This has been a very thoughtful and honest interview with Paul Embery. It now appears there is little to chose between Labour and Conservative policies. Thanks to Labour supporters who decided to change their support and in doing so gave rise to a government where truth has been thrown out of the window. Who, truthfully, can believe anything current politicians say when led by a leader who lies, although constantly having the support of parliament and the public, truly beggars belief. That a Prime Minister can constantly deceive his supporters without any comeback is utterly appalling and says little about those who continue to keep him in office. Unfortunately, there is no one in his or any another party who can stand up for and support the truth. For British politics it is a very sad time through which to live.
It’s deeply depressing but labour or left parties in Australia, US and UK have gone down the idpol (identity’politics) rabbit hole and do not deserve working class votes.
As have both Canada's Liberal and New Democrats. It doesn't leave many options, while peope are reticent to vote for the Tories due to what they perceive as ruthless economic policies.
I have many relatives, here in Australia, who were dedicated, passionate, fighting Labour (ALP) supporters/voters who have abandoned the party and its current values absolutely, and have no problem shouting this out to anyone who will listen. And the majority of them have gone to One Nation!
As with New Zealand labour party and the equivalent Liberal party in Canada. It's almost like a co-ordinated effort by the same cabal calling the shots in all these countries.
@Roland Roland The lefties love the working classes, the love to keep them ignorant and poorly educated to make them easy fodder for their indoctrination B S. Fortunately this only works well on the naive youth and not all of them are interested, experience and an ability to think is the best antidote to the left.
Greeks fly Greek flags outside their homes on National celebrations. Italians fly Italian flags, Poles fly Polish flags, etc. Only in England are the English discouraged from flying the St Georges flag in case someone gets offended.
I agree, but we don't have a culture of flying our flags like they do in the US for example. So i think the main issue is it would just seem odd to want to fly any flag plus we've been told for so long that our flags don't stand for patriotism but rather a kind of hate.
It is the far right that detest the working class. The far right see the working class as criminals and parasites. Boris described the working class as criminal useless and drunk., The left does not hate the working class. The left loves the working class. Labour love the working class. Even the previous Labour government brought in tax credits for working families, the mini wage, increased funding for health, education, public services, foreign aid and the new deal.
They all p_ss in the same pot.We proved that with Brexit when everyone in Parliament voted Remain even against their own constituents.You.M.P's have too much self interest in the EU. Such as their own villas, shell companies and offshore bank accounts etc.
I'm a working class girl living in Liverpool. Always considered myself left leaning (although I never fully trusted labour). What the left has turned into over the past twenty years has absolutely horrified me. It's become crystal clear to me that they don't give a shit about working class people. The callous disregard for the impact this lockdown is having on working class people has really set a new low for Labour. The left is now pro-censorship, pro-corporate, anti-freedom and increasingly authoritarian. It's incredibly frustrating for me to see the large amount of support Labour still has in Liverpool, I don't understand why the people of Liverpool can't see how badly Labour politicians are fucking them over. They hate the Tories so much that they're blinded to the reality of what the Labour party has become.
"The left is now pro-censorship, pro-corporate..." The Labour party is. You confuse the "left" with Labour. If you are pro-capitalist, then you are right wing no matter what words come out of your mouth.
@@linyetang350 then tell me who are the true leftists, who are the people who are actually fighting for the interests of working class people? I can't find them anywhere.
@@cookiebilbo9551 [ Edit: Sorry Cookie, I thought I was replying to someone on a different channel with a similar question from the US. LOL. I'll leave it anyway as it is somewhat applicable to the UK. Best to be awake when typing and to not use the sidebar to respond with blurry vision. You can't find them because they are relatively few in number as the left was defeated by Thatcher, Blair (and his ilk in Parliamentary Labour) and of course, the MSM. Socialists fight for the working class. It appears you are confusing Labour, which has never been a socialist party, with socialism. It has attracted some socialists in the past because once it did promote policies that were favourable to the working class (the majority). Galloway would be an example and he has been chased out like the other socialists. He has started a Workers Party has he not? Look harder and don't expect a full-fledged left opposition to emerge without those such as yourself getting behind them. Do you think the Tories are going to represent the working class? Really. The situation in the US is not much different. Labour co-opted and defanged the working class and their left representatives in the same way the Democratic Party has. Chris Williamson isn't a working class saint? I'm not an Englishman and I love the guy. Please tell me who in the Tory party genuinely wants to better the economic situation of the less well off? Fighting for workers? LOL. Hate on Labour for not being left, not for being what they weren't. Expecting those opposite in interest to you to help you is just silly. That is why desperate class conscious Labour supporters don't make the jump. They perceive no options. Others are in the party because they are liberals (it is really a liberal neo-liberal identitatarian party now) or they hope to make their way in the party apparatus - pure self-interest (e.g. the Novara crowd). You think the Tories will help a "white working class" person because he is white? Not the answer and just the flip-side of liberal IDPol. The only time workers have gotten a better deal is when they have banded together as workers, not sucked up to their ruling class in the hopes of getting a fair deal because of their race, etc.. The best they'll get is crumbs. That Labour has become an obvious impediment to class cohesion doesn't mean you throw your support to your class enemy. You create a different vehicle.] The below was a response to a similar question from the US on the Viva Frei channel. There are socialist organizations all over the US, the world, etc.. If you cannot find them, you haven't looked. In a way, I can't blame you because the MSM has ensured the public mind dosn't even get a glimpse for obvious reasons. The MSM's greatest success in the last century is the complete destruction of class consciousness and the fostering of false consciousness (believing your interests, assuming you are a worker, align with those of capital). Why would one even look? It wasn't like that 100 years ago with a vibrant diverse press. It takes a lot of propaganda to make you love your master. The only "socialists" the corporate media would support are AOC type opportunistic posers who will discredit themselves. The problem is that there are too many left organizations (factionalism) for the number of supporters they have and it's no fun to join any organization that you know will attract the attention of the police and the intelligence agencies. Leftist parties have historically been heavily infiltrated. Or to lose your job because your employer finds out about you beliefs/activities. Standard FBI tactics since the Palmer Raids. Many of the "leaders" of Occupy Wall Street were socialists. They all got FBI visits (Flowers, Graeber, Zeese [sadly the last two just passed], etc.) for the most timid peaceful protests. The protests were ended by police repression. Interestingly, when the MSM/MIC needed Trump gone, they allowed/used protests and the tolerance of violence of all sorts they would have repressed in a heart-beat previously or under a Biden administration. You've seen guests from the Grayzone on Tucker? No? They are socialist to a man/woman. I heard Dan Bongino refer to Aaron Mate as a "libertarian as far as [he] could tell". Not even close and he knows it. He just can't tell the truth after raging about socialists and the "extreme left". I know of not a single socialist who bought into the RussiaGate Hoax. I don't know a liberal who didn't. If you watch something out of your bubble like the Grayzone, Jimmy Dore (obviously a socialist whether declared or not) there are socialist guests all the time. Almost all labour organizing outside of the co-opted big labour outfits is done by socialists. You don't have to look that hard. If you need a list, I can do that, but it seems pointless on this channel. If you come across something that you might wonder whether it is socialist or not, I'd be happy to help if you are interested as it can be confusing in a media environment that was contructed to be that way.
Of course it's the globalist oligarchs and bankers who call the shots on everything, they are the money power and have bought up both sides of politics and all the media outets, what reflexive lefties won't admit is the rhetoric of inclusion, diversity and multiculturalism was engineered by these very same plutocrats to be unleashed on the native working class through the left. How much has identity politics, beloved of the petit-bourgeois university chattering class, been used invalidate working-class concerns? How much has fake champagne socialism, feminism and every brand of weirdness been used to castigate working men? The Guardian and BBC left, while loyal to their middle class roots, are traitors to the national interest. The working class, betrayed by the left, may opt to go hard right. All the fascists need to do is disavow the bankers and corporate crony capitalists and they will be a shoo-in. Don't imagine for a second that the far-right is necessarily dominated by big business. The plutocrats long ago co-opted the middle-class against the working class using those sterile ideologies. The funny thing is, big business will soon make the middle class redundant as robotics and AI removes the need for any human skill. The middle class left, having spat upon the working class for decades, will soon join them as all jobs will be executed by AI and robotic technology, and with no economic reason for existence, the middle class will also be reduced to the status of 'useless eaters' and hence be dispensable (i.e. surplus to requirements). Karma is a bitch. Welcome to 1984.
@@linyetang350 Interesting. But Socialism is not an absolute, it is or should be dynamic and can embrace capitalism as a tool to successful government. The UK is in essence four socialist country's in as far as the state funds and supervises our education and health and gives a modicum of social security enthusiastically supported by the people and facilitated by a healthy, managed use of capitalism. Not so long ago it did the same for all utilities, Transport, iron and coal, oil too. Creeping capitalism removed that and the voice of the Unions, the voice of the wealth makers. The pendulum will swing back again. If a traditional Labor movement should emerge. Michael Foot and Kate Hoey, Tony Benn, and Jack Straw were perhaps the last notable socialist representatives in Parliament. There are some on the right that have socialist tendencies too. In fact the conservative right have been flip flopping since Eu independence The European experiment had been seen by many as a socialist notion, that is now revealed as fraudulent. The Brexit vote was the biggest kick in the pants for the oh so not socialist establishment since women got the vote and a huge boost for Socialism and equality, there are many who are chagrined to have missed the boat and many who are ashamed they didn't see it coming. Hence the vitriol, having your face rubbed in your own complacency is humiliating. From my perspective Trump displayed many basic socialist ideals along side his patriotic zeal. Biden's ideal is more Biden. Perhaps the easy interpretation or confusion of socialism and what can be described as Marxism is fear of the extremist, the slide into communism of those that only have one axe to grind and are so fixated by the need to achieve a keen edge that the handle rots and falls off. Properly applied socialism addresses the needs of the axe head, handle, grinding wheel and forest. All of this is perhaps beyond the wit of current leaders, after all, the sages of the past struggled with it, with very few notable exceptions.
Japan being an island nation, realized that there was only so much room available and the Japanese are an industrious people, Britain could have done the same thing but our politicians knew better and took us down the current path, which has turned out to be a disaster. Why should Britons be ashamed of their culture, the Japanese have the right idea, limited migration and assimilation if you want to make a life there, what is wrong with that?
Immigration here is population replacement, incomers seldom want to acquire our culture,5hey want to take over,those of diverse religion of confrontation,others adopt our culture easily,our language etc,Chinese happy to do so...Indians generally,work very hard.
Nothing is wrong with wanting your homeland for your people. The globalist cabal needs to be strung across their own altar, where they sacrifice our children, and have their own hearts cut out.
@@doovbaloevera1430 Japan has had a continuously falling suicide rate since the spike of the banking crash of 97. It is set to be overtaken by the steadily rising rate in the USA any year now as those respective curves have essentially intersected. Falling birthrates are a common theme among essentially all mature modern economies. It's worth noting here that the Earth has an issue with overpopulation and the consumption this drives - especially for populations living in large BNP (edit: GDP) societies. You can watch "Why All Foreigners Leave Japan" for a reality check on Japan's commitment to doing anything remotely similar to western post war migration.
Considering Japan was a bigger colonial power than the UK its amazing yes. They don't let other nations hold them down with history of previous crimes today's people didn't commit the UK loves to be sorry for everything done hundreds of years ago missing all of the awful things happening now and saying nothing.
he could win with the SDP though, especially as me( ex Tory) are joining them. The Tories are not conservative, haven't been for years. Ignoring marxists groups and encouraging fascist behaviour snitching on neighbours is so far away from decent conservative values they're a disgrace.
As someone who would never describe himself as Left-wing, I found Paul Embery to be a very compelling interviewee. Warm, intelligent and with his heart where Labour used to be. He is the sort of Labourite I can respect ... which is more than I can say for any but a very few in Parliament, Councils or the Labour Party. P.S. Being right-wing does not make me a supporter of the Conservative Party which is not right-wing, is not patriotic, does not believe in conserving community values and which has more in common with the modern Labour Party than either grouping has with the ordinary man and woman of this country.
@@christophergarrard5210 Whatever it says on the label, what is inside the tin is anything BUT a centre right party. And Unionism is not a necessarily right wing position.
@@christophergarrard5210 Define right wing and then define how the Conservative Party meets the definition. I have been right of centre all my political life and I do not recognise this Sataist, anti-democractic, socialist rabble as at all right wing.
I’m 50 and used to be a lefty 25 years ago until I found out what they were like. The 10 most opinionated unpleasant judge-mental aggressive people I’ve ever met were all extreme Left.
Paul Embery is so spot on and what he says I have been witnessing this for many years and believe it became very apparent from Blair becoming PM and onwards.
Embrey is spot on with his views My dad was a trade union shop steward , and I’ve worked as a truck driver for nearly 35 years and I’d NEVER vote Labour .. They have betrayed the working class people of the UK for well over 30 years ..
@@robertjsmith 😂🤣😅. The German history for voting in extremists is well known .. thanks for the kind offer of a Green dictatorship but I will go with the red hot poker up the anus before voting for those nut jobs
@@MsChitterchat That's exactly what is needed! Those who continue to vote for the same LIbLabCons because they are afraid of splitting the vote are legitimising the broken system we have and keeping it in place.
That is because Leftists have an egotistical need to see themselves as heroes for the least-fortunate, and gallant fighters against the powerful. There are people in the world far-less fortunate than White Europeans, so Left sympathies lie with them. Leftists are on a never-ending quest to find people more deserving of their solidarity. They can never be satisfied with the working people they have in their own countries.
@@davidhawley1132 Yes. More voted Republican this time than any election. I predict next time will be a landslide vote against the left. If they haven't got us all in internment camps by then.
I think that's the thing with Trump but "Trumpism". I think there are, of course, intelligent working class voters who don't necessarily like Trump but feel more he's got their back, and on their side. "It might seem strange to note that the US was lucky to get Trump, but it was, in this respect: while he is power-mad and entirely lacking in conscience and empathy, he is also impetuous and incompetent, and failed to follow a clear programme. In other words, he was a hopeless wannabe dictator. He was also unfortunate: were it not for the pandemic, he might have won again. But he has blazed a trail for someone more effective: someone with Trump’s absence of moral constraint, but with a determined programme and a cold, strategic mind." George Monbiot
So you hate England and love immigration = replacement? He literally said he supported immigration... I hope you don't have kids because they will hate you in about 50 years when the country is not English anymore.
Theres many degrees of left and different types of left I regard myself as old School Labour left which is just about fair play and fair pay for all. The liberal left are all about being politically correct on every issue and far left are all about dogma - they only like working class who buy into socialism. They're calling the working class who vote Tory at the last election " cloth cap Tories" the Guardian reading types regard the working class as gammons chavs and thickies. This is why so many are now going to the right but there's very little representation of them in politics or the media. The majority feel like the minority in their own country.
Try the Political Compass Test. politics is circular and not linear. Youll probably find you are left-wing Libertarian. Todays left are Left wing Authoritarian...and therein lies the problem...
Completely on point, unfortunately so many just cannot see it. It is easy to see the people holding their noses as they voted Conservative as there was no sensible alternative. Look at how that is working out.
Yes. I want basics like good pay and a decent quality of life. I don't want my life being micro managed by people who quite genuinely believe that they know what I want better than I do. Left wing libertarian describes me well, and I can't think of any prominent politician who reflects my opinions.
It's the reason we are now divided into 'communities'. We were collectively a working class community with collective goals, but now we have been pitted against each other because of vested interests.
Thank you Paul for expressing a very, very important point. My vote, was most definitely a vote against the UK 'Establishment' as much as it was against the EU. Thanks also Peter, for a very informative and enlightening programme.
I worked at an ultra liberal university and it always amazed me the lack of mercy they showed towards the lower class workers there. There were no concessions made for workers who didn't have their own cars or who couldn't pay certain fees...and all that while they were known to pay lower wages than other businesses in the area.
You are spot on, I voted labour from 18 years of age having a mining dad, I'm 55 now and voted for Boris for the 1st time, now I will watch carefully what politicians are doing for my community from now on, I knew exactly what I was voting for I will not let them undermine me ever again.
The Labour Party always has been a “plaything” for the middle class. Read your history. It was founded by “dropouts” from the Victorian middle class. It has always been run by the “middle class”. Many people in the U.K. working classes accepted the Labour Party because they “felt” that the Labour Party was the only U.K. political party that had their interests “at heart”. Much has changed since those days. Many of the “left” of politics see themselves as “international socialists”. They align with other “international socialists” and consider themselves to be the modern “elite ruling class”. Which is why the traditionalism of the U.K. Labour Party is failing. It is composed mostly of those who believe both in Marxism and the tradition U.K. Labour movement. People such as Jeremy Corbyn. In the opinion of the International Socialists it is such people that are “holding back” the Labour Party. Many International Socialists now operate from within the U.K. Conservative Party.
So what are the Tories? Are you seriously suggesting that the bumbling juvenile disaster that is Boris Johnson, gives a fig for working-class people in Britain? If you do then you are either deluded or hoping to be saved by the selfish and irresponsible elites sell off everything to their American daddies.
Replace the words "England" and "Labour" with "United States" and "Democrat", and he could be speaking about the exact same problems that we're having with the left in my country.
Used to like this guy but showed his true colours and phoniness this week by pretending to be a bastion for the working class but then goes on massive anti-Trump rant on Twitter. Trump gave a voice to the working man; now we going to have to suffer sky high taxes under Biden and all our manufacturing jobs Trump worked so hard to bring back given back to China. Bidenbot also wants to destroy oil industry. Paul doesn't represent working class at all. He is a fraud, a chaos agent and will never support him again.
@@northernsoul4477 Many people exposing themselves this week; will be interesting if Trump somehow pulls off a last minute win through courts and then all these phonies will cringe when they lose all their support for next four years.
The power that London has accrued to itself both Politically/Culturally has and is alienating vast swathes of the UK. It behaves like a city state such as ancient Rome. Unfortunately all the Tories have delivered so far are empty promises about levelling up.
Its was not real surprise that under Corbyn himself a North London MP, most of his choices for senior posts where also London MP's , as well as unquestioning followers.
I've seen where I live massively change in my lifetime. I feel I'm not welcome there anymore. Thank you Tony Blair, thank you labour. Diversity has divided us.
@Kevin Twine Exactly. But you have to hand to the Tories and the media, persuading so many that it was Labour who sold the family silver. Most on here probably don't know where that quote comes from. It was said by a former Tory Prime Minister, Harold McMilan, in the 80s when Thatcher's government sold most of British industry and initiated casino capitalism in the City.
I don’t know nem. Boris has been so hysterical with the corona virus lockdowns (2 unnecessary ones) I think he is driving everyone into the hands of the opposition.
@World Academy Of Music she will have had a high tolerance from doing it for decades. You really think Peter whittle has been doing coke since his 20s ? Let it go youve lost this round slugger
I don't know why Paul Embery is so surprised at Labour's disgust at the nation wanting to leave the EU. The EU Commission is just a modern version of the old USSR politburo (as Gorbachev pointed out at an event in Paris several years ago). The politburo (EU commision) creates the laws, the MEPs merely rubber stamp them with no ability to alter these laws in any meaningful way. Guy verhofstadt compared the EU 7 year economic plan with the soviet union 5 year economic plan. What a giveaway! Altiero Spinelli's (1907-1986) name is above the main entrance to the EU. Spinelli was an Italian communist who set out a manifesto which is being followed by the EU. Comedian Alexi Sayle has in his autobiography (and used it in an interview by remote camera) that his parents (both communists) attended meetings where it was discussed how and when they (communists) would take over the world.I though it was just a comedic tale but he was trying to warn us (obvious now). The European elections are just an illusion of democracy.
Paul Embery was a Brexit supporter. The EU is only like the USSR in it's megalomaniacal need to enforce what it thinks is 'good for us'. They're rampant neoliberal corporatists. They're more like The Puritans of the 17th century - free trade and strict obedience. It's even run by the countries that invented protestism (Luther) and the rise of capitalism (French Revolution). It was a great revolutionary force at the time but it is clear that much damage has been done in the name of both. It's time to address the imbalances that the extremes of both movents caused. Yes, we should have free trade and freedom of worship (or no worship at all). But with the coming of the 4th industrial revolution, when the means of production, distribution and access to resources will inevitably be held in the hands of fewer and fewer people, it is time to stand up and demand something better suited to everyone, not just the few who own everything. Think about it. If technological advances mean that there will be fewer jobs, who will the independent entrepreneurs be selling their services to? All the necessities of life will be produced by automated systems. Those of us who cannot possibly raise the necessary capital to even attempt to compete with automated production will not be able to compete with those who can.
Good at 39 minutes in. I see it in the churches that turn to yoga mindfulness studios and then surprise surprise mosques. And that sends a chill down the spine.
While it's very mollifying listening to Paul Embery, I doubt that the Labour party will endear itself to the working classes anytime soon. Too much would need to change: many more Labour MPs would need to come from working class backgrounds to alter the party's empathy. Still, it's good to hear these things spoken about.
There's an old saying in Wigan that you can't fall out with a man telling the truth. The problem people have is they just don't like to hear it. Great interview.
In the Netherlands same thing happened with the referenda on the European constitution and Ukraine. The outcome was simply ignored and referenda were abolished by our smiling prime Minister Mark Rutte.
Of course I can because I'm-> A white, male privalaged working class man in the private sector, paying a mortgage, supporting my ex and children and parents, never received a penny from the govt, proud of the UK, support the police and am against drugs What's not to like about liebor😃 PS also a Brexiteer and therefore apparently thick, deplorable and a racist
Afraid not my friend . Vote for someone who doesn't believe in democracy, how ironic. When will people accept you dont have to agree with the result of a vote but you have to accept the will of the majority
I don’t understand the issue of a second referendum like if people still want brexit surely a second referendum would guarantee that’s what they want but going ahead with Brexit is also an issue because the tories insist on hard Brexit or no deal when Northern Ireland and Scotland voted remain and Northern Ireland is literally connected onto an Eu country and must have an open border to ensure there isn’t social unrest, a lot has changed in the past four years and people are more aware of the implications of Brexit, the fact that leaving is worse for the economy, the fact the uk isn’t going to be protected by Eu health and safety regulations on foods and will probably end up mainly trading with America which is infamous for its lack of food safety, the fact that people studying in Eu countries will have to pay premium rates compared to before, holidays will require more extensive paperwork and end up far more expensive, the fact the tories tried to break international law to get anything close to a good deal which if they succeeded would lead to most countries refusing to trade at all. As for blm, do you agree with police brutality and racist profiling, I really don’t get what people’s issue is with blm if they’re not racist?
@@dontworryimnotastalker5486 so is this where we are in this period in time now. Some people dont like the result of a vote. So I think we should have another vote because these poor ill educated people didn't know what they voted for . Dont recall on the ballot it asking what kind of brexit we where getting . It was stay or go . I think to start calling for second votes on things is very dangerous and the beginning of the end for democracy . Rightly or wrongly once people make their choice when voting , you have to abide by the majority at that time . You are not entitled to get your way . Your opinion or view is no more relevant or important than anyone else. So here we go again with , the name calling . If you dont agree with BLM your a racist really. By very definition if you single any race out for preferential or discrimination because of their race , in itself is racist . Blm has no problem with black on black crime , it has no problem with black on white crime . It's a self proclaimed marxists group .
What a brilliant interview, Paul is on point with every facet of what we think and the feelings of the working class. Especially regards the snobbery and having no one who knows the challenges of living week to week represent us in the HOC. Thank you Paul and Peter..
@@stockinettestitch I always voted as an individual, had a few run ins with the commissars trying to indoctrinate me. It was quite aggressive campaigning, a percentage of the union subs go to the labour party, of which I found out you can opt out of, not commonly available knowledge though.
@@paulhank7967 my lot still think it's Thatcher vs the miners in the 1980's. The run ins myself and a few others, brave enough to stand up for their convictions had. The arrogance of the reps that we should fall in line and follow the union agendas, disagreement was met with rabid disdain followed by the usual bigoted/racist/homophobic accusations.
How about we don’t have MPs who go from student politics at university, political researcher roles, and then look for their likely parliamentary seats? I would like mature minds with life experience of the working world (and preferably not all from public sector jobs).
Ban anyone from standing for office who hasn't spent at least 4 years since their education ended at something other than a job related to politics or the law or the media?
I know what you mean, but no-one actually READS the 'Guradian' (sic.) The Guardian is just something so-called 'trendies' (un-educated, brainwashed University types - the kind Hitler took advantage of) carry about under their arms just because they think it looks 'cool.'
I've always admired you and your dedication to the voice of the working people. We the workers have been oppressed, undermined, abused, and intimidated by an archaic system that translates into modern management and buzz words like "modernization" when really the fat cats want more for less pay, poorer pensions whilst depriving the Public of their protection. Keep it up mate and good luck at your tribunal.
Paul talks about immigration but misses the point that Blair and co didn’t care about whether the new immigrants blended in and took up a British culture as long as they got enough numbers into the country who would vote for the Labour Party in return for their (Labour Party ) help, As they knew their traditional working class, flat cap voters had dwindled as more working class families lives had improved (not all but enough to who saw that labour would be just as willing to take their money as they would the ‘rich’).
I for one will be keeping my eye on Paul Embery because after watching this interview he thinks the way most of us feel who love this great country and its people---wished we had another 20 more like him in a political party and they would get my vote .
I think you should add peoples- one in six born abroad- we were never consulted if we wanted this. In a so -called democracy , a very small number of politicians have changed this country forever.. In fact the number could be called less than thirty for each successive government that have a cabinet, Fellow MP's have to agree with their own Cabinet especially when a three line whip is applied. Cabinet dictatorship! Democracy-ha ha ha ha.
Very interesting the insights of Paul Embery. Some of his echo what has happened in the US, especially in regard to the left that has a great deal of disdain for working class people, especially if they are white. There is all this talk about identity, intersectionality, and race, but scant analysis regarding class.
It's never coming back and the rest in parliament are going with them. A new system is needed, a complete clear out of the old, and it's coming, may take time, no matter what they promise, we have hardened our hearts and closed our ears.
Much appreciated this. Articulate and soundly reasoned. Why are people like Embery on the fringe? More people resonate with what he says than those currently in either party.
I’m a northern working class person living in London and I have watched the demise of working class British peoples voices across the country. This is because Labour who was once for the working classes are now for all things migrants, including Pakistani’s and other minorities communities that are not predominantly born and bred British. Labour are traitors to the likes of me and I think it will take a hell of a lot of change within the party to make me and millions of others vote for them again. Honestly, I’d love it if farage came back into politics, because he is the only one that will get my vote.
I don't think the main parties realise it's over. Just reading comments under videos you can see new parties are needed. Laurence Fox and Nigel Farage are eagerly awaited. I will be voting for Reform or Reclaim. As will many others.
@@juliefaulkner5497 The most stable mature heads for years now have been with the SDP. The new parties will certainly have enthusiasm and a lot of corrective thinking - but will lack experience which is also important. Good if there could be a coming together and a recognition of the years of dedicated groundwork already put in by this centre party when it wasn't fashionable to do so, and consequently was ignored by all sides.
I have been a socialist all my life. The Labour Party has ceased to be a socialist party. There are very few who have any lived experience of what it is to be working class in any political party and sadly the tories appear to captured the working class imagination. The Labour Party is a graduates career path if you can’t stomach being a Tory. Even momentum is a university middle class movement along with the likes of extinction rebellion. There are 35 million people in the U.K. who are middle class. Across all course sexes all demographics. I recently spoke to a Labour activist and pointed out that fact. I was told I didn’t know what I was talking about there was no such thing as working class. I replied that’s why Labour will now die at the polls as an example I noted 35 million people were moved enough to vote in a Brexit referendum and it was that pissed off working class that voted leave. I voted remain. The activist came up with a 30 minute load of tosh about media about lies and analytics and all sorts of crap. Apparently wanting your own place to be your place, your mortgage paid because you have a job and low taxes and a good school for your kids are not issues that should concern the non existent working class. We have one party politics now. Upper class elites or middle class elites. Even the police that last bastion of the establishment that had entry from unqualified working class people to represent that part of society has gone to graduate or apprentice studying a degree entry. Who speaks for that 35 million people anymore? My biggest worry is that one party politics and the middle class elites across public authority become nothing more than a dictatorship because they are unchallenged. Covid seems to be accelerating that move towards an authoritarian government. And yet again the Labour Party have sold out. There is more dissent in Tory ranks which I never thought I would see. Shocking!
I agree 100% with what you say, especially what you say about covid. There seems to be more opposition voices within the Tories than in Labour, Lib Dems, and Nationalists combined. Unfortunately I see a lot of similarities between our present circumstances and those in which the Nazis were elected. I believe a party called nationalist and socialist would be attractive to tens of millions of people in the UK today, especially if it was headed by people previously not involved in politics.
@@cornishhh I hate to say it but yes if you got a strong personality that could galvanise the working class I would frankly be worried what could be aspired to promised and ultimately achieved without a check or balance in place. The Tory cabinet is currently undermining what democracy we have and a hugely unpopular. If that person comes now they already have an authoritarian base to work off. We are whether we like it or not a country with an aggressive nature to complement the compassion, let’s hope there is more compassion and less controlled aggression in politics in future but I fear not. Politically it’s all to play for.
"Neglected, sneered at and mocked..." TOO TRUE! I was privileged to regularly meet 'battling Bessy Braddock' from the North West in her later years. It spoke of a time when Labour candidates grew out of their communities and knew and represented their issues. Nowadays, party vetting among the elite is 'planting' candidates who have no real feeling or empathy with their actual constituents and do not understand their aspirations. Until there is a reversal, Labour is destined to be relegated to the past. The only way to combat creeping totalitarianism is to 'get real'. Will it happen? One hopes so, but.... With £3000+ annual pay rises, parliament is going to attract the professional politician rather than the genuine representative. In the end, we get the government we deserve! The pay freeze of those who the Tories heralded as 'heroes' in the current Covid crisis whist handing themselves an un-earned bonus may well get through the skulls of 'undecided' voters. Who knows? "From everyone according to their ability and to everyone according to their need" was on my Labour card for several years and the day that Labour got embarrassed by that was a sign that they had lost the plot. 'New Labouor' might have been necessary to gain power but but it was eventually to ditch 'old Labour' and signal its decline. Corbyn and 'Momentum' wasn't the great shift that was needed to convince the British public that they were behind them and were looking for their overall well-being. "I don't think they've have me." I was invited to stand locally in my middle-class ward. When I said, 'give me a working-class ward and I'd be happy to serve,' I never heard another word. It tells a story.
My father was born in the East End, left school at 13 but went to Oxford after the war and was a Left wing lecturer in industrial relations. I often wonder what he would have thought of Brexit. I know he hated Blair and co, and was deeply patriotic. Anyway I voted for Brexit. It’s not hard to go against most of the people I know, I have been doing that since the 80s. But now they’ve been losing the plot for a few years and this is a real punch in the teeth for them, so they aren’t being quite so affable about it any more. That’s a good sign really, means we’re getting through to them. Thanks to both for your excellent discussion.
Grew up in a Labour household, we all voted Tony Blair for his first term - total change around for us all after his first four years. I have never looked back and been a populist ever since, campaigned to get us out of the EU and with The Brexit Party. I have increasingly come to despise Labour over the intervening years. The fact that politicians still didn’t get it, but CHOSE to believe they were right, yet again, by asserting that we were so dumb we made up our minds due to Russian bots or one advert on the side of a bus shows how much contempt they still hold for us in the face of repeated voting pointing clearly to where the mood lies. I despise Labour because they are supposed to represent the working class, I am working class and they have never represented me in the whole of my adult life and probably before. So it is Labour that has left us out in the cold, not a Tory party that was never pushed as the working class party to begin with. If Blue Labour formed its own party I would be very interested in looking, there is no way back for the Labour Party but to split on ideological lines. Labour - do you represent the working class or some kind of postmodernism, Marxism hybrid nightmare - what is it? Interested parties would love to know.
The left love the working class, It is the far right who hate the working class. The far right see the working and middle class as criminals and parasites, The far right detest working class people. Boris described the working class as criminal drunk and hopeless Could you imagine a Labour Party leader saying that? Even the previous Labour government brought in tax credits, the mini wage, the new deal, increased funding for health, education, foreign aid, and public services.
People first voted for Farage and Brexit Party. That made people more comfortable with voting Boris. However Boris has to deal properly with immigration and absolutely with the child sex abuse gangs that are being largely ignored by the soppy law enforcement system.
If you had said to me years ago , I would vote against labour , I would have laughed in your face . I'm not laughing anymore, and I'm not voting labour anymore. In their eyes that makes me unintelligent and some kind of racist. They have turned a whole group of people against them . And they respond by name calling and labels
I totally agree with this gentleman, it didn't all start to go wrong with Corbyn. Blair and the PC brigade have to shoulder a huge portion of the blame also
@@johncoyle8191 It's the same in the US with the Democrats. The actual issue is National Sovereignty vs Globalism but no one in the media will call it that. The ruling class, both left and right are pro Globalism & neither one will stem the flow of mass immigration.
Paul embery is completely correct in this interview and I’m really looking forward to reading his book. Of course George Orwell had a whole chapter about this middle class left dislike of the working class in his book the road to Wigan pier.
Would you mind explaining why Orwell said they disliked the working class? Does it have to do with their belief that the working class wasn't as educated?
Crows taking off, Yes of course that and some plain old fashioned snobbery. Just because the working class are not as educated as the middle class doesn’t make them wrong, it just means they work in different jobs and so live different lives than the middle class and so have a different outlook on issues such as the eu freedom of movement of Labour for instance because they are more affected by it. Anyway check out Orwell’s road to Wigan pier chapter 11.
I love this channel. It's open and balanced. Paul is an amazing guy, he just made it so clear why the red wall happened - it's common sense but thats with hindsight. Paul is a traditional Labour supporter and for that he has my utmost respect and support; he explains why the modern so-called (london) labour is down the shxxtter - they know better than their electorate!
You’ve articulated exactly how I feel I’ve been at first catering then later working in the transport and warehouse industry as a forklift driver and have watched the slow erosion of the value in the White working class
Labour love the working class. It is the far right that hate the working class. The far right see the working class as criminals and parasites. Boris described the working class as criminal drunk and hopeless,
Enoch’s famous speech was actually not what he thought! It was a report to the HOC on what his constituents were telling him and their opinions, views and fears. He was doing his job in representing the people who lived in the area he represented. That in itself was an act that went against the grain of the establishment.
@HISS fingerboards You are indeed correct. Powell was the first to warn us that the UK wasn't prepared for mass immigration. We now recognise the huge failure of integration which marginalised communities & created ghettos, poverty & resentment.
My wife and I, my daughters & their mother, my parents, my in laws, are all well educated and are in or are retired from very good jobs. We all voted for Brexit because we wanted our country to be able to make its own decisions without the ball and chain of the EU. Independent. Turns out that it was a good decision. Brexit has already saved lives by allowing our world class vaccination roll out to be possible. I like these guys, but it’s not good enough to merely suggest that working class voters had a different set of reasons for their decision to vote for Brexit. Yes there was an element of them kicking the shins of the establishment, but they also had the cognitive ability to decide what they thought was best for the U.K.
Very interesting interview, even if Mr Embery appears to have a quite biased and naive way of looking at the subject of immigration. Immigration is not ''good'' by itself, especially not when the numbers are not controlled at all and the government does not assert itself by picking from which countries immigrants should come from. It does not take a genius to figure out that some cultures are not compatible with the West. Also, political correctness is one of the worst evils that has been born out of mass immigration and the trouble that it causes, so pardon me if I'm quite skeptical of anyone that wants immigration and does not bother seeing all the supposed advantages of it and the demonstrable harm that it causes. Good luck in trying to convince the rest of the Labour party to reform, though
Great interview, as usual. Very well put case by Paul, he has his finger on the pulse. Peter, thank you for giving voice to the cencored and unheard. And you have a great interview manner. You listen to your guest and you let them speak uninterrupted. And without an agenda. So refreshing.
Paul Emberton talks as if he knows and respects the working class. Unfortunately he doesn't talk for me. I was raised in one of Europe's largest working class Towns. He was a heartland of working class people employing thousands of people in heavy industry. I am perhaps one of the few who saw the demise of these industries in the sixties and seventies and believed it was the Unions and Labour who decimated the working class in these areas. They follow the Alinski rules, amongst others to attack opposition, like the Tories, by accusing them with of actions and policies which were their own. Wilson closed many more pits than Thatcher, and introduced the policy to stop milk in schools.
@@paul756uk2 his history should serve him better. And I now professors on over £100k per annum who are still working class. But I understand how you are confusing my post.
I had a great-aunt who was a factory worker in a shire county during the sixties and seventies. It was very much a family owned factory, and the family had created a good working environment for the employees and also for their families. Even so, the Union allowed power to go to its head and would call an 'everybody out' over the most minor things - like a small puddle of water on the floor that an equally small mop would easily have dealt with. The outcome of this was that, with production so often stopped, the factory lost business and ultimately went broke with all being made redundant. My relative witnessed grown men crying on their last day at work - they were losing good jobs in a previously happy environment.
What an intelligent orater; a real breath of fresh air for a Labour member and clearly nailed the issue; I and many I know felt sick voting Brexit - 30 years of ignoring our cultural values in preference to minorities. Stupid revenge but sweet revenge all the same.
@@robertjsmith The obvious alternative is to vote for the party least damaging (based on their policies / in your estimation) to your own best interests .. just as presumably millions of voters did in recent elections .. would have thought that was obvious :) Next question?
14:56: Part of the reason why so much of England feels abandoned is that our political and media elites don't live there and therefore have no idea of its existence. Our political and media class need to move out of London if they wish to take the temperature of the country. At the moment every comment they make just provokes fury. No wonder so many people feel so angry and ignored!
Articulate and wise words. We need an engaged political left in this country. There is a job to be done speaking up for those who have lost out to the dominant hierarchies of each generation, necessary and productive as they are. My prayers are with Mr Embery as he seeks to bring sanity to his party.
I thoroughly despise the Labour party from the depths of my entire being, but I have the utmost respect for Paul Embery. He did an excellent job of exposing the nastiness and hypocrisy of Emily Thornberry and the rest of Labour who called for a second referendum.
Great conversation and some very thoughtful points raised. Thank you. With regard to the Labour Party’s drop in popularity - and the reasons have been well defined - I think that any attempt to re-engage with working class concerns and values will be very difficult. They can say what they like to try and win back votes, but convincing people it’s anything more than window-dressing will be hard. We know what they think and words alone are unlikely to sway the public.
In around 2005 I was working as a housing officer in Dagenham, BNP had taken seats so it was an interesting time. Labour councillors were ranting and raving about how racist attacks were up - I spoke to our local coppers all said that wasnt true, another labour lie. I tried to get BNP and labour in and around a table to discuss problems our tenants were having, labour refused point blank. BNP people were very helpful, labour through out my time there, were vicious and twisted, awful people.
Paul is a sensible voice of reason and common sense on the left. I only wish there were more people like him. Unfortunately they are few and far between.
"Oh look, I'm the last Englishman left, at least I wasn't 'racist" Why does England owe their very existance to a choice for people to move here, not a right, a choice.
Excellent interview and guest. The misrepresentation actually goes back further- George Orwell and the Road to Wigan Pier, he identified champagne socialism then. Published 1937
Paul Embery is the real deal, utterly authentic and sincere. He must be very lonely.
This has been a very thoughtful and honest interview with Paul Embery. It now appears there is little to chose between Labour and Conservative policies. Thanks to Labour supporters who decided to change their support and in doing so gave rise to a government where truth has been thrown out of the window. Who, truthfully, can believe anything current politicians say when led by a leader who lies, although constantly having the support of parliament and the public, truly beggars belief. That a Prime Minister can constantly deceive his supporters without any comeback is utterly appalling and says little about those who continue to keep him in office. Unfortunately, there is no one in his or any another party who can stand up for and support the truth. For British politics it is a very sad time through which to live.
No he is not the real deal... He said he is open top immigration = he does not give a crap about England or working class... wake up!
@@1Life2Little Agreed ! He’s still a leftie, a socialist globalist ! He hates nation state and democracy !
@@davidpescod7573yes 2 Tier Keir has fulfilled everything said here
It’s deeply depressing but labour or left parties in Australia, US and UK have gone down the idpol (identity’politics) rabbit hole and do not deserve working class votes.
So very true.
As have both Canada's Liberal and New Democrats. It doesn't leave many options, while peope are reticent to vote for the Tories due to what they perceive as ruthless economic policies.
I have many relatives, here in Australia, who were dedicated, passionate, fighting Labour (ALP) supporters/voters who have abandoned the party and its current values absolutely, and have no problem shouting this out to anyone who will listen. And the majority of them have gone to One Nation!
As with New Zealand labour party and the equivalent Liberal party in Canada.
It's almost like a co-ordinated effort by the same cabal calling the shots in all these countries.
@Roland Roland The lefties love the working classes, the love to keep them ignorant and poorly educated to make them easy fodder for their indoctrination B S. Fortunately this only works well on the naive youth and not all of them are interested, experience and an ability to think is the best antidote to the left.
Greeks fly Greek flags outside their homes on National celebrations. Italians fly Italian flags, Poles fly Polish flags, etc. Only in England are the English discouraged from flying the St Georges flag in case someone gets offended.
That is rubbish there are plenty of union flags where I live and county flags too. No one is really bothered about flags surely?
Its cheap nationalism,you're not really contributing the country by hanging out some piece fabric, if you really want to contribute start a business.
The only thing we can do is stick together and defy this push back against the English.
I agree, but we don't have a culture of flying our flags like they do in the US for example. So i think the main issue is it would just seem odd to want to fly any flag plus we've been told for so long that our flags don't stand for patriotism but rather a kind of hate.
Same thing across the pond. Some people think that flying the Stars and Stripes is racist and scary.
I had voted labour all my life but will never vote for them again after the way they looked down on us over Brexit and didn't honor the vote
It wasnt just a "dishonour" it was the active and strident opposition by them and the likes of the Lib Dems and not even to mention many tories.
It is the far right that detest the working class. The far right see the working class as criminals and parasites.
Boris described the working class as criminal useless and drunk.,
The left does not hate the working class. The left loves the working class.
Labour love the working class. Even the previous Labour government brought in tax credits for working families, the mini wage, increased funding for health, education, public services, foreign aid and the new deal.
They all p_ss in the same pot.We proved that with Brexit when everyone in Parliament voted Remain even against their own constituents.You.M.P's have too much self interest in the EU. Such as their own villas, shell companies and offshore bank accounts etc.
@@invernessfan3017 Perhaps that’s your experience but it’s not the same for everyone. Certainly not myself
Does that mean you still think Brexit was a good idea?
I'm a working class girl living in Liverpool. Always considered myself left leaning (although I never fully trusted labour). What the left has turned into over the past twenty years has absolutely horrified me. It's become crystal clear to me that they don't give a shit about working class people. The callous disregard for the impact this lockdown is having on working class people has really set a new low for Labour. The left is now pro-censorship, pro-corporate, anti-freedom and increasingly authoritarian. It's incredibly frustrating for me to see the large amount of support Labour still has in Liverpool, I don't understand why the people of Liverpool can't see how badly Labour politicians are fucking them over. They hate the Tories so much that they're blinded to the reality of what the Labour party has become.
"The left is now pro-censorship, pro-corporate..." The Labour party is. You confuse the "left" with Labour. If you are pro-capitalist, then you are right wing no matter what words come out of your mouth.
@@linyetang350 then tell me who are the true leftists, who are the people who are actually fighting for the interests of working class people? I can't find them anywhere.
@@cookiebilbo9551 [ Edit: Sorry Cookie, I thought I was replying to someone on a different channel with a similar question from the US. LOL. I'll leave it anyway as it is somewhat applicable to the UK. Best to be awake when typing and to not use the sidebar to respond with blurry vision. You can't find them because they are relatively few in number as the left was defeated by Thatcher, Blair (and his ilk in Parliamentary Labour) and of course, the MSM. Socialists fight for the working class. It appears you are confusing Labour, which has never been a socialist party, with socialism. It has attracted some socialists in the past because once it did promote policies that were favourable to the working class (the majority). Galloway would be an example and he has been chased out like the other socialists. He has started a Workers Party has he not? Look harder and don't expect a full-fledged left opposition to emerge without those such as yourself getting behind them. Do you think the Tories are going to represent the working class? Really. The situation in the US is not much different. Labour co-opted and defanged the working class and their left representatives in the same way the Democratic Party has. Chris Williamson isn't a working class saint? I'm not an Englishman and I love the guy. Please tell me who in the Tory party genuinely wants to better the economic situation of the less well off? Fighting for workers? LOL. Hate on Labour for not being left, not for being what they weren't. Expecting those opposite in interest to you to help you is just silly. That is why desperate class conscious Labour supporters don't make the jump. They perceive no options. Others are in the party because they are liberals (it is really a liberal neo-liberal identitatarian party now) or they hope to make their way in the party apparatus - pure self-interest (e.g. the Novara crowd). You think the Tories will help a "white working class" person because he is white? Not the answer and just the flip-side of liberal IDPol. The only time workers have gotten a better deal is when they have banded together as workers, not sucked up to their ruling class in the hopes of getting a fair deal because of their race, etc.. The best they'll get is crumbs. That Labour has become an obvious impediment to class cohesion doesn't mean you throw your support to your class enemy. You create a different vehicle.] The below was a response to a similar question from the US on the Viva Frei channel.
There are socialist organizations all over the US, the world, etc.. If you cannot find them, you haven't looked. In a way, I can't blame you because the MSM has ensured the public mind dosn't even get a glimpse for obvious reasons. The MSM's greatest success in the last century is the complete destruction of class consciousness and the fostering of false consciousness (believing your interests, assuming you are a worker, align with those of capital). Why would one even look? It wasn't like that 100 years ago with a vibrant diverse press. It takes a lot of propaganda to make you love your master. The only "socialists" the corporate media would support are AOC type opportunistic posers who will discredit themselves.
The problem is that there are too many left organizations (factionalism) for the number of supporters they have and it's no fun to join any organization that you know will attract the attention of the police and the intelligence agencies. Leftist parties have historically been heavily infiltrated. Or to lose your job because your employer finds out about you beliefs/activities. Standard FBI tactics since the Palmer Raids. Many of the "leaders" of Occupy Wall Street were socialists. They all got FBI visits (Flowers, Graeber, Zeese [sadly the last two just passed], etc.) for the most timid peaceful protests. The protests were ended by police repression. Interestingly, when the MSM/MIC needed Trump gone, they allowed/used protests and the tolerance of violence of all sorts they would have repressed in a heart-beat previously or under a Biden administration.
You've seen guests from the Grayzone on Tucker? No? They are socialist to a man/woman. I heard Dan Bongino refer to Aaron Mate as a "libertarian as far as [he] could tell". Not even close and he knows it. He just can't tell the truth after raging about socialists and the "extreme left". I know of not a single socialist who bought into the RussiaGate Hoax. I don't know a liberal who didn't. If you watch something out of your bubble like the Grayzone, Jimmy Dore (obviously a socialist whether declared or not) there are socialist guests all the time. Almost all labour organizing outside of the co-opted big labour outfits is done by socialists. You don't have to look that hard. If you need a list, I can do that, but it seems pointless on this channel. If you come across something that you might wonder whether it is socialist or not, I'd be happy to help if you are interested as it can be confusing in a media environment that was contructed to be that way.
Of course it's the globalist oligarchs and bankers who call the shots on everything, they are the money power and have bought up both sides of politics and all the media outets, what reflexive lefties won't admit is the rhetoric of inclusion, diversity and multiculturalism was engineered by these very same plutocrats to be unleashed on the native working class through the left. How much has identity politics, beloved of the petit-bourgeois university chattering class, been used invalidate working-class concerns? How much has fake champagne socialism, feminism and every brand of weirdness been used to castigate working men? The Guardian and BBC left, while loyal to their middle class roots, are traitors to the national interest. The working class, betrayed by the left, may opt to go hard right. All the fascists need to do is disavow the bankers and corporate crony capitalists and they will be a shoo-in. Don't imagine for a second that the far-right is necessarily dominated by big business. The plutocrats long ago co-opted the middle-class against the working class using those sterile ideologies. The funny thing is, big business will soon make the middle class redundant as robotics and AI removes the need for any human skill. The middle class left, having spat upon the working class for decades, will soon join them as all jobs will be executed by AI and robotic technology, and with no economic reason for existence, the middle class will also be reduced to the status of 'useless eaters' and hence be dispensable (i.e. surplus to requirements). Karma is a bitch. Welcome to 1984.
@@linyetang350 Interesting. But Socialism is not an absolute, it is or should be dynamic and can embrace capitalism as a tool to successful government. The UK is in essence four socialist country's in as far as the state funds and supervises our education and health and gives a modicum of social security enthusiastically supported by the people and facilitated by a healthy, managed use of capitalism. Not so long ago it did the same for all utilities, Transport, iron and coal, oil too. Creeping capitalism removed that and the voice of the Unions, the voice of the wealth makers. The pendulum will swing back again. If a traditional Labor movement should emerge. Michael Foot and Kate Hoey, Tony Benn, and Jack Straw were perhaps the last notable socialist representatives in Parliament. There are some on the right that have socialist tendencies too. In fact the conservative right have been flip flopping since Eu independence The European experiment had been seen by many as a socialist notion, that is now revealed as fraudulent. The Brexit vote was the biggest kick in the pants for the oh so not socialist establishment since women got the vote and a huge boost for Socialism and equality, there are many who are chagrined to have missed the boat and many who are ashamed they didn't see it coming. Hence the vitriol, having your face rubbed in your own complacency is humiliating. From my perspective Trump displayed many basic socialist ideals along side his patriotic zeal. Biden's ideal is more Biden. Perhaps the easy interpretation or confusion of socialism and what can be described as Marxism is fear of the extremist, the slide into communism of those that only have one axe to grind and are so fixated by the need to achieve a keen edge that the handle rots and falls off. Properly applied socialism addresses the needs of the axe head, handle, grinding wheel and forest. All of this is perhaps beyond the wit of current leaders, after all, the sages of the past struggled with it, with very few notable exceptions.
Japan being an island nation, realized that there was only so much room available and the Japanese are an industrious people, Britain could have done the same thing but our politicians knew better and took us down the current path, which has turned out to be a disaster. Why should Britons be ashamed of their culture, the Japanese have the right idea, limited migration and assimilation if you want to make a life there, what is wrong with that?
Immigration here is population replacement, incomers seldom want to acquire our culture,5hey want to take over,those of diverse religion of confrontation,others adopt our culture easily,our language etc,Chinese happy to do so...Indians generally,work very hard.
The Japanese birth rate has dropped as the suicide rate has soared. They're now trying to encourage people to migrate there.
Nothing is wrong with wanting your homeland for your people. The globalist cabal needs to be strung across their own altar, where they sacrifice our children, and have their own hearts cut out.
@@doovbaloevera1430 Japan has had a continuously falling suicide rate since the spike of the banking crash of 97. It is set to be overtaken by the steadily rising rate in the USA any year now as those respective curves have essentially intersected.
Falling birthrates are a common theme among essentially all mature modern economies. It's worth noting here that the Earth has an issue with overpopulation and the consumption this drives - especially for populations living in large BNP (edit: GDP) societies.
You can watch "Why All Foreigners Leave Japan" for a reality check on Japan's commitment to doing anything remotely similar to western post war migration.
Considering Japan was a bigger colonial power than the UK its amazing yes. They don't let other nations hold them down with history of previous crimes today's people didn't commit the UK loves to be sorry for everything done hundreds of years ago missing all of the awful things happening now and saying nothing.
As a Conservative can I just say thank God Paul isn't standing for Labour. Two dozen men like him and Labour would win the next election.
he could win with the SDP though, especially as me( ex Tory) are joining them. The Tories are not conservative, haven't been for years. Ignoring marxists groups and encouraging fascist behaviour snitching on neighbours is so far away from decent conservative values they're a disgrace.
As someone who would never describe himself as Left-wing, I found Paul Embery to be a very compelling interviewee. Warm, intelligent and with his heart where Labour used to be. He is the sort of Labourite I can respect ... which is more than I can say for any but a very few in Parliament, Councils or the Labour Party.
P.S. Being right-wing does not make me a supporter of the Conservative Party which is not right-wing, is not patriotic, does not believe in conserving community values and which has more in common with the modern Labour Party than either grouping has with the ordinary man and woman of this country.
The Conservatives are a Centre Right Unionist party, so technically they are Right Wing.
@@christophergarrard5210 Whatever it says on the label, what is inside the tin is anything BUT a centre right party. And Unionism is not a necessarily right wing position.
@@thomasm1964 Because they do not fit your description of right wing, it does not mean that the Conservatives in this case not right wing.
@@christophergarrard5210 Define right wing and then define how the Conservative Party meets the definition. I have been right of centre all my political life and I do not recognise this Sataist, anti-democractic, socialist rabble as at all right wing.
So as a "right winger" can you please tell me what you find compelling about a man that supports immigration?!?!?!?! I am very confused.
I’m 50 and used to be a lefty 25 years ago until I found out what they were like. The 10 most opinionated unpleasant judge-mental aggressive people I’ve ever met were all extreme Left.
Woke Liberal 'Left' are really Liberals.
Paul Embery is so spot on and what he says I have been witnessing this for many years and believe it became very apparent from Blair becoming PM and onwards.
Embrey is spot on with his views
My dad was a trade union shop steward , and I’ve worked as a truck driver for nearly 35 years and I’d NEVER vote Labour .. They have betrayed the working class people of the UK for well over 30 years ..
Closer to 50 if you count Harold Wilson
vote green
@@robertjsmith 😂😅🤣... Oh my.. now that’s funny ... shall I stick a red hot poker up my own arse as well and be done with it... Green.. oh my.. 🤦♂️
@@mashbury well the greens in Germany are on the verge of succeeding Merkel,the corrupt lot in now arnt doing enough for climate change
@@robertjsmith 😂🤣😅. The German history for voting in extremists is well known .. thanks for the kind offer of a Green dictatorship but I will go with the red hot poker up the anus before voting for those nut jobs
Labour is not the answer. They are a dead duck. Neither are the Tories - we need new parties that reflect British values and protect British culture.
Reclaim and Reform two new ones, but they’re just disrupters. What happened to the Lib Dems?
@@MsChitterchat That's exactly what is needed! Those who continue to vote for the same LIbLabCons because they are afraid of splitting the vote are legitimising the broken system we have and keeping it in place.
We need realism more than culture and the Tories are closest -though they still need to improve.
@@corrigenda70 Closest to what? Not to conservative voters they're not. They are acting as though they are the Green Party.
The existing two party system is now totally outdated & fails to represent the majority. Bring on the new order!
Its the same across the pond. It's not the working class, it's the WHITE working class.
That is because Leftists have an egotistical need to see themselves as heroes for the least-fortunate, and gallant fighters against the powerful. There are people in the world far-less fortunate than White Europeans, so Left sympathies lie with them. Leftists are on a never-ending quest to find people more deserving of their solidarity. They can never be satisfied with the working people they have in their own countries.
The black and Latino vote is shifting in the US.
@@davidhawley1132 Yes. More voted Republican this time than any election. I predict next time will be a landslide vote against the left. If they haven't got us all in internment camps by then.
good point agree.
I think that's the thing with Trump but "Trumpism". I think there are, of course, intelligent working class voters who don't necessarily like Trump but feel more he's got their back, and on their side. "It might seem strange to note that the US was lucky to get Trump, but it was, in this respect: while he is power-mad and entirely lacking in conscience and empathy, he is also impetuous and incompetent, and failed to follow a clear programme. In other words, he was a hopeless wannabe dictator. He was also unfortunate: were it not for the pandemic, he might have won again. But he has blazed a trail for someone more effective: someone with Trump’s absence of moral constraint, but with a determined programme and a cold, strategic mind." George Monbiot
I literally love this guy. Just so good to see someone authentic to himself and his values telling the truth...and sad that this makes him a rarity!!
So you hate England and love immigration = replacement? He literally said he supported immigration... I hope you don't have kids because they will hate you in about 50 years when the country is not English anymore.
The moment Blair got into power, my late father announced, “The de anglification of England is about to begin” So right he was.
Yes, and I apologise for voting him in as a naive 19 year old, if only I’d have studied him more.
Labour must never be allowed back in power.
@RUclips_censors_ unfortunately A very convenient cop out for all his crimes, and those who kept voting him in.
@RUclips_censors_ unfortunately The radical left today has as many who hate the working class.
@@madmuppet8039 you on
Theres many degrees of left and different types of left I regard myself as old School Labour left which is just about fair play and fair pay for all. The liberal left are all about being politically correct on every issue and far left are all about dogma - they only like working class who buy into socialism. They're calling the working class who vote Tory at the last election " cloth cap Tories" the Guardian reading types regard the working class as gammons chavs and thickies. This is why so many are now going to the right but there's very little representation of them in politics or the media. The majority feel like the minority in their own country.
Spot on
Try the Political Compass Test. politics is circular and not linear. Youll probably find you are left-wing Libertarian. Todays left are Left wing Authoritarian...and therein lies the problem...
Completely on point, unfortunately so many just cannot see it. It is easy to see the people holding their noses as they voted Conservative as there was no sensible alternative. Look at how that is working out.
Yes. I want basics like good pay and a decent quality of life. I don't want my life being micro managed by people who quite genuinely believe that they know what I want better than I do. Left wing libertarian describes me well, and I can't think of any prominent politician who reflects my opinions.
@@LusciousTwinkle Or just get rid of pc 🤷♂️
It's the reason we are now divided into 'communities'. We were collectively a working class community with collective goals, but now we have been pitted against each other because of vested interests.
Thank you Paul for expressing a very, very important point. My vote, was most definitely a vote against the UK 'Establishment' as much as it was against the EU.
Thanks also Peter, for a very informative and enlightening programme.
I worked at an ultra liberal university and it always amazed me the lack of mercy they showed towards the lower class workers there. There were no concessions made for workers who didn't have their own cars or who couldn't pay certain fees...and all that while they were known to pay lower wages than other businesses in the area.
Lower class ?
@@specialized500 folks earning lower wages
You are spot on, I voted labour from 18 years of age having a mining dad, I'm 55 now and voted for Boris for the 1st time, now I will watch carefully what politicians are doing for my community from now on, I knew exactly what I was voting for I will not let them undermine me ever again.
The Labour Party became a plaything for the middle class. A bunch of toy town revolutionaries.
Toy Town being Islington of course
The Labour Party always has been a “plaything” for the middle class. Read your history. It was founded by “dropouts” from the Victorian middle class. It has always been run by the “middle class”. Many people in the U.K. working classes accepted the Labour Party because they “felt” that the Labour Party was the only U.K. political party that had their interests “at heart”. Much has changed since those days. Many of the “left” of politics see themselves as “international socialists”. They align with other “international socialists” and consider themselves to be the modern “elite ruling class”. Which is why the traditionalism of the U.K. Labour Party is failing. It is composed mostly of those who believe both in Marxism and the tradition U.K. Labour movement. People such as Jeremy Corbyn. In the opinion of the International Socialists it is such people that are “holding back” the Labour Party. Many International Socialists now operate from within the U.K. Conservative Party.
@@pmkeith international socialist are in Labour & Conservative?
So what are the Tories? Are you seriously suggesting that the bumbling juvenile disaster that is Boris Johnson, gives a fig for working-class people in Britain? If you do then you are either deluded or hoping to be saved by the selfish and irresponsible elites sell off everything to their American daddies.
Replace the words "England" and "Labour" with "United States" and "Democrat", and he could be speaking about the exact same problems that we're having with the left in my country.
Yep. Identical. And equally corrupt and deceitful.
Used to like this guy but showed his true colours and phoniness this week by pretending to be a bastion for the working class but then goes on massive anti-Trump rant on Twitter. Trump gave a voice to the working man; now we going to have to suffer sky high taxes under Biden and all our manufacturing jobs Trump worked so hard to bring back given back to China. Bidenbot also wants to destroy oil industry. Paul doesn't represent working class at all. He is a fraud, a chaos agent and will never support him again.
Yep, we've noticed the parallels...loads of working class here in UK love Trump.
@@northernsoul4477 Many people exposing themselves this week; will be interesting if Trump somehow pulls off a last minute win through courts and then all these phonies will cringe when they lose all their support for next four years.
@Jake Haynes They stopped conserving anything when they legalised gay marriage.
The power that London has accrued to itself both Politically/Culturally has and is alienating vast swathes of the UK. It behaves like a city state such as ancient Rome. Unfortunately all the Tories have delivered so far are empty promises about levelling up.
Its was not real surprise that under Corbyn himself a North London MP, most of his choices for senior posts where also London MP's , as well as unquestioning followers.
Well have to wait,Boris has had Covid to deal with,pity it’s taken a lot of money and time....but Theresa few years left yet
It’s not new, ironically it started when Rome invaded just under 2000 years ago.
I've seen where I live massively change in my lifetime. I feel I'm not welcome there anymore. Thank you Tony Blair, thank you labour. Diversity has divided us.
"You just need more funding" - Jeremy Corbyn
This man reminds me why I used to vote Labour. Clever and well considered. Not a hint of sensationalism, pure intellect. Good man, good stuff :)
Yeah he hates England and the working class too... wake up and listen... He openly said he supports immigration... WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nobody I know who previously voted Labour will vote for them again, they have betrayed their own Countrymen.
@Kevin Twine Exactly. But you have to hand to the Tories and the media, persuading so many that it was Labour who sold the family silver. Most on here probably don't know where that quote comes from. It was said by a former Tory Prime Minister, Harold McMilan, in the 80s when Thatcher's government sold most of British industry and initiated casino capitalism in the City.
@Kevin Twine OK Communist.
@Kevin Twine - by selling off all Britain's gold at rock bottom prices? Oh wait....
@Kevin Twine Yes, both parties are rotten. Not exactly an argument for Labour though.
I don’t know nem. Boris has been so hysterical with the corona virus lockdowns (2 unnecessary ones) I think he is driving everyone into the hands of the opposition.
Great channel, Peter. Keep those interviews coming.
@World Academy Of Music what? Proof?
@World Academy Of Music that square doesnt do coke you dosey pillock he'd have a heart attack
@World Academy Of Music she was dead was she ? Not very bright are you. Hmm wonder what killed her
@World Academy Of Music she will have had a high tolerance from doing it for decades. You really think Peter whittle has been doing coke since his 20s ? Let it go youve lost this round slugger
@World Academy Of Music haha ok dude take care
I don't know why Paul Embery is so surprised at Labour's disgust at the nation wanting to leave the EU.
The EU Commission is just a modern version of the old USSR politburo (as Gorbachev pointed out at an event in Paris several years ago).
The politburo (EU commision) creates the laws, the MEPs merely rubber stamp them with no ability to alter these laws in any meaningful way.
Guy verhofstadt compared the EU 7 year economic plan with the soviet union 5 year economic plan. What a giveaway!
Altiero Spinelli's (1907-1986) name is above the main entrance to the EU. Spinelli was an Italian communist who set out a manifesto which is being followed by the EU.
Comedian Alexi Sayle has in his autobiography (and used it in an interview by remote camera) that his parents (both communists) attended meetings where it was discussed how and when they (communists) would take over the world.I though it was just a comedic tale but he was trying to warn us (obvious now).
The European elections are just an illusion of democracy.
Paul Embery was a Brexit supporter. The EU is only like the USSR in it's megalomaniacal need to enforce what it thinks is 'good for us'. They're rampant neoliberal corporatists. They're more like The Puritans of the 17th century - free trade and strict obedience. It's even run by the countries that invented protestism (Luther) and the rise of capitalism (French Revolution). It was a great revolutionary force at the time but it is clear that much damage has been done in the name of both. It's time to address the imbalances that the extremes of both movents caused.
Yes, we should have free trade and freedom of worship (or no worship at all). But with the coming of the 4th industrial revolution, when the means of production, distribution and access to resources will inevitably be held in the hands of fewer and fewer people, it is time to stand up and demand something better suited to everyone, not just the few who own everything.
Think about it. If technological advances mean that there will be fewer jobs, who will the independent entrepreneurs be selling their services to? All the necessities of life will be produced by automated systems. Those of us who cannot possibly raise the necessary capital to even attempt to compete with automated production will not be able to compete with those who can.
Good at 39 minutes in. I see it in the churches that turn to yoga mindfulness studios and then surprise surprise mosques. And that sends a chill down the spine.
Kier Starmer will never bring working class people back to the Labour Party.
why not? they cant realy vote for more corruption from the eton mob
While it's very mollifying listening to Paul Embery, I doubt that the Labour party will endear itself to the working classes anytime soon. Too much would need to change: many more Labour MPs would need to come from working class backgrounds to alter the party's empathy. Still, it's good to hear these things spoken about.
labour also needs to become a nationalist party. Ain't gonna happen.
He needs to move to the SDP asap
Much easier just to wait until the working classes are no longer majority-White/European.
("Yes I'm a Labour party strategist, how could you tell?")
Paul Embery what refreshing man. A pleasure to listen to. He manages to explain articulately why I f***king hate The Labour Party.
This is by far the clearest and best presentation I’ve seen on these a working class northern man I resonate with every word, brilliant
Paul Embery is absolutely spot on with his analysis in every respect !
There's an old saying in Wigan that you can't fall out with a man telling the truth. The problem people have is they just don't like to hear it. Great interview.
Headline should be Intellectual Left !
The Champagne Bloomsbury set took over the Labour movement a long time ago!
My late father - a life long Lefty - told me this years ago. At the time I thought he was exaggerating but now I see he had a point. Sorry dad!
How many Labour MPs are ex supermarket workers or trades people etc 🤔
Hardly "intellectual" though when all they can do is scream instead of debate...
Intellectual??? hahah they aren`t intellectual they are just money grubbers.
We most certainly do NOT need intellectuals - look at the Woke Brigade. We simply want astute business people.
In the Netherlands same thing happened with the referenda on the European constitution and Ukraine.
The outcome was simply ignored and referenda were abolished by our smiling prime Minister Mark Rutte.
your ex Prime Minister.
Can one vote for the person who was the driver of a second referendum on Brexit and took the knee to BLM
Of course I can because I'm->
A white, male privalaged working class man in the private sector, paying a mortgage, supporting my ex and children and parents, never received a penny from the govt, proud of the UK, support the police and am against drugs What's not to like about liebor😃
PS also a Brexiteer and therefore apparently thick, deplorable and a racist
Afraid not my friend . Vote for someone who doesn't believe in democracy, how ironic. When will people accept you dont have to agree with the result of a vote but you have to accept the will of the majority
I don’t understand the issue of a second referendum like if people still want brexit surely a second referendum would guarantee that’s what they want but going ahead with Brexit is also an issue because the tories insist on hard Brexit or no deal when Northern Ireland and Scotland voted remain and Northern Ireland is literally connected onto an Eu country and must have an open border to ensure there isn’t social unrest, a lot has changed in the past four years and people are more aware of the implications of Brexit, the fact that leaving is worse for the economy, the fact the uk isn’t going to be protected by Eu health and safety regulations on foods and will probably end up mainly trading with America which is infamous for its lack of food safety, the fact that people studying in Eu countries will have to pay premium rates compared to before, holidays will require more extensive paperwork and end up far more expensive, the fact the tories tried to break international law to get anything close to a good deal which if they succeeded would lead to most countries refusing to trade at all. As for blm, do you agree with police brutality and racist profiling, I really don’t get what people’s issue is with blm if they’re not racist?
@@dontworryimnotastalker5486 so is this where we are in this period in time now. Some people dont like the result of a vote. So I think we should have another vote because these poor ill educated people didn't know what they voted for . Dont recall on the ballot it asking what kind of brexit we where getting . It was stay or go . I think to start calling for second votes on things is very dangerous and the beginning of the end for democracy . Rightly or wrongly once people make their choice when voting , you have to abide by the majority at that time . You are not entitled to get your way . Your opinion or view is no more relevant or important than anyone else. So here we go again with , the name calling . If you dont agree with BLM your a racist really. By very definition if you single any race out for preferential or discrimination because of their race , in itself is racist . Blm has no problem with black on black crime , it has no problem with black on white crime . It's a self proclaimed marxists group .
@@johncoyle8191 Don’t have to accept that a hard Brexit is a shit idea 😬
What a brilliant interview, Paul is on point with every facet of what we think and the feelings of the working class. Especially regards the snobbery and having no one who knows the challenges of living week to week represent us in the HOC. Thank you Paul and Peter..
As a working class ex-union man I'd say you speak perfect sense Paul Embery 👏🏻👏🏼👏🏽 🇬🇧🏴🏴🏴
Absolutely nails it, I'm a postie and I feel our union and reps swayed into far left territory and lost some goodwill in the process.
They used you and spit you out.
@@stockinettestitch I always voted as an individual, had a few run ins with the commissars trying to indoctrinate me.
It was quite aggressive campaigning, a percentage of the union subs go to the labour party, of which I found out you can opt out of, not commonly available knowledge though.
Tory MP Scott Mann was formerly a postie.
Same in the Fire service.
@@paulhank7967 my lot still think it's Thatcher vs the miners in the 1980's.
The run ins myself and a few others, brave enough to stand up for their convictions had.
The arrogance of the reps that we should fall in line and follow the union agendas, disagreement was met with rabid disdain followed by the usual bigoted/racist/homophobic accusations.
How about we don’t have MPs who go from student politics at university, political researcher roles, and then look for their likely parliamentary seats?
I would like mature minds with life experience of the working world (and preferably not all from public sector jobs).
Ban anyone from standing for office who hasn't spent at least 4 years since their education ended at something other than a job related to politics or the law or the media?
Paul has been one of the best guests that has appeared on this program.
Sounds like we need an Anglo-Saxon working class party.
@@avae5343 cOz RaCIsT 🙄😂
What we need is a total reset of the current regime...
I'd vote for that. Anglo-Saxon paramilitary community organisation sounds fantastic too.
Sounds like a dodgy thing to say, but I don't give a shit.
Why is Paul even still with the Labour party? They no longer hold the values he holds so dear.
In my youth Labour were Daily Mirror readers now they all read the Guardian
They should be reading the Socialist Standard.
Figures don't show that.
Most Mirror "readers " prefer the cartoons and back page results,the rest making emergency toilet paper!
I know what you mean, but no-one actually READS the 'Guradian' (sic.) The Guardian is just something so-called 'trendies' (un-educated, brainwashed University types - the kind Hitler took advantage of) carry about under their arms just because they think it looks 'cool.'
Same here.
I've always admired you and your dedication to the voice of the working people. We the workers have been oppressed, undermined, abused, and intimidated by an archaic system that translates into modern management and buzz words like "modernization" when really the fat cats want more for less pay, poorer pensions whilst depriving the Public of their protection. Keep it up mate and good luck at your tribunal.
Paul talks about immigration but misses the point that Blair and co didn’t care about whether the new immigrants blended in and took up a British culture as long as they got enough numbers into the country who would vote for the Labour Party in return for their (Labour Party ) help, As they knew their traditional working class, flat cap voters had dwindled as more working class families lives had improved (not all but enough to who saw that labour would be just as willing to take their money as they would the ‘rich’).
Great interview.Paul understands a large chunk of Brits the MSM detest.Hope he wins his case.
I for one will be keeping my eye on Paul Embery because after watching this interview he thinks the way most of us feel who love this great country and its people---wished we had another 20 more like him in a political party and they would get my vote .
I think you should add peoples- one in six born abroad- we were never consulted if we wanted this. In a so -called democracy , a very small number of politicians have changed this country forever.. In fact the number could be called less than thirty for each successive government
that have a cabinet, Fellow MP's have to agree with their own Cabinet especially when a three line whip is applied. Cabinet dictatorship!
Democracy-ha ha ha ha.
Very interesting the insights of Paul Embery. Some of his echo what has happened in the US, especially in regard to the left that has a great deal of disdain for working class people, especially if they are white. There is all this talk about identity, intersectionality, and race, but scant analysis regarding class.
It's never coming back and the rest in parliament are going with them. A new system is needed, a complete clear out of the old, and it's coming, may take time, no matter what they promise, we have hardened our hearts and closed our ears.
Seems to me that what is really needed is a clearing out of the young to ensure that the demographic spectrum of the population is represented.
Much appreciated this. Articulate and soundly reasoned. Why are people like Embery on the fringe? More people resonate with what he says than those currently in either party.
Not a Labour voter, but always enjoy listening to Paul Embery - he speaks a lot of common sense
I’m a northern working class person living in London and I have watched the demise of working class British peoples voices across the country. This is because Labour who was once for the working classes are now for all things migrants, including Pakistani’s and other minorities communities that are not predominantly born and bred British.
Labour are traitors to the likes of me and I think it will take a hell of a lot of change within the party to make me and millions of others vote for them again.
Honestly, I’d love it if farage came back into politics, because he is the only one that will get my vote.
I may be of a conservative bent myself but this man makes a lot of sense.
I don't think the main parties realise it's over. Just reading comments under videos you can see new parties are needed.
Laurence Fox and Nigel Farage are eagerly awaited.
I will be voting for Reform or Reclaim. As will many others.
I think the same will occur in America in 2024.
Maybe Reform and Reclaim should merge
@@juliefaulkner5497 The most stable mature heads for years now have been with the SDP. The new parties will certainly have enthusiasm and a lot of corrective thinking - but will lack experience which is also important. Good if there could be a coming together and a recognition of the years of dedicated groundwork already put in by this centre party when it wasn't fashionable to do so, and consequently was ignored by all sides.
Well said
I have been a socialist all my life. The Labour Party has ceased to be a socialist party. There are very few who have any lived experience of what it is to be working class in any political party and sadly the tories appear to captured the working class imagination. The Labour Party is a graduates career path if you can’t stomach being a Tory. Even momentum is a university middle class movement along with the likes of extinction rebellion. There are 35 million people in the U.K. who are middle class. Across all course sexes all demographics. I recently spoke to a Labour activist and pointed out that fact. I was told I didn’t know what I was talking about there was no such thing as working class. I replied that’s why Labour will now die at the polls as an example I noted 35 million people were moved enough to vote in a Brexit referendum and it was that pissed off working class that voted leave. I voted remain. The activist came up with a 30 minute load of tosh about media about lies and analytics and all sorts of crap. Apparently wanting your own place to be your place, your mortgage paid because you have a job and low taxes and a good school for your kids are not issues that should concern the non existent working class. We have one party politics now. Upper class elites or middle class elites. Even the police that last bastion of the establishment that had entry from unqualified working class people to represent that part of society has gone to graduate or apprentice studying a degree entry. Who speaks for that 35 million people anymore? My biggest worry is that one party politics and the middle class elites across public authority become nothing more than a dictatorship because they are unchallenged. Covid seems to be accelerating that move towards an authoritarian government. And yet again the Labour Party have sold out. There is more dissent in Tory ranks which I never thought I would see. Shocking!
I agree 100% with what you say, especially what you say about covid. There seems to be more opposition voices within the Tories than in Labour, Lib Dems, and Nationalists combined. Unfortunately I see a lot of similarities between our present circumstances and those in which the Nazis were elected. I believe a party called nationalist and socialist would be attractive to tens of millions of people in the UK today, especially if it was headed by people previously not involved in politics.
@@cornishhh I hate to say it but yes if you got a strong personality that could galvanise the working class I would frankly be worried what could be aspired to promised and ultimately achieved without a check or balance in place. The Tory cabinet is currently undermining what democracy we have and a hugely unpopular. If that person comes now they already have an authoritarian base to work off. We are whether we like it or not a country with an aggressive nature to complement the compassion, let’s hope there is more compassion and less controlled aggression in politics in future but I fear not. Politically it’s all to play for.
"Neglected, sneered at and mocked..." TOO TRUE!
I was privileged to regularly meet 'battling Bessy Braddock' from the North West in her later years. It spoke of a time when Labour candidates grew out of their communities and knew and represented their issues. Nowadays, party vetting among the elite is 'planting' candidates who have no real feeling or empathy with their actual constituents and do not understand their aspirations. Until there is a reversal, Labour is destined to be relegated to the past.
The only way to combat creeping totalitarianism is to 'get real'.
Will it happen? One hopes so, but....
With £3000+ annual pay rises, parliament is going to attract the professional politician rather than the genuine representative. In the end, we get the government we deserve!
The pay freeze of those who the Tories heralded as 'heroes' in the current Covid crisis whist handing themselves an un-earned bonus may well get through the skulls of 'undecided' voters. Who knows?
"From everyone according to their ability and to everyone according to their need" was on my Labour card for several years and the day that Labour got embarrassed by that was a sign that they had lost the plot. 'New Labouor' might have been necessary to gain power but but it was eventually to ditch 'old Labour' and signal its decline.
Corbyn and 'Momentum' wasn't the great shift that was needed to convince the British public that they were behind them and were looking for their overall well-being.
"I don't think they've have me." I was invited to stand locally in my middle-class ward. When I said, 'give me a working-class ward and I'd be happy to serve,' I never heard another word. It tells a story.
My father was born in the East End, left school at 13 but went to Oxford after the war and was a Left wing lecturer in industrial relations. I often wonder what he would have thought of Brexit. I know he hated Blair and co, and was deeply patriotic. Anyway I voted for Brexit. It’s not hard to go against most of the people I know, I have been doing that since the 80s. But now they’ve been losing the plot for a few years and this is a real punch in the teeth for them, so they aren’t being quite so affable about it any more. That’s a good sign really, means we’re getting through to them.
Thanks to both for your excellent discussion.
Grew up in a Labour household, we all voted Tony Blair for his first term - total change around for us all after his first four years. I have never looked back and been a populist ever since, campaigned to get us out of the EU and with The Brexit Party. I have increasingly come to despise Labour over the intervening years. The fact that politicians still didn’t get it, but CHOSE to believe they were right, yet again, by asserting that we were so dumb we made up our minds due to Russian bots or one advert on the side of a bus shows how much contempt they still hold for us in the face of repeated voting pointing clearly to where the mood lies. I despise Labour because they are supposed to represent the working class, I am working class and they have never represented me in the whole of my adult life and probably before. So it is Labour that has left us out in the cold, not a Tory party that was never pushed as the working class party to begin with. If Blue Labour formed its own party I would be very interested in looking, there is no way back for the Labour Party but to split on ideological lines. Labour - do you represent the working class or some kind of postmodernism, Marxism hybrid nightmare - what is it? Interested parties would love to know.
Very true
Labour took up the Giddens project of Third Wayism
The left love the working class,
It is the far right who hate the working class. The far right see the working and middle class as criminals and parasites,
The far right detest working class people.
Boris described the working class as criminal drunk and hopeless
Could you imagine a Labour Party leader saying that?
Even the previous Labour government brought in tax credits, the mini wage, the new deal, increased funding for health, education, foreign aid, and public services.
People first voted for Farage and Brexit Party. That made people more comfortable with voting Boris.
However Boris has to deal properly with immigration and absolutely with the child sex abuse gangs that are being largely ignored by the soppy law enforcement system.
I have always been labour, now I wouldn’t dream of voting for them especially under the tutelage of Kier Starmar.
If you had said to me years ago , I would vote against labour , I would have laughed in your face . I'm not laughing anymore, and I'm not voting labour anymore. In their eyes that makes me unintelligent and some kind of racist. They have turned a whole group of people against them . And they respond by name calling and labels
I totally agree with this gentleman, it didn't all start to go wrong with Corbyn. Blair and the PC brigade have to shoulder a huge portion of the blame also
@@johncoyle8191 It's the same in the US with the Democrats. The actual issue is National Sovereignty vs Globalism but no one in the media will call it that. The ruling class, both left and right are pro Globalism & neither one will stem the flow of mass immigration.
@@johncoyle8191 when did u vote for labour ?
@@MrTangolizard until Tony Blair
Paul embery is completely correct in this interview and I’m really looking forward to reading his book. Of course George Orwell had a whole chapter about this middle class left dislike of the working class in his book the road to Wigan pier.
Would you mind explaining why Orwell said they disliked the working class? Does it have to do with their belief that the working class wasn't as educated?
Crows taking off, Yes of course that and some plain old fashioned snobbery. Just because the working class are not as educated as the middle class doesn’t make them wrong, it just means they work in different jobs and so live different lives than the middle class and so have a different outlook on issues such as the eu freedom of movement of Labour for instance because they are more affected by it. Anyway check out Orwell’s road to Wigan pier chapter 11.
I love this channel. It's open and balanced. Paul is an amazing guy, he just made it so clear why the red wall happened - it's common sense but thats with hindsight. Paul is a traditional Labour supporter and for that he has my utmost respect and support; he explains why the modern so-called (london) labour is down the shxxtter - they know better than their electorate!
So refreshing when your thoughts are so well articulated by someone else who also is sharing the same views.
Another very interesting and informative discussion.
You’ve articulated exactly how I feel I’ve been at first catering then later working in the transport and warehouse industry as a forklift driver and have watched the slow erosion of the value in the White working class
Excellent interview , this man has hit the nail on the head,regarding the labour party & the working classes.
Labour love the working class. It is the far right that hate the working class. The far right see the working class as criminals and parasites.
Boris described the working class as criminal drunk and hopeless,
So refreshing to hear someone saying what so many of us have been thinking for so long. I’ve just bought his book and looking forward to reading it.
Back in the day the majority of Labour Clubs flew the Union Flag, especially in the North. You get the feeling that the leadership look down on this.
He is a saviour for ex-labour people, they were right all along and will in future use their vote along the lines they did over Brexit.
Upper, Middle, Lower. "Why the Left Middle Class despise the Lower Class"
Wow! We need more people like you, you're speaking my language, I'm buying your book, thank you.
i watched the first 8 minutes spot on pal I'm gonna buy the book I will never vote Labour again
Enoch Powell said nothing false.
That's why he's so warmly despised by the left.
Enoch Powell the greatest Prime Minister that never was, ahead of his time.
Enoch’s famous speech was actually not what he thought! It was a report to the HOC on what his constituents were telling him and their opinions, views and fears. He was doing his job in representing the people who lived in the area he represented. That in itself was an act that went against the grain of the establishment.
@HISS fingerboards You are indeed correct. Powell was the first to warn us that the UK wasn't prepared for mass immigration. We now recognise the huge failure of integration which marginalised communities & created ghettos, poverty & resentment.
@@englishciderlover7347 Not just the Left sadly. It was the Tories who stabbed him in the back to start with.
My wife and I, my daughters & their mother, my parents, my in laws, are all well educated and are in or are retired from very good jobs. We all voted for Brexit because we wanted our country to be able to make its own decisions without the ball and chain of the EU. Independent.
Turns out that it was a good decision. Brexit has already saved lives by allowing our world class vaccination roll out to be possible. I like these guys, but it’s not good enough to merely suggest that working class voters had a different set of reasons for their decision to vote for Brexit. Yes there was an element of them kicking the shins of the establishment, but they also had the cognitive ability to decide what they thought was best for the U.K.
I think you are deluded, please explain the benefits of Brexit. We always had control. Who are you going to blame for our problems now?
@@kevinjewitt6347 your polititians, rulling class and Elite!!...
Very interesting interview, even if Mr Embery appears to have a quite biased and naive way of looking at the subject of immigration. Immigration is not ''good'' by itself, especially not when the numbers are not controlled at all and the government does not assert itself by picking from which countries immigrants should come from. It does not take a genius to figure out that some cultures are not compatible with the West. Also, political correctness is one of the worst evils that has been born out of mass immigration and the trouble that it causes, so pardon me if I'm quite skeptical of anyone that wants immigration and does not bother seeing all the supposed advantages of it and the demonstrable harm that it causes. Good luck in trying to convince the rest of the Labour party to reform, though
Great interview, as usual. Very well put case by Paul, he has his finger on the pulse. Peter, thank you for giving voice to the cencored and unheard. And you have a great interview manner. You listen to your guest and you let them speak uninterrupted. And without an agenda. So refreshing.
I agreed with everything you said Paul. Finally, a voice of reason. You'd have my vote if you stood, definitely.
FINALLY!!! A left winger who I feel is speaking TO me!!! And FOR me!!!
Excellent interview. Very insightful and wise. Thank you both!
Paul Emberton talks as if he knows and respects the working class. Unfortunately he doesn't talk for me. I was raised in one of Europe's largest working class Towns. He was a heartland of working class people employing thousands of people in heavy industry.
I am perhaps one of the few who saw the demise of these industries in the sixties and seventies and believed it was the Unions and Labour who decimated the working class in these areas.
They follow the Alinski rules, amongst others to attack opposition, like the Tories, by accusing them with of actions and policies which were their own.
Wilson closed many more pits than Thatcher, and introduced the policy to stop milk in schools.
He was a firefighter for 25 years. Isn't that working class enough for you or is he a bit too educated to be working class?
@@paul756uk2 his history should serve him better. And I now professors on over £100k per annum who are still working class. But I understand how you are confusing my post.
I had a great-aunt who was a factory worker in a shire county during the sixties and seventies. It was very much a family owned factory, and the family had created a good working environment for the employees and also for their families. Even so, the Union allowed power to go to its head and would call an 'everybody out' over the most minor things - like a small puddle of water on the floor that an equally small mop would easily have dealt with. The outcome of this was that, with production so often stopped, the factory lost business and ultimately went broke with all being made redundant. My relative witnessed grown men crying on their last day at work - they were losing good jobs in a previously happy environment.
@@pennylando3145 in many countries the unions work for the employees, in the UK they are political activists.
@@nizviz Yes, I agree.
What an intelligent orater; a real breath of fresh air for a Labour member and clearly nailed the issue; I and many I know felt sick voting Brexit - 30 years of ignoring our cultural values in preference to minorities. Stupid revenge but sweet revenge all the same.
It just bewiders me how such an intelligent, articulate and astute person can still be loyal to the nasty party.
whats the alternative?
@@robertjsmith The obvious alternative is to vote for the party least damaging (based on their policies / in your estimation) to your own best interests .. just as presumably millions of voters did in recent elections .. would have thought that was obvious :)
Next question?
far too many millionaires in the labour party these days.!
@historypoliticsbb That is why there is no difference between the parties !
14:56: Part of the reason why so much of England feels abandoned is that our political and media elites don't live there and therefore have no idea of its existence. Our political and media class need to move out of London if they wish to take the temperature of the country. At the moment every comment they make just provokes fury. No wonder so many people feel so angry and ignored!
Paul Emery's analysis is right on the money.
Articulate and wise words. We need an engaged political left in this country. There is a job to be done speaking up for those who have lost out to the dominant hierarchies of each generation, necessary and productive as they are. My prayers are with Mr Embery as he seeks to bring sanity to his party.
I thoroughly despise the Labour party from the depths of my entire being, but I have the utmost respect for Paul Embery. He did an excellent job of exposing the nastiness and hypocrisy of Emily Thornberry and the rest of Labour who called for a second referendum.
Paul is a really intelligent interviewee
Great conversation and some very thoughtful points raised. Thank you. With regard to the Labour Party’s drop in popularity - and the reasons have been well defined - I think that any attempt to re-engage with working class concerns and values will be very difficult. They can say what they like to try and win back votes, but convincing people it’s anything more than window-dressing will be hard. We know what they think and words alone are unlikely to sway the public.
In around 2005 I was working as a housing officer in Dagenham, BNP had taken seats so it was an interesting time. Labour councillors were ranting and raving about how racist attacks were up - I spoke to our local coppers all said that wasnt true, another labour lie. I tried to get BNP and labour in and around a table to discuss problems our tenants were having, labour refused point blank. BNP people were very helpful, labour through out my time there, were vicious and twisted, awful people.
Twenty years on and they're even more vicious. Labour do not represent the working class, they represent middle class Labour communism.
Paul is a sensible voice of reason and common sense on the left. I only wish there were more people like him. Unfortunately they are few and far between.
"Oh look, I'm the last Englishman left, at least I wasn't 'racist" Why does England owe their very existance to a choice for people to move here, not a right, a choice.
Excellent interview and guest. The misrepresentation actually goes back further- George Orwell and the Road to Wigan Pier, he identified champagne socialism then. Published 1937
Good interview!
Economically I’m in a diametrically-opposing camp, but he really nails the cultural disparity between new and trad Labour.
There is a vacuum for a new political party who represent the ordinary working class
"Frankly they didn't understand their own country..." sums up so much. 👏