So I always assumed that the7 symbol addresses were 6 spatial coordinates (sc), plus the point-of-origin (po), while the eight were 6 sc + 1 po + a special distance modifier (sd), and the nine symbol address was just 6 sc + 1 po + 1 sd + something else. The idea that it is not that, but it is fundamentally something else, but rather reveals a qualitatively brand new aspect of the gates, an absolute address(!) is just so mind-blowing! The idea that any gate can be dialed absolutely just makes so much sense...
7 is a rough location in a galaxy, the 8th points at a specific network (and the other 7 then look for location) meanwhile every stargate has a unique 9 adress
Well they usually sent a drone through to check things out first and iirc the gate does something to microrrganisms that pass through, though I could be misremembering the second bit
Due to the correlative update system mentioned in the show, to me the 7 and 8 symbol addresses were just DNS for the network used to look up the real gate address based on position.
Hate being that guy but I do say this mostly to be informative rather than correcting. A seven chevron address would be intragalactic (within a galaxy) or interstellar (between star systems) while an eight chevron address would be intergalactic (between galaxies). It's a common misunderstanding.
NICELY done Sir!!! This was well thought out and well described.. I'd buy you pint or two or three if we were in close proximity as you properly well deserve it!! WELL DONE INDEED!!!
I think I remember when Thor came to Earth to ask for help (that was the episode where he took Carter with him because he "needed someone dumber than he is", right?) Anyway, he had a little white stone that he used to dial back to Ida, without needing to use the SGC's dialing computer at all. Really impressive technology, not only a handheld dialer but also a wireless power source if it could connect that far. I've been thinking about relative power requirements, and I think Ida must be a lot closer than Pegasus (though possibly in the opposite direction, i.e. [Ida] - - - - - [Milky Way] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [Pegasus] or something like that) O'Neill's generator to connect MW to Ida ran off the liquid naqhadah cell from Teal'c's staff weapon (not very big, he only got 1 use out of it) A regular naquadah generator isn't enough to power the Ancient chair platform, for that they needed either a ZPM or a Mk 2 generator that lasted a few hours in The Siege. By the time the Atlantis expedition left, a number of years had passed since O'Neill built his generator. Scientists would have plenty of time to pick it apart and learn everything they could from it. In other words, the Mk 2 generator should be at least as powerful as the O'Neill generator. The Mk 2 generator was never even suggested as an alternative for dialing between MW and Pegasus. Even if it would take 10 of the things all linked together, that would still be a preferable alternative to hauling dozens of stargates around to build the gate bridge and midway station. The only power source they tried for this was a ZPM, black hole, or the alien fog on that planet that simulated "Earth" for everyone. In other words, it seems like the MW -> Pegasus connection is massively more expensive than the MW -> Ida one.
That’s what I always thought about as well. Why not recreate that power device again? They did it when the alternate Carter was in the SG1 universe, so no reason they can’t have a bunch laying around. Jack may be creating a form of prototype ZPM, which uses the liquid naquadah to channel energy from elsewhere kinda like a ZPM does with its pocket universe. He is under the influence of Ancient knowledge after all, so a basic short term ZPM makes sense rather than it being a random power source from a staff weapon (which wouldn’t have the power to dial a regular wormhole anyways). Interesting to speculate.
@@Gatetraveller1 That's right, I had forgotten that they used O'Neill's generator again. After my speculation I was curious so I went and looked on the Wiki, and it turns out that Ida is 4 million light years away, while Pegasus is only 3 million light years away. So Ida would actually take even more energy than Pegasus. Maybe it went something like this: After using O'Neill's generator the second time (after the episode was over) Carter discovered that the device's output was unstable. Further study showed a significant chance that it could explode, or make the gate itself explode. It was safe the first time it was used, but that was all O'Neill designed it for. Under the influence of the Ancient Repository, he may have had a similar realization as Daniel in "Absolute Power" and didn't want to give Earth a power source they might not use responsibly. So he designed it to burn out after 1 use. This might have all been subconscious, or else it was erased with the rest of the repository. Since they no longer had access to the repository, they didn't know how to make the generator safe so they never tried it again. But its output WAS a lot more than the Mk2 Naquadah Generator, on the same level as a ZPM or Thor's stone. How does that sound?
@@John73John I can go with that. Makes sense, as they are dealing with unstable liquid naquadah that’s been removed from its housing, and somehow used to reach an insane level of power. Nice theory.
Another thing is Pegasus is shown basically like Andromeda galaxy. Like it's in the interstellar neighborhood. The midway station in space with shot of MW and Pegasus clearly implies theyre neighbors. A bit shame because I though Pegasus was millions of light years away like in lanaikea supercluster and not like virgo or local group of galaxies.
Several episodes in the first season had the travelers exiting faster and being disoriented by the gate travel. This was explained that the energy flow to the game wasn't quite right. Stands to reason the nine chevron gate travel to Destiny suffers from this same energy issue.
People also got shot out of gates during their early use in Season 1 and the original movie. This was explained as happening because the Earth gate did not have a DHD and thus wasn't updated for stellar drift, so the Earth gate had an offset connection to Abydos causing issues, basically Abydos was at the outer edge of the zone of space the gate assumed the Abydos gate would be in. This implies that gates can be connected even while they aren't entirely sure of the other gate's location in space and that the wormhole doesn't auto adjust to the actual location but even after connection confirmation is still just sent to a general area, further confirmed by damage to gates being able to redirect wormholes to nearby gates, basically the gates are built as "magnets" to wormholes and just opening a wormhole in their general area will cause a "lock". As a side note this also means that you cannot have multiple gates in close proximity with different addresses, IE on multiple planets in the same system and possibly a star system could even block its neighbors from having addressable gates if those neighbors were close enough to it. Overlapping addresses would cause havoc on the gate network if the 7 symbol addresses really do work as implied, so they must be separated and not overlapping. We know from Earth's use of Naquadriah hyperdrive technology that gravity interferes with subspace (drive failed going near a collapsing supermassive star), and the gates use similar areas of subspace to hyperdrive technology (known from SGA and the Attero device which disrupted hyperspace travel and gate travel at the same time.) Combine these facts and we can surmise that a massive object must be able to mess with gate travel. During Red Sun it is likely that the gate didn't want to connect because the path between the two gates was "offset" due to gravitational interference, the effect being the same as if a gate had experienced enough stellar drift to be just on the edge of the area of space it was supposed to be in. Carter messed with the Earth gate system to allow a "bad" connection, just like Earth had a bad connection to Abydos before they incorporated the new information from the Abydos Cartouche into their dialing program. One interesting thing about episodes like Red Sun is that they tell us that the Milky Way gates and their DHDs have overlapping functions. The gate itself has computational power and programming and does safety and sanity checks on what is going on, it is not just the DHD doing such stuff. Yet the DHD for some reason handles stellar drift calculation updates, dialing and some error handling (as seen in Fifth Race and 48 hours.) It strikes me as odd that the Ancients chose to not put all error handling and sanity checking into the gate itself and delegated some of it out to a remote device which may or may not always be there. It also seems that the Ancients realized this when they designed the Pegasus gates, given that they are designed to function in full without a DHD (as seen especially with their space gates and use of a lot of various temporary DHD types across that galaxy.) Still Pegasus gates can be "overridden" by their DHD given that the Atlantis dialing crystal can be incorporated into a DHD to enable 8 chevron dialing anywhere, maybe it's actually that the DHDs function as duplicates and extensions of the gate programming itself, allowing a complete override of the gate's own systems when a DHD is in place. After all, even "hard" rules like the 38 minute window on open wormholes is overridden several times on the show by Ancient devices, so its likely that with advanced enough understanding of the gate the SGC could bypass even that part of the gate's safety programming. I like the idea that all gates might have hidden 9 chevron addresses, but they wouldn't be viable for normal use due to the omni-directional connect signal being way too costly in energy for normal use. I just don't think it is likely to be the case though because such a 9 chevron address library would have to be built into every gate from its creation which leads to issues when we take into account non-Alterran gates or latter additions to the gate system. I think it is more likely that the Ancients created a few 9 symbol addresses for specific gates and left the majority to function normally. It also brings up the thought, what if Earth was still using the alpha gate when Destiny tried dialing the Earth 9 symbol address? Would they have connected to the beta gate instead since that was the original Ancient gate and not the latter Goa'uld placed one? If I had to guess there likely isn't much more than a handful of 9 chevron addresses in total, Earth, Destiny and possibly Atlantis and any other place of equal importance. Perhaps the Ancients included a small list of 9 symbol addresses in all gate base coding to allow for future use and some of them could even be entirely disused. Then again we are told that the only 9 chevron address that shows up so far in the Atlantis database is the Destiny one, so maybe there really isn't even more than that. All in all the ninth chevron seem to break all rules of the 7 and 8 symbol addresses, so we probably shouldn't use it to make any logical deductions about general gate functions.
My understanding of Nine-Chevron Addresses is that they're essentially "gate serial numbers". Every gate has an _eight_ chevron serial number (remember, the 9th is always the point of origin no matter what, a "null terminator of a string" in programming terms), and Destiny was 1) so far out and 2) laying gates in a non-established galaxy (maybe Eight-Chevron Addresses have to have the "area code" manually assigned once an intragalactic gate network is sufficiently populated? so Milky Way, Pegasus, Ida, and others have an assigned area code, but Destiny's location doesn't) that the only way to _reference_ its gate in any way was by serial number. This does bring up a few conflicting issues, though. One, Earth isn't using its _original_ gate anymore, so either the serial number was somehow reassigned, or Destiny is capable of "okay, it _should_ be here, let's do a fallback scan for any gates in range to see if it was replaced" checking. Two, what about gates that _weren't_ built by the Ancients, like the Supergates, or the mini-gate that was built in Carter's basement? The latter was explicitly stated to be a one-shot programmed for a specific target address and probably lacked most _normal_ functions outside of that. But Supergates... It's clearly possible to dial _to_ a Supergate normally (likely using the normal 7/8 system), and dial out _from_ one, so maybe it's that having an eight-chevron serial number isn't a _hard requirement_ of a functional gate, merely a "backup reference method" for dialing a specific gate regardless of distance and regardless of stellar drift... And three, the Milky Way _has_ an assigned area code, yet Earth is only reachable from Destiny using a Nine-Chevron Address (which again, see point one for why this is weird). Maybe Eight-Chevron Addresses only work if the destination AND point of origin have assigned area codes? ...Which now makes me wonder about dialing an Eight-Chevron from within the _same_ area code, like if you tried to dial Earth from Abydos using the same address Atlantis has to use from Pegasus (the one with the Milky Way area code)...
The 9 chevron codes wouldn't need a built-in address library. The connection pulse itself can encode the code and is just shouting into the void to see if a gate matching that code replies. If there is no such gate, then no gate reciprocates. If there is, the gate that recognizes itself replies with making the connection.
@@WackoMcGoose I have not seen the full series in a while and just doing a rewatch now, but I remember something about the second gate being taken out and blown up in space or something like that? They thought that would be the end of the stargate program until they got the other, "original" gate installed. If I am wrong, then the method in the vid could still be valid - the Destiny could send out the subspace ping, the "Original" sends out a reply saying "I am at this location" (early seasons it was considered de-commissioned because it has an Iris welded to it which would prevent anything coming through the wormhole but not anything just trying to talk to it). Once the destiny gate has a location to contact, it establishes the wormhole at that location which defaults to the more active gate. I also think there would be no problem using an 8 chevron address inside the galaxy you are in - the last symbol being where you are dialling from is just a way to tell the system "That is all the symbols I'm using now" If you just enter 7 it thinks "just this galaxy", if you enter 8 it thinks "Which galaxy, this one? ok" and dials the rest like normal.
Could it be possible that people were shot out of the gate due to the massive speed difference between Destiny and earth? Alternatively the gates on Destiny are a completely different generation of construction, so there could be some minor software differences between them, and if so then exiting a bit fast is a minor issue!
@@jamesmacleod8388 Definitely a software issue, I'd think. Relative stellar velocity, including intergalactic, has never been an issue before in the series... and Destiny-model gates are explicitly stated to be "version 1.0" (Milky Way was v2.0, Pegasus was v3.0), so by later versions of the gate software, they had fixed it. ...Come to think of it, Earth's gate originally had the exact same issue in the OG movie, until they were able to correct the stellar drift issue with the Abydos Cartouche. There's nothing physically different about the construction between one Milky Way gate and another, so it really could just be a software issue (that the MacGuyvered dialing computer needed its own software patch to correct for).
Logical. I don't recall watching that much of Destiny to see a return gate back to Earth. I do remember in the early show at least, only 7 locks on the stargate, unless the 2 additional locks were automatic. But when you get right down to it, the whole thing is like dialling a phone. except the number is in reverse order. traditionally in the UK we had 6-digit landlines (when I grew up, it used to be different before), then if you wanted to dial out of the area, you needed another 5-digit area code. Finally to call international number you needed the international code. So landlines became (Int code - area code - local number) Now in SG1, you have point of origin, so we can assume the system is a bit different order (i.e reversed) but we can also assume that it's a bit like a send call button. So discounting that send button, there are really only 6, 7 and 8-digit codes. Local galexy, area (diff galaxy), International. i.e. a roaming mobile spaceship somewhere in the universe. So considering the dial button, maybe it is in the same order we use? How pissed though would the Ancients be if some other alien species from another galaxy just happened to have built their own network, and maybe pissing about or got drunk ended up calling up the Ancient's network. not nessesarilly earth. but could have a few super advanced aliens hoping around our galaxy, looking for a way home to their galexy after they realised they screwed up. I could imagine that the Nox and the Tolen might be just a bit surprised someone is using their gates through their defences. Certainly the Tolen might or might not point them to earth as a people with experience in long range gate use. (assuming the Tolen know about Atlantis etc)
@@СергейСмирнов-ф9к5л i've looked into it, you have a good point. I mis-remembered the Tollen surviving Anubis instead of Anubis wiping them out. (well nearly all of them)
What I don't understand is why a symbol for the origin must be provided. I imagine when a planet is pinged, the origin symbol gets translated into a six symbol address, allowing the other end of the wormhole to open. What I don't understand is why that can't occur automatically. You are always going to have the origin symbol as the last one, right? Unless there's some hidden reason to not include an origin...
considering that the location would be +/-X, +/-Y, +/-Z maybe thats why in a "local" connection, its 6 symbols, for each coordinate of the 3 axis, it would be 2 symbols, the plus/minus, then the number itself, and then the ability to quick swap a gate and/or DHD, and since DHDs can run out of power, the direct 7 symbol method is just to save power, but if the update system doesnt work maybe due to a gate being unable to dial out to update locations, then you can use the 9 symbol (but way more energy intensive) to "jumpstart" the gate back into the network, after which, it can get all the other gate's address's renewed. Otherwise the DHDs that might normally be lasting 50 thousand years might have run out in 5k from all the onmidirectional pulsing on both ends (plus its also possible that multiple gates all pulsing like that constantly by using a 9 symbol system would actually drown each other out, making the network fail due to "static")
i believe that since the connection between two gates is not in a straight line. the DHD/Stargate needs a point of origin to make all the calculation needed to create a safe but weaving path between the gates
We assume that stargates has interstellar stations to links with 100+ destinations of constellations. Milky way, Atlas, Antares, and neighboring Andromeda are sets more spaceports than other places.
In the movie they describe the 6 addresses acting as spatial coordinates for the target gate. But in the show when it's revealed there are thousands of gates in the milkyway that idea is now impossible. 35 symbols are the same across the galaxy, apparently referring to 35 specific stars. The implication is those 35 stars in any order can spatially describe thousands of planet locations in space. Even if all 35 were evenly distributed, high and low on the galactic plane, it's impossible to have them accurately link up thousands of times on actual solar system locations.
If the 9 chevron addresses dial a specific gate, why does Destiny's address to Earth still work? Since the Earth gate is once again the gate from Giza, which as you mentioned was the 2nd Stargate placed on Earth?
There is also an issue with the address to Destiny. It uses the Giza point of origin as part of the gate code but that Gate wasn’t present on Earth when Destiny was launched. So when the Giza gate was recalibrated to work on Earth by Ra it may have altered Destiny’s receiving and outgoing address to/from the Milky Way via sub-space signal. Not sure though, possibly a better explanation somewhere.
@@Gatetraveller1 That's a whole other issue I didn't even consider. I watched Destiny recently, so the answer to Micah's question is simply, they found and translated the calculations for Earth's current Stargate. It is in the episode where one of the people on Destiny made it back to Earth, but the others didn't. (I forget the name, it was a couple of months ago, but you do show it in this video).
The address does change, just over galactic timescales. As the planets and stars move over thousands of years, the addresses gradually shift. If the gate hasn't moved too much, you can still connect to your target, but imperfectly, resulting in a rough transit and things like coming out covered in ice. If the planet has moved too much, though, the address will simply fail to connect, or connect to another world that has moved to the old location (very rare). This is why stargate command couldn't immediately use the addresses from the Abydos Cartouche; they had to evolve the stellar potions forward in order to get the current addresses, as all those on it were so far out of alignment as to fail to connect. In fact, Abydos itself was barely still in alignment, and in a few years they probably wouldn't have been able to connect with the address they found on gate cover either. Extragalactic addresses technically had the same issue, but since they defaulted to a single gate in the target galaxy, so long as the entire galaxy hadn't moved out of alignment, the address could still lock onto the galaxy's default even if it had significantly moved within its own galaxy (moving the special crystal that identified the Atlantis gate or specialized programming could change this default for Pegasus; it's never stated if Othala was set as the default for Ida in a similar way, but it does make sense the ancients would set that world as the default). One possible reason the Pegasus gates moved away form the embossed symbols could have been to allow the symbols themselves to more readily change as constellations did (thinking in longer time frames as their civilization became older). It's also unclear if Destiny proto-gates work this way; it's possible each proto-gate has its own address and the controllers just read it off.
My own theory about the ninth chevron is that it's a velocity variable telling the gate to search not just a specific region of space, but the entire universe for Destiny, and also serves as a signal telling Destiny to drop out of FTL and accept an incoming wormhole. As seen in the show, only a 9-chevron dial-in is able to force Destiny to drop out of FTL.
So does that mean that every Gate and DHD, on a Planet has a Different Symbol as Home? If so then the DHD is locked to the gate since there is no 2nd one anywhere?
Yes, each Stargate and DHD has 1 unique symbol (point of origin), while the other 38 symbols are shared across the network. When Stargate’s are moved to another part of the galaxy they have to be recalibrated to their new position and will subsequently take on the address of the area they are now in. (Examples: 1- When Atlantis moved planets they had to recalibrate the point of origin location in order for the gate to work. 2- When Apophis’s ship entered Earth’s location, the onboard stargate most likely interacted with the two Gates on Earth to figure out where it’s new position was. The Apophis gate takes on Earth address as it is within the area and can then automatically recalibrate its Point Of Origin location based off the two other gates. Daniel says that he was able to use Earth as a point of origin, even though the symbol present on the Apophis DHD would have been completely different to Earths, the location it represents was now the same). When moving a DHD it will connect to the planets Gate and automatically calculate its position based off of recalibration and the Point Of Origin symbol will be reset to its current location. This means you can move Gates and DHD’s around regardless of what symbol they have embedded onto their surfaces. (There are times you’ll see Earths point of origin on other planets, but that is due to the production prop being a mold of the one in the SGC, and so they couldn’t keep altering it for every episode.)
@@Gatetraveller1 I almost wonder if the specific symbol of the point of origin _doesn't actually matter,_ that it's just a special placeholder value (akin to a null terminator in a string) in the gate programming. "Yes, I am finished dialing, attempt connection with the preceeding six/seven/eight symbols." The reason the PoO is always a planet-specific symbol is to make it distinct from the other 38-ish, and maybe also to make it an additional hint what planet you're on? -because half the galaxy apparently looks like rural Vancouver-
I did notice something, bugging me, the ancients, Alterans i think, built the gates destiny etc, but wen they dialed the 9th chevron, they used the icon from the goauld gate, wen they should have used the one from the ancients gate.
the way the 9 chevron addresses work could mean you could dial multiple gates on one planet as it's not coordinate based like the 7 or 8 chevron addresses
How does this fit with the gate bridge? Gate had been moved into a new position but somehow dialing them was still possible. That would work if they were dialed via absolute address but not with 7 chevron addresses. Did they address that in the show? I can't quite remember.
If 9 chevrons is a physical address, that makes the Atlantis gates strange having the least amount of glyphs when they are the newest version. They should have equal or greater than other gates.
All Stargates must have the same 39 symbols. Else some gates will be inaccessible without multiple hops and that is a stupid design that Ancients will never do. Like you have to go to Mongolia physically to dial Korea and go there. This means total gates in a galaxy is fixed to 1.9billion gates. Also it is super easy to find point of origin because it's the only unique symbol on gate and dhd. This also means any gate can go anywhere and work because you're getting to a spatial coord and not the gate per se. Imagine milky way in a box. Every gate has unique xyz coord. Which means only 3 symbols are actually enough and point of origin is not even required. The big red button could just be the p. O. O. Also it would be cool if you could see live view through the gate itself. Like looking through a swimming pool to the bottom. Bidirectional travel would also have been better use of 9th symbol (their version of upgraded system). Stellar drift is nonsense since these are digital systems. The coords won't change to diff symbols and gate address can't change so the concept of stellar drift makes no sense Anyways despite its flaws Stargate is the most brilliant concept for movie and TV. Just amazing.
@@jezz2k The 39th is unique to each gate yes. So this means there are 1.98 billion Stargates possible in one galaxy (38*37*36*35*34*33) and thus 1.98 billion unique 39th symbol if they seed all combinations. The Ancients did not do that all. The Destiny ship only scouts and seeds viable planets that can sustain humanoid life for Ancients. I suspect the actual number of seeded planets with Stargates are possibly in low 1000s to maybe 10,000s max which is more realistic. And they have 10k+ unique 39th symbol
@@fr9714 1.98 billion huh? Just as well each symbol can't be used more than once per address, or else it would be a ridiculous 3 trillion I think. Though how the destination stargate knows its going to be dialled from the moment the first symbol is dialled by the outgoing gate is either a mystery, or artistic license. Otherwise, you'd have a whole lot of stargates starting up at the same time, temporarily blocking other travellers from dialling.
@@jezz2k The heavy lifting is done by rhe dhd. It has the electronics (crystals) and power (somehow) to constantly be in touch with other gates like in a p2p bittorrent like setup. On dhd you can enter all symbols at once and gate starts spinning to establish connectivity with remote Stargate that the dhd selects and communicates with directly through "wormhole space" instantly. It is not even subspace which takes longer. The remote gates don't light up with each symbol. Only after red button is pushed the dhd contacts the specific remote dhd and handshakes and then the gates "lock" and establish the wormhole
Good vid. Interstellar would be a 7 chevron address. Interstellar would be a 8 cheveron A gate from the Pegasus galaxy to the milky way would be both and Intergalactic (between the galaxies) and Extragalactic (originating from outwith the Milky Way). Interplanetary between the planets. Interstellar between the stars. Intergalactic between galaxies. Extragalactic originating from outwith the milky way.
The part that i have issues with is, how in the movie the symbols are constilations as seen from earth. But wouldnt the team need to learn the new constilations on the new planet to get back?? The writing was basically going off of flat earth logic. No matter where you are the constilations are the same??? ???? Oh okay i guess
So with it throwing objects. Kind of. It the traveling sales me. Problem. What the most efficient point to point. Given time. The builder of the gate would have fix the issue. They instead cheated with it. Due to time constraints.
no Im sorry but the address is for the planet as its 6 points in space that mathmaticly tell the gate a distance and where the gate is, if your theory was true then the addresses would all work as the goa'uld mapped it all but no none of them addresses work there for they needed a new address. we might only see 12 from earth but other planets see stars diffrently... dear oh dear so the 39 is realistic Naquadria is not in nature there for its breaking its own rules and as a gater you should know all that i have said but you do and want to confuse people with miss information.
Simbol for adres into target not important. Adres destination for consol its important. Last simbol sign.. this Universum.. Pictur ..2.36 .. Program travel for Cassiopeja.. Abandoned ..powre.. One Universum have onli 1 target. Have 40 target in One Universum. Have 7 Universum.. its 280 targets. This Universum its bigg and central position on road of the rest little Univers. Egsist 2 bigg Universum . Secret Universum. Target for 2 bigg Univers not egsist. Secret sistem for travel mind control room. This Univers its laboratori for rest 6 Little Universum. Two Bigg Univers its blocked for travel diabolos gods and mortales humans beans. All Portal its destroj for its.
So I always assumed that the7 symbol addresses were 6 spatial coordinates (sc), plus the point-of-origin (po), while the eight were 6 sc + 1 po + a special distance modifier (sd), and the nine symbol address was just 6 sc + 1 po + 1 sd + something else. The idea that it is not that, but it is fundamentally something else, but rather reveals a qualitatively brand new aspect of the gates, an absolute address(!) is just so mind-blowing! The idea that any gate can be dialed absolutely just makes so much sense...
Network Engineer: 7 chevrons is your home network, 8 chevrons is the internet, 9 chevrons is multicast
@@ijmad9 is more like udp with a targeted MAC address.
7 is a rough location in a galaxy, the 8th points at a specific network (and the other 7 then look for location) meanwhile every stargate has a unique 9 adress
Man the Startgate franchise is so fascinating. I really hope the show will come back.
I like how they are on another planet like it's a hiking trip. Lets dial this random place and go in a t-shirt
Well they usually sent a drone through to check things out first and iirc the gate does something to microrrganisms that pass through, though I could be misremembering the second bit
Due to the correlative update system mentioned in the show, to me the 7 and 8 symbol addresses were just DNS for the network used to look up the real gate address based on position.
Hate being that guy but I do say this mostly to be informative rather than correcting.
A seven chevron address would be intragalactic (within a galaxy) or interstellar (between star systems) while an eight chevron address would be intergalactic (between galaxies). It's a common misunderstanding.
I think on a deep lore video about a sci-fi series from decades ago, pedantic points of technical accuracy should be warmly welcomed. 😂
NICELY done Sir!!! This was well thought out and well described.. I'd buy you pint or two or three if we were in close proximity as you properly well deserve it!! WELL DONE INDEED!!!
good explanation, always thought that one gate dials to another.
I think I remember when Thor came to Earth to ask for help (that was the episode where he took Carter with him because he "needed someone dumber than he is", right?) Anyway, he had a little white stone that he used to dial back to Ida, without needing to use the SGC's dialing computer at all. Really impressive technology, not only a handheld dialer but also a wireless power source if it could connect that far.
I've been thinking about relative power requirements, and I think Ida must be a lot closer than Pegasus (though possibly in the opposite direction, i.e. [Ida] - - - - - [Milky Way] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [Pegasus] or something like that)
O'Neill's generator to connect MW to Ida ran off the liquid naqhadah cell from Teal'c's staff weapon (not very big, he only got 1 use out of it)
A regular naquadah generator isn't enough to power the Ancient chair platform, for that they needed either a ZPM or a Mk 2 generator that lasted a few hours in The Siege.
By the time the Atlantis expedition left, a number of years had passed since O'Neill built his generator. Scientists would have plenty of time to pick it apart and learn everything they could from it. In other words, the Mk 2 generator should be at least as powerful as the O'Neill generator.
The Mk 2 generator was never even suggested as an alternative for dialing between MW and Pegasus. Even if it would take 10 of the things all linked together, that would still be a preferable alternative to hauling dozens of stargates around to build the gate bridge and midway station. The only power source they tried for this was a ZPM, black hole, or the alien fog on that planet that simulated "Earth" for everyone.
In other words, it seems like the MW -> Pegasus connection is massively more expensive than the MW -> Ida one.
That’s what I always thought about as well. Why not recreate that power device again? They did it when the alternate Carter was in the SG1 universe, so no reason they can’t have a bunch laying around.
Jack may be creating a form of prototype ZPM, which uses the liquid naquadah to channel energy from elsewhere kinda like a ZPM does with its pocket universe. He is under the influence of Ancient knowledge after all, so a basic short term ZPM makes sense rather than it being a random power source from a staff weapon (which wouldn’t have the power to dial a regular wormhole anyways). Interesting to speculate.
@@Gatetraveller1 That's right, I had forgotten that they used O'Neill's generator again.
After my speculation I was curious so I went and looked on the Wiki, and it turns out that Ida is 4 million light years away, while Pegasus is only 3 million light years away. So Ida would actually take even more energy than Pegasus.
Maybe it went something like this: After using O'Neill's generator the second time (after the episode was over) Carter discovered that the device's output was unstable. Further study showed a significant chance that it could explode, or make the gate itself explode. It was safe the first time it was used, but that was all O'Neill designed it for. Under the influence of the Ancient Repository, he may have had a similar realization as Daniel in "Absolute Power" and didn't want to give Earth a power source they might not use responsibly. So he designed it to burn out after 1 use. This might have all been subconscious, or else it was erased with the rest of the repository.
Since they no longer had access to the repository, they didn't know how to make the generator safe so they never tried it again. But its output WAS a lot more than the Mk2 Naquadah Generator, on the same level as a ZPM or Thor's stone. How does that sound?
@@John73John I can go with that. Makes sense, as they are dealing with unstable liquid naquadah that’s been removed from its housing, and somehow used to reach an insane level of power. Nice theory.
Another thing is Pegasus is shown basically like Andromeda galaxy. Like it's in the interstellar neighborhood. The midway station in space with shot of MW and Pegasus clearly implies theyre neighbors. A bit shame because I though Pegasus was millions of light years away like in lanaikea supercluster and not like virgo or local group of galaxies.
Several episodes in the first season had the travelers exiting faster and being disoriented by the gate travel. This was explained that the energy flow to the game wasn't quite right. Stands to reason the nine chevron gate travel to Destiny suffers from this same energy issue.
A number of Pegasus space gates had visibly only 8 chevron positions.
People also got shot out of gates during their early use in Season 1 and the original movie. This was explained as happening because the Earth gate did not have a DHD and thus wasn't updated for stellar drift, so the Earth gate had an offset connection to Abydos causing issues, basically Abydos was at the outer edge of the zone of space the gate assumed the Abydos gate would be in.
This implies that gates can be connected even while they aren't entirely sure of the other gate's location in space and that the wormhole doesn't auto adjust to the actual location but even after connection confirmation is still just sent to a general area, further confirmed by damage to gates being able to redirect wormholes to nearby gates, basically the gates are built as "magnets" to wormholes and just opening a wormhole in their general area will cause a "lock". As a side note this also means that you cannot have multiple gates in close proximity with different addresses, IE on multiple planets in the same system and possibly a star system could even block its neighbors from having addressable gates if those neighbors were close enough to it. Overlapping addresses would cause havoc on the gate network if the 7 symbol addresses really do work as implied, so they must be separated and not overlapping.
We know from Earth's use of Naquadriah hyperdrive technology that gravity interferes with subspace (drive failed going near a collapsing supermassive star), and the gates use similar areas of subspace to hyperdrive technology (known from SGA and the Attero device which disrupted hyperspace travel and gate travel at the same time.) Combine these facts and we can surmise that a massive object must be able to mess with gate travel.
During Red Sun it is likely that the gate didn't want to connect because the path between the two gates was "offset" due to gravitational interference, the effect being the same as if a gate had experienced enough stellar drift to be just on the edge of the area of space it was supposed to be in. Carter messed with the Earth gate system to allow a "bad" connection, just like Earth had a bad connection to Abydos before they incorporated the new information from the Abydos Cartouche into their dialing program.
One interesting thing about episodes like Red Sun is that they tell us that the Milky Way gates and their DHDs have overlapping functions. The gate itself has computational power and programming and does safety and sanity checks on what is going on, it is not just the DHD doing such stuff. Yet the DHD for some reason handles stellar drift calculation updates, dialing and some error handling (as seen in Fifth Race and 48 hours.) It strikes me as odd that the Ancients chose to not put all error handling and sanity checking into the gate itself and delegated some of it out to a remote device which may or may not always be there. It also seems that the Ancients realized this when they designed the Pegasus gates, given that they are designed to function in full without a DHD (as seen especially with their space gates and use of a lot of various temporary DHD types across that galaxy.) Still Pegasus gates can be "overridden" by their DHD given that the Atlantis dialing crystal can be incorporated into a DHD to enable 8 chevron dialing anywhere, maybe it's actually that the DHDs function as duplicates and extensions of the gate programming itself, allowing a complete override of the gate's own systems when a DHD is in place. After all, even "hard" rules like the 38 minute window on open wormholes is overridden several times on the show by Ancient devices, so its likely that with advanced enough understanding of the gate the SGC could bypass even that part of the gate's safety programming.
I like the idea that all gates might have hidden 9 chevron addresses, but they wouldn't be viable for normal use due to the omni-directional connect signal being way too costly in energy for normal use. I just don't think it is likely to be the case though because such a 9 chevron address library would have to be built into every gate from its creation which leads to issues when we take into account non-Alterran gates or latter additions to the gate system. I think it is more likely that the Ancients created a few 9 symbol addresses for specific gates and left the majority to function normally. It also brings up the thought, what if Earth was still using the alpha gate when Destiny tried dialing the Earth 9 symbol address? Would they have connected to the beta gate instead since that was the original Ancient gate and not the latter Goa'uld placed one?
If I had to guess there likely isn't much more than a handful of 9 chevron addresses in total, Earth, Destiny and possibly Atlantis and any other place of equal importance. Perhaps the Ancients included a small list of 9 symbol addresses in all gate base coding to allow for future use and some of them could even be entirely disused. Then again we are told that the only 9 chevron address that shows up so far in the Atlantis database is the Destiny one, so maybe there really isn't even more than that. All in all the ninth chevron seem to break all rules of the 7 and 8 symbol addresses, so we probably shouldn't use it to make any logical deductions about general gate functions.
My understanding of Nine-Chevron Addresses is that they're essentially "gate serial numbers". Every gate has an _eight_ chevron serial number (remember, the 9th is always the point of origin no matter what, a "null terminator of a string" in programming terms), and Destiny was 1) so far out and 2) laying gates in a non-established galaxy (maybe Eight-Chevron Addresses have to have the "area code" manually assigned once an intragalactic gate network is sufficiently populated? so Milky Way, Pegasus, Ida, and others have an assigned area code, but Destiny's location doesn't) that the only way to _reference_ its gate in any way was by serial number.
This does bring up a few conflicting issues, though. One, Earth isn't using its _original_ gate anymore, so either the serial number was somehow reassigned, or Destiny is capable of "okay, it _should_ be here, let's do a fallback scan for any gates in range to see if it was replaced" checking. Two, what about gates that _weren't_ built by the Ancients, like the Supergates, or the mini-gate that was built in Carter's basement? The latter was explicitly stated to be a one-shot programmed for a specific target address and probably lacked most _normal_ functions outside of that. But Supergates... It's clearly possible to dial _to_ a Supergate normally (likely using the normal 7/8 system), and dial out _from_ one, so maybe it's that having an eight-chevron serial number isn't a _hard requirement_ of a functional gate, merely a "backup reference method" for dialing a specific gate regardless of distance and regardless of stellar drift...
And three, the Milky Way _has_ an assigned area code, yet Earth is only reachable from Destiny using a Nine-Chevron Address (which again, see point one for why this is weird). Maybe Eight-Chevron Addresses only work if the destination AND point of origin have assigned area codes? ...Which now makes me wonder about dialing an Eight-Chevron from within the _same_ area code, like if you tried to dial Earth from Abydos using the same address Atlantis has to use from Pegasus (the one with the Milky Way area code)...
The 9 chevron codes wouldn't need a built-in address library. The connection pulse itself can encode the code and is just shouting into the void to see if a gate matching that code replies. If there is no such gate, then no gate reciprocates. If there is, the gate that recognizes itself replies with making the connection.
@@WackoMcGoose I have not seen the full series in a while and just doing a rewatch now, but I remember something about the second gate being taken out and blown up in space or something like that? They thought that would be the end of the stargate program until they got the other, "original" gate installed.
If I am wrong, then the method in the vid could still be valid - the Destiny could send out the subspace ping, the "Original" sends out a reply saying "I am at this location" (early seasons it was considered de-commissioned because it has an Iris welded to it which would prevent anything coming through the wormhole but not anything just trying to talk to it). Once the destiny gate has a location to contact, it establishes the wormhole at that location which defaults to the more active gate.
I also think there would be no problem using an 8 chevron address inside the galaxy you are in - the last symbol being where you are dialling from is just a way to tell the system "That is all the symbols I'm using now" If you just enter 7 it thinks "just this galaxy", if you enter 8 it thinks "Which galaxy, this one? ok" and dials the rest like normal.
Could it be possible that people were shot out of the gate due to the massive speed difference between Destiny and earth? Alternatively the gates on Destiny are a completely different generation of construction, so there could be some minor software differences between them, and if so then exiting a bit fast is a minor issue!
@@jamesmacleod8388 Definitely a software issue, I'd think. Relative stellar velocity, including intergalactic, has never been an issue before in the series... and Destiny-model gates are explicitly stated to be "version 1.0" (Milky Way was v2.0, Pegasus was v3.0), so by later versions of the gate software, they had fixed it.
...Come to think of it, Earth's gate originally had the exact same issue in the OG movie, until they were able to correct the stellar drift issue with the Abydos Cartouche. There's nothing physically different about the construction between one Milky Way gate and another, so it really could just be a software issue (that the MacGuyvered dialing computer needed its own software patch to correct for).
Logical. I don't recall watching that much of Destiny to see a return gate back to Earth. I do remember in the early show at least, only 7 locks on the stargate, unless the 2 additional locks were automatic.
But when you get right down to it, the whole thing is like dialling a phone. except the number is in reverse order.
traditionally in the UK we had 6-digit landlines (when I grew up, it used to be different before),
then if you wanted to dial out of the area, you needed another 5-digit area code.
Finally to call international number you needed the international code.
So landlines became (Int code - area code - local number)
Now in SG1, you have point of origin, so we can assume the system is a bit different order (i.e reversed) but we can also assume that it's a bit like a send call button.
So discounting that send button, there are really only 6, 7 and 8-digit codes. Local galexy, area (diff galaxy), International. i.e. a roaming mobile spaceship somewhere in the universe.
So considering the dial button, maybe it is in the same order we use?
How pissed though would the Ancients be if some other alien species from another galaxy just happened to have built their own network, and maybe pissing about or got drunk ended up calling up the Ancient's network. not nessesarilly earth. but could have a few super advanced aliens hoping around our galaxy, looking for a way home to their galexy after they realised they screwed up.
I could imagine that the Nox and the Tolen might be just a bit surprised someone is using their gates through their defences. Certainly the Tolen might or might not point them to earth as a people with experience in long range gate use. (assuming the Tolen know about Atlantis etc)
Weren't all tollan dead by the time Atlantis was discovered?
@@СергейСмирнов-ф9к5л i've looked into it, you have a good point. I mis-remembered the Tollen surviving Anubis instead of Anubis wiping them out. (well nearly all of them)
Thanks for the explanation. I haven't finished watching the entire franchise, so this clears a lot up.
What I don't understand is why a symbol for the origin must be provided. I imagine when a planet is pinged, the origin symbol gets translated into a six symbol address, allowing the other end of the wormhole to open. What I don't understand is why that can't occur automatically. You are always going to have the origin symbol as the last one, right? Unless there's some hidden reason to not include an origin...
That’s the thing, it should be done automatically.
It’s a left over mechanism from the movie and so you have to hand wave its inclusion a bit
you could argue its an extra manual confirmation before opening the gate. kind of like a captcha
considering that the location would be +/-X, +/-Y, +/-Z maybe thats why in a "local" connection, its 6 symbols, for each coordinate of the 3 axis, it would be 2 symbols, the plus/minus, then the number itself, and then the ability to quick swap a gate and/or DHD, and since DHDs can run out of power, the direct 7 symbol method is just to save power, but if the update system doesnt work maybe due to a gate being unable to dial out to update locations, then you can use the 9 symbol (but way more energy intensive) to "jumpstart" the gate back into the network, after which, it can get all the other gate's address's renewed. Otherwise the DHDs that might normally be lasting 50 thousand years might have run out in 5k from all the onmidirectional pulsing on both ends (plus its also possible that multiple gates all pulsing like that constantly by using a 9 symbol system would actually drown each other out, making the network fail due to "static")
i believe that since the connection between two gates is not in a straight line. the DHD/Stargate needs a point of origin to make all the calculation needed to create a safe but weaving path between the gates
@Gatetraveller1 maybe it is handled automatically by the DHD. Since the SGC doesn't have one, the have to manually input it
This knowledge is very satisfying.
We assume that stargates has interstellar stations to links with 100+ destinations of constellations. Milky way, Atlas, Antares, and neighboring Andromeda are sets more spaceports than other places.
who else is amped about new stargate coming out!
Hopefully it’s good. Would rather they give it a go and fail than just leave the franchise dead.
@@Gatetraveller1I absolutely agree.
In the movie they describe the 6 addresses acting as spatial coordinates for the target gate. But in the show when it's revealed there are thousands of gates in the milkyway that idea is now impossible.
35 symbols are the same across the galaxy, apparently referring to 35 specific stars. The implication is those 35 stars in any order can spatially describe thousands of planet locations in space. Even if all 35 were evenly distributed, high and low on the galactic plane, it's impossible to have them accurately link up thousands of times on actual solar system locations.
If the 9 chevron addresses dial a specific gate, why does Destiny's address to Earth still work? Since the Earth gate is once again the gate from Giza, which as you mentioned was the 2nd Stargate placed on Earth?
There is also an issue with the address to Destiny. It uses the Giza point of origin as part of the gate code but that Gate wasn’t present on Earth when Destiny was launched.
So when the Giza gate was recalibrated to work on Earth by Ra it may have altered Destiny’s receiving and outgoing address to/from the Milky Way via sub-space signal.
Not sure though, possibly a better explanation somewhere.
@@Gatetraveller1 That's a whole other issue I didn't even consider. I watched Destiny recently, so the answer to Micah's question is simply, they found and translated the calculations for Earth's current Stargate. It is in the episode where one of the people on Destiny made it back to Earth, but the others didn't. (I forget the name, it was a couple of months ago, but you do show it in this video).
7 symbols is a phone number without area code
8 symbols is a phone number with an area code
9 symbols is an IPV6 address
😅🤣 nailed it
The address does change, just over galactic timescales. As the planets and stars move over thousands of years, the addresses gradually shift. If the gate hasn't moved too much, you can still connect to your target, but imperfectly, resulting in a rough transit and things like coming out covered in ice. If the planet has moved too much, though, the address will simply fail to connect, or connect to another world that has moved to the old location (very rare). This is why stargate command couldn't immediately use the addresses from the Abydos Cartouche; they had to evolve the stellar potions forward in order to get the current addresses, as all those on it were so far out of alignment as to fail to connect. In fact, Abydos itself was barely still in alignment, and in a few years they probably wouldn't have been able to connect with the address they found on gate cover either.
Extragalactic addresses technically had the same issue, but since they defaulted to a single gate in the target galaxy, so long as the entire galaxy hadn't moved out of alignment, the address could still lock onto the galaxy's default even if it had significantly moved within its own galaxy (moving the special crystal that identified the Atlantis gate or specialized programming could change this default for Pegasus; it's never stated if Othala was set as the default for Ida in a similar way, but it does make sense the ancients would set that world as the default).
One possible reason the Pegasus gates moved away form the embossed symbols could have been to allow the symbols themselves to more readily change as constellations did (thinking in longer time frames as their civilization became older). It's also unclear if Destiny proto-gates work this way; it's possible each proto-gate has its own address and the controllers just read it off.
My own theory about the ninth chevron is that it's a velocity variable telling the gate to search not just a specific region of space, but the entire universe for Destiny, and also serves as a signal telling Destiny to drop out of FTL and accept an incoming wormhole.
As seen in the show, only a 9-chevron dial-in is able to force Destiny to drop out of FTL.
So does that mean that every Gate and DHD, on a Planet has a Different Symbol as Home? If so then the DHD is locked to the gate since there is no 2nd one anywhere?
Yes, each Stargate and DHD has 1 unique symbol (point of origin), while the other 38 symbols are shared across the network.
When Stargate’s are moved to another part of the galaxy they have to be recalibrated to their new position and will subsequently take on the address of the area they are now in.
(Examples: 1- When Atlantis moved planets they had to recalibrate the point of origin location in order for the gate to work.
2- When Apophis’s ship entered Earth’s location, the onboard stargate most likely interacted with the two Gates on Earth to figure out where it’s new position was. The Apophis gate takes on Earth address as it is within the area and can then automatically recalibrate its Point Of Origin location based off the two other gates. Daniel says that he was able to use Earth as a point of origin, even though the symbol present on the Apophis DHD would have been completely different to Earths, the location it represents was now the same).
When moving a DHD it will connect to the planets Gate and automatically calculate its position based off of recalibration and the Point Of Origin symbol will be reset to its current location. This means you can move Gates and DHD’s around regardless of what symbol they have embedded onto their surfaces.
(There are times you’ll see Earths point of origin on other planets, but that is due to the production prop being a mold of the one in the SGC, and so they couldn’t keep altering it for every episode.)
@@Gatetraveller1 Thanks for the response, appreciate it 👍
@@Gatetraveller1 I almost wonder if the specific symbol of the point of origin _doesn't actually matter,_ that it's just a special placeholder value (akin to a null terminator in a string) in the gate programming. "Yes, I am finished dialing, attempt connection with the preceeding six/seven/eight symbols." The reason the PoO is always a planet-specific symbol is to make it distinct from the other 38-ish, and maybe also to make it an additional hint what planet you're on? -because half the galaxy apparently looks like rural Vancouver-
Such good knowledge.
I did notice something, bugging me, the ancients, Alterans i think, built the gates destiny etc, but wen they dialed the 9th chevron, they used the icon from the goauld gate, wen they should have used the one from the ancients gate.
the way the 9 chevron addresses work could mean you could dial multiple gates on one planet as it's not coordinate based like the 7 or 8 chevron addresses
How does this fit with the gate bridge? Gate had been moved into a new position but somehow dialing them was still possible. That would work if they were dialed via absolute address but not with 7 chevron addresses. Did they address that in the show? I can't quite remember.
So something like the Puddle Jumper dialer has a non-descript "point of origin button" that works to hit the unique symbol automatically?
I like how they uses the Swedish Å letter as the symbol for earth.
If 9 chevrons is a physical address, that makes the Atlantis gates strange having the least amount of glyphs when they are the newest version. They should have equal or greater than other gates.
point of origin means from where are you travelling
All Stargates must have the same 39 symbols. Else some gates will be inaccessible without multiple hops and that is a stupid design that Ancients will never do.
Like you have to go to Mongolia physically to dial Korea and go there.
This means total gates in a galaxy is fixed to 1.9billion gates.
Also it is super easy to find point of origin because it's the only unique symbol on gate and dhd.
This also means any gate can go anywhere and work because you're getting to a spatial coord and not the gate per se. Imagine milky way in a box. Every gate has unique xyz coord. Which means only 3 symbols are actually enough and point of origin is not even required.
The big red button could just be the p. O. O. Also it would be cool if you could see live view through the gate itself. Like looking through a swimming pool to the bottom.
Bidirectional travel would also have been better use of 9th symbol (their version of upgraded system).
Stellar drift is nonsense since these are digital systems. The coords won't change to diff symbols and gate address can't change so the concept of stellar drift makes no sense
Anyways despite its flaws Stargate is the most brilliant concept for movie and TV. Just amazing.
Isn't it 38 that are the same, not 39? The 39th is unique to each stargate.
@@jezz2k The 39th is unique to each gate yes. So this means there are 1.98 billion Stargates possible in one galaxy (38*37*36*35*34*33) and thus 1.98 billion unique 39th symbol if they seed all combinations. The Ancients did not do that all. The Destiny ship only scouts and seeds viable planets that can sustain humanoid life for Ancients. I suspect the actual number of seeded planets with Stargates are possibly in low 1000s to maybe 10,000s max which is more realistic. And they have 10k+ unique 39th symbol
@@fr9714 1.98 billion huh? Just as well each symbol can't be used more than once per address, or else it would be a ridiculous 3 trillion I think. Though how the destination stargate knows its going to be dialled from the moment the first symbol is dialled by the outgoing gate is either a mystery, or artistic license. Otherwise, you'd have a whole lot of stargates starting up at the same time, temporarily blocking other travellers from dialling.
@@jezz2k The heavy lifting is done by rhe dhd. It has the electronics (crystals) and power (somehow) to constantly be in touch with other gates like in a p2p bittorrent like setup. On dhd you can enter all symbols at once and gate starts spinning to establish connectivity with remote Stargate that the dhd selects and communicates with directly through "wormhole space" instantly. It is not even subspace which takes longer.
The remote gates don't light up with each symbol. Only after red button is pushed the dhd contacts the specific remote dhd and handshakes and then the gates "lock" and establish the wormhole
Good vid.
Interstellar would be a 7 chevron address.
Interstellar would be a 8 cheveron
A gate from the Pegasus galaxy to the milky way would be both and Intergalactic (between the galaxies) and Extragalactic (originating from outwith the Milky Way).
Interplanetary between the planets.
Interstellar between the stars.
Intergalactic between galaxies.
Extragalactic originating from outwith the milky way.
So, gate work like an IP adress or a phone number ?
The part that i have issues with is, how in the movie the symbols are constilations as seen from earth.
But wouldnt the team need to learn the new constilations on the new planet to get back??
The writing was basically going off of flat earth logic. No matter where you are the constilations are the same??? ???? Oh okay i guess
So with it throwing objects. Kind of. It the traveling sales me. Problem. What the most efficient point to point. Given time. The builder of the gate would have fix the issue. They instead cheated with it. Due to time constraints.
Seven-chevron addresses are interstellar, not intergalactic. Your use of extra-galactic was a decent, partial compensation....
Intragalactic would also be correct for 7 chevron addresses
@@DaoFAQ Agreed!
It is probable me just being THICK but i am still total lost but THANK YOU 4 TRYING
no Im sorry but the address is for the planet as its 6 points in space that mathmaticly tell the gate a distance and where the gate is, if your theory was true then the addresses would all work as the goa'uld mapped it all but no none of them addresses work there for they needed a new address.
we might only see 12 from earth but other planets see stars diffrently... dear oh dear so the 39 is realistic
Naquadria is not in nature there for its breaking its own rules and as a gater you should know all that i have said but you do and want to confuse people with miss information.
Simbol for adres into target not important. Adres destination for consol its important.
Last simbol sign.. this Universum..
Pictur ..2.36 .. Program travel for Cassiopeja.. Abandoned ..powre..
One Universum have onli 1 target.
Have 40 target in One Universum.
Have 7 Universum.. its 280 targets.
This Universum its bigg and central position on road of the rest little Univers.
Egsist 2 bigg Universum . Secret Universum. Target for 2 bigg Univers not egsist. Secret sistem for travel mind control room.
This Univers its laboratori for rest 6 Little Universum.
Two Bigg Univers its blocked for travel diabolos gods and mortales humans beans. All Portal its destroj for its.
Downvote for asking your own question.