This temporarily French guy just try to say what he’s teacher was saying (Masud Mazdor), Pashtuns are different to the rest of the country, (they fight to win). Pashtuns forgive but they never forget. Zendabad the Islamic Emarat of greater Afghanistan.
This temporarily French guy just try to say what he’s teacher was saying (Masud Mazdor), Pashtuns are different to the rest of the country, (they fight to win).
Pashtuns forgive but they never forget.
Zendabad the Islamic Emarat of greater Afghanistan.
جانبدار متعصب منطق سیاسی ندارد
چرند میگه و از چاپلوسی خسته نمیشه
اصلاً پاکستان باید تجزیه شې نیم پاکستان افغانستان دی او نیم ای باید هندوستان ته ورکول شې د انګلنداو امریکا یو پروژه دی
این شخص را ابرار نه بلکه اشرار بگو