Congratulations to the polite drivers of this city! They really care about others. I've never seen a video where drivers respect an ambulance in action like this. Greetings from Brazil.
+Carlos A. This will never happen in the Philippines, no one will ever give way for anyone, at first sign of traffic you will surely get stuck. kudos to Slovenia!
I'd consider that a good thing. In America all you need is a pulse to get a drivers license. Seriously, it's a short 10 question multiple choice test with questions like "What does a yellow light mean?" Followed by a 20 minute driven test, were you just drive around the town. Boom, full license. And as a result, there are so many idiots on the road in America. Also, most people have no idea how to drive a manual transmission car.
To have a drive license in Brazil is pratically the same than Slovenia (hard, too expensive and no mistakes are allowed in the exams - and the examinations are very hard), but people still does not respect. Culture.
But we still have a little of respect, but the most part of time you don't see education and respect. That's why we need a lot of traffic guards and cameras on the streets. The money people lose here with their mistakes is the reason they "respect" : If you don't respect you'll loose your money.
Disse bem Carlos! Estava olhando uns vídeos de ambulância na China, o Brasil se torna um céu comparado com lá... se não viu depois dê uma olhada... chega há dar raiva oia que estou apenas assistindo!
Chaos Zombie999.....Yeah i saw a clip of US firefighters being blocked by some dumbass who refused to shift. I'm from UK and all ems services here on emergency calls are given utmost respect by other road users. You simply get out the way.
No je pa res, da intervencijsko vozilo tudi ni slo po obicajni poti in je tako marsikoga lahko zbegalo. Na AC se umikamo skrajno levo in skrajno desno po sredini pa puscamo prostor za intervencijska vozila.
RTobi (Rummeltobi) There is no emergency lane. There is a shoulder. On the vast majority of Autobahns, a police car would barely fit in the shoulder. Not to mention a firetruck. In urban areas, sometimes you'll be forever looking for a shoulder. What to do then? Code 3 run ends here. Furthermore, the breakdown lane is a breakdown lane. You won't be that unlikely to find a broken down car immovably blocking it in a longer traffic jam. Then you have to go left, where a great wall of trucks blocks your way. Code 3 run ends here. Also, if a driver hears the horn or sees you, he might just instinctively pull to the right without looking. Then, he'll crash into you. Code 3 run ends here. That's why some smartass guy invented the emergency corridor.
Ironically the system of using the breakdown/ emergency lanes (on interstates on which they exist) works well (and fast) which is why a lot of countries use it. Take a look at the Netherlands, they always use the breakdown lanes on interstates which have them.
U bistvu sem pozitivno presenečen! Pričakoval sem da bo v posnetku več takih ki se ne umikajo ali čakajo da jim rešilec hupa na pet centimetrov razdalje.
And even a near collision at 1:10. That's why I really prefer the system we have in germany. Left lane moves left, all others move to the right and everyone knows where to move only hearing the ambulance.
In Slovenia it's like that too, most of the times in jams people set up like that, even before hearing an ambulance (at least from my experiences while on the highways). There's always few exceptions. I have no idea what happened here. Perhaps it's the snow and people are too afraid to get their cars dirty. Alot of people have even put up a sticker on the back of their car describing the emergency lane protocol to serve as a reminder.
@@danielrose1392 the ambulance didnt take the regular path. The regular path is left to the left, right to the right. Ambulance in the middle. But as you can see many drivers were confused because of that
+Tyasha You should watch some American ambulances trying to get through similar traffic. Often, they only make half the progress, for being stalled by idiots who don't even bother to move. I really don't know why the US insists on the principle of "move to the right". Realistically - whichever lane the ambulance (or fire service is in), that lane is no longer is use - get out of it, as soon as you see the flashing lights.
Considering the conditions and traffic. I'm actually very impressed. In America this would never happen. Just look at the "ambulance stuck in traffic" video in the related section. That's how Americans react, stick their heads up their ass and not know how to do anything.
An Alexander Dobrindt ... So ein Szenarium sollte bei der Führerschein Prüfung Pflicht sein ... Nicht nur Theoretisch! Jedes mal wenn es sich staut, fahre ich so nah wie möglich an den Fahrbahnrand um in der Mitte eine Gasse für den Notfall zu Bilden und was habe ich hinter mir? Ein Dicker Benz oder BMW der fast an mir vorbeifahren könnte mit 10cm Abstand, der dann nicht mal Platz hat um Platz zu machen ....
Jst bi italjanom prepovedu vozt v naši državi vsakic k se resilc ustav je italjanska registracija nek k dela sranje. Tut nasplošno jih vidim z zelo slabim obnašanjem po avtocestah blendanjem, brezvenim zavzemanjem prehitevalnega pasu, vožnji po sredini ceste, nasploh italjani po mojem mnenju najslabši vozniki.
They use the shoulder because there is no space where it should be: between left and right/middle lane. The outer right is for breakdowns, not for driving.
The trucks aren't the problem, it's the cars moving up along the right of the trucks stopping them from getting further over to the right slowing things down.
Of course the trucks are part of the problem. If a driver ain't clever enough to move to the right before a responding unit needs space they should at least keep some distance to the vehicle infront to have the ability to make room if needed. Check the car carriers standing right next to each other unable to do anything.
I'm surprised that some People here say that this is how it should look... I cannot imagine how it must look in their country but in my opinion this is not the Best at all... If they make emergency Route, ambulance should make this 7 minute rout in one minúte
drugače hud video pa lepo je vidt da so se rešilcu tko lepo umikal sam mi gre na živce to da so sirene preveč tihe sirena intervencijskih vozil more bit glasna zato da ga ti že od daleč slišiš in začneš gledat v ogledala iz kere smeri prihaja pa da se pravočasno umakneš
no sej lih to mene moti ker ponoči vidš lučke t že od daleč in veš da se nekaj dogaja in si že takrat pripravljen da se umakneš če bo treba problem je podnevi ko ne slišiš sirene dokler ni ob tebi ali pa par metrov stran in potem nekateri vozniki panično odreagirajo
Tole tut ni nc vredn da se more resilec tako vozit po odstavnem pasu. Tudi odstavni pasovi bi morali biti spluzeni, glede na to da v zdajsnjih casih kar znamo narediti vozni pas za nujna vozila.
Congratulations to the polite drivers of this city! They really care about others. I've never seen a video where drivers respect an ambulance in action like this. Greetings from Brazil.
+Carlos A. This will never happen in the Philippines, no one will ever give way for anyone, at first sign of traffic you will surely get stuck. kudos to Slovenia!
I'd consider that a good thing. In America all you need is a pulse to get a drivers license. Seriously, it's a short 10 question multiple choice test with questions like "What does a yellow light mean?" Followed by a 20 minute driven test, were you just drive around the town. Boom, full license. And as a result, there are so many idiots on the road in America. Also, most people have no idea how to drive a manual transmission car.
To have a drive license in Brazil is pratically the same than Slovenia (hard, too expensive and no mistakes are allowed in the exams - and the examinations are very hard), but people still does not respect. Culture.
But we still have a little of respect, but the most part of time you don't see education and respect. That's why we need a lot of traffic guards and cameras on the streets. The money people lose here with their mistakes is the reason they "respect" : If you don't respect you'll loose your money.
Disse bem Carlos! Estava olhando uns vídeos de ambulância na China, o Brasil se torna um céu comparado com lá... se não viu depois dê uma olhada... chega há dar raiva oia que estou apenas assistindo!
Folk dejte se umikat!
Vsa čast voznikom urgentnih vozil
People have so much respect for ems in Slovenia I wish America was like this
Chaos Zombie999.....Yeah i saw a clip of US firefighters being blocked by some dumbass who refused to shift. I'm from UK and all ems services here on emergency calls are given utmost respect by other road users. You simply get out the way.
Behind an ambulance a convoy of BMW s was formed.
the song playing in the ambulance is very fitting. if you listen close you can hear "I need a hero"
Vsakmu, ki je pustil čakat reževalno vozilo 1s 500e kazni, za unga konja z bmwx1 pa 1500
No je pa res, da intervencijsko vozilo tudi ni slo po obicajni poti in je tako marsikoga lahko zbegalo. Na AC se umikamo skrajno levo in skrajno desno po sredini pa puscamo prostor za intervencijska vozila.
in Austria we have to built an emergency corridor on every highway !
In Slovenia, law is actually smart enough to realize that there's already a free lane which can be used by emergency vehicles - the emergency lane :)
That´s right but a lot of People to silly to do ist right :-)
RTobi (Rummeltobi) There is no emergency lane. There is a shoulder.
On the vast majority of Autobahns, a police car would barely fit in the shoulder. Not to mention a firetruck. In urban areas, sometimes you'll be forever looking for a shoulder. What to do then? Code 3 run ends here.
Furthermore, the breakdown lane is a breakdown lane. You won't be that unlikely to find a broken down car immovably blocking it in a longer traffic jam. Then you have to go left, where a great wall of trucks blocks your way. Code 3 run ends here.
Also, if a driver hears the horn or sees you, he might just instinctively pull to the right without looking. Then, he'll crash into you. Code 3 run ends here.
That's why some smartass guy invented the emergency corridor.
Ironically the system of using the breakdown/ emergency lanes (on interstates on which they exist) works well (and fast) which is why a lot of countries use it. Take a look at the Netherlands, they always use the breakdown lanes on interstates which have them.
RTobi (Rummeltobi) And on the ones which don't have them?
U bistvu sem pozitivno presenečen! Pričakoval sem da bo v posnetku več takih ki se ne umikajo ali čakajo da jim rešilec hupa na pet centimetrov razdalje.
Poziv radijskim postajam, da ob obvestilih o prometnih nesrečah in zamaških opozarjajo voznike, da naj vozila pomaknejo na rob cestišča.
Aw poor people all nicely making a path through the middle not knowing the ambulance takes the hard shoulder haha
And even a near collision at 1:10. That's why I really prefer the system we have in germany. Left lane moves left, all others move to the right and everyone knows where to move only hearing the ambulance.
In Slovenia it's like that too, most of the times in jams people set up like that, even before hearing an ambulance (at least from my experiences while on the highways). There's always few exceptions. I have no idea what happened here. Perhaps it's the snow and people are too afraid to get their cars dirty. Alot of people have even put up a sticker on the back of their car describing the emergency lane protocol to serve as a reminder.
@@danielrose1392 the ambulance didnt take the regular path. The regular path is left to the left, right to the right. Ambulance in the middle. But as you can see many drivers were confused because of that
Svaka cast res da ima taksno potrpljenje,ker nekateri so res fuknjeni cakajo zadnji trenutek da se umaknejo ne prej! Bravo
good people makes good jobs! bravo to drivers who were left theyr lines
Na 5:08 je semafor, na katerem bi že moralo biti narisano razvrščanje. ne pa da piše nepomembna informacija v tem trenutku.
Meni pa je zanimivo da slovenci kritiziramo tujci pa hvalijo
Imamo višji standard :P
Isto je i kod nas Hrvata
@@unsgus925 tko vas hvali?
@@unsgus925 nabroji mi u cemu vas hvale preciznije
@@mma4408 jesi ti mali ljubomorni srbo ili
In my country this is just a dream.. #Indonesian people must learn fron this video
ga semua yg ga mau ngalah kok.. cuma di sebagian kota kota besar aja orangnya pada songong ga mau ngalah
Kalo nggak biasanya di kasih jalan terus nanti ada mobil2 gajelas ngikutin di belakang pake lampu hazard -_-
rata2 begitu gan
Great responses from the drivers here! Here in my country (Malaysia), people did make way for the ambulance, but a little bit too slow.
Zanimivo bi bilo še videli, koliko prašičev se mu je nalimalo direkt za rit, da bi prišli hitreje do svojega sestanka.
mamo polno kocetov
Hats off to the people
jasno, talijan stoji.
No če smo iskreni je večina bila tujcev ovira. slovenci so se večalmanj umikali kr lepo
grate run, nice job! suck on the snow...
Very nice video.
when will the people on road go home after this jam
i asked myself the same question. I can't imagine being in this traffic jam.
C'mon guys, fucking move. What the fuck is this? Where should the ambulance go?
+Tyasha You should watch some American ambulances trying to get through similar traffic. Often, they only make half the progress, for being stalled by idiots who don't even bother to move.
I really don't know why the US insists on the principle of "move to the right". Realistically - whichever lane the ambulance (or fire service is in), that lane is no longer is use - get out of it, as soon as you see the flashing lights.
Considering the conditions and traffic. I'm actually very impressed. In America this would never happen. Just look at the "ambulance stuck in traffic" video in the related section. That's how Americans react, stick their heads up their ass and not know how to do anything.
Everyone moved...
Look at the size of the road +trucks+snow
Tyasha *you think this was bad ?? Go Look up (Ambulance Vs NY Traffic!!!)*
An Alexander Dobrindt ... So ein Szenarium sollte bei der Führerschein Prüfung Pflicht sein ... Nicht nur Theoretisch!
Jedes mal wenn es sich staut, fahre ich so nah wie möglich an den Fahrbahnrand um in der Mitte eine Gasse für den Notfall zu Bilden und was habe ich hinter mir? Ein Dicker Benz oder BMW der fast an mir vorbeifahren könnte mit 10cm Abstand, der dann nicht mal Platz hat um Platz zu machen ....
Jst bi italjanom prepovedu vozt v naši državi vsakic k se resilc ustav je italjanska registracija nek k dela sranje. Tut nasplošno jih vidim z zelo slabim obnašanjem po avtocestah blendanjem, brezvenim zavzemanjem prehitevalnega pasu, vožnji po sredini ceste, nasploh italjani po mojem mnenju najslabši vozniki.
What a "diciplined" nation when it comes to this... hilarius!
Slovenia is a very civilized country, imagine this in mainland China or in Indonesia?!
💩💩💩💩😆😆😆 Don't be stupid slovenia is an shit hole on the map of europe
And you are the toilet.
Sounds like a squeaky toy for dogs. I also hear you're in a VW Transporter, correct?
Snow + the part of highway where third lane was already filled with people, so they couldn't move. So it could be even better.
it's look like where i live.. virtasalmi, finland
All the best! Stay safe out there
If the ambulance has to use the shoulder of the road, why is it not clear of snow, also?
They use the shoulder because there is no space where it should be: between left and right/middle lane. The outer right is for breakdowns, not for driving.
The trucks aren't the problem, it's the cars moving up along the right of the trucks stopping them from getting further over to the right slowing things down.
Of course the trucks are part of the problem. If a driver ain't clever enough to move to the right before a responding unit needs space they should at least keep some distance to the vehicle infront to have the ability to make room if needed. Check the car carriers standing right next to each other unable to do anything.
I'm surprised that some People here say that this is how it should look... I cannot imagine how it must look in their country but in my opinion this is not the Best at all... If they make emergency Route, ambulance should make this 7 minute rout in one minúte
Hvala vam.
drugače hud video pa lepo je vidt da so se rešilcu tko lepo umikal sam mi gre na živce to da so sirene preveč tihe sirena intervencijskih vozil more bit glasna zato da ga ti že od daleč slišiš in začneš gledat v ogledala iz kere smeri prihaja pa da se pravočasno umakneš
Rešilci majo res tihe sirene ja, sam gasilske so pa dost glasne. Po deseti uri se vozimo sam z lučkim brez sirene.
klko jaz vem če si pameten voznik pa vidiš da je prometna ti more pamet kazat da se moraš pravilno umaknit z ceste ? drugač pa ja se strinjam
no sej lih to mene moti ker ponoči vidš lučke t že od daleč in veš da se nekaj dogaja in si že takrat pripravljen da se umakneš če bo treba problem je podnevi ko ne slišiš sirene dokler ni ob tebi ali pa par metrov stran in potem nekateri vozniki panično odreagirajo
Horrible, even truckers don't know how to drive .
It looks like people staying in this road for days...
see the snows...
hard day ......for the ambulance driver....
Its nice !!!
U Njemackoj, cim se stvori kolona iz bilo kog razloga odma se oslobadja unutrasnji dio puta za hitne slucajeve..
Zivim.u njemackoj nelazi nikad video
Pa ko zna gdje ti zivis?
kaj se to noben ne zna razvrščat al kaj
Tole tut ni nc vredn da se more resilec tako vozit po odstavnem pasu. Tudi odstavni pasovi bi morali biti spluzeni, glede na to da v zdajsnjih casih kar znamo narediti vozni pas za nujna vozila.
Samo kazni pisat tistim k se ne znajo umaknt...
sej da noute misl jz sem bil v tem zamašku
Ok! Če si na prehitevalnem pasu greš levo. Če si na skrajno desnem pasu greš desno. Samo, kaj pa še si na sredinskem?
Be careful and safe
make the resue lane like germany and in austria in whole europe... would be best...would help us here in germany too if all european would know it!!!
its very rare that Slovenia has problems with traffic and if they do its not that bad compared to Germany.
so res zmotjeni in Slovenja.. zakaj ne pustijo na DESNO prazno za emergency?
2:50 Italian car
Nice reacting
2:50 Idiot scared ! xD
WOW he is foreigner ! Slovenians knew how to react properly !
a u nas kak propuskaut
are he use wig wags lamp ?
+Davin Eka Putra Our emergencyehicle's headlights flash together. More visual impact than when flashing alternately.
is that EVERGREEN lorry at 02:45
Evry time the ambulance has to stop is because of a fucking truck...
In zmeri en Italijan nima pojma!
Federal Signal PA300 siren !!
1:53 the walking dead
Do they buy their driving licences at the flee market? This is even worse than the US...
Si lahko izmenjava naročila na kanal. youtube . @
what the hell they are listening to? :)
First song Bonnie Tyler - I need a Hero
im slovenian
Je ja
Slovenci kritizirajo tujci pa hvalijo
Nam res ni pomoči.
Too loun >:(
i have to say this...bullshit siren!
No result fuck it
Katastrofa šoferi
Kako moze on shta ima skutu podjet je sexao pikbula kako ni stramota pa to je sramota
slovenia is poor shitty country nisu u stanju ni cestu od snjega ocistit BALKANCI
Pa ja očistim tebe
Po slovenačko
aha, you are one of those who moved from Bosnia to Germany and now you think you are something more than people from the Balkans. pathetic