Right on!!!! Immigrants are to acclimate to the host country and culture!!! Be part of the host country instead of trying to change the host to your own preference.
wish my family was more into the Canadian/us culture when we came. I feel kinda fobby and not familiar with the culture here enuf. there's just too much of an Asian concentration in Canada where everyone sticks to TVB back then.
In HK people are comparing how much they earn and this push them work really hard and forgot the meaning of life. HK average income per person is one of the highest in the world, but it was in conjuction with high living expenses especially property and food. After paying all expenses it is not much left despite of earning HKD 20k a month. In many other country the earning is much lesser than HK but the same time expenses are low too. I believe no matter where HK people migrate they will have better living standard. But don't take freedom of speech as the reason to migrate, many countries in the West ain't allow or listen to public. The way the HK protestor harm on police force if it were happened in US he or she will be gunned down. Migrate is to find a better living environment, less stress, slow rhythm, and more time for family and ourself. If one who seek pure freedom of speech then Taiwan is the best country to go.
I attended high school in Canada, and college in US. I work and stay in US after college ( since the 80s ). I love both countries and the people here treat us with respect. I never heard of the term " second class citizen " as stated by the HK government staff. My Hubby and I both work in Silicon Valley. Workload & schedule are very hectic and we pay over 40% of tax. My son went to private school and he graduated from Ivy League, and we absolutely appreciate the education that he has received. We also enjoy the environment and freedom here despite the heavy taxation.
There is no “second class citizen “ in the legal sense but definitely there is prejudice like racism and glass ceiling effect, otherwise there is no blm and african-Americans won’t be protesting for decades and centuries even though some of them are super rich or famous ppl. They should call it inequality issue instead of 2nd class citizens.
1. I live in the Prairies (the provinces in the middle) - many jobs (not all) pay about 10 to 15% less than Vancouver and Toronto but the cost of housing is like 50% less than those places - i.e. you keep more of your income after you pay your mortgage each month. 2. Everyone in my department (15 people) spends 35 minutes or less for commuting for work each day (both ways) - so you get to spend more time with your family. Canada is awesome for the most part - if you are willing to learn and adapt, most people are very friendly and helpful.
@@indijane1384 Completely agree. However, between retail stores in my area and online shopping, I can pretty much get 90% of the stuff that I want from Hong Kong. The Prairies (Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba) are easy to live, and you can buy a brand new house for less than CAD500,000 (1300 sq ft plus) in a very decent area. You can still watch Viu TV, there is something called the internet! 😂
I would say the majority of what the guest said is true but only applicable in Toronto and Vancouver. When you are in other parts of Canada with less Chinese populations, getting good Chinese food is next to impossible.
I was born in Canada and lived here since. Yes, Canada is a beautiful country but racism is everywhere. People are generally nice and not as dumb as fufu claims.
Depends on your industry.... If you work in accounting or software developing/ coding or legal, there are still a lot of OT, may not be as extreme as HK buy definitely not 9 to 5 and no overtime pay...
Agreed. Actually, I’ve been in Toronto form more than 20 years, and I’ve seen cashiers from different ethnic groups within the GTA (Greater Toronto Area). I guess I’m lucky that I rarely seen someone who doesn’t know how to do this type of math bor.
Depends where it is. If the mayor lives on the same street it will be fixed in 2 hours. I was told out on rural Manitoba where the people didn't vote NDP and the hwy remained gravel for longest time. Hwy 44.
Many years ago a dude in vancouver died because he cant tell his house number. This be a funny answer to tell St. Peters at the Pearly gate. He was knifed in a home invasion. He did managed to call 911. The 911 station knew what street he was on but cant figure out his number. In the end he was bled to death. So u can be another # on the stats. God bless.
Maggie 講嘢有種親切感,好自然好清晰,like!
如果我買屋 我會搵佢😄
she's so cute
@@kccathyng nvcxc
@@kccathyng mnnmvz cmvvmvnnx nnzvxn,(+_+)
@@kccathyng CX.
我移民加拿大28年 要移民任何一個地方 要融入學當地語言係基本的 仲有心態同態度都好緊要 唔可以用香港嘅思維來諗嘢 如果你唔放低香港個套sorry你永遠都移唔到民 歧視全世界都有 香港都唔例外 但如果你有用心去融入 加拿大人唔會歧視你
Right on!!!! Immigrants are to acclimate to the host country and culture!!! Be part of the host country instead of trying to change the host to your own preference.
wish my family was more into the Canadian/us culture when we came. I feel kinda fobby and not familiar with the culture here enuf. there's just too much of an Asian concentration in Canada where everyone sticks to TVB back then.
Maggie 極有做RUclipsr,電台或電視既潛質。把聲好正同講野好有條理!
其實鐘意男人鐘意女人有乜問題?加拿大好開放 你試下歧視? 你會扑街
馬米高最近呢類型既片做得好好睇,討論得有趣又唔膚淺。支持你繼續做多d 好既片👍🏻
In HK people are comparing how much they earn and this push them work really hard and forgot the meaning of life. HK average income per person is one of the highest in the world, but it was in conjuction with high living expenses especially property and food. After paying all expenses it is not much left despite of earning HKD 20k a month.
In many other country the earning is much lesser than HK but the same time expenses are low too. I believe no matter where HK people migrate they will have better living standard. But don't take freedom of speech as the reason to migrate, many countries in the West ain't allow or listen to public. The way the HK protestor harm on police force if it were happened in US he or she will be gunned down. Migrate is to find a better living environment, less stress, slow rhythm, and more time for family and ourself. If one who seek pure freedom of speech then Taiwan is the best country to go.
@@陈贝娜 係加拿大超市好多國語人英文一隻字都唔識。
@@陈贝娜 加拿大就是收留没钱人~,在这里沒钱人也很多的~
@@陈贝娜 结婚移民
唔係人地慢, 係香港人快
如果你要一些平凡和簡單的生活,加拿大會適合你。但是,如果你要闖一番事業,得到工作上的満足感和成功感,恐怕你會失望! 我在加拿大職埸30年,我很少見到新移民可以成為加國公司的高層!
@@liberalstudiesmaterials899 做任何工作都可以自力更新! 工作是無分貴賤。衹是大家要明白在一個白人主導的社會,有色人種特別是新移民很難在加國大公司做較高的職位。
@@liberalstudiesmaterials899 洗碗
I attended high school in Canada, and college in US. I work and stay in US after college ( since the 80s ). I love both countries and the people here treat us with respect. I never heard of the term " second class citizen " as stated by the HK government staff. My Hubby and I both work in Silicon Valley. Workload & schedule are very hectic and we pay over 40% of tax. My son went to private school and he graduated from Ivy League, and we absolutely appreciate the education that he has received. We also enjoy the environment and freedom here despite the heavy taxation.
There are many Indians in Silicon Valley.
There is no “second class citizen “ in the legal sense but definitely there is prejudice like racism and glass ceiling effect, otherwise there is no blm and african-Americans won’t be protesting for decades and centuries even though some of them are super rich or famous ppl. They should call it inequality issue instead of 2nd class citizens.
Racism only comes from uneducated and uninformed people.
@@cwong8780 that's is so far from the truth 😆
Great talk
可以既話學手藝野旁身(水電木金工燒焊冷暖氣之類),呢度雖然多人有時間DIY 做手作野,但藍領始終係有市場亦比起喺香港受人尊重
Edmontonian 報到。我上星期急性食物過敏入emergency,打針打滴搞左成晚。醫生護士都好nice好快手。check得好仔細先俾我出院。雖然稅係重D,但有D咩事,唔會驚medical bill而唔去睇醫生,都值嘅。雖然睇醫生唔洗$,但叫白車係要$嘅,每個省唔同,Alberta(亞省)叫白車嚟睇你要$250cad(non-transport),要白車你送入院$385cad(transport).
Depending on your job or you can buy your own extended health insurance
my work cover all that , my work also cover Cad 2500 / year to see psychologist and unlimited physiotherapy lol, and $500 or 750 massage , forgot
$250/$385都平過美國, lol...美國有保險先至係$500(而哩個range有可以好唔同因為有幾十/百間報保險公司)
我都移民多倫多 20 年啦 .. 一開始好唔慣 .. 其實係好舒服冇壓力 .. 過下過下又一年 .. 咁就 20 年
1. I live in the Prairies (the provinces in the middle) - many jobs (not all) pay about 10 to 15% less than Vancouver and Toronto but the cost of housing is like 50% less than those places - i.e. you keep more of your income after you pay your mortgage each month. 2. Everyone in my department (15 people) spends 35 minutes or less for commuting for work each day (both ways) - so you get to spend more time with your family. Canada is awesome for the most part - if you are willing to learn and adapt, most people are very friendly and helpful.
係啲人唔知點解硬係迫哂去城市果度之嘛⋯⋯住就都Vancouver Toronto ,去澳洲一定Sydney..日本一定要東京⋯⋯🙄🙄
People just scared to start a new life. Moreover, Hong Kong is a place too convenient for dining n social gathering.
@@indijane1384 Completely agree. However, between retail stores in my area and online shopping, I can pretty much get 90% of the stuff that I want from Hong Kong. The Prairies (Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba) are easy to live, and you can buy a brand new house for less than CAD500,000 (1300 sq ft plus) in a very decent area. You can still watch Viu TV, there is something called the internet! 😂
看你去那些城市 Vancouver, Toronto 真可以不用英文 所以當年是選擇少華人的城市 所以講足38年英語 又娶了鬼妹(法裔) 又學好法語🇨🇦❤🇭🇰
Lol.. that's not entirely true. Being able to use their first language is essential.
@@pingchukli1478 好似係因為綠色眼睛
Hi, 第一次接觸 閣下的頻道,身處多倫多、移民廿多年的在下亦有共鳴和得着。 閣下和嘉賓的重點分析着實中肯、精闢、獨到,頗有見地,絕非泛泛言辭而不着邊際。新年伊始,謹希望 閣下的頻道能繼續為近在咫尺,或遠至天涯海角求知若渴的一群,奉上多方面精彩的資訊;繼續滲透不用領域,發熱發光!
I would say the majority of what the guest said is true but only applicable in Toronto and Vancouver. When you are in other parts of Canada with less Chinese populations, getting good Chinese food is next to impossible.
I really like this kind of videos. It is very informative and Maggie sounds very sincere. Keep it up!
Agree especially viet pho , and Chinese food
Totally disagree with 正過平過乾淨過。 麗都早餐幾錢? 太與早餐幾錢? 真係住過香港和溫哥華的人會知道
@@MikTes111 以最低消費(麥當勞$26餐或$25以下的粥粉麵)當然是香港平啲,但是如果高一級的中低至中等消費,同一質素或份量或餐廳環境的食品,加拿大是平啲。
@@atamo4323 中高消費餐廳我又懷疑,一個月食得起幾多餐?過年過節才去一兩次的,這些比較無甚意義。
Hi from Sydney: This episode is too good, thanks!
响加拿大你唔需要講英文而可以生存和生活, 但如此你唔使指以可以出人頭地!除非你好彩到中咗 Lotto Max 或 6/49 頭獎。
@@DriQ-qo7tp 請問DR. 為謂出人頭地?
@@noctnoctnoctnoct Ask your mother what "出人頭地" means.
只可以話好睇人性格 唔係個個都啱 所有地方都有佢正反面 去到個度社交圈子會好細好細,朮其喺華人圈子,生活節奏會好慢好慢 工作職位少等等
好耐冇咁認真睇一條片 加油🔥
加拿大的自由, 真使人好想去移民, Michael & Maggie 👍
I was born in Canada and lived here since. Yes, Canada is a beautiful country but racism is everywhere. People are generally nice and not as dumb as fufu claims.
贊同,我哋在美國公司開會時也是一樣,講無謂的東西,大約十分鐘。買車D salesman 也是一樣,講無謂嘢多。
完全同意倆位、我也在New York 生活超過30 年、在美國生活真正好開心、香港人不要hesitste啦
@@asdf83917 office 工冇 OT 銭㗎,所以冇人想做long working hour.
我係移民溫哥華23年既80後,加拿大係絕對有歧視只係母美國咁嚴重。如果你係華人住係最多華人既地方朋友係華人當然係唔會見到歧視。我d小朋友係讀french immersion基本上每級只有一個華人,我同事係8成白人,朋友基本係CBC,我和我小朋友所經歷既歧視可以寫一本書咁多。加拿大既大公司/公營機構基本上大部分都係白人。當然加拿大有很多優點但我覺得香港也同樣有好多優點。
我認識香港嚟嘅所有新移民家長,都要送啲仔女去啲所謂排名好,名聲好嘅學校, 課外活動亦都一堆~ 佢哋知道我仔女一樣嘢都冇學,就投以奇怪嘅眼光, 好彩我心理質素高, 小朋友最緊要食得,瞓得,屙得,健健康康,開開心心~ 不比較,不批判, 不把自己的立場,想法套在別人身上, 有這麼難嗎?
而且一邊講香港讀書壓力大,細佬香港派位去香港band 3學校。但過嚟又追求D學校排名。
唔係去到做一年野就會有PR😑,咁樣會好多人誤會去左個邊做完一年野唔夠PR分要返返黎。個PR係要計分,同埋個pr 政策係未公佈,加拿大個邊宜家係叫啲有大專以上既人做住野先,因為係個邊做左野一年會加PR分,等你做到咁上下公佈pr 新政策時都有多左分係手。2月8日公佈既資料係part 1,仲有2個政策未公佈。
Depends on your industry.... If you work in accounting or software developing/ coding or legal, there are still a lot of OT, may not be as extreme as HK buy definitely not 9 to 5 and no overtime pay...
但佢哋個base salary會唔會比較高?🤔
@@unacheng3344 專業人士人工係包OT, base salart算高過一般工啩,但係通常有bonus.
哩part 野like爆 👍👍👍👍
haha this is brilliant. I thought about moving to Canada for a while
Thanks for sharing :) 鐘意呢類影片👍🏻
佢講野好 親和。悠悠的
不太完全同意主持所講加拿大嘅環境, 視乎你做什麼行業,我在加拿大生活三十多年,從事銀行職業, 绝對壓力大,效率快,開會一嚟就入題,冇時間講癈話
完全同意CW Chim. 1972年我移民嚟多倫多 亦是在銀行工作 現已退休 工作一樣有好大嘅壓力 當然如果你不在主流社會做工作 一句英文唔講都可以
我係米國十幾年 其實生活真係好OK和 要成行嘅朋友仔真係要快快做資料蒐集 BNO同Canada Working Permit 真係百年難得一遇嘅機會 蘇州過後唔好後悔
Congratulations ! 現在可以嫁來台灣了
加拿大英國澳洲多重重稅,如果你要創業基本上係一個死城,要創業就要去美國,生活必需品食物牛奶嗰啲係平,其他嘅嘢例如香港十蚊買到條usb線,去到呢啲國家價錢係十倍以上仲要加稅,汽油超貴就算係自己國家生產都貴過美國兩三倍極度唔合理,加拿大買嘢要交兩個說GSP PST差唔多價格兩成,果係入口貨嗰件貨品經畀咗一次進口稅,所以買乜都好X貴,正面啲就係醫療同福利有優勢,要生存唔難,要有作為你好死咗條心。
最適合啲好多病嘅老人養老退休,或者有小朋友要讀書喺OK,中間想做生意嗰班 基本上都會離開做太空人喺第二度搵錢。
usb線10倍?Amazon ebay都要?定係美國in general平啲?
香港好發達 但係思想仲停留係清朝
That's not true only recently it did!
係㗎佢講話冇歧視都係假😅你試吓出呢兩個城市,就會發現啲白人好恐怖,無啦啦你坐緊巴士嗰陣拍你窗舉你中指。不過溫哥華市區都好多homeless 佢哋啲歧視又係好嚴重,我試過肺炎初期戴住口罩跟住無端端俾佢地鬧
@@tsaoa 非常同意你的看法~我也有同樣的感覺~所以我移民加拿大十幾年~一直住在外國人的白人區~他們心态好些~希望你能移民~😝
响加拿大你唔需要講英文而可以生存和生活, 但如此你唔使指以可以出人頭地!除非你好彩到中咗 Lotto Max 或 6/49 頭獎。
其實加拿大係移民國家, 大部分人都係移民黎, 有乜話歧唔歧視. 只係有些人溶入唔到當地社會文化, 自己同人地格格不入, 就會覺得比人歧視
@@user587-bba 是呀!我来加拿大十幾年~一直住在白人區~没什麼歧視咯~加拿大人人平等~
响加拿大你唔需要講英文而可以生存和生活, 但如此你唔使指以可以出人頭地!除非你好彩到中咗 Lotto Max 或 6/49 頭獎。
要視乎那國有冇親戚朋友先,冇再決定去那裡。多倫多工作機會應該多啲,不過交通又可能無咁方便,I mean 一定要揸車。總之,多元文化國家,真係吾覺乜歧視喎。
Really liked the part when you said the food is 正中 because 嗰d人係移民過嚟 倫敦都係咁樣既💛
I'm laughing my ass off because these are so true 😂😂😂
@phanderous vbvnnvnmmmnvnnb
@phanderous xvcn'!'*;'';.!
@phanderous c
@phanderous v MX bcbc
聽日去食越南河先 呢度泰式仲正 我呢度越南河$15到
我生仔到開刀到一對一護士 俾左0蚊
生完仔postpartum depression
睇左三個精神醫生 包埋睇心理醫生
@@angelangel-bx8nd BC , Canada
我在 sydney, 22蚊找 10蚊的問題在 30年前就有,現在他們很叻了,識架啦
Agreed. Actually, I’ve been in Toronto form more than 20 years, and I’ve seen cashiers from different ethnic groups within the GTA (Greater Toronto Area). I guess I’m lucky that I rarely seen someone who doesn’t know how to do this type of math bor.
Thanks. I used to live in Australia. Now, I moved to Toronto. It is a lot more convenient on Toronto.
Thx for your sharing !
I enjoy watching this video very much... informative, knowledgeable and friendly :)
有親戚移民加拿大40年 , 20年前去探佢 ,
join 咗個local 團 同團大嬸移民咗二十年 喺街市賣魚 一句英文都唔識
我親戚基本上都係去d華人district 華人mall 超市茶餐廳基本上真係唔識英文都無任何問題
除咗YVR同YTO之外 其實好多地方都應該係咁
10幾年前自己住過SYD幾年 情況都係一模一樣
So happy to watching ur videooooooooo
Hi Michael, you are freaking awesome!! Greetings from Los Angeles!!!
講真.啱唔啱移民加拿大真係睇你係咩人.加拿大唔係美國亦唔係香港.冇咁大嘅market,亦都冇咁多promotion opportunity.想赚大钱嘅,想不斷升grade過decent life嘅,喺加拿大會好唔習慣.好多香港人移民加拿大之後可能收入冇原先一半(after tax).當然了,如果追求simple life嘅話,加拿大係一個好地方.
做多D 呢類影片啦 好好睇。Maggie又令女 haha
我最初在主流大公司工作,每星期一, 返到公司一見到上司佢就會問你剛過的周末如何渡過? 我覺得很煩,又不想講垃圾, 我索性同我上司講以後不要再問,因我每天都是這過,不會有特别事, 隨着她就不再問. 我知道是不大禮貌, 但我真的不想講垃圾話. 往後我在那裏做了十多年才轉工. 😂
@@nnpatty4913 我朋友老細係Quebec French,我朋友係Canadian born,邊個叫邊個留香港?
不用 过来遇到香港人真的很高 在家从来不讲白话 出来之后天天讲
@@MichaelMMG 请问她有无youtube频道
@@MichaelMMG 我都好中意同女生生活'
Life is so slow, it take 5 years to repair a pothole
Depends where it is. If the mayor lives on the same street it will be fixed in 2 hours. I was told out on rural Manitoba where the people didn't vote NDP and the hwy remained gravel for longest time. Hwy 44.
@@jimlee2664 Unfortunately my mayor doesn't live on the street. So now the pothole has turned into underground parking!
給香港準移民說幾句:只要閣下融入主流社會,放棄自傲,扔舊習慣 x 固步自封,踏實工作,誠實待人,在加拿大,不用很富裕,但生活可以很富足。// 補充幾句:別人云亦云,什麼 “萬稅之 國”,什麼 ”冰寒地凍“; 別動歪念,來加拿大就是求福利,逃稅, 等等.... 這類人達不到目的就到處亂講。
响加拿大你唔需要講英文而可以生存和生活, 但如此你唔使指以可以出人頭地!除非你好彩到中咗 Lotto Max 或 6/49 頭獎。
Many years ago a dude in vancouver died because he cant tell his house number. This be a funny answer to tell St. Peters at the Pearly gate.
He was knifed in a home invasion. He did managed to call 911. The 911 station knew what street he was on but cant figure out his number. In the end he was bled to death. So u can be another # on the stats. God bless.
睇你做咩工啦,銀行係branch做 大部分人hea 做,翻工等放工,放工等放假。如果你有professional designation 就算係銀行一樣做到你趴係度。其實好多人係加拿大有ambitions。要升職真係需要語言好,另外technician skills and people skills 都要好。一般語言唔好果d移民真係好hea, 因為自己都知晉升機會唔大。希望會放晒係下一代度。我自己父母就係咁。
完全認同 真係睇下你喺咩公司度做同埋做啲乜嘢工 我喺溫哥華長大 做marketing 一年都有 四五次通頂 平時都有機會做到八九點先放工 好多朋友都係喺度打兩份工 溫哥華生活指數真係貴 除咗買樓比香港平 多倫多人工高啲 同埋生活指數都比溫哥華低 但溫哥華天氣好啲 除咗成日落雨 如果想升職 唔單止 英文能力 Communications skill 真係好重要 唔係識講英文就等於識溝通 好多華人都識講英文 但係融入唔到社會 一個真正傾得埋嘅外國朋友都冇 之前 好多人回流都係因為咁嘅原因 覺得外國嘅社會同自己 格格不入 通常都要等下一代先可以真正融入到 加拿大係一個適合養育下一代的好地方
其實好多未移過民的人話“移民好難, 好辛苦,好多人都回流”. 但我住咗咁耐又唔覺, *我仲要住小數華人區. 其實年青人移民易D, 識應快, 依家仲有internet學新嘢. 過咗50歲的就諗諗天氣凍.....之後我諗唔到有咩其他難. 🤔🤭
移民難係啲人硬要去city,同埋種種因素,我地都移唔到😭😭 我都鐘意啲無咁多華人既地區~超舒服!
@@NoirRvan 認同,我出來我都遠離內地
@@angelangel-bx8nd 係!😭😭😭😭 都聽唔少,大家都係想遠離得幾多就幾多⋯辛苦了,香港人😢(其實唔止香港🤣)
I love your tee! Hahahah where did you buy it MMG?
好interesting, 正。
I remember that crazy sperm doctor's story inspire an Aust Tv series called "Sisters"
Thanks so much for making this vid