Dear St. Joseph, please help me, through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father, grant me a peaceful and holy death in God,s timing and circumstances. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life, and into thy hands I commit my spirit. Dear St Joseph pleease help me get my wish and let me stay at home till the end of my life when I will then have to go to hospital. Dear St Joseph, while Im on this earth please help me cope with my affictions and challenges. Please be close to me and comfort me as Im struggling to survive eah day. Thank you. I love you and trust you. Amen
Oh Dearest St Joseph, please help me. Through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please take me home so that I can be with you and the Holy Family. I realize it's in God's timing and will. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life 🙏. Forgive me for wanting to die but I'm in pain and constant discomfort. I'm depressed, anxious and frightened and living my life is uncertainty.. please St. Joseph let me stay at home till my time comes till I have to go to the hospital at the end of life. I love you and trust you Dear St Joseph please have mercy on me and pray for me. Amen🙏🙏😥😭🌷💐🏵️💜💚🌹💖
St Joseph l trust in your and hands over all my troubles saddest and financial problem l believe from today your miracle in my life and my children Amen Amen
Dear St. Joseph obedientt Saint to God and Foster Father of Jesus, please pray for me and through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father, please take me home for Im in constant pain and discomfort and am finding it hard to enjoy life. I love you and want to be with your holy family.,Amen
Dear St. Joseph please grant me a peaceful and holy desth and to let me stay at home till the end of my life, in accordance to the will of God. I love and trust you Dear St. Joseph. Amen🙏🙏💙💚💛😇🧡💜👩⚕️
Oh St. Joseph, please have mercy on me. Through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father, please take me home to be with you Jesus and Mary. Please dont leave me too long on this earth to suffer. Im very depressed, anxious and frightened. My body is declining and Im in alot of pain most times. Please Dear St. Joseph help me get my wish and let me stay at home till the end of my life. Please Dear St. Joseph let me know through the holy spirit my time on earth. I realize its in God,s timing and circumstances, but speak to me in your still small voice. Have mercy and pray for me. I love you and I trust you. Amen
Dear St Joseph, please help me and have mercy. Thank you for getting Tim to commuicate with me. Through your intersesion with Our Heavenly Father, please take me home and grsnt me a peaceful and holy death. Please dont leave me too long on thiscearth as Im suffering physically, mentally and emotionally. Please help orepare me for Eternal Life and into thy hands I commit my spirit, Have Mercy and pray for me Dear St. Joseph. Ilove you and I trust you. I also accept everything that is mentioned in this prayer. Amen
Dearest St Joseph please help me. Through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please take me home so I can be with you Jesus and Mary. Dear St Joseph, I'm unsettled, depressed anxious and frightened and living a life of uncertainty. Forgive me for asking to die but I've suffered with this debilitating terminal and painful disease for along time and I'm tired weak and worn. I realize it's in God's timing and will. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life 🙏. Thank you Dear compassionate Saint Amen 💕🙏💥💕💕
Dearest St Joseph Foster Father of Jesus Christ 🙏🌷 I thank you for your obedience of accepting the role of the Earthly Father of Jesus Christ and experiencing the sorrows and joys of His existence on this earth for our salvation and redemption of sin and the joy of entering the Kingdom of Heaven. Dear St Joseph please have mercy on me and through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please take me home as I'm suffering physically mentally and emotionally and am also socially isolated. I'm exhausted and depressed and am finding it hard to cope on earth trapped in this body. Thank you St.Joseph , please help me. I love you too for what you have done for mankind. Amen😭😭❣️❣️🙏🙏💟🌹🌷💘🌹💥🌿
Oh Dearest St Joseph please intercede for me to Our Heavenly Father to take me home to be with you and The Holy Family 💕..I know it's in God's timing and will. I'm depressed and anxious and frightened and not coping here on earth. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life and for sinners and those that don't pray. Please St. Joseph be close to me and comfort me and help me to yield to God,s Providence. I love you and trust you. Amen 🙏🙏🙏💟♾️😭💔😩💚💙💖💗
Oh Dearest St Joseph Foster Father of Jesus, please help me. Through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please grant me my wish to stay at home till the end of life when I have to go to hospital. Dear St Joseph I realize it's in God's timing and will but please don't leave me too long on this earth as I'm in constant discomfort and emotional uncertainty. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life and for sinners and those that don't pray. Please St Joseph help me to yield in God,s Providence. I love and trust you ❤️💕 Amen 🙏🌷💥🙏🙏💜💚
Thank you Catholic Crusade for this concise version of the seven sorrows of St. Joseph which is shorter and easier to follow. Oh St Joseph, have mercy on me and through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please I beg you to take me home as I'm depressed and anxious and in constant pain. I live in uncertainty and fear. Forgive me for my prayerful intentions. I love and trust you St. Joseph. Thank you. Amen😭😨💘❣️💕🙏🙏🙏❤️💕
Thank you for praying this prayer along with us! Through the intercession of St. Joseph, may our Lord continue to strengthen you and embrace you with comfort and peace.
Dearest St Joseph, I pray to go home 🏘️., to be with you and Jesus and Mary. I know it's in God's timing, but please intercede for me. Meanwhile help me yield to God,s Providence. Thank you 💞 Amen 🙏🙏💞😘💐 I long to be with my heavenly family.
Dear St. Joseph obedient servant to Our Heavenly Father please help me I beg you Through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please take me home as I'm depressed and declining and am in emotional pain. I beg intercede that I'm not left too long on this earth to suffer as I'm tired weak and worn. Thank you St. Joseph for interceding for me. Amen😭😩🙏🙏💔❣️❤️
Dear St Joseph, please intercede for me to Our Heavenly Father to grant me a peaceful and holy death. Im depressed, anxious, frightened and in alot of pain. Please let me get my wish an stay at home till the end of life. Please St. Joseph have mercy and answer my prayers. Thank you. I love you and I trust you. Amen
Dear St Joseph I offer this chaplet for Eric and Merryweather. Please look after them, protect them, bless them and keep them in good health 🙏🌷💥 Please don't let anything bad happen to them as I have no one else that cares about me and this is causing me fear and anxiety. Have mercy on me and comfort me and reassure me that everything will be alright 🌺🌸🌿. I love you and trust you Dear St Joseph. Amen💟♾️✝️🥺😺💕❤️🙏🌷💥🌺
Dear St. Joseph, please help me I beg of you.,Though your intersession with Our Heavenly Father, please take me home. I long to be with you and The Holy Family. Im in constant pain and discomfort and am depressed, anxious,, frightened and living in uncertainty. I realize its in God,s timing and will. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for etrrnal life. Please St. Joseph let me stay at home till my time comes and forgive me for wanting to die as Im weak and worn and tired. Have mercy on me and pray for me. I love you snd trust you.Amen
Dearest St Joseph Foster Father of Jesus through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please grant me a peaceful and holy death in God,s timing and circumstances. Please let me have my wish and let me stay at home till my time comes for Eternal Life. Dear St Joseph please don't take Eric away from me as I have no one else that cares about me. Have mercy and answer my prayers. I love and trust you Dear St. Joseph. Amen🙏❤️💜💚🌹🌿💥
Oh Dearest St. Joseph Foster Father of Jesus I need your help. Please let the Consultant from the Palliative Care Team have compassion and empathy on me and if possible let help me cope with my afflictions. Please St Joseph I beg of you let me have my wish and stay home till I reach my end of life which is in God,s timing and will.Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life and for sinners and those that don't pray. I love you and trust you St Joseph and long to be with The Holy Family in heaven 🙏🌷 Amen🙏🙏💖💕🌷
Oh Dearest St. Joseph most faithful and obedient Saint and Foster Father of Jesus Christ 💕💕, please help me through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father to let me stay at home till Our Heavenly Father decides to take me home to eternal life.Have mercy St. Joseph and grant me this wish. I love and trust you most loving and helpful Saint. Amen🙏🙏😭😭💔♾️💚💟🌿🌿
Oh St Joseph please help me. Through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please grant me a peaceful and holy death in God,s timing and circumstances. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you and please help prepare me for eternal life. Into thy hands I commit my spirit. Dear St Joseph, I'm depressed and anxious and frightened. I have nothing to look forward to and am socially isolated. Please come close to me and comfort me and help me cope with my afflictions and adversities and challenges today. Please give me something positive happen in my life as I feel empty. I love you and trust you Dear St Joseph. Amen🙏✝️💟💖💚💐🌴💦🧡
Dear St Joseph please help me. Through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please take me home and grant me a peaceful and holy death in God,s timing and circumstances.. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life and into thy hands I commit my spirit. Dear St Joseph please help me cope while I'm on this earth with my afflictions and adversities and challenges today. Please help me survive this day as each day to me is a struggle. I'm suffering physically mentally and emotionally and don't know anymore what to pray for to make me happy and for my well being. So I leave my problems and challenges to your Son Jesus Christ to sort things out for me. I surrender myself to him to take care of me. Dear St Joseph most compassionate Saint please keep watch over me and comfort me and help me cope this day. I need you Dear St Joseph .I love you and trust you. Amen🙏🌷💥💥✝️♾️💚💚❤️🕉️💕🌿💔💕
Dearest St Joseph, please intercede for me to Our Heavenly Father to grant me more help and support for my journey with this evil disease while I'm on this earth. Please let me stay at home till my time comes to come home and be with you and The Holy Family. Please St Joseph let there be the funding for these services as I'm concerned that I'm declining. Have mercy and pray for me that all these suggestions by the Consultant Nurse will happen. I love you and trust you Dear St Joseph. Amen🙏🙏😥💔
Saint Joseph please bless the work of my hands. Please bless and protect t my family from all harm and danger. Dear saint joseph, my father and protector be with us at the hour of our death. Amen
Oh St. Joseph you wenu thrubalot to savecJesus and Mary, pleasexhave mercy on me and intercede with Our Heavenly Father to let me stay at home till my end of life when I have to go into hospital to go home and be with you and The Hoy Family. I realize its God,s timing and will. Meanwhilec I offer my sufferings to you to prepare for etrrnal life.. please St. Joseh have mercy on me as Im living in uncertaity and am depressed, anxious and frightened. Amen
Oh Dear St Joseph please help me. I'm feeling depressed and anxious. I'm living in uncertainty afraid of the future. Through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please take me home.I realize it's in God's timing and will.Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life.Please don't leave me too long on this earth to suffer as I'm afraid. Please St.Joseph come and comfort me.Please I beg you help me with the new carer tomorrow morning as I'm filled with anxiety.Please help her to perform her duties well. I love you and trust you St. Joseph. Amen🙏🙏😩💔💕💕💖
Dear St Joseph through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please grant me a peaceful and holy death in God,s timing and circumstances.. Please dont leave me too long on this earth to suffer as Im depressed, anxious and frightened.. please help me get my wish and let me stay at home till the end of my life. Meanwhile I offer my suffering to you to help prepare me for eternal life. Please have mercy and pray for me. I love you and trust you. Amen
Dearest St Joseph Thank you for answering 💞 my prayerful intention. Through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please let me get my wish and stay home till the end of life.I realize it's in God's timing and will but please don't leave me too long on this earth to suffer as I'm in constant pain and discomfort. I'm also depressed anxious and frightened and living in uncertainty. Please forgive me for asking to die as I'm tired weak and worn. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life I long to be with The Holy Family in heaven. I love you and trust you St. Joseph most compassionate Saint Amen🙏🙏😭💗😧💔💟💐🌷
St Joseph's above all intercede for me for the restoration of my prayer life,my faith. Intercede for me on the warfares im facing, intercede for me to conceive my second child.
Oh Dearest St Joseph please intercede for me with Our Heavenly Father to take me home and be with The Holy Family 💕. I realize it's in God's timing and will. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life 🙏. Dear St Joseph forgive me for wanting to die. I'm depressed and anxious and frightened and am living in uncertainty with this evil disease which is destroying away at my body.Please Dear St. Joseph have mercy on me and let me stay home till the end of life 🙏. I love 💗 you and trust you 💕 compassionate Saint. Amen🙏🙏😭😩💔💙💕
Dearest St Joseph, please help me. Through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please take me home. I realize it's in God's timing and will, but I'm in constant pain and discomfort. I'm depressed and anxious and frightened living a life of uncertainty. Please forgive me for asking to die as I'm getting weak and worn. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life 🙏 I beg you St. Joseph, please understand me and hear my prayerful intentions. Thank you. I love you and I trust you 💕😘💟.Amen🙏🙏💕💕💟💟💚🌷💐🌿
Thank You Saint Joseph for protecting Jesus until God the Father called You from the earth. Please protect us from Heaven where You reign with Your Son Jesus Christ
Dearest St Joseph, please intercede for me to Our Heavenly Father to grant me help and support to help me cope with my afflictions as promised. Please let that eventuate. Please St Joseph help restore a broken friendship I beg you. Amen 🙏💖😭💕🌿
Dear St Joseph, please help me. Through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please take me home snd grsnt me a peaceful and holy desth. Please dont lesve me too long on this earth as Im overwhelmed with everything that is happening around me. Im sufferinf physically, mentally and emtionanally and am in constant pain and discomfort. Please prepare me fir eternal life and into thy hands I commit my spirit. Have mercy and pray for me Dear St. Joseph. I love you and trust you. Amen
Dearest St Joseph through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please grant me a peaceful and holy God,z timing and will.Please don't leave me too long on this earth to suffer I beg of you.. Please help me get my wish and let me stay at home till my time comes for Eternal Life. Dear St Joseph please help me cope with my afflictions and suffering's while I'm still on this earth. Thank you. I love you and trust you. Amen 🙏💕💚❣️🌷🌸😥
Dear St. Joseph, please help me.. Through your intersession with Our Hesvenly Father, please grsnt me a peaceful and holy desth, in God,s timing and circumstances. Meamwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life. Into thy hands I commit my spirit. .. Dear St. Joseph while Im on this earth please help me get my wish ans let me stay at home till the end of my life, when I will then have to go to hospital to die. Please help me cope with my afflictions and challenges. Please stay with me and help me survive this day as each day to me is a struggle. Please stay close to me and comfort me. I need your help badly. I love you and trust uou Dear St. Joseph. Amen
Dear St Joseph please help me. I'm extremely unhappy and struggling. I don't know what to pray for to benefit me and give me peace. All I know is that I want to be with you Jesus and Mary. Through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please grant me a peaceful and holy death in God,s timing and circumstances.. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life and into thy hands I commit my spirit. Dear St. Joseph while I'm on this earth please help me cope with my afflictions and adversities and challenges. Please help me survive this day as every day to me is a struggle. I leave my care and surrender myself to Jesus Christ. Please St Joseph keep watch over me and stay close to me to comfort me today as I'm depressed and anxious and frightened and am living a life of uncertainty. Please have mercy on me and pray for me. I love you and I trust you Dear St Joseph. Amen😭😢🙏🙏✝️💕🍀
Oh St. Joseph please intercede for me to Our Heavenly Father. I'm suffering 😭💔🤣 physically 😭 mentally and emotionally for a long time and am now tired and worn. I long to be with you Jesus and Mary 😍😂🙏. Please take me away and let me stay at home till the end 🔚 of my life ❤️🙏🌿 in accordance to the will of God. Thank you. I love you and I trust you 💕😘 Dear St Joseph. Please have mercy and answer my prayers. Amen. ♾️✝️💟😭😩💔❤️🙏🌿💕😘🌴
Oh Dearest St.Joseph, most obedient and faithful Saint. I thank you for helping me with little intentions in the past. Please help me. My dearest wish is to stay home till I reach the end of life where I,l then have to go to the hospital.Through the intersession with Our Heavenly Father please I beg you, grant me my wish. I realize it's in God's timing and will, but please don't leave me too long on this earth as I'm in constant discomfort and am emotionally drained having to live in uncertainty. Please have mercy Dear St Joseph and understand what I'm experiencing. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life and for sinners and those that don't pray. Also please help me yield to God,s Providence. I love you and trust you St. Joseph most kindly Saint, and I long to be with The Holy Family in heaven. Thank you. Amen🙏🙏💗💘🌷💜💞🌿🏵️
Dearest St Joseph please intercede for me to Our Heavenly Father to grant me more support and care to help me cope with the symptoms of this horrible disease while I'm still on this earth. Have mercy as it's a hard struggle. I love you and miss you Dear St. Joseph and I long to be with you and The Holy Spirit. Amen🙏😥💔💖🌹💥💕💜💚💐
Oh Dearest St Joseph, please help me I beg y.ou. Through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father, please let me get my wish to stay at home till the end of life, when I have to go to hospital and end my life. Please take me home where I can be with you and The Holy Family 💕🙏.. I realize it's in God's timing and will, but please don't leave me too long on this earth to suffer more than I can bear. I'm depressed and anxious and frightened living a life of uncertainty. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you Dear St Joseph. My. body is slowly declining and I I'm in constant pain and discomfort. Please have mercy on me and help prepare me for eternal life 🙏. I love you and trust you 💕😘 St. Joseph most compassionate Saint. Thank you. Amen🙏🙏💕💖💜😭😩💔
Dearest St Joseph Foster Father of Jesus and kindly Saint please help me. Through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please grant me my wish. Please let me stay at home till my end of life when I,l have to go into hospital. I realize it's in God's timing and will. Please don't leave me too long on this earth as I'm in constant pain and discomfort and am anxious and frightened because I'm living in uncertainty. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life and for sinners and those that don't pray. Please St Joseph help me get my wish, have mercy and pray for me. I love you and trust you as your are understanding and know where I,m coming from. Thank you Dear St. Joseph. Amen🙏🙏😭😭💔❣️❤️💚💜💜🌷
Dearest St Joseph, please help me.Please help me cope with my pain and constant sufferings physically mentally and emotionally. Through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please grant me a peaceful and happy death Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life.
Thank You Holy St Joseph, the pride of our generation, because of your purity, The Lord was able to intervene on Earth as He planned, using you and The Immaculate Mary. Please intercede for all men to emulate your commitment to family life amidst trials. Amen❤❤❤❤🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🌷🌷🌷✝️🕎✡️
Oh Dearest St Joseph please help me. All I ask is for peace and a little happiness. Through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please grant me a peaceful and holy death in God,s timing and circumstances and His plans while I'm on this earth. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for Eternal Life and into thy hands I commit my spirit. Dear St Joseph while I'm still on this earth 🌎 please help me cope with my afflictions and adversities and challenges. Please help me survive each day as every day to me is a struggle ❤️. Dear St Joseph I'm unsettled and depressed and anxious and frightened by my current situation. I'm living in uncertainty and am socially isolated and lonely besides trying to cope with my physical afflictions.Dear St Joseph please bring me peace ✌️ and a bit of happiness 💗😊. Please help me cope by keeping watch over me and comfort me. I'm petrified of nursing homes, please take me away before that happens.. please help me get my wish and let me stay at home till the end of my life when I will then go into hospital to die. I love you and trust you Dear St Joseph please have mercy and pray for me. Amen🙏😭💔🥺✝️💟♾️💜🌿💗✌️❤️
Dear St. Joseph, most compassionate Saint, please help me. Im feeling unwell and in pain and discomfort. Im depressed, anxious and frightened, living a life of uncertainty. Please St. Joseph through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father, please dont leave me too long on this earth to suffer. I long to be with you Jesus and Mary. I realize its in God,s timing and will. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life. Please let me stay at home untill it is time for me to go to hospital to die. Forgive me for wanting to die, but Ive suffered for a long time, and Im tired, weak and wor. Ilove you and I trust you Dear Saint Joseph. Have mercy, please pray for me. Thank you. Amen🙏🙏😥😥😘
Dearest St Joseph, please have mercy on me and help me. Through your intersesseion with Our Heavenly Father, please take me home and grant me a peaceful and holy death. Plesse dont leave me too long on this earth to suffer as Im in constant pain and discomfort. I realize its in God,s timing and circumstances, but please give me some consideration. Please Dear St. Joseph help me get my wish and let me stay at home till the end of my life. Im depressed and anxioux and frightened and living in uncertainty. Please have mercy and pray for me. I love you and trust you St Joseph. Amen
Hi! I hope your children went to church and made you happy. Mine want to go this weekend. It is so rough on everybody with pews roped off and masks. It really does help a lot to go though.
Dearest St Joseph, please intercede for me to Our Heavenly Father to take me home. Forgive me for wanting to die, but I'm in constant pain and discomfort with problems breathing. I feel depressed and, unsettled and frightened as I'm living in uncertainty. I realize it's in God's timing and will. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life. I long to be with the Holy Family 💕🙏💥. I love you and trust you Dear St. Joseph. Amen🙏🙏😭😥💔💘💚💥🌱🌷🌹
Dearest St Joseph through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please take me home and grant me a peaceful and holy death. in accordance with God,d timing and circumstances. Please don't leave me too long on this earth to suffer. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life. Dear St. Joseph please let me get my wish and let me stay at home till my time comes for the end.of like when I can be with you, Jesus and Mary. Please help me cope with my afflictions and adversities while I'm still on this earth and please don't leave me on this earth to suffer. I beg you. Have mercy. Thank you. I love you and trust you Dear St. Joseph. Amen🙏💕💚❣️🌷🌸😥
I just started praying St Joseph's novena with the help of your channel. I felt good and went to sleep and then i got the worst nightmare ever. Basically in my dream, a bad spirit appeared and it made fun of my dead relative's corpse when i was in her funeral not long ago. It was scary but managed to wake up with the help of st michel prayer. So i'm planning to go confession today as well. 🙏
It's good that you mention this experience to a priest when you go to confession. He'll be able to give you a blessing. Also, perhaps consider keeping holy water in your home. Whenever you feel evil lurking, sprinkle some holy water on you and bless yourself.
Dear St Joseph please help me, please 🥺 for me to Our Heavenly Father to grant me a peaceful and holy death and also to let me stay at home till the end of my life in accordance to the will of God. Thank you. I love you and I trust you Dear St Joseph. Amen. ,🌺🌸🙏😍💚💚
Oh Dear St. Joseph Foster Father of Jesus, please help me. Please interçede with Our Heavenly Father to take me home,in his timing and will. I'm depressed and upset St Joseph as I'm tired and weary with my life and afflictions. I feel it will never end and get worse instead. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life and for sinners and those that don't pray. Forgive me for complaining but you know how I feel. Thank you. Amen🙏🙏😭😩💔💚💙🌿
Dear St Joseph, through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please grant me a peaceful and holy death i God,s timing and will. Please dont leave me too long in this world as Im depressed, anxious and frightened.. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me foe eternal life. Please help me get my wish and let me stay at home till the end of life. Have mercy and pray for me. I love you and trust you Dear St. Joseph. Amen
Praying to St Joseph for a house that we can move into that is handicapped accessable and affordable. Also praying for a speedy recovery from an accident that happened December 18, 2022 resulting in a broken leg. Though the intercession of Jesus, Mary and Joseph!!🙏
Oh Dearest St. Joseph Foster Father of Jesus and obedient and faithful Saint, please help me. Through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please let me stay at home till God takes me home to Heaven in His timing and will. Dear St Joseph I'm depressed and anxious and frightened. Please help me cope with my afflictions and adversities. I offer my sufferings and struggles to you to help prepare me for eternal life and for sinners and those that don't pray. I love you and trust you St. Joseph, please intercede for me and be with me all all times. Thank you. Amen🙏🙏😭😩💔💚💙💙💟
Dearest St Joseph through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father to grant me a peaceful death. I'm depressed and anxious and tired of being exploited by other unwell and very tired and drained as well as trying to cope with my declining illness. Please St Joseph let me stay at home till my time comes for Eternal Life. I thank you and I love you and trust you. Amen🙏❣️💔😥🌷🌿💐🌸
Dear St Joseph through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father, grantvme a peaceful and holy death. Please dont leave me too long on this earth as I cant cope anymore. Im very depressed and anxious and frightened. I realize its in God,s timing and circumstances. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for Eternal Life. Please help me get my wis and let me stay at home till the end of my life. Have mercy upon me Dear St. Joseph and pray for me. I love you and trust you. Amen
Through the intercession of St. Joseph, may the Lord bless and hear all of your prayerful intentions. May the Lord send forth comfort, peace, and healing.
Dear St. Joseph, please hsve mercy on me and help me. Through your intersession with Out Heavenly Father grant me a peaceful and holy death. I realize it is in God,s timing and circumstances, but please give me some consideration. Please dont lesve me too long on this earth as Im suffering physically, mentally and emotionally. Im in constant pain and discomfort and am depressed, anxious and frightened. Desr St. Joseph I fesr Im living a life of uncertainty. Please help me get my wish and let me stay at home till the end of my life. Please have mercy and pray for me and help me to trust God and have more faith. I love and trust you Dear St. Joseph. Amen
Dear St Joseph, please help mme. Please intercede for me to Our Heavenly Father to grant me a peaceful and holy death, and to please dont me too long on this earth, as Im very depressed, and anxious and frigtened to be on this earth for too long.Please let me stay at home till the end of my life, in accordance to the will of God. I do submit all of my prayerfyl intentions to the will of God. Dear St. Joseph please have mercy on me and understand me and answer my prayers. I long to be with you and Jesus and Mary. Thank you. I love you and I trust you Dear St. Joseph. Amen🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Oh St. Joseph foster father of Jesus Christ and true spouse of the blessed Virgin Mary, pray for us and the suffering and for those who will die today, Amen.
Dear St Joseph please grant me a peaceful and holy death and to let me stay at home till the end 🙂🔚 of my life in accordance to the will of God. Thank you 💕😘 I love you and I trust you Dear St Joseph ❤️🙏.Amen. 💟♾️✝️💖🏵️🌺🌺🙂
Oh Dearest St Joseph please help me I beg you. My heart is broken and I'm in tears as I wake up to face the day. Through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please take me away and grant me a peaceful and holy death in God,s timing and circumstances. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for Eternal Life and into thy hands I commit my spirit. While I'm on this earth please help me cope with my afflictions and adversities and challenges. Help me survive this day as every day to me is a struggle. Please Dear St Joseph help me get my wish and let me stay at home till the end of my life when I have to go to hospital to die. Dear St Joseph please don't send me to a nursing home as I'm petrified of them. Please take me away before that happens. Please don't let anything bad happen to Eric, please keep him in good health as I want Eric to have my assets rather than a nursing home. St Joseph please have mercy and understand where I'm coming from I beg of you. I long to be with you Jesus and Mary. Please ask God to reassure all will be well for I'm suffering physically mentally and emotionally. I'm in tears as I am praying to you 🥰💞. please have mercy and understand where I'm coming from. I love you and trust you Dear St Joseph ❤️😭😭😥✝️🙏💟❤️💞💖🌿♾️☮️🍀💕
Dearest St Joseph, please intercede for me to Our Heavenly Father to grant me a peaceful and happy death. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life. Dear St Joseph please stay at home till God decides to take me home. I love you and trust you 💕 Amen🙏🙏💗💙💚💐🌿
Dearest Sr. Joseph I badly need your help. I can't possibly go on lingering in this world in mental and emotional torment, besides trying to cope with my symptoms of my evil horrible and painful and debilitating disease. Forgive me St Joseph for asking for death. Through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father I beg you, please take me home so I can be in Heaven with The Holy Family. I realize it's in God's timing and will. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life,. Have mercy Dearest St Joseph 🙏 I beg you pray for me Amen🙏🙏😭😧💔🌱I love you kind and compassionate Saint🌹💐🌺
I'm sorry to hear of your continued afflictions. May our Lord bring you peace and sustain you in hope of heaven as you remain strong in doing His will.
Oh St Joseph most faithful and obedient Saint. Please interçede for me to Our Heavenly Father to please take me home so I can be with you and your Holy Family 💕🙏💥. Oh St. Joseph I don't know what God wants of me that I have to be a long time on this earth. Can you please help me find out? Thank you. Amen💔💔🙏🙏😩😩😭❣️❣️💞🙏🙏😨
Dearest St Joseph please intercede for me to Our Heavenly Father to grant me a peaceful and happy death.I realize it's in God's timing and will so I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life. Please let me get my wish and let me stay at home till my time comes when I have to go to hospital for the end of life.please help me cope with my afflictions and adversities while I'm still on this earth 🌎. I thank you and. love you and trust you Dear St. Joseph. Amen 🙏🙏💟💟❤️💐💐💕💕💙💖💞😹
What a beautiful St. Joseph Chaplet, but most of us can't memorize the words that has been cut off oh, what a shame for such a beautiful prayer to be cut off. St. Joseph, pray for us. Amen.
@@TheCatholicCrusade Start from the fourth sorrows all the way to seventh sorrows, the written words it doesn't much with the person is saying, I watch the video over and over, and when i reached the fourth chaplet, I'm lost cuz what he was saying it wasn't the same what is written. I'm sorry i don't know if I'm just being tricked by the devil, maybe you can read it. God bless🙏
@@godsloveasall.4984 The words do match with the written words. For each new Sorrow that is announced, look at the small box on the bottom left of the screen. Then follow along with the prayers on the right side of the screen -- they do match with the spoken words.
Dearest Sr Joseph ❤️ please help me. Through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please take me home so I can be with you and The Holy Family. I know it's in God's timing and circumstances 😂. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life. Forgive me for wanting to die, I'm in alot of pain and constant discomfort and am depressed anxious and frightened and living in uncertainty.. Please let me stay at home till my time comes when I have to go to hospital for the end of life. Please let me get my wish. I love you and trust you Dear St.Joseph, compassionate and understanding Saint. Amen🙏🙏💔❣️😭😥💕💜❤️🌷💟
Pls pray for Card. Raymond Burke who caught covid, was placed on ventilator and is now in induced coma Mother Mary and St. Joseph kindly pray for this son of yours( a holy priest) in your holy hearts and return him to us healed, holy and energetic to lead us all back to you and for us to return to our faith and sacraments I pray. Thank you Blessed Mary and St. Joseph.
Dear St. Joseph please intercede for me to Our Heavenly Father to grant me a peaceful and holy death and please don't leave me too long on this earth as I'm suffering 😭💔 physically, mentally and emotionally and am now very tired and worn. Please 🥺 let me stay at home 🏘️ till the end of my life ❤️🙏 in accordance to the will of God. Thank you. I love you and I hope you Dear St Joseph. Ameñ. 💟✝️♾️😩😨😰😭💔🌸🌿🌹🥺🏘️❤️🙏
Praying for your healing gracess😊
Dear St. Joseph, please help me, through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father, grant me a peaceful and holy death in God,s timing and circumstances. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life, and into thy hands I commit my spirit. Dear St Joseph pleease help me get my wish and let me stay at home till the end of my life when I will then have to go to hospital. Dear St Joseph, while Im on this earth please help me cope with my affictions and challenges. Please be close to me and comfort me as Im struggling to survive eah day. Thank you. I love you and trust you. Amen
Oh Dearest St Joseph, please help me. Through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please take me home so that I can be with you and the Holy Family. I realize it's in God's timing and will. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life 🙏. Forgive me for wanting to die but I'm in pain and constant discomfort. I'm depressed, anxious and frightened and living my life is uncertainty.. please St. Joseph let me stay at home till my time comes till I have to go to the hospital at the end of life. I love you and trust you Dear St Joseph please have mercy on me and pray for me. Amen🙏🙏😥😭🌷💐🏵️💜💚🌹💖
May our Lord comfort you and bring you peace.
Praying for a great truck driver job very soon please St Joseph 🙏❤️🙏❤️ for direction and peace of mind,Amen.
St Joseph intercede for our kids to find joy, peace, love and happiness and get more closer to God 🙏🏾
With a grateful heart thank you st. Joseph... st Joseph foster father of the Son of God, pray for us🙏
St Joseph l trust in your and hands over all my troubles saddest and financial problem l believe from today your miracle in my life and my children Amen Amen
Dear St. Joseph obedientt Saint to God and Foster Father of Jesus, please pray for me and through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father, please take me home for Im in constant pain and discomfort and am finding it hard to enjoy life. I love you and want to be with your holy family.,Amen
May the Lord bless and comfort you.
Dear St. Joseph please grant me a peaceful and holy desth and to let me stay at home till the end of my life, in accordance to the will of God. I love and trust you Dear St. Joseph. Amen🙏🙏💙💚💛😇🧡💜👩⚕️
Oh St. Joseph, please have mercy on me. Through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father, please take me home to be with you Jesus and Mary. Please dont leave me too long on this earth to suffer. Im very depressed, anxious and frightened. My body is declining and Im in alot of pain most times. Please Dear St. Joseph help me get my wish and let me stay at home till the end of my life. Please Dear St. Joseph let me know through the holy spirit my time on earth. I realize its in God,s timing and circumstances, but speak to me in your still small voice. Have mercy and pray for me. I love you and I trust you. Amen
Through the intercession of St. Joseph, may the Lord bless and hear all of your prayerful intentions.
Dear St Joseph, please help me and have mercy. Thank you for getting Tim to commuicate with me. Through your intersesion with Our Heavenly Father, please take me home and grsnt me a peaceful and holy death. Please dont leave me too long on thiscearth as Im suffering physically, mentally and emotionally. Please help orepare me for Eternal Life and into thy hands I commit my spirit, Have Mercy and pray for me Dear St. Joseph. Ilove you and I trust you. I also accept everything that is mentioned in this prayer. Amen
Through the intercession of St. Joseph, may the Lord bless and hear all of your prayerful intentions.
Dearest St Joseph please help me. Through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please take me home so I can be with you Jesus and Mary. Dear St Joseph, I'm unsettled, depressed anxious and frightened and living a life of uncertainty. Forgive me for asking to die but I've suffered with this debilitating terminal and painful disease for along time and I'm tired weak and worn. I realize it's in God's timing and will. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life 🙏. Thank you Dear compassionate Saint Amen 💕🙏💥💕💕
Through the intercession of St. Joseph, may the Lord bless and comfort you.
O holy St Joseph please with your heavenly intercession restore my marriage I know you will help me
Dearest St Joseph Foster Father of Jesus Christ 🙏🌷 I thank you for your obedience of accepting the role of the Earthly Father of Jesus Christ and experiencing the sorrows and joys of His existence on this earth for our salvation and redemption of sin and the joy of entering the Kingdom of Heaven. Dear St Joseph please have mercy on me and through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please take me home as I'm suffering physically mentally and emotionally and am also socially isolated. I'm exhausted and depressed and am finding it hard to cope on earth trapped in this body. Thank you St.Joseph , please help me. I love you too for what you have done for mankind. Amen😭😭❣️❣️🙏🙏💟🌹🌷💘🌹💥🌿
May our Lord continue to bring you comfort and fortify you with strength.
Oh Dearest St Joseph please intercede for me to Our Heavenly Father to take me home to be with you and The Holy Family 💕..I know it's in God's timing and will. I'm depressed and anxious and frightened and not coping here on earth. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life and for sinners and those that don't pray. Please St. Joseph be close to me and comfort me and help me to yield to God,s Providence. I love you and trust you. Amen 🙏🙏🙏💟♾️😭💔😩💚💙💖💗
Through the intercession of St. Joseph, may the Lord bless and hear all of your prayerful intentions.
Oh Dearest St Joseph Foster Father of Jesus, please help me. Through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please grant me my wish to stay at home till the end of life when I have to go to hospital. Dear St Joseph I realize it's in God's timing and will but please don't leave me too long on this earth as I'm in constant discomfort and emotional uncertainty. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life and for sinners and those that don't pray. Please St Joseph help me to yield in God,s Providence. I love and trust you ❤️💕 Amen 🙏🌷💥🙏🙏💜💚
May our Lord continue to watch over you and heal you of all anxieties.
Thank you Catholic Crusade for this concise version of the seven sorrows of St. Joseph which is shorter and easier to follow. Oh St Joseph, have mercy on me and through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please I beg you to take me home as I'm depressed and anxious and in constant pain. I live in uncertainty and fear. Forgive me for my prayerful intentions. I love and trust you St. Joseph. Thank you. Amen😭😨💘❣️💕🙏🙏🙏❤️💕
Thank you for praying this prayer along with us! Through the intercession of St. Joseph, may our Lord continue to strengthen you and embrace you with comfort and peace.
Please ST JOSEPH intercede for my family for healing of body and soul!!!!
Dearest St Joseph, I pray to go home 🏘️., to be with you and Jesus and Mary. I know it's in God's timing, but please intercede for me. Meanwhile help me yield to God,s Providence. Thank you 💞 Amen 🙏🙏💞😘💐 I long to be with my heavenly family.
May the Lord always fortify you with comfort and peace.
Dear St. Joseph obedient servant to Our Heavenly Father please help me I beg you
Through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please take me home as I'm depressed and declining and am in emotional pain. I beg intercede that I'm not left too long on this earth to suffer as I'm tired weak and worn. Thank you St. Joseph for interceding for me. Amen😭😩🙏🙏💔❣️❤️
May our Lord bless and strengthen you.
Dear St Joseph, please intercede for me to Our Heavenly Father to grant me a peaceful and holy death. Im depressed, anxious, frightened and in alot of pain. Please let me get my wish an stay at home till the end of life. Please St. Joseph have mercy and answer my prayers. Thank you. I love you and I trust you. Amen
Through the intercession of St. Joseph, may the Lord bless and hear all of your prayerful intentions.
Dear St Joseph I offer this chaplet for Eric and Merryweather. Please look after them, protect them, bless them and keep them in good health 🙏🌷💥 Please don't let anything bad happen to them as I have no one else that cares about me and this is causing me fear and anxiety. Have mercy on me and comfort me and reassure me that everything will be alright 🌺🌸🌿. I love you and trust you Dear St Joseph. Amen💟♾️✝️🥺😺💕❤️🙏🌷💥🌺
Saint Joseph was the most beautiful father, husband and protector ❤Amen.
Dear St. Joseph, please help me I beg of you.,Though your intersession with Our Heavenly Father, please take me home. I long to be with you and The Holy Family. Im in constant pain and discomfort and am depressed, anxious,, frightened and living in uncertainty. I realize its in God,s timing and will. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for etrrnal life. Please St. Joseph let me stay at home till my time comes and forgive me for wanting to die as Im weak and worn and tired. Have mercy on me and pray for me. I love you snd trust you.Amen
May the Lord comfort and watch over you.
St Joseph, Terror of Demons and Pillar of Families, pray for us and for peace in our families
Dearest St Joseph Foster Father of Jesus through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please grant me a peaceful and holy death in God,s timing and circumstances. Please let me have my wish and let me stay at home till my time comes for Eternal Life. Dear St Joseph please don't take Eric away from me as I have no one else that cares about me. Have mercy and answer my prayers. I love and trust you Dear St. Joseph. Amen🙏❤️💜💚🌹🌿💥
Dear St.Joseph pray for us and protect us 🎉🙏
Oh Dearest St. Joseph Foster Father of Jesus I need your help. Please let the Consultant from the Palliative Care Team have compassion and empathy on me and if possible let help me cope with my afflictions. Please St Joseph I beg of you let me have my wish and stay home till I reach my end of life which is in God,s timing and will.Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life and for sinners and those that don't pray. I love you and trust you St Joseph and long to be with The Holy Family in heaven 🙏🌷 Amen🙏🙏💖💕🌷
May the Lord bless and hear all of your prayerful intentions.
Oh Dearest St. Joseph most faithful and obedient Saint and Foster Father of Jesus Christ 💕💕, please help me through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father to let me stay at home till Our Heavenly Father decides to take me home to eternal life.Have mercy St. Joseph and grant me this wish. I love and trust you most loving and helpful Saint. Amen🙏🙏😭😭💔♾️💚💟🌿🌿
May our Lord continue to bless and comfort you.
Oh St Joseph please help me. Through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please grant me a peaceful and holy death in God,s timing and circumstances. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you and please help prepare me for eternal life. Into thy hands I commit my spirit. Dear St Joseph, I'm depressed and anxious and frightened. I have nothing to look forward to and am socially isolated. Please come close to me and comfort me and help me cope with my afflictions and adversities and challenges today. Please give me something positive happen in my life as I feel empty. I love you and trust you Dear St Joseph. Amen🙏✝️💟💖💚💐🌴💦🧡
Through the intercession of St. Joseph, may the Lord bless and hear all of your prayerful intentions.
Dear St Joseph please help me. Through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please take me home and grant me a peaceful and holy death in God,s timing and circumstances.. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life and into thy hands I commit my spirit. Dear St Joseph please help me cope while I'm on this earth with my afflictions and adversities and challenges today. Please help me survive this day as each day to me is a struggle. I'm suffering physically mentally and emotionally and don't know anymore what to pray for to make me happy and for my well being. So I leave my problems and challenges to your Son Jesus Christ to sort things out for me. I surrender myself to him to take care of me. Dear St Joseph most compassionate Saint please keep watch over me and comfort me and help me cope this day. I need you Dear St Joseph .I love you and trust you. Amen🙏🌷💥💥✝️♾️💚💚❤️🕉️💕🌿💔💕
Through the intercession of St. Joseph, may the Lord bless and hear all of your prayerful intentions.
Dearest St Joseph, please intercede for me to Our Heavenly Father to grant me more help and support for my journey with this evil disease while I'm on this earth. Please let me stay at home till my time comes to come home and be with you and The Holy Family. Please St Joseph let there be the funding for these services as I'm concerned that I'm declining. Have mercy and pray for me that all these suggestions by the Consultant Nurse will happen. I love you and trust you Dear St Joseph. Amen🙏🙏😥💔
May the Lord bless and hear all of your prayerful intentions.
Saint Joseph please bless the work of my hands. Please bless and protect t my family from all harm and danger. Dear saint joseph, my father and protector be with us at the hour of our death. Amen
Oh St. Joseph you wenu thrubalot to savecJesus and Mary, pleasexhave mercy on me and intercede with Our Heavenly Father to let me stay at home till my end of life when I have to go into hospital to go home and be with you and The Hoy Family. I realize its God,s timing and will. Meanwhilec I offer my sufferings to you to prepare for etrrnal life.. please St. Joseh have mercy on me as Im living in uncertaity and am depressed, anxious and frightened. Amen
May our Lord comfort you and watch over you.
Oh Dear St Joseph please help me. I'm feeling depressed and anxious. I'm living in uncertainty afraid of the future. Through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please take me home.I realize it's in God's timing and will.Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life.Please don't leave me too long on this earth to suffer as I'm afraid. Please St.Joseph come and comfort me.Please I beg you help me with the new carer tomorrow morning as I'm filled with anxiety.Please help her to perform her duties well. I love you and trust you St. Joseph. Amen🙏🙏😩💔💕💕💖
May the Lord ease your anxieties and bring you comfort.
Dear St Joseph through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please grant me a peaceful and holy death in God,s timing and circumstances.. Please dont leave me too long on this earth to suffer as Im depressed, anxious and frightened.. please help me get my wish and let me stay at home till the end of my life. Meanwhile I offer my suffering to you to help prepare me for eternal life. Please have mercy and pray for me. I love you and trust you. Amen
Through the intercession of St. Joseph, may the Lord bless and hear all of your prayerful intentions and bring you comfort.
Dearest St Joseph Thank you for answering 💞 my prayerful intention. Through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please let me get my wish and stay home till the end of life.I realize it's in God's timing and will but please don't leave me too long on this earth to suffer as I'm in constant pain and discomfort. I'm also depressed anxious and frightened and living in uncertainty. Please forgive me for asking to die as I'm tired weak and worn. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life I long to be with The Holy Family in heaven. I love you and trust you St. Joseph most compassionate Saint Amen🙏🙏😭💗😧💔💟💐🌷
May our Lord continue to bring you comfort and strength.
St Joseph's above all intercede for me for the restoration of my prayer life,my faith. Intercede for me on the warfares im facing, intercede for me to conceive my second child.
Oh Dearest St Joseph please intercede for me with Our Heavenly Father to take me home and be with The Holy Family 💕. I realize it's in God's timing and will. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life 🙏. Dear St Joseph forgive me for wanting to die. I'm depressed and anxious and frightened and am living in uncertainty with this evil disease which is destroying away at my body.Please Dear St. Joseph have mercy on me and let me stay home till the end of life 🙏. I love 💗 you and trust you 💕 compassionate Saint. Amen🙏🙏😭😩💔💙💕
May God bless and watch over you.
Dearest St Joseph, please help me. Through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please take me home. I realize it's in God's timing and will, but I'm in constant pain and discomfort. I'm depressed and anxious and frightened living a life of uncertainty. Please forgive me for asking to die as I'm getting weak and worn. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life 🙏 I beg you St. Joseph, please understand me and hear my prayerful intentions. Thank you. I love you and I trust you 💕😘💟.Amen🙏🙏💕💕💟💟💚🌷💐🌿
Through the intercession of St. Joseph, may the Lord bless and hear all of your prayerful intentions.
Thank You Saint Joseph for protecting Jesus until God the Father called You from the earth. Please protect us from Heaven where You reign with Your Son Jesus Christ
Through the intercession of St. Joseph, may the Lord bless and watch over us.
St. Joseph I thank you for the good job you hv blessed me with coming on its way.
Dearest St Joseph, please intercede for me to Our Heavenly Father to grant me help and support to help me cope with my afflictions as promised. Please let that eventuate. Please St Joseph help restore a broken friendship I beg you. Amen 🙏💖😭💕🌿
Dear St Joseph, please help me. Through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please take me home snd grsnt me a peaceful and holy desth. Please dont lesve me too long on this earth as Im overwhelmed with everything that is happening around me. Im sufferinf physically, mentally and emtionanally and am in constant pain and discomfort. Please prepare me fir eternal life and into thy hands I commit my spirit. Have mercy and pray for me Dear St. Joseph. I love you and trust you. Amen
Through the intercession of St. Joseph, may the Lord bless and comfort you.
Dearest St Joseph through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please grant me a peaceful and holy God,z timing and will.Please don't leave me too long on this earth to suffer I beg of you.. Please help me get my wish and let me stay at home till my time comes for Eternal Life. Dear St Joseph please help me cope with my afflictions and suffering's while I'm still on this earth. Thank you. I love you and trust you. Amen 🙏💕💚❣️🌷🌸😥
Through the intercession of St. Joseph, may the Lord bless and hear all of your prayerful intentions.
St Joseph pray for me, my family's and the whole world Amen 🙏🙏
Dear St. Joseph, please help me.. Through your intersession with Our Hesvenly Father, please grsnt me a peaceful and holy desth, in God,s timing and circumstances. Meamwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life. Into thy hands I commit my spirit. .. Dear St. Joseph while Im on this earth please help me get my wish ans let me stay at home till the end of my life, when I will then have to go to hospital to die. Please help me cope with my afflictions and challenges. Please stay with me and help me survive this day as each day to me is a struggle. Please stay close to me and comfort me. I need your help badly. I love you and trust uou Dear St. Joseph. Amen
Through the intercession of St. Joseph, may the Lord bless and hear all of your prayerful intentions.
Dear St Joseph please help me. I'm extremely unhappy and struggling. I don't know what to pray for to benefit me and give me peace. All I know is that I want to be with you Jesus and Mary. Through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please grant me a peaceful and holy death in God,s timing and circumstances.. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life and into thy hands I commit my spirit. Dear St. Joseph while I'm on this earth please help me cope with my afflictions and adversities and challenges. Please help me survive this day as every day to me is a struggle. I leave my care and surrender myself to Jesus Christ. Please St Joseph keep watch over me and stay close to me to comfort me today as I'm depressed and anxious and frightened and am living a life of uncertainty. Please have mercy on me and pray for me. I love you and I trust you Dear St Joseph. Amen😭😢🙏🙏✝️💕🍀
Through the intercession of St. Joseph, may the Lord bless and hear all of your prayerful intentions.
Saint joseph pray for my sons financial needs
This is a weapon for are times the year of St Joseph protect us with your mantle 🙏
Oh St. Joseph please intercede for me to Our Heavenly Father. I'm suffering 😭💔🤣 physically 😭 mentally and emotionally for a long time and am now tired and worn. I long to be with you Jesus and Mary 😍😂🙏. Please take me away and let me stay at home till the end 🔚 of my life ❤️🙏🌿 in accordance to the will of God. Thank you. I love you and I trust you 💕😘 Dear St Joseph. Please have mercy and answer my prayers. Amen. ♾️✝️💟😭😩💔❤️🙏🌿💕😘🌴
Oh Dearest St.Joseph, most obedient and faithful Saint. I thank you for helping me with little intentions in the past. Please help me. My dearest wish is to stay home till I reach the end of life where I,l then have to go to the hospital.Through the intersession with Our Heavenly Father please I beg you, grant me my wish. I realize it's in God's timing and will, but please don't leave me too long on this earth as I'm in constant discomfort and am emotionally drained having to live in uncertainty. Please have mercy Dear St Joseph and understand what I'm experiencing. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life and for sinners and those that don't pray. Also please help me yield to God,s Providence. I love you and trust you St. Joseph most kindly Saint, and I long to be with The Holy Family in heaven. Thank you. Amen🙏🙏💗💘🌷💜💞🌿🏵️
May our Lord comfort you and ease your anxieties.
Dearest St Joseph please intercede for me to Our Heavenly Father to grant me more support and care to help me cope with the symptoms of this horrible disease while I'm still on this earth. Have mercy as it's a hard struggle. I love you and miss you Dear St. Joseph and I long to be with you and The Holy Spirit. Amen🙏😥💔💖🌹💥💕💜💚💐
Through the intercession of St. Joseph, may the Lord bless and hear all of your prayerful intentions.
Oh Dearest St Joseph, please help me I beg y.ou. Through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father, please let me get my wish to stay at home till the end of life, when I have to go to hospital and end my life. Please take me home where I can be with you and The Holy Family 💕🙏.. I realize it's in God's timing and will, but please don't leave me too long on this earth to suffer more than I can bear. I'm depressed and anxious and frightened living a life of uncertainty. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you Dear St Joseph. My. body is slowly declining and I I'm in constant pain and discomfort. Please have mercy on me and help prepare me for eternal life 🙏. I love you and trust you 💕😘 St. Joseph most compassionate Saint. Thank you. Amen🙏🙏💕💖💜😭😩💔
May our Lord bring you comfort and help to ease all of your anxieties.
A very beautiful and well in formed chaplet
Thank you! God bless you!
Dearest St Joseph pray for me and my sons 🙏. Please St Joseph free my son from Anju Shaji's crutches
Dearest St Joseph Foster Father of Jesus and kindly Saint please help me. Through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please grant me my wish. Please let me stay at home till my end of life when I,l have to go into hospital. I realize it's in God's timing and will. Please don't leave me too long on this earth as I'm in constant pain and discomfort and am anxious and frightened because I'm living in uncertainty. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life and for sinners and those that don't pray. Please St Joseph help me get my wish, have mercy and pray for me. I love you and trust you as your are understanding and know where I,m coming from. Thank you Dear St. Joseph. Amen🙏🙏😭😭💔❣️❤️💚💜💜🌷
May the Lord ease your sufferings and anxieties.
Dearest St Joseph, please help me.Please help me cope with my pain and constant sufferings physically mentally and emotionally. Through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please grant me a peaceful and happy death Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life.
Thank You Holy St Joseph, the pride of our generation, because of your purity, The Lord was able to intervene on Earth as He planned, using you and The Immaculate Mary. Please intercede for all men to emulate your commitment to family life amidst trials. Amen❤❤❤❤🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🌷🌷🌷✝️🕎✡️
Saint Joseph peacefully pray for us, Amen 🙏
St Joseph I beg you pray for my son Sylvester who us jobless to get a good paying job for the glory of God I ask in Jesus'name.Amen
Oh Dearest St Joseph please help me. All I ask is for peace and a little happiness. Through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please grant me a peaceful and holy death in God,s timing and circumstances and His plans while I'm on this earth. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for Eternal Life and into thy hands I commit my spirit. Dear St Joseph while I'm still on this earth 🌎 please help me cope with my afflictions and adversities and challenges. Please help me survive each day as every day to me is a struggle ❤️. Dear St Joseph I'm unsettled and depressed and anxious and frightened by my current situation. I'm living in uncertainty and am socially isolated and lonely besides trying to cope with my physical afflictions.Dear St Joseph please bring me peace ✌️ and a bit of happiness 💗😊. Please help me cope by keeping watch over me and comfort me. I'm petrified of nursing homes, please take me away before that happens.. please help me get my wish and let me stay at home till the end of my life when I will then go into hospital to die. I love you and trust you Dear St Joseph please have mercy and pray for me. Amen🙏😭💔🥺✝️💟♾️💜🌿💗✌️❤️
Dear St. Joseph, most compassionate Saint, please help me. Im feeling unwell and in pain and discomfort. Im depressed, anxious and frightened, living a life of uncertainty. Please St. Joseph through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father, please dont leave me too long on this earth to suffer. I long to be with you Jesus and Mary. I realize its in God,s timing and will. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life. Please let me stay at home untill it is time for me to go to hospital to die. Forgive me for wanting to die, but Ive suffered for a long time, and Im tired, weak and wor. Ilove you and I trust you Dear Saint Joseph. Have mercy, please pray for me. Thank you. Amen🙏🙏😥😥😘
May our Lord embrace you with hope and peace and bring you comfort.
Dearest St Joseph, please have mercy on me and help me. Through your intersesseion with Our Heavenly Father, please take me home and grant me a peaceful and holy death. Plesse dont leave me too long on this earth to suffer as Im in constant pain and discomfort. I realize its in God,s timing and circumstances, but please give me some consideration. Please Dear St. Joseph help me get my wish and let me stay at home till the end of my life. Im depressed and anxioux and frightened and living in uncertainty. Please have mercy and pray for me. I love you and trust you St Joseph. Amen
Through the intercession of St. Joseph, may the Lord bless and hear all of your prayerful intentions.
St Joseph - pray for us
St Joseph; you know the hard time I am undergoing, help me to overcome 🛐🛐🛐🛐
Amen! That all return to church!
Hi! I hope your children went to church and made you happy. Mine want to go this weekend. It is so rough on everybody with pews roped off and masks. It really does help a lot to go though.
Dear St. Joseph be close to all sinners and pray for the salivation of souls. Amen!
Dearest St Joseph, please intercede for me to Our Heavenly Father to take me home. Forgive me for wanting to die, but I'm in constant pain and discomfort with problems breathing. I feel depressed and, unsettled and frightened as I'm living in uncertainty. I realize it's in God's timing and will. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life. I long to be with the Holy Family 💕🙏💥. I love you and trust you Dear St. Joseph. Amen🙏🙏😭😥💔💘💚💥🌱🌷🌹
May the Lord comfort you and bring you peace.
Thank you very much for supporting our ministry, Dora. May God bless you for your kindness. 🙏🙏🙏
I just finished my 9 day Surrender Novena. Oh Jesus I surrender myself to you, please take care of everything! Amen! ❤
God Bless! May the Lord bless and hear all of your prayerful intentions.
Dearest St Joseph through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please take me home and grant me a peaceful and holy death. in accordance with God,d timing and circumstances. Please don't leave me too long on this earth to suffer. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life. Dear St. Joseph please let me get my wish and let me stay at home till my time comes for the end.of like when I can be with you, Jesus and Mary.
Please help me cope with my afflictions and adversities while I'm still on this earth and please don't leave me on this earth to suffer. I beg you. Have mercy. Thank you. I love you and trust you Dear St. Joseph. Amen🙏💕💚❣️🌷🌸😥
I just started praying St Joseph's novena with the help of your channel. I felt good and went to sleep and then i got the worst nightmare ever. Basically in my dream, a bad spirit appeared and it made fun of my dead relative's corpse when i was in her funeral not long ago. It was scary but managed to wake up with the help of st michel prayer.
So i'm planning to go confession today as well. 🙏
It's good that you mention this experience to a priest when you go to confession. He'll be able to give you a blessing. Also, perhaps consider keeping holy water in your home. Whenever you feel evil lurking, sprinkle some holy water on you and bless yourself.
Dear St Joseph please help me, please 🥺 for me to Our Heavenly Father to grant me a peaceful and holy death and also to let me stay at home till the end of my life in accordance to the will of God. Thank you. I love you and I trust you Dear St Joseph. Amen. ,🌺🌸🙏😍💚💚
Oh Dear St. Joseph Foster Father of Jesus, please help me. Please interçede with Our Heavenly Father to take me home,in his timing and will. I'm depressed and upset St Joseph as I'm tired and weary with my life and afflictions. I feel it will never end and get worse instead. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life and for sinners and those that don't pray. Forgive me for complaining but you know how I feel. Thank you. Amen🙏🙏😭😩💔💚💙🌿
May our Lord comfort your heart and be with you.
Dear St Joseph, through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please grant me a peaceful and holy death i God,s timing and will. Please dont leave me too long in this world as Im depressed, anxious and frightened.. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me foe eternal life. Please help me get my wish and let me stay at home till the end of life. Have mercy and pray for me. I love you and trust you Dear St. Joseph. Amen
Thank you, Blessed St. JOSEPH. Pray for us and take all pleas to His feet. God bless humanity. Thank you-Salamat. - Blaise Francis
God Bless!
Praying to St Joseph for a house that we can move into that is handicapped accessable and affordable.
Also praying for a speedy recovery from an accident that happened December 18, 2022 resulting in a broken leg. Though the intercession of Jesus, Mary and Joseph!!🙏
Saint Joseph also pray for my children please increase their faith and protect them from all evil amen
Oh Dearest St. Joseph Foster Father of Jesus and obedient and faithful Saint, please help me. Through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please let me stay at home till God takes me home to Heaven in His timing and will. Dear St Joseph I'm depressed and anxious and frightened. Please help me cope with my afflictions and adversities. I offer my sufferings and struggles to you to help prepare me for eternal life and for sinners and those that don't pray. I love you and trust you St. Joseph, please intercede for me and be with me all all times. Thank you. Amen🙏🙏😭😩💔💚💙💙💟
May the Lord bless and hear all of your prayerful intentions.
Dearest St Joseph through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father to grant me a peaceful death. I'm depressed and anxious and tired of being exploited by other unwell and very tired and drained as well as trying to cope with my declining illness. Please St Joseph let me stay at home till my time comes for Eternal Life. I thank you and I love you and trust you. Amen🙏❣️💔😥🌷🌿💐🌸
Through the intercession of St. Joseph, may the Lord bless and hear all of your prayerful intentions.
St Joseph Thank You for all Your Protection and Love ❤️✝️❤️🙌✝️🙌
St. Joseph please take us under your protection ... guide us until our dying day.
Oh st Joseph pray for us and our family
Through the intercession of St. Joseph, may the Lord bless and hear all of your prayerful intentions.
Dear St Joseph through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father, grantvme a peaceful and holy death. Please dont leave me too long on this earth as I cant cope anymore. Im very depressed and anxious and frightened. I realize its in God,s timing and circumstances. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for Eternal Life. Please help me get my wis and let me stay at home till the end of my life. Have mercy upon me Dear St. Joseph and pray for me. I love you and trust you. Amen
Through the intercession of St. Joseph, may the Lord bless and hear all of your prayerful intentions. May the Lord send forth comfort, peace, and healing.
Dear St. Joseph, please hsve mercy on me and help me. Through your intersession with Out Heavenly Father grant me a peaceful and holy death. I realize it is in God,s timing and circumstances, but please give me some consideration. Please dont lesve me too long on this earth as Im suffering physically, mentally and emotionally. Im in constant pain and discomfort and am depressed, anxious and frightened. Desr St. Joseph I fesr Im living a life of uncertainty. Please help me get my wish and let me stay at home till the end of my life. Please have mercy and pray for me and help me to trust God and have more faith. I love and trust you Dear St. Joseph. Amen
Through the intercession of St. Joseph, may the Lord bless and hear all of your prayerful intentions.
Thanks ❤❤❤
Dear St Joseph, please help mme. Please intercede for me to Our Heavenly Father to grant me a peaceful and holy death, and to please dont me too long on this earth, as Im very depressed, and anxious and frigtened to be on this earth for too long.Please let me stay at home till the end of my life, in accordance to the will of God. I do submit all of my prayerfyl intentions to the will of God. Dear St. Joseph please have mercy on me and understand me and answer my prayers. I long to be with you and Jesus and Mary. Thank you. I love you and I trust you Dear St. Joseph. Amen🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Dear St Joseph please heal Tracey and her daughter Bonnie who is seriously ill. Thank you Dear St Joseph. Amen🙏😰🩵💚🌿✝️❣️💟
Thank you🙏🌹
Oh St. Joseph foster father of Jesus Christ and true spouse of the blessed Virgin Mary, pray for us and the suffering and for those who will die today, Amen.
Dear St Joseph please grant me a peaceful and holy death and to let me stay at home till the end 🙂🔚 of my life in accordance to the will of God. Thank you 💕😘 I love you and I trust you Dear St Joseph ❤️🙏.Amen. 💟♾️✝️💖🏵️🌺🌺🙂
Oh Dearest St Joseph please help me I beg you. My heart is broken and I'm in tears as I wake up to face the day. Through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please take me away and grant me a peaceful and holy death in God,s timing and circumstances. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for Eternal Life and into thy hands I commit my spirit. While I'm on this earth please help me cope with my afflictions and adversities and challenges. Help me survive this day as every day to me is a struggle. Please Dear St Joseph help me get my wish and let me stay at home till the end of my life when I have to go to hospital to die. Dear St Joseph please don't send me to a nursing home as I'm petrified of them. Please take me away before that happens. Please don't let anything bad happen to Eric, please keep him in good health as I want Eric to have my assets rather than a nursing home. St Joseph please have mercy and understand where I'm coming from I beg of you. I long to be with you Jesus and Mary. Please ask God to reassure all will be well for I'm suffering physically mentally and emotionally. I'm in tears as I am praying to you 🥰💞. please have mercy and understand where I'm coming from. I love you and trust you Dear St Joseph ❤️😭😭😥✝️🙏💟❤️💞💖🌿♾️☮️🍀💕
Dearest St Joseph, please intercede for me to Our Heavenly Father to grant me a peaceful and happy death. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life. Dear St Joseph please stay at home till God decides to take me home. I love you and trust you 💕 Amen🙏🙏💗💙💚💐🌿
Through the intercession of St. Joseph, may the Lord bless and hear all of your prayerful intentions.
Dearest Sr. Joseph I badly need your help. I can't possibly go on lingering in this world in mental and emotional torment, besides trying to cope with my symptoms of my evil horrible and painful and debilitating disease. Forgive me St Joseph for asking for death. Through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father I beg you, please take me home so I can be in Heaven with The Holy Family. I realize it's in God's timing and will. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life,. Have mercy Dearest St Joseph 🙏 I beg you pray for me Amen🙏🙏😭😧💔🌱I love you kind and compassionate Saint🌹💐🌺
I'm sorry to hear of your continued afflictions. May our Lord bring you peace and sustain you in hope of heaven as you remain strong in doing His will.
Oh St Joseph most faithful and obedient Saint. Please interçede for me to Our Heavenly Father to please take me home so I can be with you and your Holy Family 💕🙏💥. Oh St. Joseph I don't know what God wants of me that I have to be a long time on this earth. Can you please help me find out? Thank you. Amen💔💔🙏🙏😩😩😭❣️❣️💞🙏🙏😨
Through the intercession of St. Joseph, may our Lord strengthen you and bring you peace.
St.joseph pray for peace in our fly n peace in the whole world not as the world gives but as jesus gives
Dearest St Joseph please intercede for me to Our Heavenly Father to grant me a peaceful and happy death.I realize it's in God's timing and will so I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life. Please let me get my wish and let me stay at home till my time comes when I have to go to hospital for the end of life.please help me cope with my afflictions and adversities while I'm still on this earth 🌎. I thank you and. love you and trust you Dear St. Joseph. Amen 🙏🙏💟💟❤️💐💐💕💕💙💖💞😹
May the Lord bless and hear all of your prayerful intentions.
St Joseph, hope of the sick pray for us.
God Bless!
What a beautiful St. Joseph Chaplet, but most of us can't memorize the words that has been cut off oh, what a shame for such a beautiful prayer to be cut off. St. Joseph, pray for us. Amen.
What words are cut off?
Start from the fourth sorrows all the way to seventh sorrows, the written words it doesn't much with the person is saying, I watch the video over and over, and when i reached the fourth chaplet, I'm lost cuz what he was saying it wasn't the same what is written. I'm sorry i don't know if I'm just being tricked by the devil, maybe you can read it. God bless🙏
@@godsloveasall.4984 The words do match with the written words. For each new Sorrow that is announced, look at the small box on the bottom left of the screen. Then follow along with the prayers on the right side of the screen -- they do match with the spoken words.
Dearest Sr Joseph ❤️ please help me. Through your intersession with Our Heavenly Father please take me home so I can be with you and The Holy Family. I know it's in God's timing and circumstances 😂. Meanwhile I offer my sufferings to you to help prepare me for eternal life. Forgive me for wanting to die, I'm in alot of pain and constant discomfort and am depressed anxious and frightened and living in uncertainty.. Please let me stay at home till my time comes when I have to go to hospital for the end of life. Please let me get my wish. I love you and trust you Dear St.Joseph, compassionate and understanding Saint. Amen🙏🙏💔❣️😭😥💕💜❤️🌷💟
May the Lord heal and comfort you.
Pls pray for Card. Raymond Burke who caught covid, was placed on ventilator and is now in induced coma Mother Mary and St. Joseph kindly pray for this son of yours( a holy priest) in your holy hearts and return him to us healed, holy and energetic to lead us all back to you and for us to return to our faith and sacraments I pray. Thank you Blessed Mary and St. Joseph.
I will pray for him. May our Lord bless and heal him.
Dear St. Joseph please intercede for me to Our Heavenly Father to grant me a peaceful and holy death and please don't leave me too long on this earth as I'm suffering 😭💔 physically, mentally and emotionally and am now very tired and worn. Please 🥺 let me stay at home 🏘️ till the end of my life ❤️🙏 in accordance to the will of God. Thank you. I love you and I hope you Dear St Joseph. Ameñ. 💟✝️♾️😩😨😰😭💔🌸🌿🌹🥺🏘️❤️🙏
God Bless!