When is the Shabat/Sabbath (7th) Day? Invalidating the Moon Doctrine!!

  • Опубликовано: 6 окт 2024

Комментарии • 71

  • @michellemoss5076
    @michellemoss5076 4 месяца назад +1

    Praise YAHUAH

  • @YH7R
    @YH7R 7 месяцев назад +2

    Shalum, I was hoping you addressed the Shabat hours dawn to dusk, sunrise to sunset etc....Todah in advance

    • @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78
      @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78  7 месяцев назад +1

      Shalum Mashapach, I know many may start their days in the evening, but I begin the day at sunrise to the next sunrise of the following day. So, if we're speaking of the Shabat of Yahuah, then I begin it sunrise Saturday and it doesn't end until sunrise Sunday!!

    • @YH7R
      @YH7R 7 месяцев назад


  • @reginafreeman1738
    @reginafreeman1738 Год назад +2

    So glad Yahuah allowed me to see this video on this sabbath day. Love your videos brother 🥰
    Thank you Yahuah.

  • @kelvinhunter9268
    @kelvinhunter9268 3 месяца назад

    Genesis 1:14-19

  • @lucaphan6011
    @lucaphan6011 Год назад +2

    All Blessings to yahuah, for he gives us everything. Thank you great father, yahuah, in the name of yahusha.

  • @dabarahyasharal4360
    @dabarahyasharal4360 2 года назад +2

    All praise & honor be unto the Eternal King, YaHUaH, forever!
    I looked into the moon doctrine to try & understand the Creators' 7 day week and where the shabbat day is (apart from the gregorian calendar that is in use). It is my understanding that the full (new) moon begins the new month. But, if one reads genesis, Master YaHUaH, creates the 7 day week, rests on the 7th day without any mention of a month being established. Also, the pagan names for the days can cause controversy, too, as you mentioned.
    I thank you myshpacha for bringing this very important matter up in your video!
    Love & shalum to all the tribes & those joined to Yashar'AL in the name of Yahusha ha'Mashyach!

    • @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78
      @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78  2 года назад +2

      All Praises unto Yahuah for he is worthy to be praised!! With video I wanted to invalidate the moon doctrine because I don't see Yahuah telling us to follow darkness to honor him when in 1 Kapa/1 Peter 2:9, he called us out of darkness and into his marvelous light, so why would we chase it to observe his Thurah. I believe a lot of people on this walk tend to stop at a certain point and promote what they think is right but I am reminder that Yahuah said, Lean NOT into your own understanding and to right divide and search the scriptures line upon line and precept upon precept. But many don't do that because it just seem as if they are using the word of Yahuah falsely for their own gains. Shalum

    • @dabarahyasharal4360
      @dabarahyasharal4360 2 года назад +1

      All esteem to the Eternal King, YaHUaH, now & forever!
      Myshpacha, in my previous comment I did not mention as far as when the shabbat begins but I'm going to quote this from scripture:
      "It shall be a shabbat of rest, & you shall afflict your souls: in the ninth day of the month, from evening to evening, shall you celebrate your shabbat."
      Leviticus 23:32 kjv
      For the weekly shabbat, I follow the same time.

    • @jasminerios6438
      @jasminerios6438 5 месяцев назад

      May I ask how you keep the Shabbat please, this verse I just read in my Tanakh WOW is it an eye opener because I’ve been searching for the correct SCRIPTURAL WAY and not what man is saying or told to do. Greatly would appreciate a reply, Shalom Yahuah Bless you !

  • @kelvinhunter9268
    @kelvinhunter9268 3 месяца назад +1

    I bet you don't know the calendar has been changed, where there were originally 13 months, until the romans and their council changed it.

    • @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78
      @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78  3 месяца назад

      Again, another Prideful and arrogant statement.
      Yahuah ordain the foundation of the coming world upon the number 12 --- 12x12=144 who are the chosen of Yahuah. The 12 gates that lead into the set-apart city which are named after the 12 tribes of Yashar'AL and the city itself are founded upon 12 pillars which are the names of the 12 "taught-ones" of Yahusha!!

  • @yahelihollis9997
    @yahelihollis9997 Год назад

    This is so on point . I have always said , following a moon for shabbat. Yahuah is of LIGHT !

    • @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78
      @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78  Год назад +1

      A simple question that I would ask people of that mindset, is why follow darkness to honor Yahuah, whereas there is NO DARKNESS in him.

  • @Purehearts25
    @Purehearts25 7 дней назад +1

    I am looking for the book you read from

    • @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78
      @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78  7 дней назад

      Shalum Mashapach, I've attached a link to Amazon where you can purchase the one, I have!!

  • @rogerstewart2897
    @rogerstewart2897 2 месяца назад

    Shalum mashapach, what it says in Genesis that the evening and the morning was the first day?

    • @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78
      @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78  2 месяца назад

      Shalum Mashapach, that is what it says, but with discernment we have to consider that Man has indeed tempered with the word of Yahuah. And with knowing that fact, we should reason together and look at if night coming before the light/day is accurate.
      The state of what was here before Yahuah created the light or said, "let there be light" can be related to a blank canvas for an artist before his/her first stroke of the paint brush. And with Yahuah himself being the light, we can discern that the light came first and of everything that came into existence, it all began after he said, "let there be light"!!
      Throughout scripture, what we can't find is a time when Yahuah created anything at night, but that everything began/begins with the light. Naturally, the world awakes with the light, or the rising of the sun and it sleeps at night, or after the sun has "set" and the same can be applied to Genesis 1.
      I do understand that there are many people who follow the "evening to evening" doctrine but through prayer to Yahuah in the name of Yahusha, we should ask is that accurate and of him, NOT believing what I've said but sincerely asking the Father what is good and acceptable unto him.
      Personally, I go from "sunrise to sunrise" because it's one complete day to another, whereas "evening to evening" splits the days and creates an imbalanced accounting of the days!!

  • @kelvinhunter9268
    @kelvinhunter9268 3 месяца назад

    The first thing he may have done was to command there be light, but for that to make any sense the darkness had to proceed that light.

    • @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78
      @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78  3 месяца назад

      True enough but the prophet John says in 1 John 1:5 that, "Yahuah is light and in him there is NO darkness at all", so with Yahuah being light, light came first as Yahuah exist outside of his creation.

    • @kelvinhunter9268
      @kelvinhunter9268 3 месяца назад

      @@royalpriesthoodofyahuah78 Saying that the day starts in the evening is not saying there is darkness in Yahuah. It just matches what he has said in creation where the evening and the morning was the correlating day. If we are to be set apart, how can we do that agreeing with the world that the day starts in the morning, when clearly Genesis says otherwise. Romans 3:4

    • @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78
      @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78  3 месяца назад

      If we look out at how Yahuah set up his creation, we can see that EVERYTHING starts with the light. As the sun rises, EVERYTHING comes to life, when nightfall comes, EVERYTHING sleeps. Flowers bloom in the sunlight, creation itself is awake.
      The world didn't say that a day starts in the morning or with the rising of the Sun; Yahuah did --- which is why we can't find NOT ONE scripture that dictates that Yahuah created ANYTHING in the darkness of night or at night or under the light of the moon.
      And we know that the word of Yahuah has been altered by Man and Man is at the helm of confusing the believers of Yahuah, to think something is when it isn't. Seeing that creation itself is awaken with the rising of the Sun, it lines up that The Evil One would use his followers to confuse believers that a day begins as the sun sets!!
      And given you have quoted Paul with Romans 3:4, because EVERY Man is a Liar, so that is why it is IMPORTANT to take EVERYTHING to Yahuah for CONFIRMATION in the name of Yahusha!!

  • @BrachayahWill
    @BrachayahWill Год назад +1

    Royal Priesthood of Yahuah, based on scripture, how do we know when the month begins to determine when the Sabbath and other Holy Days begin?

    • @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78
      @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78  Год назад +1

      Shalum Mashapach,
      Sha'muth/Exodus 12:2 is a good starting point. In that verse it says that, Spring is the beginning of months & the Real New Year.
      For instance, Spring began March 20th (give or take a day or 2) so, according to Sha'muth/Exodus 12:2, that is the beginning of the first scriptural month. With a 12 month year that is divided into 4 sets of 3 months, according to the book of Kha'nuk/Enoch, each 3 month set has 3 months that follow a 30, 30, 31 numbering of days.
      Now based on that info we can start counting down to when all of the Feast Days start according to U'yaqra/Leviticus 23. Let me know if this helps.
      Here's a video that's based on the Ancient Enoch Calendar
      Let know what you think...Shalum!!

    • @BrachayahWill
      @BrachayahWill Год назад

      ​@@royalpriesthoodofyahuah78I can't understand why the Enoch Calender ignores the use of the moon and sun as Genesis 1:14 says .....let THEM be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
      Also, how can we use the non scriptural vernal equinox (man made and man's equipment to determine) when it did not exist at the time Yahuah spoke Exodus 12:2? The terms Vernal Equinox was first used in the 14th century, according to the Merriam Webster Dictionary.

    • @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78
      @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78  Год назад

      I don't see how the Enoch Calendar is ignoring the Sun and Moon. Because in order for a day to be or exist, we have to have both Sun and Moon, Light and Darkness, Day and Night. The seasons are determined by the length of full days, which include day and night cycle to complete a 24hrs day. In fact, Truthunveiled 777 whom Yahuah used to bring that calendar to fruition, is using the scripture to determine when the Feast Days according to the cycle of the Sun and Moon. I think it can be hard to determine the exact date of Spring but the video and the information therein, should be used as a guide but use prayer unto Yahuah for confirmation.
      Let me know if this helps. But more importantly, pray unto Yahuah for confirmation. Ask Yahuah if the calendar presented in the video you watched is of him, if he says Yes; choose to follow it, if the answer is No, then abandon it. Yahuah confirmed it for me, that is why I use it.

  • @natand4297
    @natand4297 Год назад +1

    He separated the light from the darkness therefore day is separate from the night. Evening and morning are a light portion of the same day.

  • @YahsSonRedemptionDrawsNigh
    @YahsSonRedemptionDrawsNigh Год назад +1

    YEHEZQEL (EZEKIEL) 46:1 'Thus said the Adon YAHUAH, "The gate of the inner courtyard facing east is shut the six days of work, but on the Shabbath it is opened, and on the day of the New Moon it is opened.
    YESHAYAHU (ISAIAH) 66:23 "And it shall be that from New Moon to New Moon, and from Shabbath to Shabbath, all flesh shall come to worship before Me, "declares YAHUAH. These are not my words but are the WORDS of The Most High YAHUAH TSEVA'OTH! Shalom...

    • @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78
      @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78  Год назад +1

      Shalum, as it pertains to the Moon doctrine, Truthunveiled 777 put together a video detailing the Ancient Enoch Calendar that lets us know when the appointed times of Yahuah are and in the that I've attached below beginning at 37:26, he speaks on the Moon Doctrine with scriptural proof of why it's inaccurate.
      This is what Yahuah led me to and it's why I don't follow the Moon Doctrine.
      Ancient Kha'nuk/Enoch Calendar

    • @jhondaanderson256
      @jhondaanderson256 Год назад

      Thankyou!!! Amen

  • @jhondaanderson256
    @jhondaanderson256 Год назад

    New moon like newborn gradually gets lighter and Passover, first one was in the evening and also Yahusha celebrated Passover in the evening and next day was crucified on Passover Day which began night before.

  • @danilomillendez4343
    @danilomillendez4343 9 месяцев назад

    Will you pls show me an screenshot from your Tanakh the text of Tehillim 68:4,5 if the half hame is really YAHU taken from YAHUah?

    • @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78
      @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78  8 месяцев назад

      I would love to but the truth of the matter is, with all the translations out there, not one of them will say or show that. Through my research and prayer to Yahuah, it is my personal belief that we are NOT to abbreviate the name of Yahuah to "yah" because of what "yah" means and the Egyptian deity that it's attached to. When that action is taken, those who do so are violating the law of Yahuah about adding and taking away. And of the many translations that out there, it seems like they all copy off one another, so that they can have a version that they will say is the "truth" yet all they're doing is profiting off the name of Yahuah which is an abomination.
      Of this subject matter, the scriptures that come to mind are Yasha'Yahu/Isaiah 55:6 "Seek Yahuah while he may be found, call you upon him while he is near" & Ya'Aqab/James 1:5, "If any man seeks wisdom and knowledge, let him ask of Yahuah who gives it freely". I always say, don't believe a word that comes from my mouth but take what I say or have said unto Yahuah for confirmation, so that you're not seeking validation from Man but from Yahuah himself through prayer and supplication in the name of Yahusha.

    • @danilomillendez4343
      @danilomillendez4343 8 месяцев назад

      @@royalpriesthoodofyahuah78 In ISAYAH 34:16, it says we will seek and read the scroll/book... As proof of evidence, will you screenshot Psalms 68:4,5 from your official book if there was not a half name YAHU written in there? What is the name of the official scriptures you're using?

    • @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78
      @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78  8 месяцев назад

      Shalum, here's the one that I use --- www.amazon.com/Scriptures-Hebrew-Israelites-GREAT-AWAKENING/dp/B099G55364
      But even in this one, Psalm 68:4, says "yah". What I'm trying to say is that this book much like the other translations have authors who have applied for copyright of their work. And that means it's a different version much like the NIV is different from the KJV. And both of those books have copyright owners who wrote their books in different ways. So, it is a matter of discernment and prayer asking Yahuah how he wants to be addressed and by what name we are to call him because man has changed so much!!

    • @danilomillendez4343
      @danilomillendez4343 8 месяцев назад

      @@royalpriesthoodofyahuah78 I need your direct answer not your linked. What is the name of your official or standard Scriptures you're using? (Isaysh 34:16). Will you screenshot it's BOOK COVER, TITLE PAGE, INTRODUCTION, PREFACE, TABLE OF CONTENTS, YEAR & PLACE PRINTED, PSALMS 68:4,5...

    • @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78
      @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78  8 месяцев назад

      The link I provided is the book of scriptures I used and all of the info you are asking for is found on its Amazon purchase page.

  • @michellemoss5076
    @michellemoss5076 4 месяца назад

    Is baptism scriptural, please?

    • @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78
      @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78  4 месяца назад

      Shalum Mashapach, a "Baptism" is a invention of the church, it is perform in a closed off pool of water, which considered "dead water" because it's NOT connected to the Earth.
      An "Immersion" is what the Prophet Yahu'Kannan/John did when Yahusha met him in the wilderness in the river Yardan/Jordan. The river being connected to the Earth makes it "Living Water", which correlates with John 4:14, where Yahusha says, "But whosoever drinks of the water that he gives, shall NEVER thirst again"!!
      But always seek Yahuah for confirmation!!

  • @jhondaanderson256
    @jhondaanderson256 Год назад +1

    Yahuahs' Calender trump's Enoch or any other Calender! Amen

    • @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78
      @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78  Год назад +1

      Shalum, the Ancient Kha'nuk/Enoch calendar is TMH Yahuah's calendar. It was given to Enoch he walked with the Malakym/Angels as they visited different realms including Sha'ul or what some may call Hell. Kha'nuk/Enoch is a man who revered Yahuah immensely which is why Yahuah took him and he didn't see death!!

  • @meifongng147
    @meifongng147 Год назад

    How can I know which day is the sabbath? Thanks

    • @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78
      @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78  Год назад

      Shalum @Mei fong Ng, I honor the Sabbath on Saturday. It was the Catholic Church that changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. There are people who may not agree with that assessment but as I tell everyone to seek Yahuah through prayer in the name of Yahusha about his Sabbath day so that he will confirm and answer your question.
      Some will make the argument that because of the word "Saturday" (Saturn's Day) is the name of 7th day; its invalid but regardless of the name the 7th day is still the 7th day!!

    • @meifongng147
      @meifongng147 Год назад


    • @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78
      @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78  Год назад

      Give all thanks to Yahuah!!

  • @bbiambarbeau4983
    @bbiambarbeau4983 2 месяца назад

    If the moon was created on the fourth day then the new moon is the marker and Sabbath is 3 days after the new moon

    • @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78
      @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78  Месяц назад

      Shalum Mashapach, I think we should discern Genesis 1:3-16 more closely. I personally don't follow the moon for determining the shabath, but there's much more we can learn from those scriptures as it pertains to Yahuah saying, "let there be light" and then in verse 16, where it says, "Yahuah made 2 great lights"!!

    • @bbiambarbeau4983
      @bbiambarbeau4983 Месяц назад

      A new moon is a "beginning Moon"that he created on the fourth day and the fourth command is to honor the Sabbath... Bereshit in fact means beginning.

    • @bbiambarbeau4983
      @bbiambarbeau4983 Месяц назад

      It is amazing that people refer to the seventh day as the Sabbath but don't actually realize that "seventh Day" in Hebrew is "Sheva". The word "Sabbath" means "rest"

    • @bbiambarbeau4983
      @bbiambarbeau4983 Месяц назад

      Shabbat is what you do on Sheva... De CERN

    • @bbiambarbeau4983
      @bbiambarbeau4983 Месяц назад

      With the great controversy of the Sabbath being changed from the seventh day to the first day by pagan Romans, there is also been a multitude of Machiavellian false Reformations. And now Sunday and Saturday are the "great controversy"when in fact they are both wrong as the Gregorian calendar is incorrect and the only true calendar is unchangeable and directly supported by God's words in Genesis. He created the moon on the fourth day and he rested on the seventh day that is 3 days after the new moon.

  • @jhondaanderson256
    @jhondaanderson256 Год назад +1

    Exodus 3 when Yahuah told Moses this is the beginning of moonths for you. First new moon in spring! And that Calender makes sense. Not the pagan Gregorian Calender! I so enjoyed your teaching until this and am surprised you are not scripturally knowledgeable about this?

    • @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78
      @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78  Год назад +1

      Shalum @Jhonda Anderson, first let me say that I am NOT a teacher, I'm just a servant of Yahuah and if he allows his word to come upon me then I speak as he commands.
      There is no darkness in Yahuah yet many people follow darkness to honor Yahuah. You say that I am NOT scripturally knowledgeable but can you say that without even knowing me? Has Yahuah given you confirmation that you are to follow the moon to honor him? Do you not know that the translators purposefully mistranslated scripture to deceive those of us who are searching for the truth of Yahuah?
      I was led by Yahuah to know that a day begins when the sun rises, that his feast days begin with the rising of the sun not the moon but if you choose to honor in that way then to each his/her own!! I have NO energy to argue with no one who hasn't received confirmation from Yahuah about his word.
      In the studies that I post, I ask for Yahuah to reprimand me if I come in his name wrong, would you pray and ask for a reprimand if you are wrong about honoring him by following the Moon Doctrine? If not, then you conviction of me is a moot point!!

  • @jhondaanderson256
    @jhondaanderson256 Год назад

    And no there is no darkness in him as no as in wickedness but even when dark moon which He also included as part of creation, the stars still shine and all He made was Good cause He said so. Correct me if I am wrong and why does it say pray your flight won't be on the Sabbath? What about it?? Unless He was referring to maybe a future event that would make a day other than His Sabbath a law!

  • @YahushaAH
    @YahushaAH 2 года назад

    Hanuk 41:6(or 8 in some copies) The course of the moon’s path to the righteous is light, but to sinners it is darkness; in the name of Yahuah of Ruakuth, who created a division between light and darkness, and, separating the Ruakuth of men, strengthened the ruakuth of the righteous in the name of his own righteousness.
    Psa 104:19 HiSB עָשָׂ֣ה 'a·Sah He appointed יָ֭רֵחַ Ya·ra·ach the moon לְמוֹעֲדִ֑ים la·mu·'a·Dim; for "appointed times" שֶׁ֝֗מֶשׁ mash the sun יָדַ֥ע ya·Da' knoweth מְבוֹאֽוֹ׃ ma·vu·'O. his going down
    Psa 18:11 And He made darkness His secret place; round about Him was His tabernacle, even dark water in the clouds of the air.
    1Ki 8:53 because You have set them apart for an inheritance to Yourself out of all the nations of the earth, as You spoke by the hand of Your servant Moses, when You brought our fathers out of the land of Egypt, O YAHUAH Aluah. Then Shalumah spoke concerning the house, when he had finished building it; He manifested the sun in the heaven. YAHUAH said He would dwell in darkness; build my house, a beautiful house for yourself to dwell in anew. Behold, is not this written in the Book of the Song?

    • @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78
      @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78  2 года назад +2

      Shalum, let us reason together - Yasha'Yahu/Isaiah 1:18. In the video, it was through discernment that I challenged the "Moon Doctrine". Again, when we examine scripture Yahuah has stated many times and has even said, "What communion does light have with darkness; the righteous with the unrighteous or believers with non-believers", has he not said, "Do not yolk together an Ox and an Ass? 2 Corinthians 6:14
      Let's examine Kanuk/Enoch 41:6, the Moon's path to the righteous is light, meaning it's a light in the darkness for the righteous people of Yahuah. And perhaps where it says, "to sinners, it is darkness" could be pointing that for sinners it will be the last light they see.
      Thahlym/Psalm 104:19, Between the Sun and the Moon the "Appointed Times" are set. The Sun and Moon make a complete day, so the reasoning and logical behind the Moon being for "Appointed Times" can be determined as true.
      Thahlym/Psalm 18:11, Yahuah made darkness his secret place, NOT saying that's where he dwells because according 1 Yahu'Kannan/1 John 1:5, "There is NO darkness in Yahuah", so the question now, is why would Yahuah dwell in something that's not in him? Where it says, "Yahuah made darkness his secret place, it means it's where we go to pray because again scripture tells us to pray in secret (We are to go in our closet, where it is dark) that Yahuah will reward us openly: Matath'Yahu/Matthew 6:6. And it also states to not pray in front of people or to sound the Shupar/trumpet when we do pray because unto Yahuah that is vanity.
      Also, let's look at 1 Malak/1 Kings 8:49, "Then hear you their prayer and their supplication in heaven your dwelling place, and maintain their cause", again the question is, how does Yahuah dwell in darkness when there's no darkness him and this verse says, Yahuah dwells in Shamaym/Heaven where there is NO DARKNESS.
      I pray constantly for discernment because there's so many opinions out there and some people are just seeking to enriching themselves by using the word of Yahuah for their gain. But ascribe to the belief that in order to fully seek Yahuah, we MUST seek him in Truth and Spirit/Ruach and also it is IMPORTANT that we become selfless as scripture tells us, "Lean NOT into our own Understanding" Mashaly/Proverbs 3:5-6
      Again, before Yahuah began his creation, he turned the lights on, he doesn't dwell in darkness. He has NO COMMUNION with it. Shalum!!

  • @kelvinhunter9268
    @kelvinhunter9268 3 месяца назад

    You are not properly understanding this, I can help you through scripture if you contact me with ears to hear.

    • @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78
      @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78  3 месяца назад

      This is a very prideful and arrogant statement!!

    • @kelvinhunter9268
      @kelvinhunter9268 3 месяца назад

      @@royalpriesthoodofyahuah78 You say that I reading what the word says without adding is prideful and arrogant. Are you also saying Yahuah is prideful and arrogant.

  • @kelvinhunter9268
    @kelvinhunter9268 3 месяца назад

    Genesis 1:1-5