204: Ayesha's Conduct towards the Family of the Prophet (Ahlulbayt) | Our Prophet


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  • @Thaqlain
    @Thaqlain  Год назад +6

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  • @zstyles4life
    @zstyles4life 23 дня назад +2

    As a Sunni Muslim who gained knowledge from sahih Hadith, it’s nice to get a perspective of our Shia brothers. Even more so this sheikh was able to articulate the matter by being very respectful and professional. It really for the first time makes me question some of the authenticity of the hadiths I have read over the years. May Allah guide us all on the right track.

    • @Thaqlain
      @Thaqlain  23 дня назад +2

      JazakAllah. And that's exactly the aim of this series. To present the point of view of the School of Ahlulbayt regarding Prophet's life academically.

  • @krymsonkayharmony2529
    @krymsonkayharmony2529 Год назад +25

    Assalaam A'laikum. CONGRATULATIONS to you Fam, on the birth anniversary of our beloved Imaam Ali a.s.❤️Awsome programs.
    I do have a little reauest though. The Sunni booms mentioned, is it possible to make mention of them in the description below please? If it's possible. Will appreciate it much for our research too. Keep up the good works and be safe😊🌹🍀🌷🌻☘

    • @Thaqlain
      @Thaqlain  Год назад +9

      Alaykum Salaam. Congratulations to you to. InshaAllah we will be developing blog posts from these videos containing all references in full.

  • @muniraalqamar
    @muniraalqamar Год назад +8

    Thank you Thaqlain & Sayed Mohammed Baqer Qazwini ❤🖤 ⚘️

  • @fidahusayn8691
    @fidahusayn8691 Год назад +42

    Congrats to all believers on the occasion of birth anniversary of Imam Ali(as)

    • @zainabadu-gyamfi6371
      @zainabadu-gyamfi6371 Год назад +1

      Ya Ali (AS) 🎉🎉🎉❤❤

    • @fidahusayn8691
      @fidahusayn8691 Год назад +1

      @@zainabadu-gyamfi6371 ❤❤❤

    • @drahmadmusa6995
      @drahmadmusa6995 Год назад +1


  • @whyiamashia9497
    @whyiamashia9497 Год назад +11

    All are Sunni sources
    When Ubaidullah Ibn Utbah mentioned to Ibn Abbas that Aisha said “In his death-illness the Prophet was brought to (Aisha’s) house while his shoulders were being supported by Fadhl Ibn Abbas and another person”, then Abdullah Ibn Abbas said: “Do you know who this ‘other man’ was?” Ibn Utbah replied: “No.” Then Ibn Abbas said: “He was Ali Ibn Abi Talib, but she is averse to name him in a good context.”
    The references for the above narration can be located in the following texts:
    Musannaf Abd Al Razzaq Vol 5. pg. 228 - 230
    Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal, Vol. 43 pg. 86 - 87 Tradition 25914
    Al-Tabaqat al-Kabir, by Ibn Sa’ad, Vol 2, pg. 179
    History of al-Tabari (Arabic), Vol. 1, pg. 1800-1801
    History of al-Tabari (English) Vol. 9 pg. 169-170
    Ansab al-Ashraf, by al-Baladhuri, Vol. 2, pg. 215
    The margin writer of Musnad Ahmed bin Hanbal namely Shaykh Shoib al-Arnaut stated:
    “The chain is Sahih according to the standards of the two Sheikhs (Bukhari & Muslim)”
    Aisha hated Banu Hashim and Imam Ali (as)
    Allamah Abu Umar Ahmed bin Abd Rabbah records in Iqd al-Farid, Vol. 5 pg. 76-77:
    He (Ali) said: ‘Go to that woman and tell her to return to her house wherein Allah ordered her to remain’. He (Ibn Abbas) said: ‘Hence I went to her and asked permission to enter but she refused to grant it, hence I entered the house without permission and sat on a cushion. She (Aisha) said: ‘Oh ibn Abbas, by Allah I never saw someone like you! You entered our house without permission and sat on our cushion without our permission’. I said: ‘By Allah this is not your house, your only house is the one which Allah ordered you to stay at, but you didn’t obey. The commander of the believers orders you to return to your home land which you left’. She said: ‘May Allah’s mercy be upon the commander of believers who is Umar bin al-Khatab’. I said: ‘Yes, and this is Ali bin Abi Talib the commander of believers’. She said: ‘I refuse, I refuse……’. Then she said: ‘Alright, I will return, because I hate the city in which you (Bani Hashim) reside’.
    In Al Imama wal Siyasa, Vol. 1 pg. 66 we learn that:
    “Following Uthman’s murder Talha approached Aisha in Makka and said ‘Look they have made ‘Ali Khalifa. She said, What right does ‘Ali have to rule over our necks? I will not stay in Madina as long as ‘Ali is in power.”
    In Rauzatul Ahbab, Vol. 3 pg. 65, we read that:
    “After the Battle of Jamal, Ali approached Aisha and said: ‘You have treated me like an enemy’”.
    We also read in Rauzat ul Ahbab, Vol. 3 pg. 10 that:
    “Aisha was clouded by her hatred of Ali”.
    We read in Musnad Ibn Hanbal, Vol. 41 pg. 322 Hadith 24820:
    حدثنا عبد الله حدثني أبي ثنا أبو أحمد قال ثنا عبد الله بن حبيب عن حبيب بن أبي ثابت عن عطاء بن يسار قال : جاء رجل فوقع في علي وفي عمار رضي الله تعالى عنهما عند عائشة فقالت أما علي فلست قائلة لك فيه شيئا واما عمار فإني سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم يقول لا يخير بين أمرين الا اختار أرشدهما
    ‘A man came and spoke negatively of Ali and Ammar in the presence of Aisha to which Aisha said: ‘I shall not tell you anything about Ali but as for Ammar, I heard the Holy prophet say that if he is provided with two options, he opts for the better one’.
    The margin writer of Musnad Ahmed bin Hanbal namely Shaykh Shoib al-Arnaut stated:
    “The chain is Sahih as per the condition of Muslim”

    • @AliAsghar-jl7tj
      @AliAsghar-jl7tj Год назад +5

      Thank u for this comment

    • @sunnyprantik4659
      @sunnyprantik4659 4 месяца назад

      1. Al Imamah wa al Siyasah
      One of the books that distort the history of early Islam is al Imamah wa al Siyasah, which is [falsely] attributed to Ibn Qutaybah. Dr. ‘Abdullah ‘Usaylan, in his book al Imamah wa al Siyasah fi Mizan al Tahqiq al ‘Ilmi, lists a number of points proving that this book attributed to Imam Ibn Qutaybah is false and is a fabrication. The evidence to that effect includes the following:
      None of those who wrote biographies of Ibn Qutaybah said that he wrote a book on history called al Imamah wa al Siyasah, and we do not know of any book of history that he wrote except for a book called al Ma’arif.
      Reading through the book gives one the impression that Ibn Qutaybah lived in Damascus and the Maghrib[1]; whereas, he never left Baghdad except to go to al Daynur.
      The methodology and style used by the author of al Imamah wa al Siyasah is completely different from the methodology and style of Ibn Qutaybah, as seen in those of his books that still exist. Ibn Qutaybah wrote lengthy introductions to his books, explaining his methodology and his aim in writing the book. In contrast, the author of al Imamah wa al Siyasah writes a very short introduction that is no more than three lines. In addition, there are differences in style. We do not see this methodology in the books of Ibn Qutaybah.
      The author of al Imamah wa al Siyasah narrates from Ibn Abi Layla in a way that gives the impression that he met him. But this Ibn Abi Layla is Muhammad ibn ‘Abdul Rahman ibn Abi Layla al Faqih, the judge of Kufah, who died in 148 A.H. It is well known that Ibn Qutaybah was not born until 213 A.H, sixty-five years after the death of Ibn Abi Layla.
      The narrators and Shuyukh from whom Ibn Qutaybah usually narrates in his books are not mentioned anywhere in this book.
      A large segment of his reports are narrated using phrases that indicate a problem with the reports. It often says:
      “They mentioned from some of the Egyptians”, “They mentioned from Muhammad ibn Sulaiman from some of the Shuyukh of the people of Egypt”, “Some of the Shuyukh of the Maghrib told us”, or “They mentioned from some of the Shuyukh.” Such phrases are far removed from the usual style and phraseology of Ibn Qutaybah and are not used in any of his books.
      The author of al Imamah wa al Siyasah narrates from two of the senior scholars in Egypt, but Ibn Qutaybah never went to Egypt and never learned from these two scholars.[2]
      Ibn Qutaybah is held in high esteem by the scholars, who regard him as one of Ahl as-Sunnah, trustworthy in his knowledge and religious commitment. Al Salafi said:
      Ibn Qutaybah was one of the trustworthy and one of Ahlus Sunnah.
      Ibn Hazm said concerning him:
      He was trustworthy in his knowledge and religious commitment.
      Al Khatib al Baghdadi said likewise.
      Ibn Taymiyah said concerning him:
      Ibn Qutaybah is one of the followers of Ahmed and Ishaq and one of the supporters of the Sunni mazhab.[3]
      If a man is held in such high esteem by the authentic scholars, does it make sense for him to be the author of a book like al Imamah wa al Siyasah, which distorts history and attributes to the Sahabah that which is no true?[4]
      Dr. ‘Ali Nufay’ al ‘Alyani says in his book ‘Aqidat al Imam Ibn Qutaybah, concerning al Imamah wa al Siyasah:
      After a critical reading of the book al Imamah wa al Siyasah, in my view it is most likely that the author of al Imamah wa al Siyasah was an evil Rafidi who wanted to attribute this book to Ibn Qutaybah because his books are numerous and because he was well known among the people for supporting Ahl al Hadith (the people of ahadith). He may have been one of the Rawafid of the Maghrib, as Ibn Qutaybah enjoyed a good reputation in the Maghrib.[5]
      What makes it likely that the author of al Imamah wa al Siyasah was a Rafidi is the following:
      The author of al Imamah wa al Siyasah claims that ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu said to the Muhajirin:
      I urge you by Allah, O Muhajirin, not to take the authority of Muhammad among the Arabs out of his house and home to yours and not to deprive his family of their rights, for by Allah, O Muhajirin; we are more entitled to that because we are Ahlul Bayt (the members of the Rasul’s ‘salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam household) and are more entitled to this than you. By Allah, this is our right; do not follow whims and desires lest you go astray from the path of Allah.[6]
      No one believes that the Khilafah is the hereditary right of Ahlul Bayt except the Shia.
      The author of al Imamah wa al Siyasah harshly criticises the Sahabah of the Rasul of Allah ‘salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. He depicts Ibn ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhu as a coward and Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqas radiya Llahu ‘anhu as jealous; he says that Muhammad ibn Maslamah got angry with ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib radiya Llahu ‘anhu because he killed the Jew Marhab in Khaybar, and that ‘Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha ordered that ‘Uthman radiya Llahu ‘anhu be killed.[7] Criticism of the Sahabah is one of the most well-known characteristics of the Rawafid; the Khawarij do something similar, but they do not criticise the majority of the Sahabah.[8]
      The author of al Imamah wa al Siyasah says that Mukhtar ibn Abi ‘Ubaid was killed by Mus’ab ibn Zubair because he called people to rally behind the household of the Rasul of Allah ‘salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam but he neglects to mention the myths introduced by Mukhtar or his claim of receiving revelation.[9] The Rawafid are the ones who love Mukhtar ibn Abi ‘Ubaid because he took revenge on the murderers of Hussain radiya Llahu ‘anhu. It should also be noted that Ibn Qutaybah rahimahu Llah mentioned Mukhtar among those who rebelled against legitimate authority, and he said that Mukhtar used to claim that Jibril ‘alayh al Salam came down to him.[10]
      The author of al Imamah wa al Siyasah wrote only about twenty-five pages concerning the khilafah of the first three khulafa’ Abu Bakr; ‘Umar and ‘Uthman radiya Llahu ‘anhum, whereas he wrote two hundred pages about the fitnah that occurred among the Sahabah. In other words, he reduced the greatest period of history to a few pages but wrote pages upon pages of false history, of which nothing is proven except a little. This is one of the known attributes of the Rawafid. We seek refuge with Allah from misguidance and betrayal.
      Al Sayed Mahmud Shukri al Alusi says in Mukhtasar al Tuhfah al Ithna ‘Ashariyyah:
      Part of their (the Rawafid) crafty tricks is that they look at the names of scholars who are respected by Ahl as-Sunnah, and whenever they find one who has the same name as one of their own scholars, they attribute the reports of that Shia scholar to him (the Sunni scholar). Those Sunnis who are unaware of this will think that this is one of their (Sunni) A’immah and will accept his words and rely on his reports.

    • @whyiamashia9497
      @whyiamashia9497 4 месяца назад

      @@sunnyprantik4659 One of the doubts which Wahhabis set forth, which in reality is cast in order to escape certain [historical] realities, is that the work al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah was not written by Ibn Qutaybah al-Dinawari. Given that Ibn Qutaybah (d. 276/889) was counted as one of the [most] prestigious, renowned and excellent of scholars among Sunnis [in various fields such as] literature, history, law (fiqh), hadith, the sciences of the Qur’an etc., Wahhabis have not been able to question his credibility or personality. [As such], they prefer to focus their efforts [in casting doubt] on al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah’s attribution to Ibn Qutaybah and thus [bidding] to debase its reliability. Therefore, we make it incumbent upon ourselves to investigate and answer these unscientific claims.
      First, this book has been countlessly printed in Egypt and other countries under the name of Ibn Qutaybah al-Dinawari whose manuscripts are available in libraries across Egypt, Paris, London, Turkey and India.
      Second, as long as there are Islamic scholars, what need is there to rely on Orientalists like Dozy (who is far from being an actual Islamic scholar!) in order to establish the reliability or unreliability of [an Islamic] work? Why is there a need to refer to Orientalists who in many instances have even denied the existence of the Prophet Muhammad (s)? It is clear that our Sunni friends have come short in regard to their proofs and as such, [they have had no choice] but to take refuge in Orientalists.
      Third, many scholars among Ahl al-Sunnah, even contemporary ones, have explicitly authenticated and attributed the book to Ibn Qutaybah and have cited its historical traditions. Here we will briefly point out a few [examples]:
      1) Ibn Hajar al-Haythami in his book Tathir al-Jinan wa al-Lisan. See Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Abu al-ʿAbbas Ahmad b. Muhammad b. ʿAli (d. 973/1565), Tathir al-Jinan wa al-Lisan (n.p), 72.
      2) [al-Qadhi Abu Bakr] Ibn al-ʿArabi al-Maliki in his book al-ʿAwasim min al-Qawasim [where the author] narrates some of the contents of the book [al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah] and attributes them to Ibn Qutaybah. See: Ibn al-ʿArabi, Muhammad b. ʿAbd Allah Abu Bakr (d. 543/1148). al-ʿAwasim min al-Qawasim fi Tahqiq Mawaqif al-Sahabah baʿd wafat al-Nabi (s), ed. Muhib al-Din al-Khatib & Mahmud Mahdi al-Istanbuli (Beirut: Dar al-Habil, 1407/1987), I: 261.
      3) Najm al-Din ʿUmar b. Muhammad al-Makki, known as “Ibn Fahd”, when mentioning the events of the year 93 A.H (711 C.E) writes in his book Itihaf al-Wara bi-Akhbar Umm al-Qura:
      و قال ابومحمد عبدالله بن مسلم ابن قتيبة في كتاب الامامة و السياسة...
      Abu Muhammad ʿAbd Allah b. Muslim b. Qutaybah said in his book al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah.
      See: Ibn Fahd, Najm al-Din ʿUmar b. Muhammad al-Makki, Itihaf al-Wara bi-Akhbar Umm al-Qura (n.p: n.d), under events of 93 A.H. Afterwards, [Ibn Fahd] narrates Saʿid b. Jubayr’s (d. 95 A.H/711 C.E) arrest from the same book.
      4) Qadhi Abu ʿAbd Allah al-Tanuzi, known as “Ibn Shabbat” in his book al-Silat al-Samtiyah. See: al-Tanuzi, Abu ʿAbd Allah. al-Silat al-Samtiyah (n.p: n.d), part II, section 34.
      5) Taqi al-Din al-Fasi al-Makki in his book al-ʿAqd al-Thamin. See: al-Fasi al-Makki, Taqi al-Din, al-ʿAqd al-Thamin (n.p: n.d), VI: 72.
      6) Yusuf Ilyan Sarkis in his book Muʿjam al-Matbuʿat al-ʿArabiyah, mentions his book when recounting the life of ibn Qutaybah:
      الإمامة والسياسة ابتدأ فيه بذكر فضل أبي بكر وعمر. مط النيل 1322 جزء 2 بتصحيح محمد محمود الرافعي مصر 1327 ص 395 مط الفتوح الأدبية جزء 2 1331 ص 181 و 184.
      al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah begins by mentioning the virtue[s] of Abu Bakr and Umar. Al-Nil pub. 1322 A.H/1904 C.E v. II, ed. Muhammad Mahmud al-Rafiʿi Egypt 1327 A.H/1909 C.E, p. 395 al-Futuh al-Adabiyah pub. v. II 1331 A.H/1912 C.E, pp. 181 and 184.
      See: Sarkis, Yusuf Ilyan, Muʿjam al-Matbuʿat al-ʿArabiyah (Qum: Maktabat Āyat Allah al-Marʿashi al-Najafi, 1411/1990), I: 211.
      7) Farid Wajdi writes in his book Da’irat al-Maʿarif al-Qarn al-ʿAshrin:
      اورد العلامة الدينورى في كتابه الامامة و السياسة....
      Allamah al-Dinawari, in his book al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah, cited [the following]…
      See: Wajdi, Farid, Da’irat al-Maʿarif al-Qarn al-ʿAshrin (n.p: n.d), II: 754.
      In another instance, he also writes:
      ... كتاب الامامة و السياسة لابى محمد عبدالله بن مسلم الدينورى المتوفى سنة 270 هـ.
      … [the] book al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah [which] belongs to Muhammad ʿAbd Allah b. Muslim al-Dinawari (d. 270 A.H). Ibid, 749 […]
      8) Dr. Ahmad Zaki Safut, the famous contemporary Egyptian writer and professor of Arabic, has cited [various] material from al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah in a number of places in his book Jamharat Khutab al-ʿArab which he attributes to ibn Qutaybah:
      وزاد ابن قتيبة في الامامة والسياسة: والله يا أهل العراق ما أظن هؤلاء القوم من أهل الشأم إلا ظاهرين عليكم.
      …and Ibn Qutaybah added in his book al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah: Oh People of Iraq! By Allah, I reckon that the people of the Levant (al-Sham) only show their facades to you [and not what is inside their hearts].
      See: Safut, Ahmad Zaki, Jamharat Khutab al-ʿArab (Beirut: al-Maktabat al-ʿIlmiyah, n.d) I: 422.
      وزاد ابن قتيبة في الإمامة والسياسة: فرق الله بيني وبينكم وأعقبني بكم من خير لي منكم وأعقبكم.
      […] and Ibn Qutaybah added [the following tradition from ʿAli ibn Abi Ṭalib] in his book al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah: “May God separate me from you, and replace you as my followers with someone who is better for me [as followers]. And make you to be replaced [after me with a new leader…].”
      See: Jamharat Khutab al-ʿArab, I: 426.
      نص آخر لخطبة طارق. وروي ابن قتيبة هذه الخطبة في الإمامة والسياسة بصورة أخري.
      […in] another text for the sermon. Ibn Qutaybah narrated this sermon in his al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah in another way.
      See: Jamharat Khutab al-ʿArab, II: 316.
      Is the emphasis of all of these great scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah in attributing this book to Ibn Qutaybah not sufficient?
      Fourth: a number of Sunni scholars, despite having attributed the book to “Ibn Qutaybah” as well as having accepted some of the bitter and unpleasant historical realities that have been narrated in the book in regard to the first part of Islam’s history, have nevertheless criticized Ibn Qutaybah as to why he did not gloss over, censor or distort (tahrif) history [when it comes to the Companions]! They have stated that he, like other scholars, must show self-restraint in narrating certain [problematic historical] realities.
      al-Qadhi [Abu Bakr] ibn al-ʿArabi2 [d. 553 A.H/1148 C.E] in his book al-ʿAwasim min al-Qawasim states:
      ومن اشد شيء على الناس جاهل عاقل أو مبتدع محتال فأما الجاهل فهو ابن قتيبة فلم يبق ولم يذر للصحابة رسما في كتاب الامامة والسياسة ان صح عنه جميع ما فيه
      One of the worst thing[s] [to befall] on people is a learned simpleton or deceitful innovator (mubtadiʿ). However, the simpleton (jahil) [here] is Ibn Qutaybah who has not observed the custom (rasm) [of censorship] with regard to[the faults of] the Companions (sahabah) in the book al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah, [that is] if everything in the book can be authentically [attributed] to him.3
      See: Ibn al-ʿArabi, Muhammad b. ʿAbd Allah Abu Bakr (d. 543 A.H/1148 C.E), al-ʿAwasim min al-Qawasim fi Tahqiq Mawaqif al-Sahabah baʿd wafat al-Nabi (s), ed. Muhib al-Din al-Khatib & Mahmud Mahdi al-Istanbuli (Beirut: Dar al-Habil, 1407/1987), I: 261.
      If there were no other proofs in attributing this book to Ibn Qutaybah except for the above statement of al-Qadhi Ibn al-ʿArabi, it would have been enough for truth-seekers (ahl al-haqq). This is because in addition to establishing the attribution of the book, Ibn al-ʿArabi’s statement also sheds light on the motives behind the Sunni attempts to deny the book’s attribution to [its proper author].
      The Sunnis believe that when confronted with traditions related to the problematic behavior of the Companions, it is incumbent on historians and traditionists [alike] to remain silent, hide and cover-up those traditions.
      When it became necessary to show restraint in merely narrating the minor disputes of the Companions, the avoidance of narrating the oppression, abuses and injuries that Imam ʿAli (a), Fatimah the Purest (a) and the rest of Ahl al-Bayt (a) faced became ubiquitous and the necessity for censorship became more extreme. It is interesting that even Shaykh ʿAbd al-Hamid Ismaʿil Zehi, the [Sunni] imam for Friday prayers in Zahedan (Iran) admitted this in one of his interviews:
      ما موظف به حفظ حرمت صحابه هستيم. ما نمى گوييم كه صحابه معصومند و گناه نمى‌كنند؛ اما نبايد به جاى يادآورى خوبي‌ها و اعمال صواب آن‌ها، متذكر خطاهايشان باشيم....
      It is incumbent upon us to preserve the sanctity of the Companions. We do not say that the Companions were infallible and that they did not sin. However, instead of remembering their merits and good deeds, one should not mention their mistakes…
      See: Nida-yi Islam (Journal), Hawzah-yi ʿIlmiyah-yi Dar al-ʿUlum-i Zahidan, 1st year, no. 4, p. 11

    • @whyiamashia9497
      @whyiamashia9497 4 месяца назад

      @@sunnyprantik4659 One of the doubts which Wahhabis set forth, which in reality is cast in order to escape certain [historical] realities, is that the work al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah was not written by Ibn Qutaybah al-Dinawari. Given that Ibn Qutaybah (d. 276/889) was counted as one of the [most] prestigious, renowned and excellent of scholars among Sunnis [in various fields such as] literature, history, law (fiqh), hadith, the sciences of the Qur’an etc., Wahhabis have not been able to question his credibility or personality. [As such], they prefer to focus their efforts [in casting doubt] on al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah’s attribution to Ibn Qutaybah and thus [bidding] to debase its reliability. Therefore, we make it incumbent upon ourselves to investigate and answer these unscientific claims.
      First, this book has been countlessly printed in Egypt and other countries under the name of Ibn Qutaybah al-Dinawari whose manuscripts are available in libraries across Egypt, Paris, London, Turkey and India.
      Second, as long as there are Islamic scholars, what need is there to rely on Orientalists like Dozy (who is far from being an actual Islamic scholar!) in order to establish the reliability or unreliability of [an Islamic] work? Why is there a need to refer to Orientalists who in many instances have even denied the existence of the Prophet Muhammad (s)? It is clear that our Sunni friends have come short in regard to their proofs and as such, [they have had no choice] but to take refuge in Orientalists.
      Third, many scholars among Ahl al-Sunnah, even contemporary ones, have explicitly authenticated and attributed the book to Ibn Qutaybah and have cited its historical traditions. Here we will briefly point out a few [examples]:
      1) Ibn Hajar al-Haythami in his book Tathir al-Jinan wa al-Lisan. See Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Abu al-ʿAbbas Ahmad b. Muhammad b. ʿAli (d. 973/1565), Tathir al-Jinan wa al-Lisan (n.p), 72.
      2) [al-Qadhi Abu Bakr] Ibn al-ʿArabi al-Maliki in his book al-ʿAwasim min al-Qawasim [where the author] narrates some of the contents of the book [al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah] and attributes them to Ibn Qutaybah. See: Ibn al-ʿArabi, Muhammad b. ʿAbd Allah Abu Bakr (d. 543/1148). al-ʿAwasim min al-Qawasim fi Tahqiq Mawaqif al-Sahabah baʿd wafat al-Nabi (s), ed. Muhib al-Din al-Khatib & Mahmud Mahdi al-Istanbuli (Beirut: Dar al-Habil, 1407/1987), I: 261.
      3) Najm al-Din ʿUmar b. Muhammad al-Makki, known as “Ibn Fahd”, when mentioning the events of the year 93 A.H (711 C.E) writes in his book Itihaf al-Wara bi-Akhbar Umm al-Qura:
      و قال ابومحمد عبدالله بن مسلم ابن قتيبة في كتاب الامامة و السياسة...
      Abu Muhammad ʿAbd Allah b. Muslim b. Qutaybah said in his book al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah.
      See: Ibn Fahd, Najm al-Din ʿUmar b. Muhammad al-Makki, Itihaf al-Wara bi-Akhbar Umm al-Qura (n.p: n.d), under events of 93 A.H. Afterwards, [Ibn Fahd] narrates Saʿid b. Jubayr’s (d. 95 A.H/711 C.E) arrest from the same book.
      4) Qadhi Abu ʿAbd Allah al-Tanuzi, known as “Ibn Shabbat” in his book al-Silat al-Samtiyah. See: al-Tanuzi, Abu ʿAbd Allah. al-Silat al-Samtiyah (n.p: n.d), part II, section 34.
      5) Taqi al-Din al-Fasi al-Makki in his book al-ʿAqd al-Thamin. See: al-Fasi al-Makki, Taqi al-Din, al-ʿAqd al-Thamin (n.p: n.d), VI: 72.
      6) Yusuf Ilyan Sarkis in his book Muʿjam al-Matbuʿat al-ʿArabiyah, mentions his book when recounting the life of ibn Qutaybah:
      الإمامة والسياسة ابتدأ فيه بذكر فضل أبي بكر وعمر. مط النيل 1322 جزء 2 بتصحيح محمد محمود الرافعي مصر 1327 ص 395 مط الفتوح الأدبية جزء 2 1331 ص 181 و 184.
      al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah begins by mentioning the virtue[s] of Abu Bakr and Umar. Al-Nil pub. 1322 A.H/1904 C.E v. II, ed. Muhammad Mahmud al-Rafiʿi Egypt 1327 A.H/1909 C.E, p. 395 al-Futuh al-Adabiyah pub. v. II 1331 A.H/1912 C.E, pp. 181 and 184.
      See: Sarkis, Yusuf Ilyan, Muʿjam al-Matbuʿat al-ʿArabiyah (Qum: Maktabat Āyat Allah al-Marʿashi al-Najafi, 1411/1990), I: 211.
      7) Farid Wajdi writes in his book Da’irat al-Maʿarif al-Qarn al-ʿAshrin:
      اورد العلامة الدينورى في كتابه الامامة و السياسة....
      Allamah al-Dinawari, in his book al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah, cited [the following]…
      See: Wajdi, Farid, Da’irat al-Maʿarif al-Qarn al-ʿAshrin (n.p: n.d), II: 754.
      In another instance, he also writes:
      ... كتاب الامامة و السياسة لابى محمد عبدالله بن مسلم الدينورى المتوفى سنة 270 هـ.
      … [the] book al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah [which] belongs to Muhammad ʿAbd Allah b. Muslim al-Dinawari (d. 270 A.H). Ibid, 749 […]
      8) Dr. Ahmad Zaki Safut, the famous contemporary Egyptian writer and professor of Arabic, has cited [various] material from al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah in a number of places in his book Jamharat Khutab al-ʿArab which he attributes to ibn Qutaybah:
      وزاد ابن قتيبة في الامامة والسياسة: والله يا أهل العراق ما أظن هؤلاء القوم من أهل الشأم إلا ظاهرين عليكم.
      …and Ibn Qutaybah added in his book al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah: Oh People of Iraq! By Allah, I reckon that the people of the Levant (al-Sham) only show their facades to you [and not what is inside their hearts].
      See: Safut, Ahmad Zaki, Jamharat Khutab al-ʿArab (Beirut: al-Maktabat al-ʿIlmiyah, n.d) I: 422.
      وزاد ابن قتيبة في الإمامة والسياسة: فرق الله بيني وبينكم وأعقبني بكم من خير لي منكم وأعقبكم.
      […] and Ibn Qutaybah added [the following tradition from ʿAli ibn Abi Ṭalib] in his book al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah: “May God separate me from you, and replace you as my followers with someone who is better for me [as followers]. And make you to be replaced [after me with a new leader…].”
      See: Jamharat Khutab al-ʿArab, I: 426.
      نص آخر لخطبة طارق. وروي ابن قتيبة هذه الخطبة في الإمامة والسياسة بصورة أخري.
      […in] another text for the sermon. Ibn Qutaybah narrated this sermon in his al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah in another way.
      See: Jamharat Khutab al-ʿArab, II: 316.
      Is the emphasis of all of these great scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah in attributing this book to Ibn Qutaybah not sufficient?
      Fourth: a number of Sunni scholars, despite having attributed the book to “Ibn Qutaybah” as well as having accepted some of the bitter and unpleasant historical realities that have been narrated in the book in regard to the first part of Islam’s history, have nevertheless criticized Ibn Qutaybah as to why he did not gloss over, censor or distort (tahrif) history [when it comes to the Companions]! They have stated that he, like other scholars, must show self-restraint in narrating certain [problematic historical] realities.
      al-Qadhi [Abu Bakr] ibn al-ʿArabi2 [d. 553 A.H/1148 C.E] in his book al-ʿAwasim min al-Qawasim states:
      ومن اشد شيء على الناس جاهل عاقل أو مبتدع محتال فأما الجاهل فهو ابن قتيبة فلم يبق ولم يذر للصحابة رسما في كتاب الامامة والسياسة ان صح عنه جميع ما فيه
      One of the worst thing[s] [to befall] on people is a learned simpleton or deceitful innovator (mubtadiʿ). However, the simpleton (jahil) [here] is Ibn Qutaybah who has not observed the custom (rasm) [of censorship] with regard to[the faults of] the Companions (sahabah) in the book al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah, [that is] if everything in the book can be authentically [attributed] to him.3
      See: Ibn al-ʿArabi, Muhammad b. ʿAbd Allah Abu Bakr (d. 543 A.H/1148 C.E), al-ʿAwasim min al-Qawasim fi Tahqiq Mawaqif al-Sahabah baʿd wafat al-Nabi (s), ed. Muhib al-Din al-Khatib & Mahmud Mahdi al-Istanbuli (Beirut: Dar al-Habil, 1407/1987), I: 261.
      If there were no other proofs in attributing this book to Ibn Qutaybah except for the above statement of al-Qadhi Ibn al-ʿArabi, it would have been enough for truth-seekers (ahl al-haqq). This is because in addition to establishing the attribution of the book, Ibn al-ʿArabi’s statement also sheds light on the motives behind the Sunni attempts to deny the book’s attribution to [its proper author].
      The Sunnis believe that when confronted with traditions related to the problematic behavior of the Companions, it is incumbent on historians and traditionists [alike] to remain silent, hide and cover-up those traditions.
      When it became necessary to show restraint in merely narrating the minor disputes of the Companions, the avoidance of narrating the oppression, abuses and injuries that Imam ʿAli (a), Fatimah the Purest (a) and the rest of Ahl al-Bayt (a) faced became ubiquitous and the necessity for censorship became more extreme. It is interesting that even Shaykh ʿAbd al-Hamid Ismaʿil Zehi, the [Sunni] imam for Friday prayers in Zahedan (Iran) admitted this in one of his interviews:
      ما موظف به حفظ حرمت صحابه هستيم. ما نمى گوييم كه صحابه معصومند و گناه نمى‌كنند؛ اما نبايد به جاى يادآورى خوبي‌ها و اعمال صواب آن‌ها، متذكر خطاهايشان باشيم....
      It is incumbent upon us to preserve the sanctity of the Companions. We do not say that the Companions were infallible and that they did not sin. However, instead of remembering their merits and good deeds, one should not mention their mistakes…
      See: Nida-yi Islam (Journal), Hawzah-yi ʿIlmiyah-yi Dar al-ʿUlum-i Zahidan, 1st year, no. 4, p. 11.

    • @whyiamashia9497
      @whyiamashia9497 4 месяца назад

      One of the doubts which Wahhabis set forth, which in reality is cast in order to escape certain [historical] realities, is that the work al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah was not written by Ibn Qutaybah al-Dinawari. Given that Ibn Qutaybah (d. 276/889) was counted as one of the [most] prestigious, renowned and excellent of scholars among Sunnis [in various fields such as] literature, history, law (fiqh), hadith, the sciences of the Qur’an etc., Wahhabis have not been able to question his credibility or personality. [As such], they prefer to focus their efforts [in casting doubt] on al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah’s attribution to Ibn Qutaybah and thus [bidding] to debase its reliability. Therefore, we make it incumbent upon ourselves to investigate and answer these unscientific claims.
      First, this book has been countlessly printed in Egypt and other countries under the name of Ibn Qutaybah al-Dinawari whose manuscripts are available in libraries across Egypt, Paris, London, Turkey and India.
      Second, as long as there are Islamic scholars, what need is there to rely on Orientalists like Dozy (who is far from being an actual Islamic scholar!) in order to establish the reliability or unreliability of [an Islamic] work? Why is there a need to refer to Orientalists who in many instances have even denied the existence of the Prophet Muhammad (s)? It is clear that our Sunni friends have come short in regard to their proofs and as such, [they have had no choice] but to take refuge in Orientalists.
      Third, many scholars among Ahl al-Sunnah, even contemporary ones, have explicitly authenticated and attributed the book to Ibn Qutaybah and have cited its historical traditions. Here we will briefly point out a few [examples]:
      1) Ibn Hajar al-Haythami in his book Tathir al-Jinan wa al-Lisan. See Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Abu al-ʿAbbas Ahmad b. Muhammad b. ʿAli (d. 973/1565), Tathir al-Jinan wa al-Lisan (n.p), 72.
      2) [al-Qadhi Abu Bakr] Ibn al-ʿArabi al-Maliki in his book al-ʿAwasim min al-Qawasim [where the author] narrates some of the contents of the book [al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah] and attributes them to Ibn Qutaybah. See: Ibn al-ʿArabi, Muhammad b. ʿAbd Allah Abu Bakr (d. 543/1148). al-ʿAwasim min al-Qawasim fi Tahqiq Mawaqif al-Sahabah baʿd wafat al-Nabi (s), ed. Muhib al-Din al-Khatib & Mahmud Mahdi al-Istanbuli (Beirut: Dar al-Habil, 1407/1987), I: 261.
      3) Najm al-Din ʿUmar b. Muhammad al-Makki, known as “Ibn Fahd”, when mentioning the events of the year 93 A.H (711 C.E) writes in his book Itihaf al-Wara bi-Akhbar Umm al-Qura:
      و قال ابومحمد عبدالله بن مسلم ابن قتيبة في كتاب الامامة و السياسة...
      Abu Muhammad ʿAbd Allah b. Muslim b. Qutaybah said in his book al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah.
      See: Ibn Fahd, Najm al-Din ʿUmar b. Muhammad al-Makki, Itihaf al-Wara bi-Akhbar Umm al-Qura (n.p: n.d), under events of 93 A.H. Afterwards, [Ibn Fahd] narrates Saʿid b. Jubayr’s (d. 95 A.H/711 C.E) arrest from the same book.
      4) Qadhi Abu ʿAbd Allah al-Tanuzi, known as “Ibn Shabbat” in his book al-Silat al-Samtiyah. See: al-Tanuzi, Abu ʿAbd Allah. al-Silat al-Samtiyah (n.p: n.d), part II, section 34.
      5) Taqi al-Din al-Fasi al-Makki in his book al-ʿAqd al-Thamin. See: al-Fasi al-Makki, Taqi al-Din, al-ʿAqd al-Thamin (n.p: n.d), VI: 72.
      6) Yusuf Ilyan Sarkis in his book Muʿjam al-Matbuʿat al-ʿArabiyah, mentions his book when recounting the life of ibn Qutaybah:
      الإمامة والسياسة ابتدأ فيه بذكر فضل أبي بكر وعمر. مط النيل 1322 جزء 2 بتصحيح محمد محمود الرافعي مصر 1327 ص 395 مط الفتوح الأدبية جزء 2 1331 ص 181 و 184.
      al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah begins by mentioning the virtue[s] of Abu Bakr and Umar. Al-Nil pub. 1322 A.H/1904 C.E v. II, ed. Muhammad Mahmud al-Rafiʿi Egypt 1327 A.H/1909 C.E, p. 395 al-Futuh al-Adabiyah pub. v. II 1331 A.H/1912 C.E, pp. 181 and 184.
      See: Sarkis, Yusuf Ilyan, Muʿjam al-Matbuʿat al-ʿArabiyah (Qum: Maktabat Āyat Allah al-Marʿashi al-Najafi, 1411/1990), I: 211.
      7) Farid Wajdi writes in his book Da’irat al-Maʿarif al-Qarn al-ʿAshrin:
      اورد العلامة الدينورى في كتابه الامامة و السياسة....
      Allamah al-Dinawari, in his book al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah, cited [the following]…
      See: Wajdi, Farid, Da’irat al-Maʿarif al-Qarn al-ʿAshrin (n.p: n.d), II: 754.
      In another instance, he also writes:
      ... كتاب الامامة و السياسة لابى محمد عبدالله بن مسلم الدينورى المتوفى سنة 270 هـ.
      … [the] book al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah [which] belongs to Muhammad ʿAbd Allah b. Muslim al-Dinawari (d. 270 A.H). Ibid, 749 […]
      8) Dr. Ahmad Zaki Safut, the famous contemporary Egyptian writer and professor of Arabic, has cited [various] material from al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah in a number of places in his book Jamharat Khutab al-ʿArab which he attributes to ibn Qutaybah:
      وزاد ابن قتيبة في الامامة والسياسة: والله يا أهل العراق ما أظن هؤلاء القوم من أهل الشأم إلا ظاهرين عليكم.
      …and Ibn Qutaybah added in his book al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah: Oh People of Iraq! By Allah, I reckon that the people of the Levant (al-Sham) only show their facades to you [and not what is inside their hearts].
      See: Safut, Ahmad Zaki, Jamharat Khutab al-ʿArab (Beirut: al-Maktabat al-ʿIlmiyah, n.d) I: 422.
      وزاد ابن قتيبة في الإمامة والسياسة: فرق الله بيني وبينكم وأعقبني بكم من خير لي منكم وأعقبكم.
      […] and Ibn Qutaybah added [the following tradition from ʿAli ibn Abi Ṭalib] in his book al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah: “May God separate me from you, and replace you as my followers with someone who is better for me [as followers]. And make you to be replaced [after me with a new leader…].”
      See: Jamharat Khutab al-ʿArab, I: 426.
      نص آخر لخطبة طارق. وروي ابن قتيبة هذه الخطبة في الإمامة والسياسة بصورة أخري.
      […in] another text for the sermon. Ibn Qutaybah narrated this sermon in his al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah in another way.
      See: Jamharat Khutab al-ʿArab, II: 316.
      Is the emphasis of all of these great scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah in attributing this book to Ibn Qutaybah not sufficient?
      Fourth: a number of Sunni scholars, despite having attributed the book to “Ibn Qutaybah” as well as having accepted some of the bitter and unpleasant historical realities that have been narrated in the book in regard to the first part of Islam’s history, have nevertheless criticized Ibn Qutaybah as to why he did not gloss over, censor or distort (tahrif) history [when it comes to the Companions]! They have stated that he, like other scholars, must show self-restraint in narrating certain [problematic historical] realities.
      al-Qadhi [Abu Bakr] ibn al-ʿArabi2 [d. 553 A.H/1148 C.E] in his book al-ʿAwasim min al-Qawasim states:
      ومن اشد شيء على الناس جاهل عاقل أو مبتدع محتال فأما الجاهل فهو ابن قتيبة فلم يبق ولم يذر للصحابة رسما في كتاب الامامة والسياسة ان صح عنه جميع ما فيه
      One of the worst thing[s] [to befall] on people is a learned simpleton or deceitful innovator (mubtadiʿ). However, the simpleton (jahil) [here] is Ibn Qutaybah who has not observed the custom (rasm) [of censorship] with regard to[the faults of] the Companions (sahabah) in the book al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah, [that is] if everything in the book can be authentically [attributed] to him.3
      See: Ibn al-ʿArabi, Muhammad b. ʿAbd Allah Abu Bakr (d. 543 A.H/1148 C.E), al-ʿAwasim min al-Qawasim fi Tahqiq Mawaqif al-Sahabah baʿd wafat al-Nabi (s), ed. Muhib al-Din al-Khatib & Mahmud Mahdi al-Istanbuli (Beirut: Dar al-Habil, 1407/1987), I: 261.
      If there were no other proofs in attributing this book to Ibn Qutaybah except for the above statement of al-Qadhi Ibn al-ʿArabi, it would have been enough for truth-seekers (ahl al-haqq). This is because in addition to establishing the attribution of the book, Ibn al-ʿArabi’s statement also sheds light on the motives behind the Sunni attempts to deny the book’s attribution to [its proper author].
      The Sunnis believe that when confronted with traditions related to the problematic behavior of the Companions, it is incumbent on historians and traditionists [alike] to remain silent, hide and cover-up those traditions.
      When it became necessary to show restraint in merely narrating the minor disputes of the Companions, the avoidance of narrating the oppression, abuses and injuries that Imam ʿAli (a), Fatimah the Purest (a) and the rest of Ahl al-Bayt (a) faced became ubiquitous and the necessity for censorship became more extreme. It is interesting that even Shaykh ʿAbd al-Hamid Ismaʿil Zehi, the [Sunni] imam for Friday prayers in Zahedan (Iran) admitted this in one of his interviews:
      ما موظف به حفظ حرمت صحابه هستيم. ما نمى گوييم كه صحابه معصومند و گناه نمى‌كنند؛ اما نبايد به جاى يادآورى خوبي‌ها و اعمال صواب آن‌ها، متذكر خطاهايشان باشيم....
      It is incumbent upon us to preserve the sanctity of the Companions. We do not say that the Companions were infallible and that they did not sin. However, instead of remembering their merits and good deeds, one should not mention their mistakes…
      See: Nida-yi Islam (Journal), Hawzah-yi ʿIlmiyah-yi Dar al-ʿUlum-i Zahidan, 1st year, no. 4, p. 11.

  • @abiabi9353
    @abiabi9353 Год назад +41

    Crazy people even they hear these enmity of aisha against Ahlulbayt, still praise aisha.

    • @laughAFrame
      @laughAFrame Год назад

      That's the Believers of Saqifa for you

    • @moono9614
      @moono9614 Год назад +3

      When Allah swt brings our beloved Mother Aisha r.a right back on the day of judgement Infront of all creations remember you were part of those people who spread the false fitnah on her name 😢 😢 😢

    • @laughAFrame
      @laughAFrame Год назад

      @@moono9614 on the day of judgement a lot of Muslim that were killed in Jamal will stand up and tell ALLAH that Our so called MOTHER MOBILIZED us against someone about whom we had heard from Rasool Ullah that, HE(ALI) IS WITH TRUTH AND TRUTH IS WITH HIM, WHERE EVER HE GOES TURN THE TRUTH TOWARDS THAT DIRECTION.

    • @laughAFrame
      @laughAFrame Год назад

      @@moono9614 on the Day of judgement , The QURAN itself will stand against the so called MOTHERS OF BELIEVERS, AND WILL TELL ALLAH that the mothers of the believers added false verses in me, which you never revealed (the verse of breasfeediing an adult man) and then declared that the quran was eaten by a Sheep

    • @laughAFrame
      @laughAFrame Год назад

      @@moono9614 on the Day of Judgement Rasool Ullah s.a.w. himself will stand against Ayesha, and will tell Allah that she conspired behind his back which Surah Tehreem Mentions.
      And if you think we are making propaganda or false claims then Go Burn SURAH TEHREEM, NAOZUBILLAH AND BURN YOUR SAHIH BOOKS OF AHADEES THAT MENTION THESE THINGS

  • @sonabarnes6670
    @sonabarnes6670 Год назад +17

    Astounding sabr on your part. May Allah bless you!

  • @guiders14
    @guiders14 Год назад +19

    May Allah curse the enemy of Imam Ali as

  • @Qlenzz
    @Qlenzz Год назад +4

    They claim Shias hate Prophet Muhammad sww wives.
    Was Aisha the only wife? We don't Sunnis talk much about Umm ul Momeneen Salma r.a, Umm ul Momeneen Khadija and other wives

    • @ghassanzahran4484
      @ghassanzahran4484 3 месяца назад

      We all talk about them, and we love them. You pretend to love Prophet Mohamed pbuh and trash his wife and friends as if he cannot choose.

    • @user-eh2pv4sc7h
      @user-eh2pv4sc7h 23 дня назад

      ​@@ghassanzahran4484have you read the quran, Aysha Hafsa appear in the surah of the disobedients not trustworthy housewives so stop praising them. Sunni just follow their scholars and ignore what Allah says in the quran.

  • @rabiasaeed2206
    @rabiasaeed2206 Год назад +16

    Jazakallah Allah Molana for stating the Facts of Islamic History from the pulpit.
    Bravo !
    Specially from the Sunni School of Thoughts unity of Muslims is must for the Arrival of the last Son of Rasool Allah for the Establishment of kingdom of Peace for all Mankind.Equality and Justice for all.
    Educate the World 🌎
    Islam is a Religion of Peace ☮️

  • @yoursolosquad6283
    @yoursolosquad6283 Год назад +5

    I seriously cannot understand how our Sunni brothers and sisters hear these narrations in their own books of aisha and still praise her, like what is there left for her to do for you to understand?! Does she need to kill the prophet for you to understand she is a disbeliever?! Wake up and dont be like the Quran says:, Deaf, dumb, blind, so they do not understand | صمٌ بكمٌ عميٌ فهم لا يعقلون

    • @liahnatashah5145
      @liahnatashah5145 10 месяцев назад +2

      Because of Ignorance .that s it

    • @maisamnazim4247
      @maisamnazim4247 6 месяцев назад +1

      By the way, according to some narrations from sunni and shia sources, Aisha was also involved in prophet's assassination.

    • @Maicon-b1b
      @Maicon-b1b 2 месяца назад

      Jesus Christ died for your sins
      Look up the thousands of testimonies of people who die and go to hell and heaven
      There's even studies on NDEs because there's so many testimonies

  • @bellaasif2309
    @bellaasif2309 Год назад +3

    Sir, where do you conduct these lectures I want to learn?

    • @Thaqlain
      @Thaqlain  Год назад +3

      Al Hujjah Islamic Seminary

    • @itgw4658
      @itgw4658 10 месяцев назад

      @@Thaqlainis that a place or a website?

  • @NP0451
    @NP0451 Год назад +5

    Mash'Allah. Thankyou.

  • @ed92122
    @ed92122 7 месяцев назад +1

    May Allah protect you Sayed

  • @ethandouro4334
    @ethandouro4334 Год назад +3

    Allahume Sale Ale Mohamad Vale Ale Mohamad
    Selamun Aleykum
    great standing and may Allah compensate your efforts, JazakAllah khayr.
    Greetings from Brazil 🇧🇷
    Btw, can you ask for adding english, arabic and spanish/portuguese subtitles in the video, please? Looking forward to watch all of the lectures

    • @Thaqlain
      @Thaqlain  Год назад +2

      Alaykum Salaam. We are working hard towards adding English subtitles. The volunteers of Bilal Subtitling Initiative have completed 100 episodes of the series already.

    • @ethandouro4334
      @ethandouro4334 Год назад

      @@Thaqlain Allahuma barik feek

    • @commercialandresidentialpl7337
      @commercialandresidentialpl7337 Год назад

      Selam our Brazilian brother from your Bosnian brother.

  • @naqueevi
    @naqueevi Год назад

    Quick question, if Aisha refused to attend Bibi Fatima’s (AS) funeral, then does that mean her burial was known (and did not occur in the night)?

    • @Thaqlain
      @Thaqlain  Год назад +1

      It did occur in the night. The rooms of the wives and that of Lady Fatima were next to one another. So it was natural of the wives to offer condolence.

  • @SS-yo4qk
    @SS-yo4qk 10 месяцев назад +3

    It's shocking.
    I can only think of her as monafiq.

  • @dulalmiah6191
    @dulalmiah6191 Год назад +4

    Muslim loves Ali RA May Allah be pleased with him .

  • @abdulvahid9043
    @abdulvahid9043 Год назад +1

    These people excited and parished, we will not be questioned about their deeds nor they will be questioned about our deeds
    We will be questioned about whom we followed, whom Allah teala and His messenger did appoint to follow to achieve eternal mercy instead of eternal punishment
    Obey Allah and His messenger and Amirs among you
    Allah has the right to choose and they don't have the right to choose

    • @Thaqlain
      @Thaqlain  Год назад +1

      Salaam Alaykum. This episode is part of a series where we have examined all the wives of the Prophet and the lessons we can learn from them. We will urge you to watch it completely before reaching conclusion. 🙂
      The episode in question, too, is connected to other episodes trying to answer the reliability of Ummul Momineen Ayesha as a narrator of hadith and Sunnah.

  • @HKHasty
    @HKHasty Год назад +18

    Makes me sad I’m 33 and I lived my whole life believing Sunni dogma 😢
    اللهم صلي على محمد واله

    • @rohlmayers1792
      @rohlmayers1792 Год назад +5

      Its not how you start, its how you end. God bless.

    • @NeoLeo877
      @NeoLeo877 Год назад

      Later you realise the total Shia and sunni stories are fake

    • @yoursolosquad6283
      @yoursolosquad6283 Год назад +2

      Brother always thank Allah (SWT) he saved you, God bless your pure soul 🌹

    • @Maicon-b1b
      @Maicon-b1b 2 месяца назад

      Jesus Christ died for your sins
      Look up the thousands of testimonies of people who die and go to hell and heaven
      There's even studies on NDEs because there's so many testimonies

    • @Freedomanidea
      @Freedomanidea 26 дней назад

      These are lies tell him why imam ali gave her daughter hand to hazrat omar and why did he marry hazrat Abu Bakr widow.becoz they loved each other and all Shia books qoute zarrara wit no chain of naŕation

  • @fadelalkarbalai9766
    @fadelalkarbalai9766 Год назад +4

    I am first to comment 😁

  • @AhsanAli-dl5if
    @AhsanAli-dl5if Год назад +1


  • @ab5680
    @ab5680 Год назад +7

    Sunnis in the comments coping after hearing the truth about their beloved Ayesha (la)

    • @user-eh2pv4sc7h
      @user-eh2pv4sc7h 7 месяцев назад +1

      She was never beloeved. READ THE QURAN TO SEE WHAT ALLAH SAYS ABOUT HER.

  • @habibanathani3747
    @habibanathani3747 Год назад +1

    As she is wife of holy prophet Ali A.S is her son in law forget he being successer

  • @nomairshahzad7960
    @nomairshahzad7960 Год назад +1

    Is it possible that we can indicate Lady Khadija (as) was the favourite wife of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). As he remained completely monogamous to her during her lifetime despite having the ability to marry multiple wives (as would be normal for a man of his status), as we know that all wives a Muslim man takes must be treated justly and equally, and he would be unable to do that with any other woman next to Lady Khadija (as)?.

    • @Thaqlain
      @Thaqlain  Год назад +4

      She was indeed the most beloved wife of the Prophet and the one praised by Allah in the Quran. We have covered her life in episodes 21 onward in this series.

  • @tawsifrezachowdhury7478
    @tawsifrezachowdhury7478 4 месяца назад

    Alaihis salam kyu?

  • @shamstameez
    @shamstameez Год назад

    Why quote Hadith from history works? You know very well that Sunnis have a Hadith tradition. They don’t take Hadith from history books.

    • @Thaqlain
      @Thaqlain  Год назад +5

      The previous episodes explores hadith from hadith books too. But history books are considered equally important in developing corpus of any Islamic school.

    • @muhammadhamza5467
      @muhammadhamza5467 Год назад

      @@Thaqlain no they are not most of the historic world , don't need to be supported by chain of narrations ,and is influence by socio political conditions ,,. Plus author of the work is kind of authority In it ,, where hadees is scrutinize by mean of ilm ur rijal, science of hadees and so on...

    • @user-eh2pv4sc7h
      @user-eh2pv4sc7h 23 дня назад

      ​@@Thaqlainthey take from the enemies of rasoollah.

  • @Freedomanidea
    @Freedomanidea 26 дней назад

    Nahjulbalagah ,zarrar was cursed by imam jaffer becoz of lies

  • @sunnyprantik4659
    @sunnyprantik4659 4 месяца назад

    0:30 Abū al-Faraj al-Iṣbahānī is a shia muslim.. stop lying dude!!! 😂😂😂😂

    • @Thaqlain
      @Thaqlain  4 месяца назад +1

      We never knew that people from the progeny of Marwan were Shia 🙂

  • @jimmykahn5431
    @jimmykahn5431 Год назад +1

    The prophet will turn away from the Shia for spreading fake news.

    • @Thaqlain
      @Thaqlain  Год назад +5

      We are here to correct if anything shared in this episode can be proven to be fake.

    • @muhammadhamza5467
      @muhammadhamza5467 Год назад

      @@Thaqlain bro why don't you debate with Muhammad hijjab, adnan rashid , ammar nakhswani etc , so that academics of sunni side could jude your argument ,being sunni I don't think what so ever you are referring to is present ...

    • @ibrahimharith9878
      @ibrahimharith9878 Год назад +1

      ​@@muhammadhamza5467Wallahy what a sad life we fail to use our intellect when Allah has clearly said ,Only men of understanding and reasoning will see His signs

  • @rehanagoogle3869
    @rehanagoogle3869 Год назад +1

    Not true that she harts Ahul-Bay Alhe-salaam and Ayesha loved Maula Ali alaihis salam

    • @Thaqlain
      @Thaqlain  Год назад +6

      Salaam Alaykum. That's what most of us have been told. But the truth as found in historical references and books of hadith is otherwise :)

    • @ItachiAli1993
      @ItachiAli1993 Год назад +1

      Yeah and that's why Ayesha fought against Imam Ali because she loves him... 😂

  • @ed92122
    @ed92122 7 месяцев назад

    11:00 no comment

  • @billybs9965
    @billybs9965 Год назад +1

    I listened without judgement trying to understand your pov , but when you said "We doubt her repentance", I stopped watching. My belief is even of a human today - only Allah knows whats in their hearts, so only Allah can judge him/her, and you are talking of someone who is the wife of the prophet SAW. Sorry, my belief in Allah doesn't allow me continue!

    • @mahmoodvisram1739
      @mahmoodvisram1739 Год назад +4

      I’d like to ask that if Allah SWT openly reprimands her in the qur’an and has left it open - he has not revealed any verses after to say that she was forgiven for her actions conspiring against the prophet SAW, isn’t that a good reason to doubt her repentance? Or would you go against the Quran?

    • @Thaqlain
      @Thaqlain  Год назад +6

      We doubt her repentance due to the fact that she continued with the cause that required her repentance in the first place. As Sayed mentioned, we have nothing personal against her :)

    • @billybs9965
      @billybs9965 Год назад +1

      @@mahmoodvisram1739 Allah knows best. My Allah is most Merciful, always forgiving and loves us unconditionally.

    • @billybs9965
      @billybs9965 Год назад +1

      @@Thaqlain Did Allah give us the right to judge the repentance of another human?

    • @Thaqlain
      @Thaqlain  Год назад +4

      Not at all. But that makes her a controversial figure to take the Sunnah of the Prophet from. And that's the whole point of this video.

  • @muhammadhamza5467
    @muhammadhamza5467 Год назад

    Why don't this scholar debate with Muhammad hijjab , ammar nakhwani etc , if he really thing that he has get so much information, but you can fool only fools with this weak sources...

    • @Thaqlain
      @Thaqlain  Год назад +5

      Please share proves that the sources provided are weak. We understand that the information is new for you but that doesn't mean it is inauthentic.

  • @suhaibhaider6440
    @suhaibhaider6440 Год назад

    One lecture for 72 hoore. Plz

  • @moono9614
    @moono9614 Год назад +3

    If believing Muslims who still spread fitnah are unjust and are fine with speaking falseness about our beloved Mother Aisha r.a we will stand with her and her rights! And defend her, if the lord of the worlds defended her we must do the same as much as we possibly can and defend her too. Mat Allah guide you people ameen

    • @HadithOfThaqlain
      @HadithOfThaqlain Год назад +6

      Falseness? Did you watch the video? He literally used Sunni sources ONLY. This is ridiculous, may Allah destroy the enemies of the Prophet PBUH.

    • @moono9614
      @moono9614 Год назад +1

      @@HadithOfThaqlain Yeah 🙄, Ameen, I was talking about the comments, they are so rude about our beloved Mother Aisha r.a

    • @HadithOfThaqlain
      @HadithOfThaqlain Год назад +5

      @@moono9614 Beloved mother? A mother who kills her own children? Have you forgotten about the Battle of Jamal?

    • @moono9614
      @moono9614 Год назад

      @@HadithOfThaqlain OMG here we go again, she never started the battle of jamal! She was with 2 companions that chose to go out and find out who killed Uthman r.a and good on her for trying to bring justice for Uthman r.a . It is very true that her intention was to not go into war but rather to see who murdered Uthman r.a in a peaceful manner. And the hypocrite's attacked. It was not her fault, and actually you would be surprised how many people she is beloved to including the Prophet Muhammad saws himself.

    • @moono9614
      @moono9614 Год назад

      @@HadithOfThaqlain That is why when Imam Ahmad ibn hamad who died 200 years after hijra of the battle of the camel was asked which side should be taken and he replied by quoting “that was a battle that Allah saved our swords from having to have blood so why don't we save our tongues from having sides. In other words Alhamdillah that was a battle we didn't have to pick our swords because we won't alive back then, I wasn't forced to choose sides so then why are you dragging my tongue in and making me force and give sides now let me be quite and that there is pure sunni ideology that we believe in. And Aisha r.a did not deeply hate Ali r.a they were both people who were righteous and had a misunderstanding, whatever happened, happened and life goes on. So let's all try to follow our Mother Aisha r.a intellect and respect her as she highly deserves ameen :)

    @AFGHNISTANI Год назад +2


  • @zaheer3456
    @zaheer3456 Год назад +1

    This guy just spreads hatred in the name of Islam with his biased and closed mindset. May Allah swt guide and protect the ummah from such fitnah of dividing and feeling hatred among muslim brothers

    • @Thaqlain
      @Thaqlain  Год назад +5

      Please share where is hatred in this episode?

  • @itz_goku4u
    @itz_goku4u 7 месяцев назад +1

    Why is this guy slandering ayesha so badly ..... with no authentic proof

    • @Thaqlain
      @Thaqlain  7 месяцев назад +2

      We are there to provide any proof/references that are required :)

    • @Maicon-b1b
      @Maicon-b1b 2 месяца назад

      Aisha spoke facts
      Muslims can't handle the truth

    • @Ilsaahsan
      @Ilsaahsan 2 месяца назад +3

      Because you guys blindly believe her stupid lies that's why this guy is telling the truth about Ayesha with authentic proofs and facts but you guys are unable to understand/see.

    • @user-eh2pv4sc7h
      @user-eh2pv4sc7h 23 дня назад

      Proof is in your books and thd quran. Ayasha and Hafsa are mentioned in the surah if the disobedient, not trustworthy wives. Read your books instead of following your mufti.

  • @MaheenHussain-qc3ni
    @MaheenHussain-qc3ni 4 месяца назад

    It was narrated that 'Aishah said:
    “Sahlah bint Suhail came to the Prophet and said: 'O Messenger of Allah, I see signs of displeasure on the face of Abu Hudhaifah when Salim enters upon me.” The Prophet said: “Breastfeed him.” She said: “How can I breastfeed him when he is a grown man? The Messenger of Allah smiled and said: “I know that he is a grown man.” So she did that, then she came to the Prophet and said: “I have never seen any signs of displeasure on the face of Abu Hudhayfah after that.” And he was present at (the battle of) Badr.
    Reference : Sunan Ibn Majah 1943

    • @MaheenHussain-qc3ni
      @MaheenHussain-qc3ni 4 месяца назад

      can you please help me with this narration. Some people are saying that aisha ra was forced to breastfeed men by Hazrat Muhammad saw I know that this ain't true but I need your help to give detail answer with the sources to prove this hadith ain't true

    • @Thaqlain
      @Thaqlain  4 месяца назад +2

      It is because of these hadiths that we don't take Sunnah from Ayesha bint Abi Bakr :)

    • @MaheenHussain-qc3ni
      @MaheenHussain-qc3ni 4 месяца назад

      @@Thaqlain but the non-Muslim does. What should I reply to them?

    • @Thaqlain
      @Thaqlain  4 месяца назад +2

      This series :)
      Help them understand that the Prophet, as present in the books of Ahlal Sunnah, is different from the Prophet given to us by the Quran and Ahlulbayt. There are political reasons why so many such controversial narrations are in books regarded as Sahih by Ahlal Sunnah.

    • @Maicon-b1b
      @Maicon-b1b 2 месяца назад

      ​@@MaheenHussain-qc3nitheres a reason why those hadiths have lasted
      If they were fabricated they wouldn't last a single year

  • @Freedomanidea
    @Freedomanidea 26 дней назад

    Hadith you are saying are your hadiths,your first two imams where was the living in medina.who planned shahada of imam ali shia kufa who even decieved imam hussain

    • @user-eh2pv4sc7h
      @user-eh2pv4sc7h 23 дня назад

      That waa sunnu ummayad who deceived him not his shia.

    • @user-eh2pv4sc7h
      @user-eh2pv4sc7h 23 дня назад

      Read Bukhari, his head is brought Ibyn Ziyaad, these are all sunni leaders

  • @allysoobratty7565
    @allysoobratty7565 Год назад

    Have to be careful about HADITHS ,many of them are not AUTHENTIC

    • @Thaqlain
      @Thaqlain  Год назад +4

      Indeed. But when you have similar reports it means that the person is definitely controversial :)

    • @allysoobratty7565
      @allysoobratty7565 Год назад

      @@Thaqlain There is no SHIA or SUNNI in Islam,we are all MUSLIM!!!!

    • @Thaqlain
      @Thaqlain  Год назад +3

      Indeed. Where did we deny that?

  • @shabirahmedkhankhan3631
    @shabirahmedkhankhan3631 9 дней назад

    Jakkarin soul of thought bakvas aysha

  • @Freedomanidea
    @Freedomanidea 26 дней назад

    Cursing of 3 Khalifa,ayesha and your hadith with no chain of narration.why did hazrat ali give his daughters hand to hazrat omar and why did he marry hazrat Abu Bakr widow.prophet died choose to stay with ayesha and died in her arms .

    • @Thaqlain
      @Thaqlain  24 дня назад

      There are two problems with your comment:
      1) There is no cursing involved. Except if you consider academic study as cursing.
      2) The 2nd part of the comment is filled with wrong information.

    • @user-eh2pv4sc7h
      @user-eh2pv4sc7h 23 дня назад

      Please read your bukhari to see what they did. You too busy following men on earth.

  • @badolgiringya5035
    @badolgiringya5035 Год назад +5

    Hey Thaqlain, be brave at least for once and dont delete this comment!
    Subhan Allah what a liar this man is! May Allah (swt) guide me, you and your followers! The person this misguided man is mentioning as a scholar was born 200 years later after mother Ayesha (RA) and was basically a writer, poet and musician NOT a SCHOLAR by far! In fact the very book this man calling as a book of hadith "kitab al aghani" literally means "book of songs"! He wrote songs and poetry in that book and this man is calling that as a book of hadith! And since when history are being accepted as facts in Islam? And why is he calling historians as scholars and their work as hadith? Do Shia people know what hadith means?? brothers and sisters, Fear Allah (swt) and dont lose your akhirah following lies from misguided people! May Allah (swt) forgives us all and grant us Jannah.

    • @Thaqlain
      @Thaqlain  Год назад +16

      The narration (or hadith if we call it in Arabic) is not in Kitab al-Aghani; it is in Maqatil al-Talibiyyin. Abul Faraj is known for Kitab al-Aghani, an Arabic encyclopedia of songs and poetry. Also, Bukhari was born in the same century as Abul Faraj al-Isphahani. So should we disregard him too? Ibn Athir also mentions this. Should he be disregarded also?
      Lastly, we urge you to listen to the episodes preceding this one. It is a part of a series examining why in the School of Ahlulbayt, we don't take the Sunnah/Seerah of the Prophet from Ayesha even though she has quoted hundreds of hadith and why we consider her to be a controversial figure. So one has to listen to the entire thing on academic/objective grounds, and it is entirely okay to disagree with it.

    • @badolgiringya5035
      @badolgiringya5035 Год назад +2

      @@Thaqlain Bro stop lying at least for once! Firstly Abul Faraj al-Isphahani was a shia but your speaker again and again calling him a sunni scholar who used to write poetry and songs Subhan Allah! Btw your speaker said many times these are historical books and in Islam historical books are not regarded as facts and part of our deen! If you guys take them then its a different discussion altogether!
      What does Imam Bukhari born in the same century has to do anything with Abul Faraj al-Isphahani? One was one of the best scholars in Islamic history and another was a poet, writer and musician! How are they alike?
      You dont take any sunnah of the Prophet Mohammad (saw) from mother Aisha Bint Abu Bakr (RA) but you are quoting unknown peoples books and calling their statements as hadith! are you waffling?
      Btw do you believe in Al Quran? if you do, do you know she is your and our mother like all the others wives of Prophet Mohammad (saw) as Allah (swt) clearly stated "The Prophet has a stronger affinity to the believers than they do themselves. And his wives are their mothers." (Quran chapter 33 verse 6)
      Brother stop misguiding people. In the day of judgment if Allah (swt) ask you why did you disrespect, humiliate wives of my dearest Prophet's(saw)? whats gonna be your answer?
      Fear Allah (swt) bro and dont lose your akhirah following lies from misguided people! May Allah (swt) forgive us all and grant us Jannah.
      P.S. Please use (saw) after prophet Mohammad (saw) name as much as you and your scholars like to use AS after Ali Ibn Abu Talib (RA)'s name.

    • @ethandouro4334
      @ethandouro4334 Год назад +1

      @@badolgiringya5035 you are dodging the point and creating new discussion, watch the videos preceding this video.

    • @badolgiringya5035
      @badolgiringya5035 Год назад +1

      @@ethandouro4334 no ones dodging the point you dont have! just admit you dont have answers to my questions or to the blatant lies by the speaker!

    • @ethandouro4334
      @ethandouro4334 Год назад

      @@badolgiringya5035 Watch the preceding video, it has all the answer for your questions, why would I type out everything the other videos already told???

  • @nooriah78
    @nooriah78 Год назад +7

    May Allah SWT bless our Mother Aisha. It is very sad people in her time and even after her death are spreading fitna on her name. Verses of Quran were sent down her honour. May Allah SWT raise her rank shower abordance blessing on her.
    The beloved wife of our beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

    • @badolgiringya5035
      @badolgiringya5035 Год назад +4

      Brother all the wives of Prophet Muhammad (saw) are called mothers of the believers (Quran chapter 33 verse 6) meaning they are our mothers and seems like this guy believes that too Aisha (RA) was in fact his (saw) wife. Then how come he slandering his own mother? Or is he not a believer? may Allah (SWT) guide us all and save us from the lies of deviant cults!

    • @ethandouro4334
      @ethandouro4334 Год назад +9

      may Allah curse the enemies of Ahl Bayt and give Aisha the worst of punishments.

    • @badolgiringya5035
      @badolgiringya5035 Год назад +1

      @@ethandouro4334 Audubillah so basically you deny the Quran? How can any believer curse his own mother and still call himself a Muslim? May Allah SWT guide us all!

    • @ethandouro4334
      @ethandouro4334 Год назад +10

      @@badolgiringya5035 The quran itself told us to curse the munafiqs that attacked the prophet and angered Allah. Ayesha, laenatullahi alayhi, was NOT the mother of believers, she literally wanted more power to her father caliphate.
      Watch. The. Preceding. Videos.

    • @badolgiringya5035
      @badolgiringya5035 Год назад +2

      @@ethandouro4334 The way youre slandering against one of our mothers (RA) and writing about Quran and Prophet (saw) it doesnt feel like you or your kind have anything better to add! Btw I know this speaker longer than you imagine so yeah I know all his tricks and fallacies he likes to spread among the sheep of your community! Fear Allah (swt) brother and come back to the straight path. May Allah SWT guide us all!

  • @shettimaumar9235
    @shettimaumar9235 6 месяцев назад

    Aisha is also Ahl Bayt if you don't know Quran surah Ahzaab 33 : 33

    • @Thaqlain
      @Thaqlain  6 месяцев назад +5

      Ayesha herself will differ because there are clear narrations from the Prophet that only Ahlal Kisa are Ahlulbayt. There is a narration from Ayesha herself in Tafsir al-Kashaaf.

  • @Freedomanidea
    @Freedomanidea 26 дней назад


  • @ronm7503
    @ronm7503 7 месяцев назад

    What are you quoting man? Al-Aghani? There's thousands of scholars from the past, what you're stating, no Sunni scholar believes this. What are you going on about that, that we Sunnis actually believe this? You are digging in the crates and trying your best to find anything to revile and tarnish the image/reputation of Aisha, it's obvious.

    • @Thaqlain
      @Thaqlain  7 месяцев назад +1

      It seems you have missed the purpose of this entire chapter :)

    • @afsanaazad2250
      @afsanaazad2250 4 месяца назад

      Seems like this person or the channel has a secret agenda. tarnishing and speaking ill about Hazart Ayesha (RA). Wallahi, have shame!
      You are spreading fitna, basically quoting hadith and then not telling in details.
      What a lie!
      and adding your own spices to the stories.
      Such a shame! Muslims spreading lies and fitna 😡
      May Allah (SWT) guide you!

  • @shettimaumar9235
    @shettimaumar9235 6 месяцев назад

    Why are you using sunnah hadith to butress your false claims use Shia hadith instead you can't because there was no Shia during the time of prophets and no a single Sahaba was a Shia .

    • @Thaqlain
      @Thaqlain  6 месяцев назад +2

      It seems you have missed the purpose of this episode. This episode is the part of a 400+ episode series exploring the life of the Prophet. From episode 198 to 205, we have explored why Ayesha bint Abi Bakr is a controversial figure to be considered as an authority for Sunnah of the Prophet.

    • @user-eh2pv4sc7h
      @user-eh2pv4sc7h 23 дня назад

      You would not believe shia books so he is showing the evidence from.your books

  • @Quraniyoonq8r
    @Quraniyoonq8r Год назад +1

    Stop creating dis unity in the Ummah

    • @Thaqlain
      @Thaqlain  Год назад +4

      Salaam Alaykum. The unity of the Ummah is in following the path of the Prophet (s) through Quran and Prophet's progeny (Thaqalayn). There is no intention to create disunity here :)