Ich als Walpurgisnachtgeborene liebe Mendelssohn und erkenne in diesem Werk viele Motive aus dem Lobgesang. Mendelssohn berührt mich sehr. Würde ich auch gerne mit meinem Vokalensemble singen. Unsere Leiterin ist ebenfalls an Walpurgis geboren.....
Brilliant soloists and choir. The alto part was both demanding and, at times, haunting. The whole came together wonderfully with the well directed and competent orchestra. The German diction was far clearer in this presentation than in most choral works. Thank you for an enthralling performance.
Wonderful music! I came across it by chance many years ago. This work contains everything I love about Mendelssohn: great symphonic music, wonderful choirs, pathos, but also intimacy. Thank you for allowing us to experience it here. Great performance!
Great music, great orchestra, great singers, great chorus, great concert, great performance, great conductor, great space, great sound and image record. Great festival, congratulations to all.
Eine großartige Aufführung eines Werkes, das ich in den 80ern als junger Musikstudent in Freiburg kennenlernen und im Hochschulchor mitsingen durfte. Gewiss eines der herrlichsten Werke für Soli, Chor und Orchester überhaupt. Tut gut, gerade in Pandemiezeiten dieses hoffnungserfüllte Werk wieder zu hören.
Maybe I'm just not sophisticated. Why isn't this audience giving them an overwhelming standing ovation, if not jumping up and down? Orozco-Estrada and his wonderful collaborators, musicians and singers, have brought this old nineteenth century work to life...more than any other interpretation or recording has been able to do. for me. An incandescent resurrection of a seldom-sung marvel. . .
You're right. Unfortunately, this is what I'm not proud to discover almost every time I'm in concert in Germany. And I dare say this sad development has increased the last years...
+Philipp Görges I'm so sorry to hear that. Having lived there, I still have great faith in Germany. After all, the Rhine was restored to a river in which Lorelei would once again be proud to lure sailors to their ecstatic doom. I am always prepared to meet the same fate at the siren-sounds of German musical genius. Thanks for your response. And keep the faith. And pride.
Well lets be fair a bit, firstly its a church so jumping up and down is kinda not what you would do there anyway also the church seems really like it would make for a bad experience for the 2/3 of the audience that didn't get to sit right in the front. And those who do are probably rich 70+ aged ppl who obviously still enjoyed the music but probably dont like to stand up to clap :)
I've recently been listening to a lot of performances conducted by Orozco-Estrada, and I find them electrifying. This one is, too, but I think the central scene--terrifying the superstitious Christians--is taken too fast. Certainly, it must move, but Mendelssohn's sharply articulated lines are lost in a blur of sound at this tempo. Otherwise, among the finest performances I have heard.
Ich find es immer Schade wenn die Leute in der ersten Reihe, die meist eingeladen sind und keinen Eintritt zahlen mussten wie wir "normalen " Menschen ( gerne aber) einen mehr als müden Eindruck machen... Was für ein tolles Stück, danke
Œuvre absolument sublime que j'ai chantée avec le chœur et l'orchestre du conservatoire de la Réunion. Sublime mais très difficile à apprendre. Interprétation magistrale !
Wow! More than music drama - a sort of dramatic symphony. Don,t need sets or costumes when the music is There. Imagine if Mendelssohn had added an orchestrated version of Hexenlied!
This is lesser-known than the "Midsummer Night's Dream" music, but it really shouldn't be; it too is a masterpiece, and its more overtly dramatic, exciting score is impressive, even moving, and contains some passages as delightful as in "MSD". The works share an ascending four-note motif, but here transformed into something quite different, appropriate for its subject matter. (Whether the subject matter itself is appropriate for a convert to Christianity to set to music is another matter.) And the phrase first heard at 13:40 seems lifted from Beethoven's Ninth, no accident I assume. This performance is a stunner - the conductor and everyone really bring it to life!
@@chambermuses7802 absolutely! I can’t forget the energy that he gave to orchestra, choir and solos in each rehearsal… And each time in this sinfonia I cried. This music is truely unique, magnificent and full of energy but under his baton it becomes something else that I cannot even describe with words… I simply desire to sing this again with him!
@@Tenormind Lovely to hear from you! I hope you do get another opportunity to sing with him - and this utterly supernal orchestra, which never fails to impress. Are you in Frankfurt? (Mein Vater war in Pirmasens geboren...)
This music is exceptional! A score so perfected and at times highly demanding for the musicians. Musically overwhelming and with the unique vigour and unrest, typical of many of Mendelssohn's stormy works. The text is bold and daring, for its time and must have been an inspiration on complex levels. Orozco-Estrada does a terrific job and catches, I think, the nerv of the music in the orchestral parts. The rest of the ensemble (with beatiful exceptions!) seems more average. The soloists are good but not top notch and the orchestral unity falls apart at times. I love this recording for the beautiful enthusiasm that this conductor expresses by his jumping, dancing way of conducting (I've read somewhere that Felix M loved dancing and was really good at it!) - but I'm still waiting for a definitive version of this masterpiece.
어제 Musikalien Barth에 아들과 플륫을 찾으러 갔었습니다. 아들이 Generalüberholung을 마친 플륫을 테스트하는 동안 저는 신간 악보들을 뒤적거렸고 Fanny Mendelssohn-Hensel의 Gartenlieder 신간 악보가 나온 것을 발견하고 이것을 사서 집에 왔습니다. 이를 계기로 Fanny와 Felix의 생을 찾아보다가 Fanny가 1847년 5월 느닷없는 Schlaganfall로 죽었음을 알게 되었습니다. Schlaganfall은 그 주 일요일에 있을 Gartenkonzert에서 연주할 Felix의 바로 이 작품 Die erste Walpurgisnacht를 준비하느라 피아노로 연주하던 중에 일어났습니다. Fanny는 갑자기 피아노 건반을 느낄 수가 없어서 연주를 중단했고 그날 밤으로 죽음을 맞이하였습니다. 5개월 후 Felix 역시 같은 운명을 맞이 하였습니다. 제목으로만 알고 있었던 이 대작을 오늘 비로소 처음부터 끝까지 듣습니다. Mendelssohn의 음악은 강렬하고 위대하고 아름답습니다. 지금은 9월 말 연주하게 될 Paulus를 연습하고 있습니다. 2024년 올해의 Braunschweiger Chorfest는 Mendelssohn의 Paulus를 선정하였지요. 멘델스존의 음악이 아름답다는 것은 알고 있었지만 Paulus의 합창곡들을 하나하나 익혀가며 그 위대함과 강렬함을 제대로 체득하고 있는 중이었습니다. 이제 그 아름다움과 강렬함과 위대함에 운명적 슬픔 역시도 하나 추가해야 하겠습니다. 멘델스존의 음악은 진정 나의 심금을 울립니다. 그의 삶과 죽음 역시 그러합니다.
I agree! The subject is daring: Those that mostly fear the devil often do best the devils work and those accused of it might be the more purehearted. I am sure this must have been strongly though secretly resounding in the heart of someone who'd been converted under societal pressure.
Die erste Walpurgisnacht (The First Walpurgis Night) is a poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, telling of the attempts of Druids in the Harz mountains to practice their pagan rituals in the face of new and dominating Christian forces. It was famously set to music by Felix Mendelssohn as a secular cantata for ... The attractions of this text for Mendelssohn likely were the ghost scene ...
Gran versión de una de las obras más dramáticas de Mendelssohn, la demoníaca cantata La Primera Noche de Walpurgis (sobre textos de Goethe) , la hermana diabólica de Un sueño de una Noche de Verano. Comenzando por la Obertura (una de las mejores de Mendelssohn, con momentos que anticipan la Cabalgata de las Valquirias de Wagner) la obra es un continuo de solos acompañados por coro y orquesta. Son unos 35 min de música que no para ni decae. Sólo cabe reprochar unos pequeños saltos en el sonido que se esuchan cada tanto.
Agreed! A generally-underappreciated, super-genius-level work of F. Mendelssohn's mid-carrier compositions -- and quite well performed in this case.... BUT, IMO, the superlative version of Walpurgisnacht [OP. 60] --- complete w/ original score dynamics, plus rarely-heard, frenzied orchestral flourishes-- was recorded by an unlikely source: The North Texas State Orchestra & Chorus, and then later distributed on 2 cassette analogue tapes, via the now-defunct Musical Heritage Society of New Jersey... way back in the 1980's. My comment, here, is being written in April 2022, and for years I've been searching for a CD version of the MHS cassette-tape recording. Perhaps no such CD-format version was ever subsequently commercially marketed.....but if anyone reading my comment herein has any knowledge to the contrary,, please e-maii me at: agrim808@gmail.com. I will pay you a $50 'finder's fee for any such info... Alex Grimsson. Missoula, Montana/USA
Thanks to the excellent soloists and the well-synchronized choir the discrepancy between the baton and the performance seems to be minimized in this full-scale masterwork. Quite a relief!
It's quite usual for conductors to articulate directions a few seconds ahead of the performers, though this conductor is certainly hyper-animated. A Splendid interpretation of Mendelssohn's genius, nonetheless.....
I suspect that we agree, since my subjective sense of what I called "a few seconds" in this regard is probably not any longer in duration than what you more-precisely describe as "a second or two...." FWIW: when I took some conducting courses at Juilliard several decades ago, both of my instructors used actual stop watches to time, discuss, and variously advocate for what they judged to be the parameters of a minimally needed delay vs. the outer limits of any such delays ( all such delays are apparently called more properly, Uptake Advances.) They both thought that any Advance of anything less than one full second was always verboten; but one thought that the outer limit of the Advance was OK at 2+ seconds -- while the other instructor thought that a 3+ second Advance was workable [and allegedly was used by German conductors, like Furtwangler and Von Karajan.]. Apologies for my rambling on such seeming minutiae ...... Bestu Kvedjur.
Thank you for your elaborate reply. Your experience at Juilliard is quite precious. But now is not the time of Furtwängler or von Karajan. I think most of orchestra members nowadays cannot bear the discrepancy of more than two seconds, particularly when they perform 20th century works.
Das letzte Stück, dass Fanny Mendelssohn vor ihrem Tod hörte. Sie war die Schwester von Felix Mendelssohn und ihrem Bruder ebenbürdig sowohl im Komponieren, als auch im Klavierspiel. Leider wird sie immer vergessen... Wunderschönes Stück!🧡
Трудно представить насколько такое помещение улучшает или усложняет запись . Хор звучит прекрасно, но голоса головных исполнителей звучат не так ярко. Очень удачна работа режисера съемок. Ему удалось показывать казалось невозможное. В целом впечатление прекрасное. Дирижер сумел представить во всем блеске всех исполнителей. От этого никуда не уйдешь. Всем отлично. Привет из Киева.
FELIX MENDELSSOHN LA PRIMERA NOCHE DE WALPURGIS cuando la música clásica recurre a una cantata profana, de tematica relacionada a la brujeria, con música de Felix Mendelssohn en una iglesia desconsagrada... no son casualidades, hijo mío. Ayer, 30 de abril, se celebró la "festividad" opuesta al Dia de todos los Santos (6 meses posterior), la Noche de Walpurgis.
2:36 The beautiful blond flautist is really into this music--probably a real Mendelssohn lover. And there's nothing Mendelssohn loved more than writing flute lines for beautiful blonde flautists. 9:34 For all you Midsummer Night's Dream chorus lovers like I am, the chorus enters here and the music is stunning, almost as good as "Ye Spotted Snakes" from MN'sD which I could listen to a minimum dozen times in one sitting and the MN'sD Finale, again what can one say about absolutely pitch-perfect choral music?
I agree about enjoying listening to it several times in a row. It is a piece of music that charms you into enjoying it without surfeit. Glad to know that you feel the same.
Maria Sonia, te informo que los "directores" o "conductors" son nada más que unos changos con batuta: los músicos son los que trabajan incesantemente para tocar ese mundanal de notas hermosas, y a ellos debe de darse el crédito. Saludos, y espero que no te haya ofendido, pero es la verdad.
@@Elpuma1374 Mendelssohn, while himself elevating the art of conducting to new and more competent heights, was at least never any "...monkey with a baton...." He alone, at the outset of his conducting career, began demanding a much higher level of technical precision from both players and from the conductors' interpretative meta-awarenesses -- and he ever afterward never slackened his orchestral leadership standards in this regard. Likely, this gradually-increasing precision of orchestral performance would have eventually occurred with or without Mendelssohn's lifelong campaign for ever-more excellence in public performance of symphonic/choral music, but Felix is due the lion's share of credit for initiating a heightened "expectation of musical excellence" in the listening public & the players/conductors, in the early -mid 19th century -- w/o which the excellence we enjoy today may have been much slower-in-coming.
I. Es lacht der Mai (9:05) A DRUID Sweet smiles the May! The forest gay From frost and ice is freed; No snow is found, Glad songs resound Across the verdant mead. Upon the height The snow lies light, Yet thither now we go, There to extol our Father’s name, Whom we for ages know. Amid the smoke shall gleam the flame; Thus pure the heart will grow. THE DRUIDS (11:52) Amid the smoke shall gleam the flame; Extol we now our Father’s name, Whom we for ages know! Up, up, then, let us go! II. Könnt ihr so verwegen handeln? (13:12) ONE OF THE PEOPLE Would ye, then, so rashly act? Would ye instant death attract? Know ye not the cruel threats Of the victors we obey? Round about are placed their nets In the sinful heathen’s way. Ah! upon the lofty wall Wife and children slaughter they; And we all Hasten to a certain fall. CHORUS OF WOMEN Ay, upon the camp’s high wall All our children loved they slay. Ah, what cruel victors they! And we all Hasten to a certain fall. III. Wer Opfer heut' zu bringen scheut (15:37) A DRUID Who fears to-day His rites to pay, Deserves his chains to wear. The forest’s free! This wood take we, And straight a pile prepare! Yet in the wood To stay ’tis good By day till all is still, With watchers all around us placed Protecting you from ill. With courage fresh, then, let us haste Our duties to fulfil. IV. Verteilt euch, wack're Männer hier CHORUS OF WATCHERS Ye valiant watchers now divide Your numbers through the forest wide, And see that all is still. While they their rites fulfil. V. Diese dumpfen Pfaffenchristen A WATCHER Let us in a cunning wise, Yon dull Christian priests surprise! With the devil of their talk We’ll those very priests confound. Come with prong and come with fork, Raise a wild and rattling sound Through the livelong night, and prowl All the rocky passes round. Screech-owl, owl, Join in chorus with our howl! VI. Kommt mit Zacken und mit Gabeln CHORUS OF WATCHERS Come with prong, and come with fork, Like the devil of their talk, And with wildly ratthng sound, Prowl the desert rocks around! Screech-owl, owl, Join in chorus with our howl! VII. So weit gebracht A DRUID Thus far ’tis right, That we by night Our Father’s praises sing; Yet when ’tis day, To Thee we may A heart unsullied bring. ’Tis true that now. And often, Thou Favourest the foe in fight. As from the smoke is freed the blaze, So let our faith burn bright! And if they crush our olden ways, Who e’er can crush Thy light? IIX. Hilf, ach, hilf mir, Kriegsgeselle A CHRISTIAN WATCHER. Comrades, quick! your aid afford! All the brood of hell’s abroad: See how their enchanted forms Through and through with flames are glowing! Dragon-women, men-wolf swarms, On in quick succession going! Let us, let us haste to fly! Wilder yet the sounds are growing, And the arch fiend roars on high; From the ground Hellish vapours rise around. CHORUS OF CHRISTIAN WATCHERS. Terrible enchanted forms, Dragon-women, men-wolf swarms! Wilder yet the sounds are growing! See, the arch fiend comes, all-glowing! From the ground Hellish vapours rise around. IX. Die Flamme reinigt sich vom Rauch CHORUS OF DRUIDS As from the smoke is freed the blaze, So let our faith burn bright! And if they crush our olden ways, Whoe’er can crush Thy light? this was the first good translation i could find, it's from this blog post (they don't list the translator though) www.theoldcraft.com/2018/04/29/occult-art-the-first-walpurgis-night-cantata-by-felix-mendelssohn-bartholdy-after-a-poem-by-johann-wolfgang-von-goethe/
Just an advise. Get yourself a good pair of headphones and, if possible a DAC/phone amplifier and you will find out that you can hear everything very clearly, all the instruments, all the harmonies . Of course it will not be top Hi-Fi but I find it very satisfactory. And I own a very expensive and top of the range hi-fi system.
Great performance by Choir and Orchestra, but slightly disappointing from the side of the soloist singers. Was more intense and vocally better in the Walpurgis night performance in Bad Homburg 2016 (e.g., Simon Bailey and Britta Jacobus).
Hört sich gewaltig an, eben heidnisch, Daher auch sehr unruhig, ja, beunruhigend, wenig strukturiert, überbordend, beinahe chaotisch. Kein Leitmotiv o. ä.
Ja, wunderbare Fassung, mutig und kraftvoll! Ein junger Komponist erfüllt weise Worte eines alten Meisters mit frischen Klängen. ... und über allem schwebt die letzte Zeile des Götterfunken in uns allen: "Dein Licht, wer kann es rauben"
Wow, what a find! Where has this been all my life? And a great, dynamic performance!
Same for me.
Mein Lieblingsstück von Mendelssohn, das ich immer lieben werde!
Ich als Walpurgisnachtgeborene liebe Mendelssohn und erkenne in diesem Werk viele Motive aus dem Lobgesang. Mendelssohn berührt mich sehr. Würde ich auch gerne mit meinem Vokalensemble singen. Unsere Leiterin ist ebenfalls an Walpurgis geboren.....
every year I listen to this on Walpurgis Night, very awesome.
Die Baritonstimme ist eine der schönsten, die ich im Leben gehört habe. Stark und klangvoll!
Brilliant soloists and choir. The alto part was both demanding and, at times, haunting. The whole came together wonderfully with the well directed and competent orchestra. The German diction was far clearer in this presentation than in most choral works. Thank you for an enthralling performance.
Wow! - deserves to be better known (as does that dramatic alto!)
Wonderful music! I came across it by chance many years ago. This work contains everything I love about Mendelssohn: great symphonic music, wonderful choirs, pathos, but also intimacy. Thank you for allowing us to experience it here. Great performance!
Great music, great orchestra, great singers, great chorus, great concert, great performance, great conductor, great space, great sound and image record.
Great festival, congratulations to all.
What about great composer?!
@@pswill820 ,great composer!
Never heard of Walpurgisnacht. Just did some research. I love discovering a new holiday and this year we are celebrating.
My whole life I wanted to see this done live. Now I have. Infinite gratitude. Superb performance.
Eine großartige Aufführung eines Werkes, das ich in den 80ern als junger Musikstudent in Freiburg kennenlernen und im Hochschulchor mitsingen durfte. Gewiss eines der herrlichsten Werke für Soli, Chor und Orchester überhaupt. Tut gut, gerade in Pandemiezeiten dieses hoffnungserfüllte Werk wieder zu hören.
Most amazing piece ever. So so so much passion and devotion.
😘🎶👍😎 Fantastische opname en uitvoering
Grandiosa direzione...solisti, coro e orchestra altrettanto grandiosi..
Maybe I'm just not sophisticated. Why isn't this audience giving them an overwhelming standing ovation, if not jumping up and down? Orozco-Estrada and his wonderful collaborators, musicians and singers, have brought this old nineteenth century
work to life...more than any other interpretation or recording has been able to do. for me. An incandescent resurrection of a seldom-sung marvel. .
You're right. Unfortunately, this is what I'm not proud to discover almost every time I'm in concert in Germany. And I dare say this sad development has increased the last years...
+Philipp Görges I'm so sorry to hear that. Having lived there, I still have great faith in Germany. After all, the Rhine was restored to a river in which Lorelei would once again be proud to lure sailors to their ecstatic doom. I am always prepared to meet the same fate at the siren-sounds of German musical genius. Thanks for your response. And keep the faith. And pride.
Well lets be fair a bit, firstly its a church so jumping up and down is kinda not what you would do there anyway
also the church seems really like it would make for a bad experience for the 2/3 of the audience that didn't get to sit right in the front. And those who do are probably rich 70+ aged ppl who obviously still enjoyed the music but probably dont like to stand up to clap :)
I've recently been listening to a lot of performances conducted by Orozco-Estrada, and I find them electrifying. This one is, too, but I think the central scene--terrifying the superstitious Christians--is taken too fast. Certainly, it must move, but Mendelssohn's sharply articulated lines are lost in a blur of sound at this tempo. Otherwise, among the finest performances I have heard.
Ich find es immer Schade wenn die Leute in der ersten Reihe, die meist eingeladen sind und keinen Eintritt zahlen mussten wie wir "normalen " Menschen ( gerne aber) einen mehr als müden Eindruck machen...
Was für ein tolles Stück, danke
it is very ironic that this music has been played in a church :D
And very tragic that the church is in essence former one.
Œuvre absolument sublime que j'ai chantée avec le chœur et l'orchestre du conservatoire de la Réunion. Sublime mais très difficile à apprendre. Interprétation magistrale !
More than music drama - a sort of dramatic symphony. Don,t need sets or costumes when the music is There.
Imagine if Mendelssohn had added an orchestrated version of Hexenlied!
(Although it would be interesting to see it with sets)
This is lesser-known than the "Midsummer Night's Dream" music, but it really shouldn't be; it too is a masterpiece, and its more overtly dramatic, exciting score is impressive, even moving, and contains some passages as delightful as in "MSD". The works share an ascending four-note motif, but here transformed into something quite different, appropriate for its subject matter. (Whether the subject matter itself is appropriate for a convert to Christianity to set to music is another matter.) And the phrase first heard at 13:40 seems lifted from Beethoven's Ninth, no accident I assume. This performance is a stunner - the conductor and everyone really bring it to life!
How amazing you are Andrés Orozco-Estrada! I was so lucky to sing this masterpiece with your amazing energy and talent! God bless you!
He is absolutely brilliant - scintillating, utterly surrendered to the music. A Colombian gift to the world!
@@chambermuses7802 absolutely! I can’t forget the energy that he gave to orchestra, choir and solos in each rehearsal… And each time in this sinfonia I cried. This music is truely unique, magnificent and full of energy but under his baton it becomes something else that I cannot even describe with words… I simply desire to sing this again with him!
@@Tenormind Lovely to hear from you! I hope you do get another opportunity to sing with him - and this utterly supernal orchestra, which never fails to impress. Are you in Frankfurt? (Mein Vater war in Pirmasens geboren...)
@@chambermuses7802 thank you so much! No, I’m not in Germany. I live in Italy =}
This music is exceptional! A score so perfected and at times highly demanding for the musicians. Musically overwhelming and with the unique vigour and unrest, typical of many of Mendelssohn's stormy works. The text is bold and daring, for its time and must have been an inspiration on complex levels. Orozco-Estrada does a terrific job and catches, I think, the nerv of the music in the orchestral parts. The rest of the ensemble (with beatiful exceptions!) seems more average. The soloists are good but not top notch and the orchestral unity falls apart at times. I love this recording for the beautiful enthusiasm that this conductor expresses by his jumping, dancing way of conducting (I've read somewhere that Felix M loved dancing and was really good at it!) - but I'm still waiting for a definitive version of this masterpiece.
어제 Musikalien Barth에 아들과 플륫을 찾으러 갔었습니다. 아들이 Generalüberholung을 마친 플륫을 테스트하는 동안 저는 신간 악보들을 뒤적거렸고 Fanny Mendelssohn-Hensel의 Gartenlieder 신간 악보가 나온 것을 발견하고 이것을 사서 집에 왔습니다. 이를 계기로 Fanny와 Felix의 생을 찾아보다가 Fanny가 1847년 5월 느닷없는 Schlaganfall로 죽었음을 알게 되었습니다. Schlaganfall은 그 주 일요일에 있을 Gartenkonzert에서 연주할 Felix의 바로 이 작품 Die erste Walpurgisnacht를 준비하느라 피아노로 연주하던 중에 일어났습니다. Fanny는 갑자기 피아노 건반을 느낄 수가 없어서 연주를 중단했고 그날 밤으로 죽음을 맞이하였습니다. 5개월 후 Felix 역시 같은 운명을 맞이 하였습니다.
제목으로만 알고 있었던 이 대작을 오늘 비로소 처음부터 끝까지 듣습니다.
Mendelssohn의 음악은 강렬하고 위대하고 아름답습니다.
지금은 9월 말 연주하게 될 Paulus를 연습하고 있습니다. 2024년 올해의 Braunschweiger Chorfest는 Mendelssohn의 Paulus를 선정하였지요.
멘델스존의 음악이 아름답다는 것은 알고 있었지만 Paulus의 합창곡들을 하나하나 익혀가며 그 위대함과 강렬함을 제대로 체득하고 있는 중이었습니다. 이제 그 아름다움과 강렬함과 위대함에 운명적 슬픔 역시도 하나 추가해야 하겠습니다.
멘델스존의 음악은 진정 나의 심금을 울립니다. 그의 삶과 죽음 역시 그러합니다.
Absolute masterpiece and well performed!
I will play this in the orchestra i am in its amazing so manny notes 👍
great work sadly neglected great to hear it thanks for upload
Mi director favorito!!!! Tolles Stück. Und heute ist Walpurgisnacht 😍
No other music in the world is more beautiful than this. This music has a magnificent, solemn, and somehow evil worldview.
コルネード健介 all music is beautiful ☺️
I agree! The subject is daring: Those that mostly fear the devil often do best the devils work and those accused of it might be the more purehearted. I am sure this must have been strongly though secretly resounding in the heart of someone who'd been converted under societal pressure.
....it's about time they take the cobwebs off this masterpiece.....
Great performance. Thank you for uploading.
Me ha gustado muchísimo la versión. Felicidades
Die erste Walpurgisnacht (The First Walpurgis Night) is a poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, telling of the attempts of Druids in the Harz mountains to practice their pagan rituals in the face of new and dominating Christian forces. It was famously set to music by Felix Mendelssohn as a secular cantata for ... The attractions of this text for Mendelssohn likely were the ghost scene ...
A real kicka** performance!!! Love it
Gran versión de una de las obras más dramáticas de Mendelssohn,
la demoníaca cantata La Primera Noche de Walpurgis (sobre textos de Goethe) , la hermana diabólica de Un sueño de una Noche de Verano.
Comenzando por la Obertura (una de las mejores de Mendelssohn, con momentos que anticipan la Cabalgata de las Valquirias de Wagner) la obra es un continuo de solos acompañados por coro y orquesta.
Son unos 35 min de música que no para ni decae.
Sólo cabe reprochar unos pequeños saltos en el sonido que se esuchan cada tanto.
Agreed! A generally-underappreciated, super-genius-level work of F. Mendelssohn's mid-carrier compositions -- and quite well performed in this case....
BUT, IMO, the superlative version of Walpurgisnacht [OP. 60] --- complete w/ original score dynamics, plus rarely-heard, frenzied orchestral flourishes-- was recorded by an unlikely source: The North Texas State Orchestra & Chorus, and then later distributed on 2 cassette analogue tapes, via the now-defunct Musical Heritage Society of New Jersey... way back in the 1980's.
My comment, here, is being written in April 2022, and for years I've been searching for a CD version of the MHS cassette-tape recording. Perhaps no such CD-format version was ever subsequently commercially marketed.....but if anyone reading my comment herein has any knowledge to the contrary,, please e-maii me at: agrim808@gmail.com. I will pay you a $50 'finder's fee for any such info...
Alex Grimsson. Missoula, Montana/USA
Thanks to the excellent soloists and the well-synchronized choir the discrepancy between the baton and the performance seems to be minimized in this full-scale masterwork. Quite a relief!
It's quite usual for conductors to articulate directions a few seconds ahead of the performers, though this conductor is certainly hyper-animated. A Splendid interpretation of Mendelssohn's genius, nonetheless.....
Thanks for your comment. But "a few seconds" are too long. Probably "half a second" or "a second or two" would be more accurate estimation.
I suspect that we agree, since my subjective sense of what I called "a few seconds" in this regard is probably not any longer in duration than what you more-precisely describe as "a second or two...."
FWIW: when I took some conducting courses at Juilliard several decades ago, both of my instructors used actual stop watches to time, discuss, and variously advocate for what they judged to be the parameters of a minimally needed delay vs. the outer limits of any such delays ( all such delays are apparently called more properly, Uptake Advances.) They both thought that any Advance of anything less than one full second was always verboten; but one thought that the outer limit of the Advance was OK at 2+ seconds -- while the other instructor thought that a 3+ second Advance was workable [and allegedly was used by German conductors, like Furtwangler and Von Karajan.].
Apologies for my rambling on such seeming minutiae ......
Bestu Kvedjur.
Thank you for your elaborate reply. Your experience at Juilliard is quite precious. But now is not the time of Furtwängler or von Karajan. I think most of orchestra members nowadays cannot bear the discrepancy of more than two seconds, particularly when they perform 20th century works.
notaire2 Sound does not travel at the speed of light.
Bravi tutti!!!!
he descubierto esta obra maestra a mis.........85 años
gracias you tube
¡Brillante! Gracias por compartir este video.
Night on Bald Mountain and The Flight of the Valkyries both owe a great deal to part VI, beginning with the fanfare at 22:00
Das letzte Stück, dass Fanny Mendelssohn vor ihrem Tod hörte. Sie war die Schwester von Felix Mendelssohn und ihrem Bruder ebenbürdig sowohl im Komponieren, als auch im Klavierspiel. Leider wird sie immer vergessen... Wunderschönes Stück!🧡
Reviewing this wonderful concerto now in middle of pandemic times I can’t avoid certain nostalgic feelings...
bravo et merci !
Masterpiece! Thank you so much for posting it
Трудно представить насколько такое помещение улучшает или усложняет запись . Хор звучит прекрасно, но голоса головных исполнителей звучат не так ярко. Очень удачна работа режисера съемок. Ему удалось показывать казалось невозможное. В целом впечатление прекрасное. Дирижер сумел представить во всем блеске всех исполнителей. От этого никуда не уйдешь. Всем отлично. Привет из Киева.
J'aime bien, avec eux nous pouvons rester assied et vivre de l'aventure quand même.
'발푸르기스 축제의 첫 밤' 좋은 영상 고맙습니다~!!
איזה כיף להיזכר 2004. התזמורת הפילהרמונית הישראלית בניצוח גאבור הולרונג ומקהלת זמרי פילהרמוניה ז"ל.
Strong and yet poetic performance!
Sometimes in music you can hear choral, like "defending " from the Gethe's old hag 's theme.....
The crowd should’ve clapped more at the end.
Best version ever!!!
cuando la música clásica recurre a una cantata profana, de tematica relacionada a la brujeria, con música de Felix Mendelssohn en una iglesia desconsagrada... no son casualidades, hijo mío. Ayer, 30 de abril, se celebró la "festividad" opuesta al Dia de todos los Santos (6 meses posterior), la Noche de Walpurgis.
That beautiful flutist's warm gaze at the conductor, at 0:42! At least some of the ensemble gets the drift ...
2:36 The beautiful blond flautist is really into this music--probably a real Mendelssohn lover. And there's nothing Mendelssohn loved more than writing flute lines for beautiful blonde flautists. 9:34 For all you Midsummer Night's Dream chorus lovers like I am, the chorus enters here and the music is stunning, almost as good as "Ye Spotted Snakes" from MN'sD which I could listen to a minimum dozen times in one sitting and the MN'sD Finale, again what can one say about absolutely pitch-perfect choral music?
J J Townley Sometime-composer of Piano Concertos i agree, she is indeed very attractive.
One year later I'm glad someone finally agrees with me. You have good taste in women, John.
She is so pretty , so pretty ....
I agree about enjoying listening to it several times in a row. It is a piece of music that charms you into enjoying it without surfeit. Glad to know that you feel the same.
Clara de Andrada loves music!!
Qué gran director, impacta.
Maria Sonia, te informo que los "directores" o "conductors" son nada más que unos changos con batuta: los músicos son los que trabajan incesantemente para tocar ese mundanal de notas hermosas, y a ellos debe de darse el crédito. Saludos, y espero que no te haya ofendido, pero es la verdad.
@@Elpuma1374 Mendelssohn, while himself elevating the art of conducting to new and more competent heights, was at least never any "...monkey with a baton...."
He alone, at the outset of his conducting career, began demanding a much higher level of technical precision from both players and from the conductors' interpretative meta-awarenesses -- and he ever afterward never slackened his orchestral leadership standards in this regard.
Likely, this gradually-increasing precision of orchestral performance would have eventually occurred with or without Mendelssohn's lifelong campaign for ever-more excellence in public performance of symphonic/choral music, but Felix is due the lion's share of credit for initiating a heightened "expectation of musical excellence" in the listening public & the players/conductors, in the early -mid 19th century -- w/o which the excellence we enjoy today may have been much slower-in-coming.
Das Ende ist ja mal unfassbar, wie das "n" noch leise im Saal schwebt!
Take me to Wow!
Beautiful music indeed!! However, I wonder if someone could put an English translation to these lyrics. Thank you!
I. Es lacht der Mai (9:05)
Sweet smiles the May!
The forest gay
From frost and ice is freed;
No snow is found,
Glad songs resound
Across the verdant mead.
Upon the height
The snow lies light,
Yet thither now we go,
There to extol our Father’s name,
Whom we for ages know.
Amid the smoke shall gleam the flame;
Thus pure the heart will grow.
THE DRUIDS (11:52)
Amid the smoke shall gleam the flame;
Extol we now our Father’s name,
Whom we for ages know!
Up, up, then, let us go!
II. Könnt ihr so verwegen handeln? (13:12)
Would ye, then, so rashly act?
Would ye instant death attract?
Know ye not the cruel threats
Of the victors we obey?
Round about are placed their nets
In the sinful heathen’s way.
Ah! upon the lofty wall
Wife and children slaughter they;
And we all
Hasten to a certain fall.
Ay, upon the camp’s high wall
All our children loved they slay.
Ah, what cruel victors they!
And we all
Hasten to a certain fall.
III. Wer Opfer heut' zu bringen scheut (15:37)
Who fears to-day
His rites to pay,
Deserves his chains to wear.
The forest’s free!
This wood take we,
And straight a pile prepare!
Yet in the wood
To stay ’tis good
By day till all is still,
With watchers all around us placed
Protecting you from ill.
With courage fresh, then, let us haste
Our duties to fulfil.
IV. Verteilt euch, wack're Männer hier
Ye valiant watchers now divide
Your numbers through the forest wide,
And see that all is still.
While they their rites fulfil.
V. Diese dumpfen Pfaffenchristen
Let us in a cunning wise,
Yon dull Christian priests surprise!
With the devil of their talk
We’ll those very priests confound.
Come with prong and come with fork,
Raise a wild and rattling sound
Through the livelong night, and prowl
All the rocky passes round.
Screech-owl, owl,
Join in chorus with our howl!
VI. Kommt mit Zacken und mit Gabeln
Come with prong, and come with fork,
Like the devil of their talk,
And with wildly ratthng sound,
Prowl the desert rocks around!
Screech-owl, owl,
Join in chorus with our howl!
VII. So weit gebracht
Thus far ’tis right,
That we by night
Our Father’s praises sing;
Yet when ’tis day,
To Thee we may
A heart unsullied bring.
’Tis true that now.
And often, Thou
Favourest the foe in fight.
As from the smoke is freed the blaze,
So let our faith burn bright!
And if they crush our olden ways,
Who e’er can crush Thy light?
IIX. Hilf, ach, hilf mir, Kriegsgeselle
Comrades, quick! your aid afford!
All the brood of hell’s abroad:
See how their enchanted forms
Through and through with flames are glowing!
Dragon-women, men-wolf swarms,
On in quick succession going!
Let us, let us haste to fly!
Wilder yet the sounds are growing,
And the arch fiend roars on high;
From the ground
Hellish vapours rise around.
Terrible enchanted forms,
Dragon-women, men-wolf swarms!
Wilder yet the sounds are growing!
See, the arch fiend comes, all-glowing!
From the ground
Hellish vapours rise around.
IX. Die Flamme reinigt sich vom Rauch
As from the smoke is freed the blaze,
So let our faith burn bright!
And if they crush our olden ways,
Whoe’er can crush Thy light?
this was the first good translation i could find, it's from this blog post (they don't list the translator though) www.theoldcraft.com/2018/04/29/occult-art-the-first-walpurgis-night-cantata-by-felix-mendelssohn-bartholdy-after-a-poem-by-johann-wolfgang-von-goethe/
0:22, 9:05, 13:13, 15:36, 17:52, 19:29(!), 22:03, 26:05, 30:33, 31:33, 35:15
19c 음악 - [합창음악]
1) [세속 합창곡]
멘델스존 - [최초의 발푸르기스의 밤]
I don't recall having heard this piece before, so I appreciate the download. Thanks to Klaus Peter Kraa for background notes (below auf deutsch).
20:25 awesome!
muy bueno
Schon Schiller sagte:"Durch diese kalte Hose wird er kommen."
Naja fast:
Durch diese hohle Gasse...
Was bringen die euch bei in den Schulen?
Woah die Zacken 😮 so schnell
It's a pity that this supeb HD image has such a awful soundtrack companion. The MP3 conversion must be improved, please!
Just an advise. Get yourself a good pair of headphones and, if possible a DAC/phone amplifier and you will find out that you can hear everything very clearly, all the instruments, all the harmonies . Of course it will not be top Hi-Fi but I find it very satisfactory. And I own a very expensive and top of the range hi-fi system.
7:27: I think Brahms nicked that phrase in his 2nd Symphony....:-)
You're absolutely right! Well done for hearing that!👍
Great performance by Choir and Orchestra, but slightly disappointing from the side of the soloist singers. Was more intense and vocally better in the Walpurgis night performance in Bad Homburg 2016 (e.g., Simon Bailey and Britta Jacobus).
schon sehr flott dirigiert, aber gut!
Nicht nur, sehr pointiert, brilliant... auch der schöne stille Schluss!
Too bad that the sound quality is so poor. There are good versions on Deezer.
20:14 kommt mit zacken
39 dislikes??????👿😡😡😤😤
Who is going to stage this? Long shadows, tall cellophane fire, woolly costumes, black horns...
Bloody hell- is the conductor in a rush to get off somewhere?
Lee Amy Garcia Paul Jackson Sandra
I wouldn't care if she had a face like Medusa's bum as long as she plays the flute as well as she does
+Jack Fletcher I fully agree with you, although not so with Medusa'a bum
I see what you're talking about
What's with the "brass" flute? I don't get why you would do that.
Unlikely that it's brass; much more likely that it's gold. Each material imparts its own particular type of timbre and sonority to the instrument.
The best part is the public stop clapping at the end
I dare any composer today to write a piece that is as dismissive of islam as this is of Christianity.
+robinbobilink Just WHAT are you talking about?
+robinbobilink Is that REALLY all you took away from this beautiful piece?
Such sublime music demands positive thinking instead of nefarious comparisons....... be positive...
Shouldn't music unite people and contribute to peace instead of provoking even more hatred?
It's all the fault of that old troublemaker Johann Wolfgang Van Goethe (1749-1832.) who wrote the text.
fua la revivis escubi
Hört sich gewaltig an, eben heidnisch, Daher auch sehr unruhig, ja, beunruhigend, wenig strukturiert, überbordend, beinahe chaotisch. Kein Leitmotiv o. ä.
Ja, wunderbare Fassung, mutig und kraftvoll!
Ein junger Komponist erfüllt weise Worte eines alten Meisters mit frischen Klängen.
... und über allem schwebt die letzte Zeile des Götterfunken in uns allen:
"Dein Licht, wer kann es rauben"