Como sugerencia Recocer algunas líneas ocultas. Para evitar que se desprendan en poco tiempo y se deforme la bolsa. Si se llegan a recorrer las tiras. Experiencia. Saludos
I ultimately decided to use part of the budget I would have spent on luxury bags to purchase high-quality replica bags and donate the other part to charities I care about. luxrul conveniently allows me to do this, which not only meets my own fashion needs, but also makes me feel the joy of helping others.
Dear lord ! I would have to go in there blind folded and hand cuffed. . That is sensational omg. kislux is a bag shop of dreams. How can anyone want to walk out there empty handed
I really think they ignored the price just for the label. No matter the quality, nothing on this planet is worth $15,000 a bag. But I spent 200 on a super treasure from kislux and I no longer blame people who buy fakes.
I used my first winnings to buy a canvas LV and in less than two years the wallet was cracked/broken in multiple places and the store refused to repair or replace it. I don't know what kind of resale value such junk could have. I ended up donating it...well, maybe I might buy a fake LV from luxrul but these designers/robber barons don't even think about taking another penny from me.
What a yummy bag . Thank you for the master class ❤❤❤❤
Отличная работа, очень красиво, стильно, функционально. Спасибо💕
Спасибо за бесплатный мастер класс! Очень необычно и красиво! 👜
Единственная реакция на это - восхищение и от фантазии, и от терпения! Браво!
Браво! Просто произведение искусства! Спасибо за подробный МК, у вас золотые ручки!
08:22 Que espectáculo!!!! Hermoso ,súper bien hecho y super bien explicado ,GRACIAS Y FELICITACIONES 🎉🎉🎉
Very well constructed
Привет, Тата! Очень понравилась сумка!!! Молодец!!! Благодарю за видео!❤😊
Excelente trabajo!!! Saludos desde Cuba 🇨🇺
Quel travail !!!👏 Impressionnant 👍
Замечательно! Прекрасно! Я в восторге! Спасибо за идею.
Очень круто и красиво,браво
beautiful bag....
Parabéns a bolsa ficou maravilhosa 😊
راءعة حقا تعجبني ابداعاتك دمتي راءعة
예쁜가방이네요 👍 원판을 만드는과정이 아이디어가 좋네요 😃
Perfeito 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻, parabéns pelo trabalho ❤❤
Très beau sac et très original ❤ merci
Прекрасно! Спасибо!
Very, very cute.
عمل الحقيبة ممتاز اختكم من الجزائر
О, как интересно вшиты боковины сумки❤❤❤❤
Maravillosa ❤ ❤❤
its good 🎉 so much better its smart... I'll work it out ❤😢
V. V good idia
Maravilhoso ❤
ابدااااااااااااع ماشالله
Muy bonito😊
Просто ЗДОРОВО👏✊👍!!!
Ethu michian anu use cheyyunnathu double mechinil stichu cheyyamo katiyullathu
Keren, mantab...
Милые сладкоешки,зачем так строго
Como sugerencia
Recocer algunas líneas ocultas. Para evitar que se desprendan en poco tiempo y se deforme la bolsa.
Si se llegan a recorrer las tiras.
Нормальные симпатичные хомяки,дети как как дети,подрастут будут совершенно приличными людми
Please mam make a kawai back pack
I ultimately decided to use part of the budget I would have spent on luxury bags to purchase high-quality replica bags and donate the other part to charities I care about. luxrul conveniently allows me to do this, which not only meets my own fashion needs, but also makes me feel the joy of helping others.
Dear lord ! I would have to go in there blind folded and hand cuffed. . That is sensational omg. kislux is a bag shop of dreams. How can anyone want to walk out there empty handed
I really think they ignored the price just for the label. No matter the quality, nothing on this planet is worth $15,000 a bag. But I spent 200 on a super treasure from kislux and I no longer blame people who buy fakes.
I used my first winnings to buy a canvas LV and in less than two years the wallet was cracked/broken in multiple places and the store refused to repair or replace it. I don't know what kind of resale value such junk could have. I ended up donating it...well, maybe I might buy a fake LV from luxrul but these designers/robber barons don't even think about taking another penny from me.
It's just another way of saying "ghetto" for poor people wearing imitations. BUTTTTT It's a smart investment when rich people do it kislux