She is a professor, she and her husband are certainly well connected, they certainly have influence and the contacts to organize financial resources. Why didn't the two of them organize something to organize and provide the financial resources for kids so that they could take part in the qualification? Instead of using their influence to help promising young talent, these two have preferred to do everything they can to put themselves in the spotlight. They deserve every bit of backlash they get!
I just made essentially that comment but also included the reason why they didn't. If the talent pool was so small then why weren't the other potential competitors provided with grant money to attend the tryouts and been given a chance to qualify and had their passports paid for if successful so we could send the best person for the job? Dr Raydumb could of helped make that happen but she was too busy being a narcissistic woketard and trying to get selected to bring attention to how if "breaking were to be added to the Olympics it would then be institutionalised via the Olympics and place breaking in this nations hegemonic settler-colonial structures that rely upon racialised and gendered hierarchies." What a load of word salad bs and all spelt with the Americanised "Z" version of the words. But it essentially means she went out there to sabotage the whole bloody thing and make breaking look stupid. Or in other words, to break breakdancing. Well she certainly succeed in doing that.
I made essentially the same comment except included the reason why. If the talent pool was so small then why weren't the other potential competitors provided with grant money to attend the tryouts and been given a chance to qualify and had their passports paid for if successful so we could send the best person for the job? Dr Raydumb could of helped make that happen but she was too busy being a narcissistic woketard and trying to get selected to bring attention to how if "breaking were to be added to the Olympics it would then be institutionalised via the Olympics and place breaking in this nations hegemonic settler-colonial structures that rely upon racialised and gendered hierarchies." What a load of word salad bs and all spelt with the Americanised "Z" version of the words. But it essentially means she went out there to sabotage the whole bloody thing and make breaking look stupid. Or in other words, to break breakdancing. Well she certainly succeed in doing that.
I essentially made the same comment except included the reason why. If the talent pool was so small then why weren't the other potential competitors provided with grant money to attend the tryouts and been given a chance to qualify and had their passports paid for if successful so we could send the best person for the job? Dr Raydumb could of helped make that happen but she was too busy being a narcissistic woketard and trying to get selected to bring attention to how if "breaking were to be added to the Olympics it would then be institutionalised via the Olympics and place breaking in this nations hegemonic settler-colonial structures that rely upon racialised and gendered hierarchies." What a load of word salad bs and all spelt with the Americanised "Z" version of the words. But it essentially means she went out there to sabotage the whole bloody thing and make breaking look stupid. Or in other words, to break breakdancing. Well she certainly succeed in doing that.
I essentially made the same comment except included the reason why. If the talent pool was so small then why weren't the other potential competitors provided with grant money to attend the tryouts and been given a chance to qualify and had their passports paid for if successful so we could send the best person for the job? Dr Raydumb could of helped make that happen but she was too busy being a narcissistic woketard and trying to get selected to bring attention to how if "breaking were to be added to the Olympics it would then be institutionalised via the Olympics and place breaking in this nations hegemonic settler-colonial structures that rely upon racialised and gendered hierarchies." What a load of word salad bs and all spelt with the Americanised "Z" version of the words. But it essentially means she went out there to sabotage the whole bloody thing and make breaking look stupid. Or in other words, to break breakdancing. Well she certainly succeed in doing that.
She has a PHD in breakdancing. She is the epitome of the deterioration of university education. Many of the degrees given by Universities these days don’t result in readiness for purposeful employment. The University systems in the US in particular, need a decluttering. I raised my kids to know they would go to college because I worked so hard to obtain my masters degree. They ended up with more than a hundred thousand in loans making much less than that per year, despite being a physical therapist (doctoral) and a biomedical engineer. I am encouraging people to steer children toward the trades where they can make more with much less debt and less time to get there. I understand that it’s not just about what you make, it’s satisfaction and love of what you do. However, if you start out with overwhelming debt and need to take on extra work to dig out of it, your quality of life suffers.
thank you! I would expect someone who had a PhD in an art form to be a professional-level performer. A university degree in an art should represent you being the kind of person you would hire to fill a spot in a performance crew on short notice, counting they clearly have the skills to fit in with any crew of performers if they literally have a doctorate in art. They should be the equivalent of the "wrecking crew" of studio musicians that Phil Spectre used to make hits through the whole 70s and 80s, true professionals who have an academic and intellectual understanding of the art as well as physical skills.
That's a very well said but sad affair. I thought with those jobs that this would help with the offset of the fees? It's truly a shock how much they cost, the programming that is put into degrees now and the length of time it takes to complete them. When I was at university there was still a push on freedom of thought and discussion. I felt that ending when I was finishing up my degree. In Australia having a 'debt' system makes it easier to manage, but I cant imagine being in the US and having a huge debt to pay off that is accruing massive intrest, just to try to get 'ahead' in your education.
@@kaynemasters $100K for a doctorate isn't bad, but for PhTh? What's (s)he making now, about $60K/yr.? I can see anyone getting more than an MS in that field.
It's NOT a sport. How did she ruin it? OK so she came last. Someone still came first, second and third. Where are they? Why aren't we talking about them?
I don't think she did it to make a statement. I think that if any people really wanted to make a statement against breaking at the Olympics, then it was the jury members who deliberately put her through the qualification. I don't think Raygun had any interest in embarrassing herself like that. She certainly doesn’t want to be laughed at by her students!
Imagine a figure skater who can't do any jumps, just concentates on creativity and originality. Other figure skaters do triple Axels, but she shows up at the Olympics, showing us that she can drive backwards and easy spins, but keeps telling us "That's just my style!" It is ridiculous.
There's a certain confident bravado that many (but not all) breakers incorporate into their dance style that makes up their "battle persona", however, some people have it naturally and can pull it off (bgirl 671 for example), and some people don't.
This woman turned a whole new Olympic event into her personal social experiment. Idc if it was intentional or not. This is absolutely unforgivable. End of story.
She's not currently ranked in the Australian Breaking Association meaning she didn't compete at all this year and was visibly heavier than her competition videos. There have been plenty of heartwarming underdog stories at the Olympics but they were all humble.
I know they say Raygun qualified fairly. But I will never believe that. Something is wrong here. I hope that this matter is seriously investigated and that the error is corrected. Something went wrong somewhere, whether Raygun deliberately did something to win or not. There is something fishy about this!
@@Stumpybear7640 it's suspicious, but be aware that the global breaking community is quite small and many dancers will, to a certain extent, know most of the judges at the events that they enter. As a contender, it's in their interest to know who is judging them - if you know that some of the judges are unforgiving if a dancer crashes in a set, then keep it clean and don't do anything too risky. if you know that the majority of the judge's own dance styles are more musical than gymnastic power, then emphasise your reaction to the music. This applies all the way from the small grass-roots jams right up to the sponsored national and world championship competitions. Phil and Ami will have previously met the majority of those on the Olympic judging panel multiple times because they've all (i.e. the dancers and the judges) been active on the global scene for years. They might even be close friends with some of them. By having 5 or more judges from different crews and who have strengths in different aspects of the dance, any single advantage (e.g. a close friendship with a judge) shouldn't be too much of an influence in the result - of course, this can be exploited if there is corruption and it runs deep enough in a small enough scene like Australia.
@@Stumpybear7640 Friends hell, she's MARRIED to one of the judges. She's also the organizer of the group that selected the athlete () who would attend the olympics.
No problem with somebody being the worst in the field at the Olympics. Such as the Jamaican bobsled team. I only have a problem with the fact that there are obviously better competitors from Australia.
If the sports body in-charge agreed to pay for passport fees, none of this would of happened. Olympics is the best of the best, we clearly did not select our best and the whole selection for this event feels very shoddy. TV coverage replayed her performance over & over & over, with commentary being overly positive -- It sucked, don't sugar coat a turd!!
My whole problem with her is her skill level. If she's been breakdancing for more than a year, she should have far, FAR better moves than that. That is what makes me think she didn't take this seriously. I don't give a crap what her Intentions were, she should NEVER have gone out there like that. If she really 'studied' breakdancing and more importantly, Hip Hop, of which breaking is just ONE aspect of the entertainment part of the culture, then she would've, SHOULD'VE known better than that. I give her NO breaks 'absolutely no pun intended' for that creep show she put on. I take Hip Hop VERY seriously because of the hate it's been getting every since it was exposed to the world. Rappers experience it more because of the junk that gets played on the radio but it's everywhere on a smaller scale. She just makes it worse.
@@kaynemasters I'd hate to think that after, again, even ONE year that she only came up with that junk she did out there. I will have to see if she did better than elsewhere. If she did, which would indicate that she has more skill than she displayed, then she is dirt to me. For her to go out on the world stage and embarras her country like that, not to mention how she made Hip Hop look means that she doesn't take the culture itself seriously. We don't take that lightly. Which is why she's getting roasted like she is. And she deserves it. Hopefully it will teach her not to mock any aspects of our culture like that again.
@@dreddthaseeker6492 its hard for Aussies to accept that they are bad at anything sport related. (Australian breaking, especially female, is very very very undeveloped)
@@teamlazer that's sad considering how old this type of dancing is. In 50 years the rest of the world has produced amazing B girls. I know for a fact that there are B girls in Australia who have more skill than Ray. Now because of this we may never get to see them on a world stage. I hope I'm wrong. I hope that this will motivate them to not only get better but show the whole world that they are out here and got skillz.
@@dreddthaseeker6492 its just culture and statistics mate. Australia only has a population of 26 million people, divided across many states that are thousands of km apart. It's really hard for Aussies to get better, because they are all spread out. Further more, Aussie culture and Hiphop culture dont really go hand in hand, AT ALL. The only thing hiphop to come out of australia was iggy azalea, and we all know how that ended. So no public support = no money , no funding = less bboys / less bgirls. I'm sure there are other bgirls who would have get 6 better sets than raygun. But how could they aford to get through qualifiers, have a passport etc. None of that is rayguns fault.
12:53 I don't know. She was quite bad at breaking bevor the Olympics. What would that conversation be like? "Hey Raygun, you are already a quite bad breaker. Would you like to take it one step further and embarrass your country? I guess you'll turn into a meme, and people will hate you. Your students will laugh about you, and never again will they take you seriously. Would you like to do that to embarrass breaking, the sport that you love, in front of the world? She certainly didn't know how big it would be, but she would have known the direction. I don't think she did it to make a statement. I think that if any people really wanted to make a statement against breaking the Olympics, then it was the jury members who deliberately put her through the qualification. I don't think Raygun had any interest in embarrassing herself like that. She certainly doesn’t want to be laughed at by her students!
Well... just like the Turkish guy that got silver, no one knew who won gold. Raygun got last, no one talked about the winner. Like it or not, Australia's Break dancing scene will change forever.
not for the better...the entire world thinks the whole australian scene is a joke thanks to her...she single-handedly set the reputation of australian breakers back by 30 years
"no one talked about the winner." - not entirely true. Breakers all around the world were talking about Ami and Phil's achievement, however we are also counting the days before the Ray Gun memes lose steam and she fades out of the spotlight. I can't imagine the Australian breaking scene will want anything more to do with her. My main concern, especially with breaking already not being included in the 2028 LA Olympics, is whether her embarrassing sh*tshow will be on the minds of the selection committee for which sports are included in the 2032 Brisbane Olympics. Australia have an opportunity to right a wrong, but might take the easy option and just exclude it from 2032.
When I saw the acne scars in the closeup I knew it: She had some issues her youth and now she made it somehow to a cool community and is pointing her tongue towards her former classmates
Olympic level she was not. It was a bad showing. End of. Her and her husband/coach didn’t take the Olympics seriously. Being delusional or crying victim won’t change that.
She ruined the olympics. Real athletes in the Olympics have been overshadowed. Except maybe the target shooter. This nonsense should have been stopped in Australia before she got out. Her PHD seems worthless.
Please. 37 years old's are logistically more capable than twenty year olds. She knew she was being opportunistic. Stop covering up for your con artists.
Her husband was a judge in multiple events. But I can’t confirm if he was involved in selection for the olympics. There’s footages of him as a judge. Also saw him in some event as a judge in Sydney also.
According to some of the videos a month ago, he was a judge who helped select his wife, then was assigned a coaching job so he too could go to Paris at the expense of Aussie taxpayers.
@@indy_go_blue6048 I can’t confirmed on that, but she won her other comps because of her husband in the panel . That’s why shes recognised due to winning the other small events which a lot people don’t complain because they scared to be ban from the community or sabotages they performance. The community is not baking her . Is only her team with connections.
I guess anyone who gets harassed on or off the floor, because of a certain Australian B-Girl. You could call it being Rayguned. Yes it’s put Breaking front and centre, but in a bad light. It’s made people make a mockery of Breaking, I think it could have been an Olympic event, it’s more entertaining than climbing. As each B-Girl, B-Boy will have totally different moves. And some are truly amazing to watch. If someone didn’t like having Europeans doing a sport, or Breaking you don’t go in it and make a mockery of it. Because in some ways Rachel mocked the youth that started Breaking. Nobody cares about the medal winners, only one that didn’t get a point. Not even the B-Boy from Down Under has been on a TV show that I know, and at least he got a point at least. The winners aren’t being interviewed and talked about. That’s also not good for an unknown sort of sport. Will people not take it up because of, one person, it seems people are already being ridiculed because of this same person. And I don’t think the tint, tone of skin, or ethnicity will stop people from being cruel. If Rachel really believed that, why didn’t she add it to her statement that white people can’t Break. Or shouldn’t.
@@LaraSirena93I noticed that as well. The other performances had so much more skill but this one surprisingly didn't. That's how we know something isn't right
@@kaynemasters I think the most probable case is that she knew she was painfully outmatched, tried to be extra original and give her performance an Australian flair and it didn’t translate. I feel for her because she just showed up and did her thing had fun, and the internet decided to pile on her. She is not the first or last athlete in the Olympics to be awfully outmatched since the Olympics take care to have diversity in the contestants and representation of all continental zones. And no one cares to explain that the scoring is comparative and not qualitative. 0 does not mean that the judges hated her, it means that her opponents were overall better in the eyes of all judges. She went against logisticx sissy and nicka who are among the top 8 in the world consistently.
I don't think she did it to make a statement. I think that if any people really wanted to make a statement against breaking the Olympics, then it was the jury members who deliberately put her through the qualification. I don't think Raygun had any interest in embarrassing herself like that. She certainly doesn’t want to be laughed at by her students!
There is a idiotic novice way of doing the kangaroo dance move and the professional breakdancing way to do that, any one who watch her breakdance knows she is a novice that's why she scored zeros all the way
Sam Free and her were in a bubble. If you watch him you can see she mimics his whole cringe style. Honestly the worst 'dancing' I have ever seen. I have only ever got the same awkward feeling when watching them both.
Nice video, great that you debunked the myths. But shame that you jumped on the "popular opinion" boat though. I think if you are going to try to talk about how somebody thinks about something, you need to talk more of their personal context, rather than trying to view it through your own eyes. If she really knew she was taking the piss to protest, thats a pretty bold move, and she would be aware of the hate to follow, a person of that level awareness would have owned it, and self-promoted her point of view after. We don't see that. We see a lady that's trying to smile (its a fake smile, you call it smirking, maybe shes fake smiling cos shes sad?). Here's some facts for you: - Breaking has had zero mainstream coverage in Australia until now. Its underground. Have you ever been to a breaking tournament before? I'd be highly surprised if you have. - Being australian, I'm sure you would agree, hiphop culture doesnt exactly fit the Aussie norm. - The breaking community in Australia is very supportive and very friendly. I can tell you factually that she's supported by the sydney breaking community (who i know personally). - She and her husband are known for their 'quirky' style, they do this sort of thing regularly, and it is not cancelled in the community. - Australia's "give it a fair go" culture only applies when that person doesn't represent australia, and is actually really good. - She's an academic, academics, aren't usually that great at understanding how the real-world works. So given those facts. Let me suggest an alternative narrative. Why do people join non-mainstream communities? It's usually because they are a bit different, and like the acceptance they find from non-mainstream places. Assuming this is true (which it is), taking into account that people within breaking, a sub-culture and has never had to deal with mainstream critique in Australia - don't you think that it's entirely more likely that a person thrust into mainstream limelight for the very first time, with zero experience getting harsh critique previously - perhaps made some genuinely naive decisions on what moves to do? I'll also say that breaking isn't a dance or sport - It's a sub-culture - it was originally a way for street kids to do something positive instead of getting into crime and gangs. So participation was always encouraged, no matter skill level. It's about 'representing' and having a voice. All the gesturing and pointing to the emblem and cocky stances, are normal in breaking - people do that no matter the skill. Also contrary to what the general public believes, that "big acrobatic power moves" gets higher points, actually in the community power moves are not scored that highly. Raygun is not that athletic, but has gotten through showcasing "style" (it's her own style and not for everyone, sure). In breaking, you can win battles like that. The truth is that Australian breaking wasn't ready for the olympics. The community in each city only has a few hundred serious participants, many of whom can't afford to travel interstate to enter comps which have tiny prize pools (as there is no sponsorship and no funding) . Aussies don't like it very much when aussie isn't good at sport, so everyone assumes that she took away the opportunity of someone far better - there isn't anyone far better (especially given constraints of Olympic approved qualifiers - passport, money, travel, joining bodies etc) - this is simply what happens when you take something that isn't understood, and isn't very developed and thrust it into the limelight. Thank you for reading. lol
It was performative art in the sense of 'IM A TREE, NOW IM A KANGAROO 'basically lefty dribble. I say that because i believe thats the angle she was coming or 'is ' coming from.
It's a shock isn't it. Check out my latest video where I react to her first interview. Which you can check out right here:видео.html
Please watch Spidey's analysis on that! He has made 3 videos about Raygun, and all 3 are fantastic. The last ist about the interview she did 2 days ago, and her behavior says a lot.
Rachael Gunn is an inspiring woman who is Australia's most accomplished competitive female breaker, with a world ranking of 64 and multiple Australian championship titles under her belt. Her critics are morons, driven entirely by their limbic systems, and unable to engage their higher cognitive functions. Australia's competitive female breaking scene is tiny, with only about 30 competitors in the entire nation. Australian breaking has no funding and no institutional support. It's not as though the Australian Institute of Sport is funding young Australians to develop their breaking skills over many years until they reach the most elite level of the world breaking scene. It's a tiny sport that isn't resourced, isn't supported by large organizations. Stop comparing the level of ability of Australians in much better resourced sports with the level of ability of Australia's female breakers. If the sport is to become competitive at world championship level it's going to need a vast amount of help and time. Stop blaming Rachael Gunn for systemic and cultural issues that are not her fault and that she cannot control. Engage your executive abilities for once in your lives and think. Please learn how to think.
We can keep blaming her for being completely clueless though! Surely she knew her performance was going to be judged pretty harshly! She didn't even attempt to take it seriously, so was she saying Australian break dancing is a joke? Not a good way to get extra funding and/or support...
Has Ray"TheSlug"Gun quit breaking, or is she planning on a gig at the Brisbane Olympics in 32 haha. She will only be 44, with a bit of practice, i think she can win gold.
So her privileged life made her „the best“ b-girl of Australia 🥸. Could have been the chance to SUPPORT the real and good breakdancing enthusiasts that don’t come from such a privileged place 😔
Subscribe here for more !
She is a professor, she and her husband are certainly well connected, they certainly have influence and the contacts to organize financial resources. Why didn't the two of them organize something to organize and provide the financial resources for kids so that they could take part in the qualification?
Instead of using their influence to help promising young talent, these two have preferred to do everything they can to put themselves in the spotlight. They deserve every bit of backlash they get!
I just made essentially that comment but also included the reason why they didn't.
If the talent pool was so small then why weren't the other potential competitors provided with grant money to attend the tryouts and been given a chance to qualify and had their passports paid for if successful so we could send the best person for the job? Dr Raydumb could of helped make that happen but she was too busy being a narcissistic woketard and trying to get selected to bring attention to how if
"breaking were to be added to the Olympics it would then be institutionalised via the Olympics and place breaking in this nations hegemonic settler-colonial structures that rely upon racialised and gendered hierarchies."
What a load of word salad bs and all spelt with the Americanised "Z" version of the words. But it essentially means she went out there to sabotage the whole bloody thing and make breaking look stupid. Or in other words, to break breakdancing. Well she certainly succeed in doing that.
This. This this THIS!
I made essentially the same comment except included the reason why.
If the talent pool was so small then why weren't the other potential competitors provided with grant money to attend the tryouts and been given a chance to qualify and had their passports paid for if successful so we could send the best person for the job? Dr Raydumb could of helped make that happen but she was too busy being a narcissistic woketard and trying to get selected to bring attention to how if
"breaking were to be added to the Olympics it would then be institutionalised via the Olympics and place breaking in this nations hegemonic settler-colonial structures that rely upon racialised and gendered hierarchies."
What a load of word salad bs and all spelt with the Americanised "Z" version of the words. But it essentially means she went out there to sabotage the whole bloody thing and make breaking look stupid. Or in other words, to break breakdancing. Well she certainly succeed in doing that.
I essentially made the same comment except included the reason why.
If the talent pool was so small then why weren't the other potential competitors provided with grant money to attend the tryouts and been given a chance to qualify and had their passports paid for if successful so we could send the best person for the job? Dr Raydumb could of helped make that happen but she was too busy being a narcissistic woketard and trying to get selected to bring attention to how if
"breaking were to be added to the Olympics it would then be institutionalised via the Olympics and place breaking in this nations hegemonic settler-colonial structures that rely upon racialised and gendered hierarchies."
What a load of word salad bs and all spelt with the Americanised "Z" version of the words. But it essentially means she went out there to sabotage the whole bloody thing and make breaking look stupid. Or in other words, to break breakdancing. Well she certainly succeed in doing that.
I essentially made the same comment except included the reason why.
If the talent pool was so small then why weren't the other potential competitors provided with grant money to attend the tryouts and been given a chance to qualify and had their passports paid for if successful so we could send the best person for the job? Dr Raydumb could of helped make that happen but she was too busy being a narcissistic woketard and trying to get selected to bring attention to how if
"breaking were to be added to the Olympics it would then be institutionalised via the Olympics and place breaking in this nations hegemonic settler-colonial structures that rely upon racialised and gendered hierarchies."
What a load of word salad bs and all spelt with the Americanised "Z" version of the words. But it essentially means she went out there to sabotage the whole bloody thing and make breaking look stupid. Or in other words, to break breakdancing. Well she certainly succeed in doing that.
She has a PHD in breakdancing. She is the epitome of the deterioration of university education. Many of the degrees given by Universities these days don’t result in readiness for purposeful employment. The University systems in the US in particular, need a decluttering. I raised my kids to know they would go to college because I worked so hard to obtain my masters degree. They ended up with more than a hundred thousand in loans making much less than that per year, despite being a physical therapist (doctoral) and a biomedical engineer. I am encouraging people to steer children toward the trades where they can make more with much less debt and less time to get there. I understand that it’s not just about what you make, it’s satisfaction and love of what you do. However, if you start out with overwhelming debt and need to take on extra work to dig out of it, your quality of life suffers.
thank you! I would expect someone who had a PhD in an art form to be a professional-level performer. A university degree in an art should represent you being the kind of person you would hire to fill a spot in a performance crew on short notice, counting they clearly have the skills to fit in with any crew of performers if they literally have a doctorate in art. They should be the equivalent of the "wrecking crew" of studio musicians that Phil Spectre used to make hits through the whole 70s and 80s, true professionals who have an academic and intellectual understanding of the art as well as physical skills.
I also have a PhD in breakdancing.. I saw Breakin' and Breakin' 2 in the theater... I studied under Professors Ozone and Turbo...😁
@@petersarubbi 🤣🤣🤣
That's a very well said but sad affair. I thought with those jobs that this would help with the offset of the fees? It's truly a shock how much they cost, the programming that is put into degrees now and the length of time it takes to complete them. When I was at university there was still a push on freedom of thought and discussion. I felt that ending when I was finishing up my degree. In Australia having a 'debt' system makes it easier to manage, but I cant imagine being in the US and having a huge debt to pay off that is accruing massive intrest, just to try to get 'ahead' in your education.
@@kaynemasters $100K for a doctorate isn't bad, but for PhTh? What's (s)he making now, about $60K/yr.? I can see anyone getting more than an MS in that field.
It was absolutely abhorrent. No sugar coating it!!
That woman was a joke She ruined the sport for everyone.
That was the woketards intention. 🤬
Sport? Hardly.
@@indy_go_blue6048 Not the way she does it. 😂🤣
It's NOT a sport. How did she ruin it? OK so she came last. Someone still came first, second and third. Where are they? Why aren't we talking about them?
the irony of her colonizing breakdancing to prove colonialism is bad
i made this comment before i got to that part in the video 🤣
@@tabalitigi 😂😂😂 Thank you for the subscription
haha exactly. It's irony at it's finest
I don't think she did it to make a statement.
I think that if any people really wanted to make a statement against breaking at the Olympics, then it was the jury members who deliberately put her through the qualification.
I don't think Raygun had any interest in embarrassing herself like that.
She certainly doesn’t want to be laughed at by her students!
go away you gronk , colonising ? 🤣
She definitely knew what she was doing. It was obvious...
She definitely scammed her way to France 2024 Olympics for sure and she can't break dance at all an embarrassing to our Country !!!
Imagine a figure skater who can't do any jumps, just concentates on creativity and originality.
Other figure skaters do triple Axels, but she shows up at the Olympics, showing us that she can drive backwards and easy spins, but keeps telling us "That's just my style!"
It is ridiculous.
She even yawned at one point. She just makes fun of the sport.
It did seem strange didnt it
@@kaynemasters yes
She thought she was being a cool street girl by dissing the other opponents. Pathetic.
@@davidwilliams7552 exactly
There's a certain confident bravado that many (but not all) breakers incorporate into their dance style that makes up their "battle persona", however, some people have it naturally and can pull it off (bgirl 671 for example), and some people don't.
This woman turned a whole new Olympic event into her personal social experiment. Idc if it was intentional or not. This is absolutely unforgivable. End of story.
shes a victim of the Dunning Krueger effect
I did a performance like hers once, when I had a kidney stone...
I heard they make you move like crazy to get one out 😂
@@kaynemasters They make you move like crazy to try to relieve the pain, so... yeh.
I feel you on that one! Ouch!
That Homer spin on the floor move is called the Kidney Spin! 😂
PHD in breaking told me everything I needed to know.
Great production, thanks for putting this together! Can't wait for more videos
Thank you sir! Appreciate the support
Academia is a scam these days.
She's not currently ranked in the Australian Breaking Association meaning she didn't compete at all this year and was visibly heavier than her competition videos. There have been plenty of heartwarming underdog stories at the Olympics but they were all humble.
I know they say Raygun qualified fairly. But I will never believe that. Something is wrong here. I hope that this matter is seriously investigated and that the error is corrected. Something went wrong somewhere, whether Raygun deliberately did something to win or not. There is something fishy about this!
Imo she was friends with at least one of the qualifier judges.
@@Stumpybear7640 it's suspicious, but be aware that the global breaking community is quite small and many dancers will, to a certain extent, know most of the judges at the events that they enter.
As a contender, it's in their interest to know who is judging them - if you know that some of the judges are unforgiving if a dancer crashes in a set, then keep it clean and don't do anything too risky. if you know that the majority of the judge's own dance styles are more musical than gymnastic power, then emphasise your reaction to the music.
This applies all the way from the small grass-roots jams right up to the sponsored national and world championship competitions. Phil and Ami will have previously met the majority of those on the Olympic judging panel multiple times because they've all (i.e. the dancers and the judges) been active on the global scene for years. They might even be close friends with some of them.
By having 5 or more judges from different crews and who have strengths in different aspects of the dance, any single advantage (e.g. a close friendship with a judge) shouldn't be too much of an influence in the result - of course, this can be exploited if there is corruption and it runs deep enough in a small enough scene like Australia.
@@Stumpybear7640 Friends hell, she's MARRIED to one of the judges. She's also the organizer of the group that selected the athlete () who would attend the olympics.
Not an athlete, just an liberal academic
The best in Australia too
@@kaynemastersA w e s o m e 😂😂😂
Someone is the best ice skater in Saudi Arabia. Start the 2028 Winter Olympics countdown now!
It’s a stretch to use the word academic and raygun in the same sentence, you’re do a phd in dog excrement and hers isn’t much better
No problem with somebody being the worst in the field at the Olympics. Such as the Jamaican bobsled team.
I only have a problem with the fact that there are obviously better competitors from Australia.
Exactly, and in her new interview she somehow believes shes the best breakdancer in australia...
You don't go to the Olympic and say lets go and have a go. What a joke .
Exactly. It's about the most highly Skilled athletes competing. Not having a go
If the sports body in-charge agreed to pay for passport fees, none of this would of happened. Olympics is the best of the best, we clearly did not select our best and the whole selection for this event feels very shoddy. TV coverage replayed her performance over & over & over, with commentary being overly positive -- It sucked, don't sugar coat a turd!!
Shes gatekeeping her gentrification
My whole problem with her is her skill level. If she's been breakdancing for more than a year, she should have far, FAR better moves than that. That is what makes me think she didn't take this seriously. I don't give a crap what her Intentions were, she should NEVER have gone out there like that. If she really 'studied' breakdancing and more importantly, Hip Hop, of which breaking is just ONE aspect of the entertainment part of the culture, then she would've, SHOULD'VE known better than that. I give her NO breaks 'absolutely no pun intended' for that creep show she put on.
I take Hip Hop VERY seriously because of the hate it's been getting every since it was exposed to the world. Rappers experience it more because of the junk that gets played on the radio but it's everywhere on a smaller scale. She just makes it worse.
I think she was breaking for over 7 or 8 years
@@kaynemasters I'd hate to think that after, again, even ONE year that she only came up with that junk she did out there. I will have to see if she did better than elsewhere. If she did, which would indicate that she has more skill than she displayed, then she is dirt to me. For her to go out on the world stage and embarras her country like that, not to mention how she made Hip Hop look means that she doesn't take the culture itself seriously. We don't take that lightly. Which is why she's getting roasted like she is. And she deserves it. Hopefully it will teach her not to mock any aspects of our culture like that again.
@@dreddthaseeker6492 its hard for Aussies to accept that they are bad at anything sport related.
(Australian breaking, especially female, is very very very undeveloped)
@@teamlazer that's sad considering how old this type of dancing is. In 50 years the rest of the world has produced amazing B girls. I know for a fact that there are B girls in Australia who have more skill than Ray. Now because of this we may never get to see them on a world stage. I hope I'm wrong. I hope that this will motivate them to not only get better but show the whole world that they are out here and got skillz.
@@dreddthaseeker6492 its just culture and statistics mate. Australia only has a population of 26 million people, divided across many states that are thousands of km apart. It's really hard for Aussies to get better, because they are all spread out. Further more, Aussie culture and Hiphop culture dont really go hand in hand, AT ALL. The only thing hiphop to come out of australia was iggy azalea, and we all know how that ended.
So no public support = no money , no funding = less bboys / less bgirls.
I'm sure there are other bgirls who would have get 6 better sets than raygun. But how could they aford to get through qualifiers, have a passport etc. None of that is rayguns fault.
12:53 I don't know. She was quite bad at breaking bevor the Olympics.
What would that conversation be like?
"Hey Raygun, you are already a quite bad breaker. Would you like to take it one step further and embarrass your country? I guess you'll turn into a meme, and people will hate you. Your students will laugh about you, and never again will they take you seriously. Would you like to do that to embarrass breaking, the sport that you love, in front of the world?
She certainly didn't know how big it would be, but she would have known the direction.
I don't think she did it to make a statement.
I think that if any people really wanted to make a statement against breaking the Olympics, then it was the jury members who deliberately put her through the qualification.
I don't think Raygun had any interest in embarrassing herself like that.
She certainly doesn’t want to be laughed at by her students!
Well... just like the Turkish guy that got silver, no one knew who won gold. Raygun got last, no one talked about the winner. Like it or not, Australia's Break dancing scene will change forever.
That's so true. No one even thought about the guy that got gold, we were all so focused on him instead. She is going to be massive here in Australia
not for the better...the entire world thinks the whole australian scene is a joke thanks to her...she single-handedly set the reputation of australian breakers back by 30 years
Phil Wizard and Ami Yuasa won gold medals, and they were awesome!
"no one talked about the winner." - not entirely true. Breakers all around the world were talking about Ami and Phil's achievement, however we are also counting the days before the Ray Gun memes lose steam and she fades out of the spotlight. I can't imagine the Australian breaking scene will want anything more to do with her.
My main concern, especially with breaking already not being included in the 2028 LA Olympics, is whether her embarrassing sh*tshow will be on the minds of the selection committee for which sports are included in the 2032 Brisbane Olympics. Australia have an opportunity to right a wrong, but might take the easy option and just exclude it from 2032.
When I saw the acne scars in the closeup I knew it: She had some issues her youth and now she made it somehow to a cool community and is pointing her tongue towards her former classmates
That too. She's such a huge poser! 😂
Great summary of the whole Ray Gun the dancer that break the internet, She is a living meme now😂
Thank you, appreciate your support!
Hey Australia the next time get a person who knows how to break dance. A PHD in scamming does not work. 😂
Ah, we will try again 😂
She is the worst so called break dancer I have ever seen to call her a break dancer is a insult to the sport what a joke 😂😂
Great content!
Thank you!
Olympic level she was not. It was a bad showing. End of. Her and her husband/coach didn’t take the Olympics seriously. Being delusional or crying victim won’t change that.
Great work bro
Very astute analysis
Thank you!
Hard to believe in ALL of Australia 'the best' is someone stealing moves from a Geriatric Kangaroo.
THAAAAAANK YOU!!! BEEN saying it from the beginning. A damn gym teacher😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
If she qualified fairly, well that is even more concerning than if she scammed.
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂is this a REAL question? She and her husband need to be held accountable for what they took away from REAL dancers
So I take it that the only bigger joke than her performance was the selection process.
She ruined the olympics. Real athletes in the Olympics have been overshadowed. Except maybe the target shooter. This nonsense should have been stopped in Australia before she got out. Her PHD seems worthless.
Please. 37 years old's are logistically more capable than twenty year olds. She knew she was being opportunistic. Stop covering up for your con artists.
Her husband was a judge in multiple events. But I can’t confirm if he was involved in selection for the olympics.
There’s footages of him as a judge. Also saw him in some event as a judge in Sydney also.
According to some of the videos a month ago, he was a judge who helped select his wife, then was assigned a coaching job so he too could go to Paris at the expense of Aussie taxpayers.
@@indy_go_blue6048 I can’t confirmed on that, but she won her other comps because of her husband in the panel . That’s why shes recognised due to winning the other small events which a lot people don’t complain because they scared to be ban from the community or sabotages they performance. The community is not baking her . Is only her team with connections.
I guess anyone who gets harassed on or off the floor, because of a certain Australian B-Girl. You could call it being Rayguned. Yes it’s put Breaking front and centre, but in a bad light. It’s made people make a mockery of Breaking, I think it could have been an Olympic event, it’s more entertaining than climbing. As each B-Girl, B-Boy will have totally different moves. And some are truly amazing to watch.
If someone didn’t like having Europeans doing a sport, or Breaking you don’t go in it and make a mockery of it. Because in some ways Rachel mocked the youth that started Breaking. Nobody cares about the medal winners, only one that didn’t get a point. Not even the B-Boy from Down Under has been on a TV show that I know, and at least he got a point at least. The winners aren’t being interviewed and talked about. That’s also not good for an unknown sort of sport. Will people not take it up because of, one person, it seems people are already being ridiculed because of this same person. And I don’t think the tint, tone of skin, or ethnicity will stop people from being cruel.
If Rachel really believed that, why didn’t she add it to her statement that white people can’t Break. Or shouldn’t.
She is now considered the world's number 1 in break dancing apparently.
Honestly I’m here for a Raygun interview, we need to hear her side. She did better than I could and I kinda love the meme dancing lol
Your right the dancing was pretty memeable. I'd love to get an interview with her, Ill be breaking down her interview when she releases one
Raydumb look like an Old woman trying to get up off the floor she looked like my 83year old mother-in-law she can get up quicker off the floor
😂 She must be training hard!
I haven't seen that dancing in NYC since the 80s. I didn't know it was this big in Australia?😅😂
Love this take, all her other videos she’s showing atleast SOME level of skill so.. what’s up with the Olympics performance?
@@LaraSirena93I noticed that as well. The other performances had so much more skill but this one surprisingly didn't. That's how we know something isn't right
I think the most probable case is that she knew she was painfully outmatched, tried to be extra original and give her performance an Australian flair and it didn’t translate.
I feel for her because she just showed up and did her thing had fun, and the internet decided to pile on her.
She is not the first or last athlete in the Olympics to be awfully outmatched since the Olympics take care to have diversity in the contestants and representation of all continental zones.
And no one cares to explain that the scoring is comparative and not qualitative.
0 does not mean that the judges hated her, it means that her opponents were overall better in the eyes of all judges.
She went against logisticx sissy and nicka who are among the top 8 in the world consistently.
I don't think she did it to make a statement.
I think that if any people really wanted to make a statement against breaking the Olympics, then it was the jury members who deliberately put her through the qualification.
I don't think Raygun had any interest in embarrassing herself like that.
She certainly doesn’t want to be laughed at by her students!
Her movie “Un-Cool Runnings” will hit theaters late 2025.
A very interesting perspective.
What would anybody else know about brake dancing.... She's probably the only professor in the sport in the world. 😂
There is a idiotic novice way of doing the kangaroo dance move and the professional breakdancing way to do that, any one who watch her breakdance knows she is a novice that's why she scored zeros all the way
Why is the audience & other breakers not reacting while watching this. Their faces are straight n serious.
Sam Free and her were in a bubble. If you watch him you can see she mimics his whole cringe style. Honestly the worst 'dancing' I have ever seen. I have only ever got the same awkward feeling when watching them both.
Nice video, great that you debunked the myths. But shame that you jumped on the "popular opinion" boat though. I think if you are going to try to talk about how somebody thinks about something, you need to talk more of their personal context, rather than trying to view it through your own eyes.
If she really knew she was taking the piss to protest, thats a pretty bold move, and she would be aware of the hate to follow, a person of that level awareness would have owned it, and self-promoted her point of view after. We don't see that. We see a lady that's trying to smile (its a fake smile, you call it smirking, maybe shes fake smiling cos shes sad?).
Here's some facts for you:
- Breaking has had zero mainstream coverage in Australia until now. Its underground. Have you ever been to a breaking tournament before? I'd be highly surprised if you have.
- Being australian, I'm sure you would agree, hiphop culture doesnt exactly fit the Aussie norm.
- The breaking community in Australia is very supportive and very friendly. I can tell you factually that she's supported by the sydney breaking community (who i know personally).
- She and her husband are known for their 'quirky' style, they do this sort of thing regularly, and it is not cancelled in the community.
- Australia's "give it a fair go" culture only applies when that person doesn't represent australia, and is actually really good.
- She's an academic, academics, aren't usually that great at understanding how the real-world works.
So given those facts. Let me suggest an alternative narrative.
Why do people join non-mainstream communities? It's usually because they are a bit different, and like the acceptance they find from non-mainstream places. Assuming this is true (which it is), taking into account that people within breaking, a sub-culture and has never had to deal with mainstream critique in Australia - don't you think that it's entirely more likely that a person thrust into mainstream limelight for the very first time, with zero experience getting harsh critique previously - perhaps made some genuinely naive decisions on what moves to do?
I'll also say that breaking isn't a dance or sport - It's a sub-culture - it was originally a way for street kids to do something positive instead of getting into crime and gangs. So participation was always encouraged, no matter skill level. It's about 'representing' and having a voice. All the gesturing and pointing to the emblem and cocky stances, are normal in breaking - people do that no matter the skill. Also contrary to what the general public believes, that "big acrobatic power moves" gets higher points, actually in the community power moves are not scored that highly. Raygun is not that athletic, but has gotten through showcasing "style" (it's her own style and not for everyone, sure). In breaking, you can win battles like that.
The truth is that Australian breaking wasn't ready for the olympics. The community in each city only has a few hundred serious participants, many of whom can't afford to travel interstate to enter comps which have tiny prize pools (as there is no sponsorship and no funding) . Aussies don't like it very much when aussie isn't good at sport, so everyone assumes that she took away the opportunity of someone far better - there isn't anyone far better (especially given constraints of Olympic approved qualifiers - passport, money, travel, joining bodies etc) - this is simply what happens when you take something that isn't understood, and isn't very developed and thrust it into the limelight.
Thank you for reading. lol
It was performative art in the sense of 'IM A TREE, NOW IM A KANGAROO 'basically lefty dribble. I say that because i believe thats the angle she was coming or 'is ' coming from.
There are videos of her husband judging her contests
She won by default ,in other words it was fixed before the event had taken place. DEI medal.
Disappointing?? We the audience are disappointed of the Olympic and Australian Olympic committee
It's a shock isn't it. Check out my latest video where I react to her first interview. Which you can check out right here:видео.html
Please watch Spidey's analysis on that! He has made 3 videos about Raygun, and all 3 are fantastic. The last ist about the interview she did 2 days ago, and her behavior says a lot.
Spot on m8
It was a mistake from get go. The whole thing 😂😂😂😂😂
Potato 😂 her performance is entertaining at least. Not in a good way unfortunately
Haha, thats true. She was truly entertaining
It looks like all Raygun wanted was status and reputation from participating in Olympic which was very selfish move~~~~
It shows some narcissisms
I deleted my last comment because my thought proess was as dumb as that lady's routine, and for that i deserve capital punishment! 😂
She's a soccer mom at best. B-girl thing is so freaking stupid,,
Geez! Now I'm starting to feel sorry for her. Can we say something nice about her, for a change? I think Dr. Raygunn has some really nice cakes!
she said best break dancer female 2.00min
Aussie Aussie Aussie!
Oi Oi Oi!
Straya is making waves for all the wrong reasons 🦘
Wild 😂
Rachael Gunn is an inspiring woman who is Australia's most accomplished competitive female breaker, with a world ranking of 64 and multiple Australian championship titles under her belt. Her critics are morons, driven entirely by their limbic systems, and unable to engage their higher cognitive functions. Australia's competitive female breaking scene is tiny, with only about 30 competitors in the entire nation. Australian breaking has no funding and no institutional support. It's not as though the Australian Institute of Sport is funding young Australians to develop their breaking skills over many years until they reach the most elite level of the world breaking scene. It's a tiny sport that isn't resourced, isn't supported by large organizations. Stop comparing the level of ability of Australians in much better resourced sports with the level of ability of Australia's female breakers. If the sport is to become competitive at world championship level it's going to need a vast amount of help and time. Stop blaming Rachael Gunn for systemic and cultural issues that are not her fault and that she cannot control. Engage your executive abilities for once in your lives and think. Please learn how to think.
We can keep blaming her for being completely clueless though! Surely she knew her performance was going to be judged pretty harshly! She didn't even attempt to take it seriously, so was she saying Australian break dancing is a joke? Not a good way to get extra funding and/or support...
"Do rag"? Where do rag? Do you even know what a do rag is? If youre gonna hang shit on someone, at the very least, be accurate.
@@gsau3000 it's spelt 'durag' and she's wearing it under her cap.
Has Ray"TheSlug"Gun quit breaking, or is she planning on a gig at the Brisbane Olympics in 32 haha. She will only be 44, with a bit of practice, i think she can win gold.
So her privileged life made her „the best“ b-girl of Australia 🥸. Could have been the chance to SUPPORT the real and good breakdancing enthusiasts that don’t come from such a privileged place 😔