What is Calvinism? | Little Lessons with David Servant

  • Опубликовано: 20 окт 2024

Комментарии • 98

  • @abjoseck9548
    @abjoseck9548 9 месяцев назад +1

    Hi @David Servant, I am a Calvinist. Thanks for posting this video, it helps clarify some of the gray areas in Calvinism. A case in point is your claim that God chooses unconditionally, "...just by 'God’s good pleasure', as some Calvinists say. Well, the whole phrase 'unconditional election' is an oxymoron, right? All elections are conditional..."
    When we say unconditional election, we mean Christ chooses only the people who were drawn by the Father (cf Jn 6:44-45, 6:64-65) regardless of their motives-that's the prescribed condition, not on people's choice or preference! All The people who were drawn by the Father are ensnared in sin & unbelief (i.e. apostles & Judas, etc) and some of those whom He chose are not only for salvation but to serve as instrument/s for his redemptive plan. Of course, it is God's pleasure to carry out His plan. The “prescribed condition” here is contingent upon God's plan not man's. In that case, the grounding of election here is God, not man. There's no luck here or any kind of cosmic accident.
    On foreknowledge, consider this. God foreknows that Peter would betray Jesus later yet he was chosen by Christ, some of the apostles continued doubting Him to the end (cf Matt 28:16) and Christ knew this in advance yet the Father drew them, and absolutely God knew Judas had come not to believe but with deadly intentions yet was welcomed by Christ as opposed to the self-serving crowd whom Jesus humiliated & rejected before the watching world. (Jn 6: 26-27). Do you have a problem with that?

  • @Tigerex966
    @Tigerex966 4 года назад +7

    John 12:32
    And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. 33This he said, signifying what death he should die

  • @gingerlives
    @gingerlives 4 года назад +8

    Within the first two minutes, you highlight a contradiction. "No man can come to Jesus unless the Father draws them" Then go and to say that it's totally possible to come to Jesus without the Father drawing them because they have free will!
    We are dead in sins and dead people cannot choose to follow God.

    • @solascriptura-e7t
      @solascriptura-e7t 3 года назад +1

      Calvinism teaches the Doctrine of Grace: The Five Solas, and TULIP.
      Any credit that man excites to say "I came to God...",
      "I was searching for God..."
      is arrogance, and pride.
      That^ is NOT "grace".
      That^ is "God, I chose You; now, you owe me eternal life".

    • @Cody_Buck
      @Cody_Buck 3 года назад +3

      However, remember that Jesus said that if he is lifted up from the earth, he will draw all men unto him. John 12:32.

    • @AB-ComeLordJesus
      @AB-ComeLordJesus 2 года назад

      @@Cody_Buck talking about the gentile nations, not every single person.

    • @coreylapinas1000
      @coreylapinas1000 Год назад

      That's a new one for me. Now God OWES salvation to people. Calvinists cannot get anymore dishonest.

    • @arkikali5632
      @arkikali5632 Месяц назад

      @@coreylapinas1000 I think you misunderstood the comment.

  • @antascii
    @antascii 9 месяцев назад +1

    As a calvinist, I don’t believe a lot of what you say calvinists believe or how you have presented those beliefs.

  • @davidrichards6974
    @davidrichards6974 5 лет назад +8

    How did Calvinism miss John 3:16? For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that WHOSOEVER believeth in Him should not perished, but have everlasting life ❤✝🙏

    • @Tigerex966
      @Tigerex966 4 года назад +7

      to them when ever there is a verse like this, all become the elect, not all, they have to reinterpret the bible to fit calvinist theology, whenever these contradictions come up, and they come up alot.
      This alone makes Calvinists theology, man's theology, and a false doctrine.

    • @StudioGalvan
      @StudioGalvan 2 года назад +1

      The word "whosoever" is not actually in scripture. 🤓
      If you'll look at any interlinear, you'll see that the original Greek text did not contain a word or set of words that can honestly be translated as such. A more literal translation would be:
      "For GOD so loved the COSMOS (CREATION) ... that the Believing ONES would not perish ...
      This fits accurately in line with what is mistakenly called Calvinism.

    • @jenex5608
      @jenex5608 2 года назад

      Cosmos does not mean creation. It means the organized universe

  • @donna2023
    @donna2023 4 года назад +1

    Galvanism preaches a limited gospel. God’s foreknowledge is the answer for me. Omniscient FATHER.

  • @Mark65845
    @Mark65845 4 года назад +7

    Unconditional election is NOT random. It’s God’s Sovereign Choice. In His infinite wisdom, He ordains some for salvation according to His knowledge.

    • @heathers4961
      @heathers4961 3 года назад +2

      That's a lie. It's his will that none perish.

    • @sorenrousseau
      @sorenrousseau 2 года назад +2

      @Juan Pablo Zepeda Mar Exactly. To that point one would have to concede that every human, no matter how evil or "good" their actions, they all glorify and please the Lord. Because the Lord is all good and not the author of sin. Therefore, nothing we can ever do is outside of the desire of God. With that logic, next time I hear of another child being raped or killed I'll make sure to thank them for doing the Lord's work...

    • @Devilock07
      @Devilock07 2 года назад

      @Mark m I noticed how off this statement was as well. I am not arguing for the truth of unconditional election here, just pointing out that depicting it as "random" does not represent it accurately. We don't know why God chooses some and not others, but what unconditional election makes clear is that God doesn't choose individuals based on any condition met by the individual. This would ultimately mean that God favors some individuals over others because they have earned it somehow; i.e. by works. Unconditional election clearly describes the reason why God chooses whom he does as a mystery known to God alone. There is a conscious choice being made, but we don't know what that reason is. Not knowing why God chooses does not make his choice random.

    • @Devilock07
      @Devilock07 2 года назад

      @Juan Pablo Zepeda MarRespectfully, your argument is based on misconception. Being a Christian is evidence that you are one of the elect. If you are not one of the elect, then you would not be concerned that you are not one of the elect. If I was not elected, I would continue on as a sinner and get exactly what I deserve. Such would be the fate of every human if God did not intervene.

    • @Devilock07
      @Devilock07 2 года назад +1

      @@sorenrousseau I don't understand how this is a refutation of the logic of unconditional election. It is as simple as this; humans are born enemies of God, deserving of Hell. God has chosen some for salvation, for reasons we do not know or understand, but we do know that God does not choose these sinners because they have merited his favor in any way. This would mean their salvation is conditioned on their works. This does not have anything to do with what happens in the heart, mind and life of the sinner after they have been regenerated and have the Spirit working in them, conforming them to the image of Christ. It also does not mean that nothing we do matters. Consider Paul... he once killed Christians until his appointment with Christ on the Damascus road. The point here is that even though he killed Christians, his election was not based on his works.

  • @rbpage2
    @rbpage2 3 года назад

    It all comes down to free-will-Best explained in the clearest book on
    this topic!-"Where Calvinism goes wrong!" by Brother Robert

  • @growingmyown
    @growingmyown 2 года назад

    Thank you for sharing that information.

  • @MariusVanWoerden
    @MariusVanWoerden 5 лет назад +5

    Romans 11:26 And so ALL ISRAEL will be saved, as it is written: “The Deliverer will come out of Zion, And He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob; This would then mean that every single Israelite will be saved? It is obvious not!!!
    Many places in Scripture use the Word All Men for Not Only Jews but also other nations or “all kind of” there is a difference in the Greek.
    John 12:32 And if I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men to Myself.” The word in the Greek for all here is πάντας (pantas) whose root is πᾶς (pas). says of πᾶς: When used without the articles, it means, "every kind or variety." When used with the article, it means "whole or the totality of persons or things referred to." Analytical Lexicon of the Greek New Testament
    (Friberg) It would be nice if you could read Dutch. The Dutch linguist has more words and translate Greek better.
    Without the article… with distributive significance, denoting each individual in a class The word all in the verse has no article so it means "ALL KINDS OF MEN", so it isn't talking about every single man (universalism), it just denotes a broad spectrum. The notes of the translators in the Dutch Bible are correct [allen tot Mij Dat is, niet alleen de Joden, maar ook de heidenen, die in mij zullen geloven; Joh. 2:14,15. he drove THEM ALL out of the temple.
    Judas betrayal was prophesied Do you really think he could have not betrayed the Lord
    Acts 1:20 “For it is written in the Book of Psalms: ‘Let his dwelling place be desolate, And let no one live in it’; and, ‘Let another take his office.’
    In Romans 3:23 πάντες pantes IS NOT THE SAME
    Romans 11: 15 For if their being CAST AWAY [ Not walked away]is the reconciling of the world, what will their ACCEPTANCE be but life from the dead?
    25 For I do not desire, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own opinion, that blindness in part HAS HAPPENED TO ISRAEL until the FULLNESS OF THE GENTILES has come in. 26 And so ALL Israel will be saved, as it is written: All here means from every tribe and not everyone. Which of course is clear from the word SAVED
    The Scriptures support limited atonement:
    [It is the least important and Hypothetical Unless you belief universalism and that at the end all go to Heaven]
    Jesus died for 'many.'
    Matt. 26:28, "for this is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for forgiveness of sins."
    Jesus died for the sheep (not the goats, per Matt. 25:32-33);
    John 10:11,15 "I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep...15 even as the Father knows Me and I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep."
    Jesus in prayer interceded for the ones given Him, not those of the entire world;
    John 17:9, "I ask on their behalf; I do not ask on behalf of the world, but of those whom Thou hast given Me; for they are Thine;"
    The Church was purchased by Christ, not all people.
    Acts 20:28, "Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood."
    Eph. 5:25-27, "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for HER; 26 that He might sanctify her, having cleansed HER by the washing of water with the word, 27 that He might present to Himself the CHURCH in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she should be holy and blameless."
    Prophecy of Jesus' crucifixion where he would bore the sins of many (not all).
    Isaiah 53:12, "Therefore, I will allot Him a portion with the great, and He will divide the booty with the strong; because He poured out Himself to death, and was numbered with the transgressors; yet He Himself bore the sin of many, and interceded for the transgressors."
    We could say the SINS of the World but not all people. Jesus died for His own. If we have a free will than God does not have a say in who is going to be with him. And God does not have a plan.

  • @nelsonbanuchi7070
    @nelsonbanuchi7070 6 лет назад +30

    Calvinism is a lousy theology that distorts the character of God rendering him unjust.

    • @Devilock07
      @Devilock07 2 года назад +2

      What about "Calvinism" renders God unjust?

    • @whisperingdeath308
      @whisperingdeath308 2 года назад

      I have lost friends because of this twisted theology.

    • @Devilock07
      @Devilock07 2 года назад +1

      @@whisperingdeath308 How did Calvinism cause you to lose friends?

    • @whisperingdeath308
      @whisperingdeath308 2 года назад

      @@Devilock07 Because i only accept the Word of God and nothing else. Does that answer your question devillock.

    • @zanebiele7260
      @zanebiele7260 9 месяцев назад

      Not only that but also it destroys faith in new Christians. Most of people feel depressed of having let Calvinism in their mind . Run away please quickly as soon as you notice that church endorses Calvinism. You might experience Calvinism Spiritual abuse.

  • @TheJCFan
    @TheJCFan 3 года назад +1

    Every Calvinist watching this video: "You're misrepresenting Calvinism"

  • @truth7416
    @truth7416 7 месяцев назад

    Could someone please tell me which denominations reject Calvinism.

  • @jenniferharrell77
    @jenniferharrell77 3 года назад

    Can you do a video on partial or full preterism?

  • @elizabethambielli610
    @elizabethambielli610 2 года назад +1

    And that sorrow said can be stated right at last minute (death bed conversion) The soul is SAVED, of course, by THE WORK OF CHRIST on the cross. SAVED means forgiven. but JUSTICE of
    God means 'making THE Road straight' For this we are called penitent Christians... if we were not prayers, we start praying, we attend Worship of God on Sunday. CATHOLIC worship is
    best, I say but TO WORSHIP in the faith in practice one understands. Come to SERVE GO(O)D ... in word and deed BY HIS GRACE restored. Say sorry 7 x 70x until Purged of anything NOT OF
    GOD in our fleshly selves. If not fully purged, but IN GOD'S FRIENDSHIP, and LIFE is eternal...God's mercy will allow for further purging so we can be PERFECT AS OUR HEAVENLY FATHER IS
    Calvinism speaks of human nature by LOOKING AT WHAT IS BELOW... but not WHAT IS ABOVE... HEAVEN is for all who align to THE SON and thus the FATHER by the POWER OF THE
    HOLY SPIRIT. The MIRACLE OF ONENESS of GOD'S FAITHFUL we can OFFER UP for those who do not understand, in imitation of CHRIST who OFFERED HIMSELF for ALL... We IN CHRIST
    bring our good done 'in and thru Him' to the altar (spiritual thought) we PETITION in His name to provide the grace of faith TO (NAME) as He DID IN LOVE FOR US.... That's it... that's all

  • @mresab1997
    @mresab1997 2 года назад +1

    An ideologue. That’s what a Calvinist is…
    Calvinism is syncretism between Pretentious Christianity, Manachein Gnosticism, and a Pagan Asceticism.
    The premise of the will is not axiomatic to Christianity, and ever since Augustine accepted it debating Pelagius, the church has blundered since.
    For the first three centuries, early prolific Christians (especially several discipled directly by the apostles themselves) UNANIMOUSLY affirmed man’s moral agency.
    Calvinism “denies the Lord that bought them” in Scripture.

  • @vimy1006
    @vimy1006 Год назад +1

    "leaves out the thousands of other Scriptures that indicate that we do have a free will". Do you understand the distinction between free agency and free will? Clearly you don't or you could not make such an inaccurate, foolish statement. The Bible teaches that the will of unregenerate people is in bondage, not free. Painting a caricature of the beliefs of those people with whom one disagrees is unacceptable for those who profess to be a new creation in Christ. Listen, really truly listen, to John Piper or R.C. Sproul or Sinclair Ferguson and stop slandering them by misrepresenting who they are and what they believe.

  • @CoverBeats46
    @CoverBeats46 6 лет назад +1

    I really thank you for all your online books in your website and free ebooks in smashword. And I've read your book on Calvinism Considered. thanks for your ministry and I am also glad and happy to know that you are a conditionalist. may God bless your ministry. - from Philippines

  • @mr.seapig2811
    @mr.seapig2811 3 года назад +1

    I think the idea that God foresees the future and knows who will repent and be saved discounts the sovereignty of God and it leaves the concept of time and circumstance in sort of an evolutionary limbo state. It seems kind of like spiritual evolution where God doesn’t work in people’s life circumstances.. I can definitely see that God does work in some peoples lives and definitely doesn’t work in some peoples lives. Arminianism is not a deal breaker for me though.. some of my best friends are Arminians, even though I’m not one. Being Calvinist or Arminian doesn’t affect salvation.

    • @heathers4961
      @heathers4961 3 года назад

      Calvinism is a false gospel. Its heresy and paints a false picture of God's true character. It blasphemes Christ's work on the cross by claiming that a limited number of people are somehow equal to the precious blood of Christ.
      Jesus Christ died to make a way for every single individual to have salvation if they repent.
      Christ died because God promised a messiah and HE is faithful to keep that promise...regardless if anyone believes or not.
      For what if some did not believe? Shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?
      God's sacrifice had zero to do with how many would believe and everything to do with his own righteousness and faithfulness.

  • @DavidEmailman
    @DavidEmailman Год назад +1

    You are so right. Good theology. This is a great educational video. I hope you do some videos on gratuitous evil, suffering, evil and free will. Please do. I bet you'll provide excellent insight.

  • @jsong1974
    @jsong1974 5 лет назад +1

    May all the glory be to Him alone. God is God and does what He wills. Trying to be righteous is not trusting in Him but you to complete it.

  • @growingmyown
    @growingmyown 2 года назад

    Here from Inga s

  • @yobabybubba
    @yobabybubba 3 года назад +1

    That was great. I love what you said near the end about Romans 9. I would love to read a more detailed explanation on Romans 9. Did you ever write more on that? Also what did you think of 'What love is this' by David Hunt? I thought that book was very helpful.

    • @yobabybubba
      @yobabybubba 3 года назад

      I did check out your website and did not find anything on Romans 9.. Maybe I missed it , or you didn't write on it.

  • @firstglass3206
    @firstglass3206 2 года назад

    What then really is the end result of TULIP? Suppose I have been moved by John 3:16 and the myriad of other verses and even Jesus's own words that are all through scripture, and I desire that relationship with God, according to his promises. TULIP says I can think I have a relationship, but for all I know its just one-way communication and God's not listening because I've been elected for damnation, only to have Him say to me at the end of days I never knew you. This is in stark contradiction to so many verses that require our agreement and faith in Him to be assured of Salvation now and forevermore all through scripture. How does TULIP differ from Islam that says " If Allah wills" or he is "oft merciful" but not always. It shrouds an undercurrent of works proving individual salvation vs Grace. Therefore I agree with David on this point. We need to remember this is not which doctrine is right but whether we are Made right before a Holy God and he has Made a way through his son for All who believe on his name.

    • @arkikali5632
      @arkikali5632 Месяц назад

      This is not what Calvinism teaches. Too many people think they know what Calvinism is, and they don't. And I admit that it took me a bit to wrap my head around it. Here's the thing--if you *want* to believe in Jesus, guess what? You're one of the elect. Congratulations. The unelect don't want to believe. The concept of election does NOT turn away people who want to believe in God because they're not one of the cool kids. The unelect don't WANT to believe in God. That's the difference.
      I came up with this analogy, and my pastor said yes, it was actually a good one. So okay. Imagine four kids in high school. One's a band geek, loves opera of all things. The other three are jocks and they don't have time for some goofy guy on stage belting out words they can't understand. But they're all friends, so the band geek invites all of them to an opera. Jock 1 says, sure. I'll give it a try and finds out he likes it. Jocks 2 and 3 say no, thank you, doesn't sound fun. So fast-forward 10 years. They're all out in the real-world now and have grown a bit, and they've stayed in touch. And the band geek keeps inviting them, and finally Jock 2 says sure. He's got nothing to do, he'll check it out. He too decides he likes it. Jock 4 scoffs and says opera is for losers and just a bunch of screeching, and he doesn't want to go. So guess what? The band geek, Jock 1, and Jock 2 are all elect. Jock 4 is not elect. Election doesn't say that people who want to believe are turned away. It says people who aren't elect DON'T want to believe. They will never want to believe. But because we believers have no idea who is elect or not elect, it is our duty and what God wants is for us to witness to ALL people. Because scripture is what God uses to call his elect.
      I hope this helps you understand the concept of the elect and nonelect. It is not what you think.

  • @jaymerjaymer
    @jaymerjaymer 3 года назад

    At 6:35 you actually said we have to do something to continue to be saved. I had to listen about 8 times to make sure what you said, because you mumbled it. But losing your salvation appears easy, according to what you said. Check it out.

  • @speedysteve5229
    @speedysteve5229 5 лет назад +1

    Is this the principle that is pushed in the so called courses about Pentecostalism that is masqueraded as a beneficial start for new Christians?

  • @clabpr79
    @clabpr79 4 года назад

    Question: Why the Good News does not reach all people since Jesus died?, Why Apostol Paul was saved and not others?, Why do we think that God owes mercy and grace to everyone? The meaning of "all" could be a lot of thing like People of all kindred, tongue and nations, could be the chosen. Look Rev 5:9 God redeem people from "all" Kindred, Tongue and Nations. This is a representation of the world, not everyone. God bless to all brothers, we can disagree in some topics but at the end we believe Jesus is the only way.

  • @raymatthews4319
    @raymatthews4319 3 года назад +1

    Today's new Calvinists have turned that false doctrine into a cult like the Mormons. They are quick to defend the tulip heresy but do they ever try to reach out to the lost? They claim to champion God's grace while they are in fact enemies of it, spewing out the lie that God actually desires some of His creation to burn in hell eternally. If that were true you would have to say God is the author of sin, a direct contradiction of His word(Psalms 92:15, James 1:13). Claiming that God creates evil equates Him with Satan, which is perilously close to committing the unpardonable sin. While there are undoubtedly Calvinists who are saved they should leave that system immediately. It will only confuse them and others who would receive the Gospel.

    • @arkikali5632
      @arkikali5632 Месяц назад

      Calvinists are some of the staunchest evangelists. We believe that scripture is the way that God effectually calls people. We must witness to people and give them the chance to hear God's call. You don't understand Calvinism, sir. Paraphrasing Charles Spurgeon here, but he said that he wished God painted a stripe down the backs of the elect because then he could lift someone's shirt and if they didn't have a stripe, he could move on. But because we don't know, we have to witness to EVERYONE. Please do more research on Calvinism.

  • @julianhouston.bondservanto1191
    @julianhouston.bondservanto1191 6 лет назад +1

    I agree there, even though I do not believe we can lose our salvation

  • @tonycostanzo4276
    @tonycostanzo4276 4 месяца назад


  • @ddmaxlow
    @ddmaxlow 6 лет назад +2

    Yes !!! God bless you !!!!

  • @arkikali5632
    @arkikali5632 Месяц назад

    I've been liking your videos so far, but... you don't understand Calvinism. Sorry. You should listen to Jeff Durbin.

  • @solascriptura-e7t
    @solascriptura-e7t 3 года назад +2

    Calvinism teaches the Doctrine of Grace: The Five Solas, and TULIP.
    Any credit that man excites to say "I came to God...",
    "I was searching for God..."
    is arrogance, and pride.
    That^ is NOT "grace".
    That^ is "God, I chose You;
    now, you owe me eternal life".
    His misunderstanding of TULIP... fashioning YHWH to be a man...is foolish (Numbers 23:19; Job 9:32).
    Non Calvinists constantly eisegete Scripture: fitting a square peg in a hole.
    Wretched TV (Todd Friel) has a short video, explaining reading context.
    Beautiful video.

  • @penprop01
    @penprop01 4 года назад +1

    Watch Megan Phelps on Ted talks so sad. No Gospel in Calvinism. Soteriology 101 RUclips.

  • @gojohnnygo3209
    @gojohnnygo3209 5 лет назад +6

    Calvinism is more dangerous than Catholicism. why? Calvinism bring another gospel within bible believing Christians, where as for Catholicism they are strangers to the scriptures.

  • @StudioGalvan
    @StudioGalvan 2 года назад +1

    🤓 These doctrines of Grace (mistakenly called Calvinism) have been believed by Biblical scholars since well before John Calvin lived.
    It was taught & believed by so many including ...
    ~ church fathers and by
    ~ "Catholic" Monks.
    It was believed and taught by
    ~ John Wycliffe the man who risked his life for making the 1st ever translation into the Early English language.
    ~ It was taught & believed by Ian (Jan/John) Huss. An early reformer who was burned at the stake for teaching the Gospel & reading the Bible to his congregants in their native Czech tongue.
    ~ It was taught & believed by Martin Luther, the most famous reformer.
    ~ It was taught & believed by Ulrich Zwingli, a famous reformer & contemporary of Luther in Switzerland
    After John Calvin (one of the greatest Biblical Scholars of his day), it has been believed & taught by the greatest Biblical Scholars of early modern to modern times. Of them the more famous are:
    ~ Jonathan Edward - "The Greatest Biblical Scholar America has produced"
    ~ Charles Spurgeon - "The Prince of Preachers"
    ~ The Late Great Dr RC Sproul - (of "Renewing Your Mind" etc)
    ~ John MacArthur - (Does he really need an introduction)
    If all these Great Men of GOD Believed & Taught these Doctrines, would anyone but a fool reject them without serious consideration?

    • @eugenejoseph7076
      @eugenejoseph7076 2 года назад +2

      All the early church fathers, before Augustine, preached God saves any and all those that believe the free gift of salvation in Christ. Even Augustine believed it and preached until later in his ministry he reverted back to his gnostic & Manichean roots. This is where Calvin based his entire systematic theology on, Augustine's last doctrines. If you knew anything about the early church history you would get it. Just because a thousand men preached 'calvinism' does not make it correct. Paul is clear on this point. We follow Jesus not man made doctrines. Finally, how can anyone who believes these doctrines preach with sincerity the Love of God when they are note 'sure' if God love the person in front of them? How babies created in His image may be sent to Hell with no explanation from God except, it's my Will. Sadly Satan is also rejoicing since he also wants God to send people to Hell. Sorry, but this debate between Freewill and predestined is the saddest of all. To think that the love of God which is wider, deeper, longer and higher than anything man can understand, that same God would willingly create human beings and send them to Hell, no excuses, no explanation, just because He Will's it! God have mercy on the unsaved family members and unsaved friends of Calvinist, they may never hear that Jesus loves them and died for them and offers free salvation if only they would confess with their mouths and believe in their heart that Jesus died for them, then they would be saved. So sad.

    • @firstglass3206
      @firstglass3206 2 года назад


  • @donna2023
    @donna2023 4 года назад

    Sounds like in Calvinism is a limited Goospel. Certainly not comforting.

  • @kingsfriend8029
    @kingsfriend8029 2 года назад


  • @JonathanGrandt
    @JonathanGrandt 6 лет назад +2

    Calvinism takes biblical doctrine and puts an extreme twist on them. I left a predominately Arminian influenced church mainly because of some problems I saw regarding the idea that someone could lose salvation because of works when they didn’t gain it by works... and because of many things Jesus said about how securely God holds us. I could never embrace Calvinism though because of everything you mention here. All titles aside, Christ is not divided and so I figured I would just read the Bible for doctrine rather than follow a man’s eisegetical importation of philosophy into the scriptures.

  • @solliejansen2318
    @solliejansen2318 2 года назад +1

    David Servant is so spiritually discerned hates the god of the bible that he will start with man and work his way up to god. he might claim to love the Jesus of the bible but he loves the Jesus of his own creation. David Servant is the exact example of the total depraved person paul was talking about in Romans 3:9-20. he denies the truths of God and is a child of wrath Romans 9:22.
    David Servant I believe the most loving thing to say to someone is they are a heretic so I will say you are a heretic. god willing you be saved by his grace all the glory to god.

    • @firstglass3206
      @firstglass3206 2 года назад

      Well I'm glad SOLLIE JANSEN you being the Sovereign One, can rightly discern this for David and all of us. Clearly you're elected and he isn't. However in that same logic, David wouldn't have the desire to even consider his relationship and fellowship with God of the Bible, and recognize Jesus being preeminent over all for the "word is foolishness to those who don't believe, because it is spiritually discerned." YOUR DAMNING STATEMENT is contradictory at best and HERETICAL at most. Be Careful for with the word we bless God and Curse the man made in his image.

  • @skidmoro9642
    @skidmoro9642 2 года назад

    Calvinism in a nut shell...how to go to hell

  • @jackbarker3329
    @jackbarker3329 5 лет назад

    Hey David Servant! --- I want to congratulate you on doing a GREAT JOB explaining to everyone in your RUclips audience, what Calvinism is all about! Way to go, my friend! I am a Christian pastor hanging out in Bakersfield, CA. As a PROUD double predestinarian Calvinist, I take a lot of heat for holding such a position, which, as you probably know, many Calvinists consider to be an extreme position! I think that is RIDICULOUS! All you have to do is read through Romans 9 (which I consider to be one of the most important passages in all of Scripture!), and THAT is EXACTLY what the apostle Paul is saying! Inotherwords, if God pre-determines which of His human being creations will end up in heaven for all eternity, He ipso facto is also pre-determining which of them will end up in hell for all eternity (scary thought, to be sure!). Furthermore, the clear and irrefutable implication of what he is saying in Romans 9 is the following: believe it or not, NO HUMAN BEING in the history of the human race, has had any say whatsoever in where he or she ends up for all eternity! Am I right, or, am I right! I am right, Brother Servant! Guess what, brother Dave? THAT is a very hard thing for ANY human being to accept, right? Guess what else, brother? I believe that tens of millions of Arminians down through the centuries going all the way back to about 1520, have virtually told themselves that IF THAT IS WHAT GOD IS LIKE, that "I" do NOT want ANYTHING WHATSOEVER to do with such a God! Once again, brother, you know that what I am saying is right on the money! That is how most people regard God IF what I am saying about how God operates when it comes to who gets saved and who does not, is actually the case! Hey brother, for all I know, you yourself may be shaking your fist at me right this second fo misrepresentiing God so egregiously! Well bro David, your argument is NOT with me, okay? Your argument is with the Word of God, because I have told you and everybody else exactly what Scripture has to say about what is going on behind the scenes, so to speak, which of course entails our sovereign God selecting this person and that person, to be allowed into heaven for all eternity, so to speak, and at the same time, "passing over", as they say, certain human beings, as well! I think you know, brother Dave, that this is exactly what John Calvin claimed that Scripture was saying about this matter. He specifically said that God created most human beings for dishonorable use, so to speak! For what purpose? For this purpose: to MAGNIFY His mercy and grace to the RELATIVE FEW selected by God to receive His mercy and salvation! Can you follow what I am trying to say? Well, in any case, I would appreciate some feedback from you on what I am saying! Feel free to tell me to go to hell for misrepresenting God in the most egregious way, if you that's how you really feel about the whole thing! I am serious! I want to know what you think about what I am saying about a CRUCIAL ISSSUE! Just so you can get to know me a little better, believe it or not, Dave, but there can be no question that I have the gift of evangelism! In fact, I claim that there is not a single child of God alive on the planet today, who comes even close to how fervent I am regarding moving people OFF the BROAD ROAD and ONTO the NARROW ROAD, if you get my drift! I am a one-on-one kind of guy! I excel at talking to people one-on- one! In fact, there is no one better when it comes to going face-to-face with ANYBODY! I have NEVER spoken in front of an audience. However, I probably will in the near future. I just definitely prefer to go one-on-one with people, that's all. I also will tell you that I am the pastor of an online church, which I have named The Bakersfield Power of LOVE Online Church. So, there is not a single brick or stone associated with my church, obviously. It was formed compliments of the incredible functionality of a website that goes by the name of facebook.com. My online church has about 4,950 members scattered all over the world. Ironically, my most devoted members are about 4 African twenty-something guys who, believe it or not, INSTANTLY ADOPTED ME as their father the second they met me online! I take being their surrogate father VERY SERIOUSLY, because they all need a father-figure in their lives, desperately! I created this online church in an instant one day back in November 2017! At the time, I had a Facebook list of around 4,000, and one day I just decided to put out a Facebook post in which I declared that I was unilaterally changing my Facebook list into an online church, like it or not! Inotherwords, I gave every member of my list the opportunity to REMOVE themselves from my list IF they didn't like the idea of belonging to a Christian church of any kind. As I recall, I don't think that I suffered a single defection as a result of my sudden announcement! Anyway, I am dead serious about making my online church THE MOST IMPORTANT THING in EVERY SINGLE MEMBER's LIVES, believe it or not. I will do that, and am doing that, by pumping out 3 - 4 Fb posts per week to my list. I pour my heart and soul into every Fb post I put out. The real purpose of the content of my Fb posts is to somehow encourage my "members" to get OFF the BROAD ROAD and instead get ON the NARROW ROAD that LEADS to ETERNAL LIFE in heaven with God! My "mission" in life is literally to try to SAVE THE HUMAN RACE from destroying itself, which, as you know, they're already doing a pretty good job of that, right Dave? In conclusion, YOU, brother Dave, are a thousand times the Bible teacher that I might be! So, to repeat, I insist on knowing what you think of what I was laying out to you about Romans 9! Please humor me, if you will, with some feedback, and I don't care HOW NEGATIVE or CRITICAL you might be with me! I can handle it, I can! Furthermore Dave, I am a very OPEN-MINDED PERSON, okay? Implying that maybe, just maybe,if I am wrong in what I am saying about Romans 9, maybe you could show me something that would radically change my mind about the correct interpretation of Romans 9! But I seriously DOUBT that there is ANYTHING at all that you could bring to my attention that would change my mind. But I promise you that I will carefully consider anything you have to say to me. I would PREFER that you CALL ME on the tellie to give me your feedback. My smartphone no. is 661-593-8467 You can call me anytime. Failing that, my best email address is beakiebarker2@gmail.com

    • @williambunter3311
      @williambunter3311 5 лет назад +3

      Ever heard about paragraphs? For all your waffle you are wrong. Romans 9-11 is about Israel, not salvation. What marks you as a Calvinist is your arrogance and conceit.

    • @heathers4961
      @heathers4961 3 года назад +1

      You should examine yourself to see whether you are in the faith. Proud? Pride is not a fruit of the spirit. The fact that you are proud to be a calvinist reveals the rotten fruit of it.
      Calvinism is a false gospel. Its heresy and paints a false picture of God's true character. It blasphemes Christ's work on the cross by claiming that a limited number of people are somehow equal to the precious blood of Christ.
      Jesus Christ died to make a way for every single individual to have salvation if they repent.
      Christ died because God promised a messiah and HE is faithful to keep that promise...regardless if anyone believes or not.
      For what if some did not believe? Shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?
      God's sacrifice had zero to do with how many would believe and everything to do with his own righteousness and faithfulness.
      Calvinism makes judgment greater than mercy and nullifies faith. It makes an idol of human depravity

    • @firstglass3206
      @firstglass3206 2 года назад

      AND YET JACK...
      PAUL ENDS IT WITH 9:33
      As it is written, Behold I am laying in Zion a Stone that will make men stumble, (A LOT OF STUMBLING) a Rock that will make them fall; BUT HE WHO BELIEVES in Him [who adheres to, trusts in, and relies on Him] shall not be put to shame nor be disappointed in his expectations.
      BRETHREN, [with all] my heart’s desire and goodwill for [Israel], I long and pray to God that they may be saved.
      I bear them witness that they have a [certain] zeal and enthusiasm for God, but it is not enlightened and according to [correct and vital] knowledge.
      For being ignorant of the righteousness that God ascribes [which makes one acceptable to Him in word, thought, and deed] and seeking to establish a righteousness (a means of salvation) of their own, they did not obey or submit themselves to God’s righteousness. For Christ is the end of the Law [the limit at which it ceases to be, for the Law leads up to Him Who is the fulfillment of its types, and in Him the purpose which it was designed to accomplish is fulfilled. That is, the purpose of the Law is fulfilled in Him] as the means of righteousness (right relationship to God) for everyone who trusts in and adheres to and relies on Him.
      For Moses writes that the man who [can] practice the righteousness (perfect conformity to God’s will) which is based on the Law [with all its intricate demands] shall live by it.
      But the righteousness based on faith [imputed by God and bringing right relationship with Him] says, Do not say in your heart, Who will ascend into Heaven? that is, to bring Christ down;
      Or who will descend into the abyss? that is, to bring Christ up from the dead [as if we could be saved by our own efforts].
      But what does it say? The Word (God’s message in Christ) is near you, on your lips and in your heart; that is, the Word (the message, the basis and object) of faith which we preach,
      Because if you acknowledge and confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and in your heart believe (adhere to, trust in, and rely on the truth) that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. PERIOD MY FRIEND.

    • @coreylapinas1000
      @coreylapinas1000 Год назад

      You sound like a complete and utter narcissist.