✝️ @ Valley Church, Idaho, Aug 11, 2024- Dan Mohler

  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024
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    @ Valley Church, Idaho | Aug 11. 2024)
    ✝️ Original Video: • Dan Mohler (Aug 11. 2024)
    ✝️Link to a document with an in-depth summary of the sermon: docs.google.co...
    ✝️ Link to a folder containing in-depth summaries of Pastor Dan's sermons:
    ✝️ Subtitles: Please follow the link below and see how you can have subtitles on any video on YOU-TUBE in just about any language in the world.
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    #danmohler #dan mohler #DanMohler
    ✝️ I do not lay claim to any videos on this channel.
    ✝️ Please leave me a comment below if you feel uncomfortable with me reposting any of your material, I will remove it.
    My only purpose is to get Dan’s message of the true Gospel to as many people as possible, as not everyone in the world has the privilege of hearing Dan in a church environment.
    Key insights
    🔥 The non-compromised life of the three boys in the fire was the best Evangelistic tool, not their message or preaching.
    🔦 Let your light shine in the darkness and be the light of the world, even in a dark workplace.
    🌍 What does it benefit the world if I go to church for the next 50 years, never miss a Sunday, serve in a Ministry, faithfully get thrown into crisis and respond like a man that never went to church?
    🙏 He's my friend. He's my savior. He's inside me and he loves me with his life.
    🩸 Dan Mohler shares a powerful moment of compassion and prayer with a girl at the hotel, showing the love of the Lord in action.
    🌍 The kingdom of God is not just a concept to be taught, but an experience to be shown and shared with others, regardless of their background or status.
    🙏 Knowing God and experiencing His presence is more important than just talking about Him and accumulating knowledge.
    🙏 The Christ in you is the hope of God being seen and known and realized, and we all have a mission field in the sphere of our lives.

Комментарии • 26

  • @ViaLia97
    @ViaLia97 27 дней назад +9

    My heart sings while listening to him. But probably many can get offended from exposing self-serving christianity

  • @krisb5687
    @krisb5687 27 дней назад +44

    I was there. Met Dan after 10 years of listening to him on YT. Dan was at Valley church the whole weekend, 5 sessions. He stayed for over an hour after every session talking to us, hugging us, ministering to us. We personally saw two cancerous breast lumps dissolved and a friend's back healed. Dan is such an amazing teacher and example of Spirit led life. He really believes he is the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. That's why he is the way he is. He is mire aware of his righteousness in Christ than ANYTHING else. That's whats different about him than most Christians. He actually believes God's Word about him. If you take anything from Dan, start communing with the Father every day receiving these truths from the Word. Really receive it. Then you will start walking and talking like it. It won't happen without receiving this truth from the Word in the secret place. God bless

  • @reubenrobles6440
    @reubenrobles6440 27 дней назад +5

    Thank you Dan Mohler for sharing your Radical Passion for JESUS!!! 🙌 I Pray God guides you to O’ahu, Hawai’i to my church called IGNITE Hawaii to share your Passion!! I will seriously pray about it and ask for God’s Favor/Will. You’ll even have a place to stay and pretty sure we can get you a car too! In the Mighty name of Jesus! Let’s Do This! AMEN 🙏🏽

  • @timsheppard9564
    @timsheppard9564 26 дней назад +2

    Ah Dan where would my life be without you cutting my heart much love & respect God's messenger

  • @joshuawilson2835
    @joshuawilson2835 24 дня назад +1

    I'm from Alabama and I love you brother

  • @gtoutofthawrld
    @gtoutofthawrld 27 дней назад +2

    🔥🔥another amazing message by Pastor Dan. God bless

  • @eddiearrington8086
    @eddiearrington8086 22 дня назад +1

    Dan, if you or any of your staff see this comment, I wish to thank you all for being the real and true expression of Jesus Christ who resides in all things. The church I go to in Milltown Indiana is a hungry church and if ever you feel to show up, Yoi will see a fertile garden of brothers and sisters who are ready for the watering of the Holy Spirit, that comes from God through you. Blessings dear brother and Grace Tabernacle welcomes you.
    Thank you again as your life is a powerful statement to the impossible being accomplished.
    I see Jesus in the mirror too and hunger for it to be seen every time in His Grace.

    • @DanMohlerSR
      @DanMohlerSR  22 дня назад

      Hi Eddie, Dan can be reached @: neckministries.com/New-Site/contact.htm

  •  27 дней назад +2

    I'm in Alabama. I would not reject you! I love and appreciate you.

  • @dillydilly7693
    @dillydilly7693 27 дней назад +2

    Had we known you were in Caldwell, Idaho, we would have attended the meeting.

  • @kristymissy5980
    @kristymissy5980 27 дней назад

    Love this!!!!

  • @SobalManzoor
    @SobalManzoor 26 дней назад


  • @Jamie-vr1jf
    @Jamie-vr1jf 27 дней назад

    Keep these coming Dan!

  • @jesusfr34k925
    @jesusfr34k925 25 дней назад


  • @DanMohlerSR
    @DanMohlerSR  27 дней назад +3

    Something to declare in worship.
    The below can be downloaded as a document, link below.
    ✝ Link to a folder containing in-depth summaries of Pastor Dan's sermons
    Don't just declare but believe what you are saying, you are repeating back to God what he has said about you.
    Colossians 2:6 Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.
    You received Christ by faith, you walk in Him by faith.
    * How do I make what God says I am, mine?
    * How do I put off the flesh without getting into works? By realizing that it was not what I was created to be. In a place of intimacy and prayer, I separate it from my true new biblical identity.
    * Colossians 1 teaches me that I was an enemy of God, but now he has reconciled me to Himself and He Himself brought me into His presence and I stand before Him holy, blameless and without a single fault
    * Colossians 2:6 Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.
    * You received Christ by faith, you walk in Him by faith.
    * When you confess who you are in Christ, you speak words of Faith. Where there is Faith, Grace will manifest and bring it to fulfilment.
    * We have to by faith make what the word says we are ours. This is done by confessing and believing the word. Confessing alone won’t do it. We must become the word.
    * He sees me through His Son, He sees me through the finished work of the Cross.
    * If I do not see myself the way He sees me, I will never approach Him with boldness and live unveiled and start where He finished.
    * I will try to accomplish what He has already accomplished and prove to myself that I can’t, and I mark myself for where I am not instead of where he has already placed me.
    * I validate my ability to fail, thinking it is humility.
    * The Lord reconciled the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses against them.
    * Through Jesus, he was willing to see me apart from what I have done wrong to get me to what He created me for.
    * I have been born again and am a new creation, old things have passed away, and all things have become new.
    * I have been transplanted from the Kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of light. I am part of the new Heaven and the new Earth.
    * I was crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.
    * I was buried with Him through baptism and just as Christ was raised from the dead by the Glory of the Father I was raised from the dead by the same Glory and this is why I am able to live a new life, not just a different life, a new life.
    * Because of that cross, my interest in this world has been crucified, and the world’s interest in me has also died.
    * I have died with Christ, and He has set me free from the spiritual powers of this world. I have died to this life, and my real life is hidden with Christ in God.
    * Father, I did not say a prayer just to get me to heaven. I said a prayer and denied myself, so I can take up my cross and follow You, so You can get heaven back into me, the way you intended it to be from the beginning You created me in Your image, after Your own likeness; to be Your image on the earth.
    * Jesus, you came to save that which was lost; your image. God, You created me in Your image, but Adam lost it when he ate of the tree. That image that was lost was restored to me when I was born again, and I thank You that as I get to know you better, I am becoming more like that image every day.
    * I triumph over the devil and the flesh because of the Blood of the Lamb the word of my testimony, but most of all because I do not love my life unto death.
    * Father, I was not created to be a slave to sin and the flesh. Father, You never made me for anger. You never made me to stand for my own rights and be broken-hearted, disappointed and live for my own gain, my own desire and my own will.
    * You made me into Your image and to mirror Your image.
    * I am a new wine-skin that can hold the new wine.
    * I will not build on the flesh, I will pursue You and build on the Spirit I am born again, and new life has come.
    * I put off the things that Adam became when he ate of the tree, the things that sin made me to be. I won’t listen to that serpent any more. I won’t accept anything that came from that tree.
    * Anything that is still in me that came through the fall, I surrender. I don’t want me, I want Your image, the image You created me to be, to be formed in me.
    * I will only accept that which comes from the tree of life.
    * If I cannot find it in the life of Jesus I don’t want to find it in my heart I give myself to you wholeheartedly, unreservedly I don’t want nothing of me.
    * I deny myself the best I understand, I hold nothing back, take me for my word God. Mould me and shape me, let Grace overtake me. Challenge me in every way, correct me in every way, and lead me through life in your love.
    * I hold nothing back, the best I understand I am telling you that I am yours. Consume me in Grace and righteousness.
    * I am not judged I am not condemned, I am not a failure I am loved by You. I am a son of the Most High God. I am not a sinner trying to be a Christian no I am a son that has been accepted by the God of creation, and I am loved by Him.
    * Father, I want you, I put on the new man. I am a Man led by your Holy Spirit. I am: A Man of Love, A Man of Joy A Man of Peace, A Man of Patience, A Man of Kindness, A Man of Goodness, A Man of Faithfulness, A Man of Gentleness, A Man of Self-Control. A man that takes no account when suffered wrong. The days of jealousy, hurt and pride is over because it is not who I am. No man can tear me down, they can only encourage me and build me up. No man can disappoint me because I have become the love of God.
    * I will not let sin against me become sin inside me.
    * I put off the old, it is a lie. It is not what You made me to be.
    * Everything the world taught me to be I call it dead, and I put on Christ I am not alive for me, I am alive for You and Your image. Nothing can stop me.
    * I will manifest Your nature.
    * I will manifest Your will.
    * I will manifest Your love every day of my life.
    * I submit myself to You. I retain no rights but the right to be like You, to live like You and to look like You.
    * Mercy wakes me up every day to look more like my Daddy.
    * I am in Christ and Christ is in me. I am selfless and free.
    * Father God, I put You on by faith and your Grace is masterfully moulding me and sketching and edging me and shaping me after Your image.
    * Holy Spirit, have Your way and make me beautiful in Christ. Let the world desire You because of what they see in me, and let the world know who You are because I am alive.
    * Farther, I have not just taken up my cross, but I have denied myself. Self is not my master, You are. I am led by Holy Spirit 24 hours a day.
    * I am so consumed by You that when I look in a mirror; You stare back at me.
    * Father, You did not send Your Son to die on the cross to forgive my sins so that someday I can go to a place called heaven.
    * Jesus, You paid a price to remove my sin, to get Your identity, Your nature and Your Spirit back into me. In other words, it is not all about me getting to heaven, it is about getting heaven back into me, so I can become what you were intended to be from the beginning apart from sin.
    * Jesus, You are the Lamb of God who takes away the sin off the world. I do not have to sin.
    * Because of the Power of the Cross, I do not live with a sin identity, but with a righteousness identity.
    * Father, you have dressed me with a cloak of righteousness.
    * I am Righteous because I have been washed with the Blood of the Lamb.
    * I live righteous conscience and not sin conscience.
    * I bear good fruit. We think our ability to sin still labels us as sinners, because we believe that, that is the fruit we produce. Make the tree good and the fruit will be good. We bear bad fruit because the tree is bad. We can't make the fruit good, but we can make the tree good, then the fruit will be good.
    Trees thrive and produce good fruit when they are treated with the right fertiliser and taken care of. I was a bad tree in a bad garden that has been transplanted into a good garden by living waters, I must now let the good fertiliser transform me into a good tree. This is done by feeding myself with the word. When the tree is good, the fruit will automatically be good.
    * I thank you that I see people the way you saw me.
    Other Resources:

  • @daman3228
    @daman3228 25 дней назад +1

    Maaaan wen is dan coming to LA

  • @SoupBoo-cp5th
    @SoupBoo-cp5th 27 дней назад

    think its all bullshit after alll ive been threw

    • @Steelscript
      @Steelscript 26 дней назад +1

      I'm sorry you feel that way. Jesus loves you regardless and I love you even though I don't know you. I pray God shows you his love and you see it when he does because it happens everyday. God bless you. Don't let the enemy continue to steal, kill, and destroy. Lay it at the feet of Jesus.

    • @eddiearrington8086
      @eddiearrington8086 22 дня назад +1

      Dear brother, I pray your circumstances are no longer an obstruction but rather God’s reaching out to you for greater understanding of His love. We all have something that has held us prisoners inside of our minds (not to invalidate your experiences) however it is time to take I. His love rather than blame him for our own incorrect judgments. You are loved and made in His image. Suffering can only happen in a mind of man but can never occur when we allow the Father to renew our hearts and mind. I only speak from personal experience and know the truth of His presence. Bless you with God’s love in the name of Jesus

    • @goldenrulegroup
      @goldenrulegroup 18 дней назад +1

      Praying that God can show reveal Himself to you. Praying for you.

    • @michelleduy2464
      @michelleduy2464 15 дней назад +1

      Because you are here watching the video..I believe deep down you know despite all that you have been through you know there is something there..otherwise why have you found yourself watching this particular video at this time? The Lord wants to reach you.

    • @joshuawilson2835
      @joshuawilson2835 8 дней назад +2

      I've been where ur at trust me I was molested when I was a kid I had an abusive dad growing up I got on meth when I was just 14 but here I am almost 4 years sober living my best life because of Jesus I love you and I'm gonna be praying for you