I bought the copper, and the matching Olight Baton Pro 3 in copper. So cool looking and they are definitely worth the money. Knife was very sharp and the light has three options for lighting and extremely bright.
Just got my carbon copy (pun). It is well made, but the detent is stiff and the CF is too slick. The two lights that came with it make it an alright deal.
YES, subtle details are important in the presentation. Of course, the actual quality is important It Might not be legal here I would have to check. I would have a difficult time choosing one of them.
It's a very hard decision...both equally cool and beautiful. I personally like the copper as the patina potential is pretty sweet! But the carbon is nice and light...and refined!
I bought yhe copper version.
I dig it. It lives in my pocket.
Hoping the copper naturally patinas over time.
I bought the copper, and the matching Olight Baton Pro 3 in copper. So cool looking and they are definitely worth the money. Knife was very sharp and the light has three options for lighting and extremely bright.
Nice! Yeah, that's a great knife...I love mine...it's still a regular go-to.
This knife very high quality and value and beauty.
I thought it was a sticker too. A missed opportunity. Great video! 🤙
Ha! It's not a sticker? WTF...haha. I never tried to peel it
Yeah it was a disappointment. It really should have been a sticker. Maybe I can just glue it somewhere haha 🤙🤙
@@schreiber6220 yes they are. They are a bitch to peel. I have mine on the back of my phone.
@@schreiber6220 took me like 10 minutes to get it to lift.
What mat is that?
Just got my carbon copy (pun). It is well made, but the detent is stiff and the CF is too slick. The two lights that came with it make it an alright deal.
YES, subtle details are important in the presentation. Of course, the actual quality is important
It Might not be legal here I would have to check.
I would have a difficult time choosing one of them.
It's a very hard decision...both equally cool and beautiful. I personally like the copper as the patina potential is pretty sweet! But the carbon is nice and light...and refined!
Nowhere have I seen how it looks clipped on the waistband.
I hope those knives are USA made 😐