Hello, I am thinking of implementing my own keyboard based controller. Working with Airsim has been difficult, but this is the first keyboard user controller I've come across. Is there an remote control API in airsim that you built a wrapper around to accept key inputs? Any information would be helpful, thank you!
Hello, I am thinking of implementing my own keyboard based controller. Working with Airsim has been difficult, but this is the first keyboard user controller I've come across. Is there an remote control API in airsim that you built a wrapper around to accept key inputs? Any information would be helpful, thank you!
Does it have airplanes or only quadcopters ?
Please provide the github link as in edx course there is no link. And the official Airsim doesnot contain that API
Thank you so much for the important feedback.
We will solve this by Saturday and get back to you.
There it is:
Please let us know if you saw everything you need.
how to install AirSim
Guthub link : github.com/ElishaAz/simple_airsim.git