So called Moldavian kind to speak îs not a dialect. A dialect means another language aprox, because you understand not so much. For example, the A-Romanian dialect, which need to be learned by a Romanian, because the Great majority of words are s-o different of Romanian literary language. A few A-Romanian words with Romanian and English translation mushata=frumoasa=the beauty gione=baiat=boy haraua=bucurie=joy ina=vino=come and the list can continue. But, în all Romanian provinces, these words are the same with a very small difference on pronouncing and need no translation.
Great job! A very good teacher, will help the refugees a lot, to learn Romanian 👍
So called Moldavian kind to speak îs not a dialect. A dialect means another language aprox, because you understand not so much. For example, the A-Romanian dialect, which need to be learned by a Romanian, because the Great majority of words are s-o different of Romanian literary language.
A few A-Romanian words with Romanian and English translation
mushata=frumoasa=the beauty
and the list can continue.
But, în all Romanian provinces, these words are the same with a very small difference on pronouncing and need no translation.