Pretty much the dance Superintendent Chalmers would perform once he finds out the truth about Principal Skinner's luncheon...after firing him of course. Why my previous attempt of this comment didn't appear when the video first released is rather strange.
This is what happens when you play Kirby Super Star on the Super Nintendo Chalmers
These hamburgers are quite similar to the ones from The Gourmet Race.
It seems Super Nintendo Chalmers has some good moves.
The Simpsons in Kirby
Why is there smoke coming out of that tree, Seymour?
Well Supernintendo Chalmers, you're an odd fellow, but i must say, you dance a good beat.
Pfft okay this is really good
A mouth-watering post!
Plus, don't take this out of context.
Pretty much the dance Superintendent Chalmers would perform once he finds out the truth about Principal Skinner's luncheon...after firing him of course.
Why my previous attempt of this comment didn't appear when the video first released is rather strange.
I just found this delightfully devilish art on Twitter. (NOT X!!!) I didn't know that was you, but either way, fantastic job!