Never had the chance to fight her in EQOA before i quit. I planned to go back and do as much but they shut us down before i had the opportunity. Really cool mob that was all the buzz in our early vanilla days.
Thanks for watching! She's incredibly interesting, but finding official lore on her may be tricky, just like with T'serrina. I'll add her on the list of mysteries to investigate.
Never had the chance to fight her in EQOA before i quit. I planned to go back and do as much but they shut us down before i had the opportunity. Really cool mob that was all the buzz in our early vanilla days.
Killed this spider many times farming for trav boots.
Boy, was this good therapy for my arachnophobia as a kid.
I enjoy these, thanks for making them. Could you do one on najena if you find her interesting enough?
Thanks for watching! She's incredibly interesting, but finding official lore on her may be tricky, just like with T'serrina. I'll add her on the list of mysteries to investigate.
never seen this creature lol only the sand giants
This ai voice is scathing.
What happened to the female that used to narrate the vids?
Stick with the female voice
Lol, saw one of these once. A few actually I think. They seemed normal size, like a Giant Spider, but maybe the huge one is a different spawn.
Sure is a different spawn. Seen it other day. Freaking huge