Are T17s Hurting The Game? - 3 Passive Voices Podcast with

  • Опубликовано: 27 сен 2024

Комментарии • 144

  • @Omisid
    @Omisid  4 месяца назад +7

    What are your predictions for 3.25?

    • @462seb
      @462seb 4 месяца назад +8

      DD nerfs 🤡

    • @MrS5x
      @MrS5x 4 месяца назад +4

      @@462seb almost guarantee now, dd have become a one button build and its also much more popular than before.

    • @tanzureir
      @tanzureir 4 месяца назад

      Remove div scarab of curation but make it into a balanced keystone, where it has a div card drop rate penalty but will even out if you have 12 different favored map. Replaces back to basic keystone

    • @slugking
      @slugking 4 месяца назад +4

      Campaign prestige mode. We all love running the campaign, so they will make it you can continuously prestige mode your character to rerun the campaign that gets harder each time.

    • @mcanita2081
      @mcanita2081 4 месяца назад

      Not sure but don't make a video show casing ultimatum I did it this league and intend to farm it next league it's mega $$$ and super chill.

  • @Lolcohol
    @Lolcohol 4 месяца назад +23

    I actually agree with a lot of the stuff the guy on the right said and he is cuter than aer0 even though he doesn't have a moustache

    • @vevabg
      @vevabg 4 месяца назад

      I can't hide my excitement about how brave you went straight on the point! It's a bad league and needs a brave heart to say it out loud! Applause 👏! Unfortunately you lost me as subscriber a looong time ago when you was doing insane crafting videos and I was very new to the game and I was begging and praying 🙏 for some advices or just main points on certain craft like 4 or 5 videos in a row and you even didn't bother to say I can't help , sorry or don't have time right now to answer your question, so .... but with this podcast I consider to subscribe again to your channel, so I will keep tracking your content for the moment.

    • @Lolcohol
      @Lolcohol 4 месяца назад +1

      @@vevabg :o I don't remember your question! I answer all my DMs eventually and a lot of questions in the comments, so I must have missed yours :< Glad to have you back on board!

  • @itamarshef4423
    @itamarshef4423 4 месяца назад +28

    Breaking news: Local PoE players discover the game is fun if you're not tracking div/hr

    • @dai-katana
      @dai-katana 4 месяца назад

      I never track game div/h and by far this league is least fun for me personally :D

    • @livingforwhat2172
      @livingforwhat2172 4 месяца назад +1

      people who say this act like playing the game with no currency when u are 2 weeks into the league and cant make anything feel good to play because u don't have the currency is fun.

    • @livingforwhat2172
      @livingforwhat2172 4 месяца назад

      then they come and say "the game does have variety when it comes to builds". u just need 500 divines to make splitting steel trickster work for example... or they just talk about some stupid ass build that does 20m dps but has literally 0 defences and u get oneshot every once in a while offscreen because u cant take any hits

    • @livingforwhat2172
      @livingforwhat2172 4 месяца назад

      was going to plan to learn ubers this patch but u can't even get invitations because some of them are like 5 divines just to enter the fight.. and u might say sure u needed that last patch, but last patch at least i didnt need to have a whole different build that does mapping to do t17s to farm the invitations

  • @aer0
    @aer0 4 месяца назад +15

    This was fun! Can't wait to do it again

    • @michaelscott2093
      @michaelscott2093 4 месяца назад

      One thing you said that I really agree with is making a build to solve issues to making play smoother is. Which is what i think the problem with t17s is. You can’t really gear yourself out of t17 mods you just have to roll through them

    • @vevabg
      @vevabg 4 месяца назад

      Excellent podcast, you won my respect and subscription 👏. It takes big b.lls to tell the truth how bad this league is and said it out loud 👏 respect. You are my new hero ! New modern version of Robin Hood for poe community 😂😅

  • @eepopgames2741
    @eepopgames2741 4 месяца назад +5

    My reflections on the things discussed as a D4 refugee that is about 800 hours in to PoE over the last two seasons.
    Gravecrafting: Firstly, this should have coincided with an update to allow instant buy-out trading for currency and bulk traded items (maps, corpses, contracts, etc). Remove all the creature type and positional modifiers. Then instead of the placement tedium, you should have selected all the corpses you wanted in the craft, and then it puts you in a one round game of tetris. When you hit the top of the screen, the item is crafted with whatever corpses you have managed to pack in. The really powerful corpses (fractures, mirrors, etc) can have funky shapes that make them harder to utilize. So the GG items are still possible, but require risk and skill to achieve. And no matter what kind of item you are trying to craft, the actual placement can be fast.
    Allflames: Remove the explicit level on each allflame. If having it be different than the base zone is desired, make it a modifier of the base level instead of a specific level. This would allow them to be stackable so we can get more effective room in the necro locker, it also makes it easier to find the one you want. Along those lines, the graphic design also needs another pass so the allflames are more visually identifiable, like having a glowing icon in the middle of its globe.
    Scarabs: Generally positive, still some refinement to go, but not a whole lot to say here. I would support some pruning/consolidation, either baseline or through some process that let you merge scarabs of the same mechanic so that everything for one mechanic only takes up a single map slot. In general, I think they need to lean in more to the "wacky thing" scarabs rather than the "make this happen" scarabs. Some of the later work okay, like +abysses but on the other end things like "has Cassia" are pointless as if I am atlas'd into blight, I am going to have 100% chance already. Finally, while I don't feel super strongly about this, I think its worth consideration if having scarab nodes available on the atlas tree is a mistake. They all largely boil down to "get more scarabs" and as mentioned in the podcast, the economy of scarabs feels a bit too flush, and it would feel a little healthier if there were a bit fewer scarabs in the economy.
    T17s: First, these should have had a different name, just naming them T17s really presses the perception that they are the baseline of what every build needs to be able to do. I think the T17 mods should not have been added to the explicit map mod pool, but instead just been separate with just one as an non rerollable implicit on the map. But then also just let them use the normal map rolling system. If someone wants to run a T17 as a white map with just the one T17 implicit modifier, let them. It is likely to be "wasteful" financially to do so, but it provides a much smoother difficulty curve rather than the huge current jump from corrupted T16 to lowest possible T17. And as I mentioned in gravecrafting, we really need an instant buy out option for maps.
    Content, Empy, FOMO: I think the PoE Creatorsphere has a bit of a blindspot for where folks like me are at. So much content is either Ziz's first 100 hours content, or uber high end max farming strats. There is very little content that talks about things between those two extremes. The best we often get is an offhand comment in the uber-farm videos about how you could scale it down, but even that usually moves very fast or uses nomenclature that we are not yet familiar with. Empy's series this league have hit that niche a lot better than what else is out there. I am so much more concerned with finding "what is an effective thing I can do at the point I am at" rather than "what is the most effective thing that I could aspire to do but that my build is no where near able to do". I also appreciate that Empy has been upfront with some of the strategies to just say "This made decent money, but it was not really fun to me." The baseline frustration level for folks in my situation is going to be a lot higher than for PoE vets, just things like the fact that we are going to die so much more often and get punished by the xp penalty so much more. For a vet, the "fun" of a strategy can be a little less important, as at the least, most of yall are good enough that even if its not fun, you can run it with a competency level that can at least get it to be kind of meditative as you enact the strategy without major hiccups. But if 6 portaling to run a strategy is a real possibility, even if the currency is good, there is already going to be baseline frustration, and then something being unfun on top of that can be really disheartening.
    Defenses: From my understanding, all the things said make sense. The biggest thing for me as a newer player is with the way the various defenses overlap and apply to different things and the lack of a death recap. Its very common to get to a point where you get into insta-rip situations and then having no clue of how to mitigate it. As Lolcohol mentioned, there usually is a layer that you need that the new player is just missing. But it is incredibly frustrating on a level PoE vets may not understand. At this point, I know the names of pretty much all of the defensive layers and a basic understanding of what they do, but if I am getting ripped, I only know I need SOMETHING, not which something. And if getting a new defensive something without taking a huge hit elsewhere takes days to farm the currency for, it is completely morale shattering to find out that the something that I guess I needed was actually not what was needed, and I spent days working to buy an upgrade that did not help the situation at all.
    Content Part 2: Blizzards failures have driven a lot of people to PoE, but there is still a big disconnect between the people that can see the problems facing us D4 Refugees and the people that have the knowledge to actually make content that helps with those problems. The streamer Hawg has been having those defense type issues happen to him quite a lot this season, he gets to mid 90s and tries to move on to the next step in content and gets brickwalled by not knowing what defense piece he needs, he gets currency either from farming or his community, and throws it at the problem only to still have the problem. He'll go all out and respec entirely to something that is supposed to not have the issues, and manages to miss some piece that keeps it rippy. Maybe yall should have him on sometime to tap into what the D4 refugee community is feeling. Defenses are a big one, but I am sure there are lots of other ones. A big block for me right now is the highly variable endgame items like Timeless Jewels and such. I can see thats one of the next upgrades I could make, but even watching multipe videos on it, trying to use POB's find feature or the website version of the TJ finder, it all just seems so impenetrable. Even with these frustrations, there are a lot of us that are loving PoE. That said, I think there is a feeling creeping up that we are hitting the wall of what we can do in PoE. We can see that content exists past that, and that some people are able to do it, but there is no identifiable path to bridge the gap from where we are to where people that have been playing for years are. And its becoming increasingly common to be told "if you don't like it go play D4" when any concern is raised. Nah, I love the first 90 levels of PoE, I just want to understand the rest and that is proving very hard to make traction on.

  • @23cjota
    @23cjota 4 месяца назад +9

    This league is the best for SSF or HC trade. This is my first league I quit early, but definitely interested in trying SSF for a while until the new league comes.

    • @ethanlarge3572
      @ethanlarge3572 4 месяца назад +1

      Join us!

    • @lifeloverNorris
      @lifeloverNorris 4 месяца назад +5

      Yeah maybe if you have 20 quad tabs to store the coffins

    • @SuperCatacata
      @SuperCatacata 4 месяца назад

      @@lifeloverNorris Coffins should have been stackable. Huge and obvious oversight by GGG. There are 0 excuses for how terrible it feels to have 90% of your stash full of corpses.

    • @m.h.4907
      @m.h.4907 4 месяца назад +1

      Honestly this is the best league for Ruthless as well. Usually I just play SSF SC, but Ruthless is awesome now with all the rare items from grave crafting

    • @23cjota
      @23cjota 4 месяца назад

      @@lifeloverNorris I have 3 quad tabs and won't purchase more lol

  • @Anikthias
    @Anikthias 4 месяца назад +6


  • @jimmyjohnsson4788
    @jimmyjohnsson4788 4 месяца назад +1

    Brilliant, three of my top CC boys in a podcast, LOG IN DUDE!! 💪🏻💪🏻

  • @knicklichtjedi
    @knicklichtjedi 4 месяца назад +1

    The scarab section just finished, so maybe you will mention it later, but one thing to keep in mind with scarab prices is that T17 are printing them way more than T16 ever could.

  • @marc-andreblais5818
    @marc-andreblais5818 4 месяца назад +1

    what if every day they made 1-2 random scarabs not drop for a week or something? there would be a rotation so scarabs would gain value when they are in rotation and it would force people to try new mechanics a bit and give real value to currently worthless scarabs

  • @RoundhouseSteak
    @RoundhouseSteak 4 месяца назад +8

    I love the podcast name

  • @jin-the-man
    @jin-the-man 4 месяца назад

    This league is a perfect data collecting session for poe2 and for the future of poe now. Some hated some loved. I am in the loved one side and it created more chances of getting new builds and challenges. Thank you guys for this video. Good luck!

  • @karnijj1
    @karnijj1 4 месяца назад

    I love the scarab changes. I'm glad they are only .5 chaos, that means that the players dont' have to buy literally everything. they are getting their own scarabs and only having to buy the rare ones. Not every item needs to be valuable in bulk farming strategies, some things are fine that everyone finds their own so we don't ahve to bulk buy everything

  • @iAMxVV
    @iAMxVV 4 месяца назад +1

    Great discussion around scarabs guys, voicing my thoughts well.

  • @thiagosquinca
    @thiagosquinca 4 месяца назад

    11:40 each aspect of the league mechanic was unnecessarily complicated: corpse storage, limited morgue; exhausting amount of corpses, location and corpse type management required for a single craft... even selling or buying the corpses was a pain

  • @hypersleep9336
    @hypersleep9336 4 месяца назад

    i know im a newer player so my comment doesnt mean much, but im just glad to see a divine orb drop for me once this league and im still having a bunch of fun. tried my first t17 and got obliterated, did not feel good at all

  • @teebee6136
    @teebee6136 4 месяца назад

    small tip: with the map drop strat, you can use the 8mod map and you will occasionally drop a T16 UnID Jungle Valley Conqueror map that can sell for 1.5-2Ds.

  • @jasonmiller4844
    @jasonmiller4844 4 месяца назад +1

    I'm netting the highest Div/hr running 8 mod Defileds/Crimsons i've ever had and outside a select few uniques... everything is extremely affordable. This league is great to try things!

  • @purple4395
    @purple4395 4 месяца назад

    For the scarab = only 1 mechanic thing:
    The problem is that more investment into 1 strategy does scale as more multiplier while adding a second mechanic is only adding a baseline mechanic to it. GGG would need to buff interactions between the mechanics to prevent that, which I dont know what it would look like. The only examples that went even a bit into this was boosting delirium through alva/Ritual and beyond that you can iust add to most things. But there is no reAson to combine essences with blight or harvest and heist.

  • @phrazz
    @phrazz 4 месяца назад +2

    The answer to scarabs: A merging station, letting you merge different types of scarabs with interesting outcomes. Just thank me later.

  • @MGMarkov
    @MGMarkov 4 месяца назад +1

    Good discussion guys, definitely enjoyed it, here are my takes of your points (if you care). I love the videos you 3 make BTW, GJ guys:
    1. Grave mechanic - !!! Horrible !!! - literally the worst of all time, I agree with lolcohol 100%. I do not care of insane item if I have to stop playing the game, trade for a F day and use spreadsheets, this is not playing the game, it is just a horrible thing that maybe a crafter can enjoy, however, this makes you not play the game and is soooooooooooo time consuming that it is just insane. I just do not play the game for this, if I wanted to make insene currency I will be sitting in my HO all day, I just want to have fun and play the game and this mechanics is the exact opposite.
    2. Allflames - !!!just OK !!!!- without the abusive mechanics are worse sextants, they are good, just much worse than the sextants we had.
    3. Errors and abusive mechanics - !!!EPIC FAIL!!!! should definitely be fixed at the spot, leaving this in the game will not help the player retention, the existance of such abusive mechanics are immedily driving people away no matter whether they are fixed for 2 days or 30 days. There are enough people to break the entire economy for 1 day of abuses, doesnt matter if you are one of those people or not, it is a horrible experience.
    I do not agree with locohol here, GGG is actualyl scared to take risks, they literally cannot change underplayerd skills and ascendencies for ages, it just this time they actually made so many changes of sooo fundamental items in the game that they have shot themself in the foot. I just think this was a 1 time even and does not demenstrate how brave GGG are with the changes.
    4. The scarabs are !!!WORSE THAN!!! before, they could have just added the most interesting things from the new scarabs as scarabs or sextants and achieve 10 times better results. The trading of scarabs is much harder than what we had before with sextants and scarabs so they did achieve the opposite result of what they were aiming for. They also infolve sooooo much clicking to pick and have 1 use. FOR SURE the scarabs should have more uses, this is the bare mminimum they should do and just reduce a bit the drop rates, also, just add 2 mroe sectants slots for running maps so you can make different mechanics intract with eachoter.
    5. T17 - !!! EPIC EPIC FAIL!!! - soooo many imbalanced mods, sooo much harder than T16, absolutely no way you can call those mid point b/w ubers and T16 if you run even 1 map. Gating the Uber fragments behind those is HORRIBLE idea if they are kept at the state they are now. Easily the worst content I recall ever added in the game and the idea of those was soooooo good that this makes those even more disapointing. you should never have both the most profitable content also be giving you boss fragments, this makes them even more mandatory to run and considering how horribly balanced there are it is just sad that someone even considered adding this content in the game.
    For me, the biggest problem that was not mentioned is that this league literally killed bossing, at least for me this is by far the most fun thing to do in POE and the fragments for Maven being 13 divs is just insane, gating those behind T17 is just incredibly bad,. At the same time they made the Boring non-uber bosses holding some items that are good, which incentivise you running those really boring fights.
    For me, splitting the loot was a bad idea and they should have just rebalanced the drop rates and the fragments for uvers should be dropping a lot more and also from the normal bosses.
    GJ guys, thank a lot for the video

  • @asluckdespairs
    @asluckdespairs 4 месяца назад

    Quadspiriacy is real. 1 single use item = 2 inventory slots × 88.
    Only change made to the system was removing the chaos cost of storage so that lower income/knowledge players also can store tabs full.
    After logical complaints of the discrepencies between corpse storage limit vs #of corpses to fill graveyard has not been fixed. Corpses taking 2 slots hasnt been changed. Its 100% designed to sell tabs.

  • @Scott74921
    @Scott74921 4 месяца назад +3

    People forgot how bad Lake of Kalandra was

    • @danknstein6504
      @danknstein6504 4 месяца назад +4

      I will never forget lake of kalandra... I pray every day that we never get a league or patch that shitty again

    • @dantesama5986
      @dantesama5986 4 месяца назад +1

      I was traumatised there , so I skip the next league

  • @Toralian89
    @Toralian89 4 месяца назад +2

    Worst player retention league! Let's gooooo!

  • @EZ_company1
    @EZ_company1 4 месяца назад +1

    they need to add new stuff to atlas. we've been stuck with old league mechanics for ages. put affliction nodes or smth. need fresh things to farm.

  • @christianrichardson192
    @christianrichardson192 4 месяца назад +4

    Poggies my doggies

    • @Omisid
      @Omisid  4 месяца назад

      Extremely Poggies

    • @hungrosa
      @hungrosa 4 месяца назад

      no way you can be first on every comment section

    • @hungrosa
      @hungrosa 4 месяца назад

      clearly you are omisid's alt account

    • @christianrichardson192
      @christianrichardson192 4 месяца назад +1

      @@Omisid lol bro thinks I'm your alt

    • @hungrosa
      @hungrosa 4 месяца назад

      @@christianrichardson192 we know you are

  • @haydentopping8913
    @haydentopping8913 4 месяца назад

    What a great name for a poe podcast

  • @xRawPower
    @xRawPower 4 месяца назад

    Haven't even listened yet but I had to say - this was the best name available for a PoE podcast, congratulations on snapping it up.

  • @totallynottrademarked5279
    @totallynottrademarked5279 4 месяца назад +2

    The league literally launched on a stash tab sale weekend. What further proof do you need?
    Also allflames are cancer. We petitioned to get rid of sextants because the base game felt like shit on drops unless you used them. So you all want sextants with a new skin again? Just cut off some of the juice and increase base rewards to what they used to be.

    • @Omisid
      @Omisid  4 месяца назад

      Just an fyi, they do a stash tab sale every league launch weekend. That isn’t specific to this league

    • @totallynottrademarked5279
      @totallynottrademarked5279 4 месяца назад

      @@Omisid No they don't lol.

    • @Omisid
      @Omisid  4 месяца назад

      @@totallynottrademarked5279 first stash tab sales of the league for the last 4 leagues:
      3.24 Necropolis - April 4th (second weekend)
      3.23 Affliction - December 14th (second weekend)
      3.22 ToTA - August 24th (second weekend)
      3.21 Crucible - April 13th (second weekend)
      all of this info is available on the PoE site. so actually yes, they do.

    • @totallynottrademarked5279
      @totallynottrademarked5279 4 месяца назад

      @@Omisid Thanks for proving the point...

    • @Stratocaster42
      @Stratocaster42 4 месяца назад

      ​@@totallynottrademarked5279bro put the bong down.

  • @cirian6485
    @cirian6485 4 месяца назад

    Like a ton of league mechanics, I have to say I think this league mechanic would have been better if it was untradeable. If the corpses just went into a numerized list, (i.e. Increased chance for life modifiers - owned: 2), it didnt have to be separated out by corpse if they couldnt be made into items, which could have meant that storage wasnt a consideration. The trading instantly made the mechanic both unbelievably tedious while also making it too OP.

  • @brillanty7091
    @brillanty7091 4 месяца назад

    My main issue is how forced it is. Graveyard make mirror tier item and allflame mob gives more loot, you can't no engage with it if you care about loot and upgrading your character and it's burning me out.

  • @keglitjoreb
    @keglitjoreb 3 месяца назад

    lolcohol walked right into that last one hah

  • @joelcuerrier4833
    @joelcuerrier4833 4 месяца назад

    We drop around 10-20 up to 100x more scarabs. You wonder why they have value under 1 chaos then? It already was the case before, how much do you remember a rusted torment or shaper scarab to be worth? It's not new that some scarabs are cheaper than sac frags.
    Their prices are quite high if anything, as high as bad rusted scarabs that were actually much rarer drops. I did buy 10 rusted shaper scarabs for 1c at some point in the past, it was a thing.

  • @bjorn9875
    @bjorn9875 4 месяца назад

    I think that any argument for them missing "obvious" stuff is tricky, as if it takes the entire playerbase weeks before finding such a trick, that's months if not Years worth of testing! And while allflames might be a (large) part of why/how stuff gets broken, it's almost always in combination with some specific (new) scarabs...

    • @SuperCatacata
      @SuperCatacata 4 месяца назад

      Nah, there was A LOT that was found within just a few hours. I get the point you are trying to make, but way too much of this league mech was simply scuffed. They didn't do more than the bare minimum of testing on this one.
      POE 2 obv still sucking up all the dev time.

    • @bpusef
      @bpusef 4 месяца назад +1

      I would agree except for the burning maps strat like that was obviously going to be done if you had a 2% chance to get a divine conversion mob in T1 maps. That one was really obvious.

  • @Anthony0fFire
    @Anthony0fFire 3 месяца назад

    I love t17's - once I'm in them. I hate rolling them. Definitely get rid of some of those map mods that everyone just rolls over. I quit doing strats like meatsacks because rolling for multiple specific mods was taking ~1000c a map at some points. I don't want to sit there in my hideout that long rolling maps. I don't want to keep trading my divines down to chaos at a loss because I keep running out. That's not fun for me. That being said, you can do barrels or curation and it only takes 100c or less per map to roll good ones.
    If they nerf the rewards much without making them easier, I would just quit doing them as they wouldn't be worth it at all. They're difficult and have a lot of annoying mods. Oh, you want to get a look at what that unique is over there? SAWBLADES!!! Volatile tentacle fiends? Okay, I guess I can just stop and wait for 20 seconds every time I make it 10 ft further in the map.
    On the positive side, I do love the highly volatile barrels having such good loot because they kind of level the playing field between mf and non-mf builds. I absolutely don't think that t17's are that much of a problem for the meta of farming. If you don't like them, there are plenty of t16 strats that can give you 30 div/hr once you have a fast character. The best bottom line about t17's is that they are harder content that provides better loot. Maybe the scale of that should change a little, but both of those things need to remain true.

  • @Tactiquilla
    @Tactiquilla 4 месяца назад

    Im farming voices while listening to this

  • @SuperFlamingSword
    @SuperFlamingSword 4 месяца назад

    I do really like the change overall to scarabs this league. I despised the old way of having to micro-manage and use shitty Discord servers in order to buy large quantities of prerolled sextants. This way of doing only scarabs as the map juicing mechanic. I do hate that they've absolutely killed alch and go.

  • @kaydenvortex1984
    @kaydenvortex1984 4 месяца назад +1

    The only T16 strat that comes close to T17 farming is running B2B 8mod corrupted maps with carto scarabs to farm the T17 maps XDDDDDDDD

  • @johnturtle6649
    @johnturtle6649 4 месяца назад

    They reverted the six linked items this morning or sometime late yesterday.

  • @c-tothefourth4879
    @c-tothefourth4879 4 месяца назад +1

    Too many scarabs compared to the number of scarab slots. You're forced into one strategy. Scarabs that provide something that can only occur once, e.g. harvest, expedition etc, should be provided by any scarab of that type.

  • @Trev0413
    @Trev0413 4 месяца назад

    Great stuff as always guys! Hoping for t17 rework. More gems. META SHAKEUP. Melee PLZ

  • @fredmiller906
    @fredmiller906 4 месяца назад

    Also you gotta leak the Pandemonium Scarab strat, i gave it my best guess and it was awful. Whats your approach?

  • @loudpls751
    @loudpls751 4 месяца назад

    "If you dont care about divs per hour its fun"
    Yeah, try to explain that to the 90% of the community that runs on envy

  • @brocstrecker4134
    @brocstrecker4134 4 месяца назад

    They should have used a similar UI to the TOTA UI. An overhead, drag and drop, with fewer graves. Even if they kept the 88 graves, just not having to run around and double check, keep everything in line, you misplace one corpse and you're running around trying to figure out which slot its in.. its just so bad. I agree, that the planning and figuring out the puzzle of your item is enjoyable. But the UI and acquisition is so bad that it ruins the entire thing, for me.
    I also found the allflame/lantern mechanic a bit ironic. In a league where they removed sextants, because they wanted to reduce the amount of prep before you went into a map, they introduced the lantern and all flames which are FAR more tedious (imo), than dealing with sextants. Allflames are fun, but the lantern is not. But I dont know how allflames could exist without the lantern.

  • @snatcher81
    @snatcher81 4 месяца назад +2

    Easy solution for T17 is just make them a simple boss fight, they were suppose to be a stepping stone to ubers, so what is the point of the mapping aspect of it???

    • @MGMarkov
      @MGMarkov 4 месяца назад

      I actually like that

    • @Rylo151
      @Rylo151 4 месяца назад +1

      At least remove them from the atlas and make scarabs unusable, the main reward for doing them should be the uber fragments right? Not the same juicing youd previously do on t16s but more.

  • @JeremyThombs
    @JeremyThombs 4 месяца назад +1

    If they just made T17s like old invitation where they aren’t affected by your atlas tree or scarabs and they buffed the boss drops (25% chance to drop 2,3,4 or 5 Uber fragments) and buff general quant and rarity and they become good to run but not the main farming strat. Also, get rid of the stupid full stack div card scarab and ability to drop EVERY good div card in one map of your choosing. Dumbest fucking addition and literally the exact opposite of the intent of div cards. 4 Div HHs and 50 Div Magebloods prove this is a beyond broken system.

    • @jat1424
      @jat1424 4 месяца назад

      Also, let T17s be the drop any div card and loot drop is all from boss, encourages full clear but still have to kill the boss. This way if glass cannon MF build can't do boss, can only clear by off screening everything, it takes the MF competition away from T17s and it is more of a aspirational content to get to Ubers instead of the Meta farming strat as was described/intended. They will still rewarding for completing but not like now.

  • @NotYourBusiness-bp2qn
    @NotYourBusiness-bp2qn 4 месяца назад

    3 hours to make a perfect chest? And you're complaining? Hitting a perfect item with meta crafting takes days, weeks even and ungodly amounts of currency. I don't get it...

  • @fistan5447
    @fistan5447 4 месяца назад

    3:20 What on earth does he not agree? You literally have to craft an item by putting monster corpses in graves(yes fluff IS stupid) and if you want something good, you better use all 88 slots. Which means you have to buy almost a HUNDRED corpse for 1 craft. WhoDafuq thinks this is a good mechanic?

  • @LaggySkills
    @LaggySkills 4 месяца назад

    They need to make scarab unusable by allowing us to use them like deli orbs. Like allow me to use 5 of them to boost my map, like 100 percent delirious. That way we can atlease run through all these scarab that aren't worth anything.

  • @Stratocaster42
    @Stratocaster42 4 месяца назад

    Great podcast! 😎

    • @Omisid
      @Omisid  4 месяца назад


  • @scotty4189
    @scotty4189 4 месяца назад

    Alot of your complaints about the grave crafting are solved by playing prospero's wager

  • @MidsummerNightScream
    @MidsummerNightScream 4 месяца назад

    I never watch empy's channel, I always ignore his videos in youtube search results. and yes I hate the whole div per hour/spreadsheet meta. Can we just play the game normally?

  • @Fortrest13
    @Fortrest13 4 месяца назад

    it doesn't suprise you like the league mechanic considering your brain is hardwired to G A M B L E

  • @outsyder7402
    @outsyder7402 4 месяца назад

    i dont reall think the league is that bad except for everybody quiting the game.
    Its actually worse than nemeses and my point is as endgame players w/e for 99% of the shit going on to us but when a league is going that short on "human resource",
    trading specially can be so annoying.
    100% clear they made allflames droprates hoping for a big playerbase and the reality is a huge lack of em in the market , i personally think if they wanted to make everything scarcer dude , we just had affliction they had to do it droping over 4 leagues , of course ppl would be pissed off after printing mirrors , like to me a 500div build is just basic, like literally basic making casual players play 15d builds again will def kill any league this easy again, theyll be slow , weak , squishy and will quit

  • @Valkaneer
    @Valkaneer 4 месяца назад

    The most fun I ever had was just having enough currency to craft what I want so I can play what I want. If I am forced to use that currency to play MF the way they want, that's not fun, but that's what GGG has been making me do for a very long time now. Above all a ruined economy is the worst possible outcome and Necropolis has the most ruined economy of any league I ever played. In fact, GGG should be ashamed of how badly they ruined the economy, it's that bad. *Necropolis would have been great IF, we only had Embers, and if it was skipable* .
    The truth is GGG can ruin a league far more easily by how badly they manipulate the game. I really don't like what they did with Scarabs, it forces you to play the game a certain way. Archnemisis tags, Magic Find, corpses, ECT. What happened to just being able to have fun?
    Making a league mechanic contrived ruins it. Scourge could have been my favorite mechanic ever if they didn't make us go Magic Find. In fact, every league in which MF was the way to play is a league I disliked. MF + Archnemisis tags = really disliked, and MF+ forced participation = hated the league, which was Necropolis. I'd rather of played Kalandra again over Necropolis. I don't want some contrived crafting mechanic, I want a simple "Kill monsters" mechanic. If monsters drop a currency I can craft with that's OK. I'm good with that. I can't believe all the leagues I loved half of what they did, but the part I disliked I hated so bad I refused to play for example 3.18, loved the mechanic, but hated Archnemisis tags. When we are forced to play how the top .01% plays it's not fun.
    When I look at what leagues I liked the most it's always killing monsters for currency drops. Juicing maps for mega fun for currency drops with NO Magic Find, that's whats fun because I get to play my build the whole time. Not some MF build where I have to sacrifice fun for any chance to be successful for currency or item drops. Map blasting has always been what drives me, and why I like mechanics like Delve (when GGG is not ruining it).

  • @MatrixLike33
    @MatrixLike33 4 месяца назад

    Group play making solo play completely sub optimal is the worse thing in this game. I don't value what group players achieve half as much I do a solo guy.

    • @ShiyoKozuki
      @ShiyoKozuki 4 месяца назад

      Grouping is dog shit in this game unless you have people playing 0 dps supports that are zero fun to play.
      for 99.99% of people, solo is better.

    • @MatrixLike33
      @MatrixLike33 4 месяца назад

      @@ShiyoKozuki But that one wise guy with lap dogs farms more than you because yes. Not good and it makes no sense.

  • @the_gengar_master
    @the_gengar_master 4 месяца назад +2

    I don't like Omisid's takes at all haha.

  • @narius_jaden215
    @narius_jaden215 4 месяца назад

    Look. I love fun too. Fun is better than rewarding. But it also can't hold me as long. I hate doing mechanics that are fun but i KNOW will give me fuck all. I hate it. I despiiise it. I don't build my character, I don't progress my power level... that's NOT fun. Poe needs to start being both FUN AND REWARDING xD. I personally think that outside of high end players, it's never been that.

  • @haruplays2573
    @haruplays2573 3 месяца назад

    it took you 3 hours to make a perfect item.... that is probably worth more than 60 divines. that system is a great system but players still complaining.

  • @haruplays2573
    @haruplays2573 4 месяца назад +2

    lolcohol is salty

  • @Aeqstaw
    @Aeqstaw 4 месяца назад

    I thought the mechanic was too tedious so I just kind of quit the league.

  • @fredmiller906
    @fredmiller906 4 месяца назад

    @lolcohol single handedly getting the vid de monetized in one word. Kinda cringe. Good takes elsewhere though and overall a good watch 👍

    • @Lolcohol
      @Lolcohol 4 месяца назад

      Wait what the heck did I say? :D

  • @dpolenz79
    @dpolenz79 4 месяца назад

    Breach is worse than grave crafting?? Ok dude.

  • @vbarknath
    @vbarknath 4 месяца назад +1

    I don't mind T17s existing, but they shouldn't be so much more rewarding than T16. Their reward should mainly be the uber fragments. Also their difficulty needs to be what they were announced to be: The bridge between T16s and ubers. Right now T17s are far far far harder than the uber bosses. They are a gateway for easier content. That makes 0 sense. Build disabling mods should also never exist. I think they need to remove T17s from being affected by atlas tree and the mods needs to be redesigned. The bosses in them are fine.

  • @weaze5583
    @weaze5583 3 месяца назад

    Stop ranting about affliction league. Affliction was the best league ever. If you vacuuming every little dust its absolutley your choice. who did that even. lol. It had a boss with amazing loot and voicelines, it had the chance of a vendor every single map with powerful items. you could find the namless seer and buff the monsters so they feel to finally drop at least something. oh as a streamer you couldnt play 3month straight because the economy was gg`ed then ? its you problem if you need to make your fun a freaking job.

  • @CyrusBlack404
    @CyrusBlack404 3 месяца назад

    in the last day of the season in D4 ... there are way more players than POE has at the begining of the league day 1 .... so... talking Shit about D4 ... is just boring at this point ... fact is we live in democracy... and the majority decides not the 1% ;)

  • @adamzeller7979
    @adamzeller7979 4 месяца назад +1

    d4 bad

  • @bob-dm1mo
    @bob-dm1mo 4 месяца назад

    Too much power for the normies with grave crafting. Noobs go back to flask rolling hahahahahaha. 3.25 will be back to the borrowed power league mech. Then all the streamers and normies alike will be happy once more. But if you got some meth and some corpses you can geek out making mirror tier items. Yes please.😇

  • @SenseMusicGroup
    @SenseMusicGroup 4 месяца назад +1

    Guys this is ultra stupid name for podcast :)

    • @aer0
      @aer0 4 месяца назад +4

      Weird because Sense Music Group is a pretty stupid name for a music group imo

    • @SenseMusicGroup
      @SenseMusicGroup 3 месяца назад

      ​@@aer0Bro, I didn't take it with any hate :) I appreciate the feedback and agree, a better name would be great!

    • @aer0
      @aer0 3 месяца назад

      @@SenseMusicGroup the difference is, i was joking 🙃

  • @SoulxWeaver
    @SoulxWeaver 4 месяца назад

    Im so glad i chose to commit to playing SSF this league. It's my first time playing SSF seriously and wow it is SO much less stressful. Not only do I learn more about the game, but I also dont get bogged down by meta gaming, FOMO, and chasing the market. I got burned out so fuckin hard from Affliction bc of these things

  • @aerslife
    @aerslife 4 месяца назад +27

    Thanks for doing this podcast. There used be a lot more POE podcasts and most have fallen by the wayside. Appreciate you guys linking up and chatting. Would love to see more of these.

    • @alexseubert
      @alexseubert 4 месяца назад +2

      huge agree! keep ‘em coming

    • @AshwinNarasimhan
      @AshwinNarasimhan 4 месяца назад

      Totally agree - I absolutely love these podcasts on my second monitor while blasting maps.

  • @TR1D0M
    @TR1D0M 4 месяца назад +3

    defenses feel ok, but then you have t17 that just shut them off. today i had a map with -60% to maximum resistance, and other one with -140% block and spell block and All Armour and ES is dissapeared. why even invest in defense, when its getting taken off.

  • @nathan3065
    @nathan3065 4 месяца назад +4

    I can’t engage with T17s. Previous leagues top juicers were running the same T16 content I ran, just highly optimized. But I didn’t feel like there was content I was blocked from. That’s why it feels bad.

  • @flaxenwall9840
    @flaxenwall9840 4 месяца назад

    The problem with saying you made a lot of currency with ultimatum. Is that fact that people say its bad, so very few people run the mechanic. in ultimatum you are able to farm items with less supply on the market. If everyone was saying ultimatum was awesome you would have 1000s of people undercutting catalysts and boss loot. Also everyone would be capitalizing on the fact the more people were doing ultimatum and jack up the price of the scarabs.
    Grimro gets rich doing this every league. He will run a strat until hes rich enough. Make a video then say "you can overpay for these materials you will still make money" then sell all of his excess materials for the strat for higher than market value because people are flocking to get into the market.
    The biggest thing that is ignored with respect to t17s is how horrible they are for hc players. Especially if you consider that all of the melee uniques are on uber bosses. You have to make a t17 farmer just to make a melee build with those uniques that will overall be 100x worse than the t17 farmer.
    I know the game isnt balanced around hc but it should at least be a consideration of how crappy they are. You can do them on sc with a sub par build without back to basics and be fine. You wont even consider opening one in hc without crazy gear.

  • @eshannumin
    @eshannumin 4 месяца назад

    Dear god no all flames in core PLEASE! lol. I just want to go back to popping a map in the map device and the map just opens. PLEASE no all flames my goodness.

  • @Awildfjellman
    @Awildfjellman 2 месяца назад

    Honestly there is so much to go over this patch, but I feel like its always coming down to. That players need to stop looking over their shoulder, play the game and have fun.

  • @randomencounter8984
    @randomencounter8984 4 месяца назад

    Worse leagues: Talisman, Kalandra, Scourge was really shitty, Scourge was boring as hell, Archnemesis had worse UI.

  • @turtlefeeder8809
    @turtlefeeder8809 4 месяца назад

    suggest GGG to have a team to try and break the game if they integrate new mech into the league XD. They'd find some major flaw a patch it before league got release then ppl wont be disappointed because then no one would be able to abuse it from the start so no one would be offended that they didn't get a chance.

  • @Dizturb3dwun
    @Dizturb3dwun 4 месяца назад +1

    I've made a disgusting amount of currency this league, crafting 44 corpse graveyards lol

  • @Agileslol
    @Agileslol 4 месяца назад

    The thing is with grave crafting they could’ve made it so much easier to bury corpses and not need a million quad tabs…

  • @mysickmylaws
    @mysickmylaws 4 месяца назад

    its not that i want to play t17 but just trying to "beat the game" do all content and kill ubers is a part of it

  • @Commandelicious
    @Commandelicious 4 месяца назад

    But grave crafting is so easy xD

    • @Commandelicious
      @Commandelicious 4 месяца назад

      I think it's, once again, a perspective thing. I had enough tier rating thingies, put them and a few row enhancers on the field, dug them in and made a really good wand. It's not perfect, took me about 20 minutes and got a nice thing.
      My total divines I had this league was 6 ...
      You guys are playing on completely different levels than some of us.

  • @Kaaosification
    @Kaaosification 4 месяца назад

    They should make the end game map mechanics be more interactive with each other. Now each mechanic has modifiers (scarabs and atlas nodes) that scale multiplicatively within that single mechanic but there really is almost no scaling across different league mechanics. If they added nodes or scarabs such as "x% global quantity per each breach present in the map" running strategies with more variety could become much more rewarding.

  • @dimitrisfikas7115
    @dimitrisfikas7115 4 месяца назад +1

    calling graves tedious while normal crafting requires you to spam an item for 2 days to even get one remotely powerfull as those items we get now is kind of a stretch.. not mentioning the lock reforge lock slam shit+ veiled orbs+ beast rerolling while having a massive probability of failure in any of those methods! graveyard layouts allowed for simple minded setups specially for 3ple defence mods that you would need an arm and a leg to craft before.. the ui is shit storage space demand is shit t17s locking slot behind it is toxic the crafts are fckin OP

  • @natureboy1206
    @natureboy1206 4 месяца назад

    Perfect video to do spark plugs , a lot of valid points definitely preferences like everything else right

  • @Pizzastealingninja
    @Pizzastealingninja 4 месяца назад +1

    Maybe scarabs have a base type (mechanic), and there are a bunch of mods that can roll on them, prefix and suffix, and they all drop corrupted

  • @Korozai
    @Korozai 4 месяца назад

    T17 its only for party player if u solo its Sh*t

    • @psychoghoul3897
      @psychoghoul3897 4 месяца назад

      Fubgun is solo so i disagree

    • @Korozai
      @Korozai 4 месяца назад

      @@psychoghoul3897 u need 5 mirror atleast?damn!we have another think to do and not 12-24 hour for playing poe

    • @psychoghoul3897
      @psychoghoul3897 4 месяца назад

      @@Korozai if u want to do barrels u dont need 5 mirros just a tripple t1 bow and HH

  • @IslayToMuch
    @IslayToMuch 4 месяца назад

    I'm sorry but aero take is stupid, you spent 3 hours "60 div + 20 div in dead bodies" for mirror worthy about you farm a mirror armour in 3 hours? I didn't think so.
    You profited more than a 3 hour farming run.

    • @dpolenz79
      @dpolenz79 4 месяца назад +1

      Spent way more than three hours acquiring all the corpses. The mechanic absolutely sucks.

  • @natureboy1206
    @natureboy1206 4 месяца назад

    People take so many hours crafting mirror items already before necropolis. Many people never leave hideout much , what does it matter. It’s definitely not perfect but what is , I’m enjoying necropolis

  • @Justin-bz9bt
    @Justin-bz9bt 4 месяца назад

    Casuals RIP LMAO t17 easy