Unlocking Nebula in 1 game will take 82.5 hours or 3.44 days on play time...💀 While still possible this is how to easily unlock nebula in a single match* provided you follow the outlined strategy
@@BenjaminSoutnose i imagine you could still save & quit though to stop it, right? as the in-game gameplay length resets back to all zero’s if you do that
Idk. I still think opening the zip to spawn strat is still faster to get crits and all special camos plus mangler and elite kills. U don't need to move around and ur aim is within a cm of moving.
Tip from someone who just got nebula: you can cheese the bottom floor of bank. You use the zip line to spawn, but instead of using it, you jump onto the ice cream roof. You then buy the door through the wall (right next to the plank) and go sit in the corner by jug. You can complete rounds in 45-60 seconds this way.
@ directed mode for sure on terminus for the highest rates of headshots i’m here to tell you now that there isn’t going to be a super efficient way it’s gonna take 1-2 hours minimum for the head shots on each gun i would recommend going into the wonder weapon room, ending a round in there and saving and quitting when you come back the spawn rates are so fast you’ll have 30-60 second rounds, and if you need ammo just make sure you end the round in there when you come back for the quick spawns
If you want to optimize headshots, you need to do these two things: Avoid Insta-Kills, and don't upgrade your weapon to maximum. If your weapon one-shots an armored zombie and you don't get "Critical Zombie Kill", it's because the armor blocked it. I recommend keeping it at Purple Rarity and PaP Level 1 or 2, depends if it's an SMG or not.
@benj4840 Yeah, you do get the head popping effect and such, but the thing that matters is the "Critical Zombie Kill" to pop up. You can test it for yourself by checking the scoreboard.
Also noticed this, instas and one shots with the armoured zombies, what was quite unfortunate was the frostline packs punched, already takes forever to get them and then they don't count it 😂
Some general advice when starting the nebula grind is to finish one class before moving onto the next, get all the AR/SMGs done so you can actively work on Opal while getting headshots with other weapons, so you’re not wasting free mangler kills grinding round 11.
I've been myself doing 15round cap save for almost 30k crits already, once i get mythic gold to everything it's just faster to go normal and go round 30 and then get mangler kills in few rounds. Just weaken with wonderweapon.
I found an efficient way in Standard mode (which is more fun than just rooftop spawn killing) where I hit up to 1600 criticals in 1 game and exfil in round 31 each time. Whenever a S.A.M. trial appears, keep the last 1 or 2 zombies alive, then activate the SAM trial. When it starts new zombies spawn, but the round doesn't end. I checked my criticals and depending on the trial, you can make up to 120 additional criticals, which really stacks up. That way, I complete gold in about 2 hours
Thing about that is directed mode might be more boring but usually gets gold done in around 1hr30 in plus you can also grind opal at the same time with a second weapon
@@therealsilliestbilly5000true, it does take a bit longer, but you can also do Opal with your secondary from walls or the chest. I guess it comes down to preferences. I prefer playing a „real“ game of Zombies, even if it takes a bit longer
Do your head shots in the terminus beam smasher room, save and quit in that room and when you load back in the zombies only spawn from the 2 windows in that room, rounds go by the faster than any method.
btw the reason you have stragglers is because of you opening the bank door/bowling alley door/phd door. If you keep all those doors closed its the fastest spawns
I been grind for the past 5 days and I’ve gotten over 2 mill essences and 100k salvage in total. And I’m proud to announce that I’m not even close to being done with the camo grind 😭
Same been grinding same 15round save for almost 30k crit kills, game for some reason shows only 14999 kills but shows crits correctly. 48hours in and ar/smg/shotgun/melee done and almost sniper. Melees opal already.
Keep up the grind I’m master prestige I got 21 diamond in multiplayer but in zombies I’m finally on afterlife I just finished opal yesterday it took a toll on me for the manglers
My favorite spot is the stairs by PHD. Dont open the top to Pack-a-Punch. Just stand in that back corner on the middle platform and they only walk straight to you. Super easy to kill everything before it gets you and you can go semi afk. Litterally dont need to use another hand if you dont want to even lol. Easiest Afterlife kills ever
I'm almost done with Nebula. Never glitched or anything. What I do is, I did almost all the Headshots first. Then go to directed mode, go for the headshots on another gun and hit the Mistery Box and take a gun that needs the Mangler kills. Then you simply switch weapons
@ freeze it on round 11 it’ll stay on 11 after you open PaP and walk in the room and as long round 11 isn’t a vermin round it’ll spawn a mangler every round. If it is a vermin round you can save and quit and join back until it doesn’t restart as a vermin round don’t know why it works this way but ye
Thanks for advice man, I have ARs ready for opal and I’ve been spamming 15 on the roof for crits, weapon level and xp. I’ll finish my save file and do this and will slowly grind all ARs opal while using other guns cheers
directed mode games end after 5 hours so you cannot do every gun in one game. especially because you will have to go back to guns multiple times for opal, afterlife, and nebula. and spinning the box eats through that time as well. i tried to do 2 in one game to avoid setting up again, and i strongly recommend just doing 1 per game. 10-15 mins of setup was much more tolerable than spinning the box repeatedly for the other gun i wanted to do
Tip: I found the mangler very annoying when they would knock down my zombies that i had trained up, so if you want to keep the round cap at 9 and have a pap weapon go through the back entrance by the ammo crate and tier 3 armor and pap your weapon and go back through the back exit, you won’t touch the spot that triggers the round 11 cap to start.
Additional tips: -Church and Liberty lanes are the fastest spawn rate -abuse the valve steps to increase zombie spawn and to guarantee 4 vermin (some random spawn on zombies too) -For snipers, use brain rot ammo mod and use pheromones (major) and reduce cooldown (minor) + elemental pop's reduce ammo mod cool down. It's a free decoy essentially. -GS 45 akimbo, use the dead shot minor augment to further improve hip fire for higher headshot chance and use MnK too if possible
Another spot is inside savings and loans. However, you must head to the roof first and then open the red X spot next to the Arsenal "1:34". From there, you jump down and open the bank door inside the ice cream store. It can be opened by standing next to the wall directly above the door opening the ice cream store. This way, the zombies spawn faster and funnel inside the bank without having to open the main doors of the bank. They only come in through the barriers around JUG or the hole in the wall you just opened making headshots easier.
If you buy the debris above the ice cream shop you can crouch and buy the debris that leads into the bank, opening the ice cream shop and giving you the whole bank with closed doors, there are only 3 spawns for zombies and it's super quick to kill rounds. It's also great for multitasking gold and opal because if you're by the desk the manglers spawn all the way at the back so they usually come out last for an easy kill without needing to switch guns mid round
I’ve been doing this but for my melee weapons, I need 4 more special zombies kills with my bat then I can get opal on my knife then I’m done, what I found is that if u spawn that red mangle boss from the LVT or whatever it is, it doesn’t count, I wasted my time getting up to round 15 where reg manglers don’t spawn so I had to restart, just a heads up don’t waste your time doing what I did lol
if you don't open the bank doors, don't open the zipline to the Speed Cola box spawn, don't open the zipline to the Gobblegum machine next to Liberty Lanes and only use the church Zipline to get to the roof, the bank roof is the fastest spawn for Directed Mode and the Zombies can only spawn on the half of the roof that is close to Quick Revive
I think (IMO) the best option is: Make all Gun Headshots, Special Camos & Gold Camos on Round 15 (More Zombies) Restart the Run and Play on Round 11 for Mangler kills.
The reason why zombies would spawn below you and take forever to get to the roof of the Alamo is because you opened a barrier up there. Leave all of them closed aside from the zip line to the graveyard.
Big tip, stop shooting them as they come out. Train them up and then shoot them all at once. It’s actually faster in most cases. You can also lazily but take more risk, sit on the platform that ziplines you to the spawn. Theres like 10ft of straight narrow path there where you can nearly hip fire and never move your stick if you’re bored. All methods lead to about a minute a round if you kill them asap and there’s exactly 33 zombies per round 11. Don’t go above pap 1 for most guns, you wanna 2 shot the armored zombies
A message to everyone doing opal: It’s gonna be over..sometime. But after that afterlife is just soooo much faster and easier..and then Nebula puts you back into that deep hole.
I think the rooftop of the bank is still the best spot. It’s easier to avoid the zombies and I never have to wait on guys straggling up from the street where liberty lanes is. Once I used the zipline outside of the bank on the same street as mentioned above. In that game I had people coming up the backside and a few stragglers. Every game I haven’t used that zipline I don’t get enemies spawning from their. On vermin rounds I did have one vermin come up by the armory machine but that was the only time. In the game I’m currently in I’ve taken the Saug from level 1 to less than 10 special kills from opal, got opal on asg, xmg, svd, xm4, and Krig so far. Liberty lanes and the church are good but smaller areas. I know it’s not that hard at level 11 but it’s really easy on the roof. I went 12 rounds without being touched by a zombie. Just my two cents. Thanks for the video.
There is a glitch with the spiders during the valve step on lib falls they count as elites( only the ones with different colored eyes). I’ve known this since directed came out and I haven’t told anyone. It only works on directed mode
on the top of the bank if you don’t open that straight down zip line to the bowling alley the zombies won’t come from that one spawn point btw making it substantially faster
By the way , never open the descending zip line , the one just beside the Gun upgrade tool , as long as you don’t open it , zombies never come from behind you, mentioned in my own video .
Rookie move. Go around the church route to get to bank roof and don't open the bank. As long as you don't open the back zip line all zombies will spawn in front of you and faster. I would never use bowling alley as my main spot.
So im going for the nebula grind i just finished the military on everything and to tell you that directed mode is miles easier than standard for the headshots I set a 30 minute timer in standard about 400 headshots or something like that and then I did 30 minutes in directed and I got 600 headshots
the reason the top of bank might feel slow and have zombie stragglers is because you don't want to open all of the doors on the roof. Only the ONE zip line from the graveyard and none else. also 15 is probably better to do the camos than 11 but that's just me. you also can't get the camo in 1 game because of the 5 hour limit unless obviously as he said the multiple saves
@hammond5315 I'm not sure what you mean if your talking abt nebula then the guy says it in one of his comments but if your talking abt gold it takes about an 1hr 30 I believe maybe longer depending on the challenges
Currently have all AR's, Smgs, Shotguns, and Lmgs opal. I only need two more marksman rifles opal and then its onto snipers. Directed definitely is saving me with the grind but oh man it is tedious!
I would recommend getting comfortable with the mode again. Play in directed and standard, learn the map layouts and strategies to stay alive. Of course you can complete some camo challenges in the background while doing this but focus on spending the next weak learning the basics and then when you feel comfortable then go all in on the camo grind using the best camo grind strategies. Hope this helps
@ thank you man! I’m currently doing the ARs but it’s taking me some time specially when I run out of bullets and have to run around finding more ammo lol
Tbh I’m just gonna use rampage inducer I don’t want to spend too much time I like the fast paced feeling of it alongside the fact it’s more difficult 😊
Also tid bit if go into bank without opening doors they spawn quick and also come in one direction. And while working on headshots round eleven switch to do opal on another gun to see time
Who else is timing their rounds? I’m completing each round with a capable gun in exactly 58 seconds on the roof. And I’m 3 seconds faster when I train them into a mass and then shoot them all at once rather than doing one at a time. It’s also less taxing on the brain and hands only having to shoot once vs 33 times. One round a minute = just over 1980 kills an hour if you stay perfect.
The purple eye vermin from the pressure valve encounter apparently count for Elite Critical Zombie kills. Can someone confirm if they count for Nebula? If that’s the case….that encounter can be farmed.
If you stay on round 11 for about 50 rounds itll stop spawning manglers. I’ve been doing this strat since it came out and after 40-50 rounds it’ll spawn mangler every 2-5 rounds
Isn't Opal Special kills? Regular Manglers count as Special zombies, not Elites. Elites are qualified as Abominations, Amalgams and HVTs (and I would assume bosses, but I can't personally verify that)
Here is the break down, it really depends on the player: Directed mode is easier, less risk so for newer or less skilled players camos are easier here, doesn't matter if it's military or special Standard is faster but has much more risk so if you don't want to be going down all the time or risk having to restart the setup I'd avoid it. The only camo challenges that are definitively easier/faster are Opal in standard (mangler spawn spam past round 25) and Nebula in directed (specifically liberty falls, round capped at 15 so every round you progress you don't have to fight more and more zombies with more health)
I have only the aek left for mystic gold and I have lmgs and pistols left for opal (plus marksman rifles obviously cause I’m not done with the last gold of those)
I found, that if you instantly kill the mangler, leave the hoard on the roof to go pack, then return, kill the hoard, the mangler returns every round, if you kill everything, then go pack, return, the mangler doesn't spawn for a while.. And can then spawn every 3 4 5 rounds..
I haven’t made it to nebula yet so I can’t confirm but I noticed that vermin kills during the water pressure challenge say elite zombie when killed..if they stop spawning let it fail and rinse and repeat. Someone give it a try and lemme know if they count towards nebula cus that’d make this even faster.
It's just a HUD bug, progression doesn't actually count unfortunately. It's been like that since the beginning of the game and we don't know when it will get fixed. They only count as normal vermin kills.
Tested both, directed all the way. Easier to multitask gold and opal, and not abominations. For every gold u should be getting 2 opals. Very mind numbing though
Wait you don’t have to get every gun afterlife first to unlock nebula? I only want it on the asval so if that’s the case that makes this waaaaay more appealing to me
@@TechnicallyWildwell no cause then you’d have to load in squad and have no save and quite feature and there is no vermin rounds after round 11 plus no parasites so just don’t click bait with the 1 game shit, a much easier method for nebula yes but 1 game no
@@danielchristie2519 stop dick riding and watch his video he talks about how you can earn nebula in 1 game “as he states it took him 2 hours for the saug so it should only take 66 hours for all 33”
man play some music , get fried and just go to the bank rooftop a gold gun every hour literally. go to round cap 15 in directed kill zombies till you get gold. save n quit , go to next gun , do the parts fast and repeat. hour max.
Just got to gold but my game says I can’t do opal until I gold everything else. Can someone confirm? If that’s the case, then I’d have to out of each game to gold every gun first then go back and do opal all over again
@rorymclaughlin1609 what Easter agg if u don't mind telling (this is the first time I'm taking interest in zombies but iv played multiplayer my whole life)
@ So in directed mode (on zombies) the rounds don’t go any further unless you complete the task that’s given to you.. so when you first go into (directed mode) you’ll be capped at the 3 rounds until you explore the town. After that it goes up to 5 then 8/9 then to 11. At round 11 dont follow the of the guidelines the game is giving you. Just farm up zombies and go for headshots. You’ll get more salvage if your gun as a silencer also. Personally I get to 11 and sit at the top of the roof. With my perks and packa-punch 2 weapon and just farm headshots 🤣.. it’s tedious. But it gets the job done
This guy again! LMAO! Nebula in one game guy 😂 Listen bro! If it took 82 hours to unlock Nebula in one run, and if you actually played those 82 hours straight, I would say congrats, you unlocked Nebula in one game. But there is no way in hell someone is doing it. Please stop with the misleading titles. People are going to save and quit with this method. No one is doing this in one game, just stop it 😂😂😂
Imagine having the time and lack of a life outside video games to do this over and over again. Jesus Christ, dude. Call of Duty should not be this important to anyone.
Unlocking Nebula in 1 game will take 82.5 hours or 3.44 days on play time...💀
While still possible this is how to easily unlock nebula in a single match* provided you follow the outlined strategy
@@TechnicallyWild you can on dlc weapons. i did exactly that with the saug and power drill 😅
After 5 hours, since a recent patch, an automatic exfil is called. So you can only do 2 guns max on directed
@@BenjaminSoutnose i imagine you could still save & quit though to stop it, right? as the in-game gameplay length resets back to all zero’s if you do that
Have not heard about this. I have directed save with 30k crits already, always do 2weapons to gold before saving and take break@@BenjaminSoutnose
Idk. I still think opening the zip to spawn strat is still faster to get crits and all special camos plus mangler and elite kills. U don't need to move around and ur aim is within a cm of moving.
@TechnicallyWild how many likes for a copy of BO6?
@@TechnicallyWild Let's get it!
Buy it yourself
Get a job u beg
Hope you get it brodie God bless🙏🏾
Tip from someone who just got nebula: you can cheese the bottom floor of bank. You use the zip line to spawn, but instead of using it, you jump onto the ice cream roof. You then buy the door through the wall (right next to the plank) and go sit in the corner by jug. You can complete rounds in 45-60 seconds this way.
i’m having trouble understanding what your talking about
just got dark matter onto nebula. is directed mode or standard mode best for 2000 headshots? any other tips to help thanks!
@ directed mode for sure on terminus for the highest rates of headshots i’m here to tell you now that there isn’t going to be a super efficient way it’s gonna take 1-2 hours minimum for the head shots on each gun i would recommend going into the wonder weapon room, ending a round in there and saving and quitting when you come back the spawn rates are so fast you’ll have 30-60 second rounds, and if you need ammo just make sure you end the round in there when you come back for the quick spawns
@@hammond5315normal mode bc zombies spawn faster im pretty sure:)
Cheese doesn’t get you past the fact that you have to anger Opal Camo on 33 weapons. Shotguns, Snipers, & Melee weapons are quite a hassle.
If you want to optimize headshots, you need to do these two things:
Avoid Insta-Kills, and don't upgrade your weapon to maximum.
If your weapon one-shots an armored zombie and you don't get "Critical Zombie Kill", it's because the armor blocked it. I recommend keeping it at Purple Rarity and PaP Level 1 or 2, depends if it's an SMG or not.
I didn’t not know this. Thank you
Not true, gold 3 gun get constant critical kills
@benj4840 Yeah, you do get the head popping effect and such, but the thing that matters is the "Critical Zombie Kill" to pop up. You can test it for yourself by checking the scoreboard.
@@benj4840@mcpootbird is right btw
Also noticed this, instas and one shots with the armoured zombies, what was quite unfortunate was the frostline packs punched, already takes forever to get them and then they don't count it 😂
1:26 you can avoid spawns there by not opening up the vertical repel point
If you need vermin kills, just save the game and go back in. When you load a saved game in directed mode it gives you a vermin round to start.
I think there's just a chance of a vermin round, not guaranteed
@@jamoooyeah that is the case most of the time, I stg the parasite and vermin kills are driving me crazy 😭😭
@@Catybara-c1rwhen you need parasite/vermin kills just go normal squad no fill, u don't lose your save
I just join a regular game and kill the parasites and vermin and survive however long and then go back to directed
@@KingShibe you could just start a public directed match with no fill too I believe
Some general advice when starting the nebula grind is to finish one class before moving onto the next, get all the AR/SMGs done so you can actively work on Opal while getting headshots with other weapons, so you’re not wasting free mangler kills grinding round 11.
I've been myself doing 15round cap save for almost 30k crits already, once i get mythic gold to everything it's just faster to go normal and go round 30 and then get mangler kills in few rounds.
Just weaken with wonderweapon.
Atm 48hours and ar/smg/shotgun/melee done and sniper soon. (Melees are opal already)
Get a life dude
@@benj4840it’s like 3 days worth of someone’s life who cares you act like they’re missing out on their entire life
No, the much more smarter strat is to first Do EVERYTHING that requires Zombie kills at Round 15, then switch to Round 11 and do the mangler kills.
I found an efficient way in Standard mode (which is more fun than just rooftop spawn killing) where I hit up to 1600 criticals in 1 game and exfil in round 31 each time. Whenever a S.A.M. trial appears, keep the last 1 or 2 zombies alive, then activate the SAM trial. When it starts new zombies spawn, but the round doesn't end. I checked my criticals and depending on the trial, you can make up to 120 additional criticals, which really stacks up.
That way, I complete gold in about 2 hours
Thing about that is directed mode might be more boring but usually gets gold done in around 1hr30 in plus you can also grind opal at the same time with a second weapon
@@therealsilliestbilly5000true, it does take a bit longer, but you can also do Opal with your secondary from walls or the chest. I guess it comes down to preferences. I prefer playing a „real“ game of Zombies, even if it takes a bit longer
Do your head shots in the terminus beam smasher room, save and quit in that room and when you load back in the zombies only spawn from the 2 windows in that room, rounds go by the faster than any method.
btw the reason you have stragglers is because of you opening the bank door/bowling alley door/phd door. If you keep all those doors closed its the fastest spawns
W info, I'll keep that in mind next time I run it
Facts I average about 33 kills a minute I almost spend more time waiting for the round to change than I do actually killing the zombies 😂
@@Cristian_D63yeah that was me but now I only have snipers left 🤦🏾♂️
Thanks for the tip. Do you do this and then play on the Alamo rooftop?
But don’t you need some of those doors open to get to round 15? Lol
I been grind for the past 5 days and I’ve gotten over 2 mill essences and 100k salvage in total. And I’m proud to announce that I’m not even close to being done with the camo grind 😭
Same been grinding same 15round save for almost 30k crit kills, game for some reason shows only 14999 kills but shows crits correctly.
48hours in and ar/smg/shotgun/melee done and almost sniper.
Melees opal already.
@@Maitokuski yeah, the crits caps at 14999 and the game keeps bugging out, cod gotta fix their game man.
Keep up the grind I’m master prestige I got 21 diamond in multiplayer but in zombies I’m finally on afterlife I just finished opal yesterday it took a toll on me for the manglers
@@danielsamano7530 thank you 😭🙏
@@danielsamano7530 get a job/gf
If yall get to round 11 cap and ur not getting a mangler or u get a bug round, save and quit until u get the mangler guarantee
thank god you said something 🙏
But when I join back I can’t save n quit again got to end the round
My favorite spot is the stairs by PHD. Dont open the top to Pack-a-Punch. Just stand in that back corner on the middle platform and they only walk straight to you. Super easy to kill everything before it gets you and you can go semi afk. Litterally dont need to use another hand if you dont want to even lol. Easiest Afterlife kills ever
I'm almost done with Nebula. Never glitched or anything. What I do is, I did almost all the Headshots first. Then go to directed mode, go for the headshots on another gun and hit the Mistery Box and take a gun that needs the Mangler kills. Then you simply switch weapons
Been doing this same way. My brain is melted atp I need lmgs and the he1 then onto the afterlife and nebula grind 🫠
@eniph2953 Keep on Grinding my friend ❤️
What round do you freeze in directed to keep getting the mangler? Because on 15 it’s just zombies
@ freeze it on round 11 it’ll stay on 11 after you open PaP and walk in the room and as long round 11 isn’t a vermin round it’ll spawn a mangler every round. If it is a vermin round you can save and quit and join back until it doesn’t restart as a vermin round don’t know why it works this way but ye
Thanks for advice man, I have ARs ready for opal and I’ve been spamming 15 on the roof for crits, weapon level and xp. I’ll finish my save file and do this and will slowly grind all ARs opal while using other guns cheers
directed mode games end after 5 hours so you cannot do every gun in one game. especially because you will have to go back to guns multiple times for opal, afterlife, and nebula. and spinning the box eats through that time as well. i tried to do 2 in one game to avoid setting up again, and i strongly recommend just doing 1 per game. 10-15 mins of setup was much more tolerable than spinning the box repeatedly for the other gun i wanted to do
Tip: I found the mangler very annoying when they would knock down my zombies that i had trained up, so if you want to keep the round cap at 9 and have a pap weapon go through the back entrance by the ammo crate and tier 3 armor and pap your weapon and go back through the back exit, you won’t touch the spot that triggers the round 11 cap to start.
The room where you craft the wonder-weapon in Terminus is faster in my opinion for headshots. 33 zombies a round, 99 zombies every 2 minutes.
Additional tips:
-Church and Liberty lanes are the fastest spawn rate
-abuse the valve steps to increase zombie spawn and to guarantee 4 vermin (some random spawn on zombies too)
-For snipers, use brain rot ammo mod and use pheromones (major) and reduce cooldown (minor) + elemental pop's reduce ammo mod cool down. It's a free decoy essentially.
-GS 45 akimbo, use the dead shot minor augment to further improve hip fire for higher headshot chance and use MnK too if possible
Another spot is inside savings and loans. However, you must head to the roof first and then open the red X spot next to the Arsenal "1:34". From there, you jump down and open the bank door inside the ice cream store. It can be opened by standing next to the wall directly above the door opening the ice cream store. This way, the zombies spawn faster and funnel inside the bank without having to open the main doors of the bank. They only come in through the barriers around JUG or the hole in the wall you just opened making headshots easier.
If you buy the debris above the ice cream shop you can crouch and buy the debris that leads into the bank, opening the ice cream shop and giving you the whole bank with closed doors, there are only 3 spawns for zombies and it's super quick to kill rounds. It's also great for multitasking gold and opal because if you're by the desk the manglers spawn all the way at the back so they usually come out last for an easy kill without needing to switch guns mid round
I’ve been doing this but for my melee weapons, I need 4 more special zombies kills with my bat then I can get opal on my knife then I’m done, what I found is that if u spawn that red mangle boss from the LVT or whatever it is, it doesn’t count, I wasted my time getting up to round 15 where reg manglers don’t spawn so I had to restart, just a heads up don’t waste your time doing what I did lol
I like that roof that is a little lower than the bank roof next to it. You can just sit in a corner and get headshots
if you don't open the bank doors, don't open the zipline to the Speed Cola box spawn, don't open the zipline to the Gobblegum machine next to Liberty Lanes and only use the church Zipline to get to the roof, the bank roof is the fastest spawn for Directed Mode and the Zombies can only spawn on the half of the roof that is close to Quick Revive
I think (IMO) the best option is:
Make all Gun Headshots, Special Camos & Gold Camos on Round 15 (More Zombies)
Restart the Run and Play on Round 11 for Mangler kills.
The reason why zombies would spawn below you and take forever to get to the roof of the Alamo is because you opened a barrier up there. Leave all of them closed aside from the zip line to the graveyard.
A trick for headshots if you have deadshot daiquiri you can aim and shoot really quickly and it will help pretty well
roof with the vertical "zipline" door closed is what i've found fastest for me, they only come from the one end of the roof
Big tip, stop shooting them as they come out. Train them up and then shoot them all at once. It’s actually faster in most cases.
You can also lazily but take more risk, sit on the platform that ziplines you to the spawn. Theres like 10ft of straight narrow path there where you can nearly hip fire and never move your stick if you’re bored.
All methods lead to about a minute a round if you kill them asap and there’s exactly 33 zombies per round 11.
Don’t go above pap 1 for most guns, you wanna 2 shot the armored zombies
A message to everyone doing opal:
It’s gonna be over..sometime.
But after that afterlife is just soooo much faster and easier..and then Nebula puts you back into that deep hole.
I appreciate this comment. In the opal thick of it right now
@ It burns a lot of braincells, I feel with you brother
I think the rooftop of the bank is still the best spot. It’s easier to avoid the zombies and I never have to wait on guys straggling up from the street where liberty lanes is. Once I used the zipline outside of the bank on the same street as mentioned above. In that game I had people coming up the backside and a few stragglers. Every game I haven’t used that zipline I don’t get enemies spawning from their. On vermin rounds I did have one vermin come up by the armory machine but that was the only time. In the game I’m currently in I’ve taken the Saug from level 1 to less than 10 special kills from opal, got opal on asg, xmg, svd, xm4, and Krig so far. Liberty lanes and the church are good but smaller areas. I know it’s not that hard at level 11 but it’s really easy on the roof. I went 12 rounds without being touched by a zombie. Just my two cents. Thanks for the video.
1 game to unlock all camos....I don't think you'd make it in time before you pass out from exhaustion.
The roof of the bank works better if you just only open the zip line to the church. If the rest is closed there’s no stragglers
the rage inducer on standard also helps you get the headshots done way quicker but with the caveat of almost every zombie being a super sprinter
Thanks for the video. Help me a lot. Subbed
There is a glitch with the spiders during the valve step on lib falls they count as elites( only the ones with different colored eyes). I’ve known this since directed came out and I haven’t told anyone. It only works on directed mode
They do not count towards camo challenges
on the top of the bank if you don’t open that straight down zip line to the bowling alley the zombies won’t come from that one spawn point btw making it substantially faster
for the parasite challenege just sit in a boat at the edge of the map it seems they keep spawning to keep you out of the water
By the way , never open the descending zip line , the one just beside the Gun upgrade tool , as long as you don’t open it , zombies never come from behind you, mentioned in my own video .
Nebula actually looks sick!!
Ohh and for OP if you dont buy bank door. Zombies dont spawn underneath and is faster than liberty lanes.
To make spawns faster at the top of the bank, dont open the banks doors
the arsenal military guy impression actually made me laugh that was really good lol
Rookie move. Go around the church route to get to bank roof and don't open the bank. As long as you don't open the back zip line all zombies will spawn in front of you and faster. I would never use bowling alley as my main spot.
So im going for the nebula grind i just finished the military on everything and to tell you that directed mode is miles easier than standard for the headshots I set a 30 minute timer in standard about 400 headshots or something like that and then I did 30 minutes in directed and I got 600 headshots
the reason the top of bank might feel slow and have zombie stragglers is because you don't want to open all of the doors on the roof. Only the ONE zip line from the graveyard and none else. also 15 is probably better to do the camos than 11 but that's just me.
you also can't get the camo in 1 game because of the 5 hour limit unless obviously as he said the multiple saves
whats the best mode and map for 2000 headshots
@hammond5315 I'm doing it on directed mode in liberty falls where yoy sit on bank roof at round 15
@@merriktabor2444 how long does it take for one gun? i just got with dark matter
@hammond5315 I'm not sure what you mean if your talking abt nebula then the guy says it in one of his comments but if your talking abt gold it takes about an 1hr 30 I believe maybe longer depending on the challenges
Currently have all AR's, Smgs, Shotguns, and Lmgs opal. I only need two more marksman rifles opal and then its onto snipers. Directed definitely is saving me with the grind but oh man it is tedious!
I think you forgot the fact you need to get opal on almsot every gun before progressing
Some of us need tips on how to get started with zombies… personally I haven’t played zombies since bo2
I would recommend getting comfortable with the mode again. Play in directed and standard, learn the map layouts and strategies to stay alive. Of course you can complete some camo challenges in the background while doing this but focus on spending the next weak learning the basics and then when you feel comfortable then go all in on the camo grind using the best camo grind strategies.
Hope this helps
@ thank you man! I’m currently doing the ARs but it’s taking me some time specially when I run out of bullets and have to run around finding more ammo lol
Tbh I’m just gonna use rampage inducer I don’t want to spend too much time I like the fast paced feeling of it alongside the fact it’s more difficult 😊
Also tid bit if go into bank without opening doors they spawn quick and also come in one direction. And while working on headshots round eleven switch to do opal on another gun to see time
Have to unlock opal on 33 weapons
Stand on the desk in the bank towards the vault.
Need a Warzone camo guide
The parasite kills are annoying because you get in a grove on liberty falls and have to go to terminus to finish
I have a new video I'm working on that solved the parasite issue and is faster for camo grinding
@@TechnicallyWildI appreciate u still have to do as Val and asg 50 so I’m patiently waiting
whuts the thing you use in the backround to keep track of your headshots when playing zombies
Who else is timing their rounds? I’m completing each round with a capable gun in exactly 58 seconds on the roof.
And I’m 3 seconds faster when I train them into a mass and then shoot them all at once rather than doing one at a time. It’s also less taxing on the brain and hands only having to shoot once vs 33 times.
One round a minute = just over 1980 kills an hour if you stay perfect.
In one game... But I've got to get several of the same gun type to gold first...
The purple eye vermin from the pressure valve encounter apparently count for Elite Critical Zombie kills. Can someone confirm if they count for Nebula? If that’s the case….that encounter can be farmed.
It is a visual bug
Bro how can you even get the mastery camps in one game, you have to have multiple guns opal to even advance to afterlife
Hes talking about getting a new gun to nebula after already having nebula
If you stay on round 11 for about 50 rounds itll stop spawning manglers. I’ve been doing this strat since it came out and after 40-50 rounds it’ll spawn mangler every 2-5 rounds
So do regular manglers count towards the 30 elite zombie eliminations for the opal camo on each gun.
Isn't Opal Special kills? Regular Manglers count as Special zombies, not Elites. Elites are qualified as Abominations, Amalgams and HVTs (and I would assume bosses, but I can't personally verify that)
is shaowd rift required to have for any weapon for the camos?
Question so you recommend doing the military camos in standard mode and basically special camos in directed ???
Here is the break down, it really depends on the player:
Directed mode is easier, less risk so for newer or less skilled players camos are easier here, doesn't matter if it's military or special
Standard is faster but has much more risk so if you don't want to be going down all the time or risk having to restart the setup I'd avoid it.
The only camo challenges that are definitively easier/faster are Opal in standard (mangler spawn spam past round 25) and Nebula in directed (specifically liberty falls, round capped at 15 so every round you progress you don't have to fight more and more zombies with more health)
are mangler spawns inconsistent now in this method i been trying
The solo 2 door terminus strat isnt better for headshots?
Well u slowed the spawns down on the bank roof because u opened the back zip line
It got nerfed. Special zombies dont spaws every round on 11 on rooftop
You might have to save and quit to restart permanently spawning. I am in a game right now getting manglers spawning every round
I have only the aek left for mystic gold and I have lmgs and pistols left for opal (plus marksman rifles obviously cause I’m not done with the last gold of those)
Are you able to change your weapon at all besides the wall buys?
Mystery boxes .
I dont get how you can get Nebula unlocked in one game without having to unlock all 33 other weapons Afterlife camo???
Is there a reason why manglers dont spawn every single round when at the round 11 cap?
Because the game is really buggy.
Or because they just made the game that way to piss us off
I found, that if you instantly kill the mangler, leave the hoard on the roof to go pack, then return, kill the hoard, the mangler returns every round, if you kill everything, then go pack, return, the mangler doesn't spawn for a while.. And can then spawn every 3 4 5 rounds..
However you get the views man, don’t hate the player hate the game lol still love the videos
how does weapon xp work with this? do you get the max value? it would be great for leveling weapons on the side as well which would be really nice.
I haven’t made it to nebula yet so I can’t confirm but I noticed that vermin kills during the water pressure challenge say elite zombie when killed..if they stop spawning let it fail and rinse and repeat. Someone give it a try and lemme know if they count towards nebula cus that’d make this even faster.
It's just a HUD bug, progression doesn't actually count unfortunately. It's been like that since the beginning of the game and we don't know when it will get fixed. They only count as normal vermin kills.
For opal is it quicker to play normal zombies and go to higher rounds ?
Tested both, directed all the way. Easier to multitask gold and opal, and not abominations. For every gold u should be getting 2 opals.
Very mind numbing though
@Sean-wv7wl but let's say I just need opal
@@Gman07024if it is just opal then play standard: Terminus rounds 25-40 will finish off a few guns a game
Wait you don’t have to get every gun afterlife first to unlock nebula? I only want it on the asval so if that’s the case that makes this waaaaay more appealing to me
You still need afterlife on all weapons before nebula, you will unlock nebula on any gun when you complete the nebula camo challenge
Yo when will the terminus vid for nebula be coming?
This weekend, I have a final exam tomorrow and then Saturday morning I will be editing the video.
@ alright man thank you 🙏 🙏
Has anyone timed a normal game using the rampage inducer? If I did that for 60 minutes I wonder if I’d get more than 2000 headshots
No you can’t, even if you skip the melee weapons you can’t get the saug and krig out of the mystery box so have to leave the game to get them done
You could just have a friend join your match, drop the weapons and leave the game
@@TechnicallyWildwell no cause then you’d have to load in squad and have no save and quite feature and there is no vermin rounds after round 11 plus no parasites so just don’t click bait with the 1 game shit, a much easier method for nebula yes but 1 game no
He already has nebula, so he can technically can earn nebula in one game, just for the suag, so shut up
@@danielchristie2519 stop dick riding and watch his video he talks about how you can earn nebula in 1 game “as he states it took him 2 hours for the saug so it should only take 66 hours for all 33”
Why doesn’t manglers spawn on round 11?
Is terminus better?
man play some music , get fried and just go to the bank rooftop a gold gun every hour literally.
go to round cap 15 in directed kill zombies till you get gold. save n quit , go to next gun , do the parts fast and repeat. hour max.
What about inside the bank on the desk with both the doors closed wouldn’t that be faster
You can't be in the bank with any doors closed
@TechnicallyWild you can, if you open the roof door near the gun upgrade bench then you go down and open the ice cream shop door trough the roof
@@TechnicallyWild yes u can u just go threw the hole in the shop next to the bank after u buy the door from above it
I need a king ransom guide for Warzone
I have a Kings Ransom launcher guide out at the moment. I'm also currently working on the Abyss grind
Stand on desk in bank
Just got to gold but my game says I can’t do opal until I gold everything else. Can someone confirm? If that’s the case, then I’d have to out of each game to gold every gun first then go back and do opal all over again
Once you gold your gun, start buying the guns from the mystery box. Rinse and repeat
Yo Bro can u pls Tell me how to Cap the Rounds at 11
Directed mode. Play solos & don’t follow the Easter egg.
@rorymclaughlin1609 what Easter agg if u don't mind telling (this is the first time I'm taking interest in zombies but iv played multiplayer my whole life)
So in directed mode (on zombies) the rounds don’t go any further unless you complete the task that’s given to you.. so when you first go into (directed mode) you’ll be capped at the 3 rounds until you explore the town. After that it goes up to 5 then 8/9 then to 11. At round 11 dont follow the of the guidelines the game is giving you. Just farm up zombies and go for headshots. You’ll get more salvage if your gun as a silencer also. Personally I get to 11 and sit at the top of the roof. With my perks and packa-punch 2 weapon and just farm headshots 🤣.. it’s tedious. But it gets the job done
@rorymclaughlin1609 thnx man for the essay I hope I didn't waste ur time and Basically we have to say "Fuck u weaver" and do our own thing
Does this work with 2people
For me cant even load into Liberty Falls lmaoi
1:30 Soup??
It may be quick but I just found it very boring. Id rather do it then normal way for my enjoyment
Thats the Spirit No glitch no cheesing just grinding
This guy again! LMAO! Nebula in one game guy 😂 Listen bro! If it took 82 hours to unlock Nebula in one run, and if you actually played those 82 hours straight, I would say congrats, you unlocked Nebula in one game. But there is no way in hell someone is doing it. Please stop with the misleading titles. People are going to save and quit with this method. No one is doing this in one game, just stop it 😂😂😂
I mean if you save and quit it’s still the same game. But yea you gotta go to terminus for the vermins and also the 5 hour cap
But yea I gave this video a dislike because it’s kind of misleading
They cap you at 5 houres in that mode so no it's not possible
Save and quit, rejoin, and the timer restarts and it’s still the same game
LTG device bugs for me, the cooldown doesnt reset at the start of the next round… stupd ass game
Bro u needa get opal on 33 weapons first before continuing to afterlife lmaoo clickbait
You just do the opal step 33 times in a row, I hope not that's not too complex for you to understand
Imagine having the time and lack of a life outside video games to do this over and over again. Jesus Christ, dude. Call of Duty should not be this important to anyone.
Buddy your subscribed and constantly doomposting about how these camos are meaningless pack it up buddy 😭😹
Lol what do you do all day?
@@zendrive-4904 "Doomposting" lol. Where do these words come from? Also who checks the comments to every video? How do you know how often I'm posting?
All my homies hate free adobe premier 😭(I'm having flashbacks)
Not worth it