I'm loving the card ideas on this video, and I might make a sequel. please only post your best idea, and keep your comment simple and short. I'll be much more likely to read it that way.
A bloon card: "test bloon" cost: 5 maybe 4 Health: infinite/none (idk what i should put here) Delay:1 Effect: all monkeys are forced to attack it instead of any another bloon. Does no damage to the hero (the test bloon is from the sandbox mode of btd6 and can't be destroyed)
Btw I think that engineer should have a token system similar to Yu-Gi-Oh cards like every turn it gains a turret token and when a Bloon attacks it uses those tokens dealing 30 damage per token but not affected by Gwen's passive
Making Engineer make cards instead of monkeys is more accurate to the basic BTD experience too since the turrets never stay on the field forever, eventually a turret vanishes.
Personally how I’d do it is give it a special type called “tiny” that you have one extra monkey slot just for tiny towers and make it so when it runs out of ammo it removes itself, this way the turret can benefit from monkey buffs like it does in the original game
Correction: Sharpshooter's ability does indeed get affected by Gwen's passive. The first shot, which normally doubles from 40 to 80, does in fact double from 45 to 90. This may not be practical to apply to a card like Wizard, which is cheaper and therefor would benefit disproportionally from "Large Caliber" while its power is increased.
I feel like Crit might fit better as the keyword, rather than Large Caliber. It makes sense if an attack is doing double damage for it to be considered a critical hit, and it's also how Sharpshooter worked in BTD6. It would have Crit shots every so often, which means it does more damage, so it would make more sense contextually in my opinion
@@frantic2187sure but I mean, using two of the 5 monkey slots for one card just isn't worth it. That's an interesting idea, maybe for a sun temple or something, but an engineer and sentry isn't worth the slots being used
something i didn't explain: I know camo seems like the opposite of btd6, where monkeys can't actively target camo, but it still gets hit by tack shooter etc. first of all, in a card game, you can't have bloons that are unanswerable by most cards in the game. but also, the Player or Hero can be considered to possess the "see camo" ability, while monkeys that target automatically don't possess this ability.
tack shooter can't actually hit camo bloons without camo detection, even if their tacks happen to hit one while targeting other bloons, so more than being the opposite of btd6 it's like a rework of the mechanic
i think the tendency in BTD6 is that some abilities (like Gwen's cocktail and Obyn's brambles) can hit camo even if the monkeys themselves can't, so taking camo detection away from the automatic things sounds like a very justified approach
fry this atually IS how Camo Bloons work When monkeys focus they can target them (so if they're aiming,,, they can target them) But if it's quick, they're likely to miss them. The logic works.
I think camo should have an evade or an immunity phase. Evade is simple just a chance to ignore damage but the immunity phase would work like how phayze gets camo for a set amount of time
An interesting concept for camo would be make it like the gravestone trait from pvzh where when the bloon is placed it will appear as a green camo bloon or a silhouette with the delay and health hidden but you're still able to attack it and then reveals itself next turn.
Well, you should still be able to attack it but you cannot see what it is. I think this should be permanent, because that's more interesting and it works with the game mechanics more.
Since the devs are already very much aware of you and your channel, I hope they can see this video and at the very least take inspiration from these, because I feel these ideas are very thought through, and they would fit into the game perfectly
I think this interpretation of camo is genius, even logically: you as a player can see camo and tell your monkeys where to shoot, so they hit these bloons even if they may or may not can see them. And those with defender ability are working on autopilot and can't easily detect camos passing by. And gameplay vise: this creates a counter to possibly very strong ability, making it good for the health and balance of the game!
Energizer - Monkey Sub - Can't attack. Generate 2 Bloontonium at the start of each turn. Adjacent Monkeys can spend Bloontonium to make an additional attack.
I love these card ideas! The only criticism I have is that Large Caliber probably doesn't need to be a keyword, since it's barely shorter than just "Double Attack Power", and usually it's better to have fewer keywords to reduce confusion for newer players. Although I do really love the other keywords proposed, it's really about how much value it provides as well as how often it might be used, and Burn, Ammo, Bounce, Camo, and Start of Turn all fit that bill. I'm so damn excited for this game, as a long time bloons fan and avid online TCG player, it looks super fun.
I agree, large caliber is more confusing than "does double damage", unless we implement the fact that it is not affected by buffing the base stats. this would be necessary for wizard, maybe not for sharpshooter though.
Card idea: Name: Drain Bloon Cost: 3 Copies: 3 Health: 60 Delay: 1 Ability: If this hits the enemy hero, they lose 4 Bloontonium I think messing with the hero ability charges could be cool, but this could also very easily be too oppressive if made too strong. I wanted a relatively weak, but spammable bloon that could quickly hit the face of the enemy hero. If left unchecked it will punish them by making them lose bloontonium charge, therefore removing access to certain hero abilities. We've already seen that heroes can have different bloontonium capacities, so this bloon would be more dentrimental to low capacity heroes if not addressed, which I think is a good thing to have: a tool that's powerful against certain heroes, but weaker against others. This can also combo with the quick start card to immediately take effect. The main purpose is removing bloontonium, not dealing face damage.
after watching this video, i can tell you have been hard at work creating these. im astonished at how polished and fresh the card ideas are. the way you are adding keywords into the game and simplifying it all makes so much sense. Fry, im impressed :)
9:30 I believe camo bloons should instead be immune to being targetted when they are above a certain amount of delay. For example: Camo ceramic. 5 cost 250 health 5 delay. Cant be targetted while it has delay 1 or more. (Camo can be simplified into a keyword). My idea is an example, but camo bloons could be good for giving you time to buff them, or giving the opponent time to plan to react to stronger bloons since they will have few turns to deal damage to it (like the camo ceramic).
Thats odly powerful for a 4 cost, +30 is al lot and in case that it would be spammed could make games u winnable, it should def be like 6-7 at least i would say
Since I haven't seen anyone with a similar idea yet: Hydra Rocket Pods 4 gold 20 damage 0 ammo, N/A delay Max 5 ammo (displayed as 0/5, etc.) Spend 1 Bloontonium to gain 1 ammo Compared to using bloontonium on early hero abilities (like quincy 3) it's much more efficient, but compared to heroes' later abilites (like quincy 9 and gwen 20) it pales in damage efficiency, so it's mainly an early game tower that falls off once you get enough bloontonium per turn from playing bloons to activate these Another key difference is this is a monkey, so its damage can be buffed, by gwen or village to keep it relevant later on, but it also becomes vulnerable to cards like shrink
What about a Glaive Lord card that deals 10 or so passive damage to all incoming bloons (kinda like quincy passive but when the bloons go face not when they are played) and also normal attack that bounces through all bloons. This is lore and gp appropriate.
I like the ideas overall, nice. I like Wizard and bloon trap the most. Banana storm is also cool and i like it, but i believe it should draw a card since your opponent is gaining more from it since they dont need to spend a card, and it might be too bricky since it would only be usable for big last turn combos.
I have suggested this before, but I made some refinements Blind Balloon Gold: 3 hp: 100 copies: 1 Cooldown: 2 Key word: Explode (instead of targeting face, hits all balloons on the opponents field) Explanation: I believe this would be good in a control deck because it’s more of an early game preventative Card, Stopping the opponent from developing balloons since they will be punished. It also is a way to defend yourself and develops some bloontonium. However it’s a balloon instead of a monkey, so single use defense, so the gold is low for the potential value.
(I've already posted this in the last vid but I still want to repost it in case nobody saw it... Anyway I've interpreted a way to put everything boss Bloon from BTD6 with my thought process 😁) Here's how I would transfer the bosses from Bloons TD 6 into Bloons Cards Storms : -They would all be classed as big Bloons because monkeys in game activate their ability for Moab class Bloons (=big Bloons in card storm) for the bosses. -Bosses should be part of the type of cards which can only be one in each deck, and there shouldn't be multiple different bosses in the same deck. [Bloonarius] Cost : 10 Charge count: 1 Damage : 700 Delay : 6 At the end of your turn if this card has a delay equal or below 5 then 2 for the first time, then spawn a ceramic Bloon. Note : in BTD6 Bloonarius is the first boss to exist, it's slow, has a lot of heath and would make ceramic and Moab to distract the players who need to destroy them. [Lych] Cost : 10 Charge count: 1 Damage : 500 Delay : 6 At the start of your turn, if this card was damaged during your opponent turn, it gains 75 damage. Note : in BTD6 it's really important to be aware of the heal that Lych gives itself whenever a buffed monkey attack, but I think doing it this way would be more fitting for BCS and still requires to have set a strategy to deal with the healling ability of Lych. [Vortex] Cost : 10 Charge count : 1 Damage : 500 Delay : 5 On play, decrease by 1 the delay of every Bloons with a current delay slower than this card. When any Bloons is played with a delay slower than the current delay of this card, its delay is decreased by 1. Note : Vortex is the fastest bosses in BTD6 and has the ability to make everything that is behind him faster. It has the tradeoff of having less health. [Dreadbloon] Cost : 10 Charge count : 1 Damage : 750 Delay : 7 Reduces all incoming damage by 10. On play, put in your hand a Dreadrock Bloon card. [Dreadrock Bloon] Cost : 0 Charge count : 2 Damaged : 20 Delay : 4 Reduce all incoming damage by 5. While on the board, enemies monkeys can only target dreadrock Bloons. Note : Dreadbloon is boss with the most health but also the slowest, in BTD6 on top of the ability to reduce damage and spawn dreadrock Bloon, it also has some immunity but it wouldn't fit how BCS works. I don't know if dreadrock Bloon should be a playable card by itself or a token but in BTD6 it only appears this way. [Phayze] Cost : 10 Charge count : 2 Damage : 500 Delay : 6 On play and at the start of your turn, this card creates a count down which starts at 100 and reduces for each damage taken, if decreased to 0 at the start of your next turn, this card reduces its delay by 1. Then restart the count down. Note : In BTD6 Phayze is all about the camo property which does not exist yet in BCS. I base its ability on the other part of Phayze abilities: the "reality shield" who teleports Phayze when it rebuilds it. In BTD6 to defeat the boss you're obligated to destroy the reality shield but I think it would be more interesting to try to not destroy it in BCS.
I think that the energy sentry would deal 80 damage, the cold sentry stops an enemy bloon’s countdown for one turn and does about 30 damage (cannot be done twice in a row to stop infinite stalling) the boom sentry deals maybe around 35 damage to 2 or 3 bloons, and the crushing sentry could delay one of the enemy’s monkeys by a turn until they can shoot. This is definitely unbalanced though, so the numbers could be tweaked.
mabye the crush sentry could do more damage to bloons with more Hp? Also I think the cold sentry should do less damage like 20 or even 10 since stalling is already plenty value enough
Since we're entertaining the idea of quality of life changes for the burn effect as well as different damage values for it, maybe they should also add a little indicator containg the burn damage per turn beside burnt bloons. Also, maybe burn damage per turn can be overwritten by another burn effect instead of adding that damage.
I prefer the idea of the engineer just making sentries in adjacent spaces (if empty) and the base engi doing a bit more damage. The sentries staying "forever" is effectively similar to despawing and respawing periodically. Taking up space and being replaceable is also a sentry thing. Comparing it to boomerang or triple shot, it has a (substantially) stronger early game with worse late game, but if it has higher single-target damage it's at least not _strictly_ worse when your slots are full. If I wanted a card stockpiling tower I'd make that the spike factory, especially since road spikes have already been a thing for one-use poppers. I like the card generation for the sentry expert though, for keeping multiple options in hand.
really excited about bcs, i really love card games and tower defense games and it's cool how ninja kiwi is working with content creators to make their game better :')
I think that the sentry champion engineer could place sentries on the field, because their main gimmick is that they explode. Each turn the sentry would explode dealing some damage to an enemg bloon
I think Magic the Gathering does a good job of describing a lot of interactions amongst cards; so just from thinking about how they word things, I would say "delay-ticks" could be better described as "before each attack phase" for the burning bloon
Hey Fry! Although I knew you for your Plants vs Zombies Heroes content, I became a subscriber of your main channel now that your videos are about Bloons Card Storm, and for multiple reasons. First of all, the fact that you began making BCS videos at all was (And still is) an exciting subversion of expectations. Second, these videos made me realize that Ninja Kiwi is genuinely cooking with the development of their own Bloons-themed card game and has learned from their mistakes with the initial release of BTD Battles 2. As someone who's not a very big fan of card games, that actually makes me want to give BCS a try. Finally, I'm simply happy that you can finally be heard by a video game studio, knowing that PopCap didn't give you this opportunity even after all these years you've spent playing PvZH. I'll gladly look forward to how your presence as a BCS content creator will contribute to the game's evolution. :)
First off, love the ideas that were suggested and how you incorporated them, great job Secondly, Video 2 of this idea Monkey idea Overclock monkey Cost: 6 Attack power: 40 Number of attacks: 2 Reload time: 2 turns Ability: This monkeys second attack does no damage, but when targeted on a monkey, it decreases their reload time by 1 for the next 2 turns (I’m not trying to be annoying here)
sub towers can have a decay ability where it just removes itself after certain number of turns so the slots can be reused problem with halving damage is you're going to end up with bloon health in non-multiples of 5 which may affect balancing of everything else (eg. spending excess damage to only deal with a
4:14 Could apply for sentry champion(a bit of a side note, but maybe it'd be too similar to Battles, but the ability to sell monkeys at half value could be a neat incentive to push the shorter length wanted by the devs and flexibility in dire circumstances, whether for a strong tower/tier 5 or final bloon rush, something the Merchantmen and Flavored Trades[Favored Trades]could do uniquely frombother farming towers) 6:55/8:09 I think they used a distinction for that called Large Bloon, so the card could use that keyword as non-Large Bloon and let XXXL Trap select and destroy anything and either name BADs or BADs themselves could be immune to delays or destroy(just feels wordy though: Destroy a random non-Large Bloon. Gain 2 Gold). They could also add the Bloon Trap engineer to create a cheaper 3-4 cost Bloon Trap, but a 1 turn cooldown(start of every other turn or end of turn)and use the keyword that'll be in middle path monkeys 10:49 Just a thought, not really a big issue with the Camo trait, but that could be a weak trait for a DDT, though it brought the idea of maybe these normally immunities to turn into resistances similar to Striker Jones making the black property poppable by explosives, just as reduced efficiency(experimenting with 50% or 75% maybe), letting Striker still specialize with Bombs and Mortars, but have his level 7 or completely bypass black(or maybe all resistances for some variety)for his second ability, but at the lowest cost/threshold of all 3 16:07 Maybe Glaive Lord could improve that aspect by bouncing between previously hit bloons for better single target on top of its DoT(though dependlng on its damage, could just halve once and bounce on x number of bloons)
Overclock, 8 gold, can target monke or bloon for 80 damage, if target monkey then reduce the attack delay by 2 stages. Overclock has one ammo and needs to wait 2 turns to reload after attacking OR overclocking a monkey (Only one action)
THIS IS REUPLOAD FROM THE LAST VIDEO, LAST TIME IT GOT 0 LIKES SO I COPIED IT. A little baground: i started playing card games over 5 years ago (mainly hearthstone, LOR, pvz heroes, genshin tcg) so i took a lot of insparation from them. In () i would give explanaition on purpose of the card P.s. sry 4 my grammar Final wave Type: spell cost: 12 gold desc: RESSURECT 3 random bloons, set their delay to {3}. (finisher for slower decks) Night bloon Type: bloon cost: 2 gold copies:1 HP: 200 Delay: 1 desk: when im summoned deal 100 dmg to your hero (agro card) Shadow bloon Type: bloon cost: 4 gold copies: 2 Delay: 2 Hp: 150 desc: when your hero loses helth, I gain 2 times less that health Magic trick type: spell cost: 4 gold choose any bloon,it will disapear. in 2 turns it appears again, remaining it stats and delay redused by {2}. (Just imagine how many uses it has: it can dealy your death by 2 or make your bloon INVINCIBLE next 2 turns. So much otk potential included) Thank u for reding this, feel free to comment or ask any quessions. good luck on your idias. peace
i like bounce but it could oversimplify or make some cool abilities impossible (ie primary damage being 20 but bounces being 50 or anything similiar to that).
Damn fry Ive been watching you since i was 16, now im about to turn 21 lol.. way to go on your progress, not only youtube but to be able to make cards for a game were all gonna have a chance to play.. SICK sick work man 👏👏
If the bloon trap was to focus more on the lore it wouldn't be able to swallow some moabs, I reccomend making an XXXL bloon trap which is its upgraded version that can say swallow 1000 health worth of bloons
Engineer would probably be given a different name if he was actually a card, since the base engineer can't make turrets. It would probably be called "Sentry Gun Engineer". Although, I would have no idea what a base form Engineer could do thats interesting, so it might be fine either way.
I think giving the base engineer turrets in this game is fine, since it's what the engineer class is most known for. also regular 0-0-0 engineer would be boring in this game.
Large caliber could double before adding other buffs so full sharpshooter + gwen would do 85 not 90 to nerf the damage scaling a bit but not make the damage buff irrelevant
I think engineer would need a buff, compared to the other 3 costs in boomerang and triple shot, it's the same/less damage output and you have to spend more to get it
Bloon trap looks interesting but its a bit too swingy because of the randomness, I think something like "Destroy a non giant bloon. Gain 2 gold." fits more with the lore of BTD6 as bloon traps can't trap moab class bloons.
I have an idea that would really be quite cool imo "Layered Bloons" for example: Layered Yellow Bloon 5 cost, 100 damage, 1 delay, 1 copy Layered (when destroyed create a Green Bloon (NOT LAYERED))
I really like the idea of cards that would be insanely op if they didn't also benefit your opponent as well. I think another interesting "Storm" card could be "Wind Storm", basically reducing all Bloons on the board's attack time by 2. I'm not the best at balancing stuff like cost or such, but it seems like it could be a very cool high-risk/high-reward finisher.
My feelings on these suggestions: - *Engineer* feels kind of like an earlygame Super Monkey where you get a large burat of damage upon placement but here the downside is instead of having to wait to attack again, you have to wait a little for the actual payoff AND spend extra gold. The problems i see here are that 1. The tower is quickly gonna fall out of favor due to the ever climbing cost of upkeep to not have it just be an expensive Dart Monkey, sure it deals 50 damage a turn, but that's not really enough when the cost starts climbing to 6, 7, 8... gold, 2. The card will likely be clogging your hand in the midgame with all the single-use sentries while you're trying to set up both bloons and permanent defense but don't have the 10 gold to throw out every turn yet and 3. You're REALLY relying on the early draw to get the sentries up while they're worth stuff and to cash out on the earlygame burst damage. The Engi's idea seems to have a lot of earlygame value and especially burst damage for one card slot, but it falls off really quickly and feels more like a slow Power than anything else. I feel like the card can do with some stat changes, for example make it 2 gold so the costs don't start climbing too quickly plus that gives it more value against immediate aggro, or for example make it have more attack for a reload of 2 and have it give a stronger sentry On Reload (and On Placement of course) so it doesn't clog your hand or become not worth it to spend the gold on sentries as quickly with more damage per gold. - *Bloon Trap* should have a limiter for not destroying either Large Bloons or Bloons above a certain health threshold. Otherwise you're basically asking for Return 3 Sender. Destroying a MOAB or something even stronger for a net 3 gold loss is too powerful, and without Bloon keywords it won't really matter what gets destroyed once Ceramics are the weakest Bloon on the board so you're still getting a 2 gold advantage and it only gets better if you destroy something expensive like a MOAB or Rainbow. It does seem fine when the playmakers are bloons like Greens, Yellows and Ceramics. - *Camo Yellows* are ade to counter Defender i really don't think it needs counterplay more than pre-draining the ammo of Defender cards since it's required for plays like Pink and QR rushdowns. Also that version of Camo probably isn't worth making the cost an entire gold extra for such a early-midgame Bloon, but it could use an extra Health decrease so direct fire can deal with them easier if Defender can't, and also so the card isn't such a large Bloontonium pool. (Cough. Ceramics. Cough.) - *Glaive Ricochet* seems alright and the Bounce keyword idea can help other Boomerangs and such out. (Btw the On Attack keyword on the Boomerang doesn't scale with Gwen's passive) Likely will make for a nice midgame version of Boomerang/Triple Shot. (The latter we suspect will be nerfed to 15 damage on all darts to match the Boomerang, cause not nerfing it would be dumb) - *Banana Storm* in the earlygame really has the same problems as High Finance's earlygame in that whoever can capitalise on the large cash turn the hardest basically wins the entire match, which mostly depends on the mulligan. With the card you at least somewhat control when that happens, but you still don't know if your opponent can bounce back harder, and you'll be down a card the entire time you have it and when you play it. Same thing happened a lot with Gwen Control where Cash Drop, secondarily to farms, would allow Gwen Control start to snowball too immensely for anything, including the same deck with a *one turn later* Cash Drop into first or second Banana Farm, to handle, and usually resulted in an easy win - most people now want cash drop at 3 cost 5 gain for it to not be playable turn 1 for the freest snowball. The later the game goes, however, the more of a dead weight this card becomes with the value of 4 instant gold diminishing with more gold per turn. Also with this you only need 2 cards to play Red Bloon Storm or at least a Ceramic turn 1. Aggro capitalises on early cash well, go figure. - *Wizard* is very nice, if not a little complex. Seems kind of like a slow sidegrade to Crossbow Monkey, capitalising on Burn to ramp up damage and synergising with her big active. [Engineer could be creating towers and be fine if you give the sentries some keyword to disappear after a few turns (but that sounds like your Power token idea but more complex) or make the sentries generate slowly but be large enough to actually be worth placing and then replacing and having them slowly accumulate as good burst damage filler, like what i suggest]
Card Idea: Avatar of wrath (monkey) Cost: 7 Damage: 20 Ammo: 2 Delay: 2 Ability: gets +5 damage for every bloon on the field(meaning if the opponent has 5 bloons it will do 45 damage and if 2 of them die then it will do 35 damage assuming no other buffs are applied to it) I feel like the stats can be adjusted if they don’t fit. I think there is a high chance of this ability or a similar one getting in the game because that’s how the ability works in btd6.
Card idea: Purple Bloon Cost 4 HP 120 Delay 3 Copies 3 Ability: take half damage from non-monkey source of damage. This ability is lost after taking 30 damage in total. The idea is that this bloon is resistant to ‘magic’ damage that hero ability and damaging cards dealt, and after taking some damage it will lose its purple layer along with its resistance
This could be a very good card design, instead of denying all the damage, making it impossible to answer, it only denies half. sae with lead reducing monkeys to half damage but taking full damage from Powers. this could sort of force decks to be more balanced instead of min maxing only powers or monkeys. Well done
@@FryEmUp Thanks Fry, I also think that monkey are rather underpowered So a card that punish a player for not running any monkey at all should be a good addition to the game
ALL FARMS REWORK : I feel like they could change when the farm is getting replaced by a monkey, or rather "destroyed", it should give you your gold back which would solidify the idea that farm is meant to be used for a bit and then sold for a big play. (when the farm is taken or turned into a baby it still gives the gold back) Caveman monkey : 5 cost that does 40 damage but has a ability that i will name Precision / Aggression maybe(when this monkey doesn't attack for a full turn deal double damage and add 1 delay to the bloon it hits but the damage doesn't stack with buffs). Its reload would be 3 -this monkey is from the ice map of btd 6 a secret monkey on the map. btw your camo idea is super! I imagine the defenders cant attack it on the owner's turn too tho right?
If there ever going to be more heroes in the game, here’s an idea Agent Jericho 0/20 bloontonium Ability 1: Jericho upgrades a balloon to either a camo, reinforced, or purple (5 bloontonium) Ability 2: Jericho on the next turn steals 1 coin from the opponent for two turns (8 bloontonium) Abiltiy 3: Jericho summons a decoy moab (350)(destroys itself after 2 turns)(delay 4) Ability: This moab will attract the attention of the enemy monkeys, forcing them to attack it until it is destroyed (15 bloontonium) Let me know if this needs any change!
Another way that Engineer could work is similar to Pea Pod from PVZ Heroes, where it starts off weak (similar to dart monkey), but it ramps up its damage (say 10 per turret), placing 1 turret per turn, to a max of 3 (the max a 1-0-0 engineer can place in BTD6, if it’s underpowered could be changed to 5 for Faster Engineering). Also, some ideas for the Boom, Crush, Cold, and Laser sentries, that could work based on BTD6 (numbers are random placeholders): Boom Sentry: Do 90 damage to one Bloon, and 60 to adjacent Bloons (Meant for AOE damage in Bloons, so can break a zone Defense) Crushing sentry: Do 50 damage to next (x) amount of the opponent’s bloons (meant for pierce in BTD6, so pierces through upcoming bloons. Potentially another use for the ‘bounce’ keyword.) Laser sentry: Do 70 damage to one bloon. Give effect Laser 2-3. Keyword: Laser “Deal 20 damage to this bloon at start of turn” Cold Sentry: Deal 30 damage. Slow all non-MOAB Bloons. Keyword: Slow “Slow down a bloon’s attack by one turn.” (Also uses a tribe system, allowing more synergy.) Could also give at varying rates, say 35% Boom, 30% Crushing, 20% Plasma, 15% Freeze, and these can be adjusted based on how powerful each sentry ends up being.
Card idea: poplust Druid 9 cost monkey that has 80 power and has sharpshooter with a reload of 2, with only 1 shot. The ability, whenever this monkey pops a balloon it reload its shot instantly.
Card idea: Summon Phoenix Cost: 9 Gold DMG: 20, Burn 15 Ammo: 3 Reload: 2 Turns When Played: Create a Phoenix Card in hand. Phoenix: Apply Burn 30 to 3 Random Enemy Bloons. I want the Summon Phoenix to be a card that has massive payout upon initial play with the Phoenix (or to be saved when needed) while dealing burn damage that'll synergize heavily with the hero Gwendolin. The Summon Phoenix will be dealing 105 damage in a single turn with just the regular attacks (including the burn), but has the potential to deal more with the bloons sticking around on the board. I wanted to make this card somewhat comparable to the Sharpshooter, but it may need to be tuned down (25, Burn 10), made 1 - 2 gold more expensive, or nerf the Phoenix to balance it out. The Phoenix is made to be a 1-time power, as having it be replenished seemed too powerful if the game dragged on. If you do ever plan on showcasing the idea, feel free to tune the numbers to however you see fit, or showcase it while mentioning what changes could be made. Also, if someone doesn't mind commenting the Discord link to his server. I'd like to share more of my thoughts on card creation for this upcoming game.
A general keyword for Ability could work for middle path towers, and a listed Cooldown on the keyword if it's reuseable(using Cooldown 0 instead for no cooldown, reuseable abilities) Given it's supposed to be fast games, a one-time use ability makes sense, but having the ability to lock out the opponent with a strong defense feels like something that should be possible, so maybe a decent cooldown like 2 turns could work
@@nameynamd9212 I understand that I could use a keyword like that, but I think it's better to not have it recharge. That's my take on it. I also don't think the Summon Phoenix should be quite the card that can lock out your opponent on defense, but rather even more powerful monkeys than it, consider that there are going to be ZOMGs, BADs, & possibly DDTs.
@@nameynamd9212 The Summon Phoenix will need to be more expensive if the Phoenix becomes more powerful, or have its main attack tuned down with its current gold cost. Hmm... Thinking about it, it's definitely underpowered in that aspect of the Phoenix. If it were bumped up to Burn 50, it'll be comparable to Quincy's Storm of Arrows over the course of 2 turns, but can deal more or less depending on the circumstances.
Berserker Brew Alchemist: 3 cost 2 reload 40 damage Keyword: Splash (deals damage to bloons adjacent to the target) 20 increase the attack of a monkey in hand by 20
I actually feel like bloonarius could be an ai battle in the campaign where it is the enemy hero with like 1000 hp and fills the board with weak bloons each turn and doesn't place towers
What do you think about sentries dissapearing when you take demage? This will make it so that a counter for lifespan isnt nessecary and the sentries could last for longer than a turn making them different from tricks that just deal dmg?
I feel like the defender ability won't be common enough for camos to work, I also have a problem with the glaive ricochet, the third does to little damage making glaive ricochet almost as effective vs 2 bloons as vs 3 bloons which makes it a bit to strong in my opinion and makes the fact that it has bounce 2 instead of bounce 1 kinda useless.
My thoughts on every card. I offer at least something about every card you talk about. 1. Two engineer would still work if it made cards that used a monkey slot. Play the sentry, shoot, replace with the second sentry. I think making them slightly weaker, but stick around for two shots then disappear would be pretty balanced. 2. Bloon trap could instead be a card that removes the next bloon played. if that's too exploitable by placing a red bloon then you could make it ignore bloons under a certain strength. or better yet bloon trap is a tower that can eat a certain number of bloons before going away. That's maybe too over powered so that would have to be balanced a bit. 3. I prefer camo works better by making camo bloons not able to be targeting by your hero, but all other towers can hit it. Doesn't fit within BTD lore, but yours doesn't either. Also why'd you make it a yellow bloon? The reason the pink bloons have a slow cool down is because they move very fast. it needs to be either a pink or purple bloon to make sense to have a 1 cool down. 4. Bounce is a really bad keyword. Just call it ricochet. or something other than what you know from PVZ heros has an associating with... well bounce. 5. I love the banana storm card. I think it should have a different name/theme, but love the concept. I would prefer storm cards being something that actually interacts with the storm. Like making it stronger or something. 6. Large calliper also isn't a great keyword. it's referencing a specific upgrade from a specific monkey. Also burn should just be "before the attack phase of the burned bloon". You don't need to invite the term "delay ticks". Just use attack phase or something. I hated wizard at first because it seemed too complicated, but I kinda like it. Maybe only two different special things, and they can do more complex things later.
Card ideas The biggest one Cost : 10 Damage : 200 Delay : 4 Ammo : 1 [On attack : Deals damage equal to half of its attack to all other bloons] Glue monkey Cost : 1 Damage : 0 Delay : 1 Ammo : 3 [On attack : SLOW targeted bloon (cannot target moabs)] Slow increases bloons delay by 1 idk if you saw my idea with the engineer but the ability was a big oversight 😅
Engineer : The card can totally make a sentry next door at the start of your turn and it would be his downside. Sun God is supposed to sacrifice already played monkeys so discarding a card from your hand (in this case sentry gun spell) wouldn't fit the lore. Bloon Trap : The card should be a token created by Bloon Trap Engineer (lore). Camo : Fine idea Glaive Ricochet : Has way too much damage, have to be careful because with monkey buffs the card will get out of control. Bounce ability should be renamed to Ricochet like someone already pointed out. Banana Storm : Unbalanced card like the ninja kiwi discord already said, this is the type of card that create overpowered combos. Wizard : I like the idea of the Ammo keyword the problem is if you add Ammo to your Wizard with a future possible card that would completely mess up the concept. Same thing for Sharp Shooter his ability would need to be when at full ammo do double damage not Ammo 3.
i think sticking too hard to the "lore" of btd6 is a drawback. first priority needs to be fitting into the card game well. cards being independent makes more creativity in deck building. we've already seen a lot of powers be independent of their btd6 skill trees, supply drop being one of many examples. While recording the video, I realized 60 might be a bit much for ricochet, as it doesn't have quite as much drawback as three-shooter since the bulk of the damage is in its primary shot. 50 seems better for a 6 cost card. "Bounce" is valid like the bouncing bullet ability of sniper 0-3-0, but "ricochet" could work as well, I just prefer the simpler word "bounce" especially for players who don't speak English as a first language. I disagree with you last point. adding max ammo would be a nightmare to balance i really hope they don't make that a thing. but reloading a card would be particularly useful with super monkey and indeed wizard, which would make the second Burn happen a turn sooner.
It's hard to tell if banana storm is too OP, depends on what other cards are released. if so maybe 3 gold then, but there's not much upside from cash drop at that point.
@@FryEmUp Fun card ideas. My only drawback with the bounce keyword is it could be confused with bouncing a card from the board. I initially thought the wizard you created could bounce bloons from the board (tornado ability).
@@kamdenbrothers8089 The only people who might likely get confused with bounce would be pvzh players, which is a relatively small amount of players compared to the massive amount of people probably playing this game in comparison.
someone else mentioned that balloon trap could exclude the Moab tribe. I think this could be a really good idea for balancing. And then perhaps the XXL trap will specifically target the big bois
are you still looking for card ideas?? if yes I have an idea: Bloontiplication: the bloon gets turned into 2 bloons that split their HP and have an equal (or x+1, x being the current delay) delay(, can not be used if the bloon has less or equal 40 HP, but this is not necessary) this might be useful against monkeys such as sharpshooter since it can't target multiple bloons with 1 attack (if it has like 80 HP so it would die to the first attack) but less useful against monkeys such as triple shot and the new idea of the glaive richochet it would cost somewhere between 3 and 5 Ninja monkey: 4 cost When played: bounce 1 bloon OR make a bloon have 1 more delay Ammo: 1 Delay: 1 Damage: 30 ricochet: 1 (what he said would be bounce but I can't use it here) if this hits a camo bloon, it removes the camo property from them this is essentially a 0-2-1 ninja monkey from BTD6 (bounce/added delay from distraction (0-1-0), ricochet from seeking shuriken (0-0-1), remove the camo property from C-espionage (0-2-0)) might be a stoopid idea
Card Concepts: Homeland Defense: Add Call to Arms to your hand. Costs 7 gold and must destroy one Monkey Village to be played. Call to Arms Cost: 0 All monkeys gain +2 damage until the end of turn. Data Leak Cost: 3 All enemy Bloons are downgraded once and lose their properties. Destructively Dominating Terminators Cost: 9 Summon 3 Dark Dirgible Titans. If they don't take damage, send them to your hand next turn. Unpopular Cost: 3 Bloons cannot be popped on your side, but also cannot do damage for an additional turn. Monkey Business: Cost: 0 Get four gold. Pay it back next turn. Bloon Trap XXL Cost: 5 Destroy up to three bloons of any level. Get cash based on the amount played to set them (1/2X) to a minimum of one. Ouiji Board Cost: 2 Add Ghost of Bloonchipper to your hand. Ghost of Bloonchipper Cost: 4 Downgrade every bloon once per turn until removed.
I have a card idea and while it's might be broken i think it's interesting enough to share Tack zone Legendary rarity 9 cost 40 damage 5 ammo 3 reload (Can't manually target bloons. Will automatically target attacking bloons. Will start reloading before it uses all its ammo.)
I could definitely see a lot of changes but I thought the keywords combined together plus the new one I made would be a cool concept, so I just threw some stats on there
Magic trick type: spell cost: 4 gold choose any bloon,it will disapear. in 2 turns it appears again, remaining it stats and delay redused by {2}. (Just imagine how many uses it has: it can dealy your death by 2 or make your bloon INVINCIBLE next 2 turns. So much otk potential included)
Engineer should have a limit of how many sentries he can generate. It seems like stacking a bunch of sentries might be too good Also, bloon trap should not be able target big Bloons like MOABs (also fits with btd6 ability)
I'm loving the card ideas on this video, and I might make a sequel. please only post your best idea, and keep your comment simple and short. I'll be much more likely to read it that way.
I think burn works the way it does for defender towers that can apply burn
A bloon card: "test bloon"
cost: 5 maybe 4
Health: infinite/none (idk what i should put here)
Effect: all monkeys are forced to attack it instead of any another bloon. Does no damage to the hero
(the test bloon is from the sandbox mode of btd6 and can't be destroyed)
@@ChocyAddictmight be a bit to powerful don't you think
Also yes only chocolate milk
Btw I think that engineer should have a token system similar to Yu-Gi-Oh cards like every turn it gains a turret token and when a Bloon attacks it uses those tokens dealing 30 damage per token but not affected by Gwen's passive
Guys, I suspect he might secretly be working for the dev team
nah, but as a content creator, I definitely see my work as being side by side with the dev team.
ChatGPT is a strange choice for a PFP
@@tyleri55 fr ;-;
I have to say, it is a commendable attempt to make cards make sense from both the view of the Bloons TD lore, and the idea of it integrated in a CCG.
Making Engineer make cards instead of monkeys is more accurate to the basic BTD experience too since the turrets never stay on the field forever, eventually a turret vanishes.
Personally how I’d do it is give it a special type called “tiny” that you have one extra monkey slot just for tiny towers and make it so when it runs out of ammo it removes itself, this way the turret can benefit from monkey buffs like it does in the original game
I agree it shouldn’t be a monkey slot but I also think it should have a decay timer and a limit to how many you can have on the field
Correction: Sharpshooter's ability does indeed get affected by Gwen's passive. The first shot, which normally doubles from 40 to 80, does in fact double from 45 to 90.
This may not be practical to apply to a card like Wizard, which is cheaper and therefor would benefit disproportionally from "Large Caliber" while its power is increased.
I feel like Crit might fit better as the keyword, rather than Large Caliber. It makes sense if an attack is doing double damage for it to be considered a critical hit, and it's also how Sharpshooter worked in BTD6. It would have Crit shots every so often, which means it does more damage, so it would make more sense contextually in my opinion
Fry, it is also possible to make the sentry last only one turn.
@@frantic2187sure but I mean, using two of the 5 monkey slots for one card just isn't worth it. That's an interesting idea, maybe for a sun temple or something, but an engineer and sentry isn't worth the slots being used
something i didn't explain: I know camo seems like the opposite of btd6, where monkeys can't actively target camo, but it still gets hit by tack shooter etc.
first of all, in a card game, you can't have bloons that are unanswerable by most cards in the game.
but also, the Player or Hero can be considered to possess the "see camo" ability, while monkeys that target automatically don't possess this ability.
tack shooter can't actually hit camo bloons without camo detection, even if their tacks happen to hit one while targeting other bloons, so more than being the opposite of btd6 it's like a rework of the mechanic
i think the tendency in BTD6 is that some abilities (like Gwen's cocktail and Obyn's brambles) can hit camo even if the monkeys themselves can't, so taking camo detection away from the automatic things sounds like a very justified approach
@@iwersonsch5131 ye, fry's idea sounds quite cool
fry this atually IS how Camo Bloons work
When monkeys focus they can target them (so if they're aiming,,, they can target them)
But if it's quick, they're likely to miss them.
The logic works.
I think camo should have an evade or an immunity phase. Evade is simple just a chance to ignore damage but the immunity phase would work like how phayze gets camo for a set amount of time
An interesting concept for camo would be make it like the gravestone trait from pvzh where when the bloon is placed it will appear as a green camo bloon or a silhouette with the delay and health hidden but you're still able to attack it and then reveals itself next turn.
Well, you should still be able to attack it but you cannot see what it is. I think this should be permanent, because that's more interesting and it works with the game mechanics more.
I like that Engi is like Banana Launcher. They're both yellow & brown and they summon tons of "tricks."
Literally what I was thinking! It won't do so much on its own but gives you chances to do damage if it stays on the board
Thanks for using my idea! I hope that "Bounce" is a keyword that will be used by Ninja Kiwi in the future.
yeah well done. this 50% concept can be applied to a lot of places in the game I realized. including the resistances of lead and purple balloons.
Her: “i bet he’s cheating on me!”
Him: “I Created 6 New Cards For Bloons Card Storm”
Thanks for featuring my idea! I love what you created with it
yes, the "bag of tricks" concept was so fun! thanks for this
Since the devs are already very much aware of you and your channel, I hope they can see this video and at the very least take inspiration from these, because I feel these ideas are very thought through, and they would fit into the game perfectly
I think this interpretation of camo is genius, even logically: you as a player can see camo and tell your monkeys where to shoot, so they hit these bloons even if they may or may not can see them. And those with defender ability are working on autopilot and can't easily detect camos passing by.
And gameplay vise: this creates a counter to possibly very strong ability, making it good for the health and balance of the game!
Energizer - Monkey Sub - Can't attack. Generate 2 Bloontonium at the start of each turn. Adjacent Monkeys can spend Bloontonium to make an additional attack.
i'd like to see you make custom cards for pvzh too!
if PvZ devs ever were interested in community input, I would totally do that 😬
I love these card ideas! The only criticism I have is that Large Caliber probably doesn't need to be a keyword, since it's barely shorter than just "Double Attack Power", and usually it's better to have fewer keywords to reduce confusion for newer players. Although I do really love the other keywords proposed, it's really about how much value it provides as well as how often it might be used, and Burn, Ammo, Bounce, Camo, and Start of Turn all fit that bill.
I'm so damn excited for this game, as a long time bloons fan and avid online TCG player, it looks super fun.
I agree, large caliber is more confusing than "does double damage", unless we implement the fact that it is not affected by buffing the base stats. this would be necessary for wizard, maybe not for sharpshooter though.
Im glad that we are able to contribute interesting ideas
Card idea:
Name: Drain Bloon
Cost: 3
Copies: 3
Health: 60
Delay: 1
Ability: If this hits the enemy hero, they lose 4 Bloontonium
I think messing with the hero ability charges could be cool, but this could also very easily be too oppressive if made too strong.
I wanted a relatively weak, but spammable bloon that could quickly hit the face of the enemy hero. If left unchecked it will punish them by making them lose bloontonium charge, therefore removing access to certain hero abilities.
We've already seen that heroes can have different bloontonium capacities, so this bloon would be more dentrimental to low capacity heroes if not addressed, which I think is a good thing to have: a tool that's powerful against certain heroes, but weaker against others.
This can also combo with the quick start card to immediately take effect. The main purpose is removing bloontonium, not dealing face damage.
after watching this video, i can tell you have been hard at work creating these. im astonished at how polished and fresh the card ideas are. the way you are adding keywords into the game and simplifying it all makes so much sense. Fry, im impressed :)
thx starch!
9:30 I believe camo bloons should instead be immune to being targetted when they are above a certain amount of delay. For example:
Camo ceramic. 5 cost 250 health 5 delay. Cant be targetted while it has delay 1 or more. (Camo can be simplified into a keyword).
My idea is an example, but camo bloons could be good for giving you time to buff them, or giving the opponent time to plan to react to stronger bloons since they will have few turns to deal damage to it (like the camo ceramic).
It could use Camo X, the x placing that delay timer, either for how many turns it's immune to or the delay it loses the immunity in
@@nameynamd9212 Yes, i like the second one the most because it would be toxic with quick ready otherwise.
New card idea: bloon factory
Cost 4
Dmg 0
Ammo 0
When you play a bloon that bloon gets + 30 hp
Start of turn put a random bloon in your hand
Thats odly powerful for a 4 cost, +30 is al lot and in case that it would be spammed could make games u winnable, it should def be like 6-7 at least i would say
Agree with the other commenter, that's a really fun effect but 4 is REALLY cheap for it
i think with the creating bloons this would have to cost wayyy more. especially with cheap red bloons in the game. but I like the general idea
Is this me reading too deep or is that JUST Starch Lord?
@@void4461 wel yes but actually yes
Since I haven't seen anyone with a similar idea yet:
Hydra Rocket Pods
4 gold
20 damage
0 ammo, N/A delay
Max 5 ammo (displayed as 0/5, etc.)
Spend 1 Bloontonium to gain 1 ammo
Compared to using bloontonium on early hero abilities (like quincy 3) it's much more efficient, but compared to heroes' later abilites (like quincy 9 and gwen 20) it pales in damage efficiency, so it's mainly an early game tower that falls off once you get enough bloontonium per turn from playing bloons to activate these
Another key difference is this is a monkey, so its damage can be buffed, by gwen or village to keep it relevant later on, but it also becomes vulnerable to cards like shrink
17:16 For storm synergy maybe a Druid of the Storm monkey that whenever it kills a bloon it increases the storm on the opponents side or something
What about a Glaive Lord card that deals 10 or so passive damage to all incoming bloons (kinda like quincy passive but when the bloons go face not when they are played) and also normal attack that bounces through all bloons. This is lore and gp appropriate.
I like the ideas overall, nice. I like Wizard and bloon trap the most. Banana storm is also cool and i like it, but i believe it should draw a card since your opponent is gaining more from it since they dont need to spend a card, and it might be too bricky since it would only be usable for big last turn combos.
this could work as well
I have suggested this before, but I made some refinements
Blind Balloon
Gold: 3
hp: 100
copies: 1
Cooldown: 2
Key word: Explode (instead of targeting face, hits all balloons on the opponents field)
Explanation: I believe this would be good in a control deck because it’s more of an early game preventative Card, Stopping the opponent from developing balloons since they will be punished. It also is a way to defend yourself and develops some bloontonium. However it’s a balloon instead of a monkey, so single use defense, so the gold is low for the potential value.
(I've already posted this in the last vid but I still want to repost it in case nobody saw it... Anyway I've interpreted a way to put everything boss Bloon from BTD6 with my thought process 😁)
Here's how I would transfer the bosses from Bloons TD 6 into Bloons Cards Storms :
-They would all be classed as big Bloons because monkeys in game activate their ability for Moab class Bloons (=big Bloons in card storm) for the bosses.
-Bosses should be part of the type of cards which can only be one in each deck, and there shouldn't be multiple different bosses in the same deck.
Cost : 10
Charge count: 1
Damage : 700
Delay : 6
At the end of your turn if this card has a delay equal or below 5 then 2 for the first time, then spawn a ceramic Bloon.
Note : in BTD6 Bloonarius is the first boss to exist, it's slow, has a lot of heath and would make ceramic and Moab to distract the players who need to destroy them.
Cost : 10
Charge count: 1
Damage : 500
Delay : 6
At the start of your turn, if this card was damaged during your opponent turn, it gains 75 damage.
Note : in BTD6 it's really important to be aware of the heal that Lych gives itself whenever a buffed monkey attack, but I think doing it this way would be more fitting for BCS and still requires to have set a strategy to deal with the healling ability of Lych.
Cost : 10
Charge count : 1
Damage : 500
Delay : 5
On play, decrease by 1 the delay of every Bloons with a current delay slower than this card.
When any Bloons is played with a delay slower than the current delay of this card, its delay is decreased by 1.
Note : Vortex is the fastest bosses in BTD6 and has the ability to make everything that is behind him faster. It has the tradeoff of having less health.
Cost : 10
Charge count : 1
Damage : 750
Delay : 7
Reduces all incoming damage by 10.
On play, put in your hand a Dreadrock Bloon card.
[Dreadrock Bloon]
Cost : 0
Charge count : 2
Damaged : 20
Delay : 4
Reduce all incoming damage by 5.
While on the board, enemies monkeys can only target dreadrock Bloons.
Note : Dreadbloon is boss with the most health but also the slowest, in BTD6 on top of the ability to reduce damage and spawn dreadrock Bloon, it also has some immunity but it wouldn't fit how BCS works. I don't know if dreadrock Bloon should be a playable card by itself or a token but in BTD6 it only appears this way.
Cost : 10
Charge count : 2
Damage : 500
Delay : 6
On play and at the start of your turn, this card creates a count down which starts at 100 and reduces for each damage taken, if decreased to 0 at the start of your next turn, this card reduces its delay by 1. Then restart the count down.
Note : In BTD6 Phayze is all about the camo property which does not exist yet in BCS. I base its ability on the other part of Phayze abilities: the "reality shield" who teleports Phayze when it rebuilds it. In BTD6 to defeat the boss you're obligated to destroy the reality shield but I think it would be more interesting to try to not destroy it in BCS.
Damm bro wrote a whole essay. I like this idea.
I hope they take some of these ideas.
I think that the energy sentry would deal 80 damage, the cold sentry stops an enemy bloon’s countdown for one turn and does about 30 damage (cannot be done twice in a row to stop infinite stalling) the boom sentry deals maybe around 35 damage to 2 or 3 bloons, and the crushing sentry could delay one of the enemy’s monkeys by a turn until they can shoot. This is definitely unbalanced though, so the numbers could be tweaked.
these are some great ideas. except the turret cannot shoot a monkey, that's not allowed 😁
mabye the crush sentry could do more damage to bloons with more Hp? Also I think the cold sentry should do less damage like 20 or even 10 since stalling is already plenty value enough
@@ninja666gaming true
the stun card was just added so clearly it is allowed lol
Since we're entertaining the idea of quality of life changes for the burn effect as well as different damage values for it, maybe they should also add a little indicator containg the burn damage per turn beside burnt bloons. Also, maybe burn damage per turn can be overwritten by another burn effect instead of adding that damage.
i totally agree with both of these. stacking burn seems like a lot. but who knows. your idea seems more fail-proof. just go with the higher value.
I prefer the idea of the engineer just making sentries in adjacent spaces (if empty) and the base engi doing a bit more damage. The sentries staying "forever" is effectively similar to despawing and respawing periodically. Taking up space and being replaceable is also a sentry thing.
Comparing it to boomerang or triple shot, it has a (substantially) stronger early game with worse late game, but if it has higher single-target damage it's at least not _strictly_ worse when your slots are full.
If I wanted a card stockpiling tower I'd make that the spike factory, especially since road spikes have already been a thing for one-use poppers.
I like the card generation for the sentry expert though, for keeping multiple options in hand.
This man is a card game god
Its so simple, and effective!
really excited about bcs, i really love card games and tower defense games and it's cool how ninja kiwi is working with content creators to make their game better :')
I think that the sentry champion engineer could place sentries on the field, because their main gimmick is that they explode.
Each turn the sentry would explode dealing some damage to an enemg bloon
I think Magic the Gathering does a good job of describing a lot of interactions amongst cards; so just from thinking about how they word things, I would say "delay-ticks" could be better described as "before each attack phase" for the burning bloon
Hey Fry! Although I knew you for your Plants vs Zombies Heroes content, I became a subscriber of your main channel now that your videos are about Bloons Card Storm, and for multiple reasons.
First of all, the fact that you began making BCS videos at all was (And still is) an exciting subversion of expectations.
Second, these videos made me realize that Ninja Kiwi is genuinely cooking with the development of their own Bloons-themed card game and has learned from their mistakes with the initial release of BTD Battles 2. As someone who's not a very big fan of card games, that actually makes me want to give BCS a try.
Finally, I'm simply happy that you can finally be heard by a video game studio, knowing that PopCap didn't give you this opportunity even after all these years you've spent playing PvZH. I'll gladly look forward to how your presence as a BCS content creator will contribute to the game's evolution. :)
thanks for your kind words!
Can't wait for when this game comes out
First off, love the ideas that were suggested and how you incorporated them, great job
Secondly, Video 2 of this idea
Monkey idea
Overclock monkey
Cost: 6
Attack power: 40
Number of attacks: 2
Reload time: 2 turns
Ability: This monkeys second attack does no damage, but when targeted on a monkey, it decreases their reload time by 1 for the next 2 turns
(I’m not trying to be annoying here)
sub towers can have a decay ability where it just removes itself after certain number of turns so the slots can be reused
problem with halving damage is you're going to end up with bloon health in non-multiples of 5 which may affect balancing of everything else (eg. spending excess damage to only deal with a
4:14 Could apply for sentry champion(a bit of a side note, but maybe it'd be too similar to Battles, but the ability to sell monkeys at half value could be a neat incentive to push the shorter length wanted by the devs and flexibility in dire circumstances, whether for a strong tower/tier 5 or final bloon rush, something the Merchantmen and Flavored Trades[Favored Trades]could do uniquely frombother farming towers)
6:55/8:09 I think they used a distinction for that called Large Bloon, so the card could use that keyword as non-Large Bloon and let XXXL Trap select and destroy anything and either name BADs or BADs themselves could be immune to delays or destroy(just feels wordy though: Destroy a random non-Large Bloon. Gain 2 Gold). They could also add the Bloon Trap engineer to create a cheaper 3-4 cost Bloon Trap, but a 1 turn cooldown(start of every other turn or end of turn)and use the keyword that'll be in middle path monkeys
10:49 Just a thought, not really a big issue with the Camo trait, but that could be a weak trait for a DDT, though it brought the idea of maybe these normally immunities to turn into resistances similar to Striker Jones making the black property poppable by explosives, just as reduced efficiency(experimenting with 50% or 75% maybe), letting Striker still specialize with Bombs and Mortars, but have his level 7 or completely bypass black(or maybe all resistances for some variety)for his second ability, but at the lowest cost/threshold of all 3
16:07 Maybe Glaive Lord could improve that aspect by bouncing between previously hit bloons for better single target on top of its DoT(though dependlng on its damage, could just halve once and bounce on x number of bloons)
Name: Firefighter monkey
Gold cost: 4
Attack Power: 75
Ammo: 1
Reload: 1
Before Attack: Return one of your monkeys to your hand.
Overclock, 8 gold, can target monke or bloon for 80 damage, if target monkey then reduce the attack delay by 2 stages. Overclock has one ammo and needs to wait 2 turns to reload after attacking OR overclocking a monkey (Only one action)
Given middle path towers/abilities, implementing a Cooldown keyword could balance the stronger potential
Just make it a trick. It'd make more sense, though it would have to cost less due to it only activating once and it not being able to attack.
Thanks Fry for already infecting us with so much passion for this game
A little baground: i started playing card games over 5 years ago (mainly hearthstone, LOR, pvz heroes, genshin tcg) so i took a lot of insparation from them. In () i would give explanaition on purpose of the card
P.s. sry 4 my grammar
Final wave
Type: spell
cost: 12 gold
desc: RESSURECT 3 random bloons, set their delay to {3}.
(finisher for slower decks)
Night bloon
Type: bloon
cost: 2 gold
HP: 200
Delay: 1
desk: when im summoned deal 100 dmg to your hero
(agro card)
Shadow bloon
Type: bloon
cost: 4 gold
copies: 2
Delay: 2
Hp: 150
desc: when your hero loses helth, I gain 2 times less that health
Magic trick
type: spell
cost: 4 gold
choose any bloon,it will disapear. in 2 turns it appears again, remaining it stats and delay redused by {2}.
(Just imagine how many uses it has: it can dealy your death by 2 or make your bloon INVINCIBLE next 2 turns. So much otk potential included)
Thank u for reding this, feel free to comment or ask any quessions. good luck on your idias. peace
i like bounce but it could oversimplify or make some cool abilities impossible (ie primary damage being 20 but bounces being 50 or anything similiar to that).
Damn fry Ive been watching you since i was 16, now im about to turn 21 lol.. way to go on your progress, not only youtube but to be able to make cards for a game were all gonna have a chance to play.. SICK sick work man 👏👏
If the bloon trap was to focus more on the lore it wouldn't be able to swallow some moabs, I reccomend making an XXXL bloon trap which is its upgraded version that can say swallow 1000 health worth of bloons
Another thing you didn't mention about banana storm is that if your opponent has 20 gold, it's free gold for you
Burn could be said before movement. A delay in tick is moving forward.
I just wish there was a super clear terminology for this, which included both the ticking and the attacking
Engineer would probably be given a different name if he was actually a card, since the base engineer can't make turrets. It would probably be called "Sentry Gun Engineer". Although, I would have no idea what a base form Engineer could do thats interesting, so it might be fine either way.
I think giving the base engineer turrets in this game is fine, since it's what the engineer class is most known for. also regular 0-0-0 engineer would be boring in this game.
fitting with the lore is good but it doesn't have to be exact. this is a separate game
I agree with fry here
I think itd be really fun if the card art for camo bloons had them hiding in the background in some way (like Yellow Camo hiding in a sand dune)
Large caliber could double before adding other buffs so full sharpshooter + gwen would do 85 not 90 to nerf the damage scaling a bit but not make the damage buff irrelevant
I think engineer would need a buff, compared to the other 3 costs in boomerang and triple shot, it's the same/less damage output and you have to spend more to get it
Bloon trap looks interesting but its a bit too swingy because of the randomness, I think something like "Destroy a non giant bloon. Gain 2 gold." fits more with the lore of BTD6 as bloon traps can't trap moab class bloons.
I have an idea that would really be quite cool imo
"Layered Bloons"
for example: Layered Yellow Bloon
5 cost, 100 damage, 1 delay, 1 copy
Layered (when destroyed create a Green Bloon (NOT LAYERED))
I love this idea! "sticky" cards provide counterplay to hard-removal.
NK confirmed "nested bloons" which are basically like that.
Good ideas Fry
I really like the idea of cards that would be insanely op if they didn't also benefit your opponent as well. I think another interesting "Storm" card could be "Wind Storm", basically reducing all Bloons on the board's attack time by 2. I'm not the best at balancing stuff like cost or such, but it seems like it could be a very cool high-risk/high-reward finisher.
My feelings on these suggestions:
- *Engineer* feels kind of like an earlygame Super Monkey where you get a large burat of damage upon placement but here the downside is instead of having to wait to attack again, you have to wait a little for the actual payoff AND spend extra gold. The problems i see here are that 1. The tower is quickly gonna fall out of favor due to the ever climbing cost of upkeep to not have it just be an expensive Dart Monkey, sure it deals 50 damage a turn, but that's not really enough when the cost starts climbing to 6, 7, 8... gold, 2. The card will likely be clogging your hand in the midgame with all the single-use sentries while you're trying to set up both bloons and permanent defense but don't have the 10 gold to throw out every turn yet and 3. You're REALLY relying on the early draw to get the sentries up while they're worth stuff and to cash out on the earlygame burst damage. The Engi's idea seems to have a lot of earlygame value and especially burst damage for one card slot, but it falls off really quickly and feels more like a slow Power than anything else. I feel like the card can do with some stat changes, for example make it 2 gold so the costs don't start climbing too quickly plus that gives it more value against immediate aggro, or for example make it have more attack for a reload of 2 and have it give a stronger sentry On Reload (and On Placement of course) so it doesn't clog your hand or become not worth it to spend the gold on sentries as quickly with more damage per gold.
- *Bloon Trap* should have a limiter for not destroying either Large Bloons or Bloons above a certain health threshold. Otherwise you're basically asking for Return 3 Sender. Destroying a MOAB or something even stronger for a net 3 gold loss is too powerful, and without Bloon keywords it won't really matter what gets destroyed once Ceramics are the weakest Bloon on the board so you're still getting a 2 gold advantage and it only gets better if you destroy something expensive like a MOAB or Rainbow. It does seem fine when the playmakers are bloons like Greens, Yellows and Ceramics.
- *Camo Yellows* are ade to counter Defender i really don't think it needs counterplay more than pre-draining the ammo of Defender cards since it's required for plays like Pink and QR rushdowns. Also that version of Camo probably isn't worth making the cost an entire gold extra for such a early-midgame Bloon, but it could use an extra Health decrease so direct fire can deal with them easier if Defender can't, and also so the card isn't such a large Bloontonium pool. (Cough. Ceramics. Cough.)
- *Glaive Ricochet* seems alright and the Bounce keyword idea can help other Boomerangs and such out. (Btw the On Attack keyword on the Boomerang doesn't scale with Gwen's passive) Likely will make for a nice midgame version of Boomerang/Triple Shot. (The latter we suspect will be nerfed to 15 damage on all darts to match the Boomerang, cause not nerfing it would be dumb)
- *Banana Storm* in the earlygame really has the same problems as High Finance's earlygame in that whoever can capitalise on the large cash turn the hardest basically wins the entire match, which mostly depends on the mulligan. With the card you at least somewhat control when that happens, but you still don't know if your opponent can bounce back harder, and you'll be down a card the entire time you have it and when you play it. Same thing happened a lot with Gwen Control where Cash Drop, secondarily to farms, would allow Gwen Control start to snowball too immensely for anything, including the same deck with a *one turn later* Cash Drop into first or second Banana Farm, to handle, and usually resulted in an easy win - most people now want cash drop at 3 cost 5 gain for it to not be playable turn 1 for the freest snowball. The later the game goes, however, the more of a dead weight this card becomes with the value of 4 instant gold diminishing with more gold per turn. Also with this you only need 2 cards to play Red Bloon Storm or at least a Ceramic turn 1. Aggro capitalises on early cash well, go figure.
- *Wizard* is very nice, if not a little complex. Seems kind of like a slow sidegrade to Crossbow Monkey, capitalising on Burn to ramp up damage and synergising with her big active.
[Engineer could be creating towers and be fine if you give the sentries some keyword to disappear after a few turns (but that sounds like your Power token idea but more complex) or make the sentries generate slowly but be large enough to actually be worth placing and then replacing and having them slowly accumulate as good burst damage filler, like what i suggest]
Card Idea: Avatar of wrath (monkey)
Cost: 7
Damage: 20
Ammo: 2
Delay: 2
Ability: gets +5 damage for every bloon on the field(meaning if the opponent has 5 bloons it will do 45 damage and if 2 of them die then it will do 35 damage assuming no other buffs are applied to it)
I feel like the stats can be adjusted if they don’t fit. I think there is a high chance of this ability or a similar one getting in the game because that’s how the ability works in btd6.
Card idea:
Purple Bloon
Cost 4
HP 120
Delay 3
Copies 3
Ability: take half damage from non-monkey source of damage. This ability is lost after taking 30 damage in total.
The idea is that this bloon is resistant to ‘magic’ damage that hero ability and damaging cards dealt, and after taking some damage it will lose its purple layer along with its resistance
This could be a very good card design, instead of denying all the damage, making it impossible to answer, it only denies half. sae with lead reducing monkeys to half damage but taking full damage from Powers. this could sort of force decks to be more balanced instead of min maxing only powers or monkeys. Well done
@@FryEmUp Thanks Fry, I also think that monkey are rather underpowered
So a card that punish a player for not running any monkey at all should be a good addition to the game
ALL FARMS REWORK : I feel like they could change when the farm is getting replaced by a monkey, or rather "destroyed", it should give you your gold back which would solidify the idea that farm is meant to be used for a bit and then sold for a big play. (when the farm is taken or turned into a baby it still gives the gold back)
Caveman monkey : 5 cost that does 40 damage but has a ability that i will name Precision / Aggression maybe(when this monkey doesn't attack for a full turn deal double damage and add 1 delay to the bloon it hits but the damage doesn't stack with buffs). Its reload would be 3
-this monkey is from the ice map of btd 6 a secret monkey on the map.
btw your camo idea is super! I imagine the defenders cant attack it on the owner's turn too tho right?
If there ever going to be more heroes in the game, here’s an idea
Agent Jericho
0/20 bloontonium
Ability 1: Jericho upgrades a balloon to either a camo, reinforced, or purple (5 bloontonium)
Ability 2: Jericho on the next turn steals 1 coin from the opponent for two turns (8 bloontonium)
Abiltiy 3: Jericho summons a decoy moab (350)(destroys itself after 2 turns)(delay 4)
Ability: This moab will attract the attention of the enemy monkeys, forcing them to attack it until it is destroyed (15 bloontonium)
Let me know if this needs any change!
Burn could be "Before the end of turn" or just "End of turn"
I'm glad I got to mention on the stream that camo is a keyword, because I feel that makes sense with how camo works in the tower defense games lol
makes sense for sure. who knows maybe camo could be applied to balloons that have very different abilities as well
Another way that Engineer could work is similar to Pea Pod from PVZ Heroes, where it starts off weak (similar to dart monkey), but it ramps up its damage (say 10 per turret), placing 1 turret per turn, to a max of 3 (the max a 1-0-0 engineer can place in BTD6, if it’s underpowered could be changed to 5 for Faster Engineering).
Also, some ideas for the Boom, Crush, Cold, and Laser sentries, that could work based on BTD6 (numbers are random placeholders):
Boom Sentry: Do 90 damage to one Bloon, and 60 to adjacent Bloons (Meant for AOE damage in Bloons, so can break a zone Defense)
Crushing sentry: Do 50 damage to next (x) amount of the opponent’s bloons (meant for pierce in BTD6, so pierces through upcoming bloons. Potentially another use for the ‘bounce’ keyword.)
Laser sentry: Do 70 damage to one bloon. Give effect Laser 2-3. Keyword: Laser “Deal 20 damage to this bloon at start of turn”
Cold Sentry: Deal 30 damage. Slow all non-MOAB Bloons. Keyword: Slow “Slow down a bloon’s attack by one turn.” (Also uses a tribe system, allowing more synergy.)
Could also give at varying rates, say 35% Boom, 30% Crushing, 20% Plasma, 15% Freeze, and these can be adjusted based on how powerful each sentry ends up being.
Jungle drums
6 cost (can’t manually target Bloons
Monkeys next door have 1 less reload time (cannot be lower than 1)
Card idea: poplust Druid 9 cost monkey that has 80 power and has sharpshooter with a reload of 2, with only 1 shot. The ability, whenever this monkey pops a balloon it reload its shot instantly.
Card idea: Summon Phoenix
Cost: 9 Gold
DMG: 20, Burn 15
Ammo: 3
Reload: 2 Turns
When Played: Create a Phoenix Card in hand.
Phoenix: Apply Burn 30 to 3 Random Enemy Bloons.
I want the Summon Phoenix to be a card that has massive payout upon initial play with the Phoenix (or to be saved when needed) while dealing burn damage that'll synergize heavily with the hero Gwendolin. The Summon Phoenix will be dealing 105 damage in a single turn with just the regular attacks (including the burn), but has the potential to deal more with the bloons sticking around on the board. I wanted to make this card somewhat comparable to the Sharpshooter, but it may need to be tuned down (25, Burn 10), made 1 - 2 gold more expensive, or nerf the Phoenix to balance it out.
The Phoenix is made to be a 1-time power, as having it be replenished seemed too powerful if the game dragged on.
If you do ever plan on showcasing the idea, feel free to tune the numbers to however you see fit, or showcase it while mentioning what changes could be made.
Also, if someone doesn't mind commenting the Discord link to his server. I'd like to share more of my thoughts on card creation for this upcoming game.
A general keyword for Ability could work for middle path towers, and a listed Cooldown on the keyword if it's reuseable(using Cooldown 0 instead for no cooldown, reuseable abilities)
Given it's supposed to be fast games, a one-time use ability makes sense, but having the ability to lock out the opponent with a strong defense feels like something that should be possible, so maybe a decent cooldown like 2 turns could work
@@nameynamd9212 I understand that I could use a keyword like that, but I think it's better to not have it recharge. That's my take on it. I also don't think the Summon Phoenix should be quite the card that can lock out your opponent on defense, but rather even more powerful monkeys than it, consider that there are going to be ZOMGs, BADs, & possibly DDTs.
@@karateboy962 I guess, though I don't think Burn 30 is quite strong enough to warrant a one-time use, though it depends on the delay increase cards
@@nameynamd9212 The Summon Phoenix will need to be more expensive if the Phoenix becomes more powerful, or have its main attack tuned down with its current gold cost. Hmm... Thinking about it, it's definitely underpowered in that aspect of the Phoenix. If it were bumped up to Burn 50, it'll be comparable to Quincy's Storm of Arrows over the course of 2 turns, but can deal more or less depending on the circumstances.
Berserker Brew Alchemist:
3 cost
2 reload
40 damage
Keyword: Splash (deals damage to bloons adjacent to the target) 20
increase the attack of a monkey in hand by 20
Bloonarious: boss bloon
20 cost
550 hp
6 delay
Turn start: fill your board with slime Bloons
Slime Bloon: token
1 cost
100 hp
3 delay
I actually feel like bloonarius could be an ai battle in the campaign where it is the enemy hero with like 1000 hp and fills the board with weak bloons each turn and doesn't place towers
What do you think about sentries dissapearing when you take demage? This will make it so that a counter for lifespan isnt nessecary and the sentries could last for longer than a turn making them different from tricks that just deal dmg?
That patreon list is really piling up now 😊
Night bloon
Type: bloon
cost: 2 gold
HP: 200
Delay: 1
desk: when im summoned deal 100 dmg to your hero
(agro card)
I feel like the defender ability won't be common enough for camos to work, I also have a problem with the glaive ricochet, the third does to little damage making glaive ricochet almost as effective vs 2 bloons as vs 3 bloons which makes it a bit to strong in my opinion and makes the fact that it has bounce 2 instead of bounce 1 kinda useless.
There's definitely going to be a alot more defender cards in the game
I kinda just assumed that burn happens at the end of turn
hey this ideas are really cool fry! i hope dev team takes a look at this video
My thoughts on every card. I offer at least something about every card you talk about.
1. Two engineer would still work if it made cards that used a monkey slot. Play the sentry, shoot, replace with the second sentry. I think making them slightly weaker, but stick around for two shots then disappear would be pretty balanced.
2. Bloon trap could instead be a card that removes the next bloon played. if that's too exploitable by placing a red bloon then you could make it ignore bloons under a certain strength. or better yet bloon trap is a tower that can eat a certain number of bloons before going away. That's maybe too over powered so that would have to be balanced a bit.
3. I prefer camo works better by making camo bloons not able to be targeting by your hero, but all other towers can hit it. Doesn't fit within BTD lore, but yours doesn't either. Also why'd you make it a yellow bloon? The reason the pink bloons have a slow cool down is because they move very fast. it needs to be either a pink or purple bloon to make sense to have a 1 cool down.
4. Bounce is a really bad keyword. Just call it ricochet. or something other than what you know from PVZ heros has an associating with... well bounce.
5. I love the banana storm card. I think it should have a different name/theme, but love the concept. I would prefer storm cards being something that actually interacts with the storm. Like making it stronger or something.
6. Large calliper also isn't a great keyword. it's referencing a specific upgrade from a specific monkey. Also burn should just be "before the attack phase of the burned bloon". You don't need to invite the term "delay ticks". Just use attack phase or something. I hated wizard at first because it seemed too complicated, but I kinda like it. Maybe only two different special things, and they can do more complex things later.
Card ideas
The biggest one
Cost : 10
Damage : 200
Delay : 4
Ammo : 1
[On attack : Deals damage equal to half of its attack to all other bloons]
Glue monkey
Cost : 1
Damage : 0
Delay : 1
Ammo : 3
[On attack : SLOW targeted
bloon (cannot target moabs)]
Slow increases bloons delay by 1
idk if you saw my idea with the engineer but the ability was a big oversight 😅
New trick idea: behind the rock
Cost: 4
Ability: A bloon cant be hurt in this turn. The delay of this bloon wont go down
i like they also made a dev diary today
Engineer : The card can totally make a sentry next door at the start of your turn and it would be his downside. Sun God is supposed to sacrifice already played monkeys so discarding a card from your hand (in this case sentry gun spell) wouldn't fit the lore.
Bloon Trap : The card should be a token created by Bloon Trap Engineer (lore).
Camo : Fine idea
Glaive Ricochet : Has way too much damage, have to be careful because with monkey buffs the card will get out of control. Bounce ability should be renamed to Ricochet like someone already pointed out.
Banana Storm : Unbalanced card like the ninja kiwi discord already said, this is the type of card that create overpowered combos.
Wizard : I like the idea of the Ammo keyword the problem is if you add Ammo to your Wizard with a future possible card that would completely mess up the concept. Same thing for Sharp Shooter his ability would need to be when at full ammo do double damage not Ammo 3.
i think sticking too hard to the "lore" of btd6 is a drawback. first priority needs to be fitting into the card game well. cards being independent makes more creativity in deck building. we've already seen a lot of powers be independent of their btd6 skill trees, supply drop being one of many examples.
While recording the video, I realized 60 might be a bit much for ricochet, as it doesn't have quite as much drawback as three-shooter since the bulk of the damage is in its primary shot. 50 seems better for a 6 cost card.
"Bounce" is valid like the bouncing bullet ability of sniper 0-3-0, but "ricochet" could work as well, I just prefer the simpler word "bounce" especially for players who don't speak English as a first language.
I disagree with you last point. adding max ammo would be a nightmare to balance i really hope they don't make that a thing. but reloading a card would be particularly useful with super monkey and indeed wizard, which would make the second Burn happen a turn sooner.
It's hard to tell if banana storm is too OP, depends on what other cards are released. if so maybe 3 gold then, but there's not much upside from cash drop at that point.
@@FryEmUp Fun card ideas. My only drawback with the bounce keyword is it could be confused with bouncing a card from the board. I initially thought the wizard you created could bounce bloons from the board (tornado ability).
@@kamdenbrothers8089 The only people who might likely get confused with bounce would be pvzh players, which is a relatively small amount of players compared to the massive amount of people probably playing this game in comparison.
@@cross-layered8538 Fair point and would be clear after playing for a little bit.
I think that an ammo box spell could be good fully reload a monkey you play it on 3 cost
Having camo be trick inmunity would be better imo.
I think pirate ship would be good kill one ballon 3 reload 10 cost
Final wave
Type: spell
cost: 12 gold
desc: RESSURECT 3 random bloons, set their delay to {3}.
(finisher for slower decks)
I LOVE these ideas!
Ice Monkey - On Attack: [Freeze] targeted Small Bloon for 2 turns. (Frozen Bloons will not advance, but will thaw out when they take damage.)
Bloon trap can’t eat big bloons in btd6, that’s what the XXL trap is for. Love the vid ❤
someone else mentioned that balloon trap could exclude the Moab tribe. I think this could be a really good idea for balancing. And then perhaps the XXL trap will specifically target the big bois
I think bloon trap could be maybe 4 gold and changed to a non-Moab class balloon
this would prevent it from taking out really expensive blimps. I agree.
Yeah. Popping blimps with a 5-2 cost card seemed very strong.
Devs really just made a deepfake of fry to show new cards that will be coming into the game
are you still looking for card ideas??
if yes I have an idea: Bloontiplication:
the bloon gets turned into 2 bloons that split their HP and have an equal (or x+1, x being the current delay) delay(, can not be used if the bloon has less or equal 40 HP, but this is not necessary)
this might be useful against monkeys such as sharpshooter since it can't target multiple bloons with 1 attack (if it has like 80 HP so it would die to the first attack) but less useful against monkeys such as triple shot and the new idea of the glaive richochet
it would cost somewhere between 3 and 5
Ninja monkey: 4 cost
When played: bounce 1 bloon OR make a bloon have 1 more delay
Ammo: 1 Delay: 1 Damage: 30 ricochet: 1 (what he said would be bounce but I can't use it here)
if this hits a camo bloon, it removes the camo property from them
this is essentially a 0-2-1 ninja monkey from BTD6 (bounce/added delay from distraction (0-1-0), ricochet from seeking shuriken (0-0-1), remove the camo property from C-espionage (0-2-0))
might be a stoopid idea
18:26 500 druid(super storm) jumpscare 😨
And then Engineer Monkey turned himself into a banana launcher. Funniest shit I've ever seen.
Card Concepts:
Homeland Defense: Add Call to Arms to your hand. Costs 7 gold and must destroy one Monkey Village to be played.
Call to Arms
Cost: 0
All monkeys gain +2 damage until the end of turn.
Data Leak
Cost: 3
All enemy Bloons are downgraded once and lose their properties.
Destructively Dominating Terminators
Cost: 9
Summon 3 Dark Dirgible Titans. If they don't take damage, send them to your hand next turn.
Cost: 3
Bloons cannot be popped on your side, but also cannot do damage for an additional turn.
Monkey Business:
Cost: 0
Get four gold. Pay it back next turn.
Bloon Trap XXL
Cost: 5
Destroy up to three bloons of any level. Get cash based on the amount played to set them (1/2X) to a minimum of one.
Ouiji Board
Cost: 2
Add Ghost of Bloonchipper to your hand.
Ghost of Bloonchipper
Cost: 4
Downgrade every bloon once per turn until removed.
Elite defender
7 cost
1 reload
4 ammo
30 damage
Adrenaline(passive buff when your hero is below 20% hp): gain 1 ammo and defender trait
I have a card idea and while it's might be broken i think it's interesting enough to share
Tack zone
Legendary rarity
9 cost
40 damage
5 ammo
3 reload
(Can't manually target bloons. Will automatically target attacking bloons. Will start reloading before it uses all its ammo.)
I could definitely see a lot of changes but I thought the keywords combined together plus the new one I made would be a cool concept, so I just threw some stats on there
Magic trick
type: spell
cost: 4 gold
choose any bloon,it will disapear. in 2 turns it appears again, remaining it stats and delay redused by {2}.
(Just imagine how many uses it has: it can dealy your death by 2 or make your bloon INVINCIBLE next 2 turns. So much otk potential included)
Amazing card idea but I think it is too cheap for its effect mostly because quick ready is too broken
Card Idea
Deflation: Cost 3 gold
Effect Reduce opponents gold by 2
Instead of that effect it could be Reduce opponents income by 1 for 3 turns
Engineer should have a limit of how many sentries he can generate. It seems like stacking a bunch of sentries might be too good
Also, bloon trap should not be able target big Bloons like MOABs (also fits with btd6 ability)