Be Grateful for the Intelligent Design of Your Eyes

  • Опубликовано: 14 окт 2024
  • We take them for granted, but our ability to interact with the world through vision is beyond remarkable. For more about this see evolutionnews.....
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Комментарии • 217

  • @vkwong6025
    @vkwong6025 3 года назад +82

    Thank God for my eyes without which I won't be able to watch this great video.

  • @discerningacumen
    @discerningacumen 5 лет назад +105

    Romans 1:20-23, “For since the creation of the world his invisible attributes-his eternal power and divine nature-are clearly seen, being understood through the things he has made, so that they are without excuse. For although they knew God, they did not glorify him as God, neither gave thanks, but became futile in their reasoning, and their heart, devoid of understanding, became darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image resembling corruptible man, and birds, and four-footed animals, and reptiles.”

  • @TheMBROO
    @TheMBROO 5 лет назад +134

    I think here's one difference I see between believers and atheists; a believer looks at the eye scientifically, and praises God. an atheist looks at the eye scientifically, and praises their self.

    • @bdidbwvolume2.230
      @bdidbwvolume2.230 8 месяцев назад

      No. An atheist evaluates it for what it is. The result of years of evolution. It's a logical conclusion. Atheists don't feel the need to praise anything. Instead they seek to understand. Where Christians seek to believe, and to wilfully ignore facts.

    • @johnkoay8097
      @johnkoay8097 7 месяцев назад

      ... praises themselves, apologized, praises themselves again, keeps repeating. They don't know that they are just fooling themselves over and over again.

    • @timchapel77
      @timchapel77 6 месяцев назад +1

      There you go praising your own belief. Curious

    • @KaapoKallio
      @KaapoKallio 13 дней назад

      An atheist looks at the eye scientifically, and notices that it is a biological mess. 🤭

  • @fs5297
    @fs5297 3 года назад +31

    What a beautiful Creation 😍 SubhanALLAH
    سبحان الله الخالق كل شيء ❤️

  • @abdoulazizhassana5167
    @abdoulazizhassana5167 6 лет назад +72

    Thank you!
    Every engineer and every expert in his field know in his heart that the universe is designed.

    • @BlackHat-v4j
      @BlackHat-v4j 3 месяца назад

      Then god also is designed

  • @vanessadesire7
    @vanessadesire7 3 года назад +70

    God is so intelligent. Thank you, Lord.

  • @mikhan5191
    @mikhan5191 3 года назад +15

    Cephalopod eyes are designed for use underwater so their sensors face directly to the light source to gather as much light as possible in the water. Also, there is evidence that they are colour blind!
    In bright Sunlight, such a design would get overloaded or burn out the sensors.
    Hence why Vertebrate eyes are designed to have extra protection from bright sunlight.
    Some light is reflected off the back of the eye but most has some filtering done on it before it gets to the sensors.
    An analogy would be Telescope types - Reflectors V Refractors.
    As for the various eye ailments that modern humans have, recent research has shown that much of it is linked to our lifestyles & diet. Especially studying indoors!

  • @westonarey2502
    @westonarey2502 5 лет назад +6

    Years ago, a Scientific American article addressed the question about the wiring of the eye, which instead of sending the signals out the back of the retina, sends information toward the light source. Then, there's a blind spot where the optic nerve routes through the retina on it's way to the brain. Materialists say no first-year engineering student would ever design a system like that.
    Actually, the article explained that processing of the information doesn't begin in the visual cortex. Filtering through adjoining light-sensing cells allows pattern recognition before the data leaves the retina. If anyone is able to find that article, please post it here.

  • @mohammadebrahiminejad8757
    @mohammadebrahiminejad8757 6 лет назад +75

    I hope that one day, we can find only science in the science books and not story of evolution. sooner or later they will confess that their beloved theory was only a story which was only helpful for comic books writers :))
    great job and keep going! you're enlightening people after a new dark age.

  • @fellowshipofthemystery6154
    @fellowshipofthemystery6154 7 лет назад +55

    Referencing Darwin with the advances we have made in science is analogous to asking a 2-year-old child to explain how as a laser works. Darwin thought the human cell was a globule of nothingness as the electron microscope hadn't been invented. If he had known what we know now - that there are complex factories operating inside every one of the trillion cells in our body, he would have abandoned his own theory.

    • @veronicabellucci7129
      @veronicabellucci7129 6 лет назад +13

      Exactly--and they cling to this outdated theory like rabid Sun-worshipers to their outdated religion.

  • @alfredomojica24
    @alfredomojica24 7 лет назад +38

    Matthew 13 : 16
    _But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear._

  • @vargon557
    @vargon557 3 года назад +16

    Years ago there was an article in Scientific American that explained how the signals from the photo receptors are affected by their neighbors' signals in a way that allows information filtering to take place even before those signals leave the eye through the optic nerve on the way to the visual cortex.
    So the arrangement is not a flaw, it is an enhancement.
    I got tired of Scientific American when it increasingly began to become "Popular Scientific Mythology."
    In an article about how to build a time machine by having a rapidly spinning flywheel behind your chair that gained mass when the speed of the wheel approached the speed of light. The author speculated that a loop might be formed in spacetime that would allow you to travel back in time. Commenting on whether you could take modern tech back to the past, he said that would not be possible because information can not come from nowhere. "Except," He explained, "in the case of evolution."
    I canceled my subscription.

  • @roelofjacobs5807
    @roelofjacobs5807 5 лет назад +4

    There are a three things that I am either missing or think that is wrong in this clip:
    1) I think that the argument provided by Jonathan Wells between 8:00 and 8:30 is flawed. Making small changes (mutations), followed by selecting those changes that are an improvement (natural selection), is the core of evolution. Thus the (counter) argument provided, fits the theory of evolution in my opinion.
    2) Also, I am missing a good comparison between the cephalopod and vertebrate eyes. The main question I have, does the retina of vertebrates functions better? Maybe that is addressed in his book, but it is something I am missing in this clip. Right now, the vertebrate eyes have a blind-spot while the cephalopod eyes do not. And should the retina of the cephalopod eyes functions roughly equally as good, I would say that the design of the cephalopod eye is better. Anyway, that part of the argument is something I am missing in this clip.
    3) What is the evidence for "Intelligent Design"? Saying that there are gaps in the explanation provided by evolution, simply means that evolution is either incorrect, or not the whole story, or that there still are gaps in the knowledge of evolution. Saying that evolution is wrong or incomplete for "reason x", does not automatically mean that "reason x" proves that intelligent design is true. Unless you can prove that evolution and intelligent design are the only two options and there is no other unknown theory possible, you need to prove intelligent design on its own.
    A few things that I notice in general when I read about intelligent design (this is outside the scope of this clip):
    4) In addition to my third argument, I've seen a few clips about intelligent design, but have not found them convincing. I often find intelligent design poorly described. I am missing statements about how/when/where intelligent-design events occurred. Or how we can know that it happened when looking at rocks, fossils, nature and DNA.
    5) One thing I often hear is that micro-evolution can occur, but macro-evolution cannot. With other words, the concept of micro/macro evolution is introduced. But I find the difference poorly defined. To give an example, when changing a thousand years into ten thousand years into hundred thousand years, into a million years, into ten million years, into hundred million year, into a billion year, I am missing a well defined clear boundary as to what "micro evolution" can and cannot achieve. One of the statements I hear is that evolution cannot change information, which I think is a false claim. A very readable article with lots of links to resources can be found here:
    6) To me it often appears as if arguments (or evidence) for intelligent design are assertion-based. To give you an example: DNA is (just like) software. Software (or information) that we know of is developed by intelligent beings, thus DNA is written by intelligent beings. I can easily give you an counter example where such an assertion went wrong. When it was discovered that light is a wave, it was know that all waves known so far required some sort of medium. Therefor the (very hypothetical) theory was made that perhaps a medium existed which we did not knew (it was called 'the ether'). And later on, that hypothetical theory was proven wrong. Know that 'the ether' was always considered to be very hypothetical, due to the high degree of assertions and lack of evidence.
    7) A lot of facts (or evidence) that supports evolution usually gets ignored (to the best of my knowledge). For instance, an embryo/fetus has during development these organs and/or attributes: a yolk-sack, a tail and fur. But before the fetus is born, these items disappear. Unless things go 'wrong' and a baby with a tail is born. Funny additional fact, during the embryo phase, a dolphin has two front legs, two hind legs and a tail as well. But instead of the tail dissolving during development, their hind legs dissolve. That is, there has been a dolphin found with hind flippers.
    Long version short:
    I think a fallacy was made in a rather important argument in this clip. I am missing crucial information that shows that the vertebrate eye does not contain a design flaw. And I am missing evidence that supports intelligent design (stating that theory A is wrong, does not proves theory B, unless you can prove that there exist no unknown theory C).

  • @K.O131
    @K.O131 3 года назад +10

    "And on the earth are signs for the certain [in faith]"And in yourselves. Then will you not see?"Quran 51:20, 51:21

  • @poliincorrect1771
    @poliincorrect1771 5 лет назад +26

    Confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus (our intelligent designer) and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead and you will be saved!

  • @zaffarbasheer_Dawah
    @zaffarbasheer_Dawah 6 лет назад +16

    When you see a bridge, a building or an automobile, you automatically consider the person or company that constructed it. When you see a large ship, an airplane, a rocket, a satellite; you also think about how incredible it is. [You know by its design who the maker is.] When you see a super international airport, nuclear plant or an orbiting space station you have to be thoroughly impressed with the engineering dynamics that are involved. Yet, these are just things that are manufactured by human beings. So what about the human body with its massive and intricate control systems? Think about it.
    Think about the brain: how it thinks, functions, analyzes, retrieves and stores information, as well as distinguishes and categorizes information in a millionth of a second, all of this constantly.
    Think about the brain for a moment. (And don't forget the fact that you are using your brain to consider itself!) This is the brain that made the automobile, the rocket ships, the boats, and so on. Think about the brain and who made that!
    Think about the heart. Think about how it pumps continuously for sixty or seventy years [taking in and discharging blood throughout the body] maintaining steady precision throughout the life of the person.
    Think about the kidneys and the liver and the various functions they perform. The purifying instruments of the body that perform hundreds of chemical analyses simultaneously and also controls the level of toxicity in the content of the body. All of these are done automatically.
    Think about your eyes, the human cameras, that adjust, focus, interpret, evaluate, discern color automatically, naturally receiving and adjusting to light and distance.
    Think about it-Who created them? Who has mastered their design and function? Who plans and regulates their function? Human beings do this? No, of course not. What about this universe?
    Think about this. This earth is one planet in our solar system, and our solar system is one [of possible many] solar systems. Our galaxy, The Milky Way, is one of the galaxies. According to NASA research, there are more than one hundred billion galaxies in our observable universe. They are all in order and they are all precise. They are not conflicting with on another. They are swimming along in an orbit that has been set for them. Did human beings set that into motion and are human beings maintaining that precision? No, of course not.
    Think about the oceans, the fish, the insects, the birds, the plants, bacteria, and chemical elements that have not yet been discovered and cannot be detected even with the most sophisticated instruments. Yet each of them has a law that they follow. Did all of this synchronization, balance, harmony, variation, design, maintenance, operation and infinite numeration happen all by chance? Do these things function perfectly and perpetually also by chance? No, of course not. That would be totally illogical and foolish. In the least, it indicates that however it came to exist-it exists beyond the realm of human capability. We will all agree to that. The Being, The Almighty Power, God, The Creator who has the knowledge to design and proportion created all of this and is responsible for maintaining it. HE is the only one that deserves praise and gratitude.
    If I were to give you one hundred dollars for no reason, just for posting here, you would at least say thank you. What about your eyes, your kidneys, your brain, your children, and your life: Who gave you all of that? Is He not worthy of praise and thanks? Is He not worthy of your worship and recognition?
    That in a nutshell, is the goal and purpose of this life. Allah (الله The Only One God, Creator and Sustainer of the Universe) said to us in the Holy Quran: "And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me." [Surah 51: Ayah 56] this is what the Allah (الله The Only One God, Creator and Sustainer of the Universe) said.
    The Qur’an provides a powerful argument for God’s existence: “Or were they created by nothing? Or were they the creators [of themselves]? Or did they create the heavens and Earth? Rather, they are not certain.” The Qur’an, Chapter 52, Verses 35 and 36.
    Our purpose in this life is to recognize The Creator, to be grateful to Him, to worship Him, to surrender ourselves to Him and to obey the laws that He has determined for us. It means worship is our purpose in life. Whatever we do in the course of that worship, [i.e., the eating, the sleeping, the dressing, the working, the enjoying,] between birth and death is consequential and subject to His orders. But the main reason for our creation is worship.
    I don't think anyone who is analytical or scientific will have much of an argument with that purpose. They may have some other reason with themselves-but that is something they have to deal with between themselves and Allah (الله The Only One God, Creator and Sustainer of the Universe).

    • @richarddelatour8713
      @richarddelatour8713 6 лет назад +2

      Dawah: "When you see a bridge, a building or an automobile, you automatically consider the person or company that constructed it."
      Yes because I can meet them and shake their hand. There is evidence for their existence. So far there is no evidence for a supernatural designer or god. We see complexity forming naturally all the time without a creator or god. So, there is evidence for things to have formed naturally and none for them to have come about by a supernatural designer.
      "Or were they created by nothing?"
      Not what science claims.

  • @theoneaboveall1455
    @theoneaboveall1455 4 года назад +7

    The problem with Intelligent Design is that each person then wants to apply it to the religion that best suits there interest.

    • @utopiabuster
      @utopiabuster Год назад

      "Their", not there!
      Proving you know as much about "Intelligent Design Theory" as you do grammar.
      Thanks for playing like a fourth grader.

    • @johnroemeeks_apologetics
      @johnroemeeks_apologetics Год назад +3

      It's not about which religion is correct, that's a whole different discussion. This discussion is Evolution vs. Design, and clearly we know without a doubt only a designer could make things this complex and brilliant!

    • @KennyFisher-io4dm
      @KennyFisher-io4dm 7 месяцев назад +1

      There is but 1 true and living God, and he sent His only begotten Son to die for sinful and hell doomed humanity! He is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! He is one with Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit! 1John 5:7- There are 3 that bear record in heaven, the Father , the Word and the Holy Ghost and these 3 are 1! Deuteronomy 6:4 and Isaiah 48:16 bear witness to this truth! Even Genesis 1:26, when God said Let US create man in OUR image, after OUR likeness! Man is body, soul and spirit! 1 Thessalonians 5:23!

  • @NickHawaii
    @NickHawaii 4 года назад +13

    If people would just open their eyes they could see that there is no way our precious eyes happened by chance. No way.

  • @concernedkid3262
    @concernedkid3262 5 лет назад +24

    I love these videos that praise the design

  • @stephenbender7593
    @stephenbender7593 2 года назад +14

    The evolutionist will say the eye is flawed but never say that the brain is flawed since that would put their thinking in jeopardy.

  • @azilmohamed8413
    @azilmohamed8413 3 года назад +18

    "Or were they created by nothing, or are they ˹their own˺ creators?"
    - Quran 52:35

    • @michaelcmllr
      @michaelcmllr 3 года назад +1

      Hi Azil, I would encourage you to watch Christian Prince here on RUclips,he will teach you about the quran and hadiths. It will open your eyes and hopefully direct you to the right path,this is my prayer for you.

  • @jerubaal3333
    @jerubaal3333 3 года назад +15

    AMEN, and God bless You!

  • @ahmedsheriffdeen
    @ahmedsheriffdeen 4 года назад +14


  • @debblouin
    @debblouin 3 года назад +5

    “Badly designed” is a strange contention.
    “Yes, there is a designer but he isn’t a very good one, so you shouldn’t pay him any attention.”

  • @asifjohan8198
    @asifjohan8198 3 года назад +8

    I am a muslim.
    Your videos were a great help. I am very thankful.
    Keep up the good work, dear discovery science.
    May allah protect and guide you and me to the right path. ❤️

    • @michaelcmllr
      @michaelcmllr 3 года назад +1

      Hi Asif, I would encourage you to watch Christian Prince here on RUclips,he will teach you about the quran and hadiths. What you will learn will open your eyes and hopefully direct you to the right path,this is my prayer for you.

    • @hamidswift
      @hamidswift 3 года назад +1

      @@michaelcmllr My friend, i recommend you to not hide behind your history, and read the scriptures with an open mind. May the One true God guide you.

    • @Кенжетайұлы
      @Кенжетайұлы 3 года назад

      Watch apostate prophet. Islam is satan

  • @gregormann7
    @gregormann7 4 года назад +35

    I’m to the point where few things annoy me more than the respectful, deferential attitude continually shown to people clinging to a theory that truly is “absurd to the highest possible degree.” Or patently absurd, as atheist philosopher Thomas Nagel admits. Note to Dawkins fans: there is a reason why it all appears to be designed for a purpose. And I would like to suggest that it is far past the time for ID to take off the gloves.
    The only “evolution” that is related to FACTS is that which breeders knew all about before Darwin learned his ABC’s. But all that extrapolation into the distant past is nothing but clever equivocation in service of a massive ruse. In short, the Periodic Table of Elements is not our Heavenly Father.

  • @geobla6600
    @geobla6600 6 лет назад +22

    Another excellent video by the Discovery Institute. Love rational and common sense explanations of science instead of the vague and speculative explanations offered by evolutionary science.
    It's amazing how evolutionary science explains the simplicity of how all the different eye forms evolved from an eye spot that can only sense light. Or the foolishness of the claims by the Dawkins , Coynes and the Millers of the poor design of the eye.
    They'll intentionally overlook the incredible complexity of the eye that exceeds anything man has been able to create.
    They intentionally mislead (lie) the public with their statements by avoiding the science showing that some of the most complex eye systems formed in the earliest life forms.
    They intentionally downplay the complexity of the eye when the real scientists that have studied the eye for decades are amazed at the massive amount of information that is continually kept in focus and is turned into electrical impulses made from chemical reactions and then sent down the optic nerve to the brain which then somehow rewires this massive and continuous amount of information into the colours , textures , distances , recognition of what were seeing , movements and many other things.
    Keep up the good science so we don't have to watch Dawkins and his sidekick show us by covering an eye and sticking a pin into a end of a pencil and watching the pencil , have the pin go out of our vision at one point. Or listen to him stste that some engineer would send it back because of the poor design. Maybe he was learning his science from Dawkins.
    Anyways' always appreciate the sound science behind everything you guys do..

  • @sabah4123
    @sabah4123 3 года назад +5

    Soooooo many complex wonders, there is a Creator!

  • @sassy3923
    @sassy3923 3 года назад +14

    Thank you for the beautiful work that you do. The science of Intelligent Design is so rational and satisfying. We need to do more to get this true science into the classrooms of America adn the world.

    • @rwatson2609
      @rwatson2609 Год назад

      I think that modern man does not like the path that this kind of thinking would take.

  • @thejar3724
    @thejar3724 3 года назад +24

    Evolutionists when they realize the eye could be flawed: Guys look how bad evolution is, the eye is backwards!
    Evolutionists when they can’t find a better design: look how great evolution is, it masterfully created a perfect eye!

  • @mikescott1029
    @mikescott1029 3 года назад +24

    I have been a Creationist more than 45 years and have found nothing to change my mind!

    • @Swinefeld
      @Swinefeld 2 года назад +2

      Maybe you should open up your EYES.

  • @bean7496
    @bean7496 4 года назад +11

    God is marvelous. Sadly today's world is trying to put Him away. How on earth could this be such an accident?

  • @John14-6...
    @John14-6... 3 года назад +40

    With all of the evidence of intelligent design, Mr. Dawkins is beginning to talk of aliens rather than believe in a Creator

    • @oskarsitarz569
      @oskarsitarz569 3 года назад +5

      Yeah, but then who made aliens? xD

    • @taylor6618
      @taylor6618 2 года назад +1

      @@oskarsitarz569 other 👽

    • @sandormccann2546
      @sandormccann2546 Год назад

      It is a possibility that this planet was seeded with DNA material by an alien race but just as likely that it never happened. He is not discounting something that is a remote possibility. What is an IMPOSSIBILITY is that the Canaanite war god, yahweh' suddenly got promoted to creator of everything, travelled back in time and became the creator god of everything. Crap like that only happens in the minds of demented bible-thumpers who don't know the history of their own zombie rabbi death cult.

    • @F15CEAGLE
      @F15CEAGLE Год назад

      Aleph and Tav.

  • @accountislamicvideos4129
    @accountislamicvideos4129 3 года назад +11

    Beautiful keep up the great work!💕

  • @Quantumanandha
    @Quantumanandha 5 лет назад +8

    Thank you.

  • @KennyFisher-io4dm
    @KennyFisher-io4dm 7 месяцев назад

    "The hearing ear and the seeing eye, the Lord God made even both of them." Proverbs 20:12! All glory and praise to the omniscient, omnipotent God!

  • @fatunicorn98
    @fatunicorn98 4 года назад +16

    The argument for evolution of the eye seems to discount the incredible complexity of the eye.

  • @vermouth310
    @vermouth310 5 лет назад +6

    Belief in evolution, is like trying to pass a very fat camel through the eye of a microscopic needle! Why is it so hard to believe that life, the eye, information in the DNA molecule, etc., were created by an infinite Mind?. Why do members of the church of evolution, believe that stupid mindless processes working over a 4 billion year trial and error period, "created" life and gizilion biologic systems?

  • @brantgentry1463
    @brantgentry1463 5 лет назад +24

    Evolution can't correct

  • @refuse2bdcvd324
    @refuse2bdcvd324 5 лет назад +27

    Declare Jesus (the intelligent designer of our eyes) as your Lord. Believe in your heart that God raised him from death and you will be saved!

  • @MrFossil367ab45gfyth
    @MrFossil367ab45gfyth 2 года назад +2

    A product of evolution, but I believe God is the designer and mind behind it.

  • @shayangfkk7948
    @shayangfkk7948 4 года назад +2

    And there are a lot of species with no need of eye . And human eye during some sort of deases are forced to reduce complexity for it survival purpose

  • @zaynumar0
    @zaynumar0 4 года назад +6

    Gratitude x

  • @chutrra
    @chutrra 7 лет назад +14

    Love u guys💖

  • @kevinmorgan_truth
    @kevinmorgan_truth 3 года назад +11

    81/1,400 watching this video aren't impressed by the incredible integration of their eyes.

  • @AbrarManzoor
    @AbrarManzoor 4 года назад +5

    i was watching the fiction of origin of life and in the comments there were many hate comments about creationists and one guy told me not to watch this channel before it i dont know that this youtube channel existed but i think he has commited suicide by letting me know this channel name.You people are doing great work may Allah guide you.

  • @williammaddock9179
    @williammaddock9179 6 лет назад +10

    Is this a foreshadowing of the next great Design Documentary? I really hope so!

  • @kingbling7814
    @kingbling7814 Год назад +1

    Thank u God

  • @harleyboyd9998
    @harleyboyd9998 4 года назад +39

    Darwin Evolution is Zombie Science

  • @silverturtlestitcher1637
    @silverturtlestitcher1637 Год назад +1

    I read an article once that said belief in creation does not require blind faith. It actually rests on sound reasoning. When you see a car, a plane, or a house we know someone designed them. Why should we abandon that reasoning when we consider the human eye, a bird in the sky, or our planet Earth? Is it reasonable to think that an airplane was designed, but a bird was not?

    • @Pyr0Ben
      @Pyr0Ben 7 месяцев назад

      @@AnonYmous-yj9ib it's one hell of an analogy

  • @colonelfredpuntridge8799
    @colonelfredpuntridge8799 3 года назад +1

    The problem with this video is, it argues that the evidence we have about eyes doesn't really support the theory of evolution. OK, let's suppose the video is right about that. Suppose the eye is not evidence either way. Well, the creationists, not the materialists, are the ones who claim to KNOW the answer: creationists argue that pure materialism CANNOT be the explanation for what we see in nature (including in fossils). In contrast, materialists only say that pure materialism COULD BE the explanation. Materialists don't say "there cannot be an intelligent designer or creator"; materialists only say "there is no PROOF OF an intelligent designer or creator". So materialists don't need evidence to show that the eye DID evolve according to any theory of evolutionary biology; the burden of proof of correctness is on the side which claims that its answer is the ONLY POSSIBLE answer. In this argument, that is the creationist side, not the materialist side.

    • @giorgirazmadze5102
      @giorgirazmadze5102 3 года назад

      You can't have proof of a designer as the designer can't be inside a designed object. He must be outside.
      But as you see the evidence of design it proves the existance of a designer.

    • @think-islam-channel
      @think-islam-channel 3 года назад +1

      Materialists talk nonsense basically.
      If they say 'there is no evidence of a creator' and if they stick by that sentence then they are not very logical.
      A more intelligent approach would be to concede this
      1. There are evidences for a creator
      2. Some Materialist like you reject those arguments as unconvincing.
      3. The theists say those arguments are convincing
      4. Rather than admit the truth which is that the 2 sides come to different conclusions on the same issue, the Materialist makes a massive error.
      They conclude that there ARE NO PROOFS FOR A CREATOR.
      How do they arrive at such a conclusion?
      How do they reject the opinion of the theist who says there are many good arguments for God.
      The materialist does this based on their subjective OPINION.
      If they said this it would be fine: 'There are many arguments for God but I am not convinced by any of them'.
      But to say 'there are no proofs of a creator' elevates their opinion to the level of truth.
      This is also why it is impossible to 'prove' God to many atheists.
      This is because the final judge as to whether the proof has been met, is their own subjective opinion.
      A very biased judge.

  • @MackTheGovnah
    @MackTheGovnah 5 лет назад +9

    Darwin regretted his theory of evolution upon his death.

  • @mousasaab2652
    @mousasaab2652 Год назад +2

    I’m convinced the best way to make a new anatomical discovery is to find someone saying that a certain structure in the body is useless or flawed and then find out what it’s used for

  • @zohebkarim2020
    @zohebkarim2020 3 года назад +7

    We Humans are biophysical beings with levels of intelligence that no creature can compare. The earth grows medicine and produce that requires a human brain to extract. We fly, we dive and we dig. If you dont believen in a creator then you are claiming that random selection caused the earth to conveniently benefit human beings in every possible beneficial way and then randomly select the rest of the animals to watch the show and not show any signs of evolving intellect while doing so.
    Cats have been living with humans for thousands of years. Cats are very observant intelligent creatures. Yet even after living and watching humans for thousands of years, no signs of a cat with an evolved way of thinking which is prior to support the theory of evolving from physical appearance. Because its starts from the mind right?

  • @jameshale6401
    @jameshale6401 22 дня назад

    So would the eye evlove even though it didnt know what light is and how without light seeing would not matter😮

  • @saadarshad2575
    @saadarshad2575 4 года назад +1

    Human are surviving and progressing with these eyes. So, these are not flawed in anyway.

  • @jameshale6401
    @jameshale6401 22 дня назад

    You have to be intelligently designed to know if anything is or not
    And since no one did or can make themself then something outside them had to do the job

  • @capecarver
    @capecarver Год назад

    Materialists; "Just spot me this one miracle, and I'll explain the rest."

  • @Carljoos-j3v
    @Carljoos-j3v 10 месяцев назад


  • @Rafm1236
    @Rafm1236 3 года назад

    i like how he went: its like a desperate way to push this materialistic view, hard right there.

  • @vanessadesire7
    @vanessadesire7 3 года назад +8

    God makes no mistakes

  • @onethdasanayake3689
    @onethdasanayake3689 3 года назад +2

    There's a difference - Christians give all credit to God while atheists give all credit to themselves

  • @gopeskumardatta9798
    @gopeskumardatta9798 4 года назад +4

    Thank you. It is really interesting to think in a new way and which may be a more powerful thinking.

  • @georgewright2010
    @georgewright2010 Год назад

    Tried to watch/listen but the useless background music made it difficult.

  • @theinsectmanofwv
    @theinsectmanofwv 3 года назад +2

    I cannot see how anyone can beleive in evolution.

  • @caonexpeguero9984
    @caonexpeguero9984 3 года назад +3

    Devastating arguments!!! Simply amazing...

  • @thebigshowww
    @thebigshowww 4 года назад +1

    Somethings I don’t understand, one is that why do they keep using Darwin quotes as facts when he just kick started the ideas, true a lot of what he said was wrong but we’ve proven the true path of evolution from his ideas so why not use modern science and not Darwin quotes to prove your point? Two, you keep banging on about how we don’t know the path of the evolution of the eye and that it jumped from simple spot to complex in a few years but that’s not the case, we can track the evolution of the eye through the fossil record and it doesn’t jump, the fossil you showed on that point didn’t even have a complex eye like us. And lastly who’s saying it’s flawed?

  • @toddoryall7420
    @toddoryall7420 3 года назад +4

    The Evolutionist got it wrong again when it comes to the evidences of the human eye.

  • @PInk77W1
    @PInk77W1 3 года назад +3

    Scientists are people of faith.
    They have faith the universe is knowable

  • @ErikPehrsson
    @ErikPehrsson 3 года назад

    I’m definitely grateful. But, I AM tired of my double vision.....

  • @PebkioNomare
    @PebkioNomare 4 года назад +1

    Wait... am I supposed to be grateful because our eyes are the *best* this designer could’ve done (because that’s pretty sad) or am I supposed to be grateful that we got something at least this functional at all (which is pretty mean)?
    You... do realize that there are more accurate eyes, with more utility, found on other animals... right?

    • @think-islam-channel
      @think-islam-channel 3 года назад +1

      Would you like God to send you blindness if you don't like what He has given you?

  • @nosegrindv4951
    @nosegrindv4951 5 лет назад +7

    ha! video start with the necesity of the eye to read the origin of species! sorta ironic

  • @afshanfatima5104
    @afshanfatima5104 Год назад +1

    Alhamdulilah ie All praise and thanks belong to Allah ( God).

  • @ankushmanhas3648
    @ankushmanhas3648 4 года назад +2


  • @andrewburton4584
    @andrewburton4584 Год назад

    Yes, thank God for my eyes and all the wonderful living things all created by Him alone. We need more videos like this that open people's eyes to the truth! Thank you for this video!! Excellent!!

  • @crawfordgalbraith73
    @crawfordgalbraith73 3 года назад +1

    It is so obvious on every level to the layman that a designer of enormous intelligence is responsible for life, the earth, the universe and beyond. Do you really not think that scientists who have looked deeper and deeper into the complexities of all of this do not KNOW God exists? Of course they do! ( Many highly qualified scientists have admitted they believe in a creator ). As regards those who profess atheism we must examine their position spiritually. If you wish to know what is actually going on you need to be aware of one truth that many are in ignorance of. 1 John 5:19 tells us that " the whole world is lying in the power of the WICKED ONE ". Yes, Satan the Devil is the ruler of this world at the moment (Jesus' words not mine). He is described in scripture as "The God of this system", and "The Father of the Lie". When people say they are atheists they are LYING, both to themselves and others. How can we be so sure of this? Because God explains it very clearly in Romans Chapter One. There he tells us that certain men deliberately "Suppress" the truth about him. He tells us that it is "INEXCUSABLE" for man not to acknowledge his eternal power and Godship because we all perceive it from the creation all around us. He is in effect saying to us "I created you. I created your brains. I KNOW how intelligent you are and I KNOW that you KNOW I exist. You have NO EXCUSE. Read on to the end of the Chapter and you will find out the consequences of rejecting the True God. Of refusing to accept his moral guidance. Of choosing to be your own God. Then look around you and see if this doesn't explain perfectly what is happening in the world today. There are NO atheists just liars who refuse to accept God's sovereignty. Do not let them shake your faith or resolve to seek God. Now that scientists agree that the Universe had a beginning, they must apply the irrefutable law of Cause and Effect. The Universe, therefore, must have been "CAUSED" by SOMETHING Eternal with NO intelligence. Or SOMEONE Eternal with VAST Intelligence. The scientists refer to this as "The First Cause". Now here's some homework for you. The Translation of God's name in the original Hebrew manuscripts was....wait for it... "HE WHO CAUSES TO BECOME". God is even telling us by his own name that he is indeed The First Cause. That he is our Creator. Now go and find that name.

  • @throckmortensnivel2850
    @throckmortensnivel2850 5 месяцев назад

    Why do primate eyes have a blind spot? Because where the optic nerve connects to the retina there are no light receptors. That leaves a blind spot that eveyrone has. Strangely enough, the brain compensates for this design failure by "filling in" that area. There are any number of very simple tests one can take to prove this to themselves. This has nothing at all to do with the direction of the light receptors. And no, evoution does not say the light receptors should face the other direction. Evolution does not create high-cost characteristics that don't work. What evolutionary biologists say is that a well designed eye wouldn't have the blind spot where the optic nerve connects to the eye.

  • @seamus9305
    @seamus9305 5 лет назад +2

    We branched off from mollusks when we were just a quohoag-like blob, yet a squid evolved a focusing eye like a human.

  • @spectreskeptic3493
    @spectreskeptic3493 Год назад

    I assume that creationists accept DNA evidence confirming relatedness between any two humans. Why then, do they dismiss [presumably] the very same technique for determining relatedness between any two species? At what point does comparing genomes to determine relatedness stop working?...This is the question no creationist I've ever encountered has been able to answer.

    • @truthbebold4009
      @truthbebold4009 Год назад +1

      What is the DNA evidence showing relatedness between two species?

  • @psychvision101
    @psychvision101 7 лет назад +9

    Everything sounds better with a posh English voice ey ;)

  • @johnbrown6189
    @johnbrown6189 2 года назад

    If you thank "God" for the eye who do you thank for cataracts, macular degeneration, glaucoma or any of the other defects the eyes can have?

  • @markmalinowski5951
    @markmalinowski5951 3 года назад +1

    Problem is my eyes are useless unless I use external precision engineered lenses to focus them aka glasses

    • @bobtaylor170
      @bobtaylor170 3 года назад +3

      And? I'm not sure what your point is. The reason you - and I - need glasses is that though we are creatures, we are fallen ones. We need to be redeemed. Jesus Christ is that redeemer.

    • @think-islam-channel
      @think-islam-channel 3 года назад

      How Ungrateful.
      Who you prefer blindness perhaps?

  • @s.m.1249
    @s.m.1249 2 года назад +1

    2 eyes
    2 ears
    1 nose
    1 mouth
    1 Brain
    In millions of permutations
    God almighty design possibilities
    Dawkins holding on to his pants with advances in science leading to intelligent design
    Especially with conscious included human brain the one God intended

  • @nickminja7371
    @nickminja7371 6 лет назад +2

    Good video

  • @vivienhall1468
    @vivienhall1468 Год назад

    Why is there that irritating tinkling in the background? I gave up watching.

  • @ishwarlxm6333
    @ishwarlxm6333 Год назад

    Then who designed it ...?

  • @Matthew_Holton
    @Matthew_Holton 6 лет назад +7

    Darwin himself showed how the eye evolved. We have evidence that eys evolved several times using different designs. Our own eyes are not well designed. The photo receptor cells in our eyes are back to front! This means the nerves have to pass through the retina at a particular point which gives us a blind spot, brilliant design ..I think not.

  • @mickhealy572
    @mickhealy572 4 года назад

    Mantis shrimp vision puts our eyes to shame. they hold the world record for the most complex visual system.

  • @jamesbond2472
    @jamesbond2472 Год назад

    Hebrews 3:4 - I know one thing. My Nikon DSLR camera was designed and then made. It didn't come into existence of its own accord.

  • @nohram.bernal7449
    @nohram.bernal7449 2 года назад +3

    Evolution requires so much blind faith that it's desperately exhausting.

  • @padraigadhastair4783
    @padraigadhastair4783 3 года назад

    You mention Dawkins but refer to his detractors as other 'people'. Who exactly?

  • @shantoshohan1737
    @shantoshohan1737 3 года назад


  • @ronaldpokatiloff5704
    @ronaldpokatiloff5704 Год назад +1

    a computer program made life and the rest of the universe.

  • @BlackHat-v4j
    @BlackHat-v4j 3 месяца назад

    The eye being intelligently design was debunked very long as you can take away a lot of parts of it and it would still work
    I am pretty sure that the darwin quote has more to it so I think gonna be very amazing how that happens
    A range of eyes where more things are added to make it better
    Impossibly to create an eye by natural selection so it’s magic
    The eye intelligently designed while showing a man who needs glasses
    The evidence that eyes can evolve by the facts that lower stage eyes
    The argument it can be made by small changes is true and is fact wether or not it did is unknown
    But it definitely can happen
    The argument is could an eye slowly evolve and it could and can
    The argument it’s designed I don’t see why it has to be designed and can’t evolve

  • @michaelgonzalez9058
    @michaelgonzalez9058 6 месяцев назад +1

    4 i createsthe eyes

  • @deimoskaischylos
    @deimoskaischylos 6 лет назад +5

    Our eyes are hardly that remarkable, as we have fairly poor vision compared to quite a few other animals. If our eyes were so "intelligently design," why wouldn't we have the sharpest, most acute eyes of all creatures? Instead, we can only see in limited ranges of color of light, have poor night vision, have a very limited field of view which requires our brains to fabricate much of what we believe that we see, and so much more. More advanced than a light-absorbing patch, but hard the advanced color-seeing eyes of the Mantis shrimp or the sharp, predatory eyes of the Golden eagle.

  • @zaki-ollahrustemi3815
    @zaki-ollahrustemi3815 3 года назад +3

    Allah is Great .

    • @michaelcmllr
      @michaelcmllr 3 года назад

      Hi Hassib, I would encourage you to watch Christian Prince here on RUclips,he will teach you about the quran and hadiths. It will open your eyes and hopefully direct you to the right path,this is my prayer for you.

  • @e.a.p3174
    @e.a.p3174 3 года назад

    Give glory to God and his Son Jesus Christ.

  • @kumarvishwajeet8419
    @kumarvishwajeet8419 4 года назад +1


  • @petermartin6737
    @petermartin6737 Год назад

    This video does not really present the counterpoints.