and before i forget guess who is a great friend of mine haa haa i had him in newyork can you imagine what i did with him riccardo brazzale me and susi are even mentioned in the book he wrote
ok ok let,s expand your knowledge again i think your new song is GREAT should be a big hit allthough i dunno if top of charts is a concern to you ok lets go back song the HOLLIES long tall woman in a black dress try it please
OHHH YAA justmightbe another special day if anyone can stop this rain,,,check this out ,,,made from very basic talent and a few instruments kinda cool jingle to it STEVE EARL COPPERHEAD ROAD
yo maan i need the lyrics for your new song ,i bet i have listened to it 20 times already and like i told you i am going threw all of your music ,,,friggin musical clark kent rite under my nose ewww ewww maaan
now this song energizes me straight away yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Lo abbiamo ospitato, intervistato. Buona visione.
also these songs might get a smile or laugh----------silver convention,,fly robin fly-----------also van Mcoy and pan,s do the hustle haa haa
and before i forget guess who is a great friend of mine haa haa i had him in newyork can you imagine what i did with him riccardo brazzale me and susi are even mentioned in the book he wrote
i see you man im working on you hee hee
ok ok let,s expand your knowledge again i think your new song is GREAT should be a big hit allthough i dunno if top of charts is a concern to you ok lets go back song the HOLLIES long tall woman in a black dress try it please
HAAA HAAA oh maan 5 eves and a venus we can work on that-- haa haa,, -
OHHH YAA justmightbe another special day if anyone can stop this rain,,,check this out ,,,made from very basic talent and a few instruments kinda cool jingle to it STEVE EARL COPPERHEAD ROAD
THEN WE WILLremember badfinger DAY AFTER DAY if you like
next up some female rockers
yo maan i need the lyrics for your new song ,i bet i have listened to it 20 times already and like i told you i am going threw all of your music ,,,friggin musical clark kent rite under my nose ewww ewww maaan