1 IDK 2 not scary 3 asleep 4 I killed x 5 I forgot what it’s called 6 angry x 7 idk 8 videoup v2 9 helium 10 crazy diamond 11 crazy effect 12 weird code 13 group 14 idk 15 idk 16 idk 17 g major 74 18 clearer 19 idk 20 chorded 21 x is so weird 22 idk 23 idk 24 g major 73 25 videoup v7 26 videoup v8
RQ: alphabet lore but every seris change effect part 1 (Sad ending pls) 1. D major 2. My g major 4 3. V major 4. g major 54 5. G major 57 6. G major 3 7. g major 81 8. F major 9. 4ormaulator V9 10. Z major 11. G major 37 12. C major 13. Videoup v1 14. Z major 57 15. D major Vs G major 57 16. g Major 51 17. G major 399 18. 4ormulator V88 19. Weird code 20. I killed 21. Lost effect 22. E major 23. DMA 24. X major 25. DMA spilt g major 54 26. DMA spilt G major 81 27. G major 64.9 28. 4ormulator V89
Request: Alphabet Lore But Every Serie Changes Effect Part 4
3.Power Robot
5.Videoup V11
6.Videoup V12
9.Old G Major 100
10.New G-Major 100
11.4ormulator V17
12.4ormulator V18
13.4ormulator V21
14.4ormulator V12
15.Leafyormulator V1
16.Leafyormulator V2
17.G Major 16
18.G-Major 15
19.Cute X
20.U Major
23.Floating X
24.Electronic Sounds
25.Talking of Flutes
26.Jumbo Pictures Major
Finall part 4 alphabet lore funny sounds x effect in.
Request: (NEW EFFECT) The Tree is Hungry! In Your/MS1001LVEOT Studios's Round 172 1st Ordinary Effect
How to make:
Video: Radioup V3.NONE + Stereoup V4.NONE + Batteryup V3.NONE + Stereoup V3.NONE + Audioup V13.NONE + Audioup V14.NONE + Radioup V23.NONE + Radioup V1.NONE + Videoup V5 + Videoup V8.NONE + Videoup V38.NONE + TV Starter + Videoup V115.NONE + NSWIDTX Without Flip + Helium Clearer
Audio: Weird Code + 4ormulator V5 + X is so Weird + What happened to X? + Floomer.NONE + Talking Voices + Clearer + Confusion + Wavey X + Reversed + Kuba9000's Videoup V8 + WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH X?!?! + Trackup V1.NONE + Weird Clearer but Keys are Videoup V10 but add 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 13rd, 14th, 15th, 16th, 18th, 19th, 21st, 22nd, 24th & 25th and Added Reverb only with Bandwidth Maximum & Modulator Pitch Shift +1075
2 not scary
3 asleep
4 I killed x
5 I forgot what it’s called
6 angry x
7 idk
8 videoup v2
9 helium
10 crazy diamond
11 crazy effect
12 weird code
13 group
14 idk
15 idk
16 idk
17 g major 74
18 clearer
19 idk
20 chorded
21 x is so weird
22 idk
23 idk
24 g major 73
25 videoup v7
26 videoup v8
5 is kyoobur9000’s i killed
1.videoup v115
15.left mirror
RQ: alphabet lore but every seris change effect part 1 (Sad ending pls)
1. D major
2. My g major 4
3. V major
4. g major 54
5. G major 57
6. G major 3
7. g major 81
8. F major
9. 4ormaulator V9
10. Z major
11. G major 37
12. C major
13. Videoup v1
14. Z major 57
15. D major Vs G major 57
16. g Major 51
17. G major 399
18. 4ormulator V88
19. Weird code
20. I killed
21. Lost effect
22. E major
23. DMA
24. X major
25. DMA spilt g major 54
26. DMA spilt G major 81
27. G major 64.9
28. 4ormulator V89
Now I'm love that
2:45 OoOoOoOoOoOo
0:18 1:53 0:00 1:31