Out of all the scenes to cut out. The black outs were the most important. I can understand why they cut it..sort of..cutting out the paranormal parts and the feeling of making the story too complex. But if they cut the black outs the least they could do was cut out the origami crane scenes because with that in the end result has the opposite effect, it sends the players mind spinning into overdrive, wondering what the hell that was and ethan waking up after a blackout with a origami crane is by itself paranormal-ish in nature. So they just made the narrative more complicated by removing the pivotal scenes that would by its very nature un-complicate it or at least not make it as complicated.
But why not add the paranormal bits? We already have Jayden's weird futuristic glasses being ridiculously out of place, why not just go whole hog on this and add the psychic link? It explains the blackouts, which without the explanation just sort of...happen. I mean, there's already fantastical elements in the game, Ethan already has weird time-stopping powers in that one train station scene, just throw in everything.
Jayden's glasses were part of the reason how he caught the Origami Killer. I'm so glad it was in the game. Ethan's blackouts weren't really necessary other than just to make the storyline more confusing. It's more vague and mysterious to just leave it up to imagination what happened when those happened. Makes you think that the Origami Killer could be about just anybody. I don't like when writers try to feed you the whole plot on a silver platter it makes it less interesting.
I think the blackout scenes would've been perfect if it didn't include the origami. Ethan passing out and having nightmarish visions of children drowning and being unable to save them is a bit of a metaphor of when his own son died and he couldn't protect him even though he put his life on the line. it connects to the origami killings because they've been happening around him and he's paranoid that he'll fail as a father again to protect his son. the origami made the black outs weird though.
I always wondered what the hell Ethan was talking about when he would talk about having visions of drowning bodies. Now it makes sense, why the heck did they cut it out!? I mean the paranormal part does not fit with the game but they could have doctored the mentions of those visions out or keep them in
I think this blackouts would've perfectly worked for Jayden instead of Ethan. They could've been inserted as hallucinations Norman had cause of the ARI, the origamis could symbolize his obsession with finding the killer and the dead kids his fear of failing and letting Shawn die.
When they re-released this on PS4 they could have added the removed scenes in as an "Uncut" version of the game.. And also give you the choice of playing the "Standard" version from the PS3, without the blackout/origami scenes (2 versions on 1 disc).. I understand that they couldn't fix it on the ps3 due to limited time, but there was no excuse when they ported it to PS4.. They had several years to edit it..
It seems like it was a very poor idea to leave in the blackouts, but cut out all story related to the blackouts. They just happen, make ethan look guilty, than are never explained. If they didn't want the paranormal element (probably a good idea), they should have cut the blackouts all together.
Yea it was supposed to make him look guilty tho bruh. This is why you don't know Shelby is the killer untill wayy later in the game. I do agree that they should've explained the blackouts at the end or smthing
i would seriously pay 60 dollars again if they rereleased heavy rain for ps4 and had all the taken out sections. they could even call it david cage directors cut. its would also be cool if they added the dlc they promised for each character
@@guestb6319 they could have said she got it through his connection named sam who found that doc earlier and write something like "i needed to know who was on this case"
"they made the story too complex" What? It was much better like that than to completely ignore the plot holes that leave everyone confused! I think the underwater scenes were wonderful. The story makes no sense as they are now :/
+Logicalunacy Not only that but there are ways to balance out characters arcs and scenes displaying these developments without making the game too convoluted. Almost sounds like they didn't have time or were rushed.
I can't disagree more. I agree the underwater scenes were interesting but they wouldn't fit the game at all - a tacked on paranormal element that adds nothing to the story. The much better solution would've been to completely remove the blackouts.
***** Yea, that's true. I feel like she was either added late in the development or at some point they figured they want a female protagonist but had no good idea how to fit her with the plot.
***** Or maybe he's channeling his internal Japanese designer! Still I respect the guy or rather the whole dev team in general for this game, despite all of the plot holes and weird design decisions I enjoyed it a lot and I value the emotional rollercoaster it gave me :).
Madison could've been entirely removed from the game and it would've made little difference to the plot. The only vital moment that requires her presence is letting [other playable character] know where Shaun is if the player doesn't get all the information. Ethan could've dressed his own wounds, not have sex, and escape the police without her being there.
***** Now that you bring that up I'm mistaken. We needed to have a potential rape scene in there, so I guess Madison WAS vital to keep in the game. I can only imagine what it'll be like in Detroit.
Something, something about evil humans being assholes and saying it's okay to sex up robots because they don't have souls. Then you have the robot girl get away because even Cage won't make a QTE that results in video game rape if failed, and everyone on the internet reacts to it in a variety of ways until we forget about it a month later and then looking forward to the next shitstorm Cage game. This got dismal.
Going into the game, I fully expected it to have a paranormal edge to it because of Indigo Prophecy. I was disappointed that they didn't since there are a lot of similarities: The persistent weather (Snow and Rain), characters talking about the "end times," and, of course, Ethan's blackouts.
The problem with the supernatural element is like the narrator said: it doesn't affect the story. If the story was about Jayden getting the killer using police resources, Madison using interviews and paper clippings and Ethan using the nightmares, and Shelby erasing the trail and trying to locate Ethan, that'd be interesting. Maybe you could justifying a increase in the murders, with Shelby using them to reach Ethan, the only one that got too close from him.
These cut elements would have enhanced the story greatly. I was amazed while watching this that every omitted element would've fixed every single problem I had with the game! What an astounding creative malfunction.
Instead of letting you play Madison as a good investigator, let's just put her in a couple of rape scenes, a sex scene, and have her be a nurse to the real hero.
IN MY OPINION: 1: I'm glad Shelby's scene was removed. That looks fucked up. 2: I think it would have been cool with the drowning nightmare 3: I'd rather have the morning scene as " Father and Son" 4: Yeah it could make sense the way Madison got her sleeping problem
This will always piss me off I can understand wanting the game to be more realistic, really I do, but you kept in the blackouts! Without the psychic link the blackouts make no sense!!!
Quantic Dream should finish up with what they were going with Madison's journalism research and insomnia, include the rest of the deleted scenes (except for the one where Shelby kills his mother, they could make that optional). And release it as a Heavy Rain: Director's Cut version.
i can agree with the first one. The 2nd would have made it better if left in, Paranormal or not, it would have plugged a plothole, and i have a preference for unrealistic plots. 3rd would have been nice, but not a large deal. 4th seems like it should have stayed in, they didn't even seem to cite a reason for removal.
I wish they would have kept the paranormal feeling, I always love paranormal stuff. I like the idea too. I did always wonder how the bond did forge between Shelby and Ethan.
They cut "Shaun goes to school" and wants to speed up the early game but lets you do so much mundane things in the house... Really should've kept the Blackout scenes.
The water house and nightmare scenes, and the whole paranormal thing explains it all. This is incredible. How their minds were connected. But still, why was Ethan the one who keeps connecting to Shelby's mind? Why not someone else? I love things like this, where it finally tells you what happened
Oh look. It's the concepts that would have made the game better and the one concept that still makes the game worse anyway for having ever been a part of the narrative in the first place.
But Mars got his first blackout 3 years after Shelby kidnapped the first victim. So it´s not corresponding. The bond also was formed like 2 years later.
In a scene it shows the wife talking to Norman and Blake saying that Ethan once came back home late drenched and talking about rainwater and drowning and that the next day one of the Origami Killer Victims was announced the next day.So it has been happening before.
@deathward4 I know BUT you can also get the boxed version, and it differs in the looks of the box, and some aditional content ofr making of heavy rain. Move Ed was also patched, but without the making of content, and it was free for the users who already own the game.
I really wish they continued with the DLC, because this game deserves so much more. On the other hand, I did play through the game with the Move and it was pretty freaking awesome. I felt it added a lot to the immersion.
Hmm....the pieces are starting to come together but this puzzle on the story isnt solved quite yet. im glad quantic dream gave us this video cuz now i know more about the story....yup they need a directors cut...DLC and all. i ddont mind waiting for it.
Paranormal explanation is 100x better than no explanation at al!! Plus the actual underwater scenes look disturbingly amazing! Also they really should've added more to Madison story, she was the only female in the game and the only character I never warmed up to. As for the murdering and "Good Father" scenes, I get why they excluded those, but still wouldn't have minded them in the game.
They should've also removed all the references of these scenes and all the blackouts. Ethan could've just fainted and not remembered what happened, which would cause him to think he is the Origami Killer. But, I'm still not sure how would the police start thinking that he was the killer considering a lack of evidence.
I've just completed this great game on PC. That blackouts and origami were really confusing only. I was convinced that psychiatrist was responsible for everything! He could have given him some "medicines" for blackouts and origamis, ultimately as a set-up for police and even himself! And Madison's additional story mentioned in the video would have been cool.
I like the Madison back story and wish they would have kept the apartment painting/remodeling in there. They should have kept the "Ethan takes son to school" parts too. The underwater stuff...and the extra car hit footage, I'm glad they decided to leave that alone.
They should have kept the nightmares.... The fact that Ethan's schizophrenia and the possibility of an alternate personality were never mentioned again confused me a lot! This would have explained a lot of things
They narrator has done a lot of video games. I'm pretty sure he was the voice of the main character in the PC Dracula games by microids. His voice is iconic for me. I grew up on those games.
I do recall that David Cage said that a chronicle DLC for Norman Jayden would explain his drug addiction and how he got his scar. But since it has been announced long ago that the production of DLC chronicle chapters had been cancelled, we won't know. I was actually hoping that since the DLC is cancelled, Jayden's past would be revealed in this video just as the did for madison.
Lol, played the game this weekend. Good thing this video exist case I was gonna be pretty unsatisfied if I didn't know why Madison had insomnia and the reason behind the blackouts.
@deathward4 The Move Edition is a whole other copy of a game, it only differs in the looks of the box (the back): there's no Scott, and shows different pictures of the 3 remaining characters on a blue background and theres and origami dog. The front differs in the fact that theres additional line saying "THE MOVE EDITION" lol. There is also some additional contents such as making of, free DLC and the 4 moving backgrounds for your PS3. The games the same, and it costs about 35 or 40 euro.
You know at first I was dissapointed when I heard that the supernatural elements were cut. I liked indigo prophecy and liked how some mystical elements were used. But like near the end of that game the ones cut where were just ridiculous. "The water represents the killers mind". Really? Hell throw in the AI light people while your at it.
@SithSymbiosis - I agree with u abt Quantic Dream not keepin the paranormal elements. I was thoroughly engaged in Fahrenheit. But as soon as the paranormal activity began i.e clans from other realms, fighting while flyin, livin dead etc, the game lost all creditaion. Possession n rituals was doable, as that laid the foundation for the strange killins. So if QD cudnt get the balance right in HR (a game abt a serial killer), then it is best they left it out.
@CountessOfOle I wouldn't really say that the ARI device is 'Sci Fi' as such, it's just advanced technology. It's actually fairly plausible technology too, especially as the ARI model that Jayden carries appears to be a test type. Seeing as they tried to ground the game in reality, the concept of ARI is much easier to swallow than some psychic connection.
@Nictel Not "complex"; I think "pointlessly convoluted" was the term they meant, regarding Ethan being underwater and having some kind of psychic connection with Shelby. Madison in Iraq would've been cool, though.
I'm guessing by that point in the game they had already decided Ethan would lose Shaun during a blackout, and it was too late to change that particular scene, even though the paranormal stuff had been cut.
TheKiss Yes, and also Ethan's ex-wife decided to go to the police because of a blackout. BUT They could have kept the blackouts and made Ethan wake up at a random place WITHOUT an origami in his hand. They could have easily edit the cutscenes cutting the parts that showed the street's name and the origamis. Than the blackouts would have been the consequences of the trauma Ethan had, but since they always happened under the rain and because of the coincidence of the one happened the night before a victim was found, they would have been suspicious enough. I understand that they wanted to divert the player's hypothesis but there's a difference between "show something and make people think that's an evidence" and "show something that make absolutely no sense if it's not an evidence but still it isn't"
StimatoEzio Easy there. I didn't make the game, I'm just trying to rationalize why they did what they did. You're right, the scene wasn't perfect and doesn't make sense. I'm just saying that by that point in production, they might not have had enough time to spend editing that sequence into something quite so different. The Carnaby Corner location is just a coincidence since the player has no way of knowing about the paranormal subplot that was cut.
TheKiss I wasn't saying that as an attack to you :) I'm not english and maybe I gave my sentences an aggressive tone, that wasn't my intention. I meant that you were right saying that probably the kidnapping-while-blackout thing was already decided, and I added that probably also the fact that Ethan's wife went to the police because of him going "crazy" was already decided. I just think that Quantic Dream did a stupid thing by removing a scene in the last-minute knowing that they had not the time to correct everything in the right way. Also, they just had to cut a handful of frames. I don't know if inserting a cutscene in a game takes the programmers a lot of work, but for the editing itself they didn't have to make strong changes, just to select and cut 5 seconds of video!
I still hope they continue the DLC for the other 3 characters. In a recent interview, Cage said it's still a possibility "Never say Never". Before the DLC was cancelled months ago, Cage stated that the chronicles would be an origin to Jayden's scar and triptocaine addicition. One Chronicle where you play the Origami Killer. And none was said about Ethan; I'm assuming if he ever did have a chronicle it would be a dream sequence during the 1 year gap of his divorce, rewriting his deleted scenes.
There were two plot holes in my opinion, The blackouts were explained in this video but the other question I have is why didn't the poison kill him? Was he immune to the poison or was it poison at all?
Dalen Lewin Wow dude if this is a plot hole for you then you are stupid. This wasn't poison this wouldn't be a plot hole this would be a major plot gap. Jesus dude use your brain. You ar egoing to say dude I was just asking. Just stop asking stupid questions. The "poison" was probably rain. Or something not very tasty since Ethan since to have a hard time swallowing it. They are plot holes in the game but the one you mentioned is stupid. Don't ask questions you already know the answer of. This will avoid certain reactions like myself.
@kornfan1313 Because the blackouts are linked to Shelby's killings. Even with these scenes, it's not clear that the blackouts are caused by an unintentional link created between Ethan and Shelby.
well if they only came up with a good reason for such a special mental connection to be made than it would work out just fine,better even then cutting it out.
They need to make something like "Heavy Rain: Special Edition." In the game, the only thing completely removed would be Scott killing his mother, and the blackouts may be altered to have a scientific explanation, or they could throw in the paranormal part.
I really hate that you guys didn't expand on Madison or kept the 'Good Father' scene. It would have been great to see the change in relationship between Ethan and his son. And while it was annoying that Ethan's blackouts weren't explained, if what you show in this video was your only idea for it, I am glad it was cut. :D
@Veyneru You have to admit that the freaking underwater thing would've been nice to patch up the whole thing at the beginning. Not to mention a reason for Madison's insomnia and crap. Mind you, I wouldn't be so buttmad if they just added those 2 things as DLC, but they don't seem to be working on the game anymore, so yeah. I'm still a bit fuming.
I think they really should have kept the blackout scenes. It made more sense with it being paranormal. They didn't have to explain the paranormal aspect, just that it was paranormal. It made way more sense that way.
Out of all the scenes to cut out. The black outs were the most important. I can understand why they cut it..sort of..cutting out the paranormal parts and the feeling of making the story too complex. But if they cut the black outs the least they could do was cut out the origami crane scenes because with that in the end result has the opposite effect, it sends the players mind spinning into overdrive, wondering what the hell that was and ethan waking up after a blackout with a origami crane is by itself paranormal-ish in nature. So they just made the narrative more complicated by removing the pivotal scenes that would by its very nature un-complicate it or at least not make it as complicated.
But why not add the paranormal bits? We already have Jayden's weird futuristic glasses being ridiculously out of place, why not just go whole hog on this and add the psychic link? It explains the blackouts, which without the explanation just sort of...happen. I mean, there's already fantastical elements in the game, Ethan already has weird time-stopping powers in that one train station scene, just throw in everything.
Jayden's glasses were part of the reason how he caught the Origami Killer. I'm so glad it was in the game. Ethan's blackouts weren't really necessary other than just to make the storyline more confusing. It's more vague and mysterious to just leave it up to imagination what happened when those happened. Makes you think that the Origami Killer could be about just anybody. I don't like when writers try to feed you the whole plot on a silver platter it makes it less interesting.
"This game is too fictitious, how do we get this game to make more sense?"
"I know! We'll remove key scenes within the game so nothing makes sense!"
For real though XD
I think the blackout scenes would've been perfect if it didn't include the origami. Ethan passing out and having nightmarish visions of children drowning and being unable to save them is a bit of a metaphor of when his own son died and he couldn't protect him even though he put his life on the line. it connects to the origami killings because they've been happening around him and he's paranoid that he'll fail as a father again to protect his son. the origami made the black outs weird though.
I wish they'd kept in all the extra elements for Madison, allowing her to be more than just the two-dimensional character she ends up as.
I always wondered what the hell Ethan was talking about when he would talk about having visions of drowning bodies. Now it makes sense, why the heck did they cut it out!? I mean the paranormal part does not fit with the game but they could have doctored the mentions of those visions out or keep them in
Yes this is the comment im looking for
I think this blackouts would've perfectly worked for Jayden instead of Ethan.
They could've been inserted as hallucinations Norman had cause of the ARI, the origamis could symbolize his obsession with finding the killer and the dead kids his fear of failing and letting Shawn die.
Nahhhh, that's too interesting and makes too much sense. Your ideas need to be more campy and pretentious if you want to be on this writing team!
Daaaamn son, it make sense
Maybe but the game doesn't revolve around an fbi agent tho does it? Ethan and the OK are the main characters
@@chrisprilloisebola I know I’m 2 years late , but no. All 4 are the main characters . That’s why you play all of the .
@@saysikerightnow6300 not really . The others functionally serve the plot as side characters.
Still doesn't explain how Madison got Jayden's phone number.
And how she knew the mother of the Origami Killer.
I just finished that and thought the same thing
@@Mronesset wym? She learns the name of the son, John Shepard from the club scene remember? So she just looked up who his family was, not hard
@@chrisprilloisebola Is possible of course. But it could be better if we could see a scene where Madison searches for his mother you know.
@@Mronesset yea they leave stuff like that for us to guess, we know she's a journalist but that's all
When they re-released this on PS4 they could have added the removed scenes in as an "Uncut" version of the game..
And also give you the choice of playing the "Standard" version from the PS3, without the blackout/origami scenes (2 versions on 1 disc).. I understand that they couldn't fix it on the ps3 due to limited time, but there was no excuse when they ported it to PS4.. They had several years to edit it..
It seems like it was a very poor idea to leave in the blackouts, but cut out all story related to the blackouts. They just happen, make ethan look guilty, than are never explained.
If they didn't want the paranormal element (probably a good idea), they should have cut the blackouts all together.
Yea it was supposed to make him look guilty tho bruh. This is why you don't know Shelby is the killer untill wayy later in the game. I do agree that they should've explained the blackouts at the end or smthing
I actually love the idea of a psychic link between Ethan and Scott being the cause of Ethan’s blackouts. I wish they would have kept that in.
Here I am..... can of Pickles..... fresh off the stream of Woolie's broken soul
+The Pickles And I'm here to share the pain brother.
+The Pickles
the pickles gotta get the pickles
From deadly premonition?
Heavy Rain. At the end of Pt 4 Pat suggests that we come here.
So now I am also here.
Scott killing his mother glad that wasn't included. Ethan's blackouts should have been included. Shaun goes to school, don't care.
i would seriously pay 60 dollars again if they rereleased heavy rain for ps4 and had all the taken out sections.
they could even call it david cage directors cut.
its would also be cool if they added the dlc they promised for each character
Its out now lol
@@tacoman_yomama8569 bitch there's no directors cut though
@@sfs324 I actually bought the directors cut... It's in red for ps3 and came with a folded origami dog.
Well that's fine and dandy if you want to simplify the story, but shouldn't you fix the plot holes?
Yeah, like how Madison has Jayden's number
@@guestb6319 they could have said she got it through his connection named sam who found that doc earlier and write something like "i needed to know who was on this case"
"they made the story too complex"
What? It was much better like that than to completely ignore the plot holes that leave everyone confused! I think the underwater scenes were wonderful. The story makes no sense as they are now :/
+Logicalunacy Not only that but there are ways to balance out characters arcs and scenes displaying these developments without making the game too convoluted. Almost sounds like they didn't have time or were rushed.
Eduardo Alvarado Guzman I thought so too!
I can't disagree more. I agree the underwater scenes were interesting but they wouldn't fit the game at all - a tacked on paranormal element that adds nothing to the story. The much better solution would've been to completely remove the blackouts.
***** Yea, that's true. I feel like she was either added late in the development or at some point they figured they want a female protagonist but had no good idea how to fit her with the plot.
***** Or maybe he's channeling his internal Japanese designer! Still I respect the guy or rather the whole dev team in general for this game, despite all of the plot holes and weird design decisions I enjoyed it a lot and I value the emotional rollercoaster it gave me :).
I really wish they kept the blackout scenes
It really would of made the game so much cooler and better.
Madison could've been entirely removed from the game and it would've made little difference to the plot. The only vital moment that requires her presence is letting [other playable character] know where Shaun is if the player doesn't get all the information. Ethan could've dressed his own wounds, not have sex, and escape the police without her being there.
Ethan even meets Cage's requirement in his games for a awkward and creepy shower scene.
***** Now that you bring that up I'm mistaken. We needed to have a potential rape scene in there, so I guess Madison WAS vital to keep in the game. I can only imagine what it'll be like in Detroit.
Something, something about evil humans being assholes and saying it's okay to sex up robots because they don't have souls. Then you have the robot girl get away because even Cage won't make a QTE that results in video game rape if failed, and everyone on the internet reacts to it in a variety of ways until we forget about it a month later and then looking forward to the next shitstorm Cage game.
This got dismal.
I'm really interested to see how long into the game it'll be to get a David Cage bingo.
+WatrDragn I'm actually looking at it right now and there are at least 4 squares filled out just from the scene where Madison is in her apartment.
Going into the game, I fully expected it to have a paranormal edge to it because of Indigo Prophecy. I was disappointed that they didn't since there are a lot of similarities: The persistent weather (Snow and Rain), characters talking about the "end times," and, of course, Ethan's blackouts.
The balloon...gotta get the balloon.
The final origami figure...the last trial
"We decided to remove them [blackout explanation]" BECAUSE A GLARING PLOT HOLE IS BETTER!
Here from the SBFP stream.
Me too man, this game sucks
+Sean Rushing now I want to see the part where someone tells david cage hes a fucking moron and to cut all that shit out that pat mentioned
who cares where are you from? Fishing for attention much?
Woolie and Jayden were killed during the streaming of this game.
Woolie, so R1-
The problem with the supernatural element is like the narrator said: it doesn't affect the story. If the story was about Jayden getting the killer using police resources, Madison using interviews and paper clippings and Ethan using the nightmares, and Shelby erasing the trail and trying to locate Ethan, that'd be interesting. Maybe you could justifying a increase in the murders, with Shelby using them to reach Ethan, the only one that got too close from him.
These cut elements would have enhanced the story greatly. I was amazed while watching this that every omitted element would've fixed every single problem I had with the game!
What an astounding creative malfunction.
they never explain Jaydens past
I wonder how many are checking this out, from after Woolie's first playthrough of Heavy Rain..
who the hell is woolie
just this pie-stealing liar, who had recently played through Heavy Rain for the first time, when the comment was dropped.
Instead of letting you play Madison as a good investigator, let's just put her in a couple of rape scenes, a sex scene, and have her be a nurse to the real hero.
1: I'm glad Shelby's scene was removed. That looks fucked up.
2: I think it would have been cool with the drowning nightmare
3: I'd rather have the morning scene as " Father and Son"
4: Yeah it could make sense the way Madison got her sleeping problem
Thanks Pat!
This will always piss me off
I can understand wanting the game to be more realistic, really I do, but you kept in the blackouts!
Without the psychic link the blackouts make no sense!!!
I'm here because Zaibatsu. Thank you, Pat.
Quantic Dream should finish up with what they were going with Madison's journalism research and insomnia, include the rest of the deleted scenes (except for the one where Shelby kills his mother, they could make that optional). And release it as a Heavy Rain: Director's Cut version.
Literally would have fixed so many problems if these were in. Shootout to sbf stream.
i can agree with the first one. The 2nd would have made it better if left in, Paranormal or not, it would have plugged a plothole, and i have a preference for unrealistic plots. 3rd would have been nice, but not a large deal. 4th seems like it should have stayed in, they didn't even seem to cite a reason for removal.
I wish they would have kept the paranormal feeling, I always love paranormal stuff. I like the idea too. I did always wonder how the bond did forge between Shelby and Ethan.
I feel so sorry for Woolie
isn't that the voice of Lucas from indigo prophecy?
They cut "Shaun goes to school" and wants to speed up the early game but lets you do so much mundane things in the house... Really should've kept the Blackout scenes.
wow thanks pat
Sad that they removed all of these deleted scenes. We need a sequel.
I wish they kept the original blackout scenes in.
The water house and nightmare scenes, and the whole paranormal thing explains it all. This is incredible. How their minds were connected. But still, why was Ethan the one who keeps connecting to Shelby's mind? Why not someone else? I love things like this, where it finally tells you what happened
Oh look. It's the concepts that would have made the game better and the one concept that still makes the game worse anyway for having ever been a part of the narrative in the first place.
chandlerGameFreak753 I noticed that I was like holy shit!!!! Lucas you're one to talk!!!!!!
oh the french man made le bad game
Can't believe they've cut blackouts. That would explain major plot hole and why Ethan had origami figure with him. Now all there is left is to guess.
Hahhahahahahhahahahahhahahaha. David Cage - legendary story teller and linker of psychic memories.
But Mars got his first blackout 3 years after Shelby kidnapped the first victim. So it´s not corresponding.
The bond also was formed like 2 years later.
In a scene it shows the wife talking to Norman and Blake saying that Ethan once came back home late drenched and talking about rainwater and drowning and that the next day one of the Origami Killer Victims was announced the next day.So it has been happening before.
I agree, this should be made into a directors cut of sorts. It explains a lot, and makes it even more awesome.
@deathward4 I know BUT you can also get the boxed version, and it differs in the looks of the box, and some aditional content ofr making of heavy rain. Move Ed was also patched, but without the making of content, and it was free for the users who already own the game.
What?!? Some explanation would be better than none.
The blackouts are a huge plot hole now.
I love how Lucas Kane from Fahrenheit (AKA Indigo Prophecy) is commentating!
So glad the paranormal stuff was cut. Stuff that weird and unexplainable would have really messed with my identification with the character.
Removing major scenes a few months before release and leaving massive plot holes was a fantastic decision.
Why didn't they just watch this video on stream?
I really wish they continued with the DLC, because this game deserves so much more. On the other hand, I did play through the game with the Move and it was pretty freaking awesome. I felt it added a lot to the immersion.
Hmm....the pieces are starting to come together but this puzzle on the story isnt solved quite yet. im glad quantic dream gave us this video cuz now i know more about the story....yup they need a directors cut...DLC and all. i ddont mind waiting for it.
@ATHFguy I agree. Having following soldiers around and interviewing them while on duty; but to be ambushed by opposing forces. That'd be awesome.
It seems like Quantic never have enough time to fully fulfill their ideas.
the pillow went through his mom's head
Paranormal explanation is 100x better than no explanation at al!! Plus the actual underwater scenes look disturbingly amazing! Also they really should've added more to Madison story, she was the only female in the game and the only character I never warmed up to.
As for the murdering and "Good Father" scenes, I get why they excluded those, but still wouldn't have minded them in the game.
They should've also removed all the references of these scenes and all the blackouts. Ethan could've just fainted and not remembered what happened, which would cause him to think he is the Origami Killer. But, I'm still not sure how would the police start thinking that he was the killer considering a lack of evidence.
I've just completed this great game on PC. That blackouts and origami were really confusing only. I was convinced that psychiatrist was responsible for everything! He could have given him some "medicines" for blackouts and origamis, ultimately as a set-up for police and even himself!
And Madison's additional story mentioned in the video would have been cool.
I like the Madison back story and wish they would have kept the apartment painting/remodeling in there. They should have kept the "Ethan takes son to school" parts too. The underwater stuff...and the extra car hit footage, I'm glad they decided to leave that alone.
the apartment customization and journalist office would have been awesome, it's more lifelike and much more cinematic...
They should have kept the nightmares.... The fact that Ethan's schizophrenia and the possibility of an alternate personality were never mentioned again confused me a lot! This would have explained a lot of things
They narrator has done a lot of video games. I'm pretty sure he was the voice of the main character in the PC Dracula games by microids. His voice is iconic for me. I grew up on those games.
I do recall that David Cage said that a chronicle DLC for Norman Jayden would explain his drug addiction and how he got his scar. But since it has been announced long ago that the production of DLC chronicle chapters had been cancelled, we won't know. I was actually hoping that since the DLC is cancelled, Jayden's past would be revealed in this video just as the did for madison.
they still had one paranormal part when he is in that giant crowd
Lol, played the game this weekend. Good thing this video exist case I was gonna be pretty unsatisfied if I didn't know why Madison had insomnia and the reason behind the blackouts.
@deathward4 The Move Edition is a whole other copy of a game, it only differs in the looks of the box (the back): there's no Scott, and shows different pictures of the 3 remaining characters on a blue background and theres and origami dog. The front differs in the fact that theres additional line saying "THE MOVE EDITION" lol. There is also some additional contents such as making of, free DLC and the 4 moving backgrounds for your PS3. The games the same, and it costs about 35 or 40 euro.
You know at first I was dissapointed when I heard that the supernatural elements were cut. I liked indigo prophecy and liked how some mystical elements were used. But like near the end of that game the ones cut where were just ridiculous. "The water represents the killers mind". Really? Hell throw in the AI light people while your at it.
@Timbolino222 I think they included that idea after they scrapped the concept of why she was an insomniac.
I think they should have included more content in the game that explains ethans blackouts. these deleted scenes made a lot of sense.
@SithSymbiosis - I agree with u abt Quantic Dream not keepin the paranormal elements. I was thoroughly engaged in Fahrenheit. But as soon as the paranormal activity began i.e clans from other realms, fighting while flyin, livin dead etc, the game lost all creditaion. Possession n rituals was doable, as that laid the foundation for the strange killins. So if QD cudnt get the balance right in HR (a game abt a serial killer), then it is best they left it out.
REALLY liked the Blackout parts! Really beautiful and could have added some haunting ''mindfucks''!
Still, one of my favorite games though:)
@CountessOfOle I wouldn't really say that the ARI device is 'Sci Fi' as such, it's just advanced technology. It's actually fairly plausible technology too, especially as the ARI model that Jayden carries appears to be a test type. Seeing as they tried to ground the game in reality, the concept of ARI is much easier to swallow than some psychic connection.
Considering how awesome of a game Heavy Rain was to start with....it would have been nice to have these scenes in.
I knew something was up with Shelby and his mother in that scene. Didn't expect that though.
@Nictel Not "complex"; I think "pointlessly convoluted" was the term they meant, regarding Ethan being underwater and having some kind of psychic connection with Shelby. Madison in Iraq would've been cool, though.
If they wanted to remove the stupid mystical bullshit, then why does Ethan still wake up at Carnaby Corner North with the Origami figure in his hand?
I'm guessing by that point in the game they had already decided Ethan would lose Shaun during a blackout, and it was too late to change that particular scene, even though the paranormal stuff had been cut.
What an amazing game. Ugh.
TheKiss Yes, and also Ethan's ex-wife decided to go to the police because of a blackout.
They could have kept the blackouts and made Ethan wake up at a random place WITHOUT an origami in his hand. They could have easily edit the cutscenes cutting the parts that showed the street's name and the origamis.
Than the blackouts would have been the consequences of the trauma Ethan had, but since they always happened under the rain and because of the coincidence of the one happened the night before a victim was found, they would have been suspicious enough.
I understand that they wanted to divert the player's hypothesis but there's a difference between "show something and make people think that's an evidence" and "show something that make absolutely no sense if it's not an evidence but still it isn't"
Easy there. I didn't make the game, I'm just trying to rationalize why they did what they did.
You're right, the scene wasn't perfect and doesn't make sense. I'm just saying that by that point in production, they might not have had enough time to spend editing that sequence into something quite so different. The Carnaby Corner location is just a coincidence since the player has no way of knowing about the paranormal subplot that was cut.
TheKiss I wasn't saying that as an attack to you :) I'm not english and maybe I gave my sentences an aggressive tone, that wasn't my intention. I meant that you were right saying that probably the kidnapping-while-blackout thing was already decided, and I added that probably also the fact that Ethan's wife went to the police because of him going "crazy" was already decided.
I just think that Quantic Dream did a stupid thing by removing a scene in the last-minute knowing that they had not the time to correct everything in the right way. Also, they just had to cut a handful of frames. I don't know if inserting a cutscene in a game takes the programmers a lot of work, but for the editing itself they didn't have to make strong changes, just to select and cut 5 seconds of video!
Me: "So Madison, why do you suffer from insomnia? It's never explained in the game."
Madison: "I've covered wars, you know."
loved the water scenes, look awesome.
But i'm satisfied with the explanation of removing paranormal elements.
wow the sound made by the first kid found underwater is really creepy.
I still hope they continue the DLC for the other 3 characters. In a recent interview, Cage said it's still a possibility "Never say Never". Before the DLC was cancelled months ago, Cage stated that the chronicles would be an origin to Jayden's scar and triptocaine addicition. One Chronicle where you play the Origami Killer. And none was said about Ethan; I'm assuming if he ever did have a chronicle it would be a dream sequence during the 1 year gap of his divorce, rewriting his deleted scenes.
@wildzeromadness I know. That distinction belongs to Nahman.
Hope they make, like a Directors Cut of the game and include all this! i would love to buy that!
There were two plot holes in my opinion, The blackouts were explained in this video but the other question I have is why didn't the poison kill him? Was he immune to the poison or was it poison at all?
Dalen Lewin Wow dude if this is a plot hole for you then you are stupid. This wasn't poison this wouldn't be a plot hole this would be a major plot gap. Jesus dude use your brain. You ar egoing to say dude I was just asking. Just stop asking stupid questions. The "poison" was probably rain. Or something not very tasty since Ethan since to have a hard time swallowing it. They are plot holes in the game but the one you mentioned is stupid. Don't ask questions you already know the answer of. This will avoid certain reactions like myself.
The Blackout parts definitely should have been kept!
now, if they would have make any sense, those scenes would probably the coolest scenes in the game. #fuckboivin
Ohh...this scenes are very good. Why did they cut them out? I could make the game even better :(
@kornfan1313 Because the blackouts are linked to Shelby's killings. Even with these scenes, it's not clear that the blackouts are caused by an unintentional link created between Ethan and Shelby.
well if they only came up with a good reason for such a special mental connection to be made than it would work out just fine,better even then cutting it out.
They need to make something like "Heavy Rain: Special Edition." In the game, the only thing completely removed would be Scott killing his mother, and the blackouts may be altered to have a scientific explanation, or they could throw in the paranormal part.
I really hate that you guys didn't expand on Madison or kept the 'Good Father' scene. It would have been great to see the change in relationship between Ethan and his son.
And while it was annoying that Ethan's blackouts weren't explained, if what you show in this video was your only idea for it, I am glad it was cut. :D
@Veyneru You have to admit that the freaking underwater thing would've been nice to patch up the whole thing at the beginning. Not to mention a reason for Madison's insomnia and crap. Mind you, I wouldn't be so buttmad if they just added those 2 things as DLC, but they don't seem to be working on the game anymore, so yeah. I'm still a bit fuming.
They really should of kept the blackouts, because you would be able to see how his blackouts effects Ethan
I think they really should have kept the blackout scenes. It made more sense with it being paranormal. They didn't have to explain the paranormal aspect, just that it was paranormal. It made way more sense that way.