I like how blunt Jared is, but when talks about crop insurance you can tell how localized he is. When your speaking on a national level you better look at other areas then your just your back yard. All those things he says about crop insurance being affordable doesn’t work in the northern part of country. Ours for enterprise units at 75% is almost double the price as someone in IL with 90% and sectional units.
Multi-peril, yes. However, rate for SCO/ECO is the same premium per dollars of coverage regardless of location. The attraction to SCO has likely diminished given the comparison to ARC-CO this year. ECO increased subsidy has made it widely attractive. Feel free to reach out for validation.
I like how blunt Jared is, but when talks about crop insurance you can tell how localized he is. When your speaking on a national level you better look at other areas then your just your back yard. All those things he says about crop insurance being affordable doesn’t work in the northern part of country. Ours for enterprise units at 75% is almost double the price as someone in IL with 90% and sectional units.
Multi-peril, yes. However, rate for SCO/ECO is the same premium per dollars of coverage regardless of location. The attraction to SCO has likely diminished given the comparison to ARC-CO this year. ECO increased subsidy has made it widely attractive. Feel free to reach out for validation.