37C3 - Software Licensing For A Circular Economy

  • Опубликовано: 9 сен 2024

Комментарии • 11

  • @dameanvil
    @dameanvil 7 месяцев назад +4

    00:37 🌍 The speaker emphasizes the importance of considering ecological impacts, particularly energy consumption, in technology-related activities.
    01:37 🎤 The talk focuses on "Software Licensing for a Circular Economy," exploring the intersection of software, hardware, and ecological sustainability.
    03:24 🔄 The speaker draws a connection between the punk DIY ethos, the hacker space, and the concept of repurposing old hardware, setting the stage for the main theme of the talk.
    06:51 🔄 Autonomy and transparency, crucial for free software, are presented as key principles for achieving a circular economy (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) in software development.
    09:27 🌐 The Blue Angel, Germany's environmental label, recognizes the importance of autonomy and transparency in sustainable software design, aligning with the speaker's viewpoint.
    14:28 🌐 The ICT sector's estimated contribution of 1.8-3.9% to global greenhouse gas emissions, with a potential increase to 30% by 2050, highlights the environmental impact of technology.
    15:51 📱 Production and transportation contribute over 80% of greenhouse gas emissions in the life cycle of an iPhone, emphasizing the significant impact of hardware production.
    17:26 💻 Software inefficiencies, as demonstrated by a study comparing open source and proprietary word processors, can contribute to increased energy consumption at scale.
    19:03 🗑 The growing issue of E-Waste, with 60 million tons produced in 2022, poses environmental and health hazards, making proper disposal and recycling crucial.
    21:32 🔄 Software design choices, like bloatware and planned obsolescence, contribute to unnecessary e-waste as devices become unsupported and discarded prematurely.
    21:43 🚄 Software design often prioritizes vendor interests over users, leading to inefficient processes, like designing trains to malfunction if not used as intended.
    22:25 🔄 Free and open-source software (FOSS) contributes to a circular economy by promoting autonomy, transparency, and disrupting the linear model, particularly during the disposal stage.
    23:19 💻 Lean software, a component of the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle), achieves longer hardware use by eliminating unnecessary processes. FOSS, with its autonomy and transparency, allows users to identify and remove such processes.
    26:16 🌐 KDE Eco measures software energy consumption and integrates it into the GitLab CI pipeline for developers to assess and improve their code's efficiency. The goal is to make this available for all free software developers.
    28:38 📈 KDE tags bugs and merge requests with an efficiency tag, tracking changes related to efficiency, not only in energy consumption but also general inefficiencies like CPU spikes and freezes.
    29:46 🔄 Uninstalling unnecessary software and selectively installing only what's needed makes systems more efficient, requiring less CPU, memory, and fewer updates, contributing to overall energy savings.
    30:29 📴 Using software offline and opting out of tracking and advertising reduces energy consumption, contributing to a more efficient and sustainable use of technology.
    31:52 🖥 KDE Eco is working on documenting and presenting information on software efficiency, including uninstallation processes, energy consumption reports, and Eco-certified software, through an Eco tab in KDE software.
    32:17 💻 Vendor Independence in Hardware use is enabled by software freedom, allowing the continued use of hardware beyond the vendor's intended lifecycle, as exemplified by a MacBook Pro from 2009 still in use.
    33:57 🔄 Software recycling, integrating new code with existing code for new hardware support, is exemplified by projects like porting Linux to Apple Silicon, offering fully functional systems and prolonging hardware use.
    40:31 🔄 Campaigns and awareness efforts, especially targeting the end-of-life for Windows 10 in 2025, provide an opportunity to attract less tech-savvy users to free and open-source software, promoting efficient and sustainable practices.

    • @NithinJune
      @NithinJune 6 месяцев назад

      was this ai generated

  • @5mxg
    @5mxg 7 месяцев назад

    @38:47 My numbers: I replaced my core i5-3xxx desktop, idling @30W (+20W with display on), for almost the same computing power, totally sufficient for my tasks, used i5-6xxx laptop, which is idling with screen on @4W. If I calculated correctly, in my use scenario this change returned the price of the laptop in energy not consumed in about 1 year of everyday use, and now it's 'earning' money, that normalnny my desktop would burn just by being powered on. This is just for system sitting idle.

  • @howwitty
    @howwitty 7 месяцев назад +2

    31:00 Microsoft abuses its users not only by making removal of software by uninstallation very difficult, but in many cases requiring higher permission than a retail Windows user can have. If this was not bad enough, they will reinstall the software which the user removed in a mandatory update.

  • @5mxg
    @5mxg 7 месяцев назад

    @31:25 in the wallet-driven world, manufacturers will generally not care if its not them paying for wasted energy and their user does not know that he/she pays extra for energy by using the shiet. I see 'Ohs' that 'My smartphone can last whole day if i'm not playing games! wow!' .. wow? mine normally lasts about 4 days of use.

  • @5mxg
    @5mxg 7 месяцев назад

    @18:24 so.. they said not to optimize software if user doesn't complain. Computer resources are cheaper than programmers who really know what they do. Or not...

  • @5mxg
    @5mxg 7 месяцев назад

    @8:28 whaat? when did it happen? or who did this behind the scenes so no one noticed the consequences?

  • @5mxg
    @5mxg 7 месяцев назад

    @37:40 yes! make this way be the sexy way!

  • @5mxg
    @5mxg 7 месяцев назад

    @14:55 what are things in the gray region? how their reduction contributes to orange one expanding?

  • @mikkelens
    @mikkelens 7 месяцев назад

    it depresses me that individuals need to go against market and social incentives just to not make the world worse. Market/engineering ethics is a joke

  • @5mxg
    @5mxg 7 месяцев назад

    Some of my not so gloryfying comments disappeared. Freedom of speech here not allowed?