I Finally Have Attilio Regolo (Italian T10 Destroyer)

  • Опубликовано: 23 окт 2024

Комментарии • 151

  • @liirha
    @liirha 2 года назад +53

    The concealment and lack of range is what kills this line for me. I have her and yeah, if you get in a 1v1 vs another DD and catch them off guard, you will wreck then. The problem is, the enemy isn't going to want to cooperate in letting your plans go off without a hitch.
    So I most often find myself in situations like you did at the start of the video, trying to take a 1v1 and ending up in a 1v3 or worse. Then without a heal, you end up chunked and unable to really fight anything for the rest of the match. Or worse, just dead.
    For this role, why would I not just play Grozovoi? You get better torpedoes, good ballistics on your guns, better range, much better concealment and a heal. While going about as fast, minus the low duration speed boost. It really does feel like this line trades off a LOT for that high SAP DPM. To the point where I don't think it is worth it.

    • @db2157
      @db2157 2 года назад

      I ask this because I do not know, where would you rank the Groz? I am a DD main, but am mostly a torp boat lover with a few DD gun boats, but am trying to push myself to try and use my Smalland and Hara more... Been playing this game for way to long to be as dumb as I am, but thanks in advance.

    • @liirha
      @liirha 2 года назад +5

      @@db2157 I think Grozovoi is really good, but she is also a sort of weird hybrid in that she can do open water gunboating or smoke farm. Her DPM is a little on the low side for a gunboat DD, so you need to be taking advantage of her range, good ballistics and heals to win trades. So tricky to play right. I personally did the Grozovoi line after getting gunboat experience in Daring and Kleber.
      With that in mind, if you want to practice a DD gunboat line, I would recommend the Daring line. You are slow, so you are forced to position yourself well. But you have a self defense hydro so you likely won't die to torpedoes. Best of all is the quick smokes, they give Daring a lot of flexibility. The torpedoes are there and 'okay' but nothing special.
      In comparison, Smaland is a 'murder the other DD' destroyer and then be a worse Halland for most of the match torping things or trying to open water farm. While Harugumo is a smoke farmer. Though I find her too big and unwieldy myself, just sticking with the Kitakaze instead.

    • @db2157
      @db2157 2 года назад +3

      @@liirha Man..... Thanks...... Gives me a lot to chew on, I do appreciate the feedback.... decisions need to be made on my playstyle... lol Thanks again Khara!!!!

    • @db2157
      @db2157 2 года назад +2

      @@liirha Damn, this is good, thank you, I might go ahead and go down the Daring line first, I do appreciate this a lot.

    • @liirha
      @liirha 2 года назад +1

      @@db2157 Glad I could help. Best of luck with your grind.

  • @Ace42x
    @Ace42x 2 года назад +8

    Been waiting for this for ages. As for what the line needs - letting you choose between either speedboost / smokes and heals would be something, so you can gunboat more consistently at the cost of escape tool; or alternatively getting a hydro or radar so your exhaust smoke doesn't help the enemy by blinding you as much as it helps you resist damage.
    And yeah, the reliance on Sansonetti (which is shared between three different lines that benefit massively from him) is a real issue. I've moved him between each and every one of the lines as the new lines demand him more and more.
    Another issue I have is the idea of a "support DD" - yeah it's powerful in that role; but less game impact than just having another DD doing regular DD things. There's stuff like Kleber that can do the DD assassination / farm down the enemy thing to a comparable degree; and thanks to the saturation mechanics, gun range, punchier torps it isn't reliant on a team-mate to do its job either.

  • @waffle3632
    @waffle3632 2 года назад +3

    So early game the Regolo has a support role. You stay with your team. Try to detect torps for them early, constantly use your own torps whenever they are loaded, and if a larger ship is close to you and your team you can fuel smoke and kite away as you rain down sap on them. As for subs, not much you can do. Late game though you are a DD hunter. That is why I recommend radio location over dazzle because if you are out spotted it helps knowing what direction. You can also use your speed boost to juke torps. This ship has a nasty learning curve but one of my favorites.

  • @dhizi5995
    @dhizi5995 2 года назад +4

    I picked up this destroyer only about..three-so days ago? Started to get a feel for it pretty quickly. Figured i'd take it into ranked after some normal play, then consecutively won about 19 games in a row and REALLY had a blast playing it with what I learned, and realizing how absurdly good it could be, but..BOY is it a destroyer that thrives only in specific niches and has glaring weaknesses (but at least they're glaring, so you can negate them). It has been the most-fun destroyer i've played in so long, and after grinding a collective 1m XP on the thing in under three days, I now average 80k damage a game in this with Sansonetti (but with recent games, that damage average is rising fast, i'm normalizing at 130-160k damage a game). This captain makes a MASSIVE impact in how effective this destroyer can be and..Yeah, as you said, he feels mandatory. Currently, I have a 67% winrate in the Regolo.
    1. Your banes of existence are CV's that have effective strike tools against you (Midway. suffering.), and Radar/Hydro. Regolo is...pathetic against CVs, and Radar/Hydro neuter your capability of being aggressive by removing your main tool of safety, being your exhaust smoke. Vision control and skirting along proper edges of firing range/spot range are vital. I get that CV's are the bane of nearly every DD..But regolo's horrid AA emphasizes that much harder, and if you don't have a smoke up..You're going to get chunked massively by rockets and dive bombers.
    2. Regolo is ALL about playing vision abuse and accepting that you're -- if alone, you have to play conservatively, from the edges of your range, striking targets with poor aiming speed or who simply aren't looking where you're at -- lob those slow torpedoes and bait their disengage into those torpedoes, open up fire and put in as many shells as you can before their guns are aimed at you, and then ALLOW them one salvo (Now they're lit for the regular 20s duration!) -- smoke immediately after, dump more shells on them, and swing into full retreat while doing so if you cannot drop them before your smoke expires. You've got 30k HP, you can risk taking small or singular salvos from ships in return for being able to dole out 5x of what they put into you. Be conservative if you don't have allies. -- If with allies, be aggressive. Take opportunities where allies are spotting targets to dump salvos into vulnerable targets, and only disengage with smoke or your speed when you're garnering the attention of multiple targets. Wait for them to drop their guard, and come up with a second attack. Seek out destroyers with poor positioning, blot off paths typically taken with your sea-mines and funnel targets into them with your firepower and aggression.
    3. You mess up every destroyer you run into. If they are broadside, you win, hands down. your main fear-inspiring ships to fight against are Sherman, Daring, Vampire, Groningen/Friesland, any DD with a smoke and a spotting tool. If you fight them, it has to be on equal terms -- you're both permanently spotted, out of hydro range and able to keep all your guns on target. Otherwise, you have to hope they're bad shots in a duel.
    4. Equipment and Captain wise -- Main armaments 1, Engine boost in 2, aiming systems in 3, STEERING in 4, Concealment in 5, Battery mod 3 in 6.
    Captain -- Preventative maint. & grease the gears, Last Stand, Survivability expert,,Adrenaline rush and Main Battery/AA specialist, then Main Battery/AA expert and Concealment.
    Put all the oomf into your guns and survivability, and since you've got a high max health, you get hella payment from Adrenaline anytime you take any damage.
    At base, you get 11.5km range, 4.6s reload on your guns, and superb accuracy and great survivability. Sansonetti guarantees that you improve the lifespan of your consumables after 100 hits, and picking off a destroyer early enables your range up to 12.4 -- enough to combat Russian radars and irritate the living hell out of them by skirting at the edge of your range late-game.
    5. Early game, right off the bat I pop one of my speed boosts and get to a priority capture zones outskirts and drop preemptive torpedoes on typically sat-in locations inside them. Your speed lets you get to unexpected places to set up ambushes. If the cap starts ticking, i'm quick to push the circle if i've found out it's a destroyer I can handle (see, the list above in num. 1 about hydro/stealth DDs) and they don't have any local spotting ships (radar/hydro cruisers). Force an engagement with the DD, make them back off or outright kill them and prioritize the cap and make a hasty retreat. there isn't a DD out there that will beat you in an outright knife-fight if you are the one forcing the engagement -- the SAP hits that hard. Smart players know to go nose in/out to reduce SAP damage/pen chance, and those players should be respected with swapping to HE and nose-in treatment as well. After capping and dealing with DD threats, your team by-then should have arrived -- allow them to be the eyes for you while you beat a retreat with your smoke and mobility, you need to then seek out another ambush and seek out ISOLATED targets. Your one-on-one potential is almost practically unmatched, and your consumable cooldowns are impressively low and allow you to almost always have either a speed boost or smoke up. Always respect ships with Radar/Hydro -- if you do, you should never come out of any trade or situation on the punished side since your tools are so readily available. Abusing your speed, spotting control and ability to decimate broadsides, along with being able to take a lot of damage allows you to out-sustain or out-trade bigger opponents who, if they make a mistake with their firing/spotting radius, makes you a scary ship to deal with. Nothing is more pleasant than ambushing a french BB out of position, broadside on and you're striking them for 8k SAP salvos across their upper belts, watching as they can't return fire due to your smoke as you wittle them down and disappear as the smoke ends.
    I typed a lot, mainly in hopes you'd keep giving the A. Regolo a bit more time because it CAN shine once you learn it and because I absolutely love this DD, and that I do genuinely enjoy all the reviews and effort you put into everything. Keep up the amazing work, and if it ever comes down to it, i'd love to be able to share a replay or some session of my play in this thing with you.

    • @devonellis2520
      @devonellis2520 2 года назад

      I have found that rader positioning is mandatory on thizs ship. It makes hunting dds so much easier.

  • @SofaKingA
    @SofaKingA 2 года назад +19

    I FXP'd to T8, V. Cuniberti, and I kinda lost interest in the line. There's a reason why you barely see them in randoms. The line is weak af. They have to give the line a major buff concealment, heal, range, something!

    • @danielpayne1597
      @danielpayne1597 2 года назад +1

      You can't spell Cuniberti without "cunt"

    • @AdamtheRed-
      @AdamtheRed- 2 года назад +2

      No they're awesome. You do have to be good at playing DDs to get everything out of them though.

    • @SofaKingA
      @SofaKingA 2 года назад +4

      @@AdamtheRed- I guess I suck at DDs? Also I guess you're saying PQ sucks at them as well. Also every other major streamer sucks as well bc all of them say the line is trash. You must be an Italian God.

    • @AdamtheRed-
      @AdamtheRed- 2 года назад +1

      @@SofaKingA Lol he said himself that he's not as good at playing DDs as other classes. And you said you suck at DDs, not me. Don't put words in my mouth. I'm around 60% for the line. I'm not saying I'm a god, you are. Perhaps you play them like any other DD? I dont know what your problem with them is exactly.
      Edit: i do know that buffing conceal/range/dpm at all would make them super OP. Maybe a bit better armor would be good? French saturation is probably too much.

    • @SofaKingA
      @SofaKingA 2 года назад

      @@AdamtheRed- Glad you like them. 👍. Is it your favorite DD line?

  • @benderrodriguez2362
    @benderrodriguez2362 2 года назад +8

    My issue with this entire tech tree isn't the concealment, or the range, or the slow torps or any of the other features everyone has identified. It's the complete lack of identity. You have SAP that's supposed to punish DDs, except it doesn't unless they're bad and you still have less SAP DPM than most DDs at your tier have in HE DPM. You're supposed to contest DDs, but you have the concealment of a HE spamming gunboat. You have this engine boost and fuel smoke, but you lose all your health in an instant if you torp rush because you have to fire from proxy ranges to guarantee hits. You have the same torpedo alpha from T6 to T10 despite TPS scaling like crazy and health pools tripling. You don't have armor, you don't have AA, you don't have a heal and you aren't even that fast. So what are you exactly? The fuel smoke doesn't even work with the SAP because any DD that you want to disengage from will instantly go dark when you smoke.
    It's basically a tech tree committed to being played in divs with other spotting DDs, but then you get to the next problem: why play this over any other DD? You could bring literally any other DD and you'll get access to better DPM, HE to light fires, heals, faster torps that deal more damage, some AA, better conceal, better mobility, standard AP, improved saturation, some armor...there are many choices. When you play Italian DDs, once the DDs are dead, your game is over. Best of luck trying to hit anything with sea mines for no damage. At least Black's sea mines have insane range, reload and alpha.
    I think the entire Italian navy has been an afterthought for WG. The best ships of the nation are the premiums that don't follow the tech tree gimmicks. WG isn't confident in their ability to make an exciting tech tree if the selling point is "it's kind of like the existing ships, but with minor tweaks." They think everything has to be loaded with gimmicks, even if the gimmicks are worthless.
    I'm glad they didn't make a tech tree of Paolo Emilios because I think that ship is toxic for gameplay, but the entire tech tree has been painful for me. I'm a super unicum with >60% solo WR and DDs are my bread and butter. At every tier, Italians are my worst performers. They have no potential for damage. On all my DDs, regardless of tier, I average anywhere from 30-40k more damage in other DD compared to Italians and my max damage games are through the roof as well.
    It's even crazier if you look at the latest devblog. WG decided to NERF Maestrale and Aviere. Absolute insanity. They don't even play their own game or look at their own API at this point. No statistical measure indicated that they needed nerfs.
    All the ships should have massive buffs to concealment, gun DPM, and either a torp speed, alpha or DPM increase. Preferably all of the above.
    If the best players cannot make these ships work, the problem is the ship, not the player.

    • @vitezslavlorenc3479
      @vitezslavlorenc3479 2 года назад

      What? It has second best DPM of all tier 10 DD's. Only better one is F. Sherman.

  • @mccreary075
    @mccreary075 2 года назад +3

    The fixes for the line are, in my opinion, subtle. If you buff conceal, you are correct, it might get OP since you can move pretty quickly to cover ground. You also have some nasty gunpower, and the volley damage is epic, so a higher ROF is dangerous for balance.
    First, the lower tiers are more correct in my opinion in that they have some amount of maneuverability and aren't enormous targets, so make the T9 and T10 more like the T7/T8 (the lower tiers need a touch more gunpower). For T9/T10 I'd go with better turning circle, something more like 710m, and shave a second or so off the rudder. Easier dodging (remembering you're still huge) = more retained HP, if you stay dark and play passive, there is no bonus here, so it encourages smart and aggressive play.
    Second, the reload time on the speed boost is ridiculously long. The total speed boost duration is quite low, and then you have to wait forever to get it back. You need a long game to use the base number of charges, which is quite generous. While the French speed boost is similar in that it can take a whole match to finally deplete, the French also can run theirs basically 3 minutes at a time and the cooldown is shorter, talk about insulting.
    Third, give it better dispersion, more like the Elbing than regular DDs. Then your volleys really stay competitive at the longer ranges, and makes the most of your mediocre HE firepower. This doesn't increase actual DPM, but the applied DPM, and makes volleys more consistent. This matters a lot more with fewer volleys going out.
    Fourth, turret traverse. This lets you use your maneuverability without losing out on gunpower. Something more like a 12 second 180 time would probably be okay. Right now, you're kind of forced into sailing pretty straight, or losing out on DPM to turn (somewhat ineffectively at T9 and T10, given the size and really poor handling.) This would be nice on the ships as-is, even without the buff to T9/T10 maneuverability.
    I stopped running range on my commander, and swapped for RPF, and I feel like this really helped me focus on killing DDs and annoying cruisers when combined with more aggressive smoke usage. I wouldn't say my numbers are better, but I feel like I've had a lot more battle impact to get the win. I do miss the range at times, I won't lie. I stopped counting the number of times I reset my Italian DD commander line at 4, they really are poor ships that need some love and a little more focus in life.
    That's how I'd fix the Italian DD's, in general.
    Edited for minor grammar changes and spelling.

  • @controllerboiii7742
    @controllerboiii7742 2 года назад +5

    I average 130k in it (only 25 games) but I’ll say that it doesn’t need anything, it’s a fantastic ship. The single most important part of this ship picking your battles. Open gunboating isolated ships, smoking to evade, speed boosting to close the game on shimas that left their smoke. Use the short range to your advantage, putting yourself into a position to immediately fall off detect on your kill. Overall, it’s a high risk, high reward ship.

  • @CH3TN1K313
    @CH3TN1K313 2 года назад +1

    What the Italian DDs DESPERATELY need...
    1. ~1-1.5km more range across the whole line
    2. A HEAL for either Tiers VIII+ or just IX and X. How can you have a DD dependent on putting itself in the hardest situations in this game, and not give it an ability to recover some of its HP to allow it to play a little more comfortably.
    3. I am pretty sure the Attilio Regolo is supposed to have a 40mm plate across its midsection. I would give it this armor plate ASAP.

  • @Alexyrion
    @Alexyrion 2 года назад +2

    Thanks for adding that clip in which you eat a torpedo soup from a shima, it helps us peasants see we all make mistakes!

  • @nottoday3817
    @nottoday3817 2 года назад +4

    For me, they really need to tune in the range-concealment ratio. Either give those things bigger range and make them into SAP Klebers/Khabas, which would be interesting. That, or keep the same range make them really freaking stealthy, like Shima/Gearing/Jutland levels of Stealth, so you can use that stealth to ambush suckers and then run them down before they get out of your range.

    • @tahiribnmohammad5410
      @tahiribnmohammad5410 2 года назад +2

      6.5 conceal would be fine b y me, anything less would be to op for me

    • @CH3TN1K313
      @CH3TN1K313 2 года назад

      Exactly, extend the range, and/or give them a heal. Also, I am pretty sure the Regolo is supposed to have a 40mm armor plate across its midsection.

  • @danielpayne1597
    @danielpayne1597 2 года назад +11

    As a DD main, I gave this entire line a hard pass. Reggolo could be used to effect, but the number of boxes you have to tick off to make that happen are numerous and I don't see any reason to pick it over another gunboat.

    • @CH3TN1K313
      @CH3TN1K313 2 года назад +2

      Same, they needed to provide the a Heal if they wanted them to be strict "DD assassins". That, and/or extend the range about 1-1.5km across the entire line, giving it some ability to hit other ship classes without being completely certain you will take return fire and lose substantial amounts of you HP.

    • @Bruhnaccia
      @Bruhnaccia 2 года назад +2

      It kinda makes me feel bad that both Italian battleships and destroyers suck :(

    • @seanelucero
      @seanelucero 2 года назад +1

      These Italian DDs are really good. You have to learn the play style. Been grinding it and has been a ton of fun. And SAP wrecks cruisers. That is hilarious

    • @CH3TN1K313
      @CH3TN1K313 2 года назад +1

      @@seanelucero No one disagrees that every ship in the game can do good in very specific situations, the issue is consistency, and at their present level Italian DDs are the least consistent DDs in the game, making them overall not fun to play outside the 1/10 games the stars align, while also always making them a worse pick over other DDs in both random and ranked.

    • @vitezslavlorenc3479
      @vitezslavlorenc3479 2 года назад

      @@CH3TN1K313 It has like 30k HP and second best DPM and you need heal? :-)

  • @Jesco2841
    @Jesco2841 2 года назад +4

    The few times I've seen ppl do well in Regolo, they had a spotting DD with them.

    • @Skerra-kk6sm
      @Skerra-kk6sm 2 года назад +1

      I've actually had a lot of success playing the regolo in division with another destroyer.

  • @evolutionari
    @evolutionari 2 года назад

    Ah, the review I was waiting for. I was thinking of grinding the line since I'm a DD main but wasn't really sure. It will be nice to hear your ideas, thanks!

  • @TheDgamesD
    @TheDgamesD 2 года назад

    The italian DD’s ironically thrive off low gun range, don’t build into it.
    Use RPF to track down the enemy DD, speed boost once they’re spotted to rush them down with the SAP DPM, then once they’re dead if you don’t pop off detect from your low gun range pop the smoke to run away.
    They’re supposed to be DD pickers, it’s.. a odd design

  • @unemployed_history_major4795
    @unemployed_history_major4795 2 года назад

    Play opportunistically. Don’t fire your guns unless you have to early game. Throw torps into pushing ships. Find isolated 1v1s with BBs, wait till they fire, then drop smoke, turn out and farm away for 45 seconds. Build into your smoke. Make it last to keep the farm up. Then late game, run their DDs into the ground with all your health. Plus, adrenaline rush and fearless brawler, you’re just vomiting out shells if you’ve lost 50% HP. That’s how I’ve done it to average success most of the time.

  • @Skerra-kk6sm
    @Skerra-kk6sm 2 года назад

    I think a slight buff to concealment wouldn't hurt. 7.2 is a bit harsh since most destroyers can just turn around and run away by the time you're close enough to spot them.
    I think 6.8 would be fair. PQ said oh but the shamikaze... Yeah, the shimmy has a super good concealment and it can just pop smoke to evade. It's base speed is higher than the regolo is, especially if they have brisk, and we all saw what happens when you sail into a wall of shimmy torps.
    I would also like to see the regolo maintain more speed through its turns. Noticed it loses a lot of speed and doesn't accelerate all that quickly.
    That being said, I've really enjoyed playing it. The only really bad games I've had are when the whole team runs away and you spend the whole game chasing after them.

  • @TKDforME1
    @TKDforME1 2 года назад

    I have struggled with this thing as well. Pretty much giving up on it and i wanted to love the line.

  • @Mr_Secondaries
    @Mr_Secondaries Год назад

    I just got the Regolo.
    You really want to stay smoked up as often as possible. It really helps motigate damage taken, and makes a big difference in experience!

  • @saxonian6634
    @saxonian6634 2 года назад +1

    I found this the most difficult DD to play effectively, and I still don't really play it well. The only style that had any success is to look really agressively for that first kill. RPF (easier on a ship that doesn't need superintendant), Speed boost, smoke, whatever you have to throw to try and pick off an opposing DD early, that procs Sansonetti and you can then play out the remainder of the game more comfortably. But it's all or nothing, it works and you have a solid game, or you mess up and die really early. It also entirely relies on Sansonetti, I have no idea how anyone has fun in this boat without him. It can be fun now and again to go into a game knowing you need to go ham for that first kill, but I think if I played this all the time I'd have an aneurism! Also as a footnote, giving it better turret traverse would actually be a massive improvement in QoL on this thing, it's like someone accidently put Yammy turrets up there!

  • @Heifish100
    @Heifish100 2 года назад +1

    I'm not even running AFT. Using Islands and the smokes I don't feel like I need it.
    Especially the smokes are extremely strong since you can basically do anything a Daring can do but don't stop for it

  • @devonellis2520
    @devonellis2520 2 года назад

    Radio location is mandatory on this DD. You require it to hunt DDs and also not die by getting jumped when using the fuel smoke.

  • @blurredvision11
    @blurredvision11 2 года назад

    around 0:50 the submarine was probably going full speed at periscope depth (up to 31.5kts for Balao) away from you and used rear 4 torpedo tubes, i think there might be a small few second delay between actual sub ping and when its displayed for enemy team, but yeah its true, the exact position of ping effect is probably randomly offset a few hundred meters to make subs harder to depth charge with planes, if ping position was perfectly accurate every sub would die to the depth charge plane spam by a few players instantly and homing torps and pinging would be unusable, but WG put a lot manhours into programming it so cant have it unusuable eh :D

  • @CNordy
    @CNordy 2 года назад

    Do you think this ship works for Clan Battles given the div setup?

  • @Leo-it1lo
    @Leo-it1lo 2 года назад +3

    Try using RPF. You will never be stealthier than a lot of DD's but you can rapidly close the distance if you know where they are

    • @Zeka_GGWP
      @Zeka_GGWP 2 года назад

      RPF isnt worth the 4 points especially in a ship as point hungry as this

    • @Leo-it1lo
      @Leo-it1lo 2 года назад

      @@Zeka_GGWP I really don't agree but I think that depends on the play style. I don't build my Italians for range because I think the range is horrible and even with upgrades, it's bad. That gives me some more points that I can put into RPF and reload to hunt destroyers

    • @Zeka_GGWP
      @Zeka_GGWP 2 года назад

      @@Leo-it1lo RPF on a DD in a wolfpack is an option, but for solo play its pretty much always better to spec into better combat potential than putting 4 points into a useless skill

    • @Leo-it1lo
      @Leo-it1lo 2 года назад

      @@Zeka_GGWP It lets you hunt for destroyers much more effectively because you know where they are, it lets you pre-turn your guns which gives you 1-2 salvoes before they can respond and it lets you pre-fire one of your torps which can confuse and distract the enemy dd. For those reasons alone, I consider it to be pretty good. In addition, because I don't take the range skill, I have points which I can choose to put into sth else anyway

    • @Zeka_GGWP
      @Zeka_GGWP 2 года назад

      @@Leo-it1lo Except that you can get a pretty good idea of what the enemy DDs are up to by using your eyes and your brain. No rpf required and it can also give your position away anyway so theres another reason to not run it. Better to invest in better combat capability

  • @christopherteichmann8104
    @christopherteichmann8104 2 года назад

    Had a blast in the T7 Tarigo with 21 pt Sansonetti in ranked. Soo much fun. Then had my 12 point take the line as, Sansonettie is Venzia Captn. Started to struggle then with the T8 with no spec Cptn. Still a good ship with a Black in tow (Support) though. Good in a Rdr DD div too. Seen 2xT9 Italian DDs with a Smalland lead. My god they wrecked. Yes, Unicum.

  • @oasisgreen1
    @oasisgreen1 2 года назад

    would radio location give it better ambush potential? at the cost of gun power.

  • @Dirt1061
    @Dirt1061 2 года назад

    The build I went with is the fearless brawler, and skipped range. It works pretty well for me, lots of hit and run attacks, and can disengage easy.

  • @jgcrypto5485
    @jgcrypto5485 2 года назад

    This thing is tricky
    Sansonetti is a must have for this line and you really have to try to isolate the engagements and immediately smoke disengage if overwhelmed

  • @jodomarj9063
    @jodomarj9063 2 года назад +1

    What is even worse, some DD's can be outran by an underwater sub which just baffles my mind and is just straight up broken.

  • @capredcomet5621
    @capredcomet5621 2 года назад

    One time I got 10k per salvos on Worcester this DD have serious fire power but cant do much if targets not give their broadside to you I think it fun ship, should be concealment buff on this around 6.7-6.5 km help a lot.

  • @bttmlesspit25
    @bttmlesspit25 2 года назад

    I agree they need something and I think it needs a bit longer to the speed boost would better balance it

  • @davidpotts7116
    @davidpotts7116 2 года назад

    It’d be nice to have 2 mega heals for these dds. Something like 20% over 15 seconds would be a welcome addition, because these ships have to play in such close quarters that they get blitzed down in less than a minute if they get caught out with radar when smoking.

  • @janasd86
    @janasd86 2 года назад +3

    In captain section, this line needs a lot of points on Commander

    • @ergopropterhoc
      @ergopropterhoc 2 года назад +1

      this is key. upper tier IT DDs shine with a lot of commander points. you need a lot of commander levels to really make it "work," but once you have them, they're nasty. RPF, fearless brawler and concealment expert together on a ship that can consistently drop 4k+ shots into other destroyers while doing 50 knots on speed boost is a very difficult combination to deal with
      people look at the poor gun range through the lens of other destroyers and i think that's a mistake; the short range is a GOOD thing. if you full send into a cap and knife fight the other destroyer, as soon as they die, run, or smoke up, you go dark. the short gun range, speed, and exhaust smoke enable you to take isolated engagements in the middle of the map in a way other destroyers couldn't dream of, and break them off as soon as things start getting too spicy
      sure, the poor range makes them less useful as damage farmers, but that's not what they're FOR - the italian destroyers are destroyer hunters, they're incredibly good at it especially once you have a high enough point commander to make them work, but they're hyper specialized and not particularly strong at any other traditional destroyer roles. people don't look at the shimakaze and say "i wish these guns were better." same with the regolo - it's not about damage farming. it's about knocking the heads off other destroyers and turning contested flanks into blowouts early on in the game

    • @janasd86
      @janasd86 2 года назад

      @@ergopropterhoc i dont like line

  • @michaelgriffin3230
    @michaelgriffin3230 2 года назад

    I play it totally different, I wait by a island and then rush out with the creep smoke and torp them full broad side..Then run away and repeat

  • @solidtoto
    @solidtoto 2 года назад +2

    In divs combined with a Daring the Regolo must be insane.

    • @liirha
      @liirha 2 года назад

      Pair it with a Smaland or Ragnar so they can't even smoke up for maximum murder.

  • @artlailey1496
    @artlailey1496 2 года назад

    I really actually like my regolo. But i agree it’s underwhelming a good portion of the time, I think a realisation i had was that early game theres a pretty decent chance youll have very low game impact. You need a spotting dd on the flank otherwise youre just a flanking farmer with no range

  • @matthewgalston5260
    @matthewgalston5260 2 года назад

    I wish the torps would hit just a little harder so you could yolo a bb easier.

  • @Frozone87ZA
    @Frozone87ZA 2 года назад

    They need a heal or a dmg saturation model update if the goal is to knife fight.

  • @packerram2
    @packerram2 2 года назад

    Seeing your videos gets me so jealous for Italian DDs on legends.
    I hope they’re a little stronger here.
    Next update we should finally be getting full SAP on all cruisers.

  • @existentialvoid
    @existentialvoid 2 года назад

    Turret traverse works well too - since you have no range - no need for the aiming.

  • @veritas4887
    @veritas4887 Год назад

    Hmmm a triple regolo division would allow you to go undetected for a full 13.5 minutes while at full speed. Maybe new anti cv division?

  • @scweneyti2384
    @scweneyti2384 2 года назад

    if you actually hit the sub with the SAP, instead of hitting the water near him, you'd do plenty of damage. People seem to get mad that bad accuracy isn't rewarded as much as they think it should be. I find the regolo to be my most effective sub killer.

  • @thelahna-8747
    @thelahna-8747 2 года назад

    I have not even started the italian dd-line, i am struggling with the decision if I even should start playing them. they sounds so painful; for the one playing them.

    • @Ace42x
      @Ace42x 2 года назад +1

      I had zero fun playing them. Up until tier 9 they're fine but boring early-game DD assassins. You just rock straight up to a CP nice and early, and use the sap to delete the enemy DD before they can do anything. That early game impact's enough to give you a positive winrate; and while the torps are anemic, with no DDs lefti n the game after you've murderised them, you're free to just stealth-farm tickle damage with them until your team wins by default.
      Tier 9 the detection radius becomes unmanageable forcing you to over-commit to fights; and because there's no heals on it you can't just accept trades the way other ships can - you need to get that kill or else you're going to be vision-griefed all day and night and be at constant risk from flukey torps.
      The poor torpedo damage becomes far more of an issue at a tier where there's big fat health pools to absorb that damage, and loads more ships with heals to recover from it.
      Every single pro the T9 has is mitigated by a con.
      Even the one stand-out unique quality of the line: Excellent anti-DD alpha from the SAP - is sabotaged by the poor range and terrible concealment that makes fighting anything at all uncomfortable, especially anything other than DDs.
      The speedboost is powerful, but redundant when it comes to open-water gunboating because of the terrible range - there's not as much time for you to convert that speed into distance-from-where-the-enemy-aimed-at.
      Exhaust smoke? You're the DD, so you blind yourself and team pretty much any time you try to use it, and can't outrun the smoke if you're done with the concealment and are ready to get your vision back. This is exacerbated if you try and buff the duration of the smoke in order to try and farm damage from smoke.
      Long range torps with decent reload? Low alpha, so even though they'll hurt enemy DDs if you fluke a hit on a potato, they won't eliminate them for you. Also slow IIRC.
      Decent health-pool? Big ship model, so eats a ton of shells; and no heal to maintain battle impact later into the game.
      Without hydro / radar / competitive concealment or even just the heals / improved saturation it needs to be tanky, it's lacking a load of the core tools DDs use to effectively assassinate enemy DDs - they can outspot you all day and night, and smoke up to force unfavourable trades if you try and run them down; and if you burn through your consumables to force an engagement, aside from it being risky in general, you're then out of the escape tools you need to disengage.

    • @sarpkaplan4449
      @sarpkaplan4449 2 года назад

      low tiers are fun but irrelevant lul

  • @TheBigGiant_SpaceChiken
    @TheBigGiant_SpaceChiken 2 года назад

    As a DD main, Italian DDs are the only ones try to avoid getting into a gunfight with. That SAP does hurt. But I don´t worry too much about them when I am in my CAs or BBs. I have only been killed by Italian DDs when I have been a DD. They seem to be too specialized in the DD hunter role IMO.

  • @davidb3352
    @davidb3352 2 года назад +1

    If only all Elbing players just forgot they had HE, too.

  • @TWP3G
    @TWP3G 2 года назад

    RE - like in revenue - GO - like in go - LO - like in low. And high tone in the RE. REgolo

  • @TheDgamesD
    @TheDgamesD 2 года назад

    Honestly if they removed the homing on the toros I’d have 0 issues with subs in the game
    Just give them two torpedo options, one fast speed low damage and one high damage low speed they can swap between

  • @NoName-wi8xz
    @NoName-wi8xz 2 года назад +3

    Hi, im currently grinding through lighting (t8 british dd if u dont know) and i love it, honestly it seems preety busted, 5.5km concealment with great guns, smoke, hydro and also i got even some kills with those torps. Its my first proper dd line grind so idk, but if its really that busted, maybe a video about it PQ?

    • @ergopropterhoc
      @ergopropterhoc 2 года назад +3

      they're not really THAT busted. the rn dd line is probably the strongest overall, but the biggest weaknesses are that they're big and slow with no engine boost, and between the smaller caliber guns on the t9/10 (113mm) and short duration smokes, they're not great at farming damage on larger ships
      but the daring and gearing lines are supposed to be vicious against other destroyers, they're cap contesters, that's what they do

    • @Virgilfinnatell
      @Virgilfinnatell 2 года назад +1

      Wait till you try Cossack.

    • @NoName-wi8xz
      @NoName-wi8xz 2 года назад

      @@Virgilfinnatell How can i get cossack? Btw i just got jutland and it is indeed very slow lol, but overall great ship

    • @Virgilfinnatell
      @Virgilfinnatell 2 года назад +1

      @@NoName-wi8xz you can get her in the armory/premium shop. If you want, you can wait until Black Friday and get Cossack B, which has a 30% discount

    • @NoName-wi8xz
      @NoName-wi8xz 2 года назад

      @@Virgilfinnatell is it just for dubs or coal/steal?

  • @dantunsoiu7177
    @dantunsoiu7177 2 года назад

    Imo DDs should either have good range or good dpm, never both. Delny and Marceau are already pretty anoying to deal with in a BB, so having another one of those would be a bad idea.

  • @ShonenTProductions
    @ShonenTProductions 2 года назад

    Is RPF a bad Skill? I noticed you rarely use it

    • @Ace42x
      @Ace42x 2 года назад +1

      It's a very expensive skill, and the value in it is circumstantial: If a CV is spotting the enemy DD so you can see it, having RPF tell you the direction that enemy DD is in is worthless.
      Yeah the information it provides can sometimes be invaluable (letting you deduce a certain CP is uncontested, and thus you can safely grab it for free before rocking up to another one; informing you if some wiseguy in a torpedo boat is sneaking up the map border; etc etc) - but you're paying a lot of skill points for that information, and the value of the information it gives you can sometimes just be plain worthless - making the value four whole CO skillpoints is generating for you worthless in the process.
      I find DDs with big detection radii tend to be the ships that benefit the most from RPF - as knowing where the torpedo threat is coming from, and which direction you need to sail towards / away from in order to counter being vision-griefed, is very important. But if the ship needs other high-cost skills to work (for example advanced fire training to extend gun range), then it's an obvious candidate for being dropped.
      After all, you can get information about where an enemy DD is just by seeing where your detection radius intersects with a CP - and thus paying attentiont to when you get detected vs when the CP starts being capped - there's ways to play around a lack of information that simply don't apply to hard-baked limits like range, dpm, health pool, etc, etc.

  • @theotherone5214
    @theotherone5214 Год назад

    Top speed smoke and +25% speed boost ... torps ... it seems like no commenters understand what the idea behind that is. It's a Yolo Emilio, you just have to pick your targets carefully and it's a hilarious and powerful boat. Don't try to play it like a Daring or Khaba or something. This ship line is a category of its own.

  • @wesgeorge4112
    @wesgeorge4112 Год назад

    I don't care about the short gun range, it's the very bad concealment. The short range guns work well on the line T8 and before, because you have pretty decent concealment.

  • @longthai9091
    @longthai9091 2 года назад

    7.2km conceal is really hard to play. Tier 8 is ok, I can manage my ship with 6.5km detection range, but 7.2 is too much

  • @liviogiuliani6167
    @liviogiuliani6167 2 года назад

    Well, kinda agree and disagree. Is not an easy line to play, but I think the gimmick of having a short firing range paired with high SAP DPM, exhaust smoke generator and speed boost, is to kill the scouting or capping DD that is more advanced than the rest of her team. Once she is dead, because Your firing range is so short, You go undetected immediately. If things go south, smoke up and speed boost out of the shi*storm coming.

  • @AdamtheRed-
    @AdamtheRed- 2 года назад

    The Reggalo is the _only_ ITA DD that doesn't need Sansonetti, its range is fine if you spec aft. Uou seem to be playing it _too_ aggressive because the concetal is really bad, unlike the earlier t3-t8s. The T9 and T10 have too poor of a conceal to be super aggressive. These ships are great

  • @tomr1630
    @tomr1630 2 года назад

    How do you get San Senetti?

  • @danielefabbro822
    @danielefabbro822 Год назад

    Regolo is a difficult ship to play because is not made like everything's else.
    Moreover, its always rare to see it in battle.
    Many players just want easy life, easy kills, easy gameplay to farm and not have to make efforts.
    Of course, pro players master it, while all the rest plays Shimakaze.

  • @davidturner6995
    @davidturner6995 2 года назад +1

    DDs should be equipped with asdic , we could go sub hunting

    @DEATHRAGE157 2 года назад

    Does this ship needs rpf?

  • @MitchDunn-v2h
    @MitchDunn-v2h Год назад

    Honestly I don't care about fighting other DD's, guns are for when you get spotted before your torpedoes are reloaded. 😊

  • @pachuri007w9
    @pachuri007w9 2 года назад

    Lacking of range is such an huge bless of this line. Yet, every steamer I came across want to take AFT, LOL. People in this game do not seem receiving new concept fast.

  • @AronFigaro
    @AronFigaro 2 года назад +1

    The only people reliably spotting subs are the guys running the vision mods. WG needs to stop whaling for a bit and focus on game quality. Fix subs, fix invisible walls, PATCH CHEATS OUT etc.

  • @boccaboi
    @boccaboi 2 года назад +3

    This ship is fine without Sansonetti. You just have to work on your positioning. Find those broadsides. This is a damage farmer... make no mistake

  • @theitguy6652
    @theitguy6652 2 года назад

    I will give it better concelmeant or better reload 2 sec

  • @Vyviel
    @Vyviel 2 года назад

    Dont even want to try this line when there are so many other more fun options

  • @murphyloi
    @murphyloi 2 года назад

    Tbh i hated it in the beginning, cause I went 21 points cap and had high hopes...got very disappointed, then slowly started doing better and better..she's a beast but each game will give you limited options. I love the ship now..all I can say.

  • @neverlayup
    @neverlayup Год назад

    I am only at T7 and I feel like this like is just not worth playing. It just doesn't bring enough to the table

  • @sardaukerlegion
    @sardaukerlegion 2 года назад

    I'm at T9 and unable to make that crap work. Don't think i will finish it.

  • @AllAhabNoMoby
    @AllAhabNoMoby 2 года назад +2

    I wish you and other major streamers - and especially CC's - would be more outspoken on subs. Here is where your split loyalties come into play: you can't really speak your mind as I think you would if you were independent. Subs are fucking cancer to the game, in some ways worse than CV's, and it needs to be said again and again, especially by those who have a following.

  • @Fr_Fa
    @Fr_Fa 2 года назад

    low range dd mean easy to disengage.

  • @Ichoros
    @Ichoros 2 года назад

    doesnt look like a random game ship

  • @waverleyjournalise5757
    @waverleyjournalise5757 2 года назад

    Still in a better place than Kleber. With, y'know, functional torps and sustained DPM
    Also, *no-one* wants to be fair to Shima.

    • @EvoraGT430
      @EvoraGT430 2 года назад

      You have to be joking. Kleber is a monster.

  • @bryanbrewer4272
    @bryanbrewer4272 2 года назад

    i like it alot, its hard to play but once you get used to it ......

  • @FJFuentesCO
    @FJFuentesCO 2 года назад

    This is my Best DD in Ranked. Go Figure...

  • @wesgeorge4112
    @wesgeorge4112 Год назад

    The line is strong up to and including T8. T9 and especially T10 are downgrades imo due to the very poor concealment, means you can't even effectively fight DDs as you are spotted a Km away. They lack the apples and torp strength to play like a Paolo Emilio, so they really are a disappointment to me past T8.

  • @Heliyos
    @Heliyos 2 года назад

    So in real life these ships are classified as light cruisers. The way I've been playing it is similar to Kleber in that I feel most comfortable when shooting the enemy from an odd angle on a flank. Obviously CV games ruin this.

  • @blackmamba2448
    @blackmamba2448 2 года назад

    supposedly subs get saturation similar to french dds

  • @HeySway79
    @HeySway79 2 года назад

    hey , subscribed

  • @hardkur
    @hardkur 2 года назад +1

    so RPF mby ?? hmmmm ? u cant use these 10% damage buff from other skills if u dont knew where is the guy u need to shoot

  • @ReDiR20
    @ReDiR20 2 года назад

    Very good DD. Good versatility with smoke, burst fire, long range torps and decent concealment and dpm

    • @ayayaybamba3445
      @ayayaybamba3445 2 года назад +3

      Decent concealment? It has some of the worst concealment for a t10 DD and none of the range of a light cruiser. It also doesn't have any improved armor/ heal like Khaba or improved saturation like Kleber and Marceau.

  • @mustclime5311
    @mustclime5311 2 года назад

    Hated the line....sold them....more WG fail.

  • @Cactusjugglertm
    @Cactusjugglertm 2 года назад +3

    I absolutely HATE the Regolo. They are just bad at everything they do. Torps suck, guns suck when you dont get broadside dds, concealment is abnoxius, range is fucking ridiculous... Bluuuuhhhh!!!

  • @torbenhansen34
    @torbenhansen34 2 года назад +1

    It is all bad....the ship has nothing going for it, at all

  • @thelegionisnotamused8929
    @thelegionisnotamused8929 2 года назад

    Dislike any ship that has poor accuracy.

  • @skipper4126
    @skipper4126 2 года назад

    Imagine playing the game knowing where DD's are... you know.. since its BS you cant know where subs are *shrug*

  • @gsflightsimfun20
    @gsflightsimfun20 2 года назад

    1st comment!! love the content. you have made me a better player

  • @hiddentruth1982
    @hiddentruth1982 2 года назад

    subs are worse for the game than cv's by far.