. I am trying to wash YOU away.. trying to forget.. or to erase YOU off but the More I try.. the More I just can't.. so Please Help me for once.. Help me How to win YOU over.. I am still trying over and over.. but I am asking YOU now.. if you know the answers.. if you know the secrets of How to Make YOU Mine.. I feel like I am dying inside right Now.. I feel like I am ready to die instead because I want to have Your Heart.. if only YOU can show me Your Heart and I be able to hold Your Heart in my arms.. and to able to speak to Your Heart.. will you let me tell YOU something.. will you let me speak to Your Heart.. because that is the Only One thing I want.. what I truly need.. to have your Heart and to tell Your Heart.. I have a Heart too.. and My Heart just loves YOU.. How can I transfer this Message to reach Out to YOU.. How can I tell you that I love YOU.. YOU are so far away.. there is this distance between Us.. and I would like to get close to YOU.. How can I get close to YOU.. to your Heart.. Please tell me and let me Know.. as I am looking at the last Bottle.. my hand grabs.. twist the TOP and open it.. holding the Glass shot in the Other hand.. the One with the Bottle.. my hand pours into the Shot Glass.. what if I get sick.. so sick that I rather die instead.. I feel so sick in my stomach because I need to see YOU.. I need to hold YOU Near in my hands.. in my arms and I would say to YOU.. will you please show me Your Heart.. How can I see your Heart.. Please.. let me see your Heart and Please hear these words of Mine.. that I been here.. always waiting for YOU.. just to Love YOU.. and to tell YOU that I love YOU.. will you let me tell YOU these words of Mine to YOU.. that is why I need your Heart.. I need to know so that I can tell YOU.. but when YOU tell me that YOU are going to take a Long time and YOU are leaving going somewhere very far.. How can I tell YOU.. that is why I been asking YOU.. at least Leave Your Heart with Me.. let your Heart be close to me so that I will not feel like I can't do nothing.. as I am looking at the Shot Glass in my Hand.. I would open my Mouth wide and slam the Shot Glass with rice wine into my mouth.. since I did Not bring your Picture with me.. Now I am dying to see YOU.. I am starting to miss YOU because all I see is the waters coming IN and going Out.. I just can't stop.. but why can't I stop.. I would tell myself to stop.. but How can I stop.. it is because I love YOU.. How can YOU stop someone who loves YOU so much.. that is why I need to hear words from YOU.. If you can tell me to stop Loving YOU.. I know that I can finally rest in Peace.. but.. I still be missing YOU.. still be looking at your Picture and just wondering.. what If something can happen.. How would it be Like if YOU were here with Me.. and I be able to hold YOU in my arms.. and tell YOU.. looking at Your Heart.. even though the Time flies and many weeks and months has passed By.. I still Love YOU.. and If you are asking me.. why do I love YOU so Much.. how is it possible to love YOU this Much.. and if you are asking me and wondering on the Other side.. I would look at the One I am holding the Bottle of rice wine.. Looking at the Other hand holding the Shot Glass.. I would be pouring the Bottle of the rice wine Into the Shot Glass.. placing the Bottle on the ground.. I would be looking at the waters.. I open my mouth wide and pour.. slam the rice wine into my Mouth with the Shot Glass.. and I would close both eyes.. Just thinking about YOU.. I be thinking of YOU.. as I am going back.. I am standing inside the House.. and I hear the Knock On the door.. and I know that YOU are coming over.. after receiving the Message.. the text Message from YOU.. I open the front door.. and I see YOU standing there.. I receive the Letter YOU gave me.. and I wanted to ask if YOU wanted to come inside.. but.. YOU tell me that YOU needs to go.. and I watch YOU turn the other way and YOU start to walk.. where I stop seeing YOU.. as I close the Door.. I would unfold the Letter.. and a Picture falls Out from the folded Paper.. as I go down.. and I pick Up the Picture.. I look at You.. and YOU are wearing a White Dress.. and I just can't believe it.. YOU are so Beautiful.. especially in that White Dress.. But this is Not just an ordinary Dress.. It seems like something is going to happen soon.. It looks like a Wedding Dress to me.. and On the Letter YOU are telling me that YOU are going to get married.. and YOU have invited me to come to see YOU at your Wedding.. I am wondering.. with who are you getting Married too.. because I don't want to receive this from YOU.. why are you telling me to come if I am Not the One who is going to stand next to YOU to make YOU my wife.. If I am invited for the wrong reason.. I do not want to come.. I don't want to watch YOU leave my Life and go with another.. It should be Me who should stand next to YOU.. the One who can put the ring on your Finger.. But why did YOU write me this kind of letter.. It really hurts Me if YOU are telling me to sit and watch the One you love to be taken away from Me.. and I just can't believe you are telling me this.. so I would rip the Letter into pieces.. I just can't take this from YOU.. I don't want to receive this from YOU because YOU are Only hurting me More.. what have I done to deserve this Kind of News.. why hurt me when YOU know my true intentions.. My true Motives.. I know that if I stand next to YOU through Thin and through Thick.. through the good times and the Bad times.. I know that after a certain time.. YOU can Love Me.. why can't YOU give me a chance to proof that I can love YOU more.. and YOU will know.. you will see that YOU too can Love me back too.. YOU just don't know until you give me a chance.. give me a shot too so that YOU be loved.. I can love you more.. and Over and over again.. YOU will know how much I love YOU and can feel that love comes from me to YOU.. but telling me this and breaking my Heart.. and tearing it away is Not going to be good for YOU.. because YOU know that I love YOU.. NO matter How much YOU hurt me.. How much YOU tear down my Heart into pieces.. I can still Love YOU.. I will even love YOU more.. and more stronger with time.. but YOU have to give me that chance.. why can't you give me this shot.. I know that YOU will love me.. I know that I will love YOU but the most importantly.. YOU be loving me back too.. YOU are wondering How do I know for sure this can happen.. Because I love you first.. and ever since I told YOU that I love YOU.. I am still here loving YOU more.. that is the prove that I can share and show YOU that It is real.. My Heart is real.. just too real sometimes but is it not
MAH MAH.. I am looking at the Bow.. I am pulling the strings of the Bow.. wondering if I can shoot this arrow correctly.. How can I protect YOU.. How can I defend YOU and fight the Battles.. the UP coming Battles if I cannot shoot these arrows correctly.. as I am looking at the Art Sketch Paper.. the drawing of YOU.. I would put the Bow down after pulling the strings.. My hands grabs the Art sketch paper.. and I would LOOK at You.. LOOK at your Beautiful Face.. MAH MAH.. and I would Lower.. both on knees.. LOOKING at the Art Sketch Paper.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. Crown Princess.. and I would LOOK across.. the Board.. the Target that is ON the Middle of the Tree.. I have been trying.. trying to shoot these arrows.. I would pull on the strings of this Bow.. that is LAYING on the Ground.. I been in this forest.. inside the forest are these trees.. which I would come at Night.. and I would look at the Target.. I would pull on the strings of this One Bow.. and my Father made this Bow for Me.. He has made the arrows.. and would give it to me.. and I would grab these Arrows and walk for few Miles.. It becomes Dark when I arrive to this Forest.. Having your Picture.. the Art sketch paper with me always.. On my Side.. On my Chest.. I think of YOU.. and I would say.. One Day I will see YOU soon.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. CROWN PRINCESS.. I will see you One Day.. I will meet YOU some Day.. just wait and see.. and I would always Unfold this Art Sketch Paper.. and I would look at YOU.. the Drawing of YOU and I would say.. WHY does my Heart hurt so Bad.. is it because I am missing YOU right Now.. and I would put the arrows on the ground.. and My Father would tell me.. first I needs to warm It UP.. PULLING on the strings of this BOW.. and I would PULL the strings till my hands.. my arms would hurt.. I would keep on pulling and Pulling it many times before I would shoot the arrows.. I remember I pulled it too many times that the Bow.. the strings would break the Bow into halves.. and I would sit.. standing in silence wondering what do I do Next.. I would always think of YOU.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. CROWN PRINCESS.. I want to protect YOU.. I want to Love YOU.. to defend Your nation.. But LOOK at How small and weak I am at this Point.. I can't even shoot these arrows right and say to YOU.. I want to Love YOU.. I want to protect YOU.. the Horses are going to look at me and laugh at me for saying this to YOU.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. DO you not know how much My Heart be hurting because I can't do anything right.. so Only thing I know that I must do is shoot these arrows.. as far and right into the Middle of the Target.. after I would pull.. my Father would walk by.. watching me cry as I am looking at the Broken Bow laying on the ground.. He shows me there is Another One.. smiles and looks at me and hands me another New Bow.. I would look at the new Bow.. Pulling on the strings.. as I would think of YOU.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. I would be thinking of YOU late into the Night.. I lift UP to see the MOON appear before my eyes.. grabbing the arrow on the ground.. I would say.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. this is for YOU.. so that when the Enemies comes at your gate and I am ready.. I will be on the front Line ready to shoot the arrows for YOU.. even though I may die in the land I love.. it is for YOU.. and I would put the end of the arrow and PULLS the strings back.. I would aim.. and my hand lets go of the strings of the Bow.. I see the Arrow flies Out and It hits.. I just can't believe It.. I would look at the arrow.. and I would cry because It hit the Middle.. it has taken me more than one hundred arrows of shooting.. many flies to the left or to the right.. some would not even shoot so far.. I would be yelling and screaming because I can't shoot right.. and I would fall on the ground of many hours I would put into trying shooting the arrows.. but this One Night.. even though I would say.. it is going to go to the Left.. or to the right.. But before I picked UP the Bow of strings and the arrow.. I do remember I would unfold the Art sketch paper.. the drawing of YOU and I would look at YOU.. I would say to the Art Sketch paper.. the drawing of You.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. DO you know that I am doing this for YOU.. Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. It is only for YOU.. I have truly Nothing to Lose.. but just my Life if living means that it has any worth.. But YOU know that as Long as I have life to Live.. I want to fight and to protect YOU.. I want to Love YOU.. by protecting and defending the Nation you are ready to Build.. and I would look at the Art sketch Paper.. the drawing of YOU.. and My lips kisses the paper.. and I would say looking at the Art sketch paper.. the drawing of YOU.. I love YOU.. I have been loving you since the day my eyes first saw YOU.. and still can't let YOU go because I still love YOU.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. CROWN PRINCESS.. Please help me.. and I would put the Art sketch Paper.. the drawing of YOU and I put on the ground picking up the Bow.. and I would be pulling the strings of the Bow.. and I would look for the arrow on the ground.. grabbing the One.. I would put the end of the arrow.. and Pulls back with the strings of the Bow.. and I would be aiming the arrow.. looking at the Target.. and I would pull back harder and Let my hand go of the strings of the Bow.. watching the arrow shoot out and flies.. it hit.. finally at the Middle of the Target.. I stood there.. my hands are bleeding.. my arms are hurting.. but looking at the Arrow finally hitting right into the Middle of the target hanging on the trees.. I fell on two knees.. started to cry.. wailing louder and louder.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. Only if YOU were here.. Only if YOU be able to watch what My eyes are seeing at this Point.. I think you would of at least gave me a smile.. Crown Princess.. If YOU are truly on my side.. at least please give me Your Smile.. and I just can't believe what my eyes are seeing.. I would grab another arrow on the ground.. the end of the arrow.. pulling the strings of the Bow back.. aiming the arrow at the target on the middle.. PULL harder and My Hand lets go and the Arrow shoots out and flies and hits right in the middle again next to the first arrow.. I would hear a clap behind me.. and My Father was watching from the distance.. and I turn around to look at the shadows and His figure disappears into the Night.. I stood there.. and I knew that my father saw everything.. I would look at the ground.. with the seven friends Behind Me.. and Behind me is the Art Sketch Paper.. it is the drawing of YOU.. the same Art sketch Paper I had when I was at the forest.. when I was YOUNG.. when I was practicing shooting the arrows.. and I see YOU sitting on the Horse.. and I see you getting Out of the Horse.. the Servants who came with YOU.. came at your side to help YOU down.. and I would unfold the Art Sketch Paper.. the drawing of YOU.. as YOU walk with the few servants behind YOU.. and YOU stop.. I am on two knees.. My hands unfold the Art Sketch Paper.. and I am looking at the Picture of YOU.. the drawing of YOU.. YOU stood before Me.. and my eyes are filled in tears.. without this.. I know that I could Not go on.. without this Art sketch paper.. the Picture of YOU.. How can I dream of anything.. YOU gave me a meaning.. a reason to dream Big.. without this Paper.. the Art sketch paper.. the Picture of YOU.. the drawing of CROWN PRINCESS.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. How can I come this Far.. YOU gave me a meaning a reason to live and to go On.. without this.. I would of Never though of coming to Your Presence.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. I don't need this Art Sketch paper any more because Now I am beside YOU.. I am close to YOU.. I am right by your side.. what am I going to do with the paper.. when I see YOU as the Person.. as the Crown Princess for the Nation.. I don't need this and I was ready to ripe the Paper.. the Art Sketch Paper.. the Picture of YOU.. the drawing of YOU.. YOU held your hand high and I stop.. and I see you wanted to take a LOOK at it.. as your hands grabs the Art Sketch paper.. the Picture drawing of YOU.. YOU see the scars in my hands from the strings.. pulling the strings of the Bow.. as I show you both hands because YOU wanted to look at my hands.. these are the scars of pulling the strings.. trying to shoot the arrows.. trying to hit the Middle of the target when I was young.. when My father was with me.. He was the One who saw all these things before he passed away.. but He told me.. before he goes.. He wants to teach me at least the foundation
MAH MAH.. Sketch paper.. the Drawing of YOU.. the Picture.. the Only One I had for a long time.. I Just could Not go.. but Now.. I can let that Art Sketch paper go.. go with YOU because it belongs to YOU.. as I see you LOOK at it and YOU LOOK at me.. and YOU gave it back to Me.. I am confused.. I am Now here with YOU.. I see YOU.. the WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. the Crown Princess.. But.. I see you held Your right Hand High.. letting me know.. THAT IS IT.. and I see you turn and walk away.. going back to the Horse.. Now.. I hear horses foot steps coming.. and I turn to LOOK the Other way.. where the ten Men are sitting on their Horses.. who was shooting their Arrows UP far.. I see Six Horses.. and I see the Six Princes and they have their Armor On too.. as I look toward the Gate.. I see the Gate being Opened.. and I knew.. It is TIME.. and I would Shout.. MANSAE TO WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. and the Seven Men behind Me shouts Out Loud.. MANSAE TO HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and I would shout LOUDER MORE.. MANSAE TO WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. Crown Princess.. and all of the Military Men shouts Out Loud.. MANSAE TO HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and I would see you get ON your Horse and YOU raise UP your Right hand and I say NO.. CROWN PRINCESS.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. NO.. and the Gates would Open WIDE.. and I would get UP.. two legs.. NO CROWN PRINCESS.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. PLEASE.. consider.. reconsider.. I see YOU hit the Horse and it starts to take Off towards the Open Gate.. NO.. MAH MAH.. NO.. MAH MAH.. and I pull out the sword.. and I would look at the Open gates and I would run after YOU..CROWN PRINCESS.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. Please consider.. I am looking towards and I am watching the Arrows flying and many arrows flying over the Wall of the Tower.. I turn to look at the Left.. ten men sitting on their Horses.. bows in the hands.. Looking UP.. and Arrows shoot Fire and I am truly Touched.. these are the Men that belongs to YOU.. Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and I see the Chief General standing on the Tower.. and He arm raises holding the Sword UP.. and ALL the Men up on the Tower of the walls.. They are too holding the Bows.. and arrows are shooting out.. I grab the Bow.. and I turn back.. grabbing two Arrows.. I remember when YOU.. Crown Princess.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. when YOU were a girl.. I saw YOU on the Practice training ground.. I was sitting on the Horse and My Father next to Me.. I have never see a Princess.. Now a Crown Princess.. grabbing the two Arrows.. and the TOP GENERALS.. the CHIEF GENERALS who were standing behind YOU.. and they kneel.. two knees.. heads looking Down.. asking Only to shoot One Arrow.. and I would watch YOU.. the two ends of the arrows.. pulling back the strings of the Bow.. and pulling aiming and off you release.. the two arrows flies fast and Hits the Target on the red BULLS EYES.. the Chief General.. the teacher holds the flag and swings.. BULLS EYES.. and the five TOP generals.. three are Chief Generals.. they raise their heads too look.. hands would all clap.. and I would sit on the Horse.. my hands start to clap.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. MANSAE.. MANSAE WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. my hands would clap.. as I am holding the Bow.. two arrows in my hand.. DO you know How much I love YOU.. I was touched in my Heart.. I was truly touched in my soul.. I was truly inspired when I saw what YOU did when YOU were young.. I even started to practice.. when My Father was with me.. I would ask HIM that I wanted to protect YOU.. How do I protect the Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. Please help me to be the Protector.. and I remember my Father looks at me.. and lowers.. Do what the Crown Princess has done.. I started to practice Shooting arrows.. as I am looking at the wall.. I look UP sitting on this Horse.. I raise up the Bow.. putting the two ends of the Arrows and I pull back the strings.. and I aim looking towards.. I release the string and the two arrows flies Off.. over the Wall and I would keep on looking back.. two arrows.. pulling back the strings and release.. the two arrows would keep on flying over the walls.. I hear the foot steps.. I hear the Horses coming.. and I see the seven friends and they all stop behind Me.. and pulling their Bows.. grabbing the arrows with me.. and aiming looking over the wall.. More arrows are shot fired out and the Eight of us kept on pulling Out the Arrows.. shooting over the wall.. and Chief General turns who is standing at the tower of the Wall and shouts.. they are retreating.. and He raises the Sword UP and Shouts in loud cry.. and I raise UP the Sword.. the Seven men behind Me.. they raise up their swords.. and the ten Men on the left side.. all shouts.. MANSAE to the Crown Princess.. MANSAE TO WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. MANSAE TO CROWN PRINCESS.. MANSAE TO HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and I can feel the tears flowing down my Eyes.. CROWN PRINCESS.. the enemies are going to come back.. But right Now they have retreated.. SO we have WON this Battle.. and I turn around.. Protect the Crown Princess.. Protect HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and as I turn to look back.. I just can't believe it.. and the seven men also turns to look back with Me.. I see YOU.. Crown Princess.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. and YOU are riding on the Horse.. even few Chief Generals and the Commanders are on the Horses and YOU are leading.. I see the Bow in your Hand and also the Sword on the Side.. and I just can't believe it.. YOU must not GO.. the Battle is going to be fierce.. we won but the More are coming this Way.. and I get Off the horse.. and I would walk fast and I kneel before YOU.. two knees.. Head looking down.. my arm up.. and I see you stop the Horse.. Now the seven friends of Mine also gets off the Horses.. and they are behind me.. kneeling.. two knees and heads looking down. arms are Up.. and I see you raise Up the Sword.. and I lift up my Head to look at YOU.. I just don't want YOU to go out there.. I have been waiting for this Battle.. for a Long time.. I been practicing for so long because I knew that one day this day was to come.. I promised YOU that I wanted to always protect YOU.. when I was young.. just before YOU came riding on the Horse.. I was sitting here.. I thought about when I was YOUNG boy.. I sat on the Horse and I saw YOU on the practice training ground.. Of course YOU did not see me.. but I came with my Father.. the Day when YOU grabbed the two Arrows.. YOU took my Breathe away Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. I saw YOU.. Three Chief Generals.. and two Commanders stood behind YOU.. my Father told me the reason why took me on this day.. the Crown Princess was to pick two Arrows and going to start shooting to hit the Target Board.. I wanted me to see the Heart of the Crown Princess for the Nation.. and I remember Your Teacher.. the Chief General by the Target.. with the white Flag.. and I saw you grabbing the two Arrows.. grabbing the Bow.. and putting the two ends of the arrows on the strings of the Bow.. and aiming the arrows.. and your hand releases the string of the Bow.. the two arrows goes straight and Hit the Red Dot.. the flag was raised UP and the Chief General swings the Flag.. I was sitting on the Horse.. my hands would clap with the Chief generals and the commanders.. and they would shout.. MANSAE to Crown Princess.. MANSAE.. HOORAY and I was truly touched.. I asked my Father that very Night.. when I was at Home.. I wanted to Protect the Crown Princess.. How can I protect the Crown Princess.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. Please Father tell me.. Please.. and He tells me.. DO what the Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH has did and what I saw that morning.. every Night.. I looked at the Target that my Father made.. with the RED DOT Circle around it.. I started with One Arrow.. my hands would hurt.. my arms would ache.. and I knew YOU were so strong.. because pulling the strings of the arrow.. my Father would tell me to keep on pulling it over and over.. for months I had to do the basic training.. just to pull.. then He gave me the arrow to shoot.. It would not shoot at all.. as Months.. more months went by.. I started to shoot the arrows.. hitting on left far to the right far.. But I was thinking about YOU.. I was thinking about that if I don't this.. I can't protect the Crown Princess.. but I have made UP my Mind and made a Promise that I will protect YOU and always will love YOU.. from Months goes to years as I would start picking UP two Arrows
I am looking at the Moon.. I am waiting for YOU.. just thinking about YOU.. Looking at the Moon.. I feel like I am starting to Miss YOU.. when can I see YOU.. can I hear Your Heart.. Can I see your Heart.. Please let me touch Your Heart.. because I need YOU.. I truly need YOU to love me Back.. only wish.. Only hope.. only dreaming if YOU can show me your Heart.. as I am looking UP toward the Moon.. I can picture in that Moon.. the Shape of Your Heart.. I want to see Your Heart.. My arm stretches Out.. my hand opens Wide.. my Other arm reaches.. stretches Out.. My Other Hand opens Wide.. if YOU can hear Me.. If YOU are able to hear.. Please listen with Your Ears.. Hear my words because I am talking to that MOON.. can YOU Hear through that Moon.. I want to know.. If YOU are Unable to hear my words.. If YOU are Unable to Hear my Voice.. On the Other side.. Is it Night.. because at this Point.. the Sun has went down and Now.. it is the Moon's Turn to get UP.. and I am looking at this Moon.. Hoping that It is Night on that Other side.. if it is.. Can YOU please come Out.. If YOU are able to see that MOON.. Please come Out from the Place YOU are.. I want to tell YOU something.. I want to speak and tell YOU something.. my hands are both open wide.. asking.. Can YOU Please give me Your Heart.. I will be standing still.. Until you give me Your Heart.. I been asking YOU for a long time.. Did you not forget.. ever since I first laid my eyes On you.. all I ever wanted is Your Heart.. All I ever talked about and asking YOU is for that Heart.. Please give me Your Heart.. Please Open your Heart.. I do not want anything else but Just for YOU to show me Your Heart and Please.. let me have Your Heart.. My Heart has been breaking.. It has been shattered into Pieces.. I am trying to put the Pieces of my Heart together.. without YOU.. I know that the Pieces of my Heart cannot come together.. that is why I am asking for Your Heart.. Only if YOU can show Me.. so that I can see the Shape of Your Heart.. and I can open my chest.. and Put your Heart inside the Chamber.. which been waiting for your Heart.. I need Your Heart.. I want to have YOUR HEART and Put close to my chest.. to see How can I live without YOU.. I know that I can't unless I have Your Heart.. I told YOU already.. How is my Heart be broken and How was it torn into Pieces and Cannot put it back together.. I broke my Own Heart.. So that I can put Your Heart instead of Mine.. that is How close I want to feel Your Heart.. to Feel the Beating of Your Heart.. to hear the Beating.. to hear the sound of Your Heart.. I want YOU very close.. SO close that I can hear Your Heart inside of Me.. so that I can see YOU close.. I am truly missing YOU.. I don't know why.. because it is so Hard to explain at this Point.. if YOU are asking me.. WHY do I miss YOU so Much.. I just saw your Picture.. which I would have it close to Me.. I would take a Look at your Picture.. and only Wish.. Only Hope when can I see YOU close.. will you ever come close to Me.. because the More away YOU are.. the More I want to see YOU close.. the More I miss YOU.. the More My Heart breaks.. breaking and hearing the sound of my Heart.. just breaking into pieces.. and I want to know.. Does Love hurts.. does it hurt you.. because for Me.. it hurts to Love YOU.. it hurts me so much that I can feel the breaking of my Heart.. I want to cry.. I want to cry a lot because it Hurts me more when I don't see YOU.. when I miss YOU.. when I step out side.. and I stand still in silent.. and I look UP.. toward the Moon.. I want to shout at the Moon and Cry when looking at the Moon.. I would say.. Can YOU please come Out tonight.. I wonder if it is Day.. Or is it Night.. If I am able to see the Moon tonight.. can YOU Please step Out side.. On the Other side.. do YOU see the Moon appear before Your eyes.. Look UP at the dark skies.. do you see the stars.. do you see the Moon.. if YOU can see the Moon appear before YOU.. Can YOU Hear me.. Can YOU Hear my voice.. Listen to my words because there is something very Important that I would like to say.. to tell YOU.. and I know for sure you know this and maybe heard it more than thousand times by Now.. But I never get tired of telling you this.. I just hope that YOU never get tired too.. If you do please tell Me so that I can stop.. if YOU hear me.. Please LOOK at the Moon.. can YOU see that MOON.. the same Moon that we can see together.. as I am standing still alone.. I am here by myself.. Looking at that Moon.. I been coming here.. from time to time.. when I think of YOU a lot and my Mind.. it gets very busy because I am thinking of YOU.. before I came Out side.. I saw Your Picture.. I saw the Picture of YOU smiling.. when I saw Your Picture.. My Heart was touched.. I put my hand on the Chest.. and I can feel the Beating of My Heart.. and I would tell Your Picture looking at YOU.. I love YOU.. YOU do not know How much I love YOU.. I am still here.. I am still able to tell YOU.. I am able to write to YOU still.. that shows that I have never lost the touch.. that I think of YOU always.. when I saw Your Picture.. it felt Like I got drunk.. I wanted to fall.. and sit on the floor.. I felt dizzy and my knees got weak when I saw YOUR picture.. I told myself.. I should Not keep on looking at your Picture.. because once I start to look.. I would miss YOU.. Missing YOU leads me to walk Out side.. Missing YOU leads me to Look at the Moon.. and my eyes would wander looking UP at the sky.. Looking for the stars.. and Looking for the Moon.. I would close my eyes.. Both eyes shut closed as I would put YOU in my Head.. a Picture pops in my Mind as I would think of YOU.. and envision YOU.. wanting to see YOU.. I would open my eyes.. as I am staring at the Moon.. I would look at the Moon.. and I would open my mouth and say.. Do you know why I am here tonight.. Do you know why I am lead here.. I saw YOUR Picture.. I saw your Beautiful Picture.. saw Your Beautiful Face.. Now Look what YOU have made me do.. I am asking YOU if YOU can hear me.. Please say something back.. Please tell me something because My Heart is listening.. say something because My Heart is opened to listen.. Say something because my ears wants to hear Your Voice and Your Words.. Please say something because tonight is the Night I really want to hear YOU.. that this very Night.. for some reason I am missing YOU much more.. even though every night I miss YOU.. and I want to see YOU every day.. But on this very Night.. I really really want to hear from YOU.. I want you to Know that I love YOU.. I really really Love YOU.. Why can't I hear from YOU on the Other side.. is it because YOU can't hear me at all.. YOU know that every time I come Out.. every time I look UP at the sky and Look towards the Moon.. I am always expecting to hear from YOU.. but every night.. I would be the One who is speaking.. saying something as I am looking toward the Moon.. after I am done speaking as I am looking UP at the Moon.. I would be so sad.. My Heart be broken.. My Heart be breaking.. My Heart be crying as I would go inside back to the House.. because I would come Out side on this Night just to hear something.. Your Words and Your Voice but I don't hear anything from YOU.. I would be Looking UP towards the Moon.. asking YOU.. if You can Hear me.. if YOU want to hear my Voice.. to hear my words.. I am here this very Night.. I am standing here All alone.. Just waiting for YOU to show Up on the Other side.. if YOU can see the Moon.. If you can hear Me Out.. Please say something so that I know I am speaking to YOU as I am here On the Other side.. I want My words to be Heard.. I want my Voice to be Heard.. if I say the Word I miss YOU.. I am telling YOU from My Heart.. that Means I really Miss YOU.. if I say the Word I love YOU.. it comes from the Deep within expressing my Heart felt to tell YOU that it is what it is.. that I am telling YOU this because I do.. But I am not sure if My Words are being heard.. if My Voice is being heard on the Other side.. What If YOU are Not there.. What if It is Night there.. and yes.. the Moon has come UP.. but YOU are Not standing Out side where YOU can see that Moon.. I want my Voice to be heard for YOU.. I want my Words to be Heard to YOU.. because None of it is empty words.. it is Words that comes from My Heart and My Mind.. from Inside of Me.. that is why I been asking for YOUR HEART.. If I can have your Heart just for One Night.. if I am able to put Your Heart inside the Chamber in my Chest.. and I close the Chamber of the gates of my Chest.. I know that if YOUR Heart is inside
MAH MAH.. Eyes and see How much I have never stopped loving YOU.. will you ever Know.. I want it to be known.. will you know It.. I would fold the Art Sketch Paper into Half and Put it on the Ground.. and I would say.. I love YOU WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. CROWN PRINCESS.. I would grab the Bow in my Hands.. if the Only thing I can do is protect.. If the Only thing I can do is Shoot these arrows off the Bow with Arrows.. if the Only thing is holding a sword and use to fight Off the Enemies which comes across the Lines.. if this is the Only Way.. the Only will I can help and to Protect YOU.. I know as long as It comes from my Heart.. maybe you will see my Heart.. My Love of being next to YOU and close to YOU.. Just be standing in a distance and to love YOU.. I will offer as it is.. my tears would fall from both eyes.. But I love YOU.. Do you not know.. can't you feel this Heart of Mine which I have never stopped Loving YOU.. as tear drops hit the ground.. I grab the Arrow.. putting the end of the Arrow of the String and pulling it back.. I wish that I can give More.. or I can do More for YOU.. but I am limited right Now.. that is why My Heart breaks so easily.. I want to give YOU so much More.. give YOU more and more of my Love.. but.. there is NOT much I can do to show YOU what I can do.. I am aiming the Arrows.. hand pulling back the String and hand lets go the string and the arrow shoots.. but it goes far off.. Missing the target.. It Breaks.. It hits and I hit my own Chest.. I missed the Target.. I can't even shoot the arrow correctly and I would stand there.. MOON comes UP into the Night.. and I am crying.. balling with tears and weeping.. I can't even shoot the arrow correctly.. and I would say.. I want to protect YOU.. I want to protect HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. my arms are so weak to pull back the strings of this Bow.. and It just can't go far.. and I would lift UP my Head.. looking UP at the MOON.. How am I suppose to protect YOU.. I want to protect to show YOU that this is all I can do because I love YOU.. but I can't even shoot and aim the arrows.. I have tried five arrows.. but ALL of them I missed.. my arms are in pain right Now.. just killing me deep within Me.. I have to get this One Right.. and I would pull out another Arrow.. now My arms.. I can feel of too much pulling far.. It aches Now.. but I have promised and Made a promised to YOU.. that right Now.. I may be very weak.. can't give YOU anything.. can't do anything right.. can't even pick UP the wooden stick.. can't even grab the arrow and shoot.. PULLING the strings of the Bow.. can't even pull far.. but I have made a Promise.. that promise is to accomplish this so that I can go to YOU and that I get to meet YOU soon.. as a Warrior.. I want to show YOU that I be Your Man.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. I am always coming out to this WOOD.. full of trees.. and I would stand at the same Spot.. grabbing the Bow.. pulling the strings.. and grabbing More arrows to shoot and trying to Hit the Target.. My Father is always there.. and He sees Me as he stands Behind.. giving a space and distance watching Me.. before I would start to Use the Bow.. I would always unfold the Art Sketch Paper.. the drawing of YOU.. the Picture of YOU.. I would stare at your Picture.. Into the Night I would LOOK at your Beautiful Face.. I would first thing about the TIME.. I would smile and say.. I want to be there soon.. I would like to join YOU soon.. I am Not sure when that TIME would be but I know that TIME will come SOON.. I wish that It can be Now.. I wish I can go to YOU NOW.. but.. I know that right NOW there is Nothing I can do.. Nothing I can give to YOU.. I feel useless and I feel so Little and so Weak.. I don't want to show UP when YOU see me at my Lowest.. but when I become a real MAN for YOU who can say.. I can Love you Now.. I can use and be helpful to YOU.. to support Your Kingdom.. your Nation and to be part of Your Team so that YOU can launch Out to go further.. I want to see YOU at the Highest Level.. at the Best stage of Your Life.. at your Strongest.. and I would look at your Picture.. the Art sketch Paper.. the drawing picture of YOU.. as I would take a Look.. my hand touch my Chest.. HWANGJABI MAH MAH.. CROWN PRINCESS.. do YOU know that I am touching my Chest.. where I can feel my Heart beating inside when I think of YOU.. when I call your Name.. CROWN PRINCESS.. and I will ask the Art Sketch Paper.. the Picture of YOU.. the drawing of YOU.. can YOU hear my voice.. Can YOU hear me Now.. I am looking at the Sketch Paper.. the Picture of YOU and I am asking YOU.. DO you hear my voice.. can YOU hear my Words because right NOW I am speaking.. but I know that I can't hear YOU.. NO Matter How many times I say and call Out your Name.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. can YOU.. or DO YOU HEAR me Now.. I wish that YOU can tell me that YOU do and YOU can hear me.. but ALL I hear on this side is silent.. But I want to hear YOU.. I want to see YOU.. I want to hear YOU say something back to Me.. when there are NO words of exchange or I don't hear anything.. I feel so Sad.. like YOU are ignoring me for some reason even though YOU are Not.. and I would be looking at the Picture drawing of YOU.. I would hear the foot steps and My Father stops next to Me.. He has his Bow.. and He would always stop by to show Me How to shoot.. PULLING back the strings of the Bow.. grabbing the Arrow.. the End of the arrow and PULLS back the strings of the Bow.. ARROW aims.. and HE lets go of the strings of the Bow.. I stand next to HIM.. the Arrow hits the Target and hits on the spot.. BULLS EYE and shows me the Mistakes I am making.. and I grab the Bow.. my arms are so weak.. and it is hurting because of too much pulling back of the strings of the Bow.. But I must over come and endure this suffering and this Pain.. to let my Arms be strong.. and I would be thinking of Your Picture.. I would be looking at the Art sketch Paper.. the Drawing of YOU.. the Picture of YOU.. My Heart.. I know that I must.. so that I can go to YOU.. I must win.. I must conqueror the Pain.. I must because this is WHY I am here to Love YOU over and Over again.. it is because I love YOU.. as I am Kneeling.. on two knees.. behind me are the Seven Friends and they are all on the two knees.. arms forward and head looking on the ground.. YOU are on the Horse.. and the Horse raises up two legs.. but I would say.. CROWN PRINCESS.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. Please.. Hear my Words.. Please.. hear the Plea that is coming Out of my voice.. I just can't see YOU out on the Battlefield.. YOU know that I would rather choose to DIE if I see you Out there.. Please consider and reconsider.. I can't let YOU go out there.. I just can not see the One who I love.. going on the battle and putting death first.. I am asking YOU.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. Please consider and think about the future of Your Kingdom.. I do not want any one to see YOU fighting.. I am Not going Out to that Battle if YOU go Out there.. YOU are telling me that to put a SWORD INTO MY CHEST first before I use the sword to fight against Your enemies.. who is going to let their Ruler.. their leader to go OUT when YOU have many men behind Your Back.. You have plenty of soldiers and warriors.. chief Generals and Commanders who are willing to fight ON your behalf.. WHY do you break My Heart and Our Hearts.. Please consider and reconsider.. and ALL the Voices of Men would raise and say.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. Please reconsider and do Your Nation the favor.. and ALL the MEN ON two knees.. Heads looks ground.. arms forward.. Please Consider.. Please reconsider for YOUR MIGHTY MEN OF WAR..I am thinking of You.. as I am holding the stick in my hand.. I would say.. Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. My One wish.. I just want to Love YOU but also with this Sword.. I want to protect YOU and I would swing the Stick.. and My friend who is also holding the stick blocks with the stick I swing at him.. and He would look at me and swing the Stick in his hand and It hits me on the Arm.. I would swing the stick I am holding with my hand and it hits his head and my friend falls on the Ground.. and He looks UP on the ground.. I stood there.. just thinking of YOU.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. my hand grabs his hand and I pull HIM up on his two legs.. as the Moon is High Above.. the Six Friends are making a circle on two of us.. and they are all holding the Sticks.. and as I am thinking of YOU.. I would look at the Seven Friends.. I have to go back to the Palace.. I have to go see the Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and as I am on the two Knees.. My Head looking on the
MAH MAH.. Hear more foot steps walking.. I see you with the Big Crown on top of Your Head.. I see you turn around looking back.. there are seven Chief Generals.. with their Foot soldiers all walking to YOU.. and Five Commanders behind with the Foot Soldiers.. they all stop.. both on knees.. Heads all looks on the ground.. arms UP and I see YOU.. a great large of army military men has gathered around you.. As I am holding the sword.. I would Lift up my Arm up with my hand holding the Sword.. and I would shout Out.. MANSAE TO CROWN PRINCESS.. the Seven Men.. my friends all would pull out the swords.. hands holding the swords.. arms lifted UP and they shout out with a Loud Voice.. MANSAE to Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and I would shout Out louder More.. MANSAE TO WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. to Crown Princess.. and I would hear.. the Chief Generals and the Commanders.. they pull out their swords holding in their hands.. arms lifted UP high.. MANSAE TO HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. the Seven Friends with the Foot SOLDIERS all lifted UP their Swords holding their hands.. MANSAE.. HOORAY to Crown Princess.. and I would raise UP my Voice Louder and Cried OUT.. MANSAE to WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. to Crown Princess.. and I hear all of the Voices.. MANSAE.. HOORAY to HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and I see you stand in the Middle.. our heads looking at the ground.. and I would say.. YOU are so Great.. Look at you because the men has gathered.. I know there is something that is about to happen.. but my Heart.. to Protect YOU.. and Too keep on protecting you to the end.. and I see YOU looking down.. as I would lift UP my Head looking into your eyes.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and I hear something behind.. a Messenger riding on the Horse.. and He has a scroll in his hand.. and the Heads would all turn to look.. the Horse stops.. the Messenger gets out of the Horse.. two on knees.. arm UP and Head looks down.. hand holding the Scroll.. and I am wondering.. what does this Mean.. a Private Messenger only for the Crown Princess.. and I see you raise YOUR HAND.. and the Messenger gets UP.. and He would unroll the scroll.. and starts to share.. a War is going to break Out.. and the enemies are coming to the Fortress.. and they are bringing many foot soldiers.. horse riders.. and the Six Princes are in the Eldest house and they are drinking having the Party.. and the Messenger goes down both knees.. Head goes down and arm up.. and I am wondering.. a War.. and I turn to LOOK at YOU.. and YOU look at me.. there has been a talk about a war for a Long time.. and it is happening.. I look at YOU.. Why did YOU not tell me about this war.. then I would of been preparing for a battle.. but why did YOU not tell Me.. and I looked at YOU.. it does Not matter Now.. because it is going to happen anyways.. and I Just can't believe you have kept this from me.. I told YOU that I wanted to protect YOU.. and that is what I have said.. I have promised YOU that the reason why I am here.. it is to Protect YOU and Your nation.. if YOU told me about this War.. then I could of found More men.. gathered more Men.. and I would look behind YOU.. which there was more than thousand Men.. they are ready.. has been prepared for this War.. and of course.. I knew that you had the men power.. but I also wanted to bring more so that we can win this War.. and I get UP.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. I told you.. ever since I saw you from the Garden.. that I was going to come to YOU.. I have made the Promise in the garden.. when I was only looking at the garden of flowers.. even though I am a lowly servant son.. that One day I am going to see you and meet you at the Palace.. I told you that I will make this promise that I will become a Swordsmanship so that I can guard and protect.. Because this is all I can give and this is all I can do for YOU.. I may be very small.. and not be much to YOU.. but I know that I will never give UP on you.. I will keep on fighting for YOU as long as YOU give me a chance to stay.. and Now.. here I am.. I have kept my words.. I have kept my promises to YOU.. it took me long long long time to get and come this far.. but I am here right Now beside YOU.. I told you when I was young Boy too.. but when YOU first stopped and saw me at the garden.. I fall on two knees before YOU and told YOU.. CROWN PRINCESS.. that One day I will love YOU and One DAY I will come just to be by your side to protect YOU.. at least you could of told me about this war that is going to break.. there was NO reason for YOU to hide this from Me.. why would you hide this.. what would of happened if I did Not come to YOU.. few days ago.. there was something heavy in my Heart.. it was few days of riding this Horse.. Me and the seven friends.. if I just stayed by the ocean of waters.. I would of Not known this.. I would of missed Out this great war.. if YOU told me this sooner.. I would not even go to the Ocean waters but been practicing and training to prepare for this War.. I come with the seven friends and Now I am hearing about this News that I never knew in the first place.. if I did not come.. I know that YOU have great fighters and great warriors.. they have more experience then me at the art of swordsmanship.. but having more Men it be better for this war.. and My Heart.. I just can't believe I have to hear it like this.. at the last minute when I did Not know anything.. and I just can't see YOU go out on the Battle.. I know that YOU would and you will.. I can't see you at the battle field.. I saw you training with your teacher who is the Chief general.. when I saw YOU with the stick.. I knew something was going to happen.. YOU know that I can't lose YOU.. YOU know How much I love YOU.. and it be better if I die rather than YOU.. and I hear the Horn.. and someone is blowing the Horn from the far.. and I know now.. so I would get UP.. both feet.. and I turn around.. and I look at the seven Men.. the friends.. I am going alone first.. and I am looking at the Horse.. and I get on its Back.. holding the sword with my hand.. and I see your hand telling me to wait.. but.. I know that it is time.. I needs to GO and handle some business here.. I look at the closest friend and I tell HIM.. to Protect the Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. be with you.. and.. I see the Other Six Men.. they all get on the back of the Horses and holding the swords in their hands.. I am looking toward the Fortress and my Heart.. it is Hurting me More.. when I am thinking about this More and More.. my Heart keeps on hurting.. why didn't WANGSEJABI MAH MAH did Not tell me anything about this situation.. I know I may not be much.. but I know that I will fight for YOU.. I will do anything for YOU.. even I know that I can die for YOU.. I am sure I can bring some enemies die with this Sword.. but why is My Heart keeps on hurting me.. this is NO JOKE because this is a War.. and I would turn to look back.. and I am looking at YOU.. the Crown Princess.. DO you not know how much I love YOU.. and I am grabbing the strings of the Horse.. and I swing it and the Horse takes Off.. the Six Friends behind Me.. they too grabs the strings of the Horses and swings it.. and follows behind Me.. as the Horse keeps on running fast.. I turn on the Side.. putting the Sword into the sheath and I pull the Bow on the side.. and behind is the arrows.. and the Horse keeps on running.. leaving the Palace.. and it is going to the Fortress.. and the Horse stops.. and my hand hits my Chest.. How long was this been going On.. How long was it for this talking of the war.. I wonder how the Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH felt.. knowing there is going to come this war.. and have to keep it inside for a long time.. and I grab the Two Arrows.. putting on the Strings of the Bow.. PULLS the strings Back and I would release the strings.. the arrows shoots far off.. and I would sit on the Horse.. and I would think about when I was a young Boy.. watching YOU from the far.. when YOU were young.. I was sitting on the Horse.. the Commanders behind YOU.. the Chief General next to the Target Practice.. with the Flag.. my eyes full of tears.. YOU were holding the Bow pulling back the strings with the Arrow.. and release the strings and the arrow shoots and hits the red dot of the target.. and hearing the cheering and hands clapping.. flag swings around.. BULLS EYE.. and as I am sitting on the horse.. being still.. what bothers me the most.. I was by the Ocean water.. thinking about YOU coming to the Ocean waters.. but YOU just stood.. YOU just sat on the Horse.. watching me from the distance as I am looking at the waters.. but did Not tell me anything about it there.. it bothers me when I saw YOU looking at me.. sending four new friends
트위터 아이디가 뭐예요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ큐ㅠㅠㅠㅠ너무 무서운 트위터리안이다....
Oink Oink.. I am looking at the window.. as I am in the room.. I just keep on thinking of YOU.. I know that I am missing YOU.. will I ever see YOU.. and I would walk closer to the window.. and I would kneel and looking Out the window.. I am wondering.. do you think as much as I am thinking of YOU.. I can see that the Moon is come Up.. I am wondering what YOU are doing.. who are you thinking of.. is it snowing over there.. is it raining.. How cold is it there.. and I would look UP and I see the Moon.. it is staring at Me.. and I put my hands together.. I wonder if some one can hear me.. Hear the Heart inside crying.. because I miss YOU.. I want to be with YOU.. but why can't I be with YOU.. when will the time be when I can hold Your Hand.. and Pull you closer to tell your ear.. how much I been missing YOU.. how much I been loving YOU.. even though I want to say it this time.. why is it so hard.. why is it so difficult to tell you.. this distance.. it feels like from in the room.. I am looking Out the window.. Looking UP toward the Moon.. that kind of distance that leaves me puzzled.. and will you tell me Yes.. will you let me love YOU.. I feel like YOU don't want me to love YOU because LOOK how much I needed to wait for YOUR yes to come to me.. or is it No in your Heart.. I am over here tonight.. Looking for an Angel.. WILL the Angel hear me this very night.. can the Angel hear my voice.. or the Angel is Not there.. and I am looking UP.. looking around.. I can't see the Angel.. I don't see any Angel over here.. But I wish that the Angel can hear me.. I wanted to ask.. can I borrow two Wings.. can I have two wings.. I know that staying here in my room.. looking through the window.. and just looking UP to the Moon.. this distance is not going to take me any where.. I be missing YOU.. I want to tell YOU something.. I need to say something.. Let my words say something.. kneeling here and just looking UP at the Moon.. it is going to take me No where.. I want to be with YOU.. I want to Hold YOU.. if it is cold there.. If it is snowing.. or raining.. I want to Hold YOU.. let my hands touch your hands.. let me pull you closer.. so that I can hear your Heart Beating against Mine.. will you let me stay by your side please.. I am looking for the Angel.. I been praying and wishing for an Angel.. I would enter the room.. and I would look at the window.. and I would walk closer to the window in the room and kneel.. looking through the window.. asking.. Are you there.. I am speaking to the Angel.. I know that YOU can hear Me.. because every Night.. I come to the same spot.. asking for the Angel.. I know that YOU be tired of hearing me asking for the same thing.. so why Not just show UP and tell me that YOU are there.. can I have your two wings.. I need two wings.. If you can't give me two wings.. at least let me borrow two wings from YOU.. can YOU Please say something.. I need two wings.. and if the angel would finally show UP and tell me.. I am going to look UP.. Angel.. I want to have your two wings.. and can I borrow it just for one Night.. I want to spend my time Just being by YOUR side.. if the Angel Allows me to borrow two Wings.. I would place the wings on the right and left of the shoulder blade.. and I know that just for that One Night.. I want to be Your Angel.. and I be asking You.. can I fly over the Moon.. and if YOU believe in an Angel.. at least YOU know that I love YOU.. this Angel will Not let YOU GO.. this Angel will stay by your side.. just to tell YOU that I love YOU.. YOU know how much I missed YOU.. How much I been loving YOU and still been loving YOU.. I want be sitting on the top of the tree branch.. just watching you from the distance.. and having YOUR picture in my Hand.. to show YOU NOT to be afraid of me.. Look.. I will tell you.. LOOK at the Picture.. I am not a stranger.. and I would be with a Letter.. LOOK.. I am the One who has been typing YOU.. sharing to YOU how much I love YOU.. so that YOU would not step back or scream.. the Prove that On the Other side.. for a Long Long time.. I been asking for Your Heart.. for YOU TO Love me too.. even though I am not asking you right Now.. but I am asking you.. will you please love me some day.. I do not know How long it is going to take but until YOU can tell me that YOU love me.. but I would show UP as your angel.. and I would flap the two wings and I would lower to look at YOU.. and I would say.. I did not come here to hurt YOU.. I did not come here to scare you either.. I came here to say.. I have been missing YOU for such a Long time.. I had to ask.. I had to beg.. I had to pray.. I had to wish.. and Many Many Many Nights.. I would enter the room.. and go to the window in the room.. and kneel.. I would LOOK UP to see the Moon.. and I open the window and I would be asking for an Angel.. if the Angel is real or true.. and I would be asking for the Angel to answer me.. I would keep on going to the same spot.. until One night the Angel came down to the Window I was kneeling.. I just could not believe my eyes.. I started to cry when I saw the Angel and the Angel asked me why I kept on calling for Him and I asked the Angel.. two wings to Borrow.. just for one Night.. and I would show the Angel the Picture of YOU.. and I been telling the angel My Heart.. How much I been missing YOU.. How many nights I had to come out.. asking for you.. I would start just standing Out side by the House.. and Looking at the Moon.. I would pour out my Heart to the Moon about YOU.. and I knew that NO matter How much I would tell that Moon.. the Moon is Not going to tell me any thing.. it hurts because I wanted YOU to know.. so I went to the room and I believed in the Angel.. Maybe the Angel can Help me instead.. so that is when I started to call for the Angel.. which the angel came.. I asked to borrow the two wings.. which the Angel gave to me for just one Night.. I showed the angel the Letter I been writing to YOU and also the Picture of YOU and I had to be the one to go to see YOU.. I been missing YOU so much lately.. I just had to come.. Now.. I been sitting on the tree branch.. I saw YOU in a distance in a shop.. so I waited.. Of course I did not mean to scare YOU.. but the Angel gave me the permission to be an Angel for this one Night.. Now I am looking at YOU.. I don't want to leave.. I want to stay by your side.. and be there with YOU.. I want tell you how much I love YOU and if I do go.. I know that I am going to be missing YOU.. I hate missing YOU when I love YOU.. why can't YOU come with Me.. or why can't I stay with you.. I brought the Letter to show YOU.. it is Me who been telling YOU and sharing you my Heart.. so that YOU would not think I am crazy.. Do you see this letter.. Do you see the Picture.. it is YOU.. I been having this picture for a Long time.. and Only this Picture.. when I feel down.. I would take a LOOK at your picture.. I can't stop crying.. Because YOU Look so much prettier.. Because YOU look so much Beautiful.. Why do you have to be this Pretty.. WHY do you have to be this Beautiful.. When YOU Love some one.. YOU look much more Beautiful in my eyes then ever.. I don't know what it is.. maybe it is because My Heart sees so much More.. I see Love that Only I can bring and tell and give to YOU.. I just want to hold YOU.. to tell YOU that I have never stopped loving YOU.. I came all down way.. flying over the Moon.. Just to see YOU for this One Night.. Now.. I don't want to leave.. I can't go because I know that I be missing YOU again.. I want to see YOU again.. I want to tell YOU how beautiful YOU are.. How much I want to be with YOU.. that when YOU leave.. when I go.. I know that I am going to ask the Angel again for the two wings.. if I can have the two wings so that I can every Night.. flying over the Moon.. waiting for YOU.. sitting on that Same Tree on that branch.. Just to tell YOU how much I miss YOU and how much I love YOU.. but Now.. since I saw YOU.. and I gave you the letter.. I know that I have to go.. YOU are the Only One who I love.. that is why I just can't go.. I just wanted to say.. I been on the Other side.. just waiting for YOU.. I even stoop by the House.. when the Moon came UP at Night.. I would stare at the MOON as it stare at me.. and I would hold Your Picture.. asking if the Moon can speak.. I first tried by asking the MOON to be the Voice I really needed to tell the One.. I been showing the Picture.. to that MOON.. to take a closer LOOK.. and LOOK at the Picture.. to Please Come Closer.. if the MOON has an ear.. can the MOON hear my words.. I first came for few months.. I stood in the same spot out side of the House.. with your Picture.. but I just grew tired because the MOON never seems to care.. did not come closer.. did Not speak.. it just stood there staring at Me.. so I had to try another way.. Now.. Look at these two wings.. I do thank the Angel who responded to my request because Now I get to see YOU.. I get to give you this Letter.. when YOU took this Letter.. My Heart stopped.. and I felt the beating of my Heart goes faster because YOU are the Only One who I love.. My Heart keeps on beating faster as I am looking at YOU.. But.. I just don't want to leave.. WHY do I have to leave YOU.. I just can't leave.. But I know that I must because I made the Promise to return.. to give back the two wings that I borrowed.. But I came here to see YOU.. I kept on missing YOU.. just looking at your Picture was not Enough.. just telling YOU through writings was Not enough for Me.. I started More.. I started to feel in my Heart I want More of YOU.. I want Your Love.. I want to see YOU.. your Presence.. your Smile.. Your Beautiful.. Your Scent.. I
MAH MAH.. I am thinking of You.. as I am holding the stick in my hand.. I would say.. Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. My One wish.. I just want to Love YOU but also with this Sword.. I want to protect YOU and I would swing the Stick.. and My friend who is also holding the stick blocks with the stick I swing at him.. and He would look at me and swing the Stick in his hand and It hits me on the Arm.. I would swing the stick I am holding with my hand and it hits his head and my friend falls on the Ground.. and He looks UP on the ground.. I stood there.. just thinking of YOU.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. my hand grabs his hand and I pull HIM up on his two legs.. as the Moon is High Above.. the Six Friends are making a circle on two of us.. and they are all holding the Sticks.. and as I am thinking of YOU.. I would look at the Seven Friends.. I have to go back to the Palace.. I have to go see the Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and as I am on the two Knees.. My Head looking on the Ground.. the Seven Friends are Behind Me.. both on the Knees.. Looking on the Ground.. arms UP saluting to YOU as the Crown Princess.. as I hear more foot steps walking.. I see you with the Big Crown on top of Your Head.. I see you turn around looking back.. there are seven Chief Generals.. with their Foot soldiers all walking to YOU.. and Five Commanders behind with the Foot Soldiers.. they all stop.. both on knees.. Heads all looks on the ground.. arms UP and I see YOU.. a great large of army military men has gathered around you.. As I am holding the sword.. I would Lift up my Arm up with my hand holding the Sword.. and I would shout Out.. MANSAE TO CROWN PRINCESS.. the Seven Men.. my friends all would pull out the swords.. hands holding the swords.. arms lifted UP and they shout out with a Loud Voice.. MANSAE to Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and I would shout Out louder More.. MANSAE TO WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. to Crown Princess.. and I would hear.. the Chief Generals and the Commanders.. they pull out their swords holding in their hands.. arms lifted UP high.. MANSAE TO HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. the Seven Friends with the Foot SOLDIERS all lifted UP their Swords holding their hands.. MANSAE.. HOORAY to Crown Princess.. and I would raise UP my Voice Louder and Cried OUT.. MANSAE to WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. to Crown Princess.. and I hear all of the Voices.. MANSAE.. HOORAY to HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and I see you stand in the Middle.. our heads looking at the ground.. and I would say.. YOU are so Great.. Look at you because the men has gathered.. I know there is something that is about to happen.. but my Heart.. to Protect YOU.. and Too keep on protecting you to the end.. and I see YOU looking down.. as I would lift UP my Head looking into your eyes.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and I hear something behind.. a Messenger riding on the Horse.. and He has a scroll in his hand.. and the Heads would all turn to look.. the Horse stops.. the Messenger gets out of the Horse.. two on knees.. arm UP and Head looks down.. hand holding the Scroll.. and I am wondering.. what does this Mean.. a Private Messenger only for the Crown Princess.. and I see you raise YOUR HAND.. and the Messenger gets UP.. and He would unroll the scroll.. and starts to share.. a War is going to break Out.. and the enemies are coming to the Fortress.. and they are bringing many foot soldiers.. horse riders.. and the Six Princes are in the Eldest house and they are drinking having the Party.. and the Messenger goes down both knees.. Head goes down and arm up.. and I am wondering.. a War.. and I turn to LOOK at YOU.. and YOU look at me.. there has been a talk about a war for a Long time.. and it is happening.. I look at YOU.. Why did YOU not tell me about this war.. then I would of been preparing for a battle.. but why did YOU not tell Me.. and I looked at YOU.. it does Not matter Now.. because it is going to happen anyways.. and I Just can't believe you have kept this from me.. I told YOU that I wanted to protect YOU.. and that is what I have said.. I have promised YOU that the reason why I am here.. it is to Protect YOU and Your nation.. if YOU told me about this War.. then I could of found More men.. gathered more Men.. and I would look behind YOU.. which there was more than thousand Men.. they are ready.. has been prepared for this War.. and of course.. I knew that you had the men power.. but I also wanted to bring more so that we can win this War.. and I get UP.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. I told you.. ever since I saw you from the Garden.. that I was going to come to YOU.. I have made the Promise in the garden.. when I was only looking at the garden of flowers.. even though I am a lowly servant son.. that One day I am going to see you and meet you at the Palace.. I told you that I will make this promise that I will become a Swordsmanship so that I can guard and protect.. Because this is all I can give and this is all I can do for YOU.. I may be very small.. and not be much to YOU.. but I know that I will never give UP on you.. I will keep on fighting for YOU as long as YOU give me a chance to stay.. and Now.. here I am.. I have kept my words.. I have kept my promises to YOU.. it took me long long long time to get and come this far.. but I am here right Now beside YOU.. I told you when I was young Boy too.. but when YOU first stopped and saw me at the garden.. I fall on two knees before YOU and told YOU.. CROWN PRINCESS.. that One day I will love YOU and One DAY I will come just to be by your side to protect YOU.. at least you could of told me about this war that is going to break.. there was NO reason for YOU to hide this from Me.. why would you hide this.. what would of happened if I did Not come to YOU.. few days ago.. there was something heavy in my Heart.. it was few days of riding this Horse.. Me and the seven friends.. if I just stayed by the ocean of waters.. I would of Not known this.. I would of missed Out this great war.. if YOU told me this sooner.. I would not even go to the Ocean waters but been practicing and training to prepare for this War.. I come with the seven friends and Now I am hearing about this News that I never knew in the first place.. if I did not come.. I know that YOU have great fighters and great warriors.. they have more experience then me at the art of swordsmanship.. but having more Men it be better for this war.. and My Heart.. I just can't believe I have to hear it like this.. at the last minute when I did Not know anything.. and I just can't see YOU go out on the Battle.. I know that YOU would and you will.. I can't see you at the battle field.. I saw you training with your teacher who is the Chief general.. when I saw YOU with the stick.. I knew something was going to happen.. YOU know that I can't lose YOU.. YOU know How much I love YOU.. and it be better if I die rather than YOU.. and I hear the Horn.. and someone is blowing the Horn from the far.. and I know now.. so I would get UP.. both feet.. and I turn around.. and I look at the seven Men.. the friends.. I am going alone first.. and I am looking at the Horse.. and I get on its Back.. holding the sword with my hand.. and I see your hand telling me to wait.. but.. I know that it is time.. I needs to GO and handle some business here.. I look at the closest friend and I tell HIM.. to Protect the Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. be with you.. and.. I see the Other Six Men.. they all get on the back of the Horses and holding the swords in their hands.. I am looking toward the Fortress and my Heart.. it is Hurting me More.. when I am thinking about this More and More.. my Heart keeps on hurting.. why didn't WANGSEJABI MAH MAH did Not tell me anything about this situation.. I know I may not be much.. but I know that I will fight for YOU.. I will do anything for YOU.. even I know that I can die for YOU.. I am sure I can bring some enemies die with this Sword.. but why is My Heart keeps on hurting me.. this is NO JOKE because this is a War.. and I would turn to look back.. and I am looking at YOU.. the Crown Princess.. DO you not know how much I love YOU.. and I am grabbing the strings of the Horse.. and I swing it and the Horse takes Off.. the Six Friends behind Me.. they too grabs the strings of the Horses and swings it.. and follows behind Me.. as the Horse keeps on running fast.. I turn on the Side.. putting the Sword into the sheath and I pull the Bow on the side.. and behind is the arrows.. and the Horse keeps on running.. leaving the Palace.. and it is going to the Fortress.. and the Horse stops.. and my hand hits my Chest.. How long was this been going On.. How long was it for this talking of the war.. I wonder how the Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH felt.. knowing there is going to come this war.. and have to keep it inside for a long time.. and I grab the Two Arrows.. putting on the Strings of the Bow.. PULLS the strings Back and I would release the strings.. the arrows shoots far off.. and I would sit on the Horse.. and I would think about when I was a young Boy.. watching YOU from the far.. when YOU were young.. I was sitting on the Horse.. the Commanders behind YOU.. the Chief General next to the Target Practice.. with the Flag.. my eyes full of tears.. YOU were holding the Bow pulling back the strings with the Arrow.. and release the strings and the arrow shoots and hits the red dot of the target.. and hearing the cheering and hands clapping.. flag swings around.. BULLS EYE.. and as I am sitting on the horse.. being still.. what bothers
MAH MAH.. me the most.. I was by the Ocean water.. thinking about YOU coming to the Ocean waters.. but YOU just stood.. YOU just sat on the Horse.. watching me from the distance as I am looking at the waters.. but did Not tell me anything about it there.. it bothers me when I saw YOU looking at me.. sending four new friends to me.. and I saw You turning the Horse away and in silent you left the site.. but the Heart.. was it heavy leaving without mentioning about what was to come.. why did YOU not say anything then.. why did YOU not tell me that something was about to happen.. why just leave in silent.. YOU know.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. if YOU told me.. I would left everything behind and just went with YOU that night.. I would of not think about anything but to Just to protect YOU and to Protect Your Nation.. I would of done anything.. If YOU just said something.. I would come with YOU much sooner.. I feel like a foolish person now.. because I would told YOU that I was Not coming.. I do remember you be asking me to come with YOU.. but I told YOU that I needed some time away.. that I wanted to stay by the Ocean water.. but if YOU just told me then.. what was happening.. YOU know that I would leave it behind and came with YOU without making you feel frustrated.. because I know that I can be some kind of Help of your Need.. why do YOU think I wanted to be a Swordsmanship.. WHY would I learn this skills and this Art of holding the sword.. I have promised you.. I remember when I was YOUNG.. I made a Promise to YOU.. even at the Garden when I knew Nothing about the Sword.. I told YOU that One day.. I am going to master the Art so that I can be useful and to be a part.. to Love YOU and to protect YOU forever.. and YOU have seen me through it ALL.. YOU have seen me when I had no skills at the sword.. when I was working in the garden as a flower Boy.. just as gardener.. Now here I am with the Sword.. at least you could of told me then.. I would not feel so bad right Now.. Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. YOU know that I would drop everything just for YOU and to Protect YOU because YOU know How much I love YOU.. I am sitting on the Horse.. as the Horse runs.. I am going back to the Palace.. I am thinking of YOU.. I have never stopped Loving YOU.. I would be pulling the strings of the Horse.. and I see the Horse running very Fast.. Behind me is seven Men.. four are new friends who has joined.. and they are all riding on the Horses.. as I am on the front.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. I thank YOU.. I would be shouting.. as I am going to the Palace.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. I would scream from my lungs.. Do you know that I still Love YOU.. I am coming.. I am going to YOU.. as I see the Moon behind Me.. I am hitting the Strings hard.. the Horse runs faster and faster.. and as the New Day comes and the Sun rises.. I am at the second training ground.. I am standing next to the Horse.. It was my Father's horse.. it was once Young but has gotten older now.. as I am standing next to the Horse.. I watch YOU.. My Heart.. it is My Heart.. I watch YOU walking in the center of the training ground.. the Seven Men.. my friends are all behind me.. they are all sitting on the Horses.. I am crying.. as I am watching YOU.. the fences.. the wood bat fences.. and I am looking at YOU.. as YOU are holding a stick.. I see you about to spar and the Chief General.. the TOP of the generals.. he steps out with a Stick.. and He is the One who taught YOU how to fight to be a swordsmanship.. I never knew that YOU wanted to be a swordsman.. as I see the sticks hitting together.. My Heart would jump.. I see you swinging the Stick.. and the Chief General ducks.. and He would swing the Stick.. which.. I wanted to go Inside to Protect.. to fight Back.. but the Fence stops me.. I know that I can't go in.. I see two guards guarding it.. and they would NOT let me in.. but I see the Stick swings and Hits YOU.. I grab my Sword.. and one of the Friends would shout.. which.. it makes YOU stop.. and YOU look back.. and I pull out the Sword.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. Are you Hurt.. can I go in.. YOU know that I came here.. I came here to ready to Fight On your Behalf.. Please.. tell the guards to OPEN the fence Door.. so I can fight that General.. and the Men.. seven Men all gets Out of their Horses.. and they all Pull out their swords.. and We all Kneel.. both on the Knees.. and arms Out.. Heads looks on the Floor.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and with One Voice.. we Shout.. CROWN PRINCESS.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. Please.. and all Eight of Us.. heads looking on the floor.. which it stops YOU from practicing on that training Ground.. and I see you.. ON the White Dress.. I see you coming.. and I see you walking forward.. and I see you close to the Fence.. and I hear YOUR VOICE.. as I lift UP the Head and too look at YOU.. I have promised YOU.. that I am never going to Let YOU go.. even though I may not be with YOU.. there must be a way something can Happen.. but for right Now.. I have promised YOU that I am not going to let YOU down.. YOU also even send four new Men to join my team.. without YOU how can we be added like this.. I know that I may be so Small in your eyes.. I may not have much to give YOU.. but I know that I can do one thing.. to Protect YOU.. if YOU allow me to protect YOU.. I can do a little service.. and with these men.. I know that we can help.. I came here without eating.. we practiced and trained all through the Night.. I was thinking of the Promise.. I know that I can't do much.. but My Heart.. tells me if I love YOU.. there is something that I can do.. and It hit me Hard.. and I just started to think of YOU.. I know that YOU have many soldiers.. you have great generals to Chief generals.. also Commanders are with YOU.. but YOU have gave me four New Men and added.. why would you do something like that for Me.. and I told the seven Men.. Let us ALL go back.. Let us all go back to Protect YOU HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. is this is the Only One thing I can Do.. I can do it the Best.. I can give YOU my Best.. all I can Give.. I remember while I was sitting on the Horse.. I begin to think of YOU.. Only YOU because I never felt so Important.. I would turn around.. LOOKING at the four New Men.. they joined with the three friends of Mine and together they were singing songs.. they were singing to the new Unity of building a Dream together.. and wanted to be a part to see the greater works in play and they were all singing joyfully and I sat on the Horse.. tears started to fall from My eyes and I saw the seven Men turn to look at me.. they all came and surrounded me.. around the horse asking why was I crying and I told them.. it is NOT about Us.. but about the Kingdom.. all about the Palace.. that we were put together to Protect WHO.. and we all raised Our voices together.. and with the Swords UP.. the Crown Princess.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and I told the seven Men.. Let us ALL go back.. let us go to the Palace.. and Be a part.. Just to protect YOU.. CROWN PRINCESS.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. I saw each Man get on his Horse.. and I would lift UP my Head.. looking at the Moon.. It is this MOON that brought us together.. It was around this TIME I would look UP at the MOON.. asking about the Crown Princess.. and I started to Hit the strings of the Horse and He just took Off fast.. and the Other Seven men follows.. I came this early in the Morning.. One of the Guards at the entrance told me that the Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH is going to the Second Training Ground.. DID NOT tell me anything else.. but YOU were going to be there.. SO I would tell the seven friends of Mine.. Let us go there and wait together.. I would be the One who stood by the Horse.. Letting the Other seven Men to rest while sitting there.. I saw YOU.. from the distance I saw YOU walking.. it is when we eight of Us arrived.. YOU were holding a stick.. I don't know WHY.. I wanted to run over.. to let YOU know that I have come.. the two Guards guarding me.. I asked if I could go inside.. to Greet the Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. but they would NOT allow me.. telling me NO ONE can go inside but Only the Crown Princess.. I saw the Chief General walking with a Stick.. wondering.. why Is He able to go Inside and I can't.. what is going On.. tell me.. but the Guards would Not tell me anything.. they decided not to say a Word.. what am I suppose to do.. I can hit the two.. so I just went back to the Horse and stood next to it.. I saw the Chief General.. His stick would hit YOU few times.. How dare is that MAN to Hit YOU with the Stick.. and It was getting to Me.. How can He hits the Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. who does he thinks He is.. and it made me Mad.. NO ONE Hits or touches.. and I knew.. if the two guards won't let me In.. then the sword is going to Help me to get inside.. so that I can fight.. and I pulled the Sword.. and I turned.. to face the two guards.. I am going in.. to Help and to Protect the Crown Princess.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. and this time Your Words will not stop me.. and as I was going to make that.. One of my Friends calls Out.. it got to YOU.. and I turn back.. I see the Seven men.. my Friends.. they all pulled Out the Sword.. and I hear them.. they are going to go with Me.. and Help me to Protect YOU.. I could not see anyone Hitting YOU with the stick.. My Heart would Not allow it.. My Heart just couldn't see that.. and I would be showing YOU my tears running down.. I am on my both knees.. the Swords
MAH MAH.. struck on the ground.. the seven Men are behind me.. arms out.. swords are all struck on the ground.. I have come.. so that I wanted to say.. I love YOU.. and I wanted to protect YOU.. Me with these seven friends of Mine.. that is How my Heart feels because this is the Only thing that we all can do.. and I would hear YOU speak.. of course I did Not know that the Chief General is Your teacher.. and even since YOU were young.. and How you wanted to protect Yourself from the dangers of Your Six Brothers.. the Six Princes who wanted to be the Crown.. The King.. PEH HA send the Chief General to be your Body Guard but also to teach the Art of the Swordsmanship.. and Now.. He is like a second father to YOU because He cares for YOU like a Daughter.. as I would hear YOU.. My Heart is moved by how It is unsafe to stay in the Palace as a Young girl.. scared of being killed by the older Brothers.. and my fist.. I would clinch my fist.. that is WHY I came here.. that I wanted to Protect YOU because I love YOU.. What more words Can I say.. I know that it is NOT easy to be the Crown Princess.. But Now.. YOU also have eight of Us.. Unity together as we stand.. to Protect YOU so that YOU can be the QUEEN.. I hear the Seven Men behind me they all would shout Loud.. QUEEN.. to be Our Queen.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH one day.. and I would lift UP my arm.. and Head looks ON the Floor.. and the Seven men behind me would also lift UP their arms and heads looks down as we are all on our knees.. Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. I just want to see YOU to succeed.. I want YOU to be seating as the TOP.. as I would look on the Floor.. My tears are hitting the Floor.. I am looking back.. the Four of Us by the ocean.. and I would turn to look back.. I would see the Four new men.. One is holding bunch of wooden sticks.. and I would look over them.. I see YOU.. YOU are sitting on the Horse.. and I see YOU turn around.. the Horse turns away and I see the Horse starts running off with YOU sitting ON it.. I am looking at the Four New Men.. One of them saying.. the Crown Princess.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. to be a part of this brotherhood.. and I am looking with the three friends of Mine.. I just can't believe it.. WHY would the Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. WHY would you sent these four Men.. and I would look at them.. I just can't believe it.. I am Not worthy to have.. I can't even lead a thing.. But why would they come.. and I would grab a Stick.. and One of my Friend grabs a stick.. and he is the One who came to visit me when I was IN prison.. as I am thinking.. and I am on two knees.. and I would hear Your Voice.. and I would lift UP my Head to look at YOU.. and my tears is rolling down.. I can't even lead.. I am Not even on the special Guard.. I am Not even a Body Guard.. I am only the one who stood by the back Gates of the Palace.. why would YOU trust me with four new Men.. I am unworthy to Have.. because their lives are on the Line.. If to Die.. I rather die alone.. I don't want to take any other Lives with Me.. and I see YOU.. and YOU smile.. I wanted to grab Your hand.. I wanted to touch Your Hand.. But I can't.. YOU are going to ask Me to kiss this Hand right.. but I can't kiss YOUR HAND.. I rather be distance then to be close kissing Your Hand.. but HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. do you remember that before YOU left.. before the Four New Men came.. YOU asked me for something.. YOU said.. to Promise YOU something.. that I am Not going to leave.. and YOU told me to make that Promise Now.. because Later will be just too late and while YOU came close.. I was looking at the Waters of the Ocean.. you stood by me.. asking me to Promise YOU.. that I am Not going to leave YOU or forsake YOU.. before YOU would go back to the Palace.. and I remember standing next to YOU.. I can't promise kissing Your Hand.. but I can promise YOU that I can keep on loving YOU.. I can promise that I will Not leave YOU or forsake YOU.. that I will go back and I will be there for YOU.. by Your Side.. and I told YOU.. I do Promise I be there.. to Protect YOU always.. and I do remember you looked at me and YOU gave me the same smile as YOU are looking at me on the Other side of the Fence.. DO you know How much I love YOU.. that I just can't never let YOU go.. I came with the seven Men because I made the Promise I will.. this is the main reason why I am here.. because I am keeping my Promise I made with YOU.. to Always Love YOU and to Always protect YOU..I am still standing by the waters.. Just thinking about YOU.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. I wish that I could be with YOU.. I have dreamed ever since I was a young Boy.. even though I knew that It was never to be happened.. I know that I can't be with YOU because YOU are so Big.. but what can I do as a MAN who can Only dream and believe that Maybe if there was a Chance.. How can I be with YOU.. to Love YOU.. all I ever wanted ever since I laid my eyes on YOU.. when I saw YOU.. even though I know I can't.. but I still do believe that I can.. all I am asking is for YOU to know my Heart.. to know How much I love YOU.. I want to be with YOU and spend the rest of my life by your side just to love YOU.. to tell you how much I love YOU and love you until I die.. do YOU know that I never will stop.. as I am looking at the waters.. and I turn to look back.. I see you on the Horse.. YOU are sitting on the top of the Horse.. I see you wearing the White dress.. so Lovely.. how come you only wear that White Dress.. why are you showing me that YOU are so Beautiful.. if YOU keep on showing me how Beautiful YOU are.. what am I suppose to do.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. and as I am on the ground.. with the three of my friends.. Looking at the ground.. I can't come with YOU right Now.. I know I can't go.. I just need some time to be alone.. and before YOU came.. One of my friends told me.. He saw Six Princes and they were standing next to the King and Queen.. PEH HA and HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I am wondering who those six Men were.. I know they were from the Royal Blood Line.. as I heard your voice.. I would listen to your Voice and with the three friends we all get Up.. as I wanted to come closer to YOU.. I see the Big Crown on top of your Head.. I see seven Men behind YOU.. the Chief Generals and Commanders.. DAE JANG GEUN.. they all showed UP and standing behind YOU.. and I just can't believe this happened so fast.. I knew that this day would show UP but so Fast was unexpected.. and I would lower myself.. on two knees and I would ask.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. I am asking for the permission to speak.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. can you please give me the permission to speak.. and I hear YOUR voice.. I am wondering about the Six Men.. they were Princes.. who were standing next to the Queen.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. may I ask who are those Six Men.. and I would hear the Head of the Servant who shows UP.. He looks at me and pulls Out the sword.. I see YOU lifting UP your hand to back down and he goes back.. and I hear you tell me.. and Me and the three friends are all shocked.. and I am wondering.. How can this Be.. they are the Older Brothers of CROWN PRINCESS.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and I am wondering.. How can this Be.. if the Crown Princess has six Older Brothers ahead.. and YOU have succeeded to next in Line to get the Throne.. and I feel like a Storm is going to come in the Palace.. and I look at YOU.. and I see YOU put your hand Out.. and I am thinking in my mind.. YOU have great army with YOU.. look at the Chief Generals and also the COMMANDERS who got Your Back and has your Support.. even the King and the Queen.. PEH HA and HWANG WOO MAH MAH are the ones who gave you the Crown.. I saw them both kneeling and kissing Your Hand.. of course I did Not see any of the Six Princes kissing Your Hand but now I know why.. But why do YOU need Me.. YOU have even the Prime Minister.. TAE SAH JAH.. and even the COUNCIL OF NOBLE MEN.. all the Maids.. even the HIGHEST KITCHEN LADY.. and even the Chief Doctor too.. WHY do you need me to help Me.. YOU know that I am so small.. I am Nothing when You look at all these great and important people around YOU.. and I see YOU getting Off the Horse.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. Please.. Stand back.. YOU don't need to come closer to Me.. YOU know How Great and Important you are and has become for the Kingdom you represent.. and I have become so Low.. Now it is so hard for me to get close to YOU.. when I see these great Men.. warrior Men surrounding YOU.. and with me the three friends would step back.. but I see YOU coming.. looking so Beautiful.. with the big Crown wearing the white Dress.. WHAT am I suppose to Do if I feel like YOU are this Great.. if you are this Big in my eyes.. what am I suppose to do.. and I am looking at the floor.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. Crown Princess.. and I would hear Your Voice.. and I would stop.. I would listen to Your Voice as I lift UP my Head to look at YOU.. as I would show my tears in my eyes.. How am I suppose to Love YOU.. if YOU are this Great and this Big.. and I feel so small when I am around YOU.. I just feel like I can't do anything any more.. because I have Nothing.. and I see YOU standing there.. YOU are wondering what happened to the boldness.. the courage.. the confidence that YOU saw in Me.. It is still here inside my Heart.. but.. at this Point right Now.. YOU have just gotten bigger.. and More stronger.. YOU have
MAH MAH.. gotten.. that is why I am asking YOU for some time.. that I needed some time and space to think it through.. and No.. YOU are not going to ever lose me because I have never stopped loving YOU.. the process of.. and needing the time and space to help me to bounce back is what I am asking for HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. that is why I came here to the waters.. to bring the peace of Mind and to think it through.. and as I am looking at YOU.. I see you standing still.. Crown Princess.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. Please know that I am going to go back to the palace.. as I am looking at YOU turning around.. I feel the deep sadness.. because I love YOU so much.. I feel so helpless at this Point.. watching YOU getting and the two Maids would help you to get YOU sit on top of the Horse.. I don't want YOU to go deep inside.. but I know that YOU must Go.. YOU are the one who to rule Next.. YOU have all of the great important people backing YOU up and supporting YOU.. they are going to help YOU to defend but also I will come very soon.. soon to be by your side.. I feel bad that I can't kiss Your Hand either.. looking at the six Princes.. I saw None of them smiling at ALL.. they were there but.. NONE of the SIX PRINCES went over to Kiss Your Hand.. and I feel like maybe is this the way YOU are seeing me like Your Older Brothers.. because FOR ME.. I want YOU TO truly SUCCEED.. I want YOU to truly rule.. I want YOU to be seated in the right Place where it is your Seat.. but thinking of Your Older Brothers.. this is the reason why I know I must go back.. I know that I must be by your side.. I feel like something is going to happen in that HOUSE.. in the Palace and I want to help YOU.. and I will help YOU.. and I see YOU sitting on the Horse and has turned around.. I would watch the Special Body Guards on the sides.. left and right.. I see the Commanders leading the way.. and the Chief Generals in the Back.. and my Heart.. WHY is this Happening and I do remember my Father would say.. I must be a swordsmanship to Protect the Princess.. to Protect the Crown Princess.. if I truly Love YOU.. I must know and learn to Protect.. and I would Pull Out my sword.. as I stood up.. watching YOU.. I see the Horse keep on walking forward.. my three friends behind me pulls Out their swords.. and I know that I must go back.. Back to the Palace.. just to protect YOU.. even if I must fight and even I die by the Brothers.. I know that the Crown Princess Must had the seat.. because that is the Only one thing is on My Mind and Heart.. to see YOU succeeded to the Throne.. I would turn around and I am looking at the waters.. I would close both eyes.. My Father is looking at me.. holding a training stick.. wood shape as the sword.. and it hits my Head.. I am crying as it hits my head again.. I would hear his voice.. telling me to stop crying.. even though it hurts.. that a man should NOT cry.. the WOOD training stick shape of sword hits me head again.. I am holding my tears.. the angry as the pain hits my head.. I would look up at the Father.. telling me.. holding the pain inside.. and the more it hits me.. I have to hold all the pain that is killing me.. Until I just can't hold it no more.. and that is HOW I feel.. when I see YOU.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. CROWN PRINCESS.. it feels like it.. this sharp Pain that stabs my Heart.. when I saw YOU getting back on the Horse.. I know that I should of told you I will go with YOU.. but letting YOU go.. and I am not going with YOU hurts me more deeply inside.. watching you sit.. Horse turning away on the Other side.. and it was a pretty Long journey that YOU came.. it really hurt me Hard.. YOU are the Crown Princess.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. and I have turned YOU down because I needed space.. but thinking about the situation.. and at the crucial time.. I should of kept my mouth shut.. I should of thought about the situation first before saying something.. I did not meant to reject.. but wanted to let YOU Know I am coming.. I am going back to that palace to join YOU.. but just to give me a little time.. I should of been thoughtful.. I am so sorry Crown Princess.. I am so Sorry WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. I am so Sorry.. I know that YOU are going through a lot.. especially what is happening in that House.. as I am looking at the waters.. My Heart feels more heavy.. what if I never asked.. If I did not ask about the Six Princes because that was None of my business.. but Now I know what is going On.. and it really really sucks to know because I would of thought that everyone would celebrate this.. I was so happy to know when I found Out that the King had made YOU into the Crown Princess.. MY Heart was laughing while I was laughing so loudly when I heard.. I turn and I looked over.. I saw the King.. He comes over.. with the big CROWN putting on top of your Head.. Your Father was so proud and in tears with JOY as He was the One to put on top of your Head.. and He kisses Your Hand and says.. well Done.. Now to keep it.. I saw the Queen.. and I saw Six Men.. on the royal robe coming down.. and they would just stand by the Queen.. I do remember just looking.. never seen any of the six Men before.. but they were wearing the royal Robe and knew that they were a part of the Royal Blood family line.. and they just stood next to the Queen.. did Not say a word.. looked more angry.. But I did not know who they were at all.. Never seen any of them before.. When YOU told me who they were.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. I was shocked to know.. because I did not even thought of being in your own family.. I thought maybe like the Uncle's sons.. One of them was wobbling around.. like had too much wine to drink.. and would fall on the ground.. But Now I know why YOU came.. Now I see what has you troubled in your Heart.. I know that I have a true Mission to protect YOU.. to be with YOU and Help you to be in that throne.. that is the Only way for YOU to secure and establish YOU as the Queen of the Throne for this Nation.. It is that I will fight For YOU.. for your behalf because YOU Know How much I love YOU.. as I am looking at the waters.. my three friends would shout with Me.. To Protect the Crown Princess.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. To protect the Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and with One voice the four of us shouted.. We will protect the Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. we.. I will protect YOU.. and when I turned around.. I see YOU there.. I see you sitting on that Horse.. and I would lift UP to see YOU SMILE.. I have made this VOW.. to stay by your side.. to Love YOU and to always protect YOU.. I would bow my knee.. put my arm front and head down to show.. I too be with YOU forever.. the three friends behind.. we all did it together to be with YOU..I am sitting in the Prison.. I am in Chains and I know that My time is drawing near.. I would unfold the Sketch Paper.. the Picture of YOU.. I am looking at YOU.. my hand traces over your face.. and I know it is My Heart.. does Not matter what happens to Me in this life.. will you love me Please.. How about after life.. How about in a different times.. may be when I am well off.. maybe Born into a better family.. being in a Low Born.. only thing is my Heart.. I ache because I can't fully love YOU.. even though I want to love you more.. and share this Love with you.. I feel like I can't.. I want to love YOU more.. tell you more how much I love YOU.. then YOU are everything I dreamed of.. I wished for and only loved.. WHY can't you understand this Heart of Mine.. How much More I must tell YOU.. that it is My Heart.. it is My Mind.. the thought of YOU.. just loving you here and my hand touch my Chest.. YOU should know that underneath where my hand is touch the Chest lies and lives My Heart.. I will always Love YOU.. and as I am looking.. MAH MAH.. CONG JU NIM.. DO you know that each day that passes by.. does Not matter how many years.. I have never missed a Beat of My Heart loving YOU.. I wish that I can transfer this Love and let YOUR HEART knows How much I love YOU.. I never stopped.. and I would hear foot steps and it stops.. I turn my Head to look through the Bars.. It is the Guard.. the Guard who was with me.. who has become my friend and who would listen and He looks down.. and I look UP looking at Him.. and I know.. and I would close my two eyes.. The New Guard comes and stands next to Me.. I was alone guarding the back of the Gates.. Now.. I see that I am not alone.. the New Guard looks.. I unfold the Art Sketch Paper.. it is cold at Night.. in the Winter.. as the snow flakes falls from the sky.. I am Not sure.. but why do I feel it More in this Time.. MAH MAH.. CONG JU NIM.. DO you know that I passed.. I thought that I was Not going to pass at all.. I saw YOU sitting with the few judges.. BUT I knew.. this is the Only Chance.. it could be my Last Chance.. I felt in my Heart.. WHAT IF I fail.. I don't want to show YOU that I am a failure.. I was shivering because when I saw YOU.. MAH MAH.. CONG JU NIM.. I wanted to show YOU that even this Low BORN has Dreams.. that I am also a MAN with words.. that I do want to do something BIG in this Life and I only get one shot.. BUT when I saw YOU.. I could not believe that it was YOU.. I wondered.. why did YOU SHOW UP.. DID you know that It was I.. the Low Born at the Garden.. I knew that It was YOU.. How could I not
MAH MAH.. forget.. the one who is in my Heart.. the One who I love the Most.. I have never forgotten Your Face.. always kept this.. the Art sketch Paper.. the Picture of YOU.. I pictured in my Head.. that One day I will see YOU and that day I want to show YOU a different side of Me.. not the coward who runs away frightened but the One who can stand tall on his two feet.. ready to fight.. and I wanted to show YOU that I can be bold.. I can have a Heart like a Tiger.. and to tell YOU that I love YOU.. I did not think that I would see YOU at the Judges table.. sitting down and watching the Exam.. But.. I knew this was my Time.. and my only shot so I gave it all.. I gave my best performance.. when I heard from the judges that I passed.. I could not stop.. but kept crying.. because I felt like I was not going to make it.. I felt like I would fail.. the way the judges looked at me and HOW I finished the performance of the military Art.. when I was given a position to Guard the back gate.. I was happy that I had fulfilled the first Part of my training period.. as I am standing by the Gates of the back.. the New Guard would look at the Art sketch Paper.. the Picture of YOU.. of course He did not know that It was YOU.. MAH MAH.. CONG JU NIM.. I guess he never saw YOU and told me.. that YOU were so Beautiful.. that YOU are so Pretty and I would look at the New Guard and I told HIM who it was.. and the New Guard was shocked.. But I told HIM.. it due time.. when the TIME comes I know what was going to happen to me.. but for Now.. I just want to keep on loving YOU.. MAH MAH.. CONG JU NIM.. the New Guard smiles and we would stand by the Back of the gates.. freezing cold.. as I would see the Snow Flakes falling.. and wind would blow.. and more snow flakes falls and becomes heavy.. the New Guard tells me something.. if I turn Back.. on the tower.. the Upper ROOM.. the Princess.. MAH MAH.. CONG JU NIM.. her room is UP there.. and My Heart.. I am sure that it couldn't be.. How is it that the Princess.. MAH MAH.. CONG JU MAH MAH.. the One I have this Art Sketch Paper.. the One who I have the picture of.. that I AM so Close to YOU.. I am guarding the back.. which when I open the Door it leads to YOUR CHAMBER.. and I turn too Look back.. I don't see anyone.. the New Guard smiles.. He looks at me and tells me.. and as I turn too look back.. I do see someone walking.. it is pretty late and cold.. as I am looking.. from a distance.. I see many guards around.. Must be special and body Guards.. and I see YOU.. in a white Dress.. I see YOU.. is that really YOU.. the New Guard turns too look back and BOTH OF US LOOK and he tells me.. It is YOU.. My Heart.. I am so Close.. But why do I feel so Far from YOU MAH MAH.. why can I say MAH MAH.. CONG JU NIM.. I am over here.. MAH MAH.. do YOU see me.. I am here.. I have made it to the Palace.. I am so near.. can YOU NOT SEE ME.. MAH MAH.. CONG JU MAH MAH.. PRINCESS.. and I turn too look down.. at the Art Sketch Paper.. the Picture of YOU.. I am thinking.. if YOU are so Close.. on the Other side.. just turning my Head and looking back.. I can see YOU but why.. WHY DO I turn and keep on looking at this Picture.. WHY am I holding unto this Picture if ALL I can do is turn too look back and I see YOU.. MAH MAH.. if only YOU can hear me.. If you can hear the words of Mine telling YOU.. HOW much I missed YOU.. even though all this time I had this Art Sketch Paper.. the Picture of YOU.. and I would look at it many times during the day and into the night.. just thinking of YOU.. and my hand touching my Chest.. My Heart keeps telling Me.. I love YOU.. I miss YOU.. I love YOU.. I wish that YOU knew My Heart.. and I would look at this Art Sketch paper.. the Picture of YOU and speak to this Picture.. acting if YOU can hear me.. and I would say to this Picture.. One day I will see YOU again.. One day I will tell you these words of mine to YOU.. I will see you soon.. I never imagined that this day would come so soon.. but look at me.. I am here by the back of the gates and all I can is do nothing.. I can't even tell YOU that I am over here.. on the Other side.. I am guarding the Back of the gates.. so close to Your Chamber CONG JU NIM.. MAH MAH.. is this a dream come true.. because for a Long time.. I never thought this day would come.. It felt so Far.. I felt so far that I would never see YOU again.. I only believed that YOU got married and left.. and I would never see YOU again.. but I still had hopes that Maybe.. just may be one day.. I can see YOU only.. I wish that it can happen sooner.. but WHO knows and I kept on looking at the Art Sketch Paper.. the Picture of YOU.. Only If I had the voice to speak.. Only if YOU can hear me.. I want to tell YOU by letting my VOICE be heard to YOU.. but How.. I felt so Far.. I was so far where I could not see YOU.. I could not find YOU.. that you were no where to be found.. until I saw YOU at the Exam.. I just could Not believe that it was YOU.. and I was touched.. that I had to believe in some way that It would come true.. when I saw YOU.. my tears.. it would not stop falling down.. I do remember when I was sitting down.. waiting for my name to be called and watching other men go UP and perform their Military Arts.. when I was sitting with the many men waiting for their turn.. I saw YOU.. my tears would tell me.. keep crying.. cry as much as YOU can Now because when I go there.. I can't shed no more tears.. I was looking at YOU while wiping my tears waiting for my turn to come UP.. After I passed.. of course.. I knew that I would Not see you any more.. this Palace is so Big.. But I had Hope.. that maybe we would run into each other Later because YOU were at this palace.. so I knew that YOU be around.. It gave me hope that I am not finished yet.. that I can still have dreams and to build ON my dreams.. maybe later on.. I can tell YOU if I can't tell you Now.. later down the road.. I am sure we will meet again.. that gave me something too look forward.. WHEN i got the Post to be the Guard here at the back of the Gates.. of course I thought it be far until the New Guard who stood with me told me that the Chamber belongs to YOU.. Now.. what am I suppose to do.. How am I suppose to cope in this condition.. when My Heart is On YOU.. when I want to love YOU More but I know that I can't.. I have a duty too fulfill.. but Loving YOU is the greatest reward to Me.. just loving YOU MAH MAH.. CONG JU NIM.. even though you may not see Me.. even though YOU may not hear me.. and YOU are standing from a distance.. I know that My Heart just can't stop.. Now.. I know that I want to love YOU More because YOU are so much closer then I ever imagined.. but why do I have to be so Close.. being close to YOU has its UPs but also I know that It can Hurt me in the long run.. but I want to love YOU MORE.. as I am holding unto the Art Sketch paper.. my hands grabbing to the Picture of YOU and my voice.. I am speaking as I am looking down at the Art Sketch paper.. What if I was born in a Noble family.. I would not be this hurt.. this hated.. this looked down.. But I am a son to the Low Born and I would cry bitterly and I sat next to the Bed of flowers.. I heard foot steps and my father came near me.. and stood next to me.. and told Me.. I should never talk like that.. Even a slave can have dreams.. even a Low Born Son can do something Big as long as I believe but tells me never to love YOU.. I just can't and I would be wiping my tears.. WHY can't I love CONG JU NIM.. why can't I love MAH MAH.. what is wrong with that.. why can't I just love.. and I sat down.. just crying and crying looking at the bed of flowers.. and I remember my Father turns and walks away.. I knew what he meant.. He was worried for me.. as I am looking on the ground.. these chains.. I guess this is what he meant not to Love YOU.. that I can be in trouble.. that there are something you must not cross because.. and I lift up my head and even though I am on my knees.. I would look and I look at YOU.. sitting next to Your Father.. and I opened my mouth.. CONG JU NIM.. AM I wrong to Love YOU.. I know by the law I am Not suppose too or it is by Death.. By loving YOU is Not a sin.. I should Not be blamed because it is I who loved YOU first.. I know I should of stopped when My father told me not to love YOU.. at the Garden.. I was by the bed of flowers.. I was crying.. looking at the flowers.. I thought it was going to give me the same smile that I saw YOU when YOU were at your Chamber.. outer court.. MAH MAH.. when I was sitting on the Horse.. with my father next to me.. I thought it was going to bring me the same kind of feeling.. but I could not find that kind of feeling or emotions at all.. so I cried knowing that only way is to start loving YOU.. maybe that is the only way.. and I just would tell my father.. I wanted to stop.. but I just can't.. and as much as it hurt me not listening.. he hurts me too.. so I kept on
Pls Staffs, you are so lazy, pls add Engsub . Thanks
Their videos lately don't have eng sub at all what tf is happening w treasure hunter?!?!?!
@@zeashaz like I said, lazy.