Clarke killed the baddie like she always does. Raven used her brains and determination to save the day like she always does. Octavia brought warring clans together like she always does. 3 queens.
The end is still kinda sad, honestly. They’re the end of the human race at the end of the day. They can’t procreate, so regardless of how this goes, humans end after them.
True, but the human race itself is still 'alive' and well as they all transcended. So yes, humans end on Earth, but forever live in some sort of conscious state with immortality and no pain.
@@Madika92 I honestly don't know. None of us really can because we will never be there and plus, it's a show. I guess they just found the higher consciousness appealing. To join a universal consciousness. I don't know why transcendence was so valued.
@@Daesma999 Cadogan should have died a gruesome death considering what he did to Becca. Getting shot up by Clarke wasn't satisfying at all. Yeah he died but he deserved much worse.
That's literally the only reason I came back. I skipped a few episodes this season because I got bored, but when I saw that Lexa was back I had to see it.
I woke up today and saw Alycia's post and I immediately cried. I know it is not the "real" Lexa but that meant so much to me. I really don't care is she real or not just seeing her made me fucking happy.
@@haileyjames6075 She posted on twitter how she couldn't leave her fans hanging and it was an honor to show up in the finale. Basically thanked the cast crew, and all the fans of the show.
What an ending to a show I've been watching for 7 years. I have been watching this show since I was a high school senior and now I'm out of college. While I'm split on Season 7 as a whole, I'll take this as a happy ending.
Stefan except in heaven you get your dead friends/family back . . .and your future grandkids, great grandkids etc. .. humanity is OVER with this ending
i was one of those who were clowning on twitter, and hoping and praying that lexa would come back, and i've never been so happy to be right. i cried so much honestly. i started watching in season 2, before lexa was introduced and she just captured my heart and became one of my all time favorite character. and then she died in such horrible disrespectful way and i was devastated. the worst part was people belittling clarke and lexas relationship and describing it as a phase in clarkes life and as a stepping stone for bellarke. so to have it confirmed that lexa is the love of clarkes life and that their love was real and so special, was great and i know thats why alycia wanted to come back.
Nope. I love the ending, only hope Diyoza get to live 🥰. It's bittersweet happy ending. I've read comments with dark endings. And I'm happy the writers didn't chose that path. Transcendence would lose its meaning if humans can have offspring, since they've already passed the test and went on to the next level. So yeah, that part I understood too. 🥰
I feel like everyone even the dead should have transcended. The show put the entire emphasise on May we Meet Again and yet they don’t meet again. Just imagine if Bellamy, Abby, Kane, Lexa hell even Finn all chose to come back. Or they could have made it were the dead couldn’t come back but they still transcended and the judge could have told Clarke that Bellamy was with Madi. I did think when the judge turned up that Lexa had been revived and that Clarke was going to be alone with Lexa until they died, failing that i was holding out for a surprise Bellamy appearance and they were left as the last two people on Earth. I don’t know how I feel about the ending honestly. It was happy, they all deserve that. Though it feels lacking. Also I’m not 100% sure but I think Emori was there. I know she was in the mind drive but her body was dead, so how’d she come back at the end? Surely if she can heal her body then Madi’s could have healed. I’m not having that she’d have stayed away from Clarke. Transcendence feels like a major cop out, at least if they’d gone down the city of light route death wouldn’t be the end. Yet, this supposed higher being celestial plain couldn’t buy pass that. Further question what happens to them all when they die... Judge said they can’t procreate and won’t join them when they die. Seems a bit crappy.
i thought this too. transendence should have brought EVERYONE not just those alive at the end. the entire time FakeLexa was there i was expecting them to find a way to actually bring her back. was a lil disappointed but it was a nice ending
Couple of things: I agree to what you said about the dead transcending but they should clip in that those dead who are worthy of ascending will, so that the evil people that they have managed to kill would just stayed dead. Otherwise, what were all Clarke's sacrifices for. Then they'd show Abby, Kane, Jaha, Wells, Finn, Lexa, Lincoln, Jasper, Monty, Harper, Bellamy, Gabriel and Diyoza as to were they have ascended. So they would have somehow fulfilled the promise of "May We Meet Again". Emori was there, somewhat in the background but she's there. Madi chose to not come back, probably not entirely for Clarke's sake but for herself, too. She knows that if she came back, she would outlive all of them and since they cannot procreate she would be left alone. She probably was thinking that she doesn't want Clarke to finally die in the end, worrying about her. At least now, she knows that Madi is safe and happy and I believe Madi knows that, too. They prolly don't let them procreate after coming back because when they are put through the last test, it was supposed to be like a total upgrade, or downgrade if they had failed, for the whole race. No one can opt out. So it's like everyone should be in the next level and that's supposed to be the end of it. When they come back, it was just a bonus if that makes sense.
Ugh seeing clarke drawing on her floor overplayed with the very last scene of the show makes me cry seeing how far they all came. It hurts seeing some people not there but seeing how many of them survived and now just get to live everyone's either at peace and transcended or they're on sanctum with each other. May we meet again😭 also im happy they didn't make it too war/fighting heavy...for 7 seasons all they've ever done is fight to survive and have war after war...I really like who this final episode was them FINALLY choosing not to fight that they were the last bits of humanity.
For me, it just didn't feel right. I liked some parts of it, but the whole idea of "May we meet again" just didn't have closure. That was the main part of the show! I think it would have been a much more fulfilling ending if the dead got to transcend and we saw them again! It would have been very amazing if Bellamy decided not to transcend and when they all meet each other at the end Bellamy, Abby, and Lexa got a second chance to live with Clarke and that may we meet again would have had some closure. I think it would have been very emotional if those 3 characters and maybe Monty and Harper were seen again and Clarke hugged them all and then it ended.
No. It makes since that the dead didn’t transcend...because there dead. May we meet again wasn’t even the name of the episode but the theme was there. Clarke and her friends reunited and she got her happy ending.
FN Rnsm yes I do see what you mean and yes it does make sense, but it just bothers me that it was something they always said to the dead... this would have just been an opportunity to have closure with the dead. I do understand that the theme of may we meet again is there because all the main characters “who are alive” are together again and we’re meeting again so I’m somewhat satisfied with that
@@slushhusky2194 i disagree and i'm glad we finaly have a show that doesnt cheap out dead. A story doesnt always have a happy ending, and choices on the way to the end matter, especialy if they resulted in death.
@@stefan3597 but they did get a happy ending. I like how it wasn't so cliche if that is what you mean by seeing the dead again. But yea @Slush Husky I see what you mean I would have liked to see bel again too but bob has his own issues. I feel like in the time frame they did it in and the circumstances and restrictions they were given, This was an Amazing Season finale episode 100 of "The 100" if we have a prequel I bet Jason would blow us out of the water.
*read so many video comments, nobody comment about how emotional it is when Murphy met Emori in the mind field, i actually shed tears on that scene damn*
Honestly I was holding my breath without realizing it when Clarke was the last human alive and I was so scared that she was gonna be alone forever that I started crying tears of actual joy when her friends came back. Saved the whole finale for me. My incredibly mixed feelings on the season aside, I’m so grateful for this show and these characters.
I think the reason the flame was destroyed was so that the concept of casting a person for essentially every commander since Becca could be avoided. By the logic in this episode, both Emori and Murphy survived-you’ll transcend not if you’re alive, but as long as your consciousness is, and in turn, should you want to return from transcendence, you’ll be restored within your original body. With that being said, Emori existed because of her Mind Drive within Murphy, Murphy existed because of his shared consciousness with Emori. If Madi had the flame, all of the commanders, as all of their consciousnesses live on within the flame, would’ve been resurrected. That would have been QUITE the storyline for an 8th season back on earth lol.
I just finished watching this now. I'm happy clarke wasn't alone in the end but I cried for some reason. Thank God there are 7 Billion People in our world. The emotional toll it would take to think the human race is ending is too much. I would not want to be alive to have to bear that. Clarke maybe a fictional character but nobody is strong enough to see so much death. But it is scary how some of the cause of destroying the earth is here already like nuclear, learning to live in space and Artificial Intelligence. The ending of Emori and Murphy is also heart breaking. A love that started so naively. Let's love one another FOR ALL MANKIND.
I agree that in hindsight Bellamy's death was a poor choice storytelling-wise. But I definitely never had a problem with Lexa and Lincoln's deaths. To me those were deeply emotional and important moments which moved the plot forward. Lexa's death was most certainly necessary from a plot point of view, as if she stayed alive it would be difficult to do anything interesting with the Grounders -stuff like Wonkru would be difficult to make believable without a change in leadership, and the Commanders commanded for life in old Grounder culture. Lexa just had to die to move the plot forward, and I thought the writers did it well. Lincoln certainly didn't need to die, but I think his was a case of the writers prioritising one character over another -his death really contributed to Octavia's arc, and made her even more interesting than she already was. It pushed her towards Bloodreina. And again, I thought it was done beautifully. I cried manly tears at Lincoln's death.
Lexa's death was the product of lazy writting, hence the outraged it caused because her character had the stupidest, non heroic or even epic way to die. Alicya was commited to do both shows but the showrunner took the easy and lazy choice instead of having the writters do a better job. There a several shows that make the departure of an actor work by making it a natural progression of the story, Lexa's death wasn't the case. There's a reason the had to find a way to bring her back even if it wasn't her, they ending wouldn't have had any emotional impact without her presence because how much weight she has in Clarke's character and story.
@@nightnaughty Nah she wanted to leave, it would've been impossible for her to do both shows but I liked her death, it showed what happens when there is democracy in the world. Also, stuff like the conclave wouldn't have happened without. Anyways it was rlly good plot wise and it was sad. Bellamys was just horrible and everyone in the fandom can agree.
@@muzainahsaffdar5553 Alicya herself wanted to do both said in some interview long way back, but the showrunner didn't want to deal with de logistic, there was many other angles they could have taken with the character, as you can see they had to bring her back to have a some what decent finale because the show has been suffering from vas writting ever since her death. You can say that it was good plot wise but if they have follow that with a good writting maybe it wouldn't have suffer such backlash, never mind the poor execution of dying by accident, not fitting for her character at all.
The main issue with Lexa's death wasn't her death but the execution of how they did it. As SJnight said, having a super important character, a warrior and leader, on the 100 die by an accidental bullet was downright disrespectful to her character and the fans. It also didn't help that IMO, it wasn't the right time to kill her off story-wise. Ontari was very bland and removed all complexity from the grounder politics, while Pike was just annoying af. Lexa would have probably had to die for season 4 and 5 to work, but that could have happened at the end of season 3 or early in season 4 (or they'd have to do a whole coup storyline, so she's no longer a commander or sth) Lincoln most certainly, 100%, died because behind-the-scenes drama. The whole thing was very public, so there's no denying it. The execution was much, much better than the Lexa death though and it definitely made Octavia a better character. So I just wish it hadn't happened with all the bts drama
@@4Tom4lepus4 I researched season 3 about a week ago, and I ended up loving lexa even though I didnt like her the first time around and i see what you mean now.
I hated it because Clarke literally said that if Madi died she would have been lost everything, because she doesn't have her parents, her lover, so her daughter was the only one she cared the most alive, so it's so sad that after everything she did her end wasn't the happiest. Clarke deserved better, at the end of the day she lived without her dad, her mom, childhood friend (Wells), best friend for life (Bellamy), love of her life (Lexa) and daughter (Madi), a sad life
I actually cried SO hard during this episode! My babies are all grown up and finally at peace, they have been through so much, lost so many people, and they are finally able to rest 😭
No this ending was iconic! It was really what this series was all about. About sacrifices humans have to make for love and the bad choices that ensue, and the fighting that always happens between groups of humans that can only be stopped if one can unite the different groups of people.
It came out , they were writing the Bellamy scenes on the fly , they had scripts written and then found out they had to Bob for certain days & quickly wrote his death scene
I know people consider this a "happy" ending but is it really? Clarke is technically in the 100's version of purgatory. When she dies the others got to transcend and become immortal while Clarke will be gone forever. While it was very emotional to see Clarke's friends come to support her for the rest of her days it was still bittersweet knowing that that they will never ever transcend. For me, that left me very sad and empty. It makes sense that Clarke is the ONLY human that couldn't transcend. The 100 has always had Biblical allegories. Clarke's refusal to "repent" caused her ass to be "left behind". But even in the end Clarke still couldn't come to terms with all she's done. It's also ironic how "Lexa" repeated the very words to Clarke that Clarke once said to Lexa about "Blood must have blood!" Accept Clarke didn't learn from her own wisdom further justifying why she couldn't transcend. Pretty deep. BTW Ky Nicole I am going to miss your reactions. I don't always post comments but I always looked forward to your reactions. Between you, Fade of the Internet, and What The Geek you all were my absolute favorites! "May we meet again" for The Prequel!
@@Hervinbalfour Well, imo the ending is nice because it revolves around the whole central theme of the show, family, and what your willing to do for them. They gave up their ability to transcend and live forever so that they could be with Clarke, because they are all family. I think its beautiful
As morbid as this may sound, at least in death they get to reunite again. Transcendence isn't heaven; it's a version of immortality. We still don't know know what awaits after death but, seeing as how all their other friends and loved ones died without transcending, they'll get to join the ones they already lost.
can we just take a second and talk about how hard it must have been for clarke to see the love of her life again after she died over 100 years ago but its not really her? and the fact that she still loves her the most my heart- may we meet again
I need a few days to really process everything but the feeling I have right now is disappointment. When it comes to series finales what I want is to be emotionally satisfied even if the plot isn't properly resolved. Murphy and Emori were the only ones with a good end to their journey and maybe is because a big part of the finale and season was about their relationship, it didn’t feel rushed like pretty much everything else. I feel like half the episode was missing. Lexa came back, it was great to see her again but sadly it wasn’t really her and now I’m heart broken because Clexa endgame could have been written but the writers decided not to do it.
@ky nicole, I really like the way you react and comment on the episodes. Your voice is always low and calm even when I see that you are emotional or very angry. I love it! It is not like other yutubers who only know how to communicate by shouting and shouting. You are awesome!
In peace, may you leave this shore. In love, may you find the next. Safe passage on your travels, until our final journey to the ground. May we meet again.
I'm so glad u enjoyed the ending! I loved the ending minus Bellamy but once I went online, the hate this episode is getting is ridiculous, this is one of the best ending I've ever seen for a final. I'd give it a 9/10
I agree with you, I though the finale was going to be different ( because it's a sci-fi show ) but actually they chose to make it simple. Glad they came back with Clarke, she deserves to live happy after everything she has lost ( Life should be about more than just surviving)
I would have loved for Finn to be Clarke's tester. After he killed those people in Season 2, he felt so guilty and no longer wanted violence. He wanted to be a peacemaker. He was also the first person she killed, like up and personal, and she was literally haunted by him. That would have messed me up.
it was ok for Bellamy to believe in the transcendence but his blind following of the "shepherd" was just too hard to take.. he could have done more to try to get his friends to understand and unite them to a mutual goal.. the way Cardigan went about reaching the final war/test would have led to failing the test anyway.. he was a fanatic and did not have the right answers... LOVE is essential
The only change I would’ve made is this: 1. The Flame was repaired, retrieved and forcibly put back into Maddie’s head in an effort to retrieve the code that Caddogan wanted. 2. Because of that, Caddogan retrieved the code from Becca’s memories. But due to the deep deep memory it would’ve been, the same damage would’ve been done to Maddie anyways. 3. At the very end, since Lexa‘s soul would’ve lived on in the Flame, similar to how Emori’s did in Murphy’s head, that she also got revived (like how Emori did) and lived on Earth again with Clarke at the very end.
I was thinking the same thing! The ability for the dead to transcend, would have been complicated because then the writers had to bring back characters like Bellamy, Finn, Jaha, Kane, Lincoln, etc. or come up with a good reason why they would decide to stay in transcendence instead of being human with the people they love. Bringing back the flame would have at least given Clarke a happier ending. The other commanders don't have any reason to chose to live as a human, only Lexa has, so the writers wouldn't have to bring back 40 commanders or so. Overall I just have mixed feelings about the finale...
@@kynicole I'm just gonna pretend that after the Finale ended, Emori told Clarke about how she survived, Clarke then excitedly went back to Sanctum and got the pieces of the Flame, she then found tech on Bardo that put it back together and repaired it, the Alien came back and also decided to take all of the commanders too, and Lexa decided to stay behind with Clarke on Earth. XD
@@irisromaine1981 Well the Alien could've said that out of all the Commanders, only one had a reason to stay -- Lexa. And bringing her back would've made sense. They had the actress, they had the proper reasoning with Emori, and it would've only applied to those in the Flame since all of the other dead characters didn't have a mind drive and weren't connected to the Flame. It would've all made sense. :( WHY DID YOU NOT THINK OF THIS, JASON?!
My partner has subtitles on when we watched and when it came up with "Lexa" I almost screamed, and then I couldn't stop crying for a solid minute xD I'd been waiting for that since Madi took the flame.
Yeah, thinking back if the flame was never destroyed, all the commanders including lexa could have transcended and lexa could have came back to Clarke at the very end. And I think that Bellamy should have been Clarke’s judge. That ending would have been great with all of them including lexa returned
Only good thing about the finale is Lexa & everyone getting peace. But the whole idea of being judged by a unknown (Aliens?) & choosing that only transcendence is the way by which they can "do better" Is horrifying to me
22:40 I agree so much Murphy is the most developed character in the show he has come so far. I was thinking that to myself during that mind drive scene. So happy Murphy got a good ending.
To all the "Blarke" fans, I say this... I not only LOVED this ending, but as a mom myself and after seeing what Cadogan did to Madi, I now totally understand why Clarke killed Bellamy. If I thought someone was trying to harm my children, I would not HESITATE to take them down, even if that someone was my best friend-- no one is more important to me than my children. You have to be a parent yourself to understand that, though.
That isn't what bellarke fans don't understand. They dnt understand why the writers decided to make bellamy threaten clarkes kid at all. They dont understand why the writer decided to create this plot for bellamy
That’s exactly why you would fail the test just like Clarke. Taking your anger out on someone else even if they did harm you and break you is not the answer .
Jason confirmed that the beach Lexa was the real Lexa 🥺 and that she didn’t want to tell Clarke because she didn’t want to have her loose her over again
If it was the real lexa on the beach, why did she speak like the judge and say such words as species? Why wouldn't she want to return back to clarke, her soulmate, the one she loves and live the rest of her life with her when she could and had a chance to? I do not think it was the real lexa and jason lied, because in season 3 finale, lexa told clarke she would always be with her and yet the one chance they had of bringing them together again, it did not happen. Also it was told the dead could not transcend and lexa died and the flame was destroyed in season 6 even though madi still remembered. The happy ending would have been as it was but also for lexa to be returned to clarke and Bellamy returned for his sister and echo.
If you have all noticed when clark was drawing castle with the heaven and stars in the spaceship colony while she was in a locked room u can see clearly that she already knew she will be to that place to confront the spiritual being.
The writer absolutely spat on Bellamy's character. they treated him like he was some random side character and not like the second main character. so disgusting to see. The ending doesnt sit right with me when I know Bellamy could so easily be on that beach
Been putting off watching the final season because I knew it was the end, but I’m glad I did as it’s actually made me happy, seeing everyone get their happiness at the end, I only wish that more people would’ve survived/transcended and came back but either way, I’m satisfied. Now time to find another Series to devote my life too
the 100 series is the only series that i couldn't delete in my laptop since 2015 (where my classmate in college introduce me to) now it is the only series left on it. I didn't expect much of the ending because a lot of ending sucks. im just so happy that Lexa came back tho its not her consciousness, I still love it and my heart beats so fast the moment i hear her voice. i also specially love murphy hahaha he's like the overall survivor for me.
i did surprisingly really like the season finale considering i did not like the rest of season 7. i did not really ship lexa and clarke ever and it will probably stay that way just because i am a bellarke stan. i knew very well that this season bellamy and clarke together was not going to happen but i do think about how amazing that scene would've been if bellamy had shown up instead of lexa, just because i think we all at least deserved to see bellamy one last time considering how poorly his character had been treated this season but i am glad lexa was the one who showed up to knock some sense into clarke. i think it was written well with lexa being there. was an amazing ending and i loved it i am just so devastated about bellamy because he ended up being right about transcendence and he died for nothing, i also hate that most of the original characters are all there apart from him i think it felt weird having them all happy and living on earth again without him there. he was truly the heart of the show. and im glad that after this there are no more seasons or else it just wouldn't have been the same. anyway thats just my opinion you can like the comment if anyone agrees.
There's a interview of JR in which it is confirmed that it was lexa and judge...he said that you could moments when you can see lexa and moments you can clearly not
I agree! When they were in that galaxy platform you couldn't really recognize her, but during their walk on earth towards Clarke's friends, you could see so much of Lexa!
Did he really?? I honestly thought that too. The way she held herself just seemed like lexa. Like if it’s the judge the whole time, why does she have lexa’s mannerisms??
remember when bellamy said that transcendence felt warm and peaceful and they all called him crazy ;( it’s sad he was right after all and that’s all he wanted for his give them what they wanted, to stop the fighting. he was trying to save them all
Just wanted to say thank you for your incredible reactions from The 100! Right after watching the episode I would always go straight to your reactions to see what you thought about it. And the fact that we almost always thought the same made it even better. I'm gonna miss The 100 and all the characters, but your reactions too! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and emotions with us Nicole!
Anybody notice Clarke drawing something before the credits? It's from the pilot season Ep 1. In her jail cell, she is thinking about how the earth might be. It's quite bittersweet how they added that in there. I picked up on it notice not a lot of people on RUclips mentioned it.
i love much of what they did with season 7 but specifically i hated the supernatural element that totally came out of nowhere. it really does feel like a completely different show based on the ending. and i hated Bellamy's B.S. death
Just passing by. I don't watch the shows you reacted to lately and I kinda missed your videos haha. I'm thinking of watching the 100. Everybody must love that show for a reason.
@@leslieshE agreed, don't listen to them. The whole show is great. If anything push through the beginning. Cuz the first season starts out like a completely different show. It fully matures and gets better year by year though.
Lisera Ph well it depends, the first season is good but it’s more teeny, in my and most people’s opinion, season 2, 3 and 4 are the shows prime. Anyways, after season 5 the show REALLLLLLY changes, soooooo, it’s up to you, just’s not the greatest last season soooo...
Anyway, I'm so grateful for Alycia, she cares about the fans and came back for the finale, a queen Also I just noticed that today is her birthday! So happy bday alycia debnam-carey 💜😂
I am not afraid to say that I cried when I saw clarke hug lexa, even though it was not actually her but i think the ending would have also been even better had lexa returned to clarke to spend the rest of their lives together and bellamy returned to echo and O. It would have been more heart rendering too if they had clarke on the beach saying she did not want to be alone, then for lexa to say she wasn't and give that vulnerable smile that she gave clarke a couple of times in season 3, so that clarke knew it really was her and that she really was always going to be with her.
lexa was my queen and i was so happy to see alycia back i love her shes a babe. and i love that they got a happy ending. i wouldve liked to see what it looked like after you trancend tho
Clarke killed Cadogan and is not worthy of transcendence but if she didn’t kill Cadogan than Raven wouldn’t have stepped in to take the test and convince the “higher beings” that the human race was worthy of transcendence. If this chain of events didn’t happen in this order than humanly would have been eliminated. I would think that these superior “higher beings” would change their minds about Clarke too and let her transcend with everyone since this needed to happen or humanity would have been eliminated. The “higher beings” judging them make no sense to me.
Lexa and the other commanders didn't transcend because not only was the flame destroyed but also because Sheidheda killed them in the mindspace when Maddie was introduced to Sheidheda.
I thought I would be really disappointed by the series finale but I am kind of happy with it. What bothers me is that the human race will cease to exist after them so the entire show was, essentially, pointless. Anyway bringing back Alycia was the best decision Jason has made since I don't know when. She was the best part of the series finale. Great review girl!
Damn I’ve been so emotionally connected to this show and to see it end with all of these deaths... I know it was a happy ending but dude that took a toll on me. Rip Bellamy tho he deserves to be there.
I was also suprised to see a happy ending but i'm so glad we got one. This show was amazing and i'm sad to see it end. The last episode was beautiful and made me sob uncontrollably throughout the whole thing. Lastly, all I want to say is....May we meet again.
Other than poor writing all around, Bellamy's death was the most pointless of all. There was no honor, no may we meet again or saying that his fight was over. Nothing. Gabriel got the entire travellers passage. They could've had respect for Bob and the fans that have stuck by all these years. Jason refused to put his personal opinions aside. That along with Bob not being able to film as much. Just gave him the worst death this series has ever had. Jason even said it was written in last minute. The Bardoans had incredible technology, could've put him on ice asap. Not showing Bellamy but maybe somewhere mentioning it. And then letting him transcend with the rest. That would've been one to two extra scenes. At the very least like him standing in the distance, his loved ones remembering him and seeing his smile one last time. Them having a ceremony for him... Can anyone tell his death still pisses me off?😂😂😂
I've already watched the last episode but i cried watching this video. This show was my everything and i cried just because i told my mom "no this is the last episode its over".
Ok so was it the real lexa or just the judge? like would the judge close her eyes and hug clarke back and smile like that? maybe it wasent the real lexa but I wanna believe it somehow was
It wasn't but like the judge said they can feel Clarke's emotions and in that moment the judge felt Clarke's joy and love for Lexa even if she wasn't real.
Raven passed the test cause she’s a city of light community college scholar
raven didnt pass the test, octavia did. Raven just spoke to the judge and asked them for more time
@@sabrinahansen2112 nahh if it wasn't for raven everyone would be dead so give her some credits
y8940 raven didnt do anything Besides buying Them some time. Octavia was the one who stopped the war. Give her some credits haha
Clarke killed the baddie like she always does.
Raven used her brains and determination to save the day like she always does.
Octavia brought warring clans together like she always does.
3 queens.
Bellamy was not the enemy😡 why she have too kill him!😭😢
You forgot about Indra the true one
Clacks is dumb and wack asf. Worst character in the show. The other two are amazing.
Who the f*** is baddie
The end is still kinda sad, honestly. They’re the end of the human race at the end of the day. They can’t procreate, so regardless of how this goes, humans end after them.
Watch again, in the last scene you can see that was in Clark head (she draw that in cell) 💔🕊️
True, but the human race itself is still 'alive' and well as they all transcended. So yes, humans end on Earth, but forever live in some sort of conscious state with immortality and no pain.
@@MS-iq6jh they might as well be just chilling in space as glowing lights. Why would you want that?
@@Madika92 I honestly don't know. None of us really can because we will never be there and plus, it's a show. I guess they just found the higher consciousness appealing. To join a universal consciousness. I don't know why transcendence was so valued.
ThreeOfSevens and Clarke lost her daughter and Bellamy is dead
When Indra killed Shiedheda I couldn’t help but yell “PERIODT”
he could die better. This is like Jason just.. deleted him.. same for Cadogan
@@Daesma999 I agree but also I was like "Finally, they had to go, like, yesterday"
I deserved better
@@Daesma999 Cadogan should have died a gruesome death considering what he did to Becca. Getting shot up by Clarke wasn't satisfying at all. Yeah he died but he deserved much worse.
@@nappyheadedbastard1498 Yeah.. you did. I liked you, actually.
When I heard and saw Lexa I started crying and literally shaking I was so happy and excited
i yelled . and my dad came out to say stfu . lolz love life
That’s some sad shit hahaha. It’s just a show.
She’s so great. So happy I get to watch her in Fear The Walking Dead
SheepdogColumbus are you a lesbian?
Don't care how it ended, just cared about seeing lexa at the end of all this.
That's literally the only reason I came back. I skipped a few episodes this season because I got bored, but when I saw that Lexa was back I had to see it.
@Krystian L how do you guys see season 7?
@Krystian L there is no season 7 on netflix wtf lol
@@exprain there is
@@nephta99 what country?
I’m happy Clexa shippers got something but, my heart is shattered that Bellamy wasn’t there😢
same. I've been going through the great depression for the past 24 hours
Its really a shame that they didn't have him appear with the rest. That would have made up for the way he was so unceremoniously killed off.
everything Bellamy did for the whole series was suffer.... and for nothing... I really hate this show.
i’m not even a bellamy stan but it hurt when he wasn’t there with his family in the end :(
That's our Clarke, begin a trend setter, the first to murder during the Test.
She’s UNIQUE 💅🏻
I woke up today and saw Alycia's post and I immediately cried. I know it is not the "real" Lexa but that meant so much to me. I really don't care is she real or not just seeing her made me fucking happy.
Same, seeing her again after 4 years made me so happy, I was so happy.
What was Alycias post I'm not aloud to have that kind of stuff so I couldn't see it
@@haileyjames6075 She posted on twitter how she couldn't leave her fans hanging and it was an honor to show up in the finale. Basically thanked the cast crew, and all the fans of the show.
What do you mean by not the real Lexa ?
@@peakyblinders372 It was someone who took the form of Lexa but it wasn't actually Lexa, the one Clarke loved.
octavia and raven are literal heroes. they saved everyone
definitely, you could say Clarke and bell saved them, but the science is the most important, raven saved them.
I just wanted to see Bellamy again:(
What an ending to a show I've been watching for 7 years. I have been watching this show since I was a high school senior and now I'm out of college. While I'm split on Season 7 as a whole, I'll take this as a happy ending.
man they should of just did city of light
they had no freewill in city of light, memories, or any of that good stuff.
Transendence is like heaven. The city of light wasnt anything like that. No free will, no control over your own memory's and life.
Stefan except in heaven you get your dead friends/family back . . .and your future grandkids, great grandkids etc. .. humanity is OVER with this ending
@@Vialle1014 no, humanity will live infinitely. Just in a different realm
i was one of those who were clowning on twitter, and hoping and praying that lexa would come back, and i've never been so happy to be right. i cried so much honestly. i started watching in season 2, before lexa was introduced and she just captured my heart and became one of my all time favorite character. and then she died in such horrible disrespectful way and i was devastated. the worst part was people belittling clarke and lexas relationship and describing it as a phase in clarkes life and as a stepping stone for bellarke. so to have it confirmed that lexa is the love of clarkes life and that their love was real and so special, was great and i know thats why alycia wanted to come back.
When I heard Lexa's voice i almost had a heart attack.
Sameee loved it
Anyone else get the feeling that this season was rushed ?
Yes and no. It could have been done better but I have experienced worse series finales. TVD I am looking at you.
most of those characters died quickly , so.. yes
Yes, they just wrote off Bellamy then made a crappy ending where he wasn’t there and it was so disappointing
Nope. I love the ending, only hope Diyoza get to live 🥰. It's bittersweet happy ending. I've read comments with dark endings. And I'm happy the writers didn't chose that path. Transcendence would lose its meaning if humans can have offspring, since they've already passed the test and went on to the next level. So yeah, that part I understood too. 🥰
I feel like everyone even the dead should have transcended. The show put the entire emphasise on May we Meet Again and yet they don’t meet again. Just imagine if Bellamy, Abby, Kane, Lexa hell even Finn all chose to come back. Or they could have made it were the dead couldn’t come back but they still transcended and the judge could have told Clarke that Bellamy was with Madi. I did think when the judge turned up that Lexa had been revived and that Clarke was going to be alone with Lexa until they died, failing that i was holding out for a surprise Bellamy appearance and they were left as the last two people on Earth. I don’t know how I feel about the ending honestly. It was happy, they all deserve that. Though it feels lacking. Also I’m not 100% sure but I think Emori was there. I know she was in the mind drive but her body was dead, so how’d she come back at the end? Surely if she can heal her body then Madi’s could have healed. I’m not having that she’d have stayed away from Clarke. Transcendence feels like a major cop out, at least if they’d gone down the city of light route death wouldn’t be the end. Yet, this supposed higher being celestial plain couldn’t buy pass that. Further question what happens to them all when they die... Judge said they can’t procreate and won’t join them when they die. Seems a bit crappy.
i thought this too. transendence should have brought EVERYONE not just those alive at the end. the entire time FakeLexa was there i was expecting them to find a way to actually bring her back. was a lil disappointed but it was a nice ending
Well... not really. It defeats the purpose of the whole show. Imagine the dark commander transcending or the evil queen, hope’s dad.
Couple of things:
I agree to what you said about the dead transcending but they should clip in that those dead who are worthy of ascending will, so that the evil people that they have managed to kill would just stayed dead. Otherwise, what were all Clarke's sacrifices for. Then they'd show Abby, Kane, Jaha, Wells, Finn, Lexa, Lincoln, Jasper, Monty, Harper, Bellamy, Gabriel and Diyoza as to were they have ascended. So they would have somehow fulfilled the promise of "May We Meet Again".
Emori was there, somewhat in the background but she's there.
Madi chose to not come back, probably not entirely for Clarke's sake but for herself, too. She knows that if she came back, she would outlive all of them and since they cannot procreate she would be left alone. She probably was thinking that she doesn't want Clarke to finally die in the end, worrying about her. At least now, she knows that Madi is safe and happy and I believe Madi knows that, too.
They prolly don't let them procreate after coming back because when they are put through the last test, it was supposed to be like a total upgrade, or downgrade if they had failed, for the whole race. No one can opt out. So it's like everyone should be in the next level and that's supposed to be the end of it. When they come back, it was just a bonus if that makes sense.
Madi choose not to return because there would be no other people her age to love...
Ugh seeing clarke drawing on her floor overplayed with the very last scene of the show makes me cry seeing how far they all came. It hurts seeing some people not there but seeing how many of them survived and now just get to live everyone's either at peace and transcended or they're on sanctum with each other. May we meet again😭 also im happy they didn't make it too war/fighting heavy...for 7 seasons all they've ever done is fight to survive and have war after war...I really like who this final episode was them FINALLY choosing not to fight that they were the last bits of humanity.
Alyssa J on earth at the end. It is amazing how far they all came
For me, it just didn't feel right. I liked some parts of it, but the whole idea of "May we meet again" just didn't have closure. That was the main part of the show! I think it would have been a much more fulfilling ending if the dead got to transcend and we saw them again! It would have been very amazing if Bellamy decided not to transcend and when they all meet each other at the end Bellamy, Abby, and Lexa got a second chance to live with Clarke and that may we meet again would have had some closure. I think it would have been very emotional if those 3 characters and maybe Monty and Harper were seen again and Clarke hugged them all and then it ended.
No. It makes since that the dead didn’t transcend...because there dead. May we meet again wasn’t even the name of the episode but the theme was there. Clarke and her friends reunited and she got her happy ending.
well, I think they could have done more with Bellamy if they wanted to. But i heard he had this injury which prevented him from joining the set.
FN Rnsm yes I do see what you mean and yes it does make sense, but it just bothers me that it was something they always said to the dead... this would have just been an opportunity to have closure with the dead. I do understand that the theme of may we meet again is there because all the main characters “who are alive” are together again and we’re meeting again so I’m somewhat satisfied with that
@@slushhusky2194 i disagree and i'm glad we finaly have a show that doesnt cheap out dead. A story doesnt always have a happy ending, and choices on the way to the end matter, especialy if they resulted in death.
@@stefan3597 but they did get a happy ending. I like how it wasn't so cliche if that is what you mean by seeing the dead again. But yea @Slush Husky I see what you mean I would have liked to see bel again too but bob has his own issues. I feel like in the time frame they did it in and the circumstances and restrictions they were given, This was an Amazing Season finale episode 100 of "The 100" if we have a prequel I bet Jason would blow us out of the water.
*read so many video comments, nobody comment about how emotional it is when Murphy met Emori in the mind field, i actually shed tears on that scene damn*
So did she come back or what? I don't understand???
@@Madika92 Yes! They both transcended and both return to be with Clarke. You can barely see her but she is there
Then why didnt Madi come back??
@@caitlinyule7280 coz no teenage boys for her to f lol
@@caitlinyule7280 they literally explained it in the show lmao
Honestly I was holding my breath without realizing it when Clarke was the last human alive and I was so scared that she was gonna be alone forever that I started crying tears of actual joy when her friends came back.
Saved the whole finale for me. My incredibly mixed feelings on the season aside, I’m so grateful for this show and these characters.
I think the reason the flame was destroyed was so that the concept of casting a person for essentially every commander since Becca could be avoided.
By the logic in this episode, both Emori and Murphy survived-you’ll transcend not if you’re alive, but as long as your consciousness is, and in turn, should you want to return from transcendence, you’ll be restored within your original body.
With that being said, Emori existed because of her Mind Drive within Murphy, Murphy existed because of his shared consciousness with Emori.
If Madi had the flame, all of the commanders, as all of their consciousnesses live on within the flame, would’ve been resurrected. That would have been QUITE the storyline for an 8th season back on earth lol.
I just finished watching this now. I'm happy clarke wasn't alone in the end but I cried for some reason. Thank God there are 7 Billion People in our world. The emotional toll it would take to think the human race is ending is too much. I would not want to be alive to have to bear that. Clarke maybe a fictional character but nobody is strong enough to see so much death. But it is scary how some of the cause of destroying the earth is here already like nuclear, learning to live in space and Artificial Intelligence. The ending of Emori and Murphy is also heart breaking. A love that started so naively. Let's love one another FOR ALL MANKIND.
I agree that in hindsight Bellamy's death was a poor choice storytelling-wise. But I definitely never had a problem with Lexa and Lincoln's deaths. To me those were deeply emotional and important moments which moved the plot forward.
Lexa's death was most certainly necessary from a plot point of view, as if she stayed alive it would be difficult to do anything interesting with the Grounders -stuff like Wonkru would be difficult to make believable without a change in leadership, and the Commanders commanded for life in old Grounder culture. Lexa just had to die to move the plot forward, and I thought the writers did it well.
Lincoln certainly didn't need to die, but I think his was a case of the writers prioritising one character over another -his death really contributed to Octavia's arc, and made her even more interesting than she already was. It pushed her towards Bloodreina. And again, I thought it was done beautifully. I cried manly tears at Lincoln's death.
Lexa's death was the product of lazy writting, hence the outraged it caused because her character had the stupidest, non heroic or even epic way to die. Alicya was commited to do both shows but the showrunner took the easy and lazy choice instead of having the writters do a better job. There a several shows that make the departure of an actor work by making it a natural progression of the story, Lexa's death wasn't the case. There's a reason the had to find a way to bring her back even if it wasn't her, they ending wouldn't have had any emotional impact without her presence because how much weight she has in Clarke's character and story.
@@nightnaughty Nah she wanted to leave, it would've been impossible for her to do both shows but I liked her death, it showed what happens when there is democracy in the world. Also, stuff like the conclave wouldn't have happened without. Anyways it was rlly good plot wise and it was sad. Bellamys was just horrible and everyone in the fandom can agree.
@@muzainahsaffdar5553 Alicya herself wanted to do both said in some interview long way back, but the showrunner didn't want to deal with de logistic, there was many other angles they could have taken with the character, as you can see they had to bring her back to have a some what decent finale because the show has been suffering from vas writting ever since her death. You can say that it was good plot wise but if they have follow that with a good writting maybe it wouldn't have suffer such backlash, never mind the poor execution of dying by accident, not fitting for her character at all.
The main issue with Lexa's death wasn't her death but the execution of how they did it. As SJnight said, having a super important character, a warrior and leader, on the 100 die by an accidental bullet was downright disrespectful to her character and the fans. It also didn't help that IMO, it wasn't the right time to kill her off story-wise. Ontari was very bland and removed all complexity from the grounder politics, while Pike was just annoying af. Lexa would have probably had to die for season 4 and 5 to work, but that could have happened at the end of season 3 or early in season 4 (or they'd have to do a whole coup storyline, so she's no longer a commander or sth)
Lincoln most certainly, 100%, died because behind-the-scenes drama. The whole thing was very public, so there's no denying it. The execution was much, much better than the Lexa death though and it definitely made Octavia a better character. So I just wish it hadn't happened with all the bts drama
@@4Tom4lepus4 I researched season 3 about a week ago, and I ended up loving lexa even though I didnt like her the first time around and i see what you mean now.
I hated it because Clarke literally said that if Madi died she would have been lost everything, because she doesn't have her parents, her lover, so her daughter was the only one she cared the most alive, so it's so sad that after everything she did her end wasn't the happiest. Clarke deserved better, at the end of the day she lived without her dad, her mom, childhood friend (Wells), best friend for life (Bellamy), love of her life (Lexa) and daughter (Madi), a sad life
I actually cried SO hard during this episode! My babies are all grown up and finally at peace, they have been through so much, lost so many people, and they are finally able to rest 😭
No this ending was iconic! It was really what this series was all about. About sacrifices humans have to make for love and the bad choices that ensue, and the fighting that always happens between groups of humans that can only be stopped if one can unite the different groups of people.
It came out , they were writing the Bellamy scenes on the fly , they had scripts written and then found out they had to Bob for certain days & quickly wrote his death scene
I know people consider this a "happy" ending but is it really? Clarke is technically in the 100's version of purgatory. When she dies the others got to transcend and become immortal while Clarke will be gone forever. While it was very emotional to see Clarke's friends come to support her for the rest of her days it was still bittersweet knowing that that they will never ever transcend. For me, that left me very sad and empty. It makes sense that Clarke is the ONLY human that couldn't transcend. The 100 has always had Biblical allegories. Clarke's refusal to "repent" caused her ass to be "left behind". But even in the end Clarke still couldn't come to terms with all she's done. It's also ironic how "Lexa" repeated the very words to Clarke that Clarke once said to Lexa about "Blood must have blood!" Accept Clarke didn't learn from her own wisdom further justifying why she couldn't transcend. Pretty deep.
BTW Ky Nicole I am going to miss your reactions. I don't always post comments but I always looked forward to your reactions. Between you, Fade of the Internet, and What The Geek you all were my absolute favorites! "May we meet again" for The Prequel!
No they don’t get to go back
She said they won’t join us wen they die Nd that’s y she said none of them seem to care
@@eli2cose29 I just rewatched it and you are correct!
@@Hervinbalfour Well, imo the ending is nice because it revolves around the whole central theme of the show, family, and what your willing to do for them. They gave up their ability to transcend and live forever so that they could be with Clarke, because they are all family. I think its beautiful
As morbid as this may sound, at least in death they get to reunite again. Transcendence isn't heaven; it's a version of immortality. We still don't know know what awaits after death but, seeing as how all their other friends and loved ones died without transcending, they'll get to join the ones they already lost.
Finally a happy ending. No more Clans, no more Wonkru, no more Commanders. All is well forever!
can we just take a second and talk about how hard it must have been for clarke to see the love of her life again after she died over 100 years ago but its not really her?
and the fact that she still loves her the most my heart-
may we meet again
I need a few days to really process everything but the feeling I have right now is disappointment. When it comes to series finales what I want is to be emotionally satisfied even if the plot isn't properly resolved. Murphy and Emori were the only ones with a good end to their journey and maybe is because a big part of the finale and season was about their relationship, it didn’t feel rushed like pretty much everything else. I feel like half the episode was missing.
Lexa came back, it was great to see her again but sadly it wasn’t really her and now I’m heart broken because Clexa endgame could have been written but the writers decided not to do it.
Did Emori come back though?
@@Madika92 Some people saw her in the final scenes. I didn't
@ky nicole, I really like the way you react and comment on the episodes. Your voice is always low and calm even when I see that you are emotional or very angry. I love it! It is not like other yutubers who only know how to communicate by shouting and shouting. You are awesome!
In peace, may you leave this shore. In love, may you find the next. Safe passage on your travels, until our final journey to the ground. May we meet again.
“ I honestly forgot he existed.” Lmaooooo
what timestamp?
We wait 4 seasons to see again Lexa!! Nothing else matters ❤️
I'm so glad u enjoyed the ending! I loved the ending minus Bellamy but once I went online, the hate this episode is getting is ridiculous, this is one of the best ending I've ever seen for a final. I'd give it a 9/10
I agree with you, I though the finale was going to be different ( because it's a sci-fi show ) but actually they chose to make it simple. Glad they came back with Clarke, she deserves to live happy after everything she has lost ( Life should be about more than just surviving)
I’m so heartbroken that it’s really over, it’s been a good 4 years with this show :(
even tho it wasn't lexa, at some moments you could tell lexa was there
I would have loved for Finn to be Clarke's tester. After he killed those people in Season 2, he felt so guilty and no longer wanted violence. He wanted to be a peacemaker. He was also the first person she killed, like up and personal, and she was literally haunted by him. That would have messed me up.
Omg your face is everything when you hear Lexa. Octavia reunited Wonkru again and I'm happy about it
it was ok for Bellamy to believe in the transcendence but his blind following of the "shepherd" was just too hard to take.. he could have done more to try to get his friends to understand and unite them to a mutual goal.. the way Cardigan went about reaching the final war/test would have led to failing the test anyway.. he was a fanatic and did not have the right answers... LOVE is essential
I honestly really really liked this ending. I cried so much while watching it lol, I can’t believe it’s over.
The only change I would’ve made is this:
1. The Flame was repaired, retrieved and forcibly put back into Maddie’s head in an effort to retrieve the code that Caddogan wanted.
2. Because of that, Caddogan retrieved the code from Becca’s memories. But due to the deep deep memory it would’ve been, the same damage would’ve been done to Maddie anyways.
3. At the very end, since Lexa‘s soul would’ve lived on in the Flame, similar to how Emori’s did in Murphy’s head, that she also got revived (like how Emori did) and lived on Earth again with Clarke at the very end.
That would’ve been amazing! And it could’ve easily been done without changing the rest of the story!
I was thinking the same thing! The ability for the dead to transcend, would have been complicated because then the writers had to bring back characters like Bellamy, Finn, Jaha, Kane, Lincoln, etc. or come up with a good reason why they would decide to stay in transcendence instead of being human with the people they love. Bringing back the flame would have at least given Clarke a happier ending. The other commanders don't have any reason to chose to live as a human, only Lexa has, so the writers wouldn't have to bring back 40 commanders or so. Overall I just have mixed feelings about the finale...
@@kynicole I'm just gonna pretend that after the Finale ended, Emori told Clarke about how she survived, Clarke then excitedly went back to Sanctum and got the pieces of the Flame, she then found tech on Bardo that put it back together and repaired it, the Alien came back and also decided to take all of the commanders too, and Lexa decided to stay behind with Clarke on Earth. XD
@@irisromaine1981 Well the Alien could've said that out of all the Commanders, only one had a reason to stay -- Lexa. And bringing her back would've made sense. They had the actress, they had the proper reasoning with Emori, and it would've only applied to those in the Flame since all of the other dead characters didn't have a mind drive and weren't connected to the Flame. It would've all made sense. :( WHY DID YOU NOT THINK OF THIS, JASON?!
My partner has subtitles on when we watched and when it came up with "Lexa" I almost screamed, and then I couldn't stop crying for a solid minute xD I'd been waiting for that since Madi took the flame.
Yeah, thinking back if the flame was never destroyed, all the commanders including lexa could have transcended and lexa could have came back to Clarke at the very end. And I think that Bellamy should have been Clarke’s judge. That ending would have been great with all of them including lexa returned
Only good thing about the finale is Lexa & everyone getting peace.
But the whole idea of being judged by a unknown (Aliens?) & choosing that only transcendence is the way by which they can "do better" Is horrifying to me
22:40 I agree so much Murphy is the most developed character in the show he has come so far.
I was thinking that to myself during that mind drive scene. So happy Murphy got a good ending.
@Flower8 yes she did you can literally see her at the end
Murphy and Octavia had the best development and nobody can convince me otherwise!
To all the "Blarke" fans, I say this... I not only LOVED this ending, but as a mom myself and after seeing what Cadogan did to Madi, I now totally understand why Clarke killed Bellamy. If I thought someone was trying to harm my children, I would not HESITATE to take them down, even if that someone was my best friend-- no one is more important to me than my children. You have to be a parent yourself to understand that, though.
That isn't what bellarke fans don't understand. They dnt understand why the writers decided to make bellamy threaten clarkes kid at all. They dont understand why the writer decided to create this plot for bellamy
That’s exactly why you would fail the test just like Clarke. Taking your anger out on someone else even if they did harm you and break you is not the answer .
Jason confirmed that the beach Lexa was the real Lexa 🥺 and that she didn’t want to tell Clarke because she didn’t want to have her loose her over again
You can see it in her face
If it was the real lexa on the beach, why did she speak like the judge and say such words as species? Why wouldn't she want to return back to clarke, her soulmate, the one she loves and live the rest of her life with her when she could and had a chance to? I do not think it was the real lexa and jason lied, because in season 3 finale, lexa told clarke she would always be with her and yet the one chance they had of bringing them together again, it did not happen. Also it was told the dead could not transcend and lexa died and the flame was destroyed in season 6 even though madi still remembered. The happy ending would have been as it was but also for lexa to be returned to clarke and Bellamy returned for his sister and echo.
If you have all noticed when clark was drawing castle with the heaven and stars in the spaceship colony while she was in a locked room u can see clearly that she already knew she will be to that place to confront the spiritual being.
Bellamy legit could've taken Levitt's role in this ending and his death would've been more impactful I feel, I did like the ending though surpisingly
I'm a grown-ass man but man when I saw my Lexa I couldn't stop the tears.
Clexa was endgame after all.
The writer absolutely spat on Bellamy's character. they treated him like he was some random side character and not like the second main character. so disgusting to see. The ending doesnt sit right with me when I know Bellamy could so easily be on that beach
I wasn't a huge fan of Clexa but even I was shaking when I saw her and Clarke together lmao
Been putting off watching the final season because I knew it was the end, but I’m glad I did as it’s actually made me happy, seeing everyone get their happiness at the end, I only wish that more people would’ve survived/transcended and came back but either way, I’m satisfied. Now time to find another Series to devote my life too
the 100 series is the only series that i couldn't delete in my laptop since 2015 (where my classmate in college introduce me to) now it is the only series left on it. I didn't expect much of the ending because a lot of ending sucks. im just so happy that Lexa came back tho its not her consciousness, I still love it and my heart beats so fast the moment i hear her voice. i also specially love murphy hahaha he's like the overall survivor for me.
Watching this now and still crying over Lexa yes that's me
i did surprisingly really like the season finale considering i did not like the rest of season 7. i did not really ship lexa and clarke ever and it will probably stay that way just because i am a bellarke stan. i knew very well that this season bellamy and clarke together was not going to happen but i do think about how amazing that scene would've been if bellamy had shown up instead of lexa, just because i think we all at least deserved to see bellamy one last time considering how poorly his character had been treated this season but i am glad lexa was the one who showed up to knock some sense into clarke. i think it was written well with lexa being there.
was an amazing ending and i loved it i am just so devastated about bellamy because he ended up being right about transcendence and he died for nothing, i also hate that most of the original characters are all there apart from him i think it felt weird having them all happy and living on earth again without him there. he was truly the heart of the show. and im glad that after this there are no more seasons or else it just wouldn't have been the same. anyway thats just my opinion you can like the comment if anyone agrees.
There's a interview of JR in which it is confirmed that it was lexa and judge...he said that you could moments when you can see lexa and moments you can clearly not
I agree! When they were in that galaxy platform you couldn't really recognize her, but during their walk on earth towards Clarke's friends, you could see so much of Lexa!
Did he really?? I honestly thought that too. The way she held herself just seemed like lexa. Like if it’s the judge the whole time, why does she have lexa’s mannerisms??
honestly everything you said is exactly what i feel, may we meet again ❤️
remember when bellamy said that transcendence felt warm and peaceful and they all called him crazy ;( it’s sad he was right after all and that’s all he wanted for his give them what they wanted, to stop the fighting. he was trying to save them all
I love you so much and your commentary on the 100 has been amazing. Our fight is over but i will continue to follow you.
Feeling a lot of Post show depression after this one man 😞
Just wanted to say thank you for your incredible reactions from The 100! Right after watching the episode I would always go straight to your reactions to see what you thought about it. And the fact that we almost always thought the same made it even better. I'm gonna miss The 100 and all the characters, but your reactions too! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and emotions with us Nicole!
Anybody notice Clarke drawing something before the credits? It's from the pilot season Ep 1. In her jail cell, she is thinking about how the earth might be. It's quite bittersweet how they added that in there. I picked up on it notice not a lot of people on RUclips mentioned it.
I really enjoyed your reaction! Omg. this episode made me look at the entire series differently. yasss
This is really one of the few shows left with a good ending
Bellamy, Lexa, Lincoln, and Finn those deaths were unfortunate at least I think so.
Your face when they showed “Lexa” was the exact same as mine. I bawled like a fucking baby.
i've never been this excited for a reaction video EVER
i love much of what they did with season 7 but specifically i hated the supernatural element that totally came out of nowhere. it really does feel like a completely different show based on the ending. and i hated Bellamy's B.S. death
Just passing by. I don't watch the shows you reacted to lately and I kinda missed your videos haha. I'm thinking of watching the 100. Everybody must love that show for a reason.
Lisera Ph stop watching at season 5. Please. It’s a great show but season 7 mustn’t be recognized.
@@reinaortiz6057 That bad ? 😂
@@leslieshE dont listen to them lol, watch the whole thing its amazing
@@leslieshE agreed, don't listen to them. The whole show is great. If anything push through the beginning. Cuz the first season starts out like a completely different show. It fully matures and gets better year by year though.
Lisera Ph well it depends, the first season is good but it’s more teeny, in my and most people’s opinion, season 2, 3 and 4 are the shows prime. Anyways, after season 5 the show REALLLLLLY changes, soooooo, it’s up to you, just’s not the greatest last season soooo...
You said everything what I wanted to say as well. Thank you for such an amazing reaction! ❤️
Anyway, I'm so grateful for Alycia, she cares about the fans and came back for the finale, a queen
Also I just noticed that today is her birthday! So happy bday alycia debnam-carey 💜😂
I will miss the 100..😥😥😥
Was waiting for your reaction I knew you’d cry when Lexa came on screen!!!
I am not afraid to say that I cried when I saw clarke hug lexa, even though it was not actually her but i think the ending would have also been even better had lexa returned to clarke to spend the rest of their lives together and bellamy returned to echo and O. It would have been more heart rendering too if they had clarke on the beach saying she did not want to be alone, then for lexa to say she wasn't and give that vulnerable smile that she gave clarke a couple of times in season 3, so that clarke knew it really was her and that she really was always going to be with her.
if the flame hadn’t got shot lexa could’ve transcended and came back to clarke at the end
I don't care what you thought of the rest of the season, this episode makes the whole 7 years worth it. Loved this episode
lexa was my queen and i was so happy to see alycia back i love her shes a babe. and i love that they got a happy ending. i wouldve liked to see what it looked like after you trancend tho
It’s amazing am a little bitter about writing in the past espisodes sad bc it ended happy lexa show up and great
Can’t they go back to bardo and start the human race over with pod babies
wouldn’t they need fertile eggs and sperm for that though, and it seems as if they are all not fertile since they can’t reproduce.
Davina Reed wanheda
Clarke killed Cadogan and is not worthy of transcendence but if she didn’t kill Cadogan than Raven wouldn’t have stepped in to take the test and convince the “higher beings” that the human race was worthy of transcendence. If this chain of events didn’t happen in this order than humanly would have been eliminated. I would think that these superior “higher beings” would change their minds about Clarke too and let her transcend with everyone since this needed to happen or humanity would have been eliminated. The “higher beings” judging them make no sense to me.
Busted up laughing when clark put a bullet in Bellamy ... Made the whole show worth it
Lexa and the other commanders didn't transcend because not only was the flame destroyed but also because Sheidheda killed them in the mindspace when Maddie was introduced to Sheidheda.
you need to teach me how to stay so composed i literally lost my SHIT watching lexa's return bahahah
I thought I would be really disappointed by the series finale but I am kind of happy with it. What bothers me is that the human race will cease to exist after them so the entire show was, essentially, pointless.
Anyway bringing back Alycia was the best decision Jason has made since I don't know when. She was the best part of the series finale. Great review girl!
At the end I literally just yelled: what in the dark crystal
Damn I’ve been so emotionally connected to this show and to see it end with all of these deaths... I know it was a happy ending but dude that took a toll on me. Rip Bellamy tho he deserves to be there.
I was also suprised to see a happy ending but i'm so glad we got one. This show was amazing and i'm sad to see it end. The last episode was beautiful and made me sob uncontrollably throughout the whole thing. Lastly, all I want to say is....May we meet again.
Other than poor writing all around, Bellamy's death was the most pointless of all. There was no honor, no may we meet again or saying that his fight was over. Nothing. Gabriel got the entire travellers passage. They could've had respect for Bob and the fans that have stuck by all these years. Jason refused to put his personal opinions aside. That along with Bob not being able to film as much. Just gave him the worst death this series has ever had. Jason even said it was written in last minute. The Bardoans had incredible technology, could've put him on ice asap. Not showing Bellamy but maybe somewhere mentioning it. And then letting him transcend with the rest. That would've been one to two extra scenes. At the very least like him standing in the distance, his loved ones remembering him and seeing his smile one last time. Them having a ceremony for him... Can anyone tell his death still pisses me off?😂😂😂
well, that's it's been a long ....mehh but also quite a fun ride. Hope we get to see a sequel and on that note....
I've already watched the last episode but i cried watching this video. This show was my everything and i cried just because i told my mom "no this is the last episode its over".
It’s official, the 100 is the best show of all time
Ok so was it the real lexa or just the judge? like would the judge close her eyes and hug clarke back and smile like that? maybe it wasent the real lexa but I wanna believe it somehow was
It wasn't but like the judge said they can feel Clarke's emotions and in that moment the judge felt Clarke's joy and love for Lexa even if she wasn't real.
I cried this show really helped a lot with my anxiety