Foliation Theory and Algebraic Geometry - Dario Aza (Uni Buenos Aires)

  • Опубликовано: 11 июл 2024
  • Speaker: Dario Aza (Uni Buenos Aires) - Foliations, Poisson structures and residues
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    Celebrating the 70th Birthday of Fernando Cukierman
    IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, June 24 - 28, 2024
    The conference “Foliation Theory and Algebraic Geometry” will bring together renowned experts and young researchers working in holomorphic foliation theory and algebraic geometry.
    The theory of holomorphic foliations has been crucial in central advances in complex algebraic geometry in recent decades. At the same time, complex algebraic geometry has given a new boost to the study of foliations. Examples range from the recent development of a theory of foliated varieties according to their Kodaira dimension to the trend to apply methods from deformation theory to study the moduli space of foliations on projective varieties.
    The conference aims to encourage new scientific collaborations between conference participants and familiarize students and young researchers with the vividness and diversity of cutting-edge research on holomorphic foliations, algebraic geometry, and interactions.
    Invited Speakers:
    Carolina Araujo (IMPA) - The Calabi problem for Fano 3-folds
    Mariano Chehebar (Universidad de Buenos Aires) - S-Logarithmic Foliations
    Mauricio Corrêa (Università di Bari) - Foliations by curves of low degree on P3 with curves as singularities
    Ethan Cotterill (UNICAMP) - Tropical semirings and curve singularities
    Eduardo Esteves (IMPA) - Polymatroidal Tilings associated to Limit Linear Series
    Maycol Falla Luza (UFF) - Positive Neighborhoods of manifolds
    Viviana Ferrer (UFF) - Degrees of components of the space of foliations obtained via pullback from P1xP1
    Letterio Gatto (Politecnico di Torino) - Giambelli’s like determinants from endomorphisms of exterior powers
    Angelo Lopez (Università Roma Tre) - Ulrich bundles, associated subvarieties and a lower bound on the Ulrich complexity of complete intersections
    César Massri (Universidad CAECE) - Deformations of exterior differential ideals
    Ivan Pan (Universidad de la República) - On the isotropy of simple polynomial derivations
    Arturo Pianzola (University of Alberta) - Fiberwise criteria for forms of algebras
    Ragni Piene (University of Oslo) - Envelopes of families of linear spaces
    João Pedro dos Santos (Université de Montpellier) - Distributions with locally free tangent sheaf
    Calum Spicer (King’s College) - Moduli problems and Birational geometry
    Olivier Thom (UFF) - On the formal principle for curves on projective surfaces
    Douglas Ulmer (University of Arizona) - Foliations and the geometry of complex elliptic surfaces
    Sebastián Velazquez (King’s College) - On the deformation theory of foliations
    Short Lectures:
    Dario Aza (Universidad de Buenos Aires) - Foliations, Poisson structures and residues
    Gabriel Barbosa (IMPA) - Unlikely Intersections of singular foliations
    Caio Melo (IMPA) - Transversely Projective Structures on Smooth Foliations on Surfaces
    Daniela Paiva Peñuela (IMPA) - Cremona transformations of P3 stabilizing quartic surfaces
    Pablo Perrella (Universidad de Buenos Aires) - Deformations of pullback foliations
    Ana Quedo (IMPA) - The Kawamata-Morrison Cone Conjecture for quotients of Abelian Varieties
    Round table honoring Fernando:
    César Camacho (FGV, IMPA)
    Alicia Dickenstein (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
    Xavier Gomez-Mont (CIMAT)
    Gian Pietro Pirola (Università di Pavia)
    Organizing Committee:
    Jorge Vitório Pereira (IMPA)
    Alicia Dickenstein (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
    Matias del Hoyo (UFF)
    Ariel Molinuevo (UFRJ)
    Federico Quallbrunn (Universidad CAECE)
    Suely Lima (IMPA)
    Redes Sociais do IMPA:
    IMPA - Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada © |
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    The rights over all the material in this channel belong to the Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada, and it is forbidden to use all or part of it without prior written authorization from the above mentioned holder, except in the cases prescribed in the current legislation.

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