Yes very fast. Fair value for fair quality. I'm happy with it. They are quite stable, but can be flipped. I've had a few flips, and have to wait for the wind to blow it over to the shore... But you can also use the propeller as a little fan, to help move it around, and move it down wind more quickly...
Is this fast ? are you satisfied with the quality?
Yes very fast. Fair value for fair quality. I'm happy with it. They are quite stable, but can be flipped. I've had a few flips, and have to wait for the wind to blow it over to the shore... But you can also use the propeller as a little fan, to help move it around, and move it down wind more quickly...
@@Simondo13 thanks mate!i will go for the joysway super mono x as it can return from capsized with the propeller.. and have the same motor! interested in getting one of stable are they..are they prone to flipping?