What is the conversion ceremony like?

  • Опубликовано: 9 сен 2024
  • The ceremony for a Baal Teshuva and a Jewish convert are similar. Males need to be circumcised. If they are already circumcised, they must do hatafat dam brit, which is a prick to draw blood at the site of the circumcision. This blood must be shown to the beit din, or kosher witnesses, which is a minimum of 2 Torah-observant Jewish adult men. The ideal is 3 rabbis on the beit din, but 2 observant Jewish men even if they are not Rabbis are sufficient. The prick is done with a simple lancet used by diabetes patients to test their levels, and the blood is put on a napkin to be shown. If there is record that the circumcision is done by a Jewish mohel and the proper blessings were said, and there is a certificate of proof, then hatafat dam brit is not necessary.
    After either the circumcision or hatafat dam brit is immersion or tevilah. This should be done in a kosher mikvah in front of the beit din. According to Rambam, the ocean is the most kosher mikvah there is. However conversions can also be done according to halachah in certain spring-fed bodies of water. There are specific qualifications that constitute a kosher mikvah, so approval by a knowledgeable Rabbi should be sought. Specific blessings are said before immersion as well. Females only need to do tevilah.
    In the days of the temple, we are also supposed to offer a sacrifice at the temple after immersion. This is not done any more, but we believe the temple will be rebuilt and sacrifices will be made again as prophesied in Zecharaiah and elsewhere in Scripture. Ezekiel the prophet was given plans to build a 3rd temple, which has not been built yet. God’s word shall not return to Him void, so we know that His prophecies will come to pass in the future.
    If you feel the God of Avraham, Yitzhak, and Ya’akov calling you to return or to become part of Yīsraʾel, we invite you to convert or return to Judaism.
    We are a Traditional Jewish Congregation, Inspired by Mashiach.
    We help Jews who believe in Yeshua do a formal return to Judaism.
    We also help non-Jews who believe in Yeshua and are drawn to Torah do a formal conversion to Judaism.
    Visit us online at: www.BeneiAvraham.com

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