Didn't really have any plan. Made decisions as I went along. I have one drawing of the schema for the motors. You can find it here: sites.google.com/site/markohagglund/home/cabinet-builds/vibratone-clone
Im wanting to build two of these with a couple organ donor leslie units ive got. Yours appears to be a bit deeper than the old vibratone cabs?. Id like to build my cabs pretty much to the same dimensions as the originals but i haven't found any definite plans online, admittedly i haven't looked very hard yet. Mine still have all of the drive assembly and motors intact and working, surprisingly, but im thinking of going a different route there, id really like something that i can have continuous speed control with and i want to gut an old wah pedal and make it the speed control. Anyway if you have any suggestions or relative info to share it would be much appreciated and i thank you in advance sir.
It might be deeper. Wandet everything to fit nicely. Wanted a spesific width on the cab. The rest came as I went along. I tought about a speed pedal also but I think you have to change the motors. The ones I have are for a fixed speed. You could use some motors for electric drills and control the speed with a pot but those can introduce some noise to the signal. Made a page with some pics I have of the build process: sites.google.com/site/markohagglund/home/cabinet-builds/vibratone-clone
That sounds glorious brother! You are a great craftsman!
@@Mrmustard1380 Thank you very much.
That's an impressive build. Looks and sounds great. Nicely done!
Thank you very much. I like it a lot. The sound is very 3D. It's somehow more felt than heard.
Very nice! My wife loved the floral patterns of fabric. Did you build the rotating speaker cab?
Thanks. Yes I did build the cab also. The fabric is Finlayson pillowcase. Pattern felt a little 70s so that is what I picked.
Great build Marko, do you have any plans or anything to share??
Didn't really have any plan. Made decisions as I went along. I have one drawing of the schema for the motors. You can find it here: sites.google.com/site/markohagglund/home/cabinet-builds/vibratone-clone
Im wanting to build two of these with a couple organ donor leslie units ive got. Yours appears to be a bit deeper than the old vibratone cabs?. Id like to build my cabs pretty much to the same dimensions as the originals but i haven't found any definite plans online, admittedly i haven't looked very hard yet. Mine still have all of the drive assembly and motors intact and working, surprisingly, but im thinking of going a different route there, id really like something that i can have continuous speed control with and i want to gut an old wah pedal and make it the speed control. Anyway if you have any suggestions or relative info to share it would be much appreciated and i thank you in advance sir.
It might be deeper. Wandet everything to fit nicely. Wanted a spesific width on the cab. The rest came as I went along. I tought about a speed pedal also but I think you have to change the motors. The ones I have are for a fixed speed. You could use some motors for electric drills and control the speed with a pot but those can introduce some noise to the signal. Made a page with some pics I have of the build process: sites.google.com/site/markohagglund/home/cabinet-builds/vibratone-clone