Gershwin: I got plenty o’nuttin ∙ Musa Ngqungwana ∙ Andrés Orozco-Estrada

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 33

  • @arturolpc3593
    @arturolpc3593 3 года назад +9

    I got a childhood. I heard and sang Gershwin at home and at school. I always had a song and sang and cried Gershwin. Then I grew up, and still now.. I got a childhood, I got a gal, I got my Lawd, I got this soooong!!! Yeah!

  • @Dylonely_9274
    @Dylonely_9274 Год назад +4

    I love this song.

  • @goldencheese7247
    @goldencheese7247 3 года назад +18

    Amazing Voice, like a well cured oak barrel waiting for the nex batch of wine to be poured into it.

  • @dennispearson9287
    @dennispearson9287 4 года назад +8

    An ABSOLUTELY PERFECT 👌 RENDERING !!! The Tempo For This Piece ( Which Oftentimes is Usually Much to Rushed and Hurried ) Was Also ABSOLUTELY PERFECT !!!

  • @justmusic822
    @justmusic822 4 года назад +9

    Proudly South African!

  • @novellmusicmedia6895
    @novellmusicmedia6895 5 лет назад +7

    Beautiful voice

  • @ДоминикБолтовский-ю6л

    I got plenty of nuttin'
    And nuttin's plenty for me
    I got no car, got no mule, and I got no misery
    The folks with plenty of plenty
    Gotta have a lock on the door
    'Fraid sombody's a-goin' to rob 'em
    While they's out a-makin' more
    What for?
    I got no lock on the door
    That's no way to be
    They can steal the rug from the floor
    That's okay with me
    'Cause the things that I prize
    Like the stars in the skies
    Are all free
    Oh, I got plenty of nuttin'
    Nuttin's plenty for me
    I got my gal, and got my song
    Got Hebben the whole day long
    Got my gal, got my Lawd, got my song
    I got plenty of nuttin'
    Nuttin's plenty for me
    I've got the sun, and I got the moon
    And I got the deep blue sea
    Before with plenty of plenty
    Got to pray all the day
    Seems with plenty
    That you sure got to worry
    How to keep the devil away
    I ain't a frettin' 'bout hell
    'Til the time arrives
    Never worry long as I'm well
    Never want to strive
    To be good, to be bad, what the hell?
    I's glad I's alive
    Oh, I got plenty of nuttin'
    Nuttin's plenty for me
    I got my gal, got my song
    Got Hebben the whole day long
    Got my gal, got my Lawd, got my song

  • @mehmetmertgunduz
    @mehmetmertgunduz 2 года назад +6

    Amazing voice!

  • @rickcarrarini5696
    @rickcarrarini5696 3 года назад +4

    Man! Is that good!

  • @expoundamus
    @expoundamus Год назад +1

    The Orchestra is amazing.

  • @vusumzisojada3454
    @vusumzisojada3454 3 года назад +6


  • @vusumzisojada3454
    @vusumzisojada3454 3 года назад +7


  • @figaroalmaviva8607
    @figaroalmaviva8607 5 лет назад +5

    Bravo! It's amazing

  • @jeffsaxton716
    @jeffsaxton716 Год назад +4

    My grandpa liked that. Coincidentally, he actually had plenty of nothin'.

    • @clarenceboddicker6679
      @clarenceboddicker6679 10 месяцев назад

      Funnily enough, as it so happens, I've got more of nothing than anyone else on this planet.

  • @Брюнхильда
    @Брюнхильда Год назад

    Великолепно! Я богат, но только нуждою!

  • @Juliaflo
    @Juliaflo Год назад

    That banjo adds a unique touch. Lest you forget, banjos originated in Africa.

  • @miikapaananen1363
    @miikapaananen1363 11 часов назад


  • @notaire2
    @notaire2 5 лет назад +4

    Endlich kommt der geniale Maestro zurück! Echt rhythmische Aufführung dieses fein komponierten Meisterstücks!

    • @zizostenge4346
      @zizostenge4346 3 года назад

      Wow I’ll call you Bompie , the name we used to call you by when we were young ,in the dusty streets of Zwide Pe Yumata ,Skhuvethy and Nontlahl they both proud of you sani keep on making us proud dude, you cooking with gas

  • @BlurryLens3105
    @BlurryLens3105 4 года назад +3

    This is my first Level 6 NYSSMA Solo 👌🏻

  • @Celina2.7
    @Celina2.7 9 месяцев назад

  • @beacerveira
    @beacerveira 5 лет назад +2


  • @karolinale7238
    @karolinale7238 3 года назад +1

    DAMN, I was freaking sure that was Titus from The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. Possible alternative - Ronald Wilkerson

  • @EDENzalevski
    @EDENzalevski Год назад

    מילות שיר
    Yes, I got plenty of nothing
    And nothing's plenty for me
    I got no car, got no mule
    I got no misery
    Folks with plenty of nothing
    They've got a lock on the door
    Afraid somebody's going to rob 'em
    While they is out making more
    What for?
    I got no lock on the door, that's no way to be
    They can steal the rug from the floor, that's OK with me
    'Cause the things that I prize like the stars in the skies are all free
    I got plenty of nothing
    And nothing's plenty for me
    I got my girl, got my song
    Got heaven the whole day long
    Got my girl, got my love, yes got my song
    Oh, I got plenty of nothing
    And nothing's plenty for me
    I got the sun, got the moon
    Got the deep blue sea
    The folks with plenty of plenty
    Got to pray all the day
    Seems with plenty you sure got to worry
    How to keep the devil away, away
    I ain't frettin 'bout hell
    'Til the time arrive
    Never worry long as I'm well
    Never one to strive
    To be good, to be bad
    What the hell
    I am glad I'm alive
    Oh, I got plenty of nothing
    And nothing's plenty for me
    I got my man, got my song
    Got heaven the whole day long
    Got my man, got my love, yes got my song
    Got plenty, got plenty
    Got plenty of nothing

  • @robertmangl6954
    @robertmangl6954 2 года назад

    A black Diogenes of Sinope, that Porgy ...

  • @schwimmerjanos
    @schwimmerjanos Год назад

    Missing chor intermezzo !

  • @chrisfrenchnyc
    @chrisfrenchnyc 4 года назад +6

    A noble effort, but it is *extremely* difficult for non-Americans to get this dialect right, especially when they're asked to perform it with impeccable opera technique. This is a brave effort, and there are far worse, but this isn't quite how it's meant to be done.

    • @jandamskier6510
      @jandamskier6510 4 года назад +14

      Do not mind, considering the whole lot of operatic singers who sing awful German, Italian etc.

    • @Брюнхильда
      @Брюнхильда Год назад +1
