Synopsis: "Two young students are staying in a remote East Anglian village with their former tutor, who is convinced that witch-craft is being practised in the area. Their holiday turns into a nightmare experience with two men murdered, and a killer on the loose."
There is but not from the uploader but a listener Henry Parker which was most helpful of him. I'm sure u knew that anyway happy Xmas me ole mucker. 21/12/24 Winter Solstice, oooerr.
Synopsis: "Two young students are staying in a remote East Anglian village with their former tutor, who is convinced that witch-craft is being practised in the area. Their holiday turns into a nightmare experience with two men murdered, and a killer on the loose."
Thank you for no spoilers
Thank you
Many thanks
Love these ghost plays makes a great change 👌. ❤
Thank you
That was Brilliant Uncle Chesterton....- Really ...and so are your Post-It Comments below....-Witch .. is a great tribute to you....!
This is my night sorted then👍
That is something to listen to before you go to bed!
These are the best
I wish there was a description of the storyline so you can decide if you want to listen to it
There is but not from the uploader but a listener Henry Parker which was most helpful of him. I'm sure u knew that anyway happy Xmas me ole mucker. 21/12/24 Winter Solstice, oooerr.
Just to reassure potential listeners...this is a good 'whodunnit'....spoiler alert... it was NOT the butler. 🤣🤣
Great Story ! Sarah has a belter of an accent ! 😊
Didn't notice her accent,guess where I'm from😂 keep a troshon 😮
Very good. Nice twist at the end.
OH Nooo.... ! There's been a Mah-Dur.