The government of Canada on Saturday apologized to the Inuit of northern Quebec for the mass killing of sled dogs in the 1950s and 1960s, which devastated communities by depriving them of the ability to hunt and travel. A 2010 report from Jean-Jacques Croteau, a retired Superior Court of Quebec judge, found Quebec provincial police officers killed more than 1,000 dogs "without any consideration for their importance to Inuit families." "Without investigation and without asking the owners about the importance of the dogs they wanted to kill, without inquiring whether the dogs they wanted to kill constituted a real, serious and current danger to the people." "This was a horrendous should not have taken decades for Canada to apologize to Nunavik Inuit," he said The federal government's role in it, Croteau found, was failing to intervene or condemn the actions.
If this is a real fact/incident, that's broken down my heart into pieces, as those dogs served the community, and their life had been shortened and ended up in this unexpected sad ways by someone knows laws! 😭
My daughter had been a private company's K9 specialty search dogs handler. She had to take care of 2 black Labs which lived with us during their serving the community and business. When the company's owner retirement and closed the company, my daughter spent CAD$3000 to buy up a dog and had another older dog free of charge, as she didn't want these 2 working hard dogs ended their life from paradise to an unknown hell which might be happening as well as those Quebec sad dogs. Then, she, with our supports, spent tons of time and money for taking care of their retirement life with happiness which they deserved to have it until they passed away last year.
妳說的是董智森 還是魯智深? 如果是魯智深 妳水滸傳看太多了 妳可能必須穿越時空 回去宋朝哦!
thanks professor Singapore prm support your comment
怎麼還在北韓北韓 北韓軍隊根本沒在前線。波蘭幾天前就說沒有北韓軍隊在前線。
The government of Canada on Saturday apologized to the Inuit of northern Quebec for the mass killing of sled dogs in the 1950s and 1960s, which devastated communities by depriving them of the ability to hunt and travel.
A 2010 report from Jean-Jacques Croteau, a retired Superior Court of Quebec judge, found Quebec provincial police officers killed more than 1,000 dogs "without any consideration for their importance to Inuit families."
"Without investigation and without asking the owners about the importance of the dogs they wanted to kill, without inquiring whether the dogs they wanted to kill constituted a real, serious and current danger to the people."
"This was a horrendous should not have taken decades for Canada to apologize to Nunavik Inuit," he said
The federal government's role in it, Croteau found, was failing to intervene or condemn the actions.
If this is a real fact/incident, that's broken down my heart into pieces, as those dogs served the community, and their life had been shortened and ended up in this unexpected sad ways by someone knows laws! 😭
My daughter had been a private company's K9 specialty search dogs handler. She had to take care of 2 black Labs which lived with us during their serving the community and business. When the company's owner retirement and closed the company, my daughter spent CAD$3000 to buy up a dog and had another older dog free of charge, as she didn't want these 2 working hard dogs ended their life from paradise to an unknown hell which might be happening as well as those Quebec sad dogs. Then, she, with our supports, spent tons of time and money for taking care of their retirement life with happiness which they deserved to have it until they passed away last year.
That's colonial cultural and population genocide !!!
沃爾夫條款和核融合技術與馬斯克想登陸火星有關連嗎?天馬行空一下。今天科技成果和美蘇太空爭霸有關。阿姆斯壯上月前所开發出的科技如微電子,新材料,通信,核分裂技術甚至化纖布料等,都有關。人們利用登月技術搞了70年的地球經濟。地球變熱了,超級大国搞出了美債危机。地球再要熱下去,冷氣暖氣只能讓地球再雪上加霜。核融合原料那兒來?真從月球來嗎?這答案只有讓中美俄太空科技工程師回答。馬斯克有「快速」答案回應特朗普嗎?也許有。那就是讓特朗普想方設法廢除沃爾夫條款,以便馬斯克能搭上中國月球站計畫。馬斯克的媽媽在上海只作居家生活用品生意嗎?她可以找些人白天賣貨,晚上搜「貨」-- 搜中國科技貨。核融合小型或微型技术若在月球成功,在地球上也成功。在月球上需靠電機馬達抽真空嗎?在月球上低溫超導需电动圧縮機制冷嗎?大家猜特朗普會廢沃爾夫條款嗎?中国人能讓「上帝的選民--至上的白人」免費搭車嗎?中国人能大度嗎?能。但美國先從日韓關島撤出美軍。為何不讓台灣回歸中國?那是中國內政,不能談。台灣島不是价碼!
從去年倒數到現在 是數完沒
加油俄罗斯 加油普丁
普丁發射的 並不是薩爾馬特飛彈欸 對烏克蘭已經夠客氣啦! 擇輪司機還想怎樣呢? 一顆 只要一顆薩爾馬特 加裝核彈頭 就足以摧毀整個大紐約市了 真的是搞不清楚欸! 如果普丁搬出鎮國之寶薩爾馬特 那擇輪司機才真的是要抱著棉被哭了呀 然後哭完擦乾眼淚 帶著大量美金 趕緊逃命啦!
所以人家普丁已經是手下留情了耶! 擇輪司機還搞不清楚狀況! 非得逼普丁動用鎮國之寶嗎?
所以呀 以擇輪司機的智商 難怪牠只配當一個 ‘’只會選擇輪胎的司機‘’呀!