Day 48: Brittany's Road To Recovery

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • Day 48, Brittany’s Road to Recovery: 13 Days Countdown to Our 15-Year Anniversary
    We know the road to recovery would be rough and it began already just two hours post-transplant. Without giving too much information, in the last 36 hours, Brittany has had a convulsive seizure, episodes of PVC’s (extra heartbeats in the lower ventricles), and had to be coded twice (shocked by defibrillator) for ventricular tachycardia (abnormally fast heartbeats). They also found a "sub-acute stroke” in the scan but the team is not too worried about it. The tiny stroke may have happened pre-transplant, perhaps when her balloon pump popped last Sunday.
    On a more positive note, three of the doctors have confirmed with me that the heart she received is a "beautiful, strong" heart. And get this: Brittany is on only a third of medications that the majority of transplant patients require post-transplant which is a "medical miracle" (to quote one cardiac surgeon). They have also resumed plasmapheresis to continue lowering her antibodies, taken out the balloon pump, and her oxygen intubation. Her first words after ex-tubation were “thank you, it’s wonderful!” (Me thinking I’ve never been so happy in my life to hear her voice back!)
    Prayer focus: please pray to the Lord that Brittany will become more awake and more able to follow commands as her reactions right now are noticeably delayed and as she has a little bit of delirium also (both are common in transplant patients) . “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me.” Thank you for traveling alongside us on Brittany’s road to recovery by prayer and intercession.
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