소향, 머라이어 캐리 다 정말 좋아하고 대단하다고 생각하지만, 머라이어 캐리가 슬럼프일때도 MTV선정 '위대한 목소리 1위'에 오른 이유가 있음.... 모든 음역대에 강함. ㅠㅠ 저음이 0옥타브 파(F2) 내려가고 진성은 라이브로 3옥 솔#(G#5)까지 냈으며, 두성에서 휘슬까지 초고음은 5옥타브 라#(Bb7)... 그런데 심지어 어릴 때부터 타고난 성대결절이 있었음에도 저 정도.. 소향은 저음을 못하는게 아니라 고음을 워낙 잘하니 저음이 고음에 비해 '다소' 약할 뿐인데, 믹스보이스를 쓰는 걸 감안해도 저렇게 목상태를 유지하는 것도 대단함. 거기다 흉성과 두성의 바율도 마음대로 컨트롤하고, 특히 가성과 두성의 소리는 진짜 감탄이 나올 정도로 아름다움. ㅠㅠㅠ 소향 목관리 잘해서 오래오래 노래해주세요.
RRR Choi 근대 애초에 소향씨는 고음을 제외한 다른부분에서 소리가 쉽게말해서 3D로 안나오고 2D로 나오는거같아요. 소향씨가 벨팅으로 내든 흉성으로 내든 소리가 2D. 다소 일차원적인... 머라이어는 소리가 진짜 입체적이죠 저음이든 고음이든. 그냥 이건 타고난 성대가 다르니깐 소리도 다르겠지만 개인적으로 소향씨는 고음부를 제외하면 듣기가 거북한거같아요. 특히 중음부에서 소향씨 특유의 앵~~앵~~ 거리는 소리가좀..
다른 노래도 들어보세요. 나비나 홀로아리랑 등. 그리고 소향도 벨팅 창법씁니다. 다만 벨팅이 기반이 아닐뿐이지 씁니다. 벨팅이 좋은 것도 아닌데요 뭐 머라이어처럼 벨팅만 고집하면 성대가 훅 갑니다. 소향님도 과거에 벨팅 많이 써서 방송 타기전에 성대결절왔었어요. 그래서 믹스보이스 바꾼거고 그리고 님보다 전문가인 세스릭스가 말했죠 휘트니랑 머라이어는 시대를 잘타고난 가수라고 하면서 소향이 같은시대였으면 최고의 디바는 소향일거라고 말할정도에요. 그냥 취향차이라고 하면 될텐데 3d는 뭐고 2d뭔지 모르겠네요.라이브로 듣고 판단하시는 건지 모르겠네요.
Lows - Mariah Mid Belts (C5-F5) - Mariah Upper Belts (F#5 upwards) -SoHyang Head Voice - SoHyang Whistle - Mariah (goddess of whistle) Mariah is a better overall singer as she is amazing in all registers, but SoHyang is amazing at upper belting and head voice she is a good singer without a doubt. #Lambily
How can Mariah can be better than Sohyang from D5 to F#5??? Are u guys seriously. Mariah only carry consistent support up to Eb5, above E5 she can get very throaty, losed support sometimes, not everytime she can support 100% there. Meanwhile Sohyang has full resonance from E5-B5 99.99999% of time
Music and Dragon 음악과 드래곤 SoHyang has no whistle register, so you can't group head voice and whistle register; that's illogical. As far as the belts they both tie out at G5 and SoHyang takes it from there. SoHyang definitely has a better head voice, as well and more stamina in belting.
Just at the C5, Mariah already sounds strained, and Sohyang's voice sounds open and clean. Also, Mariah had a few head voice notes she could not sing without whistle, but Sohyang continued on. As far as over all singing voice, Sohyang blows Mariah out of the water and easily. Sohyang hands down the winner here. Best female singer I have ever heard in my 56 years, and she does it with class and manages to keep all of her clothes on and covered up.
So Hyang and Mariah are the best singers in this world ! By the way, honestly, "So Hyang" must be the next level artist in this world considering perfect singing skills, high-pitched precision and sustainability, clear and unique voices, voice control and also, freely perfect singing various genres such as Pop, Jazz, Rock, Hip Hop, R&B, Classic, Gospel… This is from an objective points of view separating individual tastes.
SoHyang has 2 bullets (Upper Belt, HeadVoice) while Mariah has pleanty of Bullets with her (Low notes, Whistle, Agility, And crazy things she can do with her voice which are beautiful) I love Mariah for many things the thing that everytime she hitting high notes it sounds so pleasant and not that loud. Sohyang is crazy with the upperbelt and hv she's great tho
MULTIMAN JAZZMAN sohyang has Mid belts Head Voice Agility in Head voice consistency versatility upper belts better mixed register so lets count that. 7
Sohyang's fans just say they like Sohyang, but Mariah's fans always say bad things about Sohyang. Why? If they don't, they know that Mariah can't beat Sohyang.
@@위너비너스 머라이 저음 현장에서 들어봤나요? 들었으면 얼마나 들었나요 그리고 뭔말투가 국뽕이면 최고인줄아나 ㅎㅎ 반말 하신건가요 시비거신건가요 그리고 머라이 지금은 고음도 안올라가고 목이 맛 갔죠 관리를 잘못해서 현재 비교하면 머라이가 한참 밑이죠 목관리도 가수의 중요한 필수요소 입니다 머라이 노래 현장에서 들었는데 기대이하 였습니다 저도 제생각을 적은겁니다 ㅋㅋ현상황이 중요한겁니다 현상황은 머라이는 가수생활 접을정도의 목상태입니다
Mariah's tone sounds better. But starting from E5 and upward, SoHyang has much more ease, freedom, strength, control, RESONANCE, better vibrato. I think Mariah won with her ATYNAF G5s. Lol nothing can beat those Gs, even if SoHyang can sustain them longer. They just sound sooo good.
+Elizabeth Rey Mariah barely had any of the upper belting notes and the way in how SoHyang sang them was incredible that no one could beat her. I give the whistles to Mariah and low but beltings go to SoHyang all the way
Mariah carey is sohyang's idol. When sohyang was young, she try to sing like mariah carey. she sang a mariah' song everyday when she was young. Don't compare both. Mariah is better. Because sohyang have respected mariah forever
But musically, Mariah is just mostly restricted to R&B and hasnt grown much musically, most of her songs sound the same. At least Sohyang tries rock and other genres.
They are great vocalists both. But I must say, you included some of Mariah's weakest vocals, like the Eb5 from Heavenly, which was a song from her most recent album, when her voice is obviously much more deteriorated from what it used to be.
Idk but Sohyang was a little bit synthetic to me. She's good but ain't raw That's why Ailee won the korean singing competition because she was committed and sung with her heart. Sohyang was like Ariana grande of Asia,they try to compare her to Regine Velasquez. But of course no one beats Queen MC. Mariah's music transcends around the world and as far as I know even aliens from another planet knew about MC haha!
But musically, Mariah is just mostly restricted to R&B and hasnt grown much musically, most of her songs sound the same. At least Sohyang tries rock and other genres. This is why Mariah's popularity has decreased. She never evolved with the times like other divas like Beyonce who is constantly experimenting with new genres etc.. Mariah's voice is still good but musically wise she is stuck in a box
머라이어 듣고 잘한다고는 느껴도 울컥하게 만들진 않아.. 음역대, 스킬. 머 다 좋아.. 그런데 소향은 울컥하게 만들어.. 특정 노래만 그런게 아냐.. 이게 차이야.. 진정한 가수란 재능을 이용해 자신의 이득을 취하는게 아니야... 물론 다 그런건 아니겠지만.. 소향은 자기를 위해 노래하는 마음이 거의 없어... 그래서 그녀의 노래에 인종, 국적을 초월해 공감하는 것일테고.. 그녀는 가수계의 나이팅게일 같은 존재야... 해외 어는 보컬 코치가 그랬더라.. 소울과 테크닉 모두 겸비한 가수는 정말 드물다고.. 소향이 그런 존재라고..
그런생각은 한국인이면 사대주의적인 발상이고,, 외국인이면 인종차별(우월주의)주의임.. 노래잘하는 두가수 비교해보는것도 이벤트적인 생각임... i will always love you, i'll be there, O holy night, 미국국가, i have nothing 을 휘트니, 머라이캐리, 소향꺼 다들어보고 판단해보면 됩니다.
고음 누가 잘내는지 정확힌 모르겠지만 둘다 비슷하다 치고 나머지 부분 비교에선 머라이어는 소향의 비교 대상이 아님.풍부한 아름다운 목소리와 감동과 울림을 상대적으로 누가 더 주는지 파도에 비유하자면 머라이어가 집채만한 파도라면 소향은 너울성 파도정도라 봅니다.나도 한국에 피땡기는 한국인이지만 ...인정해야될 걸 어거지로 인정 안하고 싶진 않네요.
영상 처음에 떡하니 low note 라고 써있는데 무슨 고음비교에요;;; 저음까지 비교하는구만요. 저음은 머라이어 캐리가 우세고 고음은 소향이 우세네요. 머라이어 캐리가 내는 휘슬을 소향은 반가성으로 올려요. 하이는 소향정도 하는 가수가 별로 없다고 보시면 됩니다. 셀린디온이나 휘트니 휴스턴 머라이어 캐리가 전부 라이브 할 것 같죠?? 콘서트때에도 사전녹음 떠서 많이 합니다. 머라이어 캐리 우리나라 왔을 때는 대놓고 립싱크한 가수구요. 그것도 성의 없이 립싱크했죠. 아무리 녹음할 때 노래 잘 불러도 라이브 잘 못하면 그건 노래를 잘 하는게 아니죠. 머라이어 전성기 진성 최고음 3옥라 소향 4옥레. 머라이어 저음은 남성들이 내는 저음 수준까지고 고음은 소향이 확실히 우세합니다. 음역폭은 머라이어가 확실히 더 넓어요. 하지만 고음은 소향이 확실히 높습니다.
@@H.Gildong 머라이어케리가 나이가 있고 자기 관리못하고 인성 나쁜것도 있고 한국 콘서트 때 망친거는 인정하지만 ᆢ 이런 모든 걸 다 떠나서ᆢ ᆢ 또 나이 떠나서 오직 두 가수의 전성기때를 비교하고 타고난 재능으로 비교 하면 호흡 기교 고음 리듬감 음악적 재능 음역 음색 음폭 파워 모든면에서 머라이어 캐리가 한수위 ᆢ
+Charmbracelet no sorry but SoHyang wins belting, Mariah can barely hit an F#5 with resonance whereas SoHyang tackles every notes beautifully and with amazing resonance. Mariah doesn't win all of them
+Charmbracelet Mariah hits up to A5 peak, not at all sustained just mostly like "yeah yeah yeah YEAH yeah" whereas Sohyang sustains and hold the notes for amazing length and with amazing resonance. SoHyang pummels Mariah in belting and Mariah wins in Whistles and then it's close with the lows but Mariah wins that too I think (the lows I'm still contemplating though)
+Charmbracelet Okay well Sohyang's resonance in belting was incomparable considering Mariah hit the notes at her peak and again Sohyang's sustenance is I incredible when it comes to belting. Also you say she doesn't have much of a lower register when it was only two notes off of Mariahs so there isn't much difference in range in that respect
Low Notes - Definitely Mariah Carey Voice Quality - No Doubt Mariah Carey Resonance - No Doubt Mariah Carey Belting Bb4-G5 - mARIAH cAREy, co'z she still has more resonance with this high notes.. Beltings B5-C6 - nO dOUBT sOH yANG, sinnce Mariah has no, B5 - c6 Whistle - No Question Mariah Carey..
TheEmancipation OfGlitters lol sohyang takes resonance and belting starting from around e5. and as for vocal quality, i feel like you're taking that to a bit more of a subjective level lol
TheEmancipation OfGlitters ok? i said starting from around e5, and that includes e5, f5, f#5, g5, g#5, a5, bb5, b5, and c6. you decided to focus on just one of those notes where she sounded shrill and unpleasant (which i heard was due to some throat thing going on), even though she slayed most of the others. also, even if she did sound unpleasant when belting a b5, mariah never belted a b5, so she automatically takes it. mariah's a better vocalist because she's more well rounded, seeing that sohyang's strengths are only upper belting & head voice while mariah's great in nearly every register, but that doesn't take away from the fact that sohyang's a better upper belter.
yah, mariah's voice is just so, good, she never attempted, to hit A5 and beyond, Co'z she cares, more in musicality, than impressing, people.. but we can't say, that sohyang is better than mariah, in upper belts, just because mariah never hit above G#5 i think she can, co'z the way she belted G5 is so effortless, so flawless, like nothing.daydream
TheEmancipation OfGlitters ok, first of all, that's a dumb excuse. second of all, she has hit an a5 before, it was just in the studio. if she did it in the studio, i don't see why she didn't do it live. and lol, mariah DOES care about impressing. she does it with musicality, but it's still trying to impress. she adds whistles, runs, and higher belts into areas where they weren't there initially, and she writes her songs so that they're almost impossible to perform live. and lmao, mariah only has one live g5 that was effortless. the other ones didn't sound as effortless, and one of them was sung with high larynx & lacked proper support. also, only one was sung with centered pitch, and that one was from a dubbed concert, so there might have been some pitch correction going on. if you're gonna try to defend mariah, at least use vocal facts & evidence, and not just "oh, she just doesn't WANT to impress!" that's such a bullshit excuse. don't be a biased, delusional stan who pulls excuses out of his ass
if were going to talk about the quality of tone, resonance, those runs and ability to hit and sustain notes, it is mariah! her longevity in the music industry is enough proof to kill this dying hyena from korea! let sohyang sing "bliss" by mimi and see if she could be able to sustain mimi's range! hahaha mariah all the way!
김태희 Kim Tae Hee a singer isn't good just if she can sing mariah's songs. Also, Mariah today lost definitely her voice because of her whistles. I agree mariah's a queen but so hyang is a queen too, just less known
sohyang good singer sometimes bark.. but mariah full melimastic,control and whitsle .. she can prhases in whistle.. mariah voice got soul darling.. she know what supposed to do in singing not only hit high note..
But musically, Mariah is just mostly restricted to R&B and hasnt grown much musically, most of her songs sound the same. At least Sohyang tries rock and other genres.
Mariah music most sound same it because most of her song she written by herself.. did sohyang do the same thing ? No!! Mariah did it.. not only written song most of her song that she written is hit billboard
This is a joke. That korean singer could never reach mariah's status as a singer and entertainer. It's like you guys don't have ears. Mariah on her prime can only be compared to singers such as Celine or Whitney. A joke
+Christopher Kielty Mariah in the 90's is incomparable. Better vocalist doesn't mean who belts higher. lol Mariah has a technique that influenced even Sohyang herself. lol so please, stop wanking. Only reason there isn't any mariah fan arguing for her is because Sohyang is irrelevant and unpopular so much ppl know her.
+•jung daehyun slayed my life• That's subjective. lol I prefer Mariah's silky and breathy head notes than Sohyang. Add in Mariah's ability to go from note to note makes it distinct.
Comparing Sohyang to MC is an insult to MC. Sohyang can hit the high notes but can put the soul to her singing, which means Sohyang is shouting or screaming. Shouting or Screaming is not singing.
+Kent Bulkune "Sohyang can hit the high notes but can't put the soul to her singing" your statement is so objective. Have you ever looked up Sohyang's performances with an open mind? I bet you haven't.
무명가수라니요..머라이어캐리가 우리나라 10대나 20대 초반에게는 생소할 수 있어서 그런 말을 한 걸수도 있지만 일단 무명가수가 아닌 미국에서 손꼽히는 대단한 가수입니다. 저번 내한때는 건강상태가 많이 악화되었다고 하네요. 그리고 아이들도 셋씩이나 있어서 목 관리할 시간이 별로 없었을 겁니다. 지금은 조금씩 목소리를 회복하고 있습니다 :) #MariahCarey2015live 이 검색어로 들어가시면 여러 2015라이브 직캠영상들이 쏟아져 나옵니다. 현재 45세라는 것을 생각하면.. 그 영상에 나오는 그녀의 가창력은 엄청나다고 볼 수 있습니다.
Low Notes: Mariah Carey
Belted: SoHyang No question
Head: SoHyang
Whistle: Mariah Carey No question
Nick Ecton Sohyang doesn't whistle tho
Mariah is my favorite, but SoHyang is amazing too! SoHyang gives me chills everytime. She's an incredible vocalist
Sohyang wins the chest/mixed voice, Mariah wins the Whistle.
No one can beat up sohyang's belting, for sure
I feel that SoHyang can make a better high notes. I can hear it clearly
Low Notes : Mariah
Upper Belt : So Hyang
Head Voice : So Hyang ( She have Eb6 & G6 , She hit A6 in Head Voice )
Whistle : Mariah
i think now the so hyang is the best singer
So Hyang singing better than Mariah for me but Mariah is so good too
소향, 머라이어 캐리 다 정말 좋아하고 대단하다고 생각하지만, 머라이어 캐리가 슬럼프일때도 MTV선정 '위대한 목소리 1위'에 오른 이유가 있음.... 모든 음역대에 강함. ㅠㅠ 저음이 0옥타브 파(F2) 내려가고 진성은 라이브로 3옥 솔#(G#5)까지 냈으며, 두성에서 휘슬까지 초고음은 5옥타브 라#(Bb7)... 그런데 심지어 어릴 때부터 타고난 성대결절이 있었음에도 저 정도.. 소향은 저음을 못하는게 아니라 고음을 워낙 잘하니 저음이 고음에 비해 '다소' 약할 뿐인데, 믹스보이스를 쓰는 걸 감안해도 저렇게 목상태를 유지하는 것도 대단함. 거기다 흉성과 두성의 바율도 마음대로 컨트롤하고, 특히 가성과 두성의 소리는 진짜 감탄이 나올 정도로 아름다움. ㅠㅠㅠ 소향 목관리 잘해서 오래오래 노래해주세요.
H Kang 머라이어랑 소향은 그냥 발성자체가 다르죠. 솔직히말해서 머라이어는 소리가 항상 벨팅기반이죠! 입안을 까지르면서 두껍게 내니까요. 소향씨는 그런소리쓰는걸 한번도 못들어봄
RRR Choi 근대 애초에 소향씨는 고음을 제외한 다른부분에서 소리가 쉽게말해서 3D로 안나오고 2D로 나오는거같아요.
소향씨가 벨팅으로 내든 흉성으로 내든 소리가 2D. 다소 일차원적인... 머라이어는 소리가 진짜 입체적이죠 저음이든 고음이든. 그냥 이건 타고난 성대가 다르니깐 소리도 다르겠지만 개인적으로 소향씨는 고음부를 제외하면 듣기가 거북한거같아요. 특히 중음부에서 소향씨 특유의 앵~~앵~~ 거리는 소리가좀..
다른 노래도 들어보세요. 나비나 홀로아리랑 등. 그리고 소향도 벨팅 창법씁니다. 다만 벨팅이 기반이 아닐뿐이지 씁니다. 벨팅이 좋은 것도 아닌데요 뭐
머라이어처럼 벨팅만 고집하면 성대가 훅 갑니다. 소향님도 과거에 벨팅 많이 써서 방송 타기전에 성대결절왔었어요. 그래서 믹스보이스 바꾼거고 그리고
님보다 전문가인 세스릭스가 말했죠 휘트니랑 머라이어는 시대를 잘타고난 가수라고 하면서 소향이 같은시대였으면 최고의 디바는 소향일거라고 말할정도에요.
그냥 취향차이라고 하면 될텐데 3d는 뭐고 2d뭔지 모르겠네요.라이브로 듣고 판단하시는 건지 모르겠네요.
입체적소리와 아닌소리 차이다에 백퍼 공감합니다.그게 가장 큰 차이점이죠.
머라이어캐리가 방송서 뭔상을탓던 음악평론가들로부터 바란스 안좋은 가수로 혹평을 받고있죠 종합적으로 소향이 더나아요
These are two of the greatest singers ever...both just amazing!
This lady could sing her weekly shopping list and I would have goosebumps she is simply awesome.
Thank you So Hyang my ears have been blessed.
Lows - Mariah
Mid Belts (C5-F5) - Mariah
Upper Belts (F#5 upwards) -SoHyang
Head Voice - SoHyang
Whistle - Mariah (goddess of whistle)
Mariah is a better overall singer as she is amazing in all registers, but SoHyang is amazing at upper belting and head voice she is a good singer without a doubt.
+Reece Langton The Mid Belts are actually a tie
Sohyang kills Mariah from Eb5 , C5~D5 is a tie
Cốm xanh For sure
Sohyang hạ Mariah từ Eb5 :))) vailone
How can Mariah can be better than Sohyang from D5 to F#5??? Are u guys seriously. Mariah only carry consistent support up to Eb5, above E5 she can get very throaty, losed support sometimes, not everytime she can support 100% there. Meanwhile Sohyang has full resonance from E5-B5 99.99999% of time
Cốm xanh Thank you
I like the color voice of Mariah Carey more!:^^
Low- Mariah
Belting until d5- tie
belting from eb5 and higher-SoHyang
Head/whistle- tie both sing with ease
Music and Dragon 음악과 드래곤 SoHyang has no whistle register, so you can't group head voice and whistle register; that's illogical. As far as the belts they both tie out at G5 and SoHyang takes it from there.
SoHyang definitely has a better head voice, as well and more stamina in belting.
The90sAreTheBest Tha's why I separate them by a "/". From Eb5 Mariah's voice starts to derp, Sohyang gets stronger.
+Music and Dragon 음악과 드래곤 I am Korean and big fan of Sohyang and Mariah Carey. But, Sohyang do not have whistle register honestly. She has falsetto.
fangundas zacary When I said she have falsetto?
SoHyang slayed Mariah, her vocal feat are much more impressive. Also, whistle isnt part of connected range, so range wise their about the same
ㅋ 소향과 머라이케리.....
두분다 대단한 실력자 입니다.
두분의 고음 대결은 무의한 비교..
소향과 머라이캐리가 한무대에서 노래하는 모습이 보고싶습니다.
맞아요 스타일만 다를뿐 두분 실력은 대단합니다
소향님 롤모델이 머라이어캐리고 노래연습할때도 머라이어캐리 노래로연습한다고 인터뷰할때마다 그랬죠 ㅎㅎ 진짜 두분 같은무대서 노래하는걸보고싶네요
머라이어 캐리 커버영상이랑 댓글이 많이 다르죠ㅎ 맹목적으로 잘올라가는 영상만 듣다보니 소향이 더 잘부른다는 느낌을 받을 수 있겠네요.
와 이런 퉁치기는 머라이어가 손해다
SoHyang is excellent at upper belts, sustained notes and head voice. And Mariah is one of the most well-rounded vocalists though.
그런데 고음 부르는 여가수중에서 목관리는 소향이 탑인듯
the only worthy rival of Mariah, is Mariah herself. she's the fucking greatest.
It's no surprise fpr Sohyang to be that high but For Mariah to go that low.
Does anybody know which version of 'My All' Mariah is singing at around 0:45 ? I've never heard that version and I'd like to find it :)
Just at the C5, Mariah already sounds strained, and Sohyang's voice sounds open and clean. Also, Mariah had a few head voice notes she could not sing without whistle, but Sohyang continued on. As far as over all singing voice, Sohyang blows Mariah out of the water and easily. Sohyang hands down the winner here. Best female singer I have ever heard in my 56 years, and she does it with class and manages to keep all of her clothes on and covered up.
pickin4you sorry . but this is not her best c5 . this c5 was from We Belong Together, the time she dropped in her career
So Hyang and Mariah are the best singers in this world ! By the way, honestly, "So Hyang" must be
the next level artist in this world considering perfect singing skills, high-pitched precision and sustainability, clear and unique voices, voice control and also, freely perfect singing various genres such as Pop, Jazz, Rock, Hip Hop, R&B, Classic, Gospel… This is from an objective points of view separating individual tastes.
SoHyang has 2 bullets (Upper Belt, HeadVoice) while Mariah has pleanty of Bullets with her (Low notes, Whistle, Agility, And crazy things she can do with her voice which are beautiful) I love Mariah for many things the thing that everytime she hitting high notes it sounds so pleasant and not that loud. Sohyang is crazy with the upperbelt and hv she's great tho
Sohyang has amazing mid belts and decent agility.
sohyang has
Mid belts
Head Voice
Agility in Head voice
upper belts
better mixed register
so lets count that. 7
+consistent support
Sohyang's fans just say they like Sohyang, but Mariah's fans always say bad things about Sohyang. Why? If they don't, they know that Mariah can't beat Sohyang.
음을 찍는게 중요한게 아니라 얼마나 매력적인 소리를 낼 수 있는지에 따라 음역이 정해진다고 생각함. 청자들에게 매력적인 소리로 다가가는 범위를 가창해야 마음을 움직일수 있음. 재미로 보는거니까 그러려니하지만 뭐 ㅋㅋ
소리 잘지르는건 둘다 최강급이지만 음색은 머라이어가 풍성하고 두텁고소향은 좁고 단조롭네. 아랫음으로 갈수록 더더욱.
@@까꿍첫경험 국내가수 깍아내리는게 아니고 솔직한 비교일수도 잇자나요.. 국뽕이면 다 최곤줄아나.. 나도 그렇게 들리는데.. 소향이 진성의 고음은 머라이어보다 더 파워가 있는것도 비교지만 저음에선 머라이어가 압도적으로 느낌있어요..
@@위너비너스 머라이 저음 현장에서 들어봤나요? 들었으면 얼마나 들었나요 그리고 뭔말투가 국뽕이면 최고인줄아나 ㅎㅎ 반말 하신건가요 시비거신건가요 그리고 머라이 지금은 고음도 안올라가고 목이 맛 갔죠 관리를 잘못해서 현재 비교하면 머라이가 한참 밑이죠 목관리도 가수의 중요한 필수요소 입니다 머라이 노래 현장에서 들었는데 기대이하 였습니다 저도 제생각을 적은겁니다 ㅋㅋ현상황이 중요한겁니다 현상황은 머라이는 가수생활 접을정도의 목상태입니다
@@까꿍첫경험 국내가수는 깎아내리면 안되고, 해외가수는 지금 기량 들고와서 깎아내리는건 가능? 이중잣대 10지리네
@@까꿍첫경험 그리고 최고의 목관리는 휴식입니다 ㅋㅋ
세계에서 가장 탑인 가수가 몇십년을 노래 해왔는데 기량이 저하되는건 당연한거 아닌가요.
@@KimKim-nx4je 같은말 되풀이 하게만드네 목관리 컨디션 이것도 평가기준의 한잣대이죠 감기 걸렸다고 오디션에서 나 좃나 잘하는데 감기 걸려서 못했다 하면 뽑아주나요
Mariah Is Mezzo Soprano. Win low notes and Whistle, Sohyang Is Lyric Soprano. Win Middle Belt, Upper Belt, Resonance, Stamina, and Headvoice. 💚
No mariah is Also s Light Soprano
Mariah definitely wins mid belt
어디를 가도 하면(소향소음ㆍ안티)랑, 필리ㅇ노(김태희) 있구나 정성이다 너희😵 그런데 아무도 관심없다
What's the name of the C6 belt??
lean on me with kirke franklin
these days Mariah is losing her talent, maybe bc of all the singing she did, but he doesn't sound the same live anymore :(
Poor Sohyang can't reach Mariah's lowest and highest note! Lol
what is song name of 6:08 sohyang belt E6 ?
Is head voice, but the song is "the heavens"
농구가 마이클 조던이라면 노래는 머라이어 캐리다. 올타임 넘버원이다. 노래 테크닉의 모든것을 보여주는게 머라이어 캐리다... 노래는 머라이어 캐리.. 그리고 나머지다...
솔직히 머라이어캐리나 소향이나 실력 비슷비슷하지않나 이정도면 진짜 개인취향이지ㅜㅜ
@@조상우-w2u 보컬실력을 말하고있는데
왜 혼자 뜬구름 잡고 계시지
빠나나 실력이 비슷비슷에서 엇나가셨어요 ~~ 아무리 우리나라 자랑이더라도 그건 아닙니다~=•
님은 막귀입니다ㅎ
개취 아니에요. 음 다루는 능력이나 목소리 깊이 곡 해석력 기교 작사작곡 능력 모두 머라이어가 압승합니다...
1:45 What performance is that D5 from?
"During 1000days" Korean pop music,original sung by Seunghwan Lee
She's Korea's Patti Labelle
Patty stop supporting her mix to G5, sohyang on C#6
걍 둘 다 ㅈㄴ 대단한 가수...
I want to know this song's name
05:38 & 06:11
05:38 we belong together but I think it’s a remix
And 06:11 all saint who go above to heaven
Sorry this is late ahah xx
소향이 머라이어노래를 될수있으면 안하는 이유는 .... 소향은 찐성이 많이 올라가서 소름이지만^^ 머라이어의 하이노트는 범접 할수가 없네/...
Mariah notes sound more clearly and stronger
+Der Stein Von Sued Stronger? LOL
Mariah's tone sounds better. But starting from E5 and upward, SoHyang has much more ease, freedom, strength, control, RESONANCE, better vibrato. I think Mariah won with her ATYNAF G5s. Lol nothing can beat those Gs, even if SoHyang
can sustain them longer. They just sound sooo good.
+Elizabeth Rey Mariah barely had any of the upper belting notes and the way in how SoHyang sang them was incredible that no one could beat her. I give the whistles to Mariah and low but beltings go to SoHyang all the way
Bro Sohyang have head voices till A6 i.e she has Eb6 too
Mariah carey is sohyang's idol. When sohyang was young, she try to sing like mariah carey. she sang a mariah' song everyday when she was young. Don't compare both. Mariah is better. Because sohyang have respected mariah forever
When she was young Mariah wasn't even singing yet. SH is 38 and MC 45, not that much of a difference...
Can Sohyang sing MC's song?
why she cannot
But musically, Mariah is just mostly restricted to R&B and hasnt grown much musically, most of her songs sound the same. At least Sohyang tries rock and other genres.
Mariah has more musicality Point. Blank. Period.
But mariah can't sing sohyang song, she can't belted the Bb5 in dream or the b5 in lean on me
They are great vocalists both. But I must say, you included some of Mariah's weakest vocals, like the Eb5 from Heavenly, which was a song from her most recent album, when her voice is obviously much more deteriorated from what it used to be.
What is the name of Sohyangs e6 head voice?
How do you say that in English? Sorry thank you.
Okay thank you very much. :)
Mariah Carey
머라이어는 어차피 몇백년 한번 나올까말까한 음역넓은 희귀성대다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ나도 소향 팬이지만 소향씨도 고음은 오지지만 정확히말하면 음역이 위로 치우친거지 넓은건 아님 ㅇㅇ...
이게 정답인듯ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ소향은 특유의 고음소리? 때문에 호불호도 많이갈리는데 머라이어캐리 안정적이게 고음부터 저음까지 다되는거보면 진짜...
@@조상우-w2u 이새끼는 여기저기 머라 빨고앉았네 더러운 사대주의새끼 다른 외국인들은 대부분 소향이윈이라는데
@@조상우-w2u 뼛속까지 사대주의로차있네
@@조상우-w2u 니 정신연령이 내 발톱때만도 못한것처럼?
한재민 ㅂㄷㅂㄷ ㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋ
두 사람은 음색이 다름.. 축구로 따지면 메시와 호날두 스딸이 다름.. 허스키와 앤젤보이스
I believe Mariah has better notes people but that other woman can sing ! I like to see her live with Ariana grande ;)
Idk but Sohyang was a little bit synthetic to me. She's good but ain't raw That's why Ailee won the korean singing competition because she was committed and sung with her heart. Sohyang was like Ariana grande of Asia,they try to compare her to Regine Velasquez. But of course no one beats Queen MC. Mariah's music transcends around the world and as far as I know even aliens from another planet knew about MC haha!
Ariana better than So Hyang loool nah.
But musically, Mariah is just mostly restricted to R&B and hasnt grown much musically, most of her songs sound the same. At least Sohyang tries rock and other genres. This is why Mariah's popularity has decreased. She never evolved with the times like other divas like Beyonce who is constantly experimenting with new genres etc.. Mariah's voice is still good but musically wise she is stuck in a box
way for soyung eeeeew
in my opinion gave tie😋😋
머라이어 듣고 잘한다고는 느껴도 울컥하게 만들진 않아..
음역대, 스킬. 머 다 좋아..
그런데 소향은 울컥하게 만들어.. 특정 노래만 그런게 아냐..
이게 차이야.. 진정한 가수란 재능을 이용해 자신의 이득을 취하는게 아니야... 물론 다 그런건 아니겠지만..
소향은 자기를 위해 노래하는 마음이 거의 없어...
그래서 그녀의 노래에 인종, 국적을 초월해 공감하는 것일테고..
그녀는 가수계의 나이팅게일 같은 존재야...
해외 어는 보컬 코치가 그랬더라..
소울과 테크닉 모두 겸비한 가수는 정말 드물다고.. 소향이 그런 존재라고..
니 개인적인 의견을 진리인 것 같이 얘기하지마라 …ㅈㄴ갖다붙이네 난 둘 다 울컥하는데? “이게 차이야 “웃기고 앉았네ㅋㅋㅋㅋ니 기준에 맞춰서 우월 지점에 서있는 것마냥 아는 척 입털지마세요
쓰는발성이 다르고 머라이언 소향한테 끼지도못할만큼 발성이 안좋음ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그리고 머라이어도 소향같이 정석두성 절대 못내고 소향도 머라이어같이 fullvoice 벨팅 절대못냄 ㅋㅋ비교대상이 아님ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 영상속 소리만 들어봐도 머라이어소리는 너무무거움. 입안을 까지르는거같이.. 소향은 소리자체가 얇고 가볍잖어 붙일거면 소향vs아레나 소향vs패티로 붙여야함
맞아여 발성이 다름
찢어지는 가수들과 비교하세여^^
소향도 사랑하지만....감히 머라이어 캐리랑...비교를 하다니..
그런생각은 한국인이면 사대주의적인 발상이고,, 외국인이면 인종차별(우월주의)주의임.. 노래잘하는 두가수 비교해보는것도 이벤트적인 생각임... i will always love you, i'll be there, O holy night, 미국국가, i have nothing 을 휘트니, 머라이캐리, 소향꺼 다들어보고 판단해보면 됩니다.
고음 누가 잘내는지 정확힌 모르겠지만 둘다 비슷하다 치고 나머지 부분 비교에선 머라이어는 소향의 비교 대상이 아님.풍부한 아름다운 목소리와 감동과 울림을 상대적으로 누가 더 주는지 파도에 비유하자면 머라이어가 집채만한 파도라면 소향은 너울성 파도정도라 봅니다.나도 한국에 피땡기는 한국인이지만 ...인정해야될 걸 어거지로 인정 안하고 싶진 않네요.
영상 처음에 떡하니 low note 라고 써있는데 무슨 고음비교에요;;; 저음까지 비교하는구만요.
저음은 머라이어 캐리가 우세고 고음은 소향이 우세네요. 머라이어 캐리가 내는 휘슬을 소향은 반가성으로 올려요.
하이는 소향정도 하는 가수가 별로 없다고 보시면 됩니다. 셀린디온이나 휘트니 휴스턴 머라이어 캐리가 전부 라이브 할 것 같죠?? 콘서트때에도 사전녹음 떠서 많이 합니다.
머라이어 캐리 우리나라 왔을 때는 대놓고 립싱크한 가수구요. 그것도 성의 없이 립싱크했죠. 아무리 녹음할 때 노래 잘 불러도 라이브 잘 못하면 그건 노래를 잘 하는게 아니죠.
머라이어 전성기 진성 최고음 3옥라 소향 4옥레. 머라이어 저음은 남성들이 내는 저음 수준까지고 고음은 소향이 확실히 우세합니다. 음역폭은 머라이어가 확실히 더 넓어요.
하지만 고음은 소향이 확실히 높습니다.
그렇군요.캐치를 못했네요.수정했습니다.
@@H.Gildong 머라이어케리가 나이가 있고 자기 관리못하고 인성 나쁜것도 있고 한국 콘서트 때 망친거는 인정하지만 ᆢ 이런 모든 걸 다 떠나서ᆢ ᆢ 또 나이 떠나서 오직 두 가수의 전성기때를 비교하고 타고난 재능으로 비교 하면 호흡 기교 고음 리듬감 음악적 재능 음역 음색 음폭 파워 모든면에서 머라이어 캐리가 한수위 ᆢ
@@느-z7w 네 그러시군요ㅋㅋ
홍길동 도데체 왜자꾸 다른가수 비하함? 휘트니하고 샐린디온이 언제 사전녹음에서 내한을함? 머라이어는 이해해도 무슨 타가수까지 그렇게 까는이유는. 머지? 그냥 님들생각은 다 소향보다 아래로 보는거 그거 하나겠죠
Sohyang win
2 mely 한국어로 말하지 그래..??
Low: Mariah easily
Mid belt: Mariah
Upper belt: Sohyang
Headvoice: tie
Whistle: Mariah
Tonal quality: Mariah
Resonance: Mariah slightly
Power: Sohyang is "beast"
To me, both are amazing.
+fangundas zacary Mariah better resonance?
머랴이어캐리 음역대 Bb2 까지 내려가요
소향이라는 가수의 대표곡이?
퍼펙트 소향 우승자!!!
mariah the queen of vol
God you're everywhere, SoHyang wins all belting and Mariah has whistles and lows
+Charmbracelet no sorry but SoHyang wins belting, Mariah can barely hit an F#5 with resonance whereas SoHyang tackles every notes beautifully and with amazing resonance. Mariah doesn't win all of them
+Charmbracelet Mariah hits up to A5 peak, not at all sustained just mostly like "yeah yeah yeah YEAH yeah" whereas Sohyang sustains and hold the notes for amazing length and with amazing resonance. SoHyang pummels Mariah in belting and Mariah wins in Whistles and then it's close with the lows but Mariah wins that too I think (the lows I'm still contemplating though)
+Charmbracelet Okay well Sohyang's resonance in belting was incomparable considering Mariah hit the notes at her peak and again Sohyang's sustenance is I incredible when it comes to belting. Also you say she doesn't have much of a lower register when it was only two notes off of Mariahs so there isn't much difference in range in that respect
+Charmbracelet So Hyang goes to C3...
내귀는 소향
난 맑은 음색을 선호함
regrettable that the sound chosen from each is thin and awful as a whole, which I can't stand.
의미 없는것이..이미 머라이어캐리는 이미 40에 저 실력을 모두 상실했음..
근데 소향은 42세 나이에도 활발히 활동하고 계시고..!
월드 투어 다닌 머라이어님 목상태랑 국내공연 다니신 소향님 목상태중 누가더 심각하게 안좋을까요..
월드투어를 몇십년 동안 다니다 보면 목관리 못해서 저럴수도 있죠..
그래서? 이건 보컬 전성기 비교하는 건데 뭔ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
PLEASE INCLUDE MARIAH'S G7, G#7, F7, & F#7. So it will look fair to mariah. XD
+Ar - Rauf Sali Those are disconnected notes
+mrvocal21 but its still a fucking a note. And those notes made mariah carey as the Supreme Songbird coz she got a fvcking 5 octave range. Got it!?
Ar - Rauf Sali Nope, her connected range is 3 octaves 3 notes A2 - E6.
They are still notes; you have no substantial proof that it's disconnected; Mariah's vocal range spans over 5 octaves...
+GarageStudio yeah righhht! Even the caption doesnt say just the disconnected notes. Like wtf. This video is so biased af
자꼬 비교하는데
음역대고 뭐고 걍 타고난게 머라이어 캐리랑 상대가 안돼요
휘슬고음은 듣기싫고 진성고음 성량은 소향승임
@@김신의-r2l 휘슬고음은 기본이고 초고음 가능 초저음 중음, 호소력 기교 등등등등등 승이고 자사고 히트곡도 아주 많고 애초에 비교가 안돼요
e yum 자꾸 멀 알지도못하면서 니가 누가낫다고 평가하고있어요
걍 소리통 자체가 다른데...;; 소향이랑 그리고 머라이어저음 저거보다 한옥타브 낮게도감ㅋㅋㅋ 무슨 소향빠가 만들었냐? 영상...? 진짜 쪽팔린다...
화학충 ㅋㄱㅋㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㅋ솔까 머라이어가 E5 위로 올라가면 머라이어도 소리 얇아짐
ㅋㅋ 그냥 막귀 인증샷 찍으세요
Low Notes - Definitely Mariah Carey
Voice Quality - No Doubt Mariah Carey
Resonance - No Doubt Mariah Carey
Belting Bb4-G5 - mARIAH cAREy, co'z she still has more resonance with this high notes..
Beltings B5-C6 - nO dOUBT sOH yANG, sinnce Mariah has no, B5 - c6
Whistle - No Question Mariah Carey..
TheEmancipation OfGlitters lol sohyang takes resonance and belting starting from around e5. and as for vocal quality, i feel like you're taking that to a bit more of a subjective level lol
lol! actually fact is fact.. her B5 beltings sounds so awful.. i mean she can hit those notes, but.. nevermind..daydream
TheEmancipation OfGlitters ok? i said starting from around e5, and that includes e5, f5, f#5, g5, g#5, a5, bb5, b5, and c6. you decided to focus on just one of those notes where she sounded shrill and unpleasant (which i heard was due to some throat thing going on), even though she slayed most of the others. also, even if she did sound unpleasant when belting a b5, mariah never belted a b5, so she automatically takes it. mariah's a better vocalist because she's more well rounded, seeing that sohyang's strengths are only upper belting & head voice while mariah's great in nearly every register, but that doesn't take away from the fact that sohyang's a better upper belter.
yah, mariah's voice is just so, good, she never attempted, to hit A5 and beyond, Co'z she cares, more in musicality, than impressing, people.. but we can't say, that sohyang is better than mariah, in upper belts, just because mariah never hit above G#5 i think she can, co'z the way she belted G5 is so effortless, so flawless, like nothing.daydream
TheEmancipation OfGlitters ok, first of all, that's a dumb excuse. second of all, she has hit an a5 before, it was just in the studio. if she did it in the studio, i don't see why she didn't do it live. and lol, mariah DOES care about impressing. she does it with musicality, but it's still trying to impress. she adds whistles, runs, and higher belts into areas where they weren't there initially, and she writes her songs so that they're almost impossible to perform live. and lmao, mariah only has one live g5 that was effortless. the other ones didn't sound as effortless, and one of them was sung with high larynx & lacked proper support. also, only one was sung with centered pitch, and that one was from a dubbed concert, so there might have been some pitch correction going on.
if you're gonna try to defend mariah, at least use vocal facts & evidence, and not just "oh, she just doesn't WANT to impress!" that's such a bullshit excuse. don't be a biased, delusional stan who pulls excuses out of his ass
if were going to talk about the quality of tone, resonance, those runs and ability to hit and sustain notes, it is mariah! her longevity in the music industry is enough proof to kill this dying hyena from korea! let sohyang sing "bliss" by mimi and see if she could be able to sustain mimi's range! hahaha mariah all the way!
김태희 Kim Tae Hee a singer isn't good just if she can sing mariah's songs. Also, Mariah today lost definitely her voice because of her whistles. I agree mariah's a queen but so hyang is a queen too, just less known
Sofiadelsy Mariah is on her way to 40 years of existence while so hyang? i dont care, i mean nobody cares. hahaha
김태희 Kim Tae Hee Sohyang is about to be 40 as well so........ Stop hating. I see you on so many videos bashing sohyang. get a life
Sohyang = " Beautiful screaming"
The others = " just Screaming "
Thx for your comment
sohyang good singer sometimes bark.. but mariah full melimastic,control and whitsle .. she can prhases in whistle.. mariah voice got soul darling.. she know what supposed to do in singing not only hit high note..
But musically, Mariah is just mostly restricted to R&B and hasnt grown much musically, most of her songs sound the same. At least Sohyang tries rock and other genres.
If you want to say about sohyang tries many genre christina the on who sing many genre. Rock,jazz,soul,electronic,pop dance,heavy rock,R&B and many
Mariah music most sound same it because most of her song she written by herself.. did sohyang do the same thing ? No!! Mariah did it.. not only written song most of her song that she written is hit billboard
+boboy yuka yup exactly beyonce also
mariah's highest is G7 and still good to our ears... unlike this dying hyena! listen to her version of hero... weak runs and there is no melisma!
This is a joke. That korean singer could never reach mariah's status as a singer and entertainer.
It's like you guys don't have ears. Mariah on her prime can only be compared to singers such as Celine or Whitney.
A joke
please, dont start with "she is more famous so she is better". grow up.
+simplegenin it's not the truth! I think they are equals
+simplegenin Lol if that's how we're going Madonna is a better vocalist than Mariah. So Hyang is a better vocalist.
+Christopher Kielty Mariah in the 90's is incomparable. Better vocalist doesn't mean who belts higher. lol Mariah has a technique that influenced even Sohyang herself. lol so please, stop wanking. Only reason there isn't any mariah fan arguing for her is because Sohyang is irrelevant and unpopular so much ppl know her.
+•jung daehyun slayed my life• That's subjective. lol I prefer Mariah's silky and breathy head notes than Sohyang. Add in Mariah's ability to go from note to note makes it distinct.
Mariah Carey ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡☆☆♡♡♡♡♡>♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Comparing Sohyang to MC is an insult to MC. Sohyang can hit the high notes but can put the soul to her singing, which means Sohyang is shouting or screaming. Shouting or Screaming is not singing.
you are not good at listening
Hi, Chinese. Ask Sohyang to sing Emotions by MC. And then we talk.
+Kent Bulkune "Sohyang can hit the high notes but can't put the soul to her singing" your statement is so objective. Have you ever looked up Sohyang's performances with an open mind? I bet you haven't.
your opinion is an insult to listeners
Sohyang = " Beautiful screaming"
The others = " just Screaming "
Thx for your comment
머라이어캐리 얼마전 한국내한공연왔다가
먹튀한 무명가수 맞죠?
무명가수라니요..머라이어캐리가 우리나라 10대나 20대 초반에게는 생소할 수 있어서 그런 말을 한 걸수도 있지만 일단 무명가수가 아닌 미국에서 손꼽히는 대단한 가수입니다. 저번 내한때는 건강상태가 많이 악화되었다고 하네요. 그리고 아이들도 셋씩이나 있어서 목 관리할 시간이 별로 없었을 겁니다. 지금은 조금씩 목소리를 회복하고 있습니다 :) #MariahCarey2015live 이 검색어로 들어가시면 여러 2015라이브 직캠영상들이 쏟아져 나옵니다.
현재 45세라는 것을 생각하면.. 그 영상에 나오는 그녀의 가창력은 엄청나다고 볼 수 있습니다.
ankyungsang 무명이요.....? 90년대 팝계에서 빼놓을 수 없는 인물이고, 직접 곡을 작사 작곡했기에 대부분의 여자 가수들은 본인들이 알게 모르게 다 그녀의 영향을 받았다고 하죠...
사잉오 그러면 국카스텐 히트곡없는 무명가수 맞죠?
할망구카밀 님은 죽어봤자 아무도안알아줄 쓰래기맞죠?
무식한 놈이 한글을 쓰네^^
신이내린 목소리 소향,머라고라캐리,휘트니휴스턴,레이디집에가,송대관
소향님이 그 누구랑 비교될분이 아니신데...
머라이어가 누구랑 비교될 분이 아니지ㅋㅋㅋㅋ