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It is fair to go back to Australia and we are being resided in Brisbane. It is too late, we have to take flights to Brisbane tomorrow. Huge thanks to Australia Authorities and relevant countries.
Australia: toi da quay lai Brisbane, bon ong da nhan 500 billion USD. Neu bon ong de aliens no quay nhet gai vo gay cham tre bon toi bay Hom nay la do loi cua bon ong. Vi vay bon ong cuong quyet stop bon aliens ngay.
We are going to stay in Australia for 2 weeks. If New York could not settle your problems within that period of time, we would automatically have to live in Brisbane. Fair. Thanks. Immediate flights to Australia.
Stocks cung giong Bat dong San: vi du ong mua mieng Dat 200 Trieu. Gia Len 220 Trieu, co nguoi ban kiem loi ngay 20 Trieu. Nhung lai co mot so nguoi khong ban, muon Gia tang cao hon. Do la truong hop Gia tang. Gia xuong the sao? Vi du Gia xuong con 180 Trieu, co nhung nguoi ho ban cat lo, chap nhan mat 20 Trieu, xong. Nhung nhieu nguoi khong cat lo, doi gia tang Tro lai. Nhung gia deo tang Tro lai, lai tiep tuc xuong con 150 Trieu. Kieu vay. Stocks cung vay.
Frankfurt: toi dong y quay lai Frankfurt. Tuy nhien Germany phai noi France chap thuan. Ngay. Va hom nay phai bay Paris. Short vacation. Sau do ve Frankfurt. Phuong an New York bi loai roi vi no dat dieu kien vo ly, toi khong chap nhan. Ngay.
Australia authorities: you need to confirm immediately to America Authorities and Vietnam authorities that we are departing Saigon by this evening to Brisbane. It is our visting to Brisbane, not for residing. Pls make the confirmation right now. Thanks.
Aliens must carry us to Brisbane immediately. It is understood that I am CEO of the 30 billion hedge fund. The big size one is managed by a alien CEO. Done.
Quan Doi My xac Lao Tu 2018 ROI. No muon dieu khien toi va bon Russia, China phan Doi rat quyet liet. Bon Russia, China noi thang Toi chi Ra nuoc ngoai neu toi la Independent, private. Tao dang noi dung su that. Quan Doi My xac Lao.
Commonwealth Bank Brisbane: today receiving further 5 billion USD from New York based bank. Thanks. New York based bank must wire immediately to my bank account I opened with Commonwealth Bank Brisbane. Today.
Brisbane authorities: you kindly get all things completed in 1 month. We are visting other australian cities before getting home Brisbane. Thanks. You are going to receive my tax amount from New York. Done. Thanks.
Linh xinh den gio nay? Tai sao? Vi ho ngan toi khong qua nhieu Tien. Nhung ho hieu lam. Toi khong can qua nhieu Tien. Neu toi Tu lam rieng, khong cho Tien aliens thi toi qua nhieu Tien. Cleared ROI. Phai xong. Dang noi dung.
If you are interested in this amazing footage 👇
Get unlimited downloads of 55+ million creative assets. From just $16.50/month. Stock Footage, After Effects Templates, Music Tracks, and more... 1.envato.market/P0O95Y
Hallo sir Apde A VA Alg Alg video Tama mane rooj RUclips par mane moklju ne sir
Hallo sir Apde A VA Alg Alg brisbane city na Alg Alg video Tama mane rooj RUclips ma mane moklju ne sir
In Brisbane now, love it❤
Espectacular la ciudad de Brisbane Australia 🌈🌈🌅🌅
Love brissy ,coming back soon.
Beautiful, stunning
Looks Beautiful there!!! Greetings from Calgary, Alberta, Canada 🇨🇦
excellent footage looks like a very nice place
You should make 4k videos of New Zealand please!!!!❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Beautiful drone footage 😀👍
heaven on earth
I hope to be here next year in July... Thanks for the video...
Phenomenal footage, as always.
Great footage 👏
Amazing city
رائعة أستراليا
I wish you all a happy Monday
It is fair to go back to Australia and we are being resided in Brisbane. It is too late, we have to take flights to Brisbane tomorrow. Huge thanks to Australia Authorities and relevant countries.
Aliens stopped. Bon may la Thu Pham gay ROI va khap noi bon no duoi. Toi earth quay pha kieu do? Stopped.
Uc bon ong nhan 500 billion USD de lo an ninh, phat trien kinh the. Khong can tiep nhan bon aliens. Khong. The xong.
Phia Uc chot ngay de bon toi bay Hom nay.
Aliens tui may toi earth lam chuyen ruoi bu, Tao Lao nen khap noi no duoi tui may. Stopped.
Australia: toi da quay lai Brisbane, bon ong da nhan 500 billion USD. Neu bon ong de aliens no quay nhet gai vo gay cham tre bon toi bay Hom nay la do loi cua bon ong. Vi vay bon ong cuong quyet stop bon aliens ngay.
I just clarify all that you wanted to hear and needed me to justify. Done. We are taking flights to Briabane today. Thanks.
تشکر از شماه خیلی زیباست کشوری استرالیاه موفق باشید
I decided we are flying Qantas Aircrafts to Brisbane. Kindly arrange to carry us home instantly. Thanks.
We are going to stay in Australia for 2 weeks. If New York could not settle your problems within that period of time, we would automatically have to live in Brisbane. Fair. Thanks. Immediate flights to Australia.
Toi thue 3 aircrafts cua Qantas Australia bay ve dinh cu Brisbane. Thanks. Left New York. No quay pha mat thoi gian. The xong.
All remaining things have been cleared. It is prompting our flights time to Brisbane.
Bon ong aliens lai tang len 60 billion. Toi CEO khong Quan ly noi. 50 billion duoc ROI. Da chot xong ROI.
We would have 1 week at hotels waiting for our houses to be completed with furnishings and then get homes. Thanks.
Phia Uc ngay Hom nay. Vi UK bon ong co Canada nua. Neu linh xinh toi doi Japan. Phai ngay.
CEO toi lam Tu office Brisbane. Ngay. Cung vay. Ngay.
Hi sir Apde A VA Alg Alg brisbane city na video Tama mane rooj RUclips ma mane moklu ne sir
Where is our vacation?
Brisbane: finally i just decided to move and live permanently in Brisbane. Thanks.
Toi da chot ve Brisbane ROI. Bon aliens buoc phai buong. Chi con 10 girls. The xong.
Stocks cung giong Bat dong San: vi du ong mua mieng Dat 200 Trieu. Gia Len 220 Trieu, co nguoi ban kiem loi ngay 20 Trieu. Nhung lai co mot so nguoi khong ban, muon Gia tang cao hon. Do la truong hop Gia tang. Gia xuong the sao? Vi du Gia xuong con 180 Trieu, co nhung nguoi ho ban cat lo, chap nhan mat 20 Trieu, xong. Nhung nhieu nguoi khong cat lo, doi gia tang Tro lai. Nhung gia deo tang Tro lai, lai tiep tuc xuong con 150 Trieu. Kieu vay. Stocks cung vay.
As scheduled and confirmed by Australia authorities earlier this morning we are flying to Australia tonight. Thanks.
Hallo sir Apde A VA Alg Alg video Tama mane rooj RUclips par mane moklju ne sir
Brisbane or Tokyo? Chot ngay. My xac Lao mat thoi gian. Ngay.
Confirmed: our US passports were just rescinded this morning. We just escaped from US millitary force. Done. Now already living in Brisbane. Done.
New York or Brisbane? Vi aircrafts tao mua roi phai dua bon tao ve ngay.
Bon mafia Chau Au no quay?
Vi the gioi deo co Justice nen tao moi doi kieu nay.
Da huy cac chuyen bay My. Toi chot bay Australia.
Hanoi, Russia co quay, co giu toi nhu hostage. Tao khang dinh la co. Nhung bay gio buoc phai xong het roi. Cleared to go to Australia.
Da co phuong an du phong roi. Brisbane day.
Vi vay China dang chui My tui may. Xac Lao. Bay thi phai co lich ro rang. Neu khong bay Tao ve Australia.
Bon no dang noi alien groups Lao. Bon ong ban giet ngay. LENH ROI.
Love for ❤ Victoria Pakenham
Left New York being war zone to Brisbane peace zone. Ve dinh cu Brisbane.
Uc bon ong chuan bi nhan 1,200 billion usd. Va lan nay toi ve Perth. The xong.
Australia authorities chi dinh bank de toi chuyen ngay mot it tien ve. My bank account is opened right now. Ngay. Thanks.
Chua bay My duoc. Quay lai. Bay Uc. The.
Australia: 1,000,000 aliens becoming no. 2 power in the world behind USA. Done.
Ve Brisbane. Dai cung vay. Ngay.
My lai. My lam sai vu Tien cua toi. My tui may xac lao. Do deo co justice nen Tao doi kieu nay. My xac Lao.
Duoi. Khong. May Tao Lao. Lao. Duoi.
Frankfurt: toi dong y quay lai Frankfurt. Tuy nhien Germany phai noi France chap thuan. Ngay. Va hom nay phai bay Paris. Short vacation. Sau do ve Frankfurt. Phuong an New York bi loai roi vi no dat dieu kien vo ly, toi khong chap nhan. Ngay.
Uc: toi chon Brisbane dinh cu vi tot hon paris, frankfurt. The xong.
Commonwealth Bank Brisbane: interest rates applied to my 2 saving bank accounts for the said amount of money are on your current rates. Done. Thanks.
Australia authorities: you need to confirm immediately to America Authorities and Vietnam authorities that we are departing Saigon by this evening to Brisbane. It is our visting to Brisbane, not for residing. Pls make the confirmation right now. Thanks.
Dang doi phia Uc xac nhan.
Bon toi left New York. Chon dinh cu Brisbane va day la noi Dinh cu, vi vay EU, Singapore thoi the xong roi. Fair and reasonable.
Singapore Chuan bi thay Uc. The xong.
Brisbane authorities: you are also receiving my tax amount i paid to you: 16 billion usd. My contribution. Thanks. Done.
Alien groups: Loi cua tui may de planet king griffin no quay. Tui may biet phai lam gi. Tao left New York va ve Brisbane ROI. Xong.
Hallo sir Apde A VA Alg Alg brisbane city na Alg Alg video Tama mane rooj RUclips ma mane moklju ne sir ok sir
Aliens, My no lua dao va no do thua ruasia.
Vi may thang truoc Hanoi ho goi Thu Tuong Uc qua noi chuyen, va phai bay trong dem qua Hanoi. Nhu the toi biet Uc cua Russia. That.
Aliens have chosen to live in Brisbane. Done.
Uc cho aliens vo 1,000,000 nguoi. Singapore, EU khong. Uc ROI. The xong.
Va sau dem nay neu Uc thay EU thi bon toi ve Brisbane. The xong. Va EU khong duoc khieu nai. Fair.
Brisbane: toi dinh cu truoc. Hedge Fund cu tu tu. Viec gi voi vang. Tu tu.
New York rat hon loan. No toi earth xin an nhieu qua. Thoi nat. Ve Australia an toan hon. The xong.
Hanoi vo ngay Saigon bat giet ngay.
Hanoi vo ngay Saigon bat giet het. Khong de no quay nua. Ngay.
New York phai tra loi ngay: bon tao ve duoc khong? Neu khong tao ve lai Brisbane. Vi het he roi. Ngay.
Du ma may nghi may la Ai? An cuop Tien Tao? Tien thue va Tien Dau Tu cua Tao.
New York va My phai tra loi ngay. Bon may dang an cuop Tien cua Tao. Co justice?
Chinh Phu My, New York du ma tui may xac Lao? Biet dieu? Lich su My ai dong Tien thue 16 billion USD? Chi co minh Tao. Du ma tui may biet dieu?
Aliens must carry us to Brisbane immediately. It is understood that I am CEO of the 30 billion hedge fund. The big size one is managed by a alien CEO. Done.
Today. Australia authorities just confirmed early this morning that they welcome us. Thanks.
Huy hedge fund New York. Toi ve dinh cu Brisbane. The xong.
Ra khoi New York. Toi chot thoi. Ve Brisbane. The xong. Bon ong deal ngay voi Chinh phu Uc.
Brisbane/Australia Authorities: kindly approve me of establishing a Hedge Fund in my name in Brisbane. Thanks.
Bon ong Uc chi dinh, Thu xep ngay voi Qantas Airlines. Thanks.
Quan Doi My xac Lao Tu 2018 ROI. No muon dieu khien toi va bon Russia, China phan Doi rat quyet liet. Bon Russia, China noi thang Toi chi Ra nuoc ngoai neu toi la Independent, private. Tao dang noi dung su that. Quan Doi My xac Lao.
Huy quoc tich My. The xong. Deo thang nao dam thach thuc nua. EU, Canada, Uc phoi hop dua toi ve Brisbane dinh cu.
Left America. Ve dinh cu Brisbane. Mat thoi gian. The xong.
Nhu vay tang lop elites thi male nao cung co nhieu con Voi cac Phu nu khac. Sperms truc tiep hoac gian tiep. Dung vay.
Luc Dau toi nghi it male, nhung bay gio thi thang nao cung vay ROI.
Kinda looks like Moscow
Commonwealth Bank Brisbane: today receiving further 5 billion USD from New York based bank. Thanks. New York based bank must wire immediately to my bank account I opened with Commonwealth Bank Brisbane. Today.
Australia is requiring 1.4 billion usd including the security, safe charges. Ok. Done. Thanks.
Da noi tat ca aliens moi. Va full ROI. 1 con khung alien no o earth lau ROI no xen vo. Bon ong dap nat dau no. Lao. Giet. Fair.
Toi chot dinh cu Brisbane. The xong. Day la quyet dinh cuoi cung. Xong.
Mot so nhom aliens doi ve Brisbane. Chung to My tui may rat lao.
Girl con King planet o Paris muon gap anh trao doi vi em thay anh kho tinh. ok. Anh moi em va ba me qua Brisbane ngay Hom nay. Cam on em. Qua ngay.
Hanoi cua Russia, China. Dung vay.
Phia Uc ngay. Toi left New York roi. Mat thoi gian. Hedge Fund mo tai Brisnane. Toi lam rieng. The xong.
Waaaaay Better than the old and ugly city I live in call Sydney
Bon toi bay Qatar Uc. The xong. Toi thue Qatar bay ve Brisbane.
Vi deo mo cua de tao vo thi tao ve Uc. The xong.
Uc Nhan 500 billion thay bon EU. Noi tieng Anh. The xong.
Nhu vay toi Thue Qantas de bay ve dinh cu Brisbane. The xong. Noi phia Uc toi chot dinh cu Brisbane. Done.
Rut ten Tao Ra khoi Hedge Fund New York. Tao khong tham gia. The xong. Left.
Full. Complete. Aliens stop. Go home. Time to fly home.
Tao ve Brisbane Tao Tu lam. The xong. Tao rut khoi hedge fund New York. Rut. Deo lam. The xong.
Russia quay. Deo cho 10 billion . Rut lai. Deo cho. The xong.
Ve Australia dinh cu. The xong.
Just dumped all bought stocks. Officially left America to Brisbane. Done.
Vi 10 ngay ROI va EU no khong mo cua. Mat thoi gian.
France, EU tra loi Luon bay gio de Tranh mat thoi gian: bon toi bay Paris or Australia?
Brisbane authorities: you kindly get all things completed in 1 month. We are visting other australian cities before getting home Brisbane. Thanks. You are going to receive my tax amount from New York. Done. Thanks.
Da left New York. Gai gu mat thoi gian. Chinh thuc dinh cu Brisbane. The xong.
Da full ROI may de dua nao xen vo nua? Tao duoi het tui may Ra khoi Hedge Fund?
Linh xinh den gio nay? Tai sao? Vi ho ngan toi khong qua nhieu Tien. Nhung ho hieu lam. Toi khong can qua nhieu Tien. Neu toi Tu lam rieng, khong cho Tien aliens thi toi qua nhieu Tien. Cleared ROI. Phai xong. Dang noi dung.
Truong hop rat hy huu: ngan khong cho co qua nhieu Tien. Kinh khung.
Mat thoi gian. My tui may khong Tao Lao nua. Brisbane. The xong.
Tu God xuong nhung sao choi kieu giong Hells? Why? Tao cho sperms co con Voi con gai cua may, Tao choi may? Why? May Tu God xuong?
Vi vay Dan khap the gioi rat ngan ngam khi nghe nhung chuyen the nay. Stopped ngay.
Nhu vay chi do Tu God xuong. Toi khong the so lon. Khong. Tra loi nhu vay.
Japan dang loi keo lai. Toi dang cho phia Australia xac nhan Brisbane. Ngay. Thanks.
Brisbane. Hedge Fund Brisbane cua toi. Qui mo it Von thoi. Deo Phu thuoc thang deo nao. The xong.
Uc bon ong phai doi EU het hom nay. Neu EU ho tu choi mo cua (ho con hom nay) thi tu dong Uc thay EU. Va khi do bay Uc ngay.
Va neu Brisbane thi khong co Hedge Fund Paris, Frankfurt. Khong co. Khi do Hedge Fund o Brisbane.
EU vuong bon Russia, co ve nhu khong quyet duoc.
Bon ong Viet ghi: Bon EU dang luong lu. Kho.
Vi tu lau roi toi da lam rieng. Co thang ngoi tren toi deo lam. Hedge Fund cua toi. The xong. Mo tai Brisbane. Xong la xong.
Boring !
Beton,Beton...and Beton..!🙈