hol 1 konfig ez?? nézd már meg h internek rég üres a 2es konfigja és az egyes konfignál is épphogy minimális a pajzsa. A nanoról ne is beszéljünk... Nézd meg egy párszor és meglátod h igazam van!! ^^
BlinkFR3 where is it 1 config?? i dont know what are you watching, but you need to watch again this video, its never 1 config for inter, you can see, he started with 1. config, then 2. config then when his 2. config run out he killed execute with 1. config, and you can see he had not too much shield and hp maybe 50 k shield and 250 k health max! so its not bad without nano. But we want to see you how can you fighting, because all 775 thinking this inter a god, but another 775 cant fighting in training arena, and your members just give their accounts for inter when somebody want to do 1vs1... i know inter very good player maybe the best, but not god and he can die too with your members too!! soo its not was 1 config.. ;D
John Sheppard gyazo.com/0a2a2e24d9d2ec16254a095e599d2e2f Look this screen, how after that you can call to me and 775 that we are noob ? Execute, same question for you ... Few times u said good player, and few times u call us cheater and somethings like that ;) Gretz
Interceptor775 yes interceptor look this screen: kepfeltoltes.hu/150121/Desktop_2015-01-21-_5-43-28-986_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.png i won this fight!^^ we did fights 4 times with my 2 slow config and you just 1 times killed me^^ but i remember i cant kill you 1 speed 1 slow thats all you are better 1 speed 1 slow but i can kill you my 2 slow :D
C'est pas des erreurs, c'est volontaire ;) Et le rex quand on voit ''protection'' c'est un bug affichage meme apres lavoir mis en kami. Le miliris c'est pg a la rage cette vid x)
Keyce Loney You don't have to be a strong fighter for win the jackpot arena, turkishs players are the proof. And lone is not verry verry good but you can't say he is bad ;)
3:35 anonymous booom xDDD yeaa :D nice nice video :D
You are the BOSS xD, first player who understood this haha :D
^^ xD
What the fu*k ??! Stop copy my name bitc* xD
lel i have that name since i got registered on Steam.. (2004 or 2005) so go fuck yourself
Great video love the music
Let's see how much dislike anonymousge1 will put on this video
Actually, 116 😂
Nice Video ♥
name song and remix
[♫♪ NightCore - Backyard Animals [HD] ♫♪]
King interceptor
GG tes le meilleurs comme dhab
Nice ! :D
very good gameplay interceptor , u owned anonymous ;)
perfect as well ... you are the real winner
Jeriko kubilaya helal olsun iyi kesmis turkun gucu
Naber ikiz 😂
Song: Max Elto - Backyard Animals. Don't know what remix though. :/
nice einfach nur nice
Nice ;) LIKE!
Nice song :D
For me the best fighter
smooth vid +1
Best player ever !
well played grtzz i lost because spec is not good in JPA :D not for me and it was my first real JPA
i dont know this was for me bud i diddent use 2 slow con :) i use 1 fast and 1 slow i cant fly with 2 slow :)
golivirus1 gg wp
i hope i cane fight next JPA in sentinal egainst you :D and even when i did win taht round next round was Anonymous :) bud it was fun :)
golivirus1 I hope also, you was really good on this fight :)
thx :)
good luck next time :) and what browser you use ? :))
Nice vid :) With sentinel you win jpa
best player jerıko
Hi, I'm sorry, maybe you wrote it somewhere but who won the ACC? A haty you let me purely interested in who won it ..: D
Jeriko :)(Perfect video)
Nice videoo interceptor ;)
Jeriko (quarter final) my clans member :D
maybe you'd used a cut shield installation. nice video into the hands of health
The giveaway ready ? :)
Jericho, you have frequent
Nice Video :)
how you get your pet to rep your ship so fast? I be hitting W for Rep but damn pet dont rep me when in battles
Music man ?:D
wow Basic Major on quarter final RESPECT man
Rank doesn't make the skill bro :)
Interceptor775 yes you're right but it is still awesome :)
Interceptor my love :D whats name song?
Music ???
you should just let me get the other acc lol nice video tho ur the best
Haha :D The most lucky will win :)
i hope thats me your
awesome for doing this
what server do you play ?
nice video , I hate spectrum in jp :)
GG spectrum XDDD
Haha sucio :D
song please inter :)
0.36 I'm...No shepard! :)
why u don't use backup shield?
I forgot with stress :)
Songs??? Nice Video ...
Miuzik? :)
Real Execute 1 config xDDD
-messze van az még az 1 konfigtól alapból full nanó nem is volt se sentinel csak menetközben ;)
hol 1 konfig ez?? nézd már meg h internek rég üres a 2es konfigja és az egyes konfignál is épphogy minimális a pajzsa. A nanoról ne is beszéljünk... Nézd meg egy párszor és meglátod h igazam van!! ^^
BlinkFR3 where is it 1 config?? i dont know what are you watching, but you need to watch again this video, its never 1 config for inter, you can see, he started with 1. config, then 2. config then when his 2. config run out he killed execute with 1. config, and you can see he had not too much shield and hp maybe 50 k shield and 250 k health max! so its not bad without nano. But we want to see you how can you fighting, because all 775 thinking this inter a god, but another 775 cant fighting in training arena, and your members just give their accounts for inter when somebody want to do 1vs1... i know inter very good player maybe the best, but not god and he can die too with your members too!! soo its not was 1 config.. ;D
John Sheppard gyazo.com/0a2a2e24d9d2ec16254a095e599d2e2f Look this screen, how after that you can call to me and 775 that we are noob ? Execute, same question for you ... Few times u said good player, and few times u call us cheater and somethings like that ;)
Interceptor775 yes interceptor look this screen: kepfeltoltes.hu/150121/Desktop_2015-01-21-_5-43-28-986_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.png i won this fight!^^ we did fights 4 times with my 2 slow config and you just 1 times killed me^^ but i remember i cant kill you 1 speed 1 slow thats all you are better 1 speed 1 slow but i can kill you my 2 slow :D
oh t'es francais interceptor?!!
Othman 5959 oui
Ta fais grave des erreurs surement le stress.
et ta fail ton cadrage on vois le www.mirilis.com xDD
GG anyway
C'est pas des erreurs, c'est volontaire ;) Et le rex quand on voit ''protection'' c'est un bug affichage meme apres lavoir mis en kami. Le miliris c'est pg a la rage cette vid x)
qui jouais cbo avant nous ?
Flash The French Monster c'est un test je toucherai plus cette muni de merde
song? please :)
VII - 7 VII - 7 V - 5 7+7+5=19 Year ?
como se llama la cansion :v
song please :)
You´re really bad bro ;D
I´m joking, nice video
like the video :/
nome da musica ?
co to za muzyczka??
I destroyed Lone fighter without Senti too, hes bad :D
He is good, trust me he learn more all days :)
ohh theres a long way for him :)
Keyce Loney You don't have to be a strong fighter for win the jackpot arena, turkishs players are the proof. And lone is not verry verry good but you can't say he is bad ;)
Kalle Noam i think u just need luck for it ^^
your config ??
Berk Esenli private
Unban me in ts? x)
name song and remix
[♫♪ NightCore - Backyard Animals [HD] ♫♪]
Song please? :c
music? please!
download this video^^
Interceptor775 omg, ty man!!!
music? please!.