honestly, Anna may seem like a slave driver, but she only pushes Yoh so hard because she loves him, and the only way she knows to show it is to make sure he survives the tournament, and that means that he needs to train hard, so she drives him with the most grueling tasks she can think of, because she knows the danger he's facing and can't stand to lose him
wahhh... so beautiful !!! though they're not so romantic, i love ana and yoh sooo much !!! especially on how ana is concern to yoh !!! ~kya !!! u gotta love them ! xDD
I like this vis. a lot. I love Shaman King so much. I think Anna is so cool and I just love Yoh. The last episode was so cool and those are the best clips.
if i remember correctly, Hana means flower, but in this case the name Hana is a conjunction of Yoh and Anna...in japanese. *grins* i remember watching this every sunday when i was little, then they canceled it-Anna was my favortie character since she was the only girl in the anime that i saw. and that..well, she kicks yohs ass xD go AnnaxYoh 4 eva!!!
Great just can't get enoff of shaman king, ow and for the people who didn't knew, Takei is going to make a new Volume, Volume 33!!! Ow and if you want to sign our petition please do: type on google petitiononline shamnkng petition take the first link and scroll down on the forum until you see a link to petitiononline.
before this there was a naruto and hinata vid wit da same time and when hinata did this special justu at a certain poart of da song anna did the same thing 1:23 hinata did almost da same thing. but da naruto vid was made b4 dis but it got taken off and ppl reamde it. its weird
I love how even though they dont show it much, you know that yoh and anna love each other!
❤he hey hehehhejrhhrjehhhrhhrhdgdjehejehejekdkvdhrrkhehjejrheehe❤hhehrueuheuehhrjrhehururuejrhrujrjhrhr❤hrueheujjurjurruruueuuhrjhhrhhrjejrj❤8 erg erhvhjehejh8hrrjhjhrhjrrr8hr❤hrhehhuriejejuu❤hruruyeuruyء4یعءعءعجرعرعرھءءءع❤عگھععھععھھعھررھعجھھعجددچعھطع❤ھعھرجعھھھھرھھھعھءھعءھھعھھھجع طرھعھ طءععجعھرطھر❤ھ رجعت ءرییعءعءعیءءوءیءعءعءءعءءءءءءعیءعھععجھءءعیھییعیعی ھعگر❤عےرءگعءعجرگعءعگگرگرھعگرءعھگرھرھ3ءھھرھء❤ھععیءعءعءءرءءر4ءھررھءرءءعءعھعھع❤ےرءعھرجعطعھگرءعھءعھھھرءرھھھعھرھ❤ع ھعھعءعھعھعھ3ےرگگع❤گعگعءعءعءعےےرےرھعےےےءرگررھگرگر😂گعےرےےے3ے4ےے4ےےعگے4ےرےگگ4ے3ےھعگععگگرھ4ر عءءرجرججریرجریییریرییر ےعءےرے3ےعءعےےےعءعےےرءتعےتےگےءےےرےرےتےعےگگگر گرے ءرییعءعءعیءءوءیءعءعءءعءءءءءءعیءعھععجھءءعیھییعیعی عھعءءھ ھ عھرھگر❤طرطرھعھھرءرجطعھھرھ❤ے ءع3ےء3ءععءءعء3ءء3ء3ء4ءء3ء3ءء3ء3ء3ء4ءءے4ءےے4ےرءعھرھعھعھععگگعھگرر❤گرےعگعے3گ4ے3ھءعھھھھعگ4ھھرےھرءعھرھچر❤رے ےعگرءرگ3ء3ء3ھھ4ءھعگھعگگگھ4ت4ھ4گگعگرگ❤46ے34گگ4❤4ے37ء3ء4ےےعگعگعگ34ےگ3ھع❤ے4ے3گرگھھعھععجعدھعطھرھرھررھ4ھرھ4ھ3ءء4ء4ءء4ء4ء3ھھ4ءرےعبجشھدجفھطدد❤دجدطدبدطجدھدھرطدط
honestly, Anna may seem like a slave driver, but she only pushes Yoh so hard because she loves him, and the only way she knows to show it is to make sure he survives the tournament, and that means that he needs to train hard, so she drives him with the most grueling tasks she can think of, because she knows the danger he's facing and can't stand to lose him
take notes Sakura
Rodrigo Romero Sakura is bad herself, ya know
OH SHIT!! i watched this video 8 years ago, when i was just 13. I never thought I would see this video again.
the same here
I just subscribe cause why not heh.
Amazing AMV. I love this anime and they are the best couple
I love anna and yoh!!!, they are my favorite couple!and your amv was cute^^
Love the song, and your video! I also like Shaman King! Great job!
wahhh... so beautiful !!! though they're not so romantic, i love ana and yoh sooo much !!! especially on how ana is concern to yoh !!! ~kya !!! u gotta love them ! xDD
awesome man!~! i like it, dude!
I like this vis. a lot. I love Shaman King so much. I think Anna is so cool and I just love Yoh. The last episode was so cool and those are the best clips.
he termindo de ver este anime dos veces en ocaciones distintas y video como este me hacen querer verlo una vez mas esta genial te quedo super
17 years ago...
i love shaman king!!
Nostalgia brought me back
yeah this is great! love it
I miss them. I just wished that it had an anime part 2 huhu!
And now we have the reboot of Shaman King 2021 and then part 2 in the future based on original manga)
AnnaxYoh Forever!
Great Job! I love shaman king, the song and your Video ^^
AWSOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great vidoe and song !!!!! xD
this is soooo sweet!!
awesome video
Love the music , song !
How so? I thnk iz awesome!
Nice one!!!
Never take this down!!
Yay for the techno, this video rocks
I luv it Good Vid!!
I love sharman king!!!!!
Tht song really goes together with the video.
Can u do more sharman king videos? plz plz
no she end up with yoh and had a son named hana :)
awesome!!!!who sing this song??mix??
Well it's a good video. I would have preferred the original song, but it's still good.
i like it alot
They are perfectly Meant to be together !!
so cute Anna x yoh nice song
I love anna and yoh they are soo cute ♥♥♥
god video
if i remember correctly,
Hana means flower, but in this case the name Hana is a conjunction of Yoh and Anna...in japanese.
*grins* i remember watching this every sunday when i was little,
then they canceled it-Anna was my favortie character since she was the only girl in the anime that i saw.
and that..well, she kicks yohs ass xD go AnnaxYoh 4 eva!!!
i'm certain i'm the first person to come up with the couple anna x hot cocoa.
Wy u wanna use THAT version? Dis 1 way better.
1:19 the only scene i remember from the whole show
cool ...
I like this amv. Iz really awesome and i love this version more. I'm not a big fan of slow songs.
Anna . Yoh so cute .
lol ok!!! welche sprache schreibst du da eigendlich xD höhrt sich ähnlich an wie dutch
YohXAnna forever and cool I'm on deivantart.
2021 😌
Uh... Then won't she kill u? U wrote it, after all...
2021 remake!!!
thats a second season or sumthin???
shaman king was the show y did it have to end T_T it was one of the reasons i watched 4kids T_T
last episode of Shaman King which is 64
Great just can't get enoff of shaman king, ow and for the people who didn't knew, Takei is going to make a new Volume, Volume 33!!!
Ow and if you want to sign our petition please do:
type on google petitiononline shamnkng petition take the first link and scroll down on the forum until you see a link to petitiononline.
in naruto 2:54-3:10 the chakra is like shaman king in 2:16-2:32.
I think it's episode 64
yeah sure....
28 people were jealous that Yoh has Anna
And...HOW r they not gonna take offense in that?
yep but I couldn't find a roxette version of the song so I had to use this one
well when i made this amv i never watched the naruto x hinata and when i did I realized i kinda did xD
Episode 11 :)
does he become king!
Episode 9.
so you watch the video?
before this there was a naruto and hinata vid wit da same time and when hinata did this special justu at a certain poart of da song anna did the same thing 1:23 hinata did almost da same thing. but da naruto vid was made b4 dis but it got taken off and ppl reamde it. its weird
there heads are freakishly large
From wich episode is 0:28? Please answer
wich episode is this on 2:00 ?
@RevyTheQueen episode 7-13 in there
This pisses me off. I search for Listen to your Heart, and I get a thousand videos with the dht version. I guess I have to specify if I want Roxette.
xD welches eck? bei uns ists eigendlich nur bayrisch und fränkisch ^-^
What episode is at 2:18??
Ummm...But,that is what it says.
What episode is 1:46???
To bad that the anime never showed their backstory.
RickeGnool There is a drama cd
I like DHT version better, tho.
I though it was sparkle look into your heart lol
hol a csók a film végén?
does yoh and anna ever kiss????
shaman king, not sharman
@paolosantinocaoile 62-64
u kinda copied the naruto video naruto x hinata-listen to your haert
its wrong :D
What episode is 1:46 ???