Self-Sustaining 2-Stage Tesla Turbine

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024
  • Cryophorus 2-Stage Tesla Turbine self-runs by creating it's own vacuum to boil water in a warm tank at low temperature. This vapor pressure runs the first stage turbine, while the second stage maintains the vacuum. This runs in this self-running mode as long as there is enough warmth in the front side tank. There will be more disclosed at the 2020 Energy Science & Technology Conference energyscienceco...,,, energysciencefo...,

Комментарии • 191

  • @iEnergySupply
    @iEnergySupply 4 года назад +32

    I look forward to the conference! Our Demo will be much better then, we have made a lot of progress since then and are building a metal turbine pump combo, with very close tolerances.

    • @AaronMurakami13
      @AaronMurakami13  4 года назад +3

      Tickets are selling out fast,

    • @lukiepoole6701
      @lukiepoole6701 4 года назад +1

      (synchronized speed between the fluid and the blade to reduce vibration, increases rpm limit, and increases efficiency in overall) try using what tesla did. efficiency increases up to 98%

    • @iEnergySupply
      @iEnergySupply 4 года назад +1

      @Shane Lee Yes the load will throttle the turbine with a feed back signal based on the capacitor/battery bank voltage.

    • @ahmdabdallah5811
      @ahmdabdallah5811 3 года назад +1

      God has said in the Quran:
      { O mankind, worship your Lord, who created you and those before you, that you may become righteous - ( 2:21 )
      [He] who made for you the earth a bed [spread out] and the sky a ceiling and sent down from the sky, rain and brought forth thereby fruits as provision for you. So do not attribute to Allah equals while you know [that there is nothing similar to Him]. ( 2:22 )
      And if you are in doubt about what We have sent down upon Our Servant [Muhammad], then produce a surah the like thereof and call upon your witnesses other than Allah, if you should be truthful. ( 2:23 )
      But if you do not - and you will never be able to - then fear the Fire, whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for the disbelievers.( 2:24 )
      And give good tidings to those who believe and do righteous deeds that they will have gardens [in Paradise] beneath which rivers flow. Whenever they are provided with a provision of fruit therefrom, they will say, "This is what we were provided with before." And it is given to them in likeness. And they will have therein purified spouses, and they will abide therein eternally. ( 2:25 )

    • @MasterFeiFongWong
      @MasterFeiFongWong 3 года назад

      Over unity electric generator. By AMA.
      Segment 1: 1 motor with bar connected to it standing vertically. Circular disc connected to bar that has magnets embedded in it surrounded in high permeability material to focus magnets outward pushing force in an upwards direction from top of disc.
      Segment 2: Hollowed out cylindrical Bar of material horizontally positioned.
      Flat hollowed out ring shaped material with openings around its outer top flat edge.
      Magnets surrounded in high permeability material embedded in these openings.
      Magnets positioned in openings around ring are in at least 1 of 2 configurations either all N magnetic field pushing out or N,S,N,S all around it. Just depends on whether your going for Piston structure or spinning structure explained below & whether you want it to be DC or AC current.
      Place these all along the cylindrical bar connected to it solidly, except at far ends of bar.
      At both ends of bar place ring of material that can be magnetically repelled in specific locations. (magnetically repelled in specific location is in reference to outside of ring area that faces away from center of bar)(Other side of same ring facing in towards center of bar is capable of being magnetically repelled all around) Ring must be connected solidly to bar. points of repulsion on these rings is off set from each other on each end of bar.
      3 Hollow ring structures with small square bars protruding from each. Ring structure has all magnetic repulsion on inside of ring shape & can rap around the main bar so that the bar wont be causing friction on things as it moves back and forth or spins. 1st positioned around far left of bar, 2nd position at center of bar (be sure to leave enough room for magnetic structures to be able to move back and forth without hitting it) & 3rd positioned on far right of bar.
      Tube structure is constructed in two parts that fit together on top of each other length wise over main structure.
      Tube structure has 3 square openings for the bars that the Ring structures that are connected around the main bar keeping it from causing friction on structure, to slide into.
      This tube structure is designed with material that does not block magnetic fields. Perhaps some type of transparent material glass or other.
      At both ends of the tube structure there is a built in circular groove that will house a round disc. The ceiling/floor/left side/& right side of groove has openings for small magnets to be embedded in it, so that the pushing force from magnets is pushing in towards the edge of disc that goes in this spot. There is also 4 openings located on the top, bottom, left & right positions of the open groove. Small magnets are placed in these spots so when round disc is in position these magnetic fields will hit sideways keeping it from generating friction against structure.
      Far Ends of bar has Cap structure that screws over tube halves holding them together. Cap structure also has 4 points on inside top, bottom, left & right that have openings. These openings have small embedded magnets in them that exert there pushing force outwards (sideways) so it will keep disc in position, generating no friction against structure. Cap is made of material like tube so it does not block magnetic fields. (Note: These magnets in groove and cap structure are only needed for piston design. If Disc is directly connected to main bar so as it spins the bar spins, magnets are not needed here).
      The disc has ring around it (ring of material goes around outer edge and folds over front side & backside a small distance) that is repelled by magnetic fields so the 12 small magnets will keep it lined up but it will be able to spin without causing friction on structure. The disc has openings on it's flat side that face inside of tube and magnets surrounded in high permeability material are embedded in this disc.
      The disc has small bar that is connected to it's center that goes all the way to the other end of bar structure through the center of the hollowed out bar and connects to disc on other end. Disc on other end is set up the same but magnets embedded in it are off set in comparison. As first disc spins the magnetic fields will push against specific spot on disc connected directly to bar, pushing bar in other direction, once bar is fully pushed over, further spinning of disc will then align the other sides magnet to push it back.
      Tube structure also has half moon shaped protrusion on inside and on both halves so when tube is connected they line up to make a full ring shape on inside of tube, these half moon shaped protrusions have at least 1 small round opening on it's side in middle of curve that faces away from center of bar. The opening has a small magnet embedded in it so magnetic force is repelling out sideways away from center of bar. The protruding ring is positioned to line up slightly further in towards center of bar then the ring of magnetically repelled material connected directly to bar. This way when bar moves right or left it is magnetically stopped after a short distance.
      Copper coil setup: Copper coils are wound in at least 1 of 2 ways. Either coiled in circles next to each other (Like if you wound coils around a cylindrical bar) or laid out in a row as if wire was on flat table going up then bent to go down & back up until it formed a flat rectangle of wire bending up and down and then the entire structure folded around tube. Copper windings are then lined up perpendicular to magnetic fields on outside of tube. Ends of copper coils are connected into separate construct that will allow electrical current to flow somewhere else.
      Circular construct is built like a stand that goes around the outside of motor segment. Circular construct has flat ring of high permeability (magnetic field shielding) material that has small openings that will allow magnetic fields through specific locations. Top of circular construct has groove to allow the horizontal bar to balance on. Circular construct can also be placed on other end of bar so it is balanced. The motor segment is positioned so the disc connected to the bar that is connected to the motor is lined up so the disc passes under the horizontal bars disc that is at end of horizontal bar. The high permeability material keeps the magnetic fields in disc from hitting into the disc that spins or pushes the horizontal bar until just the right moment when the impact will cause the disc in horizontal bar to spin which will perpetuate the piston motion in the horizontal bar. More horizontal bars of the same design are built and positioned around the motor segment in a circular horizontal fashion all the way around. The bar connected to the motor can be increased in length to desired height (As much as motor can handle) and more of the exact same setup is repeated higher and higher up, maximizing the over unity potential of the construct to ridiculous proportions. :D Current from the horizontal bars is diverted to power the motor as needed and all other current is diverted to power my game console or the world. :) Interesting variation to this design would be to connect the spinning discs on far ends of horizontal bar to main bar that magnets are connected to so the magnets spin instead of getting pistoned back and forth. So long as moving magnetic fields are perpendicular to copper wires it should work. By AMA

  • @iEnergySupply
    @iEnergySupply 4 года назад +14

    Glad to say guys I've perfected Tesla's balancing patent!

  • @MagnaMoRo
    @MagnaMoRo 4 года назад +10

    Put 3 coils around 3 diametrically magnetized magnets along the same shaft, each offset by 120 degrees to produce 3 phase power. You should gain the benefit of being able to use individually smaller magnets and coils to produce the same amount of power.

    • @jamesblinzler1637
      @jamesblinzler1637 2 года назад +1

      Ya I’d like to see it run producing electricity under a load.

    • @matthewhalliday1094
      @matthewhalliday1094 2 года назад

      He had mentioned that at high speed (high frequency Rpm) there is more losses to eddy currents with 3 phase generation and other factors with the iron. He said Tesla designs used 2 pole and he uses a diametrically split magnet directly on the shaft between 2 coils for less losses than 3 phase or trying to use gear reductions of sorts to accommodate other forms of magnet arrays. I don’t know how much truth there is to that but I do believe some of what he is saying based on everything I’ve studied. It would be interesting to see a comparison though.

    • @simoncosta7111
      @simoncosta7111 2 года назад

      @@jamesblinzler1637 fu

  • @MasterFeiFongWong
    @MasterFeiFongWong 3 года назад

    This may be off topic, but someone might find it interesting.Over unity electric generator. By AMA.
    Segment 1: 1 motor with bar connected to it standing vertically. Circular disc connected to bar that has magnets embedded in it surrounded in high permeability material to focus magnets outward pushing force in an upwards direction from top of disc.
    Segment 2: Hollowed out cylindrical Bar of material horizontally positioned.
    Flat hollowed out ring shaped material with openings around its outer top flat edge.
    Magnets surrounded in high permeability material embedded in these openings.
    Magnets positioned in openings around ring are in at least 1 of 2 configurations either all N magnetic field pushing out or N,S,N,S all around it. Just depends on whether your going for Piston structure or spinning structure explained below & whether you want it to be DC or AC current.
    Place these all along the cylindrical bar connected to it solidly, except at far ends of bar.
    At both ends of bar place ring of material that can be magnetically repelled in specific locations. (magnetically repelled in specific location is in reference to outside of ring area that faces away from center of bar)(Other side of same ring facing in towards center of bar is capable of being magnetically repelled all around) Ring must be connected solidly to bar. points of repulsion on these rings is off set from each other on each end of bar.
    3 Hollow ring structures with small square bars protruding from each. Ring structure has all magnetic repulsion on inside of ring shape & can rap around the main bar so that the bar wont be causing friction on things as it moves back and forth or spins. 1st positioned around far left of bar, 2nd position at center of bar (be sure to leave enough room for magnetic structures to be able to move back and forth without hitting it) & 3rd positioned on far right of bar.
    Tube structure is constructed in two parts that fit together on top of each other length wise over main structure.
    Tube structure has 3 square openings for the bars that the Ring structures that are connected around the main bar keeping it from causing friction on structure, to slide into.
    This tube structure is designed with material that does not block magnetic fields. Perhaps some type of transparent material glass or other.
    At both ends of the tube structure there is a built in circular groove that will house a round disc. The ceiling/floor/left side/& right side of groove has openings for small magnets to be embedded in it, so that the pushing force from magnets is pushing in towards the edge of disc that goes in this spot. There is also 4 openings located on the top, bottom, left & right positions of the open groove. Small magnets are placed in these spots so when round disc is in position these magnetic fields will hit sideways keeping it from generating friction against structure.
    Far Ends of bar has Cap structure that screws over tube halves holding them together. Cap structure also has 4 points on inside top, bottom, left & right that have openings. These openings have small embedded magnets in them that exert there pushing force outwards (sideways) so it will keep disc in position, generating no friction against structure. Cap is made of material like tube so it does not block magnetic fields. (Note: These magnets in groove and cap structure are only needed for piston design. If Disc is directly connected to main bar so as it spins the bar spins, magnets are not needed here).
    The disc has ring around it (ring of material goes around outer edge and folds over front side & backside a small distance) that is repelled by magnetic fields so the 12 small magnets will keep it lined up but it will be able to spin without causing friction on structure. The disc has openings on it's flat side that face inside of tube and magnets surrounded in high permeability material are embedded in this disc.
    The disc has small bar that is connected to it's center that goes all the way to the other end of bar structure through the center of the hollowed out bar and connects to disc on other end. Disc on other end is set up the same but magnets embedded in it are off set in comparison. As first disc spins the magnetic fields will push against specific spot on disc connected directly to bar, pushing bar in other direction, once bar is fully pushed over, further spinning of disc will then align the other sides magnet to push it back.
    Tube structure also has half moon shaped protrusion on inside and on both halves so when tube is connected they line up to make a full ring shape on inside of tube, these half moon shaped protrusions have at least 1 small round opening on it's side in middle of curve that faces away from center of bar. The opening has a small magnet embedded in it so magnetic force is repelling out sideways away from center of bar. The protruding ring is positioned to line up slightly further in towards center of bar then the ring of magnetically repelled material connected directly to bar. This way when bar moves right or left it is magnetically stopped after a short distance.
    Copper coil setup: Copper coils are wound in at least 1 of 2 ways. Either coiled in circles next to each other (Like if you wound coils around a cylindrical bar) or laid out in a row as if wire was on flat table going up then bent to go down & back up until it formed a flat rectangle of wire bending up and down and then the entire structure folded around tube. Copper windings are then lined up perpendicular to magnetic fields on outside of tube. Ends of copper coils are connected into separate construct that will allow electrical current to flow somewhere else.
    Circular construct is built like a stand that goes around the outside of motor segment. Circular construct has flat ring of high permeability (magnetic field shielding) material that has small openings that will allow magnetic fields through specific locations. Top of circular construct has groove to allow the horizontal bar to balance on. Circular construct can also be placed on other end of bar so it is balanced. The motor segment is positioned so the disc connected to the bar that is connected to the motor is lined up so the disc passes under the horizontal bars disc that is at end of horizontal bar. The high permeability material keeps the magnetic fields in disc from hitting into the disc that spins or pushes the horizontal bar until just the right moment when the impact will cause the disc in horizontal bar to spin which will perpetuate the piston motion in the horizontal bar. More horizontal bars of the same design are built and positioned around the motor segment in a circular horizontal fashion all the way around. The bar connected to the motor can be increased in length to desired height (As much as motor can handle) and more of the exact same setup is repeated higher and higher up, maximizing the over unity potential of the construct to ridiculous proportions. :D Current from the horizontal bars is diverted to power the motor as needed and all other current is diverted to power my game console or the world. :) Interesting variation to this design would be to connect the spinning discs on far ends of horizontal bar to main bar that magnets are connected to so the magnets spin instead of getting pistoned back and forth. So long as moving magnetic fields are perpendicular to copper wires it should work. By AMA

  • @sigmaforge5088
    @sigmaforge5088 3 года назад +2

    Teslas turbines were in the 9 to 12 inch size( most of them) I thick this is essential to reaching efficiency. The goal is transonic flow, which I think is no possible with smaller turbines.

  • @FilterYT
    @FilterYT 4 года назад +2

    I've been reviewing your research for a few days, it takes a bit to understand what is going on and that you guys are not just another free energy scam. Your hard work is paying off and this is a very impressive demo. Thanks for sharing and best of luck!

    • @FilterYT
      @FilterYT 2 года назад

      @kostekGSXR The energy is in the difference between hot water tank and the cold tank that I think is outside of the building. The low pressure enables the working fluid to be a low temperature steam. The turbine converts some of the energy in the steam to the rotary motion of the turbine. The steam condenses in the cold tank to keep the low pressure side low and the system continues until there is no longer a pressure difference.

  • @TheBrentfleming
    @TheBrentfleming 4 года назад +2

    Yes use the cement for the acrylic or lexan. much stronger, way easier, better llooking. ,; Use a magnet with a cleaner Like a fish tank to keep down condensation for visability, and a top with rubber seal, with pressure clamps for access.

  • @gregorymiller90
    @gregorymiller90 4 года назад +5

    I was wondering if you might show a schematic? The principle seems straight forward but the how is what I need.
    I would also be interested in ideas about how to take the turbine energy and convert to either electrical or mechanical work.
    I see applications for cooling (air conditioning) on the exhaust side.
    Excellent concept. Greg

    • @iEnergySupply
      @iEnergySupply 4 года назад +3

      I show some cad drawings on the last video published on my youtube channel.

  • @yaro1776
    @yaro1776 2 года назад

    This is a straightforward and simple demonstration of how low temperature water in a tank, while under a vacuum, will produce cold steam, thereby raising the intake pressure of the 2 stage Tesla Turbine above the initial vacuum pressure. This pressure causes the turbine to rotate due to a pressure differential between the inlet and discharge of the turbine. Here in is where the magic happens while maintaining a very low inlet vacuum pressure. Refer to the Pressure - Temperature Phase diagram of water for clarification as to why this even works. Again, this is only a demonstration.... not a full-fledged system design.

    • @AaronMurakami13
      @AaronMurakami13  2 года назад

      Hi Jaro, imagine the possibilities with other fluids like ammonia, etc. with much lower boiling points.

  • @jagjet9153
    @jagjet9153 4 года назад +13

    you're going to need to try and do this again with no background audio and only one person speaking. You're going to have to work from notes so that it is comprehensible. I think you're onto something but as it is it's impossible to follow. Good luck

    • @fryncyaryorvjink2140
      @fryncyaryorvjink2140 4 года назад

      Yes, please do! Write it down, proof read it, and put it on cue cards

    • @sy_ox
      @sy_ox 3 года назад

      @@localbroadcast the system essentially can be designed to siphon filter any ambient heat in the environment at the boiler side as well as from the cold at the condensor side through any regulated temperature differential.
      He did mention around 27:10 the boiler tank as input is roughly about 202 C° in this setup if I'm not mistaken. Making it easier to vaporize the water under negative atmospheric pressure by way of vacuum.
      Whenever the vapor pressure condenses on the cold side of the tesla turbine it also creates even more vacuum negative atmospheric pressure as the volume collapses, in turn lowering atmospheric which causes the system to exhibit more vapor pressure as the heat exchanges energy from potential to kinetic as transferred upon the adhesion & viscosity upon the tesla turbine plates.
      It is just a matter of matching the equilibrium between the vapor pressure evaporated & the surrounding negative atmospheric pressure gained as the vapor condensed. This causes self-sustainability by allowing the natural boiling towards vaporized pressure as the reservoir of heated water transfers its energy towards low temperature.
      This system takes advantage of the temperture gradient as power generation as the system seeks equilibrium between the temperature differential. This is achieved by balance of this two-way motion.
      The negative atmospheric pressure condition in the vacuum enables the vapor evaporation to initiate as the water boils & vapor is released which primes the tesla turbine.
      This system can be designed even smaller once the controls of these parameters can be regulated actively with a basic microcontroller or with auto bell siphoning relays passively.

  • @alphazebra01
    @alphazebra01 4 года назад +16

    Tell the people in the room to shut it when the camera's rolling. Sheesh

    • @aggabus
      @aggabus 4 года назад

      is radio or tv podcast
      vootoo inet something backnoise...

  • @davidprock904
    @davidprock904 Год назад +1

    What about letting the disks that make up the tesla turbine become Faraday Disks? Don't use the torque from the turbine! Getting energy from the Faraday Disks doesn't create any resistance!
    Just size it up properly since the diameter of the disks determines the voltage output, and only the voltage squares on it's self!

  • @khaliffoster3098
    @khaliffoster3098 4 года назад +1

    It gives good understanding that everything is in balance and in those balances of one level is one kind, to another level of another kind, so those two-level are two different energy, and in between that is 1 to 2, that is thru-out process which it gains from lower to higher level, like cold to heat, so it is not heated alone, not cold alone, but between as a gaining thru from cold to heat which it is de-pressure to pressure, so, pressure and de-pressure is balance of two.
    So, basically, 1, 2, 3, as source, medium, and result, same as 1 + 1 is 2, 1, 2; 1 + 1 = 3, 1, 2, 3, so, 2 is the balance of two 1 which negative and positive 1, so it equals to 2 or in another way 1 as source and 2 as process and 3 as result. So, mass as gas and liquid as 1; de-pressure / pressure as 2; mechanical energy which can be felt as mass-energy as solid within the environment of 2 which causes the react as 3 as a rotate mass which it is a solid mass. So, the water as one liquid or gas mass, and vacuum as energy itself that is de-pressure to pressure, to 3 as a mass that is a solid mass. So, it is connected to most foundation system how it works by gaining to lower the energy to become density energy as balance or density energy as a mover to cause the solid mass to move. So, density energy does depend on balance, the stationary balance or/and dynamic stationary balance. So, it is all about scale which we can see, and we don't see, so what is in scale which means all things are the fractal patterns. That means it can expand that foundation principle to anything as secondary because it is connected to the primary principle.

  • @erumaaro6060
    @erumaaro6060 3 года назад +1

    how about using magnetic bearings to reduce the friction.
    there are no seals to worry about either.

  • @supercritical5582
    @supercritical5582 3 года назад

    pretty sure the reason why the water gets cold is because it expands inside the vacuum all expanding gases get cold. it's call cold steam

  • @bobbytsoutsias6739
    @bobbytsoutsias6739 4 года назад +1

    Dreams setting! Best power plain ever see in action! Void Vs mater..BRAVO!

  • @PrinceAlhorian
    @PrinceAlhorian 3 года назад +1

    Turning the Tesla Turbine into a sterling engine... The Tesla-Sterling turbine?

  • @educatedoaf
    @educatedoaf 3 года назад +1

    It's a two stage heat pump with a refrigeration stage. We have known for a while now that you can put in 10W and get 15W out if you use a heat pump, and source your heat from say, 100ft below the ground. This system seems to need priming and the claim is that you can source that 10W initial cost by using two stages of state change. Though I'm not convinced.

    • @joshuanorris9785
      @joshuanorris9785 2 года назад

      Are you saying that you can get more output Watts than you input? Wouldn't that mean that the efficiency would be over 100%? I'm new to physics so it's all intreging to me. If I used 10,000watts to heat up the boiler, would I be able to use all 10,000watts of heat to electricity with very little loss to the cold side?

    • @vidafterdark
      @vidafterdark Год назад

      @@joshuanorris9785 In refrigeration efficiency it has* to do with natural heating and cooling usually with a large surface area. Prime example is geo thermal heat. When you bury pipes with a very high surface area and then pay energy in to circulate the working fluid it results in capturing more heat energy ambient heat than what you put in to pump the fluid. A geothermal heat pump can input 100 watts to a pump and capture 300 watts of heat (guesstimate*). This is working backwards using a heat battery. He is hoping to achieve 100% return of stored energy or close using high eff. tesla pump.

  • @patazertyui
    @patazertyui 4 года назад +4

    Very interesting, really. Thanks for this implosion technology video :-)

  • @Hands2HealNow
    @Hands2HealNow 4 года назад

    Using Hydrogen gas as the battery and the energy source...Mike Strizky of Hopewell NJ is a terrific inventor and has miles of integrity.

  • @erumaaro6060
    @erumaaro6060 3 года назад

    water has a very high molar heat capacity, so storing hot water is relatively efficient!

  • @kubajz2257
    @kubajz2257 2 года назад

    1:55 Maybe I misunderstood you, but this violates the second law of thermodynamics, which says that there's no heat engine that would be able to run on heat directly. You always need an external temperature difference - two temperatures between which the engine is placed and the heat flow is PARTIALLY (this is important) converted to some other kind of energy, in this case mechanical. The way you describe the turbine-pump combo suggests that the cold heat exchanger is somehow integrated into the turbine itself, which according to modern physics is not possible, as this machine would therefore be able to reverse entropy. I love the project, but I think you're wrong on this one.

  • @tetraederzufrequenztesla2342
    @tetraederzufrequenztesla2342 4 года назад +2

    Interesting experiment Brother. Absolutely brilliant. This type of works change the way to do the things. The important thing is to do something new or change the doing things. Good job.

  • @listennui
    @listennui 4 года назад

    I think a lot of the confusion in the comments comes from where the energy goes. This operates as a normal turbine based heat engine, save for a feed system. This is a closed system, and will run out of vapor pressure (it will all be vapor by 0°C, then as pressure depletes, and if it is still able to cool enough (unlikely due to ambient heat), it will freeze at -60°C, rapidly depleting any useful pressure available for the turbine). Returning the condensed water will require energy to over come the boiler's higher (comparative to the turbine condenser (the cold tank)) pressure, so a pump of some sort will be required. The energy requirement to return feed is where the "missing" energy is. I believe the significance of this system, is that the turbine itself can maintain vacuum in the condenser, which massively simplifies heat engine design; also, this setup allows for really efficient energy storage by way of heating water because it doesn't have to be very hot, therefore less energy loss to ambient.
    source: this is my job

    • @AaronMurakami13
      @AaronMurakami13  4 года назад +1

      It's not a closed system - the airway yes, but that water tank on the front could very well be a solar water collector - that tank is open to environmental heat ideally and the condenser tank is also open to environmental temperature. You are correct though that it being able to not just maintain vacuum, but create vaccum as it runs from the second stage. What you see in the video is a a very rudimentary built that still shows the concept so there is a lot of room for improvement.

  • @yannick4014
    @yannick4014 4 года назад +1

    This maybe a good technology used in hot springs. Maybe if you live in a warm sunny climate you can use fresnel lenses to heat up a tank?

    • @AaronMurakami13
      @AaronMurakami13  4 года назад +1

      You'r right - simple evacuated solar water heater collectors can do it at high efficiency.

    • @yannick4014
      @yannick4014 4 года назад +1

      @@AaronMurakami13 Awesome, thanks for responding Aaron!

    • @Cloxxki
      @Cloxxki 4 года назад

      In a warm climate, a simply matt black container with high surface to content ratio does a lot. Not quite boiling, but things get warm.

  • @weedeater49cc
    @weedeater49cc 2 года назад

    hmm liquid nitro and super solar parabolic station and tesla turbine .. was also thinking about combining solar with nuclear using a parabolic solar array to super heat a nuclear chuck to max output but also maybe to tune the radiation that you want for max power and minimum contamination case it in ionosphere ...

    • @weedeater49cc
      @weedeater49cc 2 года назад

      you can burn a rock with a magnifying glass all day but does it make the rock contaminated with radiation why sun burn and not go click click boom and how hard is it to replicate an ionosphere

  • @captainKedger
    @captainKedger 3 года назад +1

    Who wants to rip the old diesel out of my sailboat and build one of these to power it? I'd love to power my entire boat with tesla's technology and use the mast to build a radiant energy collection system. I imagine a set of electrodes on the spreader bars that discharge any excess power into plasma like the lightning ball toy you get at Spencer's.

    • @captainKedger
      @captainKedger 3 года назад

      I'd be willing to put any sponsors company logo on it

    • @crossup13
      @crossup13 3 года назад

      if you were anywhere near me I'd 100% be down to help with that project

  • @k20Fritz
    @k20Fritz 2 года назад

    Help me understand this better. You are using solar to heat the water and then just cooling back to a pool (storage)? the vacuum makes a suction to keep feeding the water heater ? and love the beer fridge. cheers

  • @LogikalMindset
    @LogikalMindset 4 года назад +2

    Extremely interesting. Do you have any white paper research for review? I'd love to read more..any numerical modeling would be worth the read as well if you got it!

  • @lasseellemose2475
    @lasseellemose2475 4 года назад +1

    How does the turbine penform with a load ( generator) on. I suspekt you need some kind of gear system to make it usefull, in a 50 or 60 Hz system ??

  • @steadyeddy6526
    @steadyeddy6526 4 года назад +1


    • @BrilliantDesignOnline
      @BrilliantDesignOnline 4 года назад +3

      Eddy, don't type in all caps, basic internet courtesy.

    • @Barskor1
      @Barskor1 4 года назад +2

      Yes that is how it works.

  • @clint9344
    @clint9344 4 года назад +4

    hmm could this be similar to schauburger engine? Awesome Job Congrats to your team. This is gonna be a interesting year to say the least. G-dspeed

    • @iEnergySupply
      @iEnergySupply 4 года назад +1

      It runs on the implosion principal, so I believe it is exactly what Shauburger did only done in a slightly different.

    • @clint9344
      @clint9344 4 года назад +1

      @@iEnergySupply My thoughts exactly. He does mention water has more energy and he is using pressure differentials schauburger was using vortex energy to create pressure differential is my guess. G-dspeed

    • @patazertyui
      @patazertyui 4 года назад +3

      Yes, it is also based on a depression principle and water phase transition. Same cooling effect. One difference is that Schauburger apparatus produces its power by making water rotating centrifugaly in some vortex shaped tubes of which outputs are oriented in order to obtain a reactive force that maintained the whole thing rotating. As it is overunity the regulation is obtained by limiting the water intake. Jeremiah's apparatus is simpler and probably far more reliable with its Tesla pump, that's very smart!!! Thanks for this demo.

    • @clint9344
      @clint9344 4 года назад +1

      My bad Brother, Keep up great work. When I said he I meant the guy in vid. If this is him, Keep up the great work work. I am a lil confused yet on how it is all working but your onto something here. I wish I could attend show but am looking forward to vids of it. Have you looked at mag bearings or mag lev? How gonna get rid of the Squeal? Possible Noise frequency cancelation? So many questions lol. G-odspeed

    • @iEnergySupply
      @iEnergySupply 4 года назад +3

      @@clint9344 I have build some made with magnetic bearings, but the generator magnet when I added it to the shaft interrupted the operation of the generator. We are currently working on air graphite fluid bearings that will completely silence the machine.

  • @aggabus
    @aggabus 2 года назад

    it is that light tube

  • @paulflowers2213
    @paulflowers2213 4 года назад +3

    Alcohol has a lower cook point, would that possibly store more energy than water?

    • @iEnergySupply
      @iEnergySupply 4 года назад +2

      Not store more energy but it would absorb more energy and boil at lower temperatures, we want to experiment with it in the future, but there is the danger of it being flammable.

    • @primorec17
      @primorec17 4 года назад

      @@iEnergySupply If you remove air or add co2?

    • @Barskor1
      @Barskor1 4 года назад +1

      In the event of an accident, aerosolized alcohol equals instant drunk and poisoned depending on if it was denatured or volume inhaled if it all did not ignite and so on.

    • @iEnergySupply
      @iEnergySupply 4 года назад +1

      because there is no pressure in the system beyond ambient air/atmospheric, there wouldn't be a problem with that. The problem would be oxygen sucking into the tank because of the vacuum and possibly accidentally ignited.

    • @robertstellan6017
      @robertstellan6017 3 года назад +1

      @@iEnergySupply what about ammonia? Its a common and safe refrigerant

  • @joesammy4343
    @joesammy4343 4 года назад +2

    Very simple thanks

  • @YaBoiii666
    @YaBoiii666 4 года назад

    Something to consider would be a planetary geared to add *balanced* torque to a medium speed, medium amp output motor. Best of both world? Perhaps use the cool exhaust to cool the gear casing as well. Just a thought. Keep up the good work!

    • @PrinceAlhorian
      @PrinceAlhorian 3 года назад +1

      Interesting concept, but planetary gears have a relatively high friction factor in the system. The losses might exceed the gains.

  • @buckaroundandfindout
    @buckaroundandfindout 2 года назад

    Much love.

  • @droneonpro8850
    @droneonpro8850 4 года назад +2

    Hi, I love this tech. Is it not possible to connect / seal the Pump exhaust to the 'Cold' tank pipe? This way you would not need the 'Vacuum" box?

    • @iEnergySupply
      @iEnergySupply 4 года назад +1

      In the future we plan on using graphite air/fluid bearings to seal the shaft. It is also possible to just cap off the shaft and generator with small enclosures.

    • @Joso997
      @Joso997 4 года назад +1

      With vacuum box you get redundancy if it fails.

  • @kimzorzi8475
    @kimzorzi8475 3 года назад +1

    Loved your video. lots of energy input. Compressed air, electric heat, electric operted vacuum pump. No free energy there. Heat has always been the working fluid of any engine wheather it is combustion or air type. Would love to see the finished prototype and to see just how much torque output you get out of it. That is where the rubber meets the road. Energy in, energy out. Keep working on it and you just may get it right someday. Oh consider using a DC generator on your turbine and not AC. You can produce 3 times more energy out with only 1/3 torque input.

  • @iEnergySupply
    @iEnergySupply 4 года назад

    That water was running the turbine at over 20,000 RPM. Typically you need over 212 degrees f or 100 degrees c to get anything spinning over one rpm, and that's a fact. Here we are running on water in the boiler at 165 F or 73 Degrees C

    • @majidbasafa2783
      @majidbasafa2783 4 года назад

      Ok your deom is so cool and especially your idea to build up generator in the turbine but do you have any estimate about time need to boil the water with sun and make pressure? And do you have any estimate overall efficiency comper to solar panels time to warm up smaller generator etc makes the production under pressure, for battery part hho can convert your extra electricity to co H2 more effective then chemical battery

    • @cylosgarage
      @cylosgarage 3 года назад

      Wtf??? Where did you pull that fact out of your ass?

    • @iEnergySupply
      @iEnergySupply 3 года назад

      @@cylosgarage What fact?

    • @cylosgarage
      @cylosgarage 3 года назад

      @@iEnergySupply "Typically you need over 212 degrees f or 100 degrees c to get anything spinning over one rpm, and that's a fact."

    • @iEnergySupply
      @iEnergySupply 3 года назад

      @@cylosgarage 212 creates pressure, you can run a steam engine or a steam turbine using pressure, but in order to operate below 212 degrees using water as your motive fluid, you need to increase the temperature to 212+. We run the system on water below 170 degrees. Below waters normal boiling point.

  • @Joso997
    @Joso997 4 года назад +1

    Imagine using this(output) to run AC or a fridge.

  • @fan1701
    @fan1701 4 года назад +2

    Great!! Congrats!! 👏👏👏👏

  • @onpurpose2629
    @onpurpose2629 4 года назад +1

    Sorry can’t hear him well over the other talkers in the room!

  • @ebudmada12
    @ebudmada12 4 года назад

    Cool, looking forward to see how much power you can extract from your tank

    • @dn7350
      @dn7350 2 года назад


  • @excavatorfun6265
    @excavatorfun6265 4 года назад

    using metal in the generator is not needed, all the metal will do is slow the rotor down.The generator will turn faster and produce the same power with less heat if there is only copper in the generator.

  • @gregoryalbright
    @gregoryalbright 4 года назад

    There may be very little resistance in the vacuum, but they're still friction. There's still gravity for the bearings to overcome. 100% efficiency is not likely.

  • @kent0einar
    @kent0einar 4 года назад

    Why not use electromagnets and a shaft with aluminium inside of it to keep it suspended by only magnetism the way they are using on some high speed trains, should make zero friction and perfect balance then. Hook it up to a generator that is mounted onto the same shaft. you would need power from another source at first to keep it suspended until the generator can generate enough due to rpms. I think there is a lot of things this could be used for with the right kind of generator to harness electromagnetical energy.

  • @Dziaji
    @Dziaji 4 года назад +3

    It never made sense to me when my science teachers would say that you can’t extract energy from heat.
    Peltier devices do it, and hell, almost all our power comes from heating water, converting that heat to kinetic energy, and then converting the kinetic energy to electricity.
    The only question i have is how would you run this in a warm environment? Heating the water with solar can be done anywhere, and in a cold environment, you can use the outside temp to freeze the water and prevent vapor pressure from ruining the vacuum, but if this is done in 90 degree whether, what prevents the vapor pressure from
    Building up and ruining the vacuum?

    • @iEnergySupply
      @iEnergySupply 4 года назад +1

      When done correctly the second stage produces enough vacuum to compensate for not having a condenser.

    • @lukiepoole6701
      @lukiepoole6701 4 года назад +2

      which retarded fake science teacher even make a stupid sentence of "you can’t extract energy from heat"
      heat IS energy. I swear that science teacher need to relearn again lmao

    • @Dziaji
      @Dziaji 4 года назад +3

      @@lukiepoole6701 A lot of them say that. They admit that heat is energy, but they claim that heat is the form of energy that has the most entropy, so that somehow means that extracting energy from it would violate the law of entropy.

    • @Dziaji
      @Dziaji 4 года назад

      @@iEnergySupply Can you explain this? How does the second stage maintain the vacuum without condensing the water?

    • @Dziaji
      @Dziaji 4 года назад

      I'm not even sure what you mean by "second stage"

  • @ss-sq1hn
    @ss-sq1hn 2 года назад

    How is the condensed water going to get back to the boiler?

    • @AaronMurakami13
      @AaronMurakami13  2 года назад

      In that demo, it's not - just to prove the concept. But the condensed water can be put back thru a Tesla valvular conduit or other method.

    • @ss-sq1hn
      @ss-sq1hn 2 года назад

      Does this need a pump of some sort? I have hard time finding any waterpumps for this purpose. I want to build closed loop like this that has a pump that pumps condensate back to the boiler.

  • @nate_9639
    @nate_9639 2 года назад

    multimeter readings?

    • @AaronMurakami13
      @AaronMurakami13  2 года назад

      Watch preview vid on this page

  • @larryenglish8900
    @larryenglish8900 3 года назад +1

    what is it claimed to do>? just an efficient turbine? overunity> ? i didn;t want to wade through 30 min to find out, i got to the part where it spins but so what?

    • @monster8090
      @monster8090 3 года назад +1

      It's a highly efficient heat pump. A standard steam turbine has boiling water on one side and a condensation collector on the other and requires the water to be at high temperature. This is a system that uses vacuum to create the steam for the turbines at lower temperature.
      I don't think it's especially different from a standard steam turbine other than it's actively creating the vacuum to continue the flow of steam instead of relying on high temperature from the boiling side to get the kinetic energy.
      I just wonder if he's getting some of the energy from the water expanding into the vacuum chamber. Not saying he's trying to. Just saying he may be seeing a gain from having the vacuum chamber acting as a battery for additional negative pressure and getting more expansion from leaks on the turbine seals/bearings.
      It's still interesting and I hope it works the way he believes it does.
      I think he's showing that water boiling is more efficient at lower than atmospheric pressure. Possibly even turning low temperature differences into useful energy.

    • @monster8090
      @monster8090 3 года назад

      That is probably a lot longer of an explanation than you needed but I don't know how much you already understand about gas pressure.
      Just giving the most thorough explanation I can.

    • @joshuanorris9785
      @joshuanorris9785 2 года назад

      @@monster8090 can you answer a question please? if this is a highly efficient heat pump then if i put 10,000watts of electric in to heat the boiler how much watts could i get back of electric? Say my cooling side is always at a steady 50degrees and i don't have to put any energy in it.

    • @monster8090
      @monster8090 2 года назад

      @@joshuanorris9785 that's not a specific enough question.
      Also, watts are not a measurement of heat or pressure.
      And I don't know what the efficiency of this system is exactly. I imagine that the people building it don't know how efficient it is yet either and that's why they are experimenting and measured the output.

  • @dedosdigital
    @dedosdigital 4 года назад +1

    There are some commenters here with Masters Degrees in Entitlement . It is a free video . .

  • @jonathanberry9502
    @jonathanberry9502 4 года назад

    hmmmmmmm, Just watched Mr. Lindeman's video on his air engine, and you could do that with Tesla Pumps (assuming Tesla pumps work for air?) So, you use the Tesla Pump to increase pressure, use the heat, then put this high pressure air to drive the Tesla Turbine in a sort of reverse Tesla turbine, then you use the cold, you boil the water as you do at low pressure ??? profit.

  • @larryenglish8900
    @larryenglish8900 3 года назад +1

    this guy talks and talks but I CANNOT FIGURE OUT WHAT HE IS EVEN CLAIMING!
    at one point he said as the speed picks up it runs faster, REALLY>>?????
    water stores more energy than mercury, what the $$$$>?

    • @cylosgarage
      @cylosgarage 3 года назад

      Yea no one really knows, these guys just talk and never really say anything. There’s a reason none of the people working on these things are engineers, just saying

  • @peterkemp8633
    @peterkemp8633 4 года назад

    That's really interesting, great stuff, nice one, all the best to all

  • @danpollard4210
    @danpollard4210 3 года назад

    Damn the inferior sound quality can't hear half the words!

  • @lorriecarrel9962
    @lorriecarrel9962 3 года назад

    This is straight bad ass

  • @mixerguru
    @mixerguru 3 года назад +1

    so you spun a tesla turbine with compressed air and gave it a shower at the same time . you turned it off by shutting the compressed air hmm.

  • @cohelixcohelix1212
    @cohelixcohelix1212 4 года назад

    Try this over without someone talking in the background.

  • @nick1bb1
    @nick1bb1 4 года назад


  • @mastergavinzimnik9082
    @mastergavinzimnik9082 4 года назад +1

    I wont be holding me breath.

  • @glitchinthematrix5761
    @glitchinthematrix5761 4 года назад +1

    I am sorry, I am new to this. What's the significance of the screws around perimeter of the glass? Is it to seal or what?

    • @AaronMurakami13
      @AaronMurakami13  4 года назад +2

      Yes, to seal it.

    • @glitchinthematrix5761
      @glitchinthematrix5761 4 года назад +1

      @@AaronMurakami13 when I first played the video I thought they were not drilled into the glass but simply strung around the perimeter like Christmas lights intended to envoke some kind of witchcraft or hoodoo magic. I almost stopped the video. But I suspended my scepticism and went with it. And I am so glad I stayed. I have been watching a RUclips channel called AgentJayZ. I will correct after checking if I am wrong. He's a man that works at S&S turbine in Canada. For a poor kid that never followed a dream to be a pilot, or jet engine/turbine mechanic, it is the next best thing to getting an education. Almost every question I have had about understanding how they work, has been answered. And questions I would have had if I were the one working on them. He is really good at explaining and anticipating my questions or ideas of how to make my own. And with my experience in machining, I am confident with a few tries, or many, and some hands on experience, I could build one from scratch. I am not trying to brag or show off. It would probably be very inefficient. But I know if I had unlimited resources and a lifetime to hone my skills. I think I could have made a respectable unit. Problem is I only know how to use the tools of the trade. And don't have access to any at the moment. But I have recently made up my mind to buy a lathe or end mill or something. Do you have any advice for me as far as what would be the most important one. Given I can afford it or find a good deal on used one. And finally the point of commenting in the first place. I have always thought about using a hho generator to fuel a turbojet engine. Or boost energy density. I wasn't under any impression the idea was exclusively mine. But without access to a well equipped machine shop, and more, I have been confined to the theory of, more so than the practical application. So coming across AgentJayZ and now your channel has given me validation that the things I have gone over in my head and never known if they would work or not, are good ideas. Without RUclips I never would have known. And wouldn't be making the decision to spend a ton of money to start following my dream.
      In other words, you are an inspiration. God bless you for sharing your knowledge instead of hording it for personal gain. Like the J.P. Morgan's of the world. You follow in the spirit of Nicola Tesla in more than one way. And he would be pleased to see you and people like you.

    • @AaronMurakami13
      @AaronMurakami13  4 года назад

      @@glitchinthematrix5761 Those screws look strange - wood screws or something. Typically, they'd be machine screws tapped and threaded into the plastic. Jet engine - you may like this - my jet engine with my plasma ignition on it. Runs mostly on water with a trace of propane:видео.html

  • @Joso997
    @Joso997 4 года назад

    Don't know where you are getting those % efficiency. There is no such thing as 100% and the solar collectors are around 30% to 80%.

  • @fabianseewald7884
    @fabianseewald7884 4 года назад +1

    if this works, i guess we don´t need fusion after all DAUMEN HOCH!

  • @phillipehuval4202
    @phillipehuval4202 4 года назад


  • @TheAdeybob
    @TheAdeybob 3 года назад

    a difference engine?

    • @AaronMurakami13
      @AaronMurakami13  3 года назад +1


    • @TheAdeybob
      @TheAdeybob 3 года назад

      @@AaronMurakami13 closed-system, eh...with efficiencies Newcomen could only Imagine in his wildest fantasies. Tesla would be immensely proud.
      Imagine what efficiencies you could achieve with frictionless superconductor bearings.
      Would this work in the vacuum of space, and in zero-g, do you think?
      They're going to need big dust shifters on the moon someday soon - I'm thinking a design very similar to yours might do the job.
      Imagine that.

  • @OnlyFactsPlease
    @OnlyFactsPlease 3 года назад

    There is no way this can work.... if it could, then that would mean you could just use the power to run a heat pump and get more heat energy than you used to run the turbine. Not happening, sorry.

    • @OnlyFactsPlease
      @OnlyFactsPlease 3 года назад

      Are you really claiming that you can convert, with >90% efficiency, heat energy into power? If that is truly the case, then you have solved the energy problem for all time.

    • @AaronMurakami13
      @AaronMurakami13  3 года назад

      @@OnlyFactsPlease It's right in front of you what it is.

    • @joshuanorris9785
      @joshuanorris9785 2 года назад

      @@AaronMurakami13 Do you think this is around 90% efficiency?

    • @AaronMurakami13
      @AaronMurakami13  2 года назад

      @@joshuanorris9785 I'm not sure of the efficiency - more importantly, is the COP - coefficient of performance over 1.0? If there is a solar water heat with a tank large enough so the turbine system cannot deplete the heat by the time the tank warms up again, the COP moves to infinity.

  • @iEnergySupply
    @iEnergySupply 3 года назад

    I wish I had carbon fiber disks during this test!!!

    • @sigmaforge5088
      @sigmaforge5088 3 года назад

      I can make you some, where are you guys located?

    • @iEnergySupply
      @iEnergySupply 3 года назад

      @@sigmaforge5088 northern idaho harpster idaho

  • @toshioyamada3311
    @toshioyamada3311 2 года назад

    let's see it under load!

    • @AaronMurakami13
      @AaronMurakami13  2 года назад

      He puts it under load in the demonstration at the conference:

    • @toshioyamada3311
      @toshioyamada3311 2 года назад

      @@AaronMurakami13I can understand trade secrets but $27 to see a brief demonstration of a disputed claim? That's just not reality.

    • @AaronMurakami13
      @AaronMurakami13  2 года назад

      ​@@toshioyamada3311 You are free to walk into a bookstore and ask them to give you free books. It costs money to produce the books and it is not reality to walk out with a free book. However, many videos have already been posted for free showing the Tesla Tubrine can power a load.

    • @toshioyamada3311
      @toshioyamada3311 2 года назад

      ​@@AaronMurakami13 I'm not trying to be argumentative. I watched countless videos on every type of experimental or emergent technology, it's not like I'm asking for you to give away your full video. The person who is going to buy the video is going to be more convinced by a brief demo than an inconclusive demonstration and then a $30 paywall. Sure, steam can spin a turbine. The Tesla design is novel. Does it do work is literally the only question, and this video does not show that. If there are other videos that show it under load, why not include a bit of that here?
      Are your DVD's flying off the shelves?

    • @AaronMurakami13
      @AaronMurakami13  2 года назад

      @@toshioyamada3311 I don't make these excerpts. Jeremiah has posted many videos on his channel showing it powering a load.

  • @aggabus
    @aggabus 4 года назад

    light from fingers

  • @Yoyo-jc8hg
    @Yoyo-jc8hg 3 года назад

    Come on with the people talking

  • @justinmccormic2327
    @justinmccormic2327 4 года назад

    Shaubegrer not Tesla ..

    • @AaronMurakami13
      @AaronMurakami13  4 года назад +2

      It is a Two-Stage Tesla Turbine right out of Tesla's patents.

    • @manipulativer
      @manipulativer 4 года назад +1

      Thanx for saying that - i checked Viktor Shauberger and noticed that he was a meditator and was speaking of remote viewing. I also experienced those things and fell in love with Nature - he also speaks of Nature as the true master. Thank you :D

    • @lukiepoole6701
      @lukiepoole6701 4 года назад

      schauberger use water vortex. tesla used *synchronized speed between the fluid and the blade to reduce vibration, increases rpm limit, and increases efficiency in overall* schauberger tech is suppressed so idk the real one but at least tesla's isn't.

    • @manipulativer
      @manipulativer 4 года назад

      @@lukiepoole6701 A magnet has a similar structure to water, so i dont know what you on about and what you want to convey with this.

  • @aggabus
    @aggabus 4 года назад

    15:46 more speed faster...more energy you can extract...need less torque

    • @aggabus
      @aggabus 4 года назад

      16:00 start with high speed generator..
      copper disc (as wiring) against
      hallbach array ..

    • @aggabus
      @aggabus 4 года назад

      belts and pulleys dont like to work.. 16:14

    • @aggabus
      @aggabus 4 года назад

      17:53 just lost me
      water.. i go back..

  • @johnmccabe4436
    @johnmccabe4436 4 года назад

    tesla turbine makes steam when turned with a electric motor and no where near these r.p.m.s . try it and see.

  • @johnmccabe4436
    @johnmccabe4436 4 года назад

    too many r.p.m. will not last long at that speed!

  • @Skunkhunt_42
    @Skunkhunt_42 3 года назад

    butane or propane be alot cooler;)

  • @bastiat6865
    @bastiat6865 4 года назад +1

    Write out your explanation and practice speaking it. The background speaking is also distracting.

  • @lilpodbebe
    @lilpodbebe 4 года назад

    People in the back... Ffffffck

  • @yashpall
    @yashpall 4 года назад

    if it was real he would change the world..its totally BOGUS...