Jang Wonyoung, Danielle, Seohyun, BTS Lunar New Year Greetings, reasons for China's reaction to it

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • ※ English CC available!
    민족 대명절인 설날!
    아이브 장원영, 뉴진스 다니엘, 소녀시대 서현, 방탄소년단 등
    많은 아이돌들이 영상이나 SNS를 통해 설날 인사를 전했는데요.
    그런데 이를 본 중국인들이 KPOP 아이돌들에게 악플을 달기 시작했습니다.
    아이돌들이 중국 네티즌으로부터 악플을 받은 이유와
    설날의 올바른 영어 표기에 대해 함께 알아볼까요?
    밝혀지지 않은 루머를 퍼트리는 댓글이나
    무분별한 악성 댓글은 삭제될 수 있음을 알려드립니다.
    Lunar New Year is a huge holiday in Korea!
    IVE Jang Wonyoung, NewJeans Danielle, SNSD Seohyun, BTS,
    and many other idols greeted the fans through videos or on social media
    in light of the Lunar New Year.
    But the Chinese netizens who saw these started to write hateful comments
    toward Kpop idols.
    Let's see why idols got hateful comments from Chinese netizens
    and the correct way to say Lunar New Year in English!
    Please note that we may delete any comments underneath this video
    that are spreading unconfirmed rumors or being imprudently malicious.
    #장원영 #다니엘 #bts
    💖 두유람에서 또 보고 싶은 아이돌이나 Kpop 소식이 있으면
    doyouramforyou@gmail.com 으로 메일 보내주세요!
    If there is any idol or any Kpop news you want to know more about,
    email us at doyouramforyou@gmail.com!
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    [두유람 오픈채팅방 링크 (카카오톡)]
    ● open.kakao.com...
    - 두유람 오픈채팅방에서 전세계 Kpop 팬들과 함께 영상에 대한 피드백을 자유롭게 남겨주세요!

Комментарии • 2,1 тыс.

  • @doyouram-everydayk-culture6490
    @doyouram-everydayk-culture6490  Год назад +168

    💖 Scroll down to see the announcement in English!
    안녕하세요 두람이 여러분들 !
    kpop 아이돌 분들이 겪고 있는 루머, 억까 등에 대해
    앞으로 사실이 아닌 부분들을 짚어보는 영상을 만들어 보려고 합니다.
    저희 두유람이 사랑하는, 그리고 구독자 여러분들이 사랑하는
    아이돌에 관련해 루머와 억까로 고통받는 내용이 있다면
    아래 형식에 맞추어 두유람의 아래 이메일로 제보해주세요.
    1. 루머 및 억까가 해명되기 원하는 아이돌
    2. 루머 및 억까의 내용 및 출처
    3. 확실한 반박 자료 ❗❗❗
    보내주신 내용을 토대로 저희 팀도 열심히 조사해서 잘못된 내용들은 바로 잡아 보도록 하겠습니다.
    또한 루머 및 억까를 확실하게 반박할수 있는 자료가 충분히 있어야 영상 제작이 가능하니
    가능한한 많은 해명자료들과 함께 제보해주시길 부탁드립니다!
    제보 메일 : doyouramforyou@gmail.com
    Hello, Dorams! This is Doyourjam.
    We decided that, from now on, we are going to make videos where we break down the rumors and criticisms about Kpop idols that are not true.
    If there are any rumors or absurd criticisms that the idols you love, the idols that we all love, are suffering from,
    report them to Doyouram in the format below via email.
    1. The idol whose rumors and allegations you wish were cleared
    2. What the rumors / allegations are about, and the source of those rumors / allegations
    3. Evidence that absolutely clears up the rumors / allegations ❗❗❗
    We will thoroughly examine the cases you report and try to correct the misinformation for everyone.
    Also, we can make a video only if there is plenty of material/information to clear up the rumors / allegations.
    So we ask that you report such material/info to us as much as possible as well!
    Report to us at doyouramforyou@gmail.com

  • @Geeminy-tt1vw
    @Geeminy-tt1vw Год назад +2649

    vpn없으면 인스타 접속도 못하는 것들이 남의나라 아이돌들한테까지 난리들이야.. 저렇게 몰상식한 짓들을 서슴없이 하고도 우리가 막을 수 없다는 게 참 안타깝네요.. 이럴수록 우리도 선플 많이 달고 Lunar New Year 표현 많이 씁시다!!

    • @user-jd4fj8zu5t
      @user-jd4fj8zu5t Год назад +16

      다그러는 거라고 말 안 했는데

    • @user-rx9hj3vw1m
      @user-rx9hj3vw1m Год назад

      안그랬어도 중국인으로 태어난 죄임

    • @user-gi9op3yd2l
      @user-gi9op3yd2l Год назад +70

      @@user-wf8kf2hw1h 아니 대부분이 그렇다는거잖아;

    • @user-mj8yg4ps1z
      @user-mj8yg4ps1z Год назад +66

      @@user-wf8kf2hw1h Taiwan NO1

    • @Bin59I
      @Bin59I Год назад +45

      @@user-wf8kf2hw1h 너네 나라로 가렴~

  • @mr.mr.mr.7809
    @mr.mr.mr.7809 Год назад +854

    이제부터라도 Lunar new year, Seollal이라는 단어를 더 많이 알리고 우리 고유의 문화를 더 홍보할 수 있었으면 좋겠습니다. Kpop 화이팅 모두 Happy Seollal!

    • @JKJ0509
      @JKJ0509 Год назад

      중국이 자꾸 한국 연예인들에게 시비를 걸고 우리 문화와 음식이 다 중국것이라고 우기는 현상이 일어나고 있습니다 이처럼 중국이 어처구니 없는 짓을 하는 첫번째 이유는 중국이 왜곡된 역사를 자국민들에게 심어주고 있기 때문입니다 아시아 문화의 원류는 자신들이고 주변의 민족들은 모두 중화민족에서 갈라져서 생긴 민족이니까 한국인도 원래 중화민족이고, 한국 문화도 중국 것이고, 한류의 기원도 중국이라는 것입니다 그러니 한국인들은 어깨에 힘주지 말고 중국에게 감사하라는 인식이 그러한 행동들로 나타나는 것입니다
      두번째 이유는 예전에는 서양인들이 아시아 문화의 중심은 중국이라고 인식했었는데 요즘에는 아시아 문화의 중심이 한국으로 이동하고 있기 때문입니다 그래서 중화사상이 한류로 대체되고, 한국이 아시아의 중심이 되는 것에 대한 두려움 내지 질투심 등이 복합적으로 작용해서 중국이 심술을 부리고 있다고 생각합니다 한마디로 한국에게 지는 꼴은 죽어도 못보겠으니 막무가내식으로 한국을 물고 늘어지자는 심보입니다
      따라서 우리는 중국의 이러한 전략에 말려들지 말고 사태를 냉철하게 비라봐야 합니다. 일단 중국의 대표적인 역사 왜곡의 사례로 ‘동북공정’이 있습니다 고구려와 발해가 중국의 일개 지방정권이었다는 것입니다 그런데 중국은 훨씬 이전부터 역사 왜곡 작업을 벌였습니다 그 중에 하나가 ‘하상주 단대공정’입니다 원래 중국인들은 자신들의 첫번째 나라가 주나라였고 하나라와 상나라는 전설로 치부했는데 자신들의 기원을 끌어올리기 위해 하상 두 나라를 실존했다고 인정한 것입니다
      또 다른 역사공정은 ‘중화문명 탐원공정’입니다 이것도 역시 그동안 전설로 치부했던 삼황오제를 실제 역사로 인정하면서 하나라 이전의 것들도 역사의 범위로 집어 넣은 것입니다 이처럼 중국이 역사공정에 심혈을 기울이는 이유는 원래 중국의 역사가 동이족으로부터 비롯되었기 때문입니다 삼황은 태호복희, 염제신농, 황제헌원을 일컫는데 태극과 팔괘를 만들고 동양의 문명을 창조한 태호복희, 농경과 동양 의학의 창시자인 염제신농이 모두 동이족이라고 중국도 인정하고 있습니다(태극기의 기원은 중국이 아니라 우리의 조상인 태호복희입니다)
      게다가 황제헌원도 동이족입니다 삼국사기의 김유신 열전에 의하면 김유신은 소호금천의 자손이라고 기록되어 있는데 소호금천은 너무나 유명한 동이족입니다 그런데 소호금천이 황제헌원의 아들이기 때문에 황제헌원이 동이족인 것도 명백한 사실입니다
      또한 상나라(은나라)도 동이족이 세웠기 때문에 동이족 국가입니다 이렇다보니 중국의 입장에서는 난처한 상황에 처하게 된 것입니다 이제껏 자신들이 아시아의 종주국이라고 자부해왔는데 그 근원을 따져보면 모두 동이족이기 때문입니다 그런데 결정적인것은 만리장성 밖에서 요하문명이 발견되면서 중국이 더욱 조바심을 느끼게 됩니다
      내몽골 지역에서 발굴된 요하문명은 황하문명보다 약 3천년이나 앞선 문명인데 황하문명과는 완전히 다른 문명입니다 중국이 만리장성을 쌓은 이유는 만리장성 밖에 있는 민족은 다 야만인, 오랑캐라고 치부했기 때문입니다 그래서 중국은 오랫동안 만리장성 밖은 자신들과는 관련이 없다고 인식해왔습니다 그런데 만리장성 밖에서 황하문명보다 오래된 문명이 발견되자 중국이 충격을 받은 것입니다
      요하문명에서 발굴된 유물들을 보면 중국이 아니라 우리의 문명과 같다는 사실을 알 수 있습니다 빛살무늬토기, 고인돌, 비파형동검은 중국이 아니라 우리의 문명인데 이러한 유물과 유적들이 요하문명에서 발굴된 것입니다 이것은 아시아 문명의 근원이 중국이 아니라 우리 민족이라는 사실을 말해주고 있습니다
      홍익인간의 뜻은 ‘세상을 널리 이롭게 한다’는 것입니다 그리고 우리 민족이 이 사상을 실천한 결과가 바로 황하 문명입니다 즉 문명을 다른 민족들에게 전해줘서 세상을 널리 이롭게 한 것입니다 태호복희와 염제신농이 중국에 가서 문명을 전수해준 결과 중국에서 문명이 생겨난 것입니다 마치 삼국시대에 우리 민족이 일본에 문화를 전수한 것처럼 말입니다
      이러다보니 중화사상은 이름만 남은 허울뿐인 것입니다 남의 민족에 의해 발전해놓고 마치 자신들이 문명을 만든 것인양 거들먹거리는 것입니다 그러니 중국은 역사왜곡에 매달릴 수 밖에 없는 것입니다 현재 우리가 한류라는 훌륭한 문화로 전 세계를 매료시키고 있는 것만 봐도 우리 민족의 유전자는 아시아 문명의 근원인 요하문명을 만든 조상들로부터 이어져오고 있다는 것을 알 수 있습니다
      중요한 것은 우리의 자세입니다 일제의 총독부 역사관과 중화사대주의 역사관을 걷어내고 우리의 시각으로 역사를 바라봐야 합니다 그래서 일제에 의해 왜곡된 우리 역사를 바로 잡아야 합니다 그럼으로써 우리의 원래 모습을 회복하고 우리의 밝은 미래를 설계해야 합니다

    • @user-el3zo1ub9m
      @user-el3zo1ub9m Год назад +15

      옳소. Happy Lunar new year!
      Happy Seollal!

    • @Hwa7021.
      @Hwa7021. Год назад +6

      Huh? I think you didnt get the meaning behind the comment. It literally just said that it would be awesome if people get to know about Seolnal with kpop not that non-korean people HAVE to accept or have to get along with the culture. Its a way to respect it and to show interest.

    • @user-fd8vm2nt7n
      @user-fd8vm2nt7n Год назад +57

      @user-yj8nw4ur9r뭐라는 거야 우리가 중국이나 일본 한테 가서 설날 쓰라고 했냐?

    • @user-zq1ct7sz9j
      @user-zq1ct7sz9j Год назад +2

      @王 天noob

  • @user-ts7oc2hr1o
    @user-ts7oc2hr1o Год назад +912

    저런 유명한 연예인들은 우리나라에 직간접적으로 이익을 주는 소중한 자원들이다. 중국인들이 뭐라하든간에, 우리나라 국민들이라면 보호해야 하는 존재들이다.

    • @JKJ0509
      @JKJ0509 Год назад

      중국이 자꾸 한국 연예인들에게 시비를 걸고 우리 문화와 음식이 다 중국것이라고 우기는 현상이 일어나고 있습니다 이처럼 중국이 어처구니 없는 짓을 하는 첫번째 이유는 중국이 왜곡된 역사를 자국민들에게 심어주고 있기 때문입니다 아시아 문화의 원류는 자신들이고 주변의 민족들은 모두 중화민족에서 갈라져서 생긴 민족이니까 한국인도 원래 중화민족이고, 한국 문화도 중국 것이고, 한류의 기원도 중국이라는 것입니다 그러니 한국인들은 어깨에 힘주지 말고 중국에게 감사하라는 인식이 그러한 행동들로 나타나는 것입니다
      두번째 이유는 예전에는 서양인들이 아시아 문화의 중심은 중국이라고 인식했었는데 요즘에는 아시아 문화의 중심이 한국으로 이동하고 있기 때문입니다 그래서 중화사상이 한류로 대체되고, 한국이 아시아의 중심이 되는 것에 대한 두려움 내지 질투심 등이 복합적으로 작용해서 중국이 심술을 부리고 있다고 생각합니다 한마디로 한국에게 지는 꼴은 죽어도 못보겠으니 막무가내식으로 한국을 물고 늘어지자는 심보입니다
      따라서 우리는 중국의 이러한 전략에 말려들지 말고 사태를 냉철하게 비라봐야 합니다. 일단 중국의 대표적인 역사 왜곡의 사례로 ‘동북공정’이 있습니다 고구려와 발해가 중국의 일개 지방정권이었다는 것입니다 그런데 중국은 훨씬 이전부터 역사 왜곡 작업을 벌였습니다 그 중에 하나가 ‘하상주 단대공정’입니다 원래 중국인들은 자신들의 첫번째 나라가 주나라였고 하나라와 상나라는 전설로 치부했는데 자신들의 기원을 끌어올리기 위해 하상 두 나라를 실존했다고 인정한 것입니다
      또 다른 역사공정은 ‘중화문명 탐원공정’입니다 이것도 역시 그동안 전설로 치부했던 삼황오제를 실제 역사로 인정하면서 하나라 이전의 것들도 역사의 범위로 집어 넣은 것입니다 이처럼 중국이 역사공정에 심혈을 기울이는 이유는 원래 중국의 역사가 동이족으로부터 비롯되었기 때문입니다 삼황은 태호복희, 염제신농, 황제헌원을 일컫는데 태극과 팔괘를 만들고 동양의 문명을 창조한 태호복희, 농경과 동양 의학의 창시자인 염제신농이 모두 동이족이라고 중국도 인정하고 있습니다(태극기의 기원은 중국이 아니라 우리의 조상인 태호복희입니다)
      게다가 황제헌원도 동이족입니다 삼국사기의 김유신 열전에 의하면 김유신은 소호금천의 자손이라고 기록되어 있는데 소호금천은 너무나 유명한 동이족입니다 그런데 소호금천이 황제헌원의 아들이기 때문에 황제헌원이 동이족인 것도 명백한 사실입니다
      또한 상나라(은나라)도 동이족이 세웠기 때문에 동이족 국가입니다 이렇다보니 중국의 입장에서는 난처한 상황에 처하게 된 것입니다 이제껏 자신들이 아시아의 종주국이라고 자부해왔는데 그 근원을 따져보면 모두 동이족이기 때문입니다 그런데 결정적인것은 만리장성 밖에서 요하문명이 발견되면서 중국이 더욱 조바심을 느끼게 됩니다
      내몽골 지역에서 발굴된 요하문명은 황하문명보다 약 3천년이나 앞선 문명인데 황하문명과는 완전히 다른 문명입니다 중국이 만리장성을 쌓은 이유는 만리장성 밖에 있는 민족은 다 야만인, 오랑캐라고 치부했기 때문입니다 그래서 중국은 오랫동안 만리장성 밖은 자신들과는 관련이 없다고 인식해왔습니다 그런데 만리장성 밖에서 황하문명보다 오래된 문명이 발견되자 중국이 충격을 받은 것입니다
      요하문명에서 발굴된 유물들을 보면 중국이 아니라 우리의 문명과 같다는 사실을 알 수 있습니다 빛살무늬토기, 고인돌, 비파형동검은 중국이 아니라 우리의 문명인데 이러한 유물과 유적들이 요하문명에서 발굴된 것입니다 이것은 아시아 문명의 근원이 중국이 아니라 우리 민족이라는 사실을 말해주고 있습니다
      홍익인간의 뜻은 ‘세상을 널리 이롭게 한다’는 것입니다 그리고 우리 민족이 이 사상을 실천한 결과가 바로 황하 문명입니다 즉 문명을 다른 민족들에게 전해줘서 세상을 널리 이롭게 한 것입니다 태호복희와 염제신농이 중국에 가서 문명을 전수해준 결과 중국에서 문명이 생겨난 것입니다 마치 삼국시대에 우리 민족이 일본에 문화를 전수한 것처럼 말입니다
      이러다보니 중화사상은 이름만 남은 허울뿐인 것입니다 남의 민족에 의해 발전해놓고 마치 자신들이 문명을 만든 것인양 거들먹거리는 것입니다 그러니 중국은 역사왜곡에 매달릴 수 밖에 없는 것입니다 현재 우리가 한류라는 훌륭한 문화로 전 세계를 매료시키고 있는 것만 봐도 우리 민족의 유전자는 아시아 문명의 근원인 요하문명을 만든 조상들로부터 이어져오고 있다는 것을 알 수 있습니다
      중요한 것은 우리의 자세입니다 일제의 총독부 역사관과 중화사대주의 역사관을 걷어내고 우리의 시각으로 역사를 바라봐야 합니다 그래서 일제에 의해 왜곡된 우리 역사를 바로 잡아야 합니다 그럼으로써 우리의 원래 모습을 회복하고 우리의 밝은 미래를 설계해야 합니다

    • @rldjrthr-apffhel96
      @rldjrthr-apffhel96 Год назад +4

      아이돌때문에 10원한장 이득본거 없는데 뭔 개솔

    • @user-mg4eh6ts5k
      @user-mg4eh6ts5k Год назад +4

      새해맞이는 중국이 원조애요 실제로 서양권에서는 Chinese new year라고 명시하고 있어요 설날이라고 한국식 표기를 하는 것은 분명 잘못입니다. 김치, 한복, 한글도 모자라 뺏어가는 행동은 나쁜것이죠

    • @Mang189
      @Mang189 Год назад +121

      @@user-mg4eh6ts5k 어쩌라고 니네 나라로 돌아가라 중국인아

    • @user-ji6li6jh9t
      @user-ji6li6jh9t Год назад

      @@user-mg4eh6ts5k ?누가 원조라고 함? 세계각국이 다 새해를 맞이하는 문화가 있는데 우리나라 고유의 문화를 소개하고 알리는건 좋은거지 그리고 김치 한복 한글다 한국껀데 누가 뺏엌ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ중국인 ㅅㄲ들 좋은건 다 중국이 원조 빼액 거리면서 코로나 지들국가에서 나온건 죽어도 인정 안하죠^^

  • @궴도릐
    @궴도릐 Год назад +157

    방탄이 앞으로도 정말 멋진 신곡으로 컴백해줬으면 싶네요... 좋은 영향력을 위해서!!

    • @user-ip3cn8id3g
      @user-ip3cn8id3g Год назад +1

      적당히 해진차

    • @user-si6sw4jm5e
      @user-si6sw4jm5e Год назад

      South Korea is a cultural thief. The lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you

    • @dalbengee
      @dalbengee Год назад +6

      @@user-tl1sp8sm1r 님이 장문악플테러해봣자 길고 쓰잘대기 없어서 아무도 안 읽는게 레전드💅

    • @boyksoongA
      @boyksoongA Год назад +1

      @@user-tl1sp8sm1r 뭐라는지 모르겟당 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    • @sweetfan3250
      @sweetfan3250 Год назад +2

      @@user-tl1sp8sm1r 쫭개!!!퉤

  • @neopark9805
    @neopark9805 Год назад +74

    중국에서 다는 댓글들을 금지시키거나 타국가에서는 안보이게 처리해야 할것이다!

  • @user-or2ki2fv8c
    @user-or2ki2fv8c Год назад +257

    Vpn까지 쓰면서 악플을 쓰는 그나라 분들의 정성에 감동했다

    • @user-oitnb
      @user-oitnb Год назад


    • @user-si6sw4jm5e
      @user-si6sw4jm5e Год назад

      South Korea is a cultural thief. The lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you

    • @ationatt
      @ationatt Год назад

      @@user-tl1sp8sm1r TW no.1

    • @misae7023
      @misae7023 Год назад +5

      @@user-tl1sp8sm1r ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
      Taiwan Number one!Taiwan Number one!Taiwan Number one!Taiwan Number one!Taiwan Number one!Taiwan Number one!

    • @sollchung73
      @sollchung73 Год назад +4

      그만큼 내세울 자신들의 문화가 없기때문에 자꾸 걸고 넘어지는 거죠

  • @user-mb7um1xo8q
    @user-mb7um1xo8q Год назад +358

    중국 반응이 짠한이유 : 이미 kpop 스타들의 세계적인 영향력은 14억 중국을 아득히 넘어선지 오래 되었죠. 그들은 이미 자신들 주체적으로 자신들의 문화를 세계에 어필하는 것이 불가능하죠, 그러나 힌국 kpop 스타들이 한국의 문화를 알리고 있고, 세계인들인 한국을 지지하고 있으며, 중국입장에서는 할 수 있는 일들이 악플테러밖에 없는 것이죠. 기분이 좋진 않지만 저들의 악플테러는 이미 중국에 있는 그들 말고는 아무도 관심가져주질 않는것 같네요 ㅎㅎㅎ 중국의 거대 크리에이터(흔히들 왕홍이라고 하지요)들은 실시간 방송 시청 인원이 수백만이라고들 자랑하지만 그들만의 리그인 것이지요!!!
    한국 kpop 스타님들 중국 악플테러에 전혀 동요하지 마세요!!! 세계인들은 항상 여러분들의 편에 서 있습니다!!! 화이팅!!!

    • @JKJ0509
      @JKJ0509 Год назад

      중국이 자꾸 한국 연예인들에게 시비를 걸고 우리 문화와 음식이 다 중국것이라고 우기는 현상이 일어나고 있습니다 이처럼 중국이 어처구니 없는 짓을 하는 첫번째 이유는 중국이 왜곡된 역사를 자국민들에게 심어주고 있기 때문입니다 아시아 문화의 원류는 자신들이고 주변의 민족들은 모두 중화민족에서 갈라져서 생긴 민족이니까 한국인도 원래 중화민족이고, 한국 문화도 중국 것이고, 한류의 기원도 중국이라는 것입니다 그러니 한국인들은 어깨에 힘주지 말고 중국에게 감사하라는 인식이 그러한 행동들로 나타나는 것입니다
      두번째 이유는 예전에는 서양인들이 아시아 문화의 중심은 중국이라고 인식했었는데 요즘에는 아시아 문화의 중심이 한국으로 이동하고 있기 때문입니다 그래서 중화사상이 한류로 대체되고, 한국이 아시아의 중심이 되는 것에 대한 두려움 내지 질투심 등이 복합적으로 작용해서 중국이 심술을 부리고 있다고 생각합니다 한마디로 한국에게 지는 꼴은 죽어도 못보겠으니 막무가내식으로 한국을 물고 늘어지자는 심보입니다
      따라서 우리는 중국의 이러한 전략에 말려들지 말고 사태를 냉철하게 비라봐야 합니다. 일단 중국의 대표적인 역사 왜곡의 사례로 ‘동북공정’이 있습니다 고구려와 발해가 중국의 일개 지방정권이었다는 것입니다 그런데 중국은 훨씬 이전부터 역사 왜곡 작업을 벌였습니다 그 중에 하나가 ‘하상주 단대공정’입니다 원래 중국인들은 자신들의 첫번째 나라가 주나라였고 하나라와 상나라는 전설로 치부했는데 자신들의 기원을 끌어올리기 위해 하상 두 나라를 실존했다고 인정한 것입니다
      또 다른 역사공정은 ‘중화문명 탐원공정’입니다 이것도 역시 그동안 전설로 치부했던 삼황오제를 실제 역사로 인정하면서 하나라 이전의 것들도 역사의 범위로 집어 넣은 것입니다 이처럼 중국이 역사공정에 심혈을 기울이는 이유는 원래 중국의 역사가 동이족으로부터 비롯되었기 때문입니다 삼황은 태호복희, 염제신농, 황제헌원을 일컫는데 태극과 팔괘를 만들고 동양의 문명을 창조한 태호복희, 농경과 동양 의학의 창시자인 염제신농이 모두 동이족이라고 중국도 인정하고 있습니다(태극기의 기원은 중국이 아니라 우리의 조상인 태호복희입니다)
      게다가 황제헌원도 동이족입니다 삼국사기의 김유신 열전에 의하면 김유신은 소호금천의 자손이라고 기록되어 있는데 소호금천은 너무나 유명한 동이족입니다 그런데 소호금천이 황제헌원의 아들이기 때문에 황제헌원이 동이족인 것도 명백한 사실입니다
      또한 상나라(은나라)도 동이족이 세웠기 때문에 동이족 국가입니다 이렇다보니 중국의 입장에서는 난처한 상황에 처하게 된 것입니다 이제껏 자신들이 아시아의 종주국이라고 자부해왔는데 그 근원을 따져보면 모두 동이족이기 때문입니다 그런데 결정적인것은 만리장성 밖에서 요하문명이 발견되면서 중국이 더욱 조바심을 느끼게 됩니다
      내몽골 지역에서 발굴된 요하문명은 황하문명보다 약 3천년이나 앞선 문명인데 황하문명과는 완전히 다른 문명입니다 중국이 만리장성을 쌓은 이유는 만리장성 밖에 있는 민족은 다 야만인, 오랑캐라고 치부했기 때문입니다 그래서 중국은 오랫동안 만리장성 밖은 자신들과는 관련이 없다고 인식해왔습니다 그런데 만리장성 밖에서 황하문명보다 오래된 문명이 발견되자 중국이 충격을 받은 것입니다
      요하문명에서 발굴된 유물들을 보면 중국이 아니라 우리의 문명과 같다는 사실을 알 수 있습니다 빛살무늬토기, 고인돌, 비파형동검은 중국이 아니라 우리의 문명인데 이러한 유물과 유적들이 요하문명에서 발굴된 것입니다 이것은 아시아 문명의 근원이 중국이 아니라 우리 민족이라는 사실을 말해주고 있습니다
      홍익인간의 뜻은 ‘세상을 널리 이롭게 한다’는 것입니다 그리고 우리 민족이 이 사상을 실천한 결과가 바로 황하 문명입니다 즉 문명을 다른 민족들에게 전해줘서 세상을 널리 이롭게 한 것입니다 태호복희와 염제신농이 중국에 가서 문명을 전수해준 결과 중국에서 문명이 생겨난 것입니다 마치 삼국시대에 우리 민족이 일본에 문화를 전수한 것처럼 말입니다
      이러다보니 중화사상은 이름만 남은 허울뿐인 것입니다 남의 민족에 의해 발전해놓고 마치 자신들이 문명을 만든 것인양 거들먹거리는 것입니다 그러니 중국은 역사왜곡에 매달릴 수 밖에 없는 것입니다 현재 우리가 한류라는 훌륭한 문화로 전 세계를 매료시키고 있는 것만 봐도 우리 민족의 유전자는 아시아 문명의 근원인 요하문명을 만든 조상들로부터 이어져오고 있다는 것을 알 수 있습니다
      중요한 것은 우리의 자세입니다 일제의 총독부 역사관과 중화사대주의 역사관을 걷어내고 우리의 시각으로 역사를 바라봐야 합니다 그래서 일제에 의해 왜곡된 우리 역사를 바로 잡아야 합니다 그럼으로써 우리의 원래 모습을 회복하고 우리의 밝은 미래를 설계해야 합니다

    • @darkkjw
      @darkkjw Год назад +18

      즈그들 나름대로의 노이즈 마케팅임 ㅋㅋㅋ
      뭍어가려고 ㅋㅋ

    • @이재명각하만세
      @이재명각하만세 Год назад +9

      Kpop 그룹에서 중국인 멤버 금지

    • @user-si6sw4jm5e
      @user-si6sw4jm5e Год назад

      South Korea is a cultural thief. The lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you

    • @user-uc6qk3gn4u
      @user-uc6qk3gn4u Год назад

      @@user-tl1sp8sm1r 왜저래

  • @SVTmcarat0526
    @SVTmcarat0526 Год назад +63

    아니ㅋㅋㅋ한국인이 한국 전통문화 알리겠다는데 그걸 욕하는 사람들이 있네ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ진짜 추하다ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    • @user-si6sw4jm5e
      @user-si6sw4jm5e Год назад

      South Korea is a cultural thief. The lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you..

  • @anb00
    @anb00 Год назад +51

    이와중에 방탄이 영어로 "seollal"이라고 적은게 진짜 다행이다 ㄷㄷㄷ. 대체 짱들은 춘절 이면 춘절이지 설날까지 지들꺼라고 우기는 이유가 뭘까

    • @user-si6sw4jm5e
      @user-si6sw4jm5e Год назад

      South Korea is a cultural thief. The lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you..

    • @user-tl1sp8sm1r
      @user-tl1sp8sm1r Год назад

      South Korea is the cultural thief, Korea displayed the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations(青龍청룡,白虎백호,朱雀주작,玄武현무)at the opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in korea, and Korea also displayed China's taiji, bagua, wuxing, these are all Chinese culture, you Koreans have nothing to do with we chinese, korea, don't be a thief.
      我國衣服、紗帽、梁冠, 旣用華制, 則耳掩亦用夏, 一變爲當。 From korea's offical history book《朝鮮王朝實錄》(조선왕조실록)(Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty)translation: Our country's clothes, hats, crowns are the Chinese standard,so it's appropriate for nambawi to follow the Chinese standard as well. this means hanbok was also stolen from china by korea's offical history book
      During the Three Kingdoms period on the Korean peninsula, one of the three kingdoms Goguryeo was founded by a Chinese minority in ancient times , Now China has a large area of the three kingdoms and There are many korean aborigines living on it for thousands of years just like the indians of the USA.For example, the korean aborigines who have lived in Changbai Mountain of china for thousands of years, and even Kim Jong Un said that his family originated in Changbai Mountain, Hanbok is also their traditional costume,Therefore, China is also the birthplace of hanbok. Of course China can claim that hanbok is also Chinese , does maya culture only belong to Mexico or America? when it comes to Chinese New Year, Koreans say they also celebrate the Chinese New Year, so it can’t be called Chinese New Year. It should be called Lunar New Year. So koreans forced Google to change Chinese New Year to Lunar New Year and prevented google from calling it chinese new year, even though Lunar calendar and Chinese New Year were both invented by Chinese and Korea is not the birthplace of Lunar New Year. Guess what koreans did next? the BTS of korea claimed happy korean new year on their new poster , by you koreans' logic , apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too, this is korea, shame on you ,When it comes to kimchi, Koreans say that kimchi is only Korean food. even though China is also the birthplace of kimchi and lots of korean aborigines in china eat kimchi too. When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine and korea is not the birthplace of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ?japanese added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine?the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you
      Lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. this is chinese culture and we don't want to share it with you koreans, You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year and bully those chinese people and western people who said happy chinese new year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum not long time ago, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you..

    • @GongGamja_
      @GongGamja_ Год назад +5

      @@user-tl1sp8sm1r what are u talking about
      한국어로 말하세요🤣🤣🤭🤭

    • @coachzusin
      @coachzusin Год назад +2

      @@user-tl1sp8sm1r ok, happy seollal:)

  • @anb00
    @anb00 Год назад +147

    모든 나라를 자기것이라고 주장하는 중국이 없는 지구에서 살고 싶어요 😢 🙏

    • @anb00
      @anb00 Год назад

      @user-yj8nw4ur9r 애초에 아시아에서 중국 만이 '음력'을 챙긴다고 생각하는 오만한 생각부터 버리시길.. 아시아엔 중국만이 '문화' 를 가지고 있는게 아니란다. 부끄러운줄 알렴.
      필리핀, 베트남, 우리 한국등 그 밖에 다양한 아시아 국가들이 전부 '음력 새해' 를 챙기는데 그 모든 문화들이 '차이니즈 새해'를 챙기는 거라는 중국인들의 주장이 말이 된다고 생각하니?
      모택동이 문화대혁명 때 자신의 공산주의 정권을 위해 너희 중국의 스스로의 역사와 문화를 불질르고 부정하고 없애버린 것 + '천안문 사태' 때 민주주의를 지지하던 지식인들을 전부 학살한 것에 대한 컴플렉스를 옆의 다른 나라에게 풀지 말아줘. 😂
      설마 너희가 강제로 대만을 중국이라고 하면서 뺏은 것 처럼 14억 중국인들이 모두 입을 맞춰서 억지로 우겨대면 한국을 뺏을수 있을거라고 생각하는 건 아니겠지? 정말 무식하고 비열한 짓...ㅋㅋ🤦‍♂너희 중국은 그 14억이라는 인구수조차 없었다면 어쩔뻔했니? 이렇게 단체로 '여론조작'도 못했을 텐대 말이야. 정말로 웃겨 ㅋㅋ

    • @user-zq1ct7sz9j
      @user-zq1ct7sz9j Год назад +16

      @王 天 noob cha ni ma

    • @user-gu2oe6gc2j
      @user-gu2oe6gc2j Год назад

      @王 天 역사적 근거도 문화 혁명 불에 태운 민족 코로나의 민폐를 잊은 민족 남에 것을 탐내는 민족

    • @셀티행운이
      @셀티행운이 Год назад +2

      나도 그러고 싶네ㅠㅠ

    • @user-si6sw4jm5e
      @user-si6sw4jm5e Год назад

      South Korea is a cultural thief. The lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you

  • @UragilWorld
    @UragilWorld Год назад +208

    캐나다 사는데 여긴 워낙 중국사람들이 많아서 차이니즈 뉴이어라고 하긴 해요. 브랜드마다 중국이 워낙 큰손이라 그렇게 표기하기도 하고요. 요즘은 루나 뉴이어라고 표기하는 곳이 많아졌지만 호주라고 상황이 다를까 싶네요. 다니엘은 아마 그냥 그렇게 보고 자라와서 자연스럽게 튀어나온거 같네요.

    • @user-rj6vj7tr7p
      @user-rj6vj7tr7p Год назад +92

      그럴수 있겠네요.그래도 다니엘이 제대로 사과해서 다행이고 더 조심하는 계기가 될것 같습니다

    • @user-em7ft2ec9u
      @user-em7ft2ec9u Год назад +81

      맞습니다 저도 호주 시드니에 살고있는 입장으로서 많은 사람들이 chinese new year라고 표기합니다. 아시아계 사람들이 대다수인 시드니 안에서도 이렇게 표기하는데 다니엘이 살았던 뉴카슬에는 백인들에 대비해서 아시아인이 훨씬 적었을테니 어떤 말들을 쓰는지 뻔하죠. 저도 어렸을때부터 여기서 자라온 입장으로써 차이니즈가 틀린 표현이라는걸 지금 알았어요. 날짜가 똑같아서, 아무도 알려주지 않아서, 한국인 포함 아시아인들도 차이니즈를 자연스럽게 써서, 이게 틀렸다는걸 배울 기회조차 없어서 그냥 어렸을때부터 자연스럽게 사용하던 용어를 썼을뿐인데 배신자, 역적으로 몰아가는 사람들, 차마 면전에 대곤 못할 악플을 쓰는 사람들이 정말 역겹더라구요. 몰랐으니 실수한거고, 사과하고 배우면 됐지 다니엘이 무슨 죽을죄를 지었다고 그러는지 참... 같은 멤버인 하니는 왜 차이니즈라고 안했냐고 하는 말도 있는데, 서양에선 차이니즈 루나 둘다 씁니다. 하자만 아직까진 차이니즈가 압도적으로 더 많은게 사실이고 현실입니다. 하니는 맞는 단어를 알맞게 잘 쓴거고, 다니엘은 그저 두 단어중 하나를 뽑았는데 운나쁘게 잘못된 단어를 고른거죠. 다니엘이 일부러 차이니즈라고 그랬겠습니까? 그사람들 논리로면 하니가 맞는 표기를 쓰니까 호주 인구 모두가 루나뉴이어라고 하고 있어야겠네요. 어이가 없어서ㅋㅋㅋ 이런 악플 쓰는 사람들이 진정 한국인이 맞습니까? 같은 한국인으로써 이런거 보면 그들과 같은 나라 사람이라는게 참 부끄럽습니다. 한국인들 마녀사냥, cancel culture 제발 중국인들이랑 다를바 없이 역겨우니까 버렸으면 좋겠습니다.

    • @user-rj6vj7tr7p
      @user-rj6vj7tr7p Год назад +16

      @@user-em7ft2ec9u 그래도 우리나라 네티즌들은 사과문 보고 욕하는 댓글 많이 줄어들었습니다.중국 네티즌들 욕합니다

    • @JKJ0509
      @JKJ0509 Год назад

      중국이 자꾸 한국 연예인들에게 시비를 걸고 우리 문화와 음식이 다 중국것이라고 우기는 현상이 일어나고 있습니다 이처럼 중국이 어처구니 없는 짓을 하는 첫번째 이유는 중국이 왜곡된 역사를 자국민들에게 심어주고 있기 때문입니다 아시아 문화의 원류는 자신들이고 주변의 민족들은 모두 중화민족에서 갈라져서 생긴 민족이니까 한국인도 원래 중화민족이고, 한국 문화도 중국 것이고, 한류의 기원도 중국이라는 것입니다 그러니 한국인들은 어깨에 힘주지 말고 중국에게 감사하라는 인식이 그러한 행동들로 나타나는 것입니다
      두번째 이유는 예전에는 서양인들이 아시아 문화의 중심은 중국이라고 인식했었는데 요즘에는 아시아 문화의 중심이 한국으로 이동하고 있기 때문입니다 그래서 중화사상이 한류로 대체되고, 한국이 아시아의 중심이 되는 것에 대한 두려움 내지 질투심 등이 복합적으로 작용해서 중국이 심술을 부리고 있다고 생각합니다 한마디로 한국에게 지는 꼴은 죽어도 못보겠으니 막무가내식으로 한국을 물고 늘어지자는 심보입니다
      따라서 우리는 중국의 이러한 전략에 말려들지 말고 사태를 냉철하게 비라봐야 합니다. 일단 중국의 대표적인 역사 왜곡의 사례로 ‘동북공정’이 있습니다 고구려와 발해가 중국의 일개 지방정권이었다는 것입니다 그런데 중국은 훨씬 이전부터 역사 왜곡 작업을 벌였습니다 그 중에 하나가 ‘하상주 단대공정’입니다 원래 중국인들은 자신들의 첫번째 나라가 주나라였고 하나라와 상나라는 전설로 치부했는데 자신들의 기원을 끌어올리기 위해 하상 두 나라를 실존했다고 인정한 것입니다
      또 다른 역사공정은 ‘중화문명 탐원공정’입니다 이것도 역시 그동안 전설로 치부했던 삼황오제를 실제 역사로 인정하면서 하나라 이전의 것들도 역사의 범위로 집어 넣은 것입니다 이처럼 중국이 역사공정에 심혈을 기울이는 이유는 원래 중국의 역사가 동이족으로부터 비롯되었기 때문입니다 삼황은 태호복희, 염제신농, 황제헌원을 일컫는데 태극과 팔괘를 만들고 동양의 문명을 창조한 태호복희, 농경과 동양 의학의 창시자인 염제신농이 모두 동이족이라고 중국도 인정하고 있습니다(태극기의 기원은 중국이 아니라 우리의 조상인 태호복희입니다)
      게다가 황제헌원도 동이족입니다 삼국사기의 김유신 열전에 의하면 김유신은 소호금천의 자손이라고 기록되어 있는데 소호금천은 너무나 유명한 동이족입니다 그런데 소호금천이 황제헌원의 아들이기 때문에 황제헌원이 동이족인 것도 명백한 사실입니다
      또한 상나라(은나라)도 동이족이 세웠기 때문에 동이족 국가입니다 이렇다보니 중국의 입장에서는 난처한 상황에 처하게 된 것입니다 이제껏 자신들이 아시아의 종주국이라고 자부해왔는데 그 근원을 따져보면 모두 동이족이기 때문입니다 그런데 결정적인것은 만리장성 밖에서 요하문명이 발견되면서 중국이 더욱 조바심을 느끼게 됩니다
      내몽골 지역에서 발굴된 요하문명은 황하문명보다 약 3천년이나 앞선 문명인데 황하문명과는 완전히 다른 문명입니다 중국이 만리장성을 쌓은 이유는 만리장성 밖에 있는 민족은 다 야만인, 오랑캐라고 치부했기 때문입니다 그래서 중국은 오랫동안 만리장성 밖은 자신들과는 관련이 없다고 인식해왔습니다 그런데 만리장성 밖에서 황하문명보다 오래된 문명이 발견되자 중국이 충격을 받은 것입니다
      요하문명에서 발굴된 유물들을 보면 중국이 아니라 우리의 문명과 같다는 사실을 알 수 있습니다 빛살무늬토기, 고인돌, 비파형동검은 중국이 아니라 우리의 문명인데 이러한 유물과 유적들이 요하문명에서 발굴된 것입니다 이것은 아시아 문명의 근원이 중국이 아니라 우리 민족이라는 사실을 말해주고 있습니다
      홍익인간의 뜻은 ‘세상을 널리 이롭게 한다’는 것입니다 그리고 우리 민족이 이 사상을 실천한 결과가 바로 황하 문명입니다 즉 문명을 다른 민족들에게 전해줘서 세상을 널리 이롭게 한 것입니다 태호복희와 염제신농이 중국에 가서 문명을 전수해준 결과 중국에서 문명이 생겨난 것입니다 마치 삼국시대에 우리 민족이 일본에 문화를 전수한 것처럼 말입니다
      이러다보니 중화사상은 이름만 남은 허울뿐인 것입니다 남의 민족에 의해 발전해놓고 마치 자신들이 문명을 만든 것인양 거들먹거리는 것입니다 그러니 중국은 역사왜곡에 매달릴 수 밖에 없는 것입니다 현재 우리가 한류라는 훌륭한 문화로 전 세계를 매료시키고 있는 것만 봐도 우리 민족의 유전자는 아시아 문명의 근원인 요하문명을 만든 조상들로부터 이어져오고 있다는 것을 알 수 있습니다
      중요한 것은 우리의 자세입니다 일제의 총독부 역사관과 중화사대주의 역사관을 걷어내고 우리의 시각으로 역사를 바라봐야 합니다 그래서 일제에 의해 왜곡된 우리 역사를 바로 잡아야 합니다 그럼으로써 우리의 원래 모습을 회복하고 우리의 밝은 미래를 설계해야 합니다

    • @user-ze3jw2vh2o
      @user-ze3jw2vh2o Год назад +20

      ​@@user-rj6vj7tr7p 저도 다니가 바로 사과하고 더 조심할걸 알기때문에 괜찮았는데 별것도 아닌 일이라는 일부 한국 버니즈가 무조건 자신의 가수 쉴드가 아니라 아티스트가 사과한 일은 이제 조심하자 하고 같이 으샤으샤 했으면 좋겠네요

  • @monjui2768
    @monjui2768 Год назад +65

    짱꺠들 징글징글하다.............. 우리나라 아이돌들은 진짜 우리나라 사람들이 지켜줘야됨

    • @user-si6sw4jm5e
      @user-si6sw4jm5e Год назад

      South Korea is a cultural thief. The lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you.

  • @trash_namul
    @trash_namul Год назад +1076

    사실 10년 전에 미국에 거주했을 때 Chinese New Year은 아무 거부감 없이 통용되던 단어였어요. 그런데 그 이후로 조금씩 한국이라던지 이런 나라에 대한 인지도가 높아지니까 점차 Lunar New Year이 대체 되어가는 중이죠. 이 시기는 두 단어의 혼용기라고 저는 봅니다. 물론 Lunar New Year이라고 말하는 것이 옳지만, 저조차도 아무렇지 않게 Chinese New Year이라고 많이 썼기에 다니엘이 대역죄인이다 이런 식으로 몰아가는 것은 정말 아니라고 봅니다.
    +근데 Chinese New Year이라고 강요하는 인간은... 절대 상종하면 안되는 집단입니다.

    • @cchoikiwon
      @cchoikiwon Год назад +3

    • @blkkuming
      @blkkuming Год назад +211

      진짜 너무 사이다세요 ㅠㅠ 다니엘이 무슨 큰 죄를 지은 것도 아니고 말실수 한 번 했을 뿐인데 맞는 표현을 알려주거나 객관적으로 상황 판단하지 못할 망정 그냥 냅다 달려드니까 너무 안타까워요 .. 저도 미국에 거주했는데 Chinese New Year 도 비속어나 비하발언처럼 여기는 사람들이 아예 없더라구요.

    • @trash_namul
      @trash_namul Год назад +87

      @@blkkuming 그니까요... 다니엘 05년생 아닙니까 애가 사회적 물의를 일으킬만한 단어를 쓴 것도 아니고 ㅜㅜ

    • @kofiecho2766
      @kofiecho2766 Год назад +9

      이해가 됐어요

    • @bluetec1
      @bluetec1 Год назад +68

      @@trash_namul 물의를 일으킨 사건 맞죠 일본 아이돌이 독도를 다케시마 동해를 일본해라고 부르면 우리는 그 나라만의 문화를 위해 냅둬야할까요?

  • @lalalanolga
    @lalalanolga Год назад +109

    앞으로 점점 저출산으로 더 작아지는 나라가 될텐데 우리 문화 지켜야되는데 걱정이 앞서네요
    서경덕 교수님과 중국 악플에도 개념치 않고 소신지키는 장원영, 방탄 등 아이돌들이 자랑스럽네요

    • @JKJ0509
      @JKJ0509 Год назад

      중국이 자꾸 한국 연예인들에게 시비를 걸고 우리 문화와 음식이 다 중국것이라고 우기는 현상이 일어나고 있습니다 이처럼 중국이 어처구니 없는 짓을 하는 첫번째 이유는 중국이 왜곡된 역사를 자국민들에게 심어주고 있기 때문입니다 아시아 문화의 원류는 자신들이고 주변의 민족들은 모두 중화민족에서 갈라져서 생긴 민족이니까 한국인도 원래 중화민족이고, 한국 문화도 중국 것이고, 한류의 기원도 중국이라는 것입니다 그러니 한국인들은 어깨에 힘주지 말고 중국에게 감사하라는 인식이 그러한 행동들로 나타나는 것입니다
      두번째 이유는 예전에는 서양인들이 아시아 문화의 중심은 중국이라고 인식했었는데 요즘에는 아시아 문화의 중심이 한국으로 이동하고 있기 때문입니다 그래서 중화사상이 한류로 대체되고, 한국이 아시아의 중심이 되는 것에 대한 두려움 내지 질투심 등이 복합적으로 작용해서 중국이 심술을 부리고 있다고 생각합니다 한마디로 한국에게 지는 꼴은 죽어도 못보겠으니 막무가내식으로 한국을 물고 늘어지자는 심보입니다
      따라서 우리는 중국의 이러한 전략에 말려들지 말고 사태를 냉철하게 비라봐야 합니다. 일단 중국의 대표적인 역사 왜곡의 사례로 ‘동북공정’이 있습니다 고구려와 발해가 중국의 일개 지방정권이었다는 것입니다 그런데 중국은 훨씬 이전부터 역사 왜곡 작업을 벌였습니다 그 중에 하나가 ‘하상주 단대공정’입니다 원래 중국인들은 자신들의 첫번째 나라가 주나라였고 하나라와 상나라는 전설로 치부했는데 자신들의 기원을 끌어올리기 위해 하상 두 나라를 실존했다고 인정한 것입니다
      또 다른 역사공정은 ‘중화문명 탐원공정’입니다 이것도 역시 그동안 전설로 치부했던 삼황오제를 실제 역사로 인정하면서 하나라 이전의 것들도 역사의 범위로 집어 넣은 것입니다 이처럼 중국이 역사공정에 심혈을 기울이는 이유는 원래 중국의 역사가 동이족으로부터 비롯되었기 때문입니다 삼황은 태호복희, 염제신농, 황제헌원을 일컫는데 태극과 팔괘를 만들고 동양의 문명을 창조한 태호복희, 농경과 동양 의학의 창시자인 염제신농이 모두 동이족이라고 중국도 인정하고 있습니다(태극기의 기원은 중국이 아니라 우리의 조상인 태호복희입니다)
      게다가 황제헌원도 동이족입니다 삼국사기의 김유신 열전에 의하면 김유신은 소호금천의 자손이라고 기록되어 있는데 소호금천은 너무나 유명한 동이족입니다 그런데 소호금천이 황제헌원의 아들이기 때문에 황제헌원이 동이족인 것도 명백한 사실입니다
      또한 상나라(은나라)도 동이족이 세웠기 때문에 동이족 국가입니다 이렇다보니 중국의 입장에서는 난처한 상황에 처하게 된 것입니다 이제껏 자신들이 아시아의 종주국이라고 자부해왔는데 그 근원을 따져보면 모두 동이족이기 때문입니다 그런데 결정적인것은 만리장성 밖에서 요하문명이 발견되면서 중국이 더욱 조바심을 느끼게 됩니다
      내몽골 지역에서 발굴된 요하문명은 황하문명보다 약 3천년이나 앞선 문명인데 황하문명과는 완전히 다른 문명입니다 중국이 만리장성을 쌓은 이유는 만리장성 밖에 있는 민족은 다 야만인, 오랑캐라고 치부했기 때문입니다 그래서 중국은 오랫동안 만리장성 밖은 자신들과는 관련이 없다고 인식해왔습니다 그런데 만리장성 밖에서 황하문명보다 오래된 문명이 발견되자 중국이 충격을 받은 것입니다
      요하문명에서 발굴된 유물들을 보면 중국이 아니라 우리의 문명과 같다는 사실을 알 수 있습니다 빛살무늬토기, 고인돌, 비파형동검은 중국이 아니라 우리의 문명인데 이러한 유물과 유적들이 요하문명에서 발굴된 것입니다 이것은 아시아 문명의 근원이 중국이 아니라 우리 민족이라는 사실을 말해주고 있습니다
      홍익인간의 뜻은 ‘세상을 널리 이롭게 한다’는 것입니다 그리고 우리 민족이 이 사상을 실천한 결과가 바로 황하 문명입니다 즉 문명을 다른 민족들에게 전해줘서 세상을 널리 이롭게 한 것입니다 태호복희와 염제신농이 중국에 가서 문명을 전수해준 결과 중국에서 문명이 생겨난 것입니다 마치 삼국시대에 우리 민족이 일본에 문화를 전수한 것처럼 말입니다
      이러다보니 중화사상은 이름만 남은 허울뿐인 것입니다 남의 민족에 의해 발전해놓고 마치 자신들이 문명을 만든 것인양 거들먹거리는 것입니다 그러니 중국은 역사왜곡에 매달릴 수 밖에 없는 것입니다 현재 우리가 한류라는 훌륭한 문화로 전 세계를 매료시키고 있는 것만 봐도 우리 민족의 유전자는 아시아 문명의 근원인 요하문명을 만든 조상들로부터 이어져오고 있다는 것을 알 수 있습니다
      중요한 것은 우리의 자세입니다 일제의 총독부 역사관과 중화사대주의 역사관을 걷어내고 우리의 시각으로 역사를 바라봐야 합니다 그래서 일제에 의해 왜곡된 우리 역사를 바로 잡아야 합니다 그럼으로써 우리의 원래 모습을 회복하고 우리의 밝은 미래를 설계해야 합니다

    • @user-uc6qk3gn4u
      @user-uc6qk3gn4u Год назад

      저출산은 북한이랑 통일하면 괞찮아짐

    • @user-gq9ek7bh3w
      @user-gq9ek7bh3w Год назад

      나라 걱정하시면서 맞춤법도 공부하세요

    • @hhhhhd
      @hhhhhd Год назад +8

      @@user-uc6qk3gn4u 서로 헐 뜯고 지랄 염병 싸는데 통일을 할까유ㅜㅠ

    • @user-uc6qk3gn4u
      @user-uc6qk3gn4u Год назад

      @@hhhhhd 어쩔수 없죠

  • @wangwang9105
    @wangwang9105 Год назад +146

    The Chinese are crazy.They are posting malicious comments on idols' social media.Lunar New Year is not a Chinese culture.It's different from Chinese culture.Lunar New Year is a Korean culture that our ancestors have kept since a long time ago.Also, Chinese people are suddenly falsely claiming that hanbok, kimchi, and all Korean cultures are their own.I also saw a lot of Chinese people swearing at Korea and writing malicious comments on Twitter saying that it is Chinese new year.

    • @meofomi
      @meofomi Год назад +7

      They claim korean were chinese descendent and korea was part of china loll

    • @user-si6sw4jm5e
      @user-si6sw4jm5e Год назад

      South Korea is a cultural thief. The lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you

    • @allkil-bdgjjfxd
      @allkil-bdgjjfxd Год назад

      Chinese Threaten Korea for Business in China's Market, But It's Meaningless
      In China, K-pop and Korean movie dramas are illegal and prohibited. For these reasons, Chinese idols are disappearing in Korea.

    • @allkil-bdgjjfxd
      @allkil-bdgjjfxd Год назад +4

      The origin of the lunar calendar was around 3000 B.C., the Sumerians made the lunar calendar based on the Earth's moon after carefully observing the changes in stars, moons, and seasons in the sky, which repeats the appearance of the crescent moon, full moon, and moon for about 29 days!!

    • @seromekim7798
      @seromekim7798 Год назад

      korean new year 입니다

  • @natsudeshita
    @natsudeshita Год назад +149

    무지성으로 욕하는 중국인이나 무지성으로 까는 한국인이나 끼리끼리 같음ㅋㅋ 장원영이 뭔죄가 있다고 ㄹㅇ

    • @user-si7re8tn5i
      @user-si7re8tn5i Год назад +38

      어느 나라나 못 배워먹은 놈들이 질투심에 몸부림 치더라

    • @hn02100
      @hn02100 Год назад +4

      그니까요 진짜 속상해죽겠음

    • @쯔모그
      @쯔모그 Год назад +7

      장원영 존나불쌍하다 이리저리도 까이니

    • @azzossi0831
      @azzossi0831 Год назад +40

      한국여권 들고다니는데 중국인이래 진짜 개웃김 설날에 한복도입고 절도하고 비녀도 한국의 자랑스런 문화라고 소개했는데 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 씹 중국인들은 빨아주면서 개웃김 ㅠ 그냥 장원영이 고까운거 예쁘고 어리고 돈잘버니까 ㅋ

    • @user-cb4hs2cm8x
      @user-cb4hs2cm8x Год назад +26

      그니까 ㅋㅋㅋ 한국인들이 장원영을 감싸고 돌아야되는데 중국인이라고 까는게 맞냐고 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  • @numberone-rz7jb
    @numberone-rz7jb Год назад +89

    진짜 한 10년전? 까지만 해도 아무것도 안걸고 넘어지던 중국이 갑자기 최근에서 이것 저것 다 지네꺼라고 하기 시작함.
    인구 14억이나 되면서 지네 스스로 뭘 창조해서 문화를 전파시키는게 아니라 가만히 앉아있으면서 아시아에서 어떤 문화가 인기있으면 갑자기 자기네꺼라고 하기 시작. 일단 나는 중국은 인간 취급 안함.

    • @darkkjw
      @darkkjw Год назад +30

      사스때만 해도 한국인들은 김치를 먹어서 사스 안걸린다고 김치 존내 사가고
      한한령때는 김치 수입안할거라는둥 김치 안먹을거라는둥 그러더니
      이제는 김치가 자기네 거래 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
      중국애들은 인지부조화 안오나??

    • @m855gt2
      @m855gt2 Год назад +2

      마지막말은굳이 안해도좋았네요혐오나 차별적인말은우리얼굴에 침뱉기나마찬가지임 아무리화가나도논리적이고이성적으로 상대해야지우리의주장이 먹힙니다

    • @nakeqntaastuio-le6ou
      @nakeqntaastuio-le6ou Год назад +1

      잘살게되서 거만해진듯 자기들 문화가 세계로 뻣어나가지 못하고 있는것에대한 불만의 표시일수도 있음 중국정부가 자신들한테 우리는세계의중심이고 세계최고다라고하는데 막상 문화가 뻣어나가지 못하고있으니 최근에서야 중국정부에서도 안되겠다 싶어서 문화공정으로 젊은이들의 애국주의를 심어주고있는듯

    • @Master-rj5jl
      @Master-rj5jl Год назад +1

      @@nakeqntaastuio-le6ou 거만함 이상의 정치적 함의가 있죠.
      과거 왕조시대 처럼 아시아를 손아귀에 쥐고 중국의 속국으로 만들어 변두리 국가들은 고사시키고 중국만 번영하게 하겠다는 것이 소위 시진핑이 말한 '중국몽'의 요체입니다.
      그 사전작업으로 아시아의 모든 문화는 중국에서 왔다, 아시아 문화는 중국의 아류다 라는 것을 해외에 각인시켜 중국이 주변국을 침략할 명분쌓기를 하는 겁니다.
      이런 점을 생각한다면 중국의 문화침략과 역사왜곡을 절대 간과해선 안되는 겁니다.
      한국 혼자 싸울게 아니라 그러한 위협을 받고 있는 아시아의 모든 국가들이 연합하여 싸워야죠

    • @neconecooooi
      @neconecooooi Год назад +2

      @@m855gt2 맞아요..화가 나는 건 알지만 정확한 논리없이 무작정 인종차별적인 발언들만 내뱉으니 피해보는 입장은 한국이지만 외국사람들은 오히려 한국인들이 인종차별자라고 생각하더라구요ㅜㅜㅜ

  • @user-fs8pc2nw8h
    @user-fs8pc2nw8h Год назад +60

    이제는 kpop까지 중국의 기원이라고 할 것 같다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    • @user-em7ft2ec9u
      @user-em7ft2ec9u Год назад +1

      @@user-ey3ld5no3d ㄹㅇ 장원영 게시물 댓글 좀 내리면 딱 보임

    • @쯔모그
      @쯔모그 Год назад

    • @guysyg7663
      @guysyg7663 Год назад

      kpop은 자기네기 기원이라고 중국 일본 두나라 다 구라치고 있던데 주변에 정상적인 나라가 없기는 하네

    • @Choheum_with_newmoon.crescent
      @Choheum_with_newmoon.crescent Год назад +4

      ? 이름부터가 ' K ' - pop 인데

    • @user-ux5kl5oz4w
      @user-ux5kl5oz4w Год назад +14

      @@Choheum_with_newmoon.crescent 그래서 이제 k팝 j팝 c팝 통합해서
      모두 아시안팝으로 부르자고

  • @zzarimo
    @zzarimo Год назад +18

    설날은 딱 BTS가 올 해 한대로 진행됐으면 좋겠음.
    HAPPY Seollal.
    설날이 설날이지 ㅋㅋㅋ

  • @kingsnsd_0805
    @kingsnsd_0805 Год назад +42

    방금 서현이 게시물 댓글에 책을 더 읽으라는 중국인이 있었는데.. 안그래도 서현이는 책 많이 읽고 맞는 말만 하는 아이인데 설날을 빼았어 갔다고 맞지않는 말을 사람들이 책을 더 읽어야 할 것 같네요 맞는 말을 해도 악플을 다네요….

    • @lkgmin
      @lkgmin Год назад

      음...페미분들이 공부하라고 말한 어원이 중국에서 배워온 거 군요

    • @user-si6sw4jm5e
      @user-si6sw4jm5e Год назад

      South Korea is a cultural thief. The lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you.

    • @user-tl1sp8sm1r
      @user-tl1sp8sm1r Год назад

      South Korea is the cultural thief, Korea displayed the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations(青龍청룡,白虎백호,朱雀주작,玄武현무)at the opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in korea, and Korea also displayed China's taiji, bagua, wuxing, these are all Chinese culture, you Koreans have nothing to do with we chinese, korea, don't be a thief.
      我國衣服、紗帽、梁冠, 旣用華制, 則耳掩亦用夏, 一變爲當。 From korea's offical history book《朝鮮王朝實錄》(조선왕조실록)(Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty)translation: Our country's clothes, hats, crowns are the Chinese standard,so it's appropriate for nambawi to follow the Chinese standard as well. this means hanbok was also stolen from china by korea's offical history book
      During the Three Kingdoms period on the Korean peninsula, one of the three kingdoms Goguryeo was founded by a Chinese minority in ancient times , Now China has a large area of the three kingdoms and There are many korean aborigines living on it for thousands of years just like the indians of the USA.For example, the korean aborigines who have lived in Changbai Mountain of china for thousands of years, and even Kim Jong Un said that his family originated in Changbai Mountain, Hanbok is also their traditional costume,Therefore, China is also the birthplace of hanbok. Of course China can claim that hanbok is also Chinese , does maya culture only belong to Mexico or America? when it comes to Chinese New Year, Koreans say they also celebrate the Chinese New Year, so it can’t be called Chinese New Year. It should be called Lunar New Year. So koreans forced Google to change Chinese New Year to Lunar New Year and prevented google from calling it chinese new year, even though Lunar calendar and Chinese New Year were both invented by Chinese and Korea is not the birthplace of Lunar New Year. Guess what koreans did next? the BTS of korea claimed happy korean new year on their new poster , by you koreans' logic , apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too, this is korea, shame on you ,When it comes to kimchi, Koreans say that kimchi is only Korean food. even though China is also the birthplace of kimchi and lots of korean aborigines in china eat kimchi too. When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine and korea is not the birthplace of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ?japanese added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine?the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you
      Lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. this is chinese culture and we don't want to share it with you koreans, You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year and bully those chinese people and western people who said happy chinese new year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum not long time ago, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you...

  • @user-du3um4qe6x
    @user-du3um4qe6x Год назад +38

    중국인들 요즘 들어 인스타테러 어이없는 걸로 너무 많이함

  • @RememberIZ
    @RememberIZ Год назад +69

    중국인들이 발작하는건, 그만큼 원영이가 잘 하고있다는것이니, 위즈원루비다이브지구미피어나글래시채리쉬 여러분들은 하트로 도배해둡시당 🙂

    • @user-si6sw4jm5e
      @user-si6sw4jm5e Год назад

      South Korea is a cultural thief. The lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you..

  • @xochj358
    @xochj358 Год назад +38

    2:05 너무 완벽한 말같이네요 기억해뒀다가 중국 네티즌이랑 싸울때 써먹어야겠어용 ㅎㅎ

    • @user-ze3jw2vh2o
      @user-ze3jw2vh2o Год назад

      솔직히 중국인들 논리로는 최초의 인류는 아프리카에서 시작했으니까 전 세계 문화의 주인은 아프리카고 다른나라들이 아프리카 문화를 뺏어간거임

    • @user-tl1sp8sm1r
      @user-tl1sp8sm1r Год назад

      South Korea is the cultural thief, Korea displayed the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations(青龍청룡,白虎백호,朱雀주작,玄武현무)at the opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in korea, and Korea also displayed China's taiji, bagua, wuxing, these are all Chinese culture, you Koreans have nothing to do with we chinese, korea, don't be a thief.
      我國衣服、紗帽、梁冠, 旣用華制, 則耳掩亦用夏, 一變爲當。 From korea's offical history book《朝鮮王朝實錄》(조선왕조실록)(Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty)translation: Our country's clothes, hats, crowns are the Chinese standard,so it's appropriate for nambawi to follow the Chinese standard as well. this means hanbok was also stolen from china by korea's offical history book
      During the Three Kingdoms period on the Korean peninsula, one of the three kingdoms Goguryeo was founded by a Chinese minority in ancient times , Now China has a large area of the three kingdoms and There are many korean aborigines living on it for thousands of years just like the indians of the USA.For example, the korean aborigines who have lived in Changbai Mountain of china for thousands of years, and even Kim Jong Un said that his family originated in Changbai Mountain, Hanbok is also their traditional costume,Therefore, China is also the birthplace of hanbok. Of course China can claim that hanbok is also Chinese , does maya culture only belong to Mexico or America? when it comes to Chinese New Year, Koreans say they also celebrate the Chinese New Year, so it can’t be called Chinese New Year. It should be called Lunar New Year. So koreans forced Google to change Chinese New Year to Lunar New Year and prevented google from calling it chinese new year, even though Lunar calendar and Chinese New Year were both invented by Chinese and Korea is not the birthplace of Lunar New Year. Guess what koreans did next? the BTS of korea claimed happy korean new year on their new poster , by you koreans' logic , apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too, this is korea, shame on you ,When it comes to kimchi, Koreans say that kimchi is only Korean food. even though China is also the birthplace of kimchi and lots of korean aborigines in china eat kimchi too. When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine and korea is not the birthplace of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ?japanese added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine?the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you
      Lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. this is chinese culture and we don't want to share it with you koreans, You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year and bully those chinese people and western people who said happy chinese new year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum not long time ago, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you...,

    @NJSOMG Год назад +44

    다니엘의 차이니즈 뉴 이어는 잘못된 표기임이 맞으나 욕하거나 비하하고 괴롭히는 악플은 잘못된게 맞다.
    오히려 많은 사람들이 잘못되었음을 알게되는 계기가 되었고, 본인이 포닝에 올렸던 메시지도 1분만에 삭제했던거 보면 참 빠른 판단했다고 생각하는데.. 욕먹는게 안타깝긴 했음.
    오히려 절 안하고 버티는 중국인들이 문제지..

    • @user-di9ig9xq6n
      @user-di9ig9xq6n Год назад

      영어팬들한테 날렷으니 그러케 표기해도됨. 잘못된거 아님 한국인들한테 날렷으면 잘못된거지. 그렇게 따지면 일본인들이 우리한테 야 니네들 왜 스시를 초밥이라도 니네 맘대로 바꿔? 스시로 통일해 이러는거랑 같은거

    • @user-si6sw4jm5e
      @user-si6sw4jm5e Год назад

      South Korea is a cultural thief. The lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you.

    • @ailredar473
      @ailredar473 Год назад +1

      @@user-di9ig9xq6n 영어팬에게 날렸으니
      옳은표현이다??? 그건 잘못된것입니다.
      다니엘이 잘못된 표기라는것을 바로 인지하고 사과했으니 된것이지요.

    • @moonlitsky9321
      @moonlitsky9321 Год назад

      @@user-di9ig9xq6n 시대가 바뀌어가니 이제부터 "루나 뉴 이어" 가 맞는 표현이라고 타당한 근거를 바탕으로 정해진거면 따라야 맞는거죠. 예전에 나쁜 의미가 없는 단어였다고 하더라도요. 님은 "초등학교"라고 바뀐 명칭 놔두고 계속 "국민학교"라고 부르실 거임?

    • @안녕나야-q8s
      @안녕나야-q8s Год назад +1

      아이고 님아 잘 못한 사람이 잘 못 한거지 잘못한 사람을 비난한 사람들이 잘 못했다는 말은 결국 사기꾼 보다 사기 당한 사람이 바보라는 얘기하고 뭐가 다름

  • @user-ex4hp7up5j
    @user-ex4hp7up5j Год назад +100

    애초에 장원영이 중국 피가 섞였든 안 섞였든 한국에서 나고자랐고 자기 스스로 한국인이라고 생각하는데 무지성으로 너 중국인 하고 몰아가는 것 자체가 정말 무례함 ㅋㅋㅋ 장원영이 중국 지지글을 올렸음 뭘 했음? 오히려 중국인들에게 욕처먹으면서까지 한국 문화 알리고 다니는데 ㅋㅋㅋ 진짜 소중국이라고 해도 할말없음

    • @user-si7re8tn5i
      @user-si7re8tn5i Год назад +32

      중국이랑 아예 관련도 없는 애를 중국인이라고 몰아가는 놈들 한국사 성적 궁금하다

    • @user-cb4hs2cm8x
      @user-cb4hs2cm8x Год назад +6

      @@user-si7re8tn5i 한국사 0점나올듯요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    • @user-ux5kl5oz4w
      @user-ux5kl5oz4w Год назад +26

      국내서 장원영 까는 얘들은
      애초에 원영이 까기 위한
      수단으로 중국~중국거리는거죠.

    • @user-jy6fq7mp7e
      @user-jy6fq7mp7e Год назад +6

      진짜 그냥 뭐라도 꼬투리잡아서 깎아내리려는 거라고밖에 안보이네요

    • @user-sd2xb7sn9s
      @user-sd2xb7sn9s Год назад +2

      중국인들이 그러는거 아님? 그렇게 까서 한국에 정털리고 중국으로 오게만들려고 ㅋㅋㅋ 물론 나만의 음모론임

  • @확때려뿌까
    @확때려뿌까 Год назад +273

    장원영 욕하는 사람들아 진짜 적당히 좀 하세요.. 요새 장원영 영상 보면 악플이 80%라니까.. 성인 됐다고 해도 아직 여전히 어린 나이인데 억까하고 욕먹이고... 일방적으로 아예 하지말란 건 아닌데 요즘 장원영 영상 댓글보면 괜히 안쓰러워서 해본 소리입니다.. 불편하면 넘겨주세요

    • @user-id5bf3ny8u
      @user-id5bf3ny8u Год назад +26

      경연할때 투표도하고 좋았는데
      그뒤 데뷔해서 잘되는모습보고
      반가웠는데 ...
      서로 경쟁하면서 발전하고 모두가 우리의 소중한 보물들이니까 이쪽저쪽모두 아껴줘야죠.

    • @superyt4ever
      @superyt4ever Год назад +41

      장원영을 까는 영상까지도 있는데 진짜 왜 그녀를 잡아먹지 못해 억까하는 인간들이 참 한심하죠. 시기 질투 외에는 그럴 이유가 없는 덜떨어진 인간 미달이죠. 자꾸만 장원영이 화교라고 우기는 것도 아무 근거 없는 설이고.

    • @techh2093
      @techh2093 Год назад +3

      악플러들은 살 가치가 없는 인간들입니다. 그들이 다 뒈지기를 바랍니다.

    • @user-nx6gr1oc3u
      @user-nx6gr1oc3u Год назад +22

      정신적으로 문제있는 인간들 고소미좀 먹였으면

    • @user-cb4hs2cm8x
      @user-cb4hs2cm8x Год назад +2

      솔직히 장원영 까는영상 댓글 사이비신자들 같음... 어디세뇌당한거마냥 무섭더라

  • @TS-ju8uu
    @TS-ju8uu Год назад +79

    I live in the U.S. and even the Chinatown here refers to their upcoming festival as the lunar new year celebration!

    • @sexy_u
      @sexy_u Год назад +13

      yea not all Chinese is like the ones hating wonyeong. it's a shame that some people will think that way

    • @danlingyang3407
      @danlingyang3407 Год назад +1

      @@sexy_u yea most Chinese that hate are the one living in China

    • @skyshin39
      @skyshin39 Год назад +5

      @@kelvie_w3315 In ancient China, there were many countries where astronomy was developed, so it was widely used in Korea as well. BUT koreans was just used the Chinese lunar calendar. Korea has also used a calendar made by Muslims and accepted the calendars of many countries. And even the lunar calendar isn't made by China. China also created a new calendar by mixing the lunar calendar with the solar calendar.
      What you are saying now is the same as saying Happy Roman New Years Day on January 1st of the Gregorian calendar.
      Korea also had a custom of celebrating the New Year in the first month of the lunar calendar since BC.
      Asian countries have different Lunar New Year traditions and customs. It's not like China. So it's not Chinese New Year.
      Please do not confuse the origin of the holiday with the invention of the calendar.

    • @hellowow8662
      @hellowow8662 Год назад +1

      kelvie_w33杰哥叉燒包// Lunar calendar? All modern festivals that use the solar calendar, by your logic, are Roman Day or Christian Day. Your logic is so pathetic. The Chinese are not entitled to condemn the actions of other countries. China used some Japanese-style traditional architectural designs and decorations in historical dramas and games (traditional cultural backgrounds) to make it seem like a Chinese tradition. And China is stealing traditional Japanese sweets(Wagashi) as if they were Traditional Chinese(Tang Dynasty) sweets. The Chinese insist that all East Asian cultures belong to them.

    • @kelvie_w3315
      @kelvie_w3315 Год назад

      After much thoughts, I have to apologize for my lack of understanding about culture. Although there are similarities in spring festival culture, it is inappropriate and wrong to claim everything your own. Although some traditions of Chinese New year have spread and influenced others to celebrate the start of the year, they have created their own way of celebrating, which are no longer a Chinese culture anymore.
      Thanks to the RUclips community for educating me on this matter. I am humbly asking for pardon for my previous comments, which are all deleted now. I wish you all a very happy lunar new year!
      My sincere words to my Chinese people who still think of other cultures as they own just because they were first started/created in China back in the days, please take a step back and think. Yes, our ancestors have spread the good culture to other countries in Asia and the world, but they have already created their own traditions over time to cater to their own people only, not to us. To ponder on it, it is great to see others also celebrating spring festivals now in their own ways, knowing that our tradition culture has brought good influence on others. And that's it. Going overboard with claiming other's culture as our own is wrong and inappropriate. I hope you all get what I mean. I wish you all a happy Chinese New Year!

  • @ooo-ji2bc
    @ooo-ji2bc Год назад +779

    When people in the West say and learn happy Chinese new year, it is racism like greeting all Asians to Nihao. It is very rude to combine Asia into a culture without looking at each country. On a different note, people around the world would feel very bad if they thought that European countries all had the same culture.

    • @jinyoo6597
      @jinyoo6597 Год назад +36

      Oh 네 정답!!

    • @olivemoon3025
      @olivemoon3025 Год назад +87

      @남한의 위안부 문화 한국말이나 배우고 한국인인척좀 하지. 중국인인거 너무 티나자나

      @CHUNHOJUN Год назад +8


    • @bonjour3127
      @bonjour3127 Год назад +88

      @남한의 위안부 문화 중국은 신생아를 탕으로 끓여먹는 문화가 있다

    • @user-rv5ki5rt6b
      @user-rv5ki5rt6b Год назад +1

      맞는 말

  • @man-wh6dh
    @man-wh6dh Год назад +194

    두유람의 공정하고 바른정보를 다뤄주심에 응원과 찬사를 보냅니다~

    • @HeungMinSon_7
      @HeungMinSon_7 Год назад

      차이니즈 해피 뉴이어~

      @BOO_LOVESVT Год назад

      @@HeungMinSon_7 중국인인가.?

    • @이재명각하만세
      @이재명각하만세 Год назад +1

      이제 kpop 그룹에서 중국인 멤버 좀 받지마라

    • @user-si6sw4jm5e
      @user-si6sw4jm5e Год назад

      South Korea is a cultural thief. The lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you

  • @user-ux6jx3mw6r
    @user-ux6jx3mw6r Год назад +53

    원영이 제발.. 행복만 가득하길

  • @user-uk7vw1ip1b
    @user-uk7vw1ip1b Год назад +146

    중국에 욕먹는 사람들은 잘 살고 있다는 증거임.

    • @user-qb7mj5uq8y
      @user-qb7mj5uq8y Год назад +9

      오 이거네!!

    • @darkkjw
      @darkkjw Год назад +1

      중국발 인증서 발급 완료

    • @user-si6sw4jm5e
      @user-si6sw4jm5e Год назад

      South Korea is a cultural thief. The lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you

    • @user-tl1sp8sm1r
      @user-tl1sp8sm1r Год назад

      South Korea is the cultural thief, Korea displayed the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations(青龍청룡,白虎백호,朱雀주작,玄武현무)at the opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in korea, and Korea also displayed China's taiji, bagua, wuxing, these are all Chinese culture, you Koreans have nothing to do with we chinese, korea, don't be a thief.
      我國衣服、紗帽、梁冠, 旣用華制, 則耳掩亦用夏, 一變爲當。 From korea's offical history book《朝鮮王朝實錄》(조선왕조실록)(Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty)translation: Our country's clothes, hats, crowns are the Chinese standard,so it's appropriate for nambawi to follow the Chinese standard as well. this means hanbok was also stolen from china by korea's offical history book
      During the Three Kingdoms period on the Korean peninsula, one of the three kingdoms Goguryeo was founded by a Chinese minority in ancient times , Now China has a large area of the three kingdoms and There are many korean aborigines living on it for thousands of years just like the indians of the USA.For example, the korean aborigines who have lived in Changbai Mountain of china for thousands of years, and even Kim Jong Un said that his family originated in Changbai Mountain, Hanbok is also their traditional costume,Therefore, China is also the birthplace of hanbok. Of course China can claim that hanbok is also Chinese , does maya culture only belong to Mexico or America? when it comes to Chinese New Year, Koreans say they also celebrate the Chinese New Year, so it can’t be called Chinese New Year. It should be called Lunar New Year. So koreans forced Google to change Chinese New Year to Lunar New Year and prevented google from calling it chinese new year, even though Lunar calendar and Chinese New Year were both invented by Chinese and Korea is not the birthplace of Lunar New Year. Guess what koreans did next? the BTS of korea claimed happy korean new year on their new poster , by you koreans' logic , apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too, this is korea, shame on you ,When it comes to kimchi, Koreans say that kimchi is only Korean food. even though China is also the birthplace of kimchi and lots of korean aborigines in china eat kimchi too. When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine and korea is not the birthplace of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ?japanese added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine?the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you
      Lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. this is chinese culture and we don't want to share it with you koreans, You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year and bully those chinese people and western people who said happy chinese new year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum not long time ago, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you.

    • @user-vk5ms6vx1y
      @user-vk5ms6vx1y Год назад +1

      @@user-tl1sp8sm1r 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

  • @ooo-ji2bc
    @ooo-ji2bc Год назад +86

    Chinese New Year's Day has changed every time the dynasty changes, and it has not been established until the appearance of the Han Dynasty 2,000 years ago. Also, celebrating the New Year started first in ancient Rome, but no one says happy roman new year. According to the logic of the Chinese, the Chinese will say "Happy Roman new year" from now on.
    And although China has had a lot of influence on Asia, not all Asian cultures can be Chinese for that reason. That logic is like that of a three-year-old.
    In addition, China destroyed all of its culture by leading to Mao Zedong's Cultural Revolution. For example, Chinese martial arts were destroyed by Mao Zedong during the Cultural Revolution, but because of martial artists who fled to Taiwan and Hong Kong, they could become known to the world over time. However, it is very regrettable that some technologies were completely lost during the Cultural Revolution, which was not fully known.
    I'm glad China was able to restore its culture past Mao Zedong's time, but don't covet other countries' culture!!
    Concerned that many ethnic minorities in China want to become independent, they are pursuing a policy of "one China." One of them is to plunder Korean culture.
    Most of the ethnic Koreans in China are descendants of those who fled from oppression during Japanese colonial era in the late Joseon Dynasty. It is evidence that some Korean bloodlines are brainwashed to claim and believe that the ethnic groups are Chinese minorities and that Korea is a subordinate country to China. Don't just look at Chinese books, look for books about China among the many books in the world!! You can see the "real" parts of the stories that I told you.

    • @user-si6sw4jm5e
      @user-si6sw4jm5e Год назад

      South Korea is a cultural thief. The lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you

    • @allkil-bdgjjfxd
      @allkil-bdgjjfxd Год назад

      Chinese Threaten Korea for Business in China's Market, But It's Meaningless
      In China, K-pop and Korean movie dramas are illegal and prohibited. For these reasons, Chinese idols are disappearing in Korea.

    • @user-ct4ye9jl1p
      @user-ct4ye9jl1p Год назад +1

      중국의 설날은 왕조가 바뀔 때마다 변했고, 2000년 전 한나라가 등장할 때까지 제정되지 않았습니다. 또한, 새해를 기념하는 것은 고대 로마에서 처음 시작되었지만, 아무도 로마의 새해를 축하한다고 말하지 않습니다. 중국인들의 논리에 따르면, 중국인들은 이제부터 "로마의 새해 복 많이 받으세요"라고 말할 것입니다.
      그리고 비록 중국이 아시아에 많은 영향을 끼쳤지만, 모든 아시아 문화가 그 이유로 중국인이 될 수 있는 것은 아니다. 그 논리는 세 살짜리 아이의 논리와 같습니다.
      게다가, 중국은 마오쩌둥의 문화대혁명을 이끌면서 모든 문화를 파괴했습니다. 예를 들어, 중국 무술은 문화대혁명 때 마오쩌둥에 의해 파괴되었지만, 대만과 홍콩으로 도망친 무술가들 때문에 시간이 지남에 따라 세계에 알려질 수 있었습니다. 하지만 문화대혁명 기간 동안 완전히 알려지지 않았던 일부 기술들이 완전히 상실된 것은 매우 유감스러운 일입니다.
      중국이 마오쩌둥 시대를 지나 문화를 회복할 수 있어서 다행이지만, 다른 나라의 문화를 탐내지 마세요!!
      중국의 많은 소수 민족들이 독립하기를 원하는 것을 우려하여, 그들은 "하나의 중국" 정책을 추구하고 있습니다 그 중 하나는 한국 문화를 약탈하는 것입니다.
      중국 조선족의 대부분은 조선 후기 일제 강점기에 탄압을 피해 도망친 사람들의 후손들입니다. 일부 한인 혈통이 세뇌돼 그 민족이 중국 소수민족이고 한국이 중국에 종속된 나라라고 주장하고 믿고 있다는 증거입니다. 중국어 책만 보지 말고, 세계의 많은 책들 중에서 중국에 관한 책을 찾아보세요!! 여러분은 제가 말한 이야기의 "진짜" 부분을 볼 수 있습니다.(파파고번역)

  • @Seoul_Korea_
    @Seoul_Korea_ Год назад +72

    🇺🇸 미국정부도 공식적으로 Lunar New Year 라고 표기함. 멤버 하니도 Lunar New Year라고 했고. 실수지만 빠른 사과와 대처가 좋았음❤

    • @user-si6sw4jm5e
      @user-si6sw4jm5e Год назад

      South Korea is a cultural thief. The lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you

  • @bbin_sing_07
    @bbin_sing_07 Год назад +40

    장원영 그만좀 까라.. 한국여권있고 한국에서 태어나고 한국 초중고 다 나오고 졸업했구 한국 자랑 잘하고 다니는데 왜 욕함 화교나 중국인 논란 다 루머잖아 당사자가 말도 안했는데 진짜로 인정함?

    • @sxoyoung_
      @sxoyoung_ Год назад

      아니 아이브멤버들 다 본관밝혔는데 장원영만 안 밝힌것만 봐도 나오지 않나요,,?
      저는 숫자3을 그렇게 세는사람도 처음보고 화교학교에서도 장원영 사진이 있었구요,,처음들어본 중국어를 그렇게 잘 따라하는사람도 처음봐서요
      귀화도 안하면서 투표권달라고 징징거리는 중국인들 사이에서 자란 장원영이 과연 한국인이라 할 수 있는진 의문입니다
      참고로 중국인이 어떻게 우리나라 야금야금 먹어가고 있는 거 알면 시발 화교가 어때서 이지랄 못합니다
      심지어 가족들이 전부 한국인 정체성 가지고 중국을 포기했으면 몰라 4대가 꿋꿋하게 중국 정체성 유지하던데

    • @sxoyoung_
      @sxoyoung_ Год назад +2

      저는 우리나라를 좋게 홍보해주는 장원영을 좋게 생각합니다 성격도 착한게 호감이구요
      근데 인정할건 인정해야죠 노래실력이나 화교나,,노래실력은 요즘에 라이브도 열심히하는거 보니 노력하고 있다는게 느껴집니다

    • @sxoyoung_
      @sxoyoung_ Год назад

      @UC9k3-UFzUgR2umwqKWKAtHA 아유 원영이는 한국을 널리 알려줬는데 무작정 욕할이유는 없죠ㅠㅠ화교든 뭐든 일단 지금의 원영이는 한국을 사랑하는데 뭘 더 바라는지 모르겠어요 원영이 가족이 잘못했지만 원영이는 오히려 한국을 위해 힘써주고 있는데 말이죠,,ㅜ
      장원영 얼마나 아니 조옹나 이쁘고 이제 노래까지 열심히 잘 해보려는 애인데 욕하는인간들보면 걍 너무 없어보이지않나요;;ㅎ
      장원영 욕하는 인간들아 걍 없어보이고 열등감에 찌든거 눈에 다 보여;; 그 시간에 니들 자기관리나 해
      모쪼록 늦은밤인데 굿밤보내시길 바랍니다☺️
      장원영 뽜이팅

    • @user-ux5kl5oz4w
      @user-ux5kl5oz4w Год назад +2

      장원영이 중국인 이라 깐다는게
      핑계죠. 학폭 가해자들 처럼
      피해자가 가난해서, 냄새나서
      또는 외국인 이라서 온갖 이유
      갖다 붙이고 까는 게 다임
      중국이 그리 싫으면 인스타서
      발작 일으키는 차이니즈들이랑
      키배 뜨지 커뮤나 유튜브서
      욕하겠습니까? 악플러들이
      무슨 한국지킴이들이라고ㅡ..ㅡ

    • @user-si6sw4jm5e
      @user-si6sw4jm5e Год назад

      South Korea is a cultural thief. The lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you..

  • @ffggq_1
    @ffggq_1 Год назад +27

    중국인들에게 욕을 들은다?→ 아주 잘 활동하고 있다

  • @pieceofpeace117
    @pieceofpeace117 Год назад +53

    I saw that many Korean posted comments about Daniel's message not knowing that she had apologized. The angry comments were quoted by some Kpop channels and while most comments under their videos were simply defending Daniel saying it's also called Chinese New Year in their country, there were Chinese people taking advantage of the situation to spread that Korea stole their culture. Little do international fans know that on Weibo, Chinese people were harassing Hanni and said the same thing about Vietnam because Hanni said Happy Lunar New Year. I'm Vietnamese so let me tell you why we think it's wrong.
    For Vietnamese people, it is not Tet (Vietnamese name of the festival) without the Banh Chung cake (aka Banh Tet) placed on our ancestors and family altars. Everyone here knows the tale of Banh Chung and it tells that the 6th King of Vietnam (the 6th Hung King) made it a custom for Vietnamese people. Now the 6th Hung King's reign was from 1712 BC - 1632 BC, which means the celebration of Tet has been our tradition for over *3700* years. On the other hand, although Chinese legend has it that the Chinese Emperor Huangdi invented the lunisolar calendar in 2637 BC (over 4600 years ago), Chinese people also believe that the celebration of Chinese New Year originated in the Shang Dynasty (1600-1046 BC), over *3600* years ago. If we ignore the fact that ancient China didn't only influence its neighbors but also got influenced by them, or the fact that Vietnamese and South Chinese people were the same people that got separated before the first border between the two countries was formed, we can agree that the lunisolar calendar was invented by Chinese people. However, the celebration of the new year on this calendar was not invented by them. We give each other lucky money during this festival and we never deny that's a Chinese custom we adopted in later centuries, but many things are very different, this year is not even year of the rabbit for us, it's year of the cat. If we should call the Lunar New Year the Chinese New Year because the lunisolar was invented in China then would you
    -call Christmas the Italian Christmas?
    -call your National/Independence the Italian National/Independence Day?
    -call Corona the C-h-i-n-e-se Virus?
    -call the device you're using to read this comment the American phone.
    -call English German?
    -demand that everything should include its country of origin in its name?
    In a foreign country and among people of different ethnicities, we might use the terms Lunar New Year and Chinese New Year interchangeably because we understand that many people only learn from the Chinese population. But seriously, it is as ignorant as calling all Asians Chinese so if you want to show your respect, please say Happy Lunar New Year or just Happy New Year.

    • @boglaejo
      @boglaejo Год назад +1

      You have excellent points!!! Now I got a tip of lunisolar calendar!!

    • @neithernorm
      @neithernorm Год назад +3

      This is not all about the notion or word actually. These all situations are just indicator that shows how much Korean are hate Chinese people these days. Because every time Korean people talk about traditional things, Chinese argue that all Korean things are belong to them. Chinese peoples attitudes made all of these things. NOT THE WORD. The word has been called that name for decades. This is not a problem of the word, the problem of Chinese.

    • @user-si6sw4jm5e
      @user-si6sw4jm5e Год назад

      South Korea is a cultural thief. The lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you

    • @allkil-bdgjjfxd
      @allkil-bdgjjfxd Год назад

      Chinese Threaten Korea for Business in China's Market, But It's Meaningless
      In China, K-pop and Korean movie dramas are illegal and prohibited. For these reasons, Chinese idols are disappearing in Korea.

    • @user-tl1sp8sm1r
      @user-tl1sp8sm1r Год назад

      South Korea is the cultural thief, Korea displayed the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations(青龍청룡,白虎백호,朱雀주작,玄武현무)at the opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in korea, and Korea also displayed China's taiji, bagua, wuxing, these are all Chinese culture, you Koreans have nothing to do with we chinese, korea, don't be a thief.
      我國衣服、紗帽、梁冠, 旣用華制, 則耳掩亦用夏, 一變爲當。 From korea's offical history book《朝鮮王朝實錄》(조선왕조실록)(Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty)translation: Our country's clothes, hats, crowns are the Chinese standard,so it's appropriate for nambawi to follow the Chinese standard as well. this means hanbok was also stolen from china by korea's offical history book
      During the Three Kingdoms period on the Korean peninsula, one of the three kingdoms Goguryeo was founded by a Chinese minority in ancient times , Now China has a large area of the three kingdoms and There are many korean aborigines living on it for thousands of years just like the indians of the USA.For example, the korean aborigines who have lived in Changbai Mountain of china for thousands of years, and even Kim Jong Un said that his family originated in Changbai Mountain, Hanbok is also their traditional costume,Therefore, China is also the birthplace of hanbok. Of course China can claim that hanbok is also Chinese , does maya culture only belong to Mexico or America? when it comes to Chinese New Year, Koreans say they also celebrate the Chinese New Year, so it can’t be called Chinese New Year. It should be called Lunar New Year. So koreans forced Google to change Chinese New Year to Lunar New Year and prevented google from calling it chinese new year, even though Lunar calendar and Chinese New Year were both invented by Chinese and Korea is not the birthplace of Lunar New Year. Guess what koreans did next? the BTS of korea claimed happy korean new year on their new poster , by you koreans' logic , apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too, this is korea, shame on you ,When it comes to kimchi, Koreans say that kimchi is only Korean food. even though China is also the birthplace of kimchi and lots of korean aborigines in china eat kimchi too. When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine and korea is not the birthplace of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ?japanese added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine?the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you
      Lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. this is chinese culture and we don't want to share it with you koreans, You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year and bully those chinese people and western people who said happy chinese new year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum not long time ago, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you.

  • @ShepherdBaek
    @ShepherdBaek Год назад +64

    이 채널 좋다 뭔가 건강한 덕질생활에 도움이되는듯..

    • @user-si6sw4jm5e
      @user-si6sw4jm5e Год назад

      South Korea is a cultural thief. The lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you.

    • @user-tl1sp8sm1r
      @user-tl1sp8sm1r Год назад

      South Korea is the cultural thief, Korea displayed the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations(青龍청룡,白虎백호,朱雀주작,玄武현무)at the opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in korea, and Korea also displayed China's taiji, bagua, wuxing, these are all Chinese culture, you Koreans have nothing to do with we chinese, korea, don't be a thief.
      我國衣服、紗帽、梁冠, 旣用華制, 則耳掩亦用夏, 一變爲當。 From korea's offical history book《朝鮮王朝實錄》(조선왕조실록)(Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty)translation: Our country's clothes, hats, crowns are the Chinese standard,so it's appropriate for nambawi to follow the Chinese standard as well. this means hanbok was also stolen from china by korea's offical history book
      During the Three Kingdoms period on the Korean peninsula, one of the three kingdoms Goguryeo was founded by a Chinese minority in ancient times , Now China has a large area of the three kingdoms and There are many korean aborigines living on it for thousands of years just like the indians of the USA.For example, the korean aborigines who have lived in Changbai Mountain of china for thousands of years, and even Kim Jong Un said that his family originated in Changbai Mountain, Hanbok is also their traditional costume,Therefore, China is also the birthplace of hanbok. Of course China can claim that hanbok is also Chinese , does maya culture only belong to Mexico or America? when it comes to Chinese New Year, Koreans say they also celebrate the Chinese New Year, so it can’t be called Chinese New Year. It should be called Lunar New Year. So koreans forced Google to change Chinese New Year to Lunar New Year and prevented google from calling it chinese new year, even though Lunar calendar and Chinese New Year were both invented by Chinese and Korea is not the birthplace of Lunar New Year. Guess what koreans did next? the BTS of korea claimed happy korean new year on their new poster , by you koreans' logic , apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too, this is korea, shame on you ,When it comes to kimchi, Koreans say that kimchi is only Korean food. even though China is also the birthplace of kimchi and lots of korean aborigines in china eat kimchi too. When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine and korea is not the birthplace of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ?japanese added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine?the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you
      Lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. this is chinese culture and we don't want to share it with you koreans, You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year and bully those chinese people and western people who said happy chinese new year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum not long time ago, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you..

    • @user-nb9jj4fe9w
      @user-nb9jj4fe9w Год назад

      @@user-tl1sp8sm1r taiwan no.1

  • @bye-rc6dd
    @bye-rc6dd Год назад +19

    이렇게 우리 설날을 알리는 영상 너무 좋은것 같아요!

    • @user-si6sw4jm5e
      @user-si6sw4jm5e Год назад

      South Korea is a cultural thief. The lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you

    • @user-tl1sp8sm1r
      @user-tl1sp8sm1r Год назад

      South Korea is the cultural thief, Korea displayed the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations(青龍청룡,白虎백호,朱雀주작,玄武현무)at the opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in korea, and Korea also displayed China's taiji, bagua, wuxing, these are all Chinese culture, you Koreans have nothing to do with we chinese, korea, don't be a thief.
      我國衣服、紗帽、梁冠, 旣用華制, 則耳掩亦用夏, 一變爲當。 From korea's offical history book《朝鮮王朝實錄》(조선왕조실록)(Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty)translation: Our country's clothes, hats, crowns are the Chinese standard,so it's appropriate for nambawi to follow the Chinese standard as well. this means hanbok was also stolen from china by korea's offical history book
      During the Three Kingdoms period on the Korean peninsula, one of the three kingdoms Goguryeo was founded by a Chinese minority in ancient times , Now China has a large area of the three kingdoms and There are many korean aborigines living on it for thousands of years just like the indians of the USA.For example, the korean aborigines who have lived in Changbai Mountain of china for thousands of years, and even Kim Jong Un said that his family originated in Changbai Mountain, Hanbok is also their traditional costume,Therefore, China is also the birthplace of hanbok. Of course China can claim that hanbok is also Chinese , does maya culture only belong to Mexico or America? when it comes to Chinese New Year, Koreans say they also celebrate the Chinese New Year, so it can’t be called Chinese New Year. It should be called Lunar New Year. So koreans forced Google to change Chinese New Year to Lunar New Year and prevented google from calling it chinese new year, even though Lunar calendar and Chinese New Year were both invented by Chinese and Korea is not the birthplace of Lunar New Year. Guess what koreans did next? the BTS of korea claimed happy korean new year on their new poster , by you koreans' logic , apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too, this is korea, shame on you ,When it comes to kimchi, Koreans say that kimchi is only Korean food. even though China is also the birthplace of kimchi and lots of korean aborigines in china eat kimchi too. When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine and korea is not the birthplace of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ?japanese added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine?the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you
      Lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. this is chinese culture and we don't want to share it with you koreans, You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year and bully those chinese people and western people who said happy chinese new year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum not long time ago, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you.

    • @user-co5oy7iu2g
      @user-co5oy7iu2g Год назад +1

      @@user-tl1sp8sm1r 계정 돌려쓰면 모를줄아냐고 ㅋ 수준이 갓난아기도 안되어 보여요

    • @bye-rc6dd
      @bye-rc6dd Год назад

      @@user-tl1sp8sm1r Kimchi belongs to South Korea and Kim Jong Un is not Korean. The level of Chinese people is really low, like you. Don't pretend to be smart, and kimchi is Korea's unique traditional food. And you don't use Apple in China? Lunar New Year is Korean culture. China rather stole Lunar New Year, a Korean culture.It's so disgusting. Korean culture has nothing to do with China. What you have in mind is your delusion.

  • @yongsukkwak7110
    @yongsukkwak7110 Год назад +30

    중국은 한국에 대해서 신경을 껐으면… 시끄럽고 불쾌한 사람들

  • @user-yp4qm1xw2f
    @user-yp4qm1xw2f Год назад +132

    진짜 장원영 억까들은 반성 좀 해라
    중국인들한테 욕먹어 가며 한국 알린다는데 맨날 중국인이라고 욕 하면 시발 이게 뭐하는 짓거리냐

    • @user-gq6xr7dz2l
      @user-gq6xr7dz2l Год назад +46

      ㄹㅇ 장원영만큼 한국 문화에 진심인 아이돌 어디있다고 중국인이라고 애 죽일듯이 까는건지 정말 부끄러워죽겠다

    • @m1dnght
      @m1dnght Год назад +32

      화교던 뭐던 자기가 한국인이라 생각하고 한국인이고 싶으면 한국인인거지

    • @user-si7re8tn5i
      @user-si7re8tn5i Год назад +22

      심지어 욕하는 놈들은 동북공정이 뭔지도 모를 듯 그냥 타겟으로 중국 찍어서 욕 하는 걸 즐길 뿐
      애국심에서 우러나와서 하는 행동이 결코 아님 장원영에 비하면 티끌만큼도 없음

    • @handol743
      @handol743 Год назад +11

      @@ass721a6 지금까지 국적 관련해서 장원영 본인이 잘못한것이 없으니 욕하지 말라는게 무슨 문제가 있다는거죠? 님이 말하는 추측성 소문들이 사실일 수 있으니 문제가 있다라고 한다면 세상에 문제없는 사람은 아무도 없겠네요.

    • @user-yj8fc5mh3o
      @user-yj8fc5mh3o Год назад +8

      @@ass721a6 뭔 스태프 여권을 장원여이 가지고 있어요..? 한국여권 가지고 있는 사진 완전 많은데... 잘 모르면 말하지말하세요.

  • @song291280
    @song291280 Год назад +87

    아무리 중국의 모든시장이 크다고하지만..속해있는 문화를 인정 안하는 중국의 민패 행동임을 알아야할텐데...

    • @JKJ0509
      @JKJ0509 Год назад

      중국이 자꾸 한국 연예인들에게 시비를 걸고 우리 문화와 음식이 다 중국것이라고 우기는 현상이 일어나고 있습니다 이처럼 중국이 어처구니 없는 짓을 하는 첫번째 이유는 중국이 왜곡된 역사를 자국민들에게 심어주고 있기 때문입니다 아시아 문화의 원류는 자신들이고 주변의 민족들은 모두 중화민족에서 갈라져서 생긴 민족이니까 한국인도 원래 중화민족이고, 한국 문화도 중국 것이고, 한류의 기원도 중국이라는 것입니다 그러니 한국인들은 어깨에 힘주지 말고 중국에게 감사하라는 인식이 그러한 행동들로 나타나는 것입니다
      두번째 이유는 예전에는 서양인들이 아시아 문화의 중심은 중국이라고 인식했었는데 요즘에는 아시아 문화의 중심이 한국으로 이동하고 있기 때문입니다 그래서 중화사상이 한류로 대체되고, 한국이 아시아의 중심이 되는 것에 대한 두려움 내지 질투심 등이 복합적으로 작용해서 중국이 심술을 부리고 있다고 생각합니다 한마디로 한국에게 지는 꼴은 죽어도 못보겠으니 막무가내식으로 한국을 물고 늘어지자는 심보입니다
      따라서 우리는 중국의 이러한 전략에 말려들지 말고 사태를 냉철하게 비라봐야 합니다. 일단 중국의 대표적인 역사 왜곡의 사례로 ‘동북공정’이 있습니다 고구려와 발해가 중국의 일개 지방정권이었다는 것입니다 그런데 중국은 훨씬 이전부터 역사 왜곡 작업을 벌였습니다 그 중에 하나가 ‘하상주 단대공정’입니다 원래 중국인들은 자신들의 첫번째 나라가 주나라였고 하나라와 상나라는 전설로 치부했는데 자신들의 기원을 끌어올리기 위해 하상 두 나라를 실존했다고 인정한 것입니다
      또 다른 역사공정은 ‘중화문명 탐원공정’입니다 이것도 역시 그동안 전설로 치부했던 삼황오제를 실제 역사로 인정하면서 하나라 이전의 것들도 역사의 범위로 집어 넣은 것입니다 이처럼 중국이 역사공정에 심혈을 기울이는 이유는 원래 중국의 역사가 동이족으로부터 비롯되었기 때문입니다 삼황은 태호복희, 염제신농, 황제헌원을 일컫는데 태극과 팔괘를 만들고 동양의 문명을 창조한 태호복희, 농경과 동양 의학의 창시자인 염제신농이 모두 동이족이라고 중국도 인정하고 있습니다(태극기의 기원은 중국이 아니라 우리의 조상인 태호복희입니다)
      게다가 황제헌원도 동이족입니다 삼국사기의 김유신 열전에 의하면 김유신은 소호금천의 자손이라고 기록되어 있는데 소호금천은 너무나 유명한 동이족입니다 그런데 소호금천이 황제헌원의 아들이기 때문에 황제헌원이 동이족인 것도 명백한 사실입니다
      또한 상나라(은나라)도 동이족이 세웠기 때문에 동이족 국가입니다 이렇다보니 중국의 입장에서는 난처한 상황에 처하게 된 것입니다 이제껏 자신들이 아시아의 종주국이라고 자부해왔는데 그 근원을 따져보면 모두 동이족이기 때문입니다 그런데 결정적인것은 만리장성 밖에서 요하문명이 발견되면서 중국이 더욱 조바심을 느끼게 됩니다
      내몽골 지역에서 발굴된 요하문명은 황하문명보다 약 3천년이나 앞선 문명인데 황하문명과는 완전히 다른 문명입니다 중국이 만리장성을 쌓은 이유는 만리장성 밖에 있는 민족은 다 야만인, 오랑캐라고 치부했기 때문입니다 그래서 중국은 오랫동안 만리장성 밖은 자신들과는 관련이 없다고 인식해왔습니다 그런데 만리장성 밖에서 황하문명보다 오래된 문명이 발견되자 중국이 충격을 받은 것입니다
      요하문명에서 발굴된 유물들을 보면 중국이 아니라 우리의 문명과 같다는 사실을 알 수 있습니다 빛살무늬토기, 고인돌, 비파형동검은 중국이 아니라 우리의 문명인데 이러한 유물과 유적들이 요하문명에서 발굴된 것입니다 이것은 아시아 문명의 근원이 중국이 아니라 우리 민족이라는 사실을 말해주고 있습니다
      홍익인간의 뜻은 ‘세상을 널리 이롭게 한다’는 것입니다 그리고 우리 민족이 이 사상을 실천한 결과가 바로 황하 문명입니다 즉 문명을 다른 민족들에게 전해줘서 세상을 널리 이롭게 한 것입니다 태호복희와 염제신농이 중국에 가서 문명을 전수해준 결과 중국에서 문명이 생겨난 것입니다 마치 삼국시대에 우리 민족이 일본에 문화를 전수한 것처럼 말입니다
      이러다보니 중화사상은 이름만 남은 허울뿐인 것입니다 남의 민족에 의해 발전해놓고 마치 자신들이 문명을 만든 것인양 거들먹거리는 것입니다 그러니 중국은 역사왜곡에 매달릴 수 밖에 없는 것입니다 현재 우리가 한류라는 훌륭한 문화로 전 세계를 매료시키고 있는 것만 봐도 우리 민족의 유전자는 아시아 문명의 근원인 요하문명을 만든 조상들로부터 이어져오고 있다는 것을 알 수 있습니다
      중요한 것은 우리의 자세입니다 일제의 총독부 역사관과 중화사대주의 역사관을 걷어내고 우리의 시각으로 역사를 바라봐야 합니다 그래서 일제에 의해 왜곡된 우리 역사를 바로 잡아야 합니다 그럼으로써 우리의 원래 모습을 회복하고 우리의 밝은 미래를 설계해야 합니다

    • @user-bp8gf7bh9n
      @user-bp8gf7bh9n Год назад

      모든 띄고 시장

    • @Master-rj5jl
      @Master-rj5jl Год назад +3

      현재의 중국은 타국의 수입을 막고 자국산으로 자력갱생 하자는 시스템을 지향하고 있으므로 시장으로서의 가치는 점점 떨어지는 중입니다.
      그래서 중국에 진출했던 우리기업들도 통수맞고 철수하거나 망한 경우가 속출했고 작년의 경우만 해도 대중무역적자를 기록했죠.
      한-중간 경제적 공생관계는 끝으로 가고 있으며 이젠 다른 시장을 개척할 타이밍입니다.

    • @user-si6sw4jm5e
      @user-si6sw4jm5e Год назад

      South Korea is a cultural thief. The lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you.

    • @user-tl1sp8sm1r
      @user-tl1sp8sm1r Год назад

      South Korea is the cultural thief, Korea displayed the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations(青龍청룡,白虎백호,朱雀주작,玄武현무)at the opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in korea, and Korea also displayed China's taiji, bagua, wuxing, these are all Chinese culture, you Koreans have nothing to do with we chinese, korea, don't be a thief.
      我國衣服、紗帽、梁冠, 旣用華制, 則耳掩亦用夏, 一變爲當。 From korea's offical history book《朝鮮王朝實錄》(조선왕조실록)(Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty)translation: Our country's clothes, hats, crowns are the Chinese standard,so it's appropriate for nambawi to follow the Chinese standard as well. this means hanbok was also stolen from china by korea's offical history book
      During the Three Kingdoms period on the Korean peninsula, one of the three kingdoms Goguryeo was founded by a Chinese minority in ancient times , Now China has a large area of the three kingdoms and There are many korean aborigines living on it for thousands of years just like the indians of the USA.For example, the korean aborigines who have lived in Changbai Mountain of china for thousands of years, and even Kim Jong Un said that his family originated in Changbai Mountain, Hanbok is also their traditional costume,Therefore, China is also the birthplace of hanbok. Of course China can claim that hanbok is also Chinese , does maya culture only belong to Mexico or America? when it comes to Chinese New Year, Koreans say they also celebrate the Chinese New Year, so it can’t be called Chinese New Year. It should be called Lunar New Year. So koreans forced Google to change Chinese New Year to Lunar New Year and prevented google from calling it chinese new year, even though Lunar calendar and Chinese New Year were both invented by Chinese and Korea is not the birthplace of Lunar New Year. Guess what koreans did next? the BTS of korea claimed happy korean new year on their new poster , by you koreans' logic , apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too, this is korea, shame on you ,When it comes to kimchi, Koreans say that kimchi is only Korean food. even though China is also the birthplace of kimchi and lots of korean aborigines in china eat kimchi too. When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine and korea is not the birthplace of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ?japanese added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine?the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you
      Lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. this is chinese culture and we don't want to share it with you koreans, You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year and bully those chinese people and western people who said happy chinese new year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum not long time ago, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you..

  • @반박시니말다맞음-v1t
    @반박시니말다맞음-v1t Год назад +20

    자존감이 높고 본인의 프라이드가 실제로 높은사람은 높은비율로 타인에게 사려깊죠.
    본인이 소중하고 아름다운만큼 다른 존재들도 소중하고 아름다운걸 알고있으니까요.
    국적을 떠나서 본인들 본연의 모습을 있는그대로 사랑할줄 아는사람이 많아졌으면 좋겠네요.

    • @user-si6sw4jm5e
      @user-si6sw4jm5e Год назад

      South Korea is a cultural thief. The lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you.

    • @반박시니말다맞음-v1t
      @반박시니말다맞음-v1t Год назад

      @@user-si6sw4jm5e 진짜 좀 안쓰럽다는 말 밖에 해줄말이 없어서 미안해요.
      그렇게 생각하는게 마음이 편하다면 그렇게 생각하시는게 좋을거같아요.

    • @user-tl1sp8sm1r
      @user-tl1sp8sm1r Год назад

      South Korea is the cultural thief, Korea displayed the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations(青龍청룡,白虎백호,朱雀주작,玄武현무)at the opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in korea, and Korea also displayed China's taiji, bagua, wuxing, these are all Chinese culture, you Koreans have nothing to do with we chinese, korea, don't be a thief.
      我國衣服、紗帽、梁冠, 旣用華制, 則耳掩亦用夏, 一變爲當。 From korea's offical history book《朝鮮王朝實錄》(조선왕조실록)(Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty)translation: Our country's clothes, hats, crowns are the Chinese standard,so it's appropriate for nambawi to follow the Chinese standard as well. this means hanbok was also stolen from china by korea's offical history book
      During the Three Kingdoms period on the Korean peninsula, one of the three kingdoms Goguryeo was founded by a Chinese minority in ancient times , Now China has a large area of the three kingdoms and There are many korean aborigines living on it for thousands of years just like the indians of the USA.For example, the korean aborigines who have lived in Changbai Mountain of china for thousands of years, and even Kim Jong Un said that his family originated in Changbai Mountain, Hanbok is also their traditional costume,Therefore, China is also the birthplace of hanbok. Of course China can claim that hanbok is also Chinese , does maya culture only belong to Mexico or America? when it comes to Chinese New Year, Koreans say they also celebrate the Chinese New Year, so it can’t be called Chinese New Year. It should be called Lunar New Year. So koreans forced Google to change Chinese New Year to Lunar New Year and prevented google from calling it chinese new year, even though Lunar calendar and Chinese New Year were both invented by Chinese and Korea is not the birthplace of Lunar New Year. Guess what koreans did next? the BTS of korea claimed happy korean new year on their new poster , by you koreans' logic , apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too, this is korea, shame on you ,When it comes to kimchi, Koreans say that kimchi is only Korean food. even though China is also the birthplace of kimchi and lots of korean aborigines in china eat kimchi too. When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine and korea is not the birthplace of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ?japanese added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine?the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you
      Lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. this is chinese culture and we don't want to share it with you koreans, You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year and bully those chinese people and western people who said happy chinese new year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum not long time ago, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you..

  • @user-bf1fu8jb5w
    @user-bf1fu8jb5w Год назад +18

    방탄 진짜 간지 레전드다ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  • @S_coups_B_sk
    @S_coups_B_sk Год назад +77

    다들 새해복 많이받으세요! 그리고 방탄맏형 우리 석진이~ 훈련잘받고!

    • @user-si6sw4jm5e
      @user-si6sw4jm5e Год назад

      South Korea is a cultural thief. The lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you.

    • @user-tl1sp8sm1r
      @user-tl1sp8sm1r Год назад

      South Korea is the cultural thief, Korea displayed the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations(青龍청룡,白虎백호,朱雀주작,玄武현무)at the opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in korea, and Korea also displayed China's taiji, bagua, wuxing, these are all Chinese culture, you Koreans have nothing to do with we chinese, korea, don't be a thief.
      我國衣服、紗帽、梁冠, 旣用華制, 則耳掩亦用夏, 一變爲當。 From korea's offical history book《朝鮮王朝實錄》(조선왕조실록)(Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty)translation: Our country's clothes, hats, crowns are the Chinese standard,so it's appropriate for nambawi to follow the Chinese standard as well. this means hanbok was also stolen from china by korea's offical history book
      During the Three Kingdoms period on the Korean peninsula, one of the three kingdoms Goguryeo was founded by a Chinese minority in ancient times , Now China has a large area of the three kingdoms and There are many korean aborigines living on it for thousands of years just like the indians of the USA.For example, the korean aborigines who have lived in Changbai Mountain of china for thousands of years, and even Kim Jong Un said that his family originated in Changbai Mountain, Hanbok is also their traditional costume,Therefore, China is also the birthplace of hanbok. Of course China can claim that hanbok is also Chinese , does maya culture only belong to Mexico or America? when it comes to Chinese New Year, Koreans say they also celebrate the Chinese New Year, so it can’t be called Chinese New Year. It should be called Lunar New Year. So koreans forced Google to change Chinese New Year to Lunar New Year and prevented google from calling it chinese new year, even though Lunar calendar and Chinese New Year were both invented by Chinese and Korea is not the birthplace of Lunar New Year. Guess what koreans did next? the BTS of korea claimed happy korean new year on their new poster , by you koreans' logic , apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too, this is korea, shame on you ,When it comes to kimchi, Koreans say that kimchi is only Korean food. even though China is also the birthplace of kimchi and lots of korean aborigines in china eat kimchi too. When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine and korea is not the birthplace of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ?japanese added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine?the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you
      Lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. this is chinese culture and we don't want to share it with you koreans, You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year and bully those chinese people and western people who said happy chinese new year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum not long time ago, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you..

  • @HAWON하원
    @HAWON하원 Год назад +388

    제발 원영이한테 악플 남기지말자.

    • @확때려뿌까
      @확때려뿌까 Год назад +79

      @@coupIes_ 욕 해야 된다는 게 어딨나요.. 이제 성인 됐어도 여전히 어린나이인데 악플 견디기는 버거울 수 있어요

    • @azzossi0831
      @azzossi0831 Год назад +12

      @@coupIes_ 욕해야함은 뭐냐 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    • @user-ghye1on
      @user-ghye1on Год назад +51

      @@coupIes_ 립싱크를 욕하면 안되죠 립싱크를 지적해야지요 욕과 지적은 다른겁니다

    • @hn02100
      @hn02100 Год назад +6

      @@coupIes_ 어휘력이 딸리나..?

    • @ax_xing
      @ax_xing Год назад +22

      @@coupIes_ 욕해도 된다는건 폭력을 써도 괜찮다는 소리임 물리적으로 때리는 것만 폭력인가? 욕할거면 립싱크 시킨 소속사를 탓하던가 왜 멀쩡히 활동하고 있는 아이돌한테 뭐라는거야 사고가 거기까지밖에 못미치나? ㅋㅋ

  • @Blackleopardavrilkim
    @Blackleopardavrilkim Год назад +16

    중국인들이 음력설이 중국 기원이라고 Chinese new year 로 쓴다면, 그들은 중국 코로나, 우한코로나라는 단어도 기쁘게 받아들여야한다.

    • @jamongkoreanguy
      @jamongkoreanguy Год назад +1

      차이니스 바이러스
      이거 영어로 쓸려고 했는데 타인에게 불쾌감을 준다고 경고 뜨네 ㅋㅋ

    • @user-tl1sp8sm1r
      @user-tl1sp8sm1r Год назад

      South Korea is the cultural thief, Korea displayed the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations(青龍청룡,白虎백호,朱雀주작,玄武현무)at the opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in korea, and Korea also displayed China's taiji, bagua, wuxing, these are all Chinese culture, you Koreans have nothing to do with we chinese, korea, don't be a thief.
      我國衣服、紗帽、梁冠, 旣用華制, 則耳掩亦用夏, 一變爲當。 From korea's offical history book《朝鮮王朝實錄》(조선왕조실록)(Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty)translation: Our country's clothes, hats, crowns are the Chinese standard,so it's appropriate for nambawi to follow the Chinese standard as well. this means hanbok was also stolen from china by korea's offical history book
      During the Three Kingdoms period on the Korean peninsula, one of the three kingdoms Goguryeo was founded by a Chinese minority in ancient times , Now China has a large area of the three kingdoms and There are many korean aborigines living on it for thousands of years just like the indians of the USA.For example, the korean aborigines who have lived in Changbai Mountain of china for thousands of years, and even Kim Jong Un said that his family originated in Changbai Mountain, Hanbok is also their traditional costume,Therefore, China is also the birthplace of hanbok. Of course China can claim that hanbok is also Chinese , does maya culture only belong to Mexico or America? when it comes to Chinese New Year, Koreans say they also celebrate the Chinese New Year, so it can’t be called Chinese New Year. It should be called Lunar New Year. So koreans forced Google to change Chinese New Year to Lunar New Year and prevented google from calling it chinese new year, even though Lunar calendar and Chinese New Year were both invented by Chinese and Korea is not the birthplace of Lunar New Year. Guess what koreans did next? the BTS of korea claimed happy korean new year on their new poster , by you koreans' logic , apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too, this is korea, shame on you ,When it comes to kimchi, Koreans say that kimchi is only Korean food. even though China is also the birthplace of kimchi and lots of korean aborigines in china eat kimchi too. When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine and korea is not the birthplace of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ?japanese added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine?the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you
      Lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. this is chinese culture and we don't want to share it with you koreans, You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year and bully those chinese people and western people who said happy chinese new year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum not long time ago, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you...,

  • @YeongWoo
    @YeongWoo Год назад +13

    중국이 요동친다 = 바르고 옳은 일을 했다

  • @TWS_SamChon_Fan
    @TWS_SamChon_Fan Год назад +8

    여러분 모두~ HAPPY SEOLLAL

    • @user-tl1sp8sm1r
      @user-tl1sp8sm1r Год назад

      South Korea is the cultural thief, Korea displayed the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations(青龍청룡,白虎백호,朱雀주작,玄武현무)at the opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in korea, and Korea also displayed China's taiji, bagua, wuxing, these are all Chinese culture, you Koreans have nothing to do with we chinese, korea, don't be a thief.
      我國衣服、紗帽、梁冠, 旣用華制, 則耳掩亦用夏, 一變爲當。 From korea's offical history book《朝鮮王朝實錄》(조선왕조실록)(Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty)translation: Our country's clothes, hats, crowns are the Chinese standard,so it's appropriate for nambawi to follow the Chinese standard as well. this means hanbok was also stolen from china by korea's offical history book
      During the Three Kingdoms period on the Korean peninsula, one of the three kingdoms Goguryeo was founded by a Chinese minority in ancient times , Now China has a large area of the three kingdoms and There are many korean aborigines living on it for thousands of years just like the indians of the USA.For example, the korean aborigines who have lived in Changbai Mountain of china for thousands of years, and even Kim Jong Un said that his family originated in Changbai Mountain, Hanbok is also their traditional costume,Therefore, China is also the birthplace of hanbok. Of course China can claim that hanbok is also Chinese , does maya culture only belong to Mexico or America? when it comes to Chinese New Year, Koreans say they also celebrate the Chinese New Year, so it can’t be called Chinese New Year. It should be called Lunar New Year. So koreans forced Google to change Chinese New Year to Lunar New Year and prevented google from calling it chinese new year, even though Lunar calendar and Chinese New Year were both invented by Chinese and Korea is not the birthplace of Lunar New Year. Guess what koreans did next? the BTS of korea claimed happy korean new year on their new poster , by you koreans' logic , apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too, this is korea, shame on you ,When it comes to kimchi, Koreans say that kimchi is only Korean food. even though China is also the birthplace of kimchi and lots of korean aborigines in china eat kimchi too. When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine and korea is not the birthplace of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ?japanese added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine?the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you
      Lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. this is chinese culture and we don't want to share it with you koreans, You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year and bully those chinese people and western people who said happy chinese new year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum not long time ago, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you..

  • @user-cx1de2um1t
    @user-cx1de2um1t Год назад +70

    이 이슈 다뤄주셔서 너무 감사해요 ㅠㅠㅠ 원영이 인스타에서 쭝궈들한테 테러당한거 보고 누가 이슈화시켜주셨으면 좋겠다 했는데 이렇게 영향력있는 케이팝 유튜브에서 다뤄주셔서 다행이에요 ㅠ 진짜 중국인들 저런행태는 없어져야한다고 생각해용

    • @user-ip3cn8id3g
      @user-ip3cn8id3g Год назад

      니 인생이나 신경 끄시기를

    • @naughty_135
      @naughty_135 Год назад +3

      @@user-ip3cn8id3g 쭝궈에요?ㅋㅋㅋ

    • @beanie___
      @beanie___ Год назад

      @@user-ip3cn8id3g 공감하는것도 안돼냐;;

    • @user-sp7gn5hc6w
      @user-sp7gn5hc6w Год назад

      시진핑이 있는한 없어질 수 없음

    • @hyesom_
      @hyesom_ 7 месяцев назад

      ​@@user-ip3cn8id3g너 중꿔?

  • @toomuch_pay
    @toomuch_pay Год назад +30

    다니엘 사과도 했고 무의식적으로 나온걸수도 있는데 표기를 그렇게한건 잘못했지만 앞으로 더 조심해서 쓰겠다고 하니까 제발 선만 넘지 말자... 미성년자를 죽이려는것도 아니고 선넘는 악플들 너무 많음

    • @user-ux5kl5oz4w
      @user-ux5kl5oz4w Год назад +1

      걔들은 미성년자 죽일려는게
      실수니 잘못이니 그런건
      일종의 트리거고
      걔들 학폭 가해자처럼
      꼬투리 하나 잡으면
      그걸로 지독하게 괴롭히는게
      인생의 낙인 것들임

    • @user-si6sw4jm5e
      @user-si6sw4jm5e Год назад

      South Korea is a cultural thief. The lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you..

    • @user-tl1sp8sm1r
      @user-tl1sp8sm1r Год назад

      South Korea is the cultural thief, Korea displayed the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations(青龍청룡,白虎백호,朱雀주작,玄武현무)at the opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in korea, and Korea also displayed China's taiji, bagua, wuxing, these are all Chinese culture, you Koreans have nothing to do with we chinese, korea, don't be a thief.
      我國衣服、紗帽、梁冠, 旣用華制, 則耳掩亦用夏, 一變爲當。 From korea's offical history book《朝鮮王朝實錄》(조선왕조실록)(Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty)translation: Our country's clothes, hats, crowns are the Chinese standard,so it's appropriate for nambawi to follow the Chinese standard as well. this means hanbok was also stolen from china by korea's offical history book
      During the Three Kingdoms period on the Korean peninsula, one of the three kingdoms Goguryeo was founded by a Chinese minority in ancient times , Now China has a large area of the three kingdoms and There are many korean aborigines living on it for thousands of years just like the indians of the USA.For example, the korean aborigines who have lived in Changbai Mountain of china for thousands of years, and even Kim Jong Un said that his family originated in Changbai Mountain, Hanbok is also their traditional costume,Therefore, China is also the birthplace of hanbok. Of course China can claim that hanbok is also Chinese , does maya culture only belong to Mexico or America? when it comes to Chinese New Year, Koreans say they also celebrate the Chinese New Year, so it can’t be called Chinese New Year. It should be called Lunar New Year. So koreans forced Google to change Chinese New Year to Lunar New Year and prevented google from calling it chinese new year, even though Lunar calendar and Chinese New Year were both invented by Chinese and Korea is not the birthplace of Lunar New Year. Guess what koreans did next? the BTS of korea claimed happy korean new year on their new poster , by you koreans' logic , apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too, this is korea, shame on you ,When it comes to kimchi, Koreans say that kimchi is only Korean food. even though China is also the birthplace of kimchi and lots of korean aborigines in china eat kimchi too. When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine and korea is not the birthplace of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ?japanese added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine?the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you
      Lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. this is chinese culture and we don't want to share it with you koreans, You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year and bully those chinese people and western people who said happy chinese new year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum not long time ago, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you...,

    • @toomuch_pay
      @toomuch_pay Год назад

      @@user-tl1sp8sm1r 뭐라는거지

    • @user-xz2ui9ey5m
      @user-xz2ui9ey5m 9 месяцев назад

      ​@@user-tl1sp8sm1r느그중국 안사요

  • @user-th5px6dj2i
    @user-th5px6dj2i Год назад +113

    원영이 진짜 눈물나는게 우리나라 억까러들한테 중국인이라고 겁나 욕먹고 중국인들한테는 우리나라 문화알리려고 하다가 또 욕먹음..

    • @user-by6sc2yf5w
      @user-by6sc2yf5w Год назад +10

      딱하기도하다ㅠㅠ뭐 그래 중국인이라도해도 장원영은 한국에서 살고 한국어로 얘기하고 한국에서 일하고 한국 문화를 알리려하고 한국사람으로 살아가고 있으면 그걸로된거 아닐까

    • @user-si6sw4jm5e
      @user-si6sw4jm5e Год назад

      South Korea is a cultural thief. The lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you.

    • @user-tl1sp8sm1r
      @user-tl1sp8sm1r Год назад

      South Korea is the cultural thief, Korea displayed the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations(青龍청룡,白虎백호,朱雀주작,玄武현무)at the opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in korea, and Korea also displayed China's taiji, bagua, wuxing, these are all Chinese culture, you Koreans have nothing to do with we chinese, korea, don't be a thief.
      我國衣服、紗帽、梁冠, 旣用華制, 則耳掩亦用夏, 一變爲當。 From korea's offical history book《朝鮮王朝實錄》(조선왕조실록)(Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty)translation: Our country's clothes, hats, crowns are the Chinese standard,so it's appropriate for nambawi to follow the Chinese standard as well. this means hanbok was also stolen from china by korea's offical history book
      During the Three Kingdoms period on the Korean peninsula, one of the three kingdoms Goguryeo was founded by a Chinese minority in ancient times , Now China has a large area of the three kingdoms and There are many korean aborigines living on it for thousands of years just like the indians of the USA.For example, the korean aborigines who have lived in Changbai Mountain of china for thousands of years, and even Kim Jong Un said that his family originated in Changbai Mountain, Hanbok is also their traditional costume,Therefore, China is also the birthplace of hanbok. Of course China can claim that hanbok is also Chinese , does maya culture only belong to Mexico or America? when it comes to Chinese New Year, Koreans say they also celebrate the Chinese New Year, so it can’t be called Chinese New Year. It should be called Lunar New Year. So koreans forced Google to change Chinese New Year to Lunar New Year and prevented google from calling it chinese new year, even though Lunar calendar and Chinese New Year were both invented by Chinese and Korea is not the birthplace of Lunar New Year. Guess what koreans did next? the BTS of korea claimed happy korean new year on their new poster , by you koreans' logic , apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too, this is korea, shame on you ,When it comes to kimchi, Koreans say that kimchi is only Korean food. even though China is also the birthplace of kimchi and lots of korean aborigines in china eat kimchi too. When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine and korea is not the birthplace of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ?japanese added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine?the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you
      Lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. this is chinese culture and we don't want to share it with you koreans, You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year and bully those chinese people and western people who said happy chinese new year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum not long time ago, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you..

    • @naughty_135
      @naughty_135 Год назад +5

      @@user-tl1sp8sm1r 멍멍소리 길게도 써놓으셨네

    • @user-vk5ms6vx1y
      @user-vk5ms6vx1y Год назад

      @@user-tl1sp8sm1r motherless

    @QUESTIONSQQQ Год назад +7

    인터넷이 미국에서 나왔다고 중국은 쓰지마라라고 하지 않고 자동차가 유럽에서 만들었다고 중국인은 쓰지마라 하지 않는다. 힙합이 미국문화라고 중국은 쓰지마라 라고 않듯이 보편적 문화를 자기거라고 우기는 중국이 얼마나 내세울게 없으면 저러나 쉽네요. 소국이라기엔 땅이 크고 대국이라기엔 마음이 좁으니 중국이라 한다는 말이 얼마나 찰떡 같은 비유인지 다시 느끼게 되네요.

  • @너우누리
    @너우누리 Год назад +15

    1968년 베트남전 중 음력설 기간에 베트남이 일제히 미군을 공격을 해 온 일이 있습니다. 우리나라에서는 흔히 '구정 공세'라고 부르는데 영어로는 Tet Offensive 라고 합니다. Tet 뗏은 베트남에서 음력설을 가르키는 말(뗏 응웬 단)입니다. 전쟁이라는 비극적 상황에 쓰이기는 했으나 음력설은 세는 나라마다 그 고유한 명칭이 있다는 훌륭한 예시이지요. 서경덕 교수의 지적대로 중국도 춘절 Chunjie, Spring Festival 이라고 고유한 명칭을 쓰고 있기도 하고요.
    한국도 헷갈릴 필요없이 고유한 명칭인 설날 Seollal 표기를 이용하면 좋을 것 같습니다.

    • @user-tl1sp8sm1r
      @user-tl1sp8sm1r Год назад

      South Korea is the cultural thief, Korea displayed the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations(青龍청룡,白虎백호,朱雀주작,玄武현무)at the opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in korea, and Korea also displayed China's taiji, bagua, wuxing, these are all Chinese culture, you Koreans have nothing to do with we chinese, korea, don't be a thief.
      我國衣服、紗帽、梁冠, 旣用華制, 則耳掩亦用夏, 一變爲當。 From korea's offical history book《朝鮮王朝實錄》(조선왕조실록)(Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty)translation: Our country's clothes, hats, crowns are the Chinese standard,so it's appropriate for nambawi to follow the Chinese standard as well. this means hanbok was also stolen from china by korea's offical history book
      During the Three Kingdoms period on the Korean peninsula, one of the three kingdoms Goguryeo was founded by a Chinese minority in ancient times , Now China has a large area of the three kingdoms and There are many korean aborigines living on it for thousands of years just like the indians of the USA.For example, the korean aborigines who have lived in Changbai Mountain of china for thousands of years, and even Kim Jong Un said that his family originated in Changbai Mountain, Hanbok is also their traditional costume,Therefore, China is also the birthplace of hanbok. Of course China can claim that hanbok is also Chinese , does maya culture only belong to Mexico or America? when it comes to Chinese New Year, Koreans say they also celebrate the Chinese New Year, so it can’t be called Chinese New Year. It should be called Lunar New Year. So koreans forced Google to change Chinese New Year to Lunar New Year and prevented google from calling it chinese new year, even though Lunar calendar and Chinese New Year were both invented by Chinese and Korea is not the birthplace of Lunar New Year. Guess what koreans did next? the BTS of korea claimed happy korean new year on their new poster , by you koreans' logic , apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too, this is korea, shame on you ,When it comes to kimchi, Koreans say that kimchi is only Korean food. even though China is also the birthplace of kimchi and lots of korean aborigines in china eat kimchi too. When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine and korea is not the birthplace of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ?japanese added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine?the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you
      Lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. this is chinese culture and we don't want to share it with you koreans, You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year and bully those chinese people and western people who said happy chinese new year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum not long time ago, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you...,

  • @tmrrjf
    @tmrrjf Год назад +8


  • @user-eq3ye8lu8v
    @user-eq3ye8lu8v Год назад +91

    아니 아이돌들 아무 잘못도 안 했는데 욕 먹는 게 너무 안타깝다.......

    • @user-si6sw4jm5e
      @user-si6sw4jm5e Год назад

      South Korea is a cultural thief. The lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you

    • @user-tl1sp8sm1r
      @user-tl1sp8sm1r Год назад

      South Korea is the cultural thief, Korea displayed the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations(青龍청룡,白虎백호,朱雀주작,玄武현무)at the opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in korea, and Korea also displayed China's taiji, bagua, wuxing, these are all Chinese culture, you Koreans have nothing to do with we chinese, korea, don't be a thief.
      我國衣服、紗帽、梁冠, 旣用華制, 則耳掩亦用夏, 一變爲當。 From korea's offical history book《朝鮮王朝實錄》(조선왕조실록)(Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty)translation: Our country's clothes, hats, crowns are the Chinese standard,so it's appropriate for nambawi to follow the Chinese standard as well. this means hanbok was also stolen from china by korea's offical history book
      During the Three Kingdoms period on the Korean peninsula, one of the three kingdoms Goguryeo was founded by a Chinese minority in ancient times , Now China has a large area of the three kingdoms and There are many korean aborigines living on it for thousands of years just like the indians of the USA.For example, the korean aborigines who have lived in Changbai Mountain of china for thousands of years, and even Kim Jong Un said that his family originated in Changbai Mountain, Hanbok is also their traditional costume,Therefore, China is also the birthplace of hanbok. Of course China can claim that hanbok is also Chinese , does maya culture only belong to Mexico or America? when it comes to Chinese New Year, Koreans say they also celebrate the Chinese New Year, so it can’t be called Chinese New Year. It should be called Lunar New Year. So koreans forced Google to change Chinese New Year to Lunar New Year and prevented google from calling it chinese new year, even though Lunar calendar and Chinese New Year were both invented by Chinese and Korea is not the birthplace of Lunar New Year. Guess what koreans did next? the BTS of korea claimed happy korean new year on their new poster , by you koreans' logic , apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too, this is korea, shame on you ,When it comes to kimchi, Koreans say that kimchi is only Korean food. even though China is also the birthplace of kimchi and lots of korean aborigines in china eat kimchi too. When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine and korea is not the birthplace of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ?japanese added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine?the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you
      Lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. this is chinese culture and we don't want to share it with you koreans, You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year and bully those chinese people and western people who said happy chinese new year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum not long time ago, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you..

    • @민주당페미극혐
      @민주당페미극혐 Год назад

      @@user-tl1sp8sm1r 还记得4月5日的天安门事件吗?我们积极支持港独、维独、藏独,台湾第一。

  • @kitkitlotino4509
    @kitkitlotino4509 Год назад +53

    와우 원영이랑 뉴진 다 예쁘다

    • @user-si6sw4jm5e
      @user-si6sw4jm5e Год назад

      South Korea is a cultural thief. The lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you.

    • @user-tl1sp8sm1r
      @user-tl1sp8sm1r Год назад

      South Korea is the cultural thief, Korea displayed the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations(青龍청룡,白虎백호,朱雀주작,玄武현무)at the opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in korea, and Korea also displayed China's taiji, bagua, wuxing, these are all Chinese culture, you Koreans have nothing to do with we chinese, korea, don't be a thief.
      我國衣服、紗帽、梁冠, 旣用華制, 則耳掩亦用夏, 一變爲當。 From korea's offical history book《朝鮮王朝實錄》(조선왕조실록)(Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty)translation: Our country's clothes, hats, crowns are the Chinese standard,so it's appropriate for nambawi to follow the Chinese standard as well. this means hanbok was also stolen from china by korea's offical history book
      During the Three Kingdoms period on the Korean peninsula, one of the three kingdoms Goguryeo was founded by a Chinese minority in ancient times , Now China has a large area of the three kingdoms and There are many korean aborigines living on it for thousands of years just like the indians of the USA.For example, the korean aborigines who have lived in Changbai Mountain of china for thousands of years, and even Kim Jong Un said that his family originated in Changbai Mountain, Hanbok is also their traditional costume,Therefore, China is also the birthplace of hanbok. Of course China can claim that hanbok is also Chinese , does maya culture only belong to Mexico or America? when it comes to Chinese New Year, Koreans say they also celebrate the Chinese New Year, so it can’t be called Chinese New Year. It should be called Lunar New Year. So koreans forced Google to change Chinese New Year to Lunar New Year and prevented google from calling it chinese new year, even though Lunar calendar and Chinese New Year were both invented by Chinese and Korea is not the birthplace of Lunar New Year. Guess what koreans did next? the BTS of korea claimed happy korean new year on their new poster , by you koreans' logic , apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too, this is korea, shame on you ,When it comes to kimchi, Koreans say that kimchi is only Korean food. even though China is also the birthplace of kimchi and lots of korean aborigines in china eat kimchi too. When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine and korea is not the birthplace of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ?japanese added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine?the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you
      Lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. this is chinese culture and we don't want to share it with you koreans, You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year and bully those chinese people and western people who said happy chinese new year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum not long time ago, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you..

  • @user-kk2jr1lt9h
    @user-kk2jr1lt9h Год назад +11

    걍 장원영 화교라고 욕하는 애들 말 들어보면 앞뒤 하나도 안 맞음 그냥 혐오에 찌들어서 사람 하나 죽일듯 욕할줄 밖에 모르는 사람같아서 개소름돋음... 현실에서 마주치고싶지도 않은 스타일ㅋ... 죄다 탈수 같은 애들 영상보고 까는거면서 그게 맞다고 생각하고 우기는게 너무 같잖고 역겨움

  • @user-ww3gg6gy8k
    @user-ww3gg6gy8k Год назад +8

    장원영 저렇게 한국 알리려고 하고 사랑해주는데 열등감에 눈 먼 새끼들이 중국인이라고 욕하는거 너무 속상함 진짜.. 잘못될까봐 겁남

    • @hyesom_
      @hyesom_ 7 месяцев назад

      진짜 무서움 저정도면 정말... 아찔함

  • @jungnyunkim5933
    @jungnyunkim5933 Год назад +15

    중국인들은 진짜 단체로 제정신 아닌가봐

    • @user-tl1sp8sm1r
      @user-tl1sp8sm1r Год назад

      South Korea is the cultural thief, Korea displayed the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations(青龍청룡,白虎백호,朱雀주작,玄武현무)at the opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in korea, and Korea also displayed China's taiji, bagua, wuxing, these are all Chinese culture, you Koreans have nothing to do with we chinese, korea, don't be a thief.
      我國衣服、紗帽、梁冠, 旣用華制, 則耳掩亦用夏, 一變爲當。 From korea's offical history book《朝鮮王朝實錄》(조선왕조실록)(Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty)translation: Our country's clothes, hats, crowns are the Chinese standard,so it's appropriate for nambawi to follow the Chinese standard as well. this means hanbok was also stolen from china by korea's offical history book
      During the Three Kingdoms period on the Korean peninsula, one of the three kingdoms Goguryeo was founded by a Chinese minority in ancient times , Now China has a large area of the three kingdoms and There are many korean aborigines living on it for thousands of years just like the indians of the USA.For example, the korean aborigines who have lived in Changbai Mountain of china for thousands of years, and even Kim Jong Un said that his family originated in Changbai Mountain, Hanbok is also their traditional costume,Therefore, China is also the birthplace of hanbok. Of course China can claim that hanbok is also Chinese , does maya culture only belong to Mexico or America? when it comes to Chinese New Year, Koreans say they also celebrate the Chinese New Year, so it can’t be called Chinese New Year. It should be called Lunar New Year. So koreans forced Google to change Chinese New Year to Lunar New Year and prevented google from calling it chinese new year, even though Lunar calendar and Chinese New Year were both invented by Chinese and Korea is not the birthplace of Lunar New Year. Guess what koreans did next? the BTS of korea claimed happy korean new year on their new poster , by you koreans' logic , apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too, this is korea, shame on you ,When it comes to kimchi, Koreans say that kimchi is only Korean food. even though China is also the birthplace of kimchi and lots of korean aborigines in china eat kimchi too. When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine and korea is not the birthplace of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ?japanese added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine?the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you
      Lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. this is chinese culture and we don't want to share it with you koreans, You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year and bully those chinese people and western people who said happy chinese new year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum not long time ago, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you...,

    • @user-tl1sp8sm1r
      @user-tl1sp8sm1r Год назад

      South Korea is the cultural thief, Korea displayed the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations(青龍청룡,白虎백호,朱雀주작,玄武현무)at the opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in korea, and Korea also displayed China's taiji, bagua, wuxing, these are all Chinese culture, you Koreans have nothing to do with we chinese, korea, don't be a thief.
      我國衣服、紗帽、梁冠, 旣用華制, 則耳掩亦用夏, 一變爲當。 From korea's offical history book《朝鮮王朝實錄》(조선왕조실록)(Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty)translation: Our country's clothes, hats, crowns are the Chinese standard,so it's appropriate for nambawi to follow the Chinese standard as well. this means hanbok was also stolen from china by korea's offical history book
      During the Three Kingdoms period on the Korean peninsula, one of the three kingdoms Goguryeo was founded by a Chinese minority in ancient times , Now China has a large area of the three kingdoms and There are many korean aborigines living on it for thousands of years just like the indians of the USA.For example, the korean aborigines who have lived in Changbai Mountain of china for thousands of years, and even Kim Jong Un said that his family originated in Changbai Mountain, Hanbok is also their traditional costume,Therefore, China is also the birthplace of hanbok. Of course China can claim that hanbok is also Chinese , does maya culture only belong to Mexico or America? when it comes to Chinese New Year, Koreans say they also celebrate the Chinese New Year, so it can’t be called Chinese New Year. It should be called Lunar New Year. So koreans forced Google to change Chinese New Year to Lunar New Year and prevented google from calling it chinese new year, even though Lunar calendar and Chinese New Year were both invented by Chinese and Korea is not the birthplace of Lunar New Year. Guess what koreans did next? the BTS of korea claimed happy korean new year on their new poster , by you koreans' logic , apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too, this is korea, shame on you ,When it comes to kimchi, Koreans say that kimchi is only Korean food. even though China is also the birthplace of kimchi and lots of korean aborigines in china eat kimchi too. When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine and korea is not the birthplace of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ?japanese added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine?the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you
      Lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. this is chinese culture and we don't want to share it with you koreans, You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year and bully those chinese people and western people who said happy chinese new year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum not long time ago, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you...,

  • @hde9671
    @hde9671 Год назад +62

    The way they're expecting Korean artists to say 'Chinese New Year' is insane😅I even saw a comment saying 'how about your career in China?' to Seohyun...

    • @tommyhwang3353
      @tommyhwang3353 Год назад +2

      I think since seohyun leave sme, so I doubt seohyun care about china

  • @Park_Jin_sol
    @Park_Jin_sol Год назад +16

    이쯤되면 그냥 K-POP으로 한국문화 널리 퍼뜨려서 중국이 찍소리 못 하게 만들면 좋겠음...
    "리그 오브 레전드" 게임은 중국으로 본사 넘어가더니 K-POP을 보고 만든 K/DA 가상 걸그룹에 세라핀이라는 중국인 캐릭터 넣어놓고 노래에 중국어 넣는거보고 이게 C-pal이지 K-POP이냐 싶었음...
    어느 나라던 상식 꼬인사람들은 있다만 중국은 인구수랑 물량이랑 돈으로 밀어붙여서 진짜 답 없음...
    심지어 알기로는 중국은 SNS 웨이보랑 틱톡 빼고 안되는거로 아는데 유튜브, 인스타, 트위터등등 중국 황금방패라는 놈들은 이런놈들 안잡고 뭐하나 싶음...

    • @user-tl1sp8sm1r
      @user-tl1sp8sm1r Год назад

      South Korea is the cultural thief, Korea displayed the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations(青龍청룡,白虎백호,朱雀주작,玄武현무)at the opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in korea, and Korea also displayed China's taiji, bagua, wuxing, these are all Chinese culture, you Koreans have nothing to do with we chinese, korea, don't be a thief.
      我國衣服、紗帽、梁冠, 旣用華制, 則耳掩亦用夏, 一變爲當。 From korea's offical history book《朝鮮王朝實錄》(조선왕조실록)(Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty)translation: Our country's clothes, hats, crowns are the Chinese standard,so it's appropriate for nambawi to follow the Chinese standard as well. this means hanbok was also stolen from china by korea's offical history book
      During the Three Kingdoms period on the Korean peninsula, one of the three kingdoms Goguryeo was founded by a Chinese minority in ancient times , Now China has a large area of the three kingdoms and There are many korean aborigines living on it for thousands of years just like the indians of the USA.For example, the korean aborigines who have lived in Changbai Mountain of china for thousands of years, and even Kim Jong Un said that his family originated in Changbai Mountain, Hanbok is also their traditional costume,Therefore, China is also the birthplace of hanbok. Of course China can claim that hanbok is also Chinese , does maya culture only belong to Mexico or America? when it comes to Chinese New Year, Koreans say they also celebrate the Chinese New Year, so it can’t be called Chinese New Year. It should be called Lunar New Year. So koreans forced Google to change Chinese New Year to Lunar New Year and prevented google from calling it chinese new year, even though Lunar calendar and Chinese New Year were both invented by Chinese and Korea is not the birthplace of Lunar New Year. Guess what koreans did next? the BTS of korea claimed happy korean new year on their new poster , by you koreans' logic , apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too, this is korea, shame on you ,When it comes to kimchi, Koreans say that kimchi is only Korean food. even though China is also the birthplace of kimchi and lots of korean aborigines in china eat kimchi too. When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine and korea is not the birthplace of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ?japanese added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine?the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you
      Lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. this is chinese culture and we don't want to share it with you koreans, You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year and bully those chinese people and western people who said happy chinese new year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum not long time ago, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you...,

    • @Park_Jin_sol
      @Park_Jin_sol Год назад

      @@user-tl1sp8sm1r Xi jinpooh, Xinnie the Pooh, 习大犬, XITLER

  • @dkandmlaldjqtdma12
    @dkandmlaldjqtdma12 Год назад +173

    장원영은 한국인들 한테는 중국인이라 욕먹고 중국인들한테는 한국 문화를 가지고 욕먹네... 힘내세요

    • @nosang2002
      @nosang2002 Год назад +4

      ? 불편한 그분들말고 장원영 욕하는 사람이 있나요. 그분들과 같은 선상에 발언 매우 불쾌하네요

    • @Kajakina3
      @Kajakina3 Год назад +31

      @@nosang2002뭔 소리여 유튜브 렉카새끼들 영상 댓글만 봐도 욕하는 사람 천지인데 걔네가 다 어디 커뮤에서 왔는지 네가 어케 아노

    • @bluetec1
      @bluetec1 Год назад +10

      @@Kajakina3 렉카 보는 새끼들은 거기서 거기 아님? ㅋㅋ

    • @user-iy5eu2ko3y
      @user-iy5eu2ko3y Год назад +5

      @@bluetec1 내가정의하는
      인간말종 렉카들
      = 탈덕수용소,이슈피드,까무위키,연예괴담
      이들의 특징은 자극적인 썸네일을

    • @infanta1112
      @infanta1112 Год назад +5

      중국인이 가지고 싶은 손흥민 장원영

  • @yesmynameismusic
    @yesmynameismusic Год назад +58

    원영이..진짜 저렇게 한국 사랑하는 애가 왜들 중국인이라고들 하는지..개념없는 악플러들 없어졌으면 좋겠네요ㅜ😢

    • @sexy_u
      @sexy_u Год назад +2


    • @tommyhwang3353
      @tommyhwang3353 Год назад +18

      Whoever knetizen call wonyoung as Chinese ,all of them must check their DNA.... Maybe they have Chinese DNA without they realized it too

    • @user-tv4yr1zi4j
      @user-tv4yr1zi4j Год назад

      @@tommyhwang3353 맞는 말 이네요

    • @user-xn9vw9yw2m
      @user-xn9vw9yw2m Год назад

      @@tommyhwang3353 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 다 맞는말

    • @user-si6sw4jm5e
      @user-si6sw4jm5e Год назад

      South Korea is a cultural thief. The lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you..

  • @du-uw
    @du-uw Год назад +42

    원영이는... 한국에서 중국인이라 까이고 (말도 안되는 루머)
    중국에서는 설날이라 했다고 까이네..
    제발 원영이 보호좀 해주세요....
    진짜 원영이 욕먹는거보면 마음아파 죽겠음 ㅠㅠㅠ

    • @user-si6sw4jm5e
      @user-si6sw4jm5e Год назад

      South Korea is a cultural thief. The lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you..

    • @rhjb1234
      @rhjb1234 Год назад

      그딴거 개무시하고 본업에 충실한 워녕이가 더 존경스럽습니다. 저같으면 부들부들하겠지만 다 개무시하고 본업에 충실하면서 무난히 활동하는게 대단한게 아닐수 없네요.

  • @user-gd4mx4bw7g
    @user-gd4mx4bw7g Год назад +11

    부모님이 화교인데, 한국 알리기에 제일 진심인 아이돌.
    이런 워뇽에게 한때 짱깨라고 비난하던 정신병자들이 있었다는 게 좀 놀라울 뿐.

  • @user-fq4ml6rz8v
    @user-fq4ml6rz8v Год назад +7

    다니엘..기획사 선배 BTS 보면서 잘하자아아 . 응원할게 !!!!

    • @user-tl1sp8sm1r
      @user-tl1sp8sm1r Год назад

      South Korea is the cultural thief, Korea displayed the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations(青龍청룡,白虎백호,朱雀주작,玄武현무)at the opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in korea, and Korea also displayed China's taiji, bagua, wuxing, these are all Chinese culture, you Koreans have nothing to do with we chinese, korea, don't be a thief.
      我國衣服、紗帽、梁冠, 旣用華制, 則耳掩亦用夏, 一變爲當。 From korea's offical history book《朝鮮王朝實錄》(조선왕조실록)(Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty)translation: Our country's clothes, hats, crowns are the Chinese standard,so it's appropriate for nambawi to follow the Chinese standard as well. this means hanbok was also stolen from china by korea's offical history book
      During the Three Kingdoms period on the Korean peninsula, one of the three kingdoms Goguryeo was founded by a Chinese minority in ancient times , Now China has a large area of the three kingdoms and There are many korean aborigines living on it for thousands of years just like the indians of the USA.For example, the korean aborigines who have lived in Changbai Mountain of china for thousands of years, and even Kim Jong Un said that his family originated in Changbai Mountain, Hanbok is also their traditional costume,Therefore, China is also the birthplace of hanbok. Of course China can claim that hanbok is also Chinese , does maya culture only belong to Mexico or America? when it comes to Chinese New Year, Koreans say they also celebrate the Chinese New Year, so it can’t be called Chinese New Year. It should be called Lunar New Year. So koreans forced Google to change Chinese New Year to Lunar New Year and prevented google from calling it chinese new year, even though Lunar calendar and Chinese New Year were both invented by Chinese and Korea is not the birthplace of Lunar New Year. Guess what koreans did next? the BTS of korea claimed happy korean new year on their new poster , by you koreans' logic , apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too, this is korea, shame on you ,When it comes to kimchi, Koreans say that kimchi is only Korean food. even though China is also the birthplace of kimchi and lots of korean aborigines in china eat kimchi too. When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine and korea is not the birthplace of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ?japanese added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine?the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you
      Lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. this is chinese culture and we don't want to share it with you koreans, You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year and bully those chinese people and western people who said happy chinese new year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum not long time ago, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you...

  • @JobDucku
    @JobDucku Год назад +4

    원영이 올바르게 잘 컸네 그러고 보니
    벌써 스무살 성인이라니 시간은 상대적
    으로 흘러가는게 맞는거 같다 ㅋ

  • @mrq1245
    @mrq1245 Год назад +10

    다니엘 괜찮아. 힘내! 😄
    사람은 누구나 실수 할 수 있다.
    실수하고 배워나가며 성장하는 것이
    사람이다. 👏
    솔직히 모든 게 완벽할 순 없잖아

    • @user-si6sw4jm5e
      @user-si6sw4jm5e Год назад

      South Korea is a cultural thief. The lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you..

    • @user-tl1sp8sm1r
      @user-tl1sp8sm1r Год назад

      South Korea is the cultural thief, Korea displayed the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations(青龍청룡,白虎백호,朱雀주작,玄武현무)at the opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in korea, and Korea also displayed China's taiji, bagua, wuxing, these are all Chinese culture, you Koreans have nothing to do with we chinese, korea, don't be a thief.
      我國衣服、紗帽、梁冠, 旣用華制, 則耳掩亦用夏, 一變爲當。 From korea's offical history book《朝鮮王朝實錄》(조선왕조실록)(Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty)translation: Our country's clothes, hats, crowns are the Chinese standard,so it's appropriate for nambawi to follow the Chinese standard as well. this means hanbok was also stolen from china by korea's offical history book
      During the Three Kingdoms period on the Korean peninsula, one of the three kingdoms Goguryeo was founded by a Chinese minority in ancient times , Now China has a large area of the three kingdoms and There are many korean aborigines living on it for thousands of years just like the indians of the USA.For example, the korean aborigines who have lived in Changbai Mountain of china for thousands of years, and even Kim Jong Un said that his family originated in Changbai Mountain, Hanbok is also their traditional costume,Therefore, China is also the birthplace of hanbok. Of course China can claim that hanbok is also Chinese , does maya culture only belong to Mexico or America? when it comes to Chinese New Year, Koreans say they also celebrate the Chinese New Year, so it can’t be called Chinese New Year. It should be called Lunar New Year. So koreans forced Google to change Chinese New Year to Lunar New Year and prevented google from calling it chinese new year, even though Lunar calendar and Chinese New Year were both invented by Chinese and Korea is not the birthplace of Lunar New Year. Guess what koreans did next? the BTS of korea claimed happy korean new year on their new poster , by you koreans' logic , apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too, this is korea, shame on you ,When it comes to kimchi, Koreans say that kimchi is only Korean food. even though China is also the birthplace of kimchi and lots of korean aborigines in china eat kimchi too. When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine and korea is not the birthplace of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ?japanese added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine?the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you
      Lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. this is chinese culture and we don't want to share it with you koreans, You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year and bully those chinese people and western people who said happy chinese new year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum not long time ago, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you...,

  • @user-fr4cl4cs1f
    @user-fr4cl4cs1f Год назад +193

    Well, if a country adopts a culture and then molds it into a unique culture of their own, that is not called a false use of culture and robbery. Koreans did not say that they invented the lunar calender. But they have our own unique lunar new year holiday called 'seollnall 설날' which is clearly different from the Chinese new year. But what chinese people are trying to do, is that they are saying all lunar year holidays are false and robbed just because they invented the lunar calender. The lunar calendar did originate from China, but what came from the calendar are not properties of China, It's like the British saying the american culture is theirs just because America originated from them.

    • @glpi8948
      @glpi8948 Год назад +63

      Thanks for the comment. But I’m afraid there’s one misinformation. Lunar calendar had been invented in the ancient Sumerian civilization way before China started to use it.

    • @user-fr4cl4cs1f
      @user-fr4cl4cs1f Год назад +14

      @@glpi8948sry didn't knew that, should have said that Korea learned the lunar calendar from China.

    • @catto-m
      @catto-m Год назад +45

      When China claims they invented something, chances are it wasnt invented by them. Recently, it has been found that the so called invention of the compass by the Chinese is false. It has also been found that the origin of the so called 'Chinese' characters are in present day inner Mongolia, well outside the historical boundaries of Han Chinese.
      Those lands were part of ancient Korea, not China.

    • @billparr
      @billparr Год назад +7

      Children used to learn Lunar New Year, but now they are learning about the Chinese New Year. Something is not right in our education department. I have no idea what they teach in schools nowadays but they are not teaching what they used to teach back in my days. I suspect lobbying

    • @Jaro-89
      @Jaro-89 Год назад

      중공애들은 남에것도 지꺼라고 우겨야 됨 왜냐 지건다없애 버렸거든
      자기문화를 짖밟고 파괴해버려서, 남은게없으니 남에꺼라도 빼앗아야 한다는 도둑놈심보
      공자제사 지내는것도 몰라서 한국와서 배우고 간놈들임 ㅋㅋ

  • @SMJUNG-fl3sd
    @SMJUNG-fl3sd Год назад +9

    다니엘은 그냥 설날동안 뭐하는지 물어봤을텐데 안타깝네

  • @sku1772
    @sku1772 Год назад +22

    역시 방탄ㅋㅋㅋ goat

  • @tommyhwang3353
    @tommyhwang3353 Год назад +11

    What u guys expected from C-netizen....wonyoung herself claimed by C-netizen as Chinese.....
    That why they mad to wonyoung because they think wonyoung be their own people....
    Damn -_- C-netizen

    • @user-tl1sp8sm1r
      @user-tl1sp8sm1r Год назад

      South Korea is the cultural thief, Korea displayed the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations(青龍청룡,白虎백호,朱雀주작,玄武현무)at the opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in korea, and Korea also displayed China's taiji, bagua, wuxing, these are all Chinese culture, you Koreans have nothing to do with we chinese, korea, don't be a thief.
      我國衣服、紗帽、梁冠, 旣用華制, 則耳掩亦用夏, 一變爲當。 From korea's offical history book《朝鮮王朝實錄》(조선왕조실록)(Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty)translation: Our country's clothes, hats, crowns are the Chinese standard,so it's appropriate for nambawi to follow the Chinese standard as well. this means hanbok was also stolen from china by korea's offical history book
      During the Three Kingdoms period on the Korean peninsula, one of the three kingdoms Goguryeo was founded by a Chinese minority in ancient times , Now China has a large area of the three kingdoms and There are many korean aborigines living on it for thousands of years just like the indians of the USA.For example, the korean aborigines who have lived in Changbai Mountain of china for thousands of years, and even Kim Jong Un said that his family originated in Changbai Mountain, Hanbok is also their traditional costume,Therefore, China is also the birthplace of hanbok. Of course China can claim that hanbok is also Chinese , does maya culture only belong to Mexico or America? when it comes to Chinese New Year, Koreans say they also celebrate the Chinese New Year, so it can’t be called Chinese New Year. It should be called Lunar New Year. So koreans forced Google to change Chinese New Year to Lunar New Year and prevented google from calling it chinese new year, even though Lunar calendar and Chinese New Year were both invented by Chinese and Korea is not the birthplace of Lunar New Year. Guess what koreans did next? the BTS of korea claimed happy korean new year on their new poster , by you koreans' logic , apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too, this is korea, shame on you ,When it comes to kimchi, Koreans say that kimchi is only Korean food. even though China is also the birthplace of kimchi and lots of korean aborigines in china eat kimchi too. When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine and korea is not the birthplace of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ?japanese added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine?the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you
      Lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. this is chinese culture and we don't want to share it with you koreans, You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year and bully those chinese people and western people who said happy chinese new year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum not long time ago, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you...

  • @matika76
    @matika76 Год назад +26

    Happy Lunar New Year~!!
    happy Seollal~!!

    • @user-si6sw4jm5e
      @user-si6sw4jm5e Год назад

      South Korea is a cultural thief. The lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you..

  • @user-ww7bq7kbai
    @user-ww7bq7kbai Год назад +20

    장원영 외모 미쳤네

    • @user-si6sw4jm5e
      @user-si6sw4jm5e Год назад

      South Korea is a cultural thief. The lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you..

  • @nall_ha
    @nall_ha Год назад +16

    꼭!!! 우리나라에서 인지도 많은 KPOP과 드라마 모두
    우리나라의 전통을 알리는 일을 많이 했으면 좋겠네요
    욕을 먹어도 틀린말이니 무시하고
    걍 우리나라 전통을 알리는 한복과 음식 문화를 정확하게 널리 알렸으면 좋겠어요
    넷플릭스 영화에도..

    • @user-si6sw4jm5e
      @user-si6sw4jm5e Год назад

      South Korea is a cultural thief. The lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you

    • @nall_ha
      @nall_ha Год назад

      @@user-si6sw4jm5e 너무 길어용

    • @user-tl1sp8sm1r
      @user-tl1sp8sm1r Год назад

      South Korea is the cultural thief, Korea displayed the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations(青龍청룡,白虎백호,朱雀주작,玄武현무)at the opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in korea, and Korea also displayed China's taiji, bagua, wuxing, these are all Chinese culture, you Koreans have nothing to do with we chinese, korea, don't be a thief.
      我國衣服、紗帽、梁冠, 旣用華制, 則耳掩亦用夏, 一變爲當。 From korea's offical history book《朝鮮王朝實錄》(조선왕조실록)(Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty)translation: Our country's clothes, hats, crowns are the Chinese standard,so it's appropriate for nambawi to follow the Chinese standard as well. this means hanbok was also stolen from china by korea's offical history book
      During the Three Kingdoms period on the Korean peninsula, one of the three kingdoms Goguryeo was founded by a Chinese minority in ancient times , Now China has a large area of the three kingdoms and There are many korean aborigines living on it for thousands of years just like the indians of the USA.For example, the korean aborigines who have lived in Changbai Mountain of china for thousands of years, and even Kim Jong Un said that his family originated in Changbai Mountain, Hanbok is also their traditional costume,Therefore, China is also the birthplace of hanbok. Of course China can claim that hanbok is also Chinese , does maya culture only belong to Mexico or America? when it comes to Chinese New Year, Koreans say they also celebrate the Chinese New Year, so it can’t be called Chinese New Year. It should be called Lunar New Year. So koreans forced Google to change Chinese New Year to Lunar New Year and prevented google from calling it chinese new year, even though Lunar calendar and Chinese New Year were both invented by Chinese and Korea is not the birthplace of Lunar New Year. Guess what koreans did next? the BTS of korea claimed happy korean new year on their new poster , by you koreans' logic , apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too, this is korea, shame on you ,When it comes to kimchi, Koreans say that kimchi is only Korean food. even though China is also the birthplace of kimchi and lots of korean aborigines in china eat kimchi too. When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine and korea is not the birthplace of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ?japanese added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine?the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you
      Lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. this is chinese culture and we don't want to share it with you koreans, You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year and bully those chinese people and western people who said happy chinese new year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum not long time ago, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you.

    • @nall_ha
      @nall_ha Год назад +1

      @@user-tl1sp8sm1r 너무 길어용

    • @Ram-vh2ct
      @Ram-vh2ct Год назад

      @@user-tl1sp8sm1r yup yup keep talking u motherfucker Koreans have more proofs and Chinese don't smh

  • @t.i8056
    @t.i8056 Год назад +14

    원영이 괴롭히는 것들 가만 놔두면 안됨.

  • @TheMoonprincess1112
    @TheMoonprincess1112 Год назад +11

    중국...진짜..할말이 없네요..ㅠㅠ

    • @user-tl1sp8sm1r
      @user-tl1sp8sm1r Год назад

      South Korea is the cultural thief, Korea displayed the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations(青龍청룡,白虎백호,朱雀주작,玄武현무)at the opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in korea, and Korea also displayed China's taiji, bagua, wuxing, these are all Chinese culture, you Koreans have nothing to do with we chinese, korea, don't be a thief.
      我國衣服、紗帽、梁冠, 旣用華制, 則耳掩亦用夏, 一變爲當。 From korea's offical history book《朝鮮王朝實錄》(조선왕조실록)(Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty)translation: Our country's clothes, hats, crowns are the Chinese standard,so it's appropriate for nambawi to follow the Chinese standard as well. this means hanbok was also stolen from china by korea's offical history book
      During the Three Kingdoms period on the Korean peninsula, one of the three kingdoms Goguryeo was founded by a Chinese minority in ancient times , Now China has a large area of the three kingdoms and There are many korean aborigines living on it for thousands of years just like the indians of the USA.For example, the korean aborigines who have lived in Changbai Mountain of china for thousands of years, and even Kim Jong Un said that his family originated in Changbai Mountain, Hanbok is also their traditional costume,Therefore, China is also the birthplace of hanbok. Of course China can claim that hanbok is also Chinese , does maya culture only belong to Mexico or America? when it comes to Chinese New Year, Koreans say they also celebrate the Chinese New Year, so it can’t be called Chinese New Year. It should be called Lunar New Year. So koreans forced Google to change Chinese New Year to Lunar New Year and prevented google from calling it chinese new year, even though Lunar calendar and Chinese New Year were both invented by Chinese and Korea is not the birthplace of Lunar New Year. Guess what koreans did next? the BTS of korea claimed happy korean new year on their new poster , by you koreans' logic , apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too, this is korea, shame on you ,When it comes to kimchi, Koreans say that kimchi is only Korean food. even though China is also the birthplace of kimchi and lots of korean aborigines in china eat kimchi too. When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine and korea is not the birthplace of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ?japanese added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine?the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you
      Lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. this is chinese culture and we don't want to share it with you koreans, You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year and bully those chinese people and western people who said happy chinese new year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum not long time ago, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you...,

  • @user-jb6ch8pz8r
    @user-jb6ch8pz8r Год назад +9


  • @UnclePlus
    @UnclePlus Год назад +5

    장원영 호감도 급상승... 화이팅!!

  • @user-ry1bd9ib6f
    @user-ry1bd9ib6f Год назад +8

    지나가던 사람인데 다니엘의 Chinese New Year이라는 말은 솔직히 논란이 될 수 있다고는 생각함 하필 지금 중국 한국이 사이가 안좋았던점 그리고 한국에서 활동하는 아이돌이 chinese 가 들어간 새해인사를? 이라는 생각으로 나도 처음엔 뭐야 얘는 이런 생각함 근데 다니엘이 중국인도 아니고 호주 혼혈이고 나도 Lunar New Year 잘 안들어봄 물론 Chinese New Year은 써본적도 없고 여튼 굳이 악의를 가지고 사용했다고 보기엔 좀 그렇다고 생각함 그리고 자기가 실수한 부분에 있어서 바로 사과도 했고 앞으로도 다시 사용하면 그건 문제가 있지만 정말 몰랐을 수 있으니까… 그러니 악플은 제발 달지 말자 그리고 이거 가지고 다니엘 땜에 탈덕이네 뭐네 하는 애들은 애초에 팬도 아니기 때문에 무시하면 됨

  • @dltjdbs_6040
    @dltjdbs_6040 Год назад +5

    화가나네요 이런 황당한 이유로 악플을 받아야 한다니 진짜 제발 억까좀 그만 했으면 좋겠네요

    • @user-tl1sp8sm1r
      @user-tl1sp8sm1r Год назад

      South Korea is the cultural thief, Korea displayed the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations(青龍청룡,白虎백호,朱雀주작,玄武현무)at the opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in korea, and Korea also displayed China's taiji, bagua, wuxing, these are all Chinese culture, you Koreans have nothing to do with we chinese, korea, don't be a thief.
      我國衣服、紗帽、梁冠, 旣用華制, 則耳掩亦用夏, 一變爲當。 From korea's offical history book《朝鮮王朝實錄》(조선왕조실록)(Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty)translation: Our country's clothes, hats, crowns are the Chinese standard,so it's appropriate for nambawi to follow the Chinese standard as well. this means hanbok was also stolen from china by korea's offical history book
      During the Three Kingdoms period on the Korean peninsula, one of the three kingdoms Goguryeo was founded by a Chinese minority in ancient times , Now China has a large area of the three kingdoms and There are many korean aborigines living on it for thousands of years just like the indians of the USA.For example, the korean aborigines who have lived in Changbai Mountain of china for thousands of years, and even Kim Jong Un said that his family originated in Changbai Mountain, Hanbok is also their traditional costume,Therefore, China is also the birthplace of hanbok. Of course China can claim that hanbok is also Chinese , does maya culture only belong to Mexico or America? when it comes to Chinese New Year, Koreans say they also celebrate the Chinese New Year, so it can’t be called Chinese New Year. It should be called Lunar New Year. So koreans forced Google to change Chinese New Year to Lunar New Year and prevented google from calling it chinese new year, even though Lunar calendar and Chinese New Year were both invented by Chinese and Korea is not the birthplace of Lunar New Year. Guess what koreans did next? the BTS of korea claimed happy korean new year on their new poster , by you koreans' logic , apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too, this is korea, shame on you ,When it comes to kimchi, Koreans say that kimchi is only Korean food. even though China is also the birthplace of kimchi and lots of korean aborigines in china eat kimchi too. When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine and korea is not the birthplace of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ?japanese added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine?the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you
      Lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. this is chinese culture and we don't want to share it with you koreans, You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year and bully those chinese people and western people who said happy chinese new year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum not long time ago, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you...,

  • @user-px7dm5xe9m
    @user-px7dm5xe9m Год назад +26

    지들이 뭔데 우리 갓기 천사 원영이한테 ㅡㅡ 개짱나네 ㅜㅜ

    • @user-tl1sp8sm1r
      @user-tl1sp8sm1r Год назад

      South Korea is the cultural thief, Korea displayed the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations(青龍청룡,白虎백호,朱雀주작,玄武현무)at the opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in korea, and Korea also displayed China's taiji, bagua, wuxing, these are all Chinese culture, you Koreans have nothing to do with we chinese, korea, don't be a thief.
      我國衣服、紗帽、梁冠, 旣用華制, 則耳掩亦用夏, 一變爲當。 From korea's offical history book《朝鮮王朝實錄》(조선왕조실록)(Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty)translation: Our country's clothes, hats, crowns are the Chinese standard,so it's appropriate for nambawi to follow the Chinese standard as well. this means hanbok was also stolen from china by korea's offical history book
      During the Three Kingdoms period on the Korean peninsula, one of the three kingdoms Goguryeo was founded by a Chinese minority in ancient times , Now China has a large area of the three kingdoms and There are many korean aborigines living on it for thousands of years just like the indians of the USA.For example, the korean aborigines who have lived in Changbai Mountain of china for thousands of years, and even Kim Jong Un said that his family originated in Changbai Mountain, Hanbok is also their traditional costume,Therefore, China is also the birthplace of hanbok. Of course China can claim that hanbok is also Chinese , does maya culture only belong to Mexico or America? when it comes to Chinese New Year, Koreans say they also celebrate the Chinese New Year, so it can’t be called Chinese New Year. It should be called Lunar New Year. So koreans forced Google to change Chinese New Year to Lunar New Year and prevented google from calling it chinese new year, even though Lunar calendar and Chinese New Year were both invented by Chinese and Korea is not the birthplace of Lunar New Year. Guess what koreans did next? the BTS of korea claimed happy korean new year on their new poster , by you koreans' logic , apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too, this is korea, shame on you ,When it comes to kimchi, Koreans say that kimchi is only Korean food. even though China is also the birthplace of kimchi and lots of korean aborigines in china eat kimchi too. When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine and korea is not the birthplace of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ?japanese added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine?the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you
      Lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. this is chinese culture and we don't want to share it with you koreans, You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year and bully those chinese people and western people who said happy chinese new year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum not long time ago, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you...

    • @user-px7dm5xe9m
      @user-px7dm5xe9m Год назад

      @@user-tl1sp8sm1r 어쩔티비! 으하하하

  • @suemin0214
    @suemin0214 Год назад +4

    아닠ㅋㅋ 춘절인지 뭔지 니네 나라 문화는 줘도 안가져가니까 니네나 우리 문화 가져갈 생각말고 우리한테 신경꺼줘^^

  • @2stronk2lose
    @2stronk2lose Год назад +48

    This video kinda forgot to mention Hanni of Newjeans was also being harassed and cursed by Chinese netizens for calling Lunar New Year because Vietnamese also celebrate this holiday as Tet (just like Korean Seollal). In short, this festival should be called Lunar New Year to include everyone, because each country's celebration of Lunar New Year could trace back to many thousand years ago.

    • @dtwo2003
      @dtwo2003 Год назад +9

      I didn't know about that. I'm very sorry.
      I don't understand what the hell is wrong with China.
      Can I have more information about Hanni being bullied by the Chinese?

    • @Dianna_Tou
      @Dianna_Tou Год назад +10

      Lol they are insane thinking everything that Asia does is all came from China 😂

    • @hellowow8662
      @hellowow8662 Год назад +3

      The Chinese are not entitled to condemn the actions of other countries. China used some Japanese-style traditional architectural designs and decorations in historical dramas and games (traditional cultural backgrounds) to make it seem like a Chinese tradition. And China is stealing traditional Japanese sweets(Wagashi) as if they were Traditional Chinese(Tang Dynasty) sweets. The Chinese insist that all East Asian cultures belong to them.

    • @hellowow8662
      @hellowow8662 Год назад +3

      Lunar calendar? All modern festivals that use the solar calendar, by their logic, are Roman Day or Christian Day. Their logic is so pathetic.

    • @user-si6sw4jm5e
      @user-si6sw4jm5e Год назад

      South Korea is a cultural thief. The lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you.

  • @user-cb4hs2cm8x
    @user-cb4hs2cm8x Год назад +15

    장원영 보고 중국인이라 까는 멍청한 억까들아 그만좀 하지? 중국인들한테 악플테러 받으면서도 한국문화 알리려고 비녀도 파리에 가져가서 한국의 문화를 알리려하고 설날에 한복입고 사진까지 찍는데 방구석에서 장원영 괴롭히는 니들보다 백배는 애국자다 한심한것들아 ㅉ 장원영이 니네 원수라도 되는거임? 원수도 이만큼은 못괴롭힐듯

    • @xocxox
      @xocxox Год назад

      장원영 프듀 나왔을 때 자신의 영문 이름을 스스로 Chang Yuen Ying이라 했음.
      얼마 뒤 중국인이 왜? 하는 반응이 나오자, 영문 이름이 오류라고 Jang Won Young으로 정정하긴 했지만 이게 오류로 보임?
      장원영 스스로 올린 영문 이름이 중국식이었음.
      개인적으로 화교로서도 한국을 위해 일하면 나쁘진 않다고 보지만,
      아이즈원 초기 때 장원영 영상들 보면 한국인 답지 않은 면이 종종 보이긴 함.
      이후 인기가 올라가면서 좀 더 한국인처럼 행동 하긴 함.
      원영이 아이즈원 시기엔 아버지가 중국집 했고 지금은 화교 학교 교감이라 함.
      아이즈원 팬들 중 그 중국집에 성지순례간 사람들 꽤 있음.
      남들더러 멍청하다고 손가락질 하기 전에 사실 확인은 좀 해라.
      (나도 설마설마 했는데 위의 중국식 영문 이름으로 구글에서 검색하면 내용들 나옴. 네이버는 잘 안 나오더라.)
      이게 어제 오늘 이슈도 아니고 아이즈원 때부터 꾸준히 있어왔음.
      진짜 한국인이었다면 아이즈원 팬덤이 님보다 먼저 한국인 인증 했겠지..
      지금은 복수 국적자로 보이는데 2~3년 후 국적 선택할 시기에 원영이가 중국 국적 택하면 어쩔 거임?

    • @user-ux5kl5oz4w
      @user-ux5kl5oz4w Год назад +3

      @@xocxox 지금까지 잘 중국어
      못한다~한복 입고 명절 새배하고 한국전통문화 소개하다가
      갑자기 나이먹고는 중국 국적을
      선택하면 어쩌냐고????
      어거지도 좀 적당히 부려야지....
      한국서 탑아이돌인 원영이가
      중국 국적 선택하기보다
      니가 딴나라 귀화 하는게
      더 설득력 있지않냐?

    • @user-ml6wz9kk8t
      @user-ml6wz9kk8t Год назад

      근데 장원영이 파리가서 비녀 알린거가 화제됨? 그래서 문화를 많이 알려진거야?

    • @hkj34
      @hkj34 Год назад

      @@xocxox 진짜 모르면 반이라도 가지.. 중국은 단일국적밖에 안돼 ㅋㅋㅋ 이중국적이란게 존재하지 않아 등신아 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ


    '자랑스럽다'뭐 이 한마디면 될것같아요

  • @user-uc6qk3gn4u
    @user-uc6qk3gn4u Год назад +6

    이거는 중국인들이 부러워서 하는것이아님
    중국의 계획임 지금 우리나라에서도 어린애들이 한복 등등을 중국 문화로 알고있는 애들도 있음 사람은 언젠가 죽기때문에 언젠가는 우리 문화가 중국으로 넘어가수도있음.. 지금 중국은 우리나라를 가지기위해 어떤 방법이라도 하고있을거임
    우리나라 문화는 우리가 지켜야 함

    • @user-uc6qk3gn4u
      @user-uc6qk3gn4u Год назад

      지금 국뽕유튭도 200만 조회수가 넘어가는데
      이걸 어쩔겨

  • @B_HoneyBee
    @B_HoneyBee Год назад +6

    최고다!! 우리 문화를 널리 알려주시길!!

  • @user-os3po5jy1k
    @user-os3po5jy1k Год назад +7

    원영이 호감이네

  • @청연진
    @청연진 Год назад +11

    아니 다 떠나서 새해를 중국인만이 규정하고 기념하는게 아닌데, 대체 저 중국은 뭘믿고 다 지들꺼라고 씨부리는거지

  • @novicemaster
    @novicemaster Год назад +24

    고급스러운 정보에 감탄합니다.

    • @user-si6sw4jm5e
      @user-si6sw4jm5e Год назад

      South Korea is a cultural thief. The lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you

    • @novicemaster
      @novicemaster Год назад

      @@user-si6sw4jm5e 중국의 춘절은 정확히는 봄이 오는 것을 감사해 하늘에 제를 지내는 것이었고, 그것이 음력 1월 1일이 된 것은 그리 오래 되지 않았어요. 하지만, 우리나라는 이미 삼국시대부터 이 음력 1월 1일을 기념해왔습니다.
      그리고, 중국의 춘절과 우리의 1월 1일은 그냥 의미 자체가 달라요.
      게다가, 중국의 역법이 우리나라와 달라서 세종대에 우리나라 자체의 역법을 만들었습니다. 이미 다른 천문력을 쓰고 있었어요. 게다가 명나라에 천문 역법을 알려달라고 했는데 극비라고 알려주지도 않았잖아요?
      그리고, 음력 1월 1일이 Chinese New Year 가 된건 중국인이 대량으로 미국에 건너가서 막노동을 하게 된 것 때문이죠. 참으로 자랑입니다. 그러게, 왜 미국 눈 밖에 나서 그것마저 빼앗깁니까? 미국하고 친하게 지내지.
      한방의 기원은 누가 뭐라 해도 중국이 맞죠. 하지만, 우리나라에서도 독자적으로 발전을 시킨 부분이 있어요. 그래서, 중국의 전통 의학하고는 차이가 있습니다.
      많은 것의 기원이 중국에 있다고 짐작하고 학자들도 그렇게 생각하고 있습니다.
      하지만, 그 증거들은 어디에서도 나오지 않고 있어요.
      당신이 그렇게 소중하게 생각하는 중국의 문화가 무슨 일을 당했는지, 당신네 공산당에게 물어봐요.
      공산당의 홍위병이 문화 대혁명 기간에 어떤 짓을 저질렀는지.
      그러면서 당신들이 문화에 대해 이야기 할 자격이 있는지 스스로에게 물어보기 바랍니다.

    • @user-tl1sp8sm1r
      @user-tl1sp8sm1r Год назад

      South Korea is the cultural thief, Korea displayed the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations(青龍청룡,白虎백호,朱雀주작,玄武현무)at the opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in korea, and Korea also displayed China's taiji, bagua, wuxing, these are all Chinese culture, you Koreans have nothing to do with we chinese, korea, don't be a thief.
      我國衣服、紗帽、梁冠, 旣用華制, 則耳掩亦用夏, 一變爲當。 From korea's offical history book《朝鮮王朝實錄》(조선왕조실록)(Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty)translation: Our country's clothes, hats, crowns are the Chinese standard,so it's appropriate for nambawi to follow the Chinese standard as well. this means hanbok was also stolen from china by korea's offical history book
      During the Three Kingdoms period on the Korean peninsula, one of the three kingdoms Goguryeo was founded by a Chinese minority in ancient times , Now China has a large area of the three kingdoms and There are many korean aborigines living on it for thousands of years just like the indians of the USA.For example, the korean aborigines who have lived in Changbai Mountain of china for thousands of years, and even Kim Jong Un said that his family originated in Changbai Mountain, Hanbok is also their traditional costume,Therefore, China is also the birthplace of hanbok. Of course China can claim that hanbok is also Chinese , does maya culture only belong to Mexico or America? when it comes to Chinese New Year, Koreans say they also celebrate the Chinese New Year, so it can’t be called Chinese New Year. It should be called Lunar New Year. So koreans forced Google to change Chinese New Year to Lunar New Year and prevented google from calling it chinese new year, even though Lunar calendar and Chinese New Year were both invented by Chinese and Korea is not the birthplace of Lunar New Year. Guess what koreans did next? the BTS of korea claimed happy korean new year on their new poster , by you koreans' logic , apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too, this is korea, shame on you ,When it comes to kimchi, Koreans say that kimchi is only Korean food. even though China is also the birthplace of kimchi and lots of korean aborigines in china eat kimchi too. When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine and korea is not the birthplace of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ?japanese added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine?the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you
      Lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. this is chinese culture and we don't want to share it with you koreans, You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year and bully those chinese people and western people who said happy chinese new year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum not long time ago, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you...

    • @novicemaster
      @novicemaster Год назад

      @@user-tl1sp8sm1r 홍위병이 역사도 불태워 버렸냐. 왜 헛소리들이야. 사신도를 우리도 고구려부터 썼다.
      그리고, 수나라가 왜 사라졌는 줄 알긴 하니? 고구려를 침략하다가 사라졌어.
      제후국을 침략하다가 본국이 사라지는 일이 있냐? 어처구니가 없네.
      홍위병이 개념도 불태워버렸냐?
      그리고, 중국은 어떤 민족이야? 한족? 거란? 몽골?
      은, 주, 진, 한, 수, 당, 오호 십육국, 송, 원, 명, 청. 어디가 정통이야?
      니네 역사가 되게 이상해. 무지 짬뽕이고.
      진시황이 세웠던 중화 사상은 이미 원나라와 청나라에 다 부숴졌어.
      니네가 저 지랄 할 동안 우리는 단 한번도 민족이 바뀐 적이 없다.
      그러면, 니네가 오히려 우리 문화를 가져갔다고 보는 게 맞지 않나?
      원나라 고려양도 모르나? 그게 명과 청의 문화까지 이어진 것도 모르나?
      원조 논란으로 가면 너희도 털린다.

  • @mjk9896
    @mjk9896 Год назад +4

    Seollar 로 표기하는 날이 오길 기대합니다

  • @user-if2mo6lv6m
    @user-if2mo6lv6m Год назад +11

    그와중에 원영 개 이쁘네

  • @user-bf1fu8jb5w
    @user-bf1fu8jb5w Год назад +54

    장원영 진짜 대단함...

    • @user-si6sw4jm5e
      @user-si6sw4jm5e Год назад

      South Korea is a cultural thief. The lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you.

    • @user-tl1sp8sm1r
      @user-tl1sp8sm1r Год назад

      South Korea is the cultural thief, Korea displayed the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations(青龍청룡,白虎백호,朱雀주작,玄武현무)at the opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in korea, and Korea also displayed China's taiji, bagua, wuxing, these are all Chinese culture, you Koreans have nothing to do with we chinese, korea, don't be a thief.
      我國衣服、紗帽、梁冠, 旣用華制, 則耳掩亦用夏, 一變爲當。 From korea's offical history book《朝鮮王朝實錄》(조선왕조실록)(Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty)translation: Our country's clothes, hats, crowns are the Chinese standard,so it's appropriate for nambawi to follow the Chinese standard as well. this means hanbok was also stolen from china by korea's offical history book
      During the Three Kingdoms period on the Korean peninsula, one of the three kingdoms Goguryeo was founded by a Chinese minority in ancient times , Now China has a large area of the three kingdoms and There are many korean aborigines living on it for thousands of years just like the indians of the USA.For example, the korean aborigines who have lived in Changbai Mountain of china for thousands of years, and even Kim Jong Un said that his family originated in Changbai Mountain, Hanbok is also their traditional costume,Therefore, China is also the birthplace of hanbok. Of course China can claim that hanbok is also Chinese , does maya culture only belong to Mexico or America? when it comes to Chinese New Year, Koreans say they also celebrate the Chinese New Year, so it can’t be called Chinese New Year. It should be called Lunar New Year. So koreans forced Google to change Chinese New Year to Lunar New Year and prevented google from calling it chinese new year, even though Lunar calendar and Chinese New Year were both invented by Chinese and Korea is not the birthplace of Lunar New Year. Guess what koreans did next? the BTS of korea claimed happy korean new year on their new poster , by you koreans' logic , apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too, this is korea, shame on you ,When it comes to kimchi, Koreans say that kimchi is only Korean food. even though China is also the birthplace of kimchi and lots of korean aborigines in china eat kimchi too. When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine and korea is not the birthplace of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ?japanese added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine?the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you
      Lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. this is chinese culture and we don't want to share it with you koreans, You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year and bully those chinese people and western people who said happy chinese new year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum not long time ago, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you...

  • @user-cb4hs2cm8x
    @user-cb4hs2cm8x Год назад +17

    중국이 저러는게 하루이틀도 아니고 그러려니 합시다 ㅋㅋ 그냥 답이없어보이네요 악플테러받은 아이돌분들 잘못한거 없으니까 힘내세영

    • @줄리오-o9u
      @줄리오-o9u Год назад +1

      왜 참아야돼???
      인간이기를 포기한 짐승만도 못한 중.공인들에게 열배로 갑아줘야 한다.

  • @user-qh4ks7em7b
    @user-qh4ks7em7b Год назад +12

    Happy lunar new year !
    Seollal Day !

    • @user-tl1sp8sm1r
      @user-tl1sp8sm1r Год назад

      South Korea is the cultural thief, Korea displayed the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations(青龍청룡,白虎백호,朱雀주작,玄武현무)at the opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in korea, and Korea also displayed China's taiji, bagua, wuxing, these are all Chinese culture, you Koreans have nothing to do with we chinese, korea, don't be a thief.
      我國衣服、紗帽、梁冠, 旣用華制, 則耳掩亦用夏, 一變爲當。 From korea's offical history book《朝鮮王朝實錄》(조선왕조실록)(Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty)translation: Our country's clothes, hats, crowns are the Chinese standard,so it's appropriate for nambawi to follow the Chinese standard as well. this means hanbok was also stolen from china by korea's offical history book
      During the Three Kingdoms period on the Korean peninsula, one of the three kingdoms Goguryeo was founded by a Chinese minority in ancient times , Now China has a large area of the three kingdoms and There are many korean aborigines living on it for thousands of years just like the indians of the USA.For example, the korean aborigines who have lived in Changbai Mountain of china for thousands of years, and even Kim Jong Un said that his family originated in Changbai Mountain, Hanbok is also their traditional costume,Therefore, China is also the birthplace of hanbok. Of course China can claim that hanbok is also Chinese , does maya culture only belong to Mexico or America? when it comes to Chinese New Year, Koreans say they also celebrate the Chinese New Year, so it can’t be called Chinese New Year. It should be called Lunar New Year. So koreans forced Google to change Chinese New Year to Lunar New Year and prevented google from calling it chinese new year, even though Lunar calendar and Chinese New Year were both invented by Chinese and Korea is not the birthplace of Lunar New Year. Guess what koreans did next? the BTS of korea claimed happy korean new year on their new poster , by you koreans' logic , apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too, this is korea, shame on you ,When it comes to kimchi, Koreans say that kimchi is only Korean food. even though China is also the birthplace of kimchi and lots of korean aborigines in china eat kimchi too. When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine and korea is not the birthplace of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ?japanese added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine?the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you
      Lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. this is chinese culture and we don't want to share it with you koreans, You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year and bully those chinese people and western people who said happy chinese new year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum not long time ago, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you...,

    • @user-qh4ks7em7b
      @user-qh4ks7em7b Год назад

      @@user-tl1sp8sm1r 새해는 중국시키들만 맞냐! 🤣
      전 세계인들이 새해를 맞고있는데 중국을 왜붙여!
      이 중국 도둑아! 위구르, 티벳, 내몽골, 만주 모두 중국이 아니다! 인권 유린국가! 몰래 K드라마나 보는 도둑시청하는 도둑시키들!

  • @NMIXX_102
    @NMIXX_102 Год назад +45

    워뇽아~~!!힘내!!새해 복많이 받고
    우리나라 문화를 파리까지 가서 널리 알려줘서 고맙고!! 너무 예쁘더라♥️
    다이브들이 항상 응원하고 지지히니깐
    어딜가도 기죽지말고

    • @NMIXX_102
      @NMIXX_102 Год назад +5

      @@user-si6sw4jm5e 에효.. 불쌍하다
      가서 역사 공부나 더 하고 와라
      ㅉㅉ 그러니깐 투표권도 없지

    • @user-vr8wf7vb8e
      @user-vr8wf7vb8e Год назад +2

      @@NMIXX_102 어떤 일이 있었는지 모르겠지만 현명한 대답이네요

    • @user-tl1sp8sm1r
      @user-tl1sp8sm1r Год назад

      South Korea is the cultural thief, Korea displayed the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations(青龍청룡,白虎백호,朱雀주작,玄武현무)at the opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in korea, and Korea also displayed China's taiji, bagua, wuxing, these are all Chinese culture, you Koreans have nothing to do with we chinese, korea, don't be a thief.
      我國衣服、紗帽、梁冠, 旣用華制, 則耳掩亦用夏, 一變爲當。 From korea's offical history book《朝鮮王朝實錄》(조선왕조실록)(Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty)translation: Our country's clothes, hats, crowns are the Chinese standard,so it's appropriate for nambawi to follow the Chinese standard as well. this means hanbok was also stolen from china by korea's offical history book
      During the Three Kingdoms period on the Korean peninsula, one of the three kingdoms Goguryeo was founded by a Chinese minority in ancient times , Now China has a large area of the three kingdoms and There are many korean aborigines living on it for thousands of years just like the indians of the USA.For example, the korean aborigines who have lived in Changbai Mountain of china for thousands of years, and even Kim Jong Un said that his family originated in Changbai Mountain, Hanbok is also their traditional costume,Therefore, China is also the birthplace of hanbok. Of course China can claim that hanbok is also Chinese , does maya culture only belong to Mexico or America? when it comes to Chinese New Year, Koreans say they also celebrate the Chinese New Year, so it can’t be called Chinese New Year. It should be called Lunar New Year. So koreans forced Google to change Chinese New Year to Lunar New Year and prevented google from calling it chinese new year, even though Lunar calendar and Chinese New Year were both invented by Chinese and Korea is not the birthplace of Lunar New Year. Guess what koreans did next? the BTS of korea claimed happy korean new year on their new poster , by you koreans' logic , apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too, this is korea, shame on you ,When it comes to kimchi, Koreans say that kimchi is only Korean food. even though China is also the birthplace of kimchi and lots of korean aborigines in china eat kimchi too. When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine and korea is not the birthplace of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ?japanese added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine?the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you
      Lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. this is chinese culture and we don't want to share it with you koreans, You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year and bully those chinese people and western people who said happy chinese new year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum not long time ago, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you.

    • @NMIXX_102
      @NMIXX_102 Год назад +3

      @@user-tl1sp8sm1r 아이디 바꿔서 ㅋㅋ
      또 오면 모르나?
      이게 그쪽나라 근성인가?
      "It's scary when an ignorant person has faith"
      이말 뜻은 알려나? ㅎㅎ

    • @hyesom_
      @hyesom_ 7 месяцев назад

      ​​@@user-tl1sp8sm1r헐 중꿔다 개소리 지꺼리지 말고 꺼져 니 말 맞는 말 하나도 없다 진짜 니 개 치고 싶음 중꿔야

  • @iderok5368
    @iderok5368 Год назад +4

    서현, 장원영, BTS를 응원합니다~!

    • @user-xz2ui9ey5m
      @user-xz2ui9ey5m 9 месяцев назад

      다니엘만 쏙 빼놓네ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  • @Jyi0o_on
    @Jyi0o_on Год назад +5

    하..중국어시간에 보니까 중국도 특별한 고유명절 있던데ㅠㅠㅠ그냥 설날이 자기네문화라고 우기지 말고 중국 자신의 문화를 더욱 소중히 여기고 다른 나라 문화는 안 뺏었음 좋겠다..

    • @user-tl1sp8sm1r
      @user-tl1sp8sm1r Год назад

      South Korea is the cultural thief, Korea displayed the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations(青龍청룡,白虎백호,朱雀주작,玄武현무)at the opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in korea, and Korea also displayed China's taiji, bagua, wuxing, these are all Chinese culture, you Koreans have nothing to do with we chinese, korea, don't be a thief.
      我國衣服、紗帽、梁冠, 旣用華制, 則耳掩亦用夏, 一變爲當。 From korea's offical history book《朝鮮王朝實錄》(조선왕조실록)(Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty)translation: Our country's clothes, hats, crowns are the Chinese standard,so it's appropriate for nambawi to follow the Chinese standard as well. this means hanbok was also stolen from china by korea's offical history book
      During the Three Kingdoms period on the Korean peninsula, one of the three kingdoms Goguryeo was founded by a Chinese minority in ancient times , Now China has a large area of the three kingdoms and There are many korean aborigines living on it for thousands of years just like the indians of the USA.For example, the korean aborigines who have lived in Changbai Mountain of china for thousands of years, and even Kim Jong Un said that his family originated in Changbai Mountain, Hanbok is also their traditional costume,Therefore, China is also the birthplace of hanbok. Of course China can claim that hanbok is also Chinese , does maya culture only belong to Mexico or America? when it comes to Chinese New Year, Koreans say they also celebrate the Chinese New Year, so it can’t be called Chinese New Year. It should be called Lunar New Year. So koreans forced Google to change Chinese New Year to Lunar New Year and prevented google from calling it chinese new year, even though Lunar calendar and Chinese New Year were both invented by Chinese and Korea is not the birthplace of Lunar New Year. Guess what koreans did next? the BTS of korea claimed happy korean new year on their new poster , by you koreans' logic , apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too, this is korea, shame on you ,When it comes to kimchi, Koreans say that kimchi is only Korean food. even though China is also the birthplace of kimchi and lots of korean aborigines in china eat kimchi too. When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine and korea is not the birthplace of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ?japanese added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine?the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you
      Lunar calendar was completely invented by the Chinese. You Koreans use our culture ,you should respect its origin. this is chinese culture and we don't want to share it with you koreans, You Koreans forbid Westerners to say Happy Chinese New Year and bully those chinese people and western people who said happy chinese new year, but you Koreans claimed Korean Lunar New Year in an event held by korean government in British Museum not long time ago, what is korean lunar new year ? this is stealing, you Koreans just see the growing influence of Chinese New Year in the world and you want to steal it. You koreans first de-Sinicize the Lunar New Year to obscure its origin and then make it your Korean culture. This is not the first time that South Korea has done this kind of thing. South Korea first called Chinese medicine Eastern medicine, they first de-Sinicized Chinese medicine to obscure its origin, Then Koreans directly called Chinese medicine Korean medicine. South Korea, don't be a thief. According to your logic , Apple is not American because you koreans use iphone too. right? shame on you.
      When it comes to Chinese medicine, Koreans say it is Korean medicine because they have added something of their own even though it's a copy of chinese medicine. can I ask you koreans a question ? japanese have added something of their own too, do japanese call chinese medicine japanese medicine? the answer is no, by you koreans' logic , Americans should call English American because they have added something of their own too, this is korea, shame on you...,