🍉Rainbow Kinder Cake Decorating Ideas🍉Loving Miniature Watermelon Kinder Joy With Oreo Recipes🍉

  • Опубликовано: 22 дек 2024

Комментарии • 69

  • @ZachariaShotboul
    @ZachariaShotboul 4 дня назад

    Design tão divertido e vibrante! Adorei o tema de melancia! 🍉💚

  • @DaisiaSteptowe
    @DaisiaSteptowe 4 дня назад

    O tema de melancia com Kinder é a melhor ideia que já vi! Adorável! 🍉🎂

  • @HumberHabbal
    @HumberHabbal 4 дня назад

    Esse Bolo Kinder Arco-íris é absolutamente adorável! Combinação única de ideias! 🌈🍰

  • @FanciDenisard
    @FanciDenisard 4 дня назад

    The watermelon theme is so refreshing! Loving the creativity in every layer! 🍉🎂

  • @TorasCleaver
    @TorasCleaver 4 дня назад

    O tema de melancia é tão refrescante! Amei a criatividade em cada camada! 🍉🎂

  • @LockwoGottschalk
    @LockwoGottschalk 4 дня назад

    Kinder Joy e Oreo na mesma receita? Genial! Mal posso esperar para experimentar! 😍🍪

  • @DollaEllicombe
    @DollaEllicombe 4 дня назад

    Suas habilidades de decoração de bolos são incríveis! As cores da melancia estão perfeitas! 🍉✨

  • @JeddasCallar
    @JeddasCallar 4 дня назад

    This Rainbow Kinder Cake is absolutely adorable! Such a unique combination of ideas! 🌈🍰

  • @GodardaDowey
    @GodardaDowey 4 дня назад

    A mistura de sabores de Oreo e Kinder Joy é um casamento perfeito! 🎂🍪

  • @SebastieGoudy
    @SebastieGoudy 4 дня назад

    I love how the watermelon design adds a playful touch to the cake! 🍉😊

  • @FlorinKleina
    @FlorinKleina 4 дня назад

    O jeito que você criou cada detalhe é inspirador. O efeito de melancia está impecável! 🍉🍰

  • @RupertorGoaley
    @RupertorGoaley 4 дня назад

    O efeito de arco-íris no bolo é simplesmente mágico! Amei cada detalhe! 🌈🍰

  • @AudryerDall
    @AudryerDall 4 дня назад

    The watermelon-inspired Kinder cake is just perfect for summer vibes! 🍉☀️

  • @QuintonaCubin
    @QuintonaCubin 4 дня назад

    Kinder Joy and Oreo in one recipe? Pure genius! Can’t wait to try this out! 😍🍪

  • @BethannesAngier
    @BethannesAngier 4 дня назад

    The Oreo crunch makes this cake even more special. What a fantastic idea! 🍪🎂

  • @LeolinerMcGiffie
    @LeolinerMcGiffie 4 дня назад

    The miniature size makes it even more irresistible! Perfect attention to detail! 療🍉

  • @ChristinaClears
    @ChristinaClears 4 дня назад

    O tamanho em miniatura o torna ainda mais irresistível! Perfeita atenção aos detalhes! 療🍉

  • @JenneerTaffee
    @JenneerTaffee 4 дня назад

    This is such a fun and vibrant design! I love the watermelon theme so much! 🍉💚

  • @XimenerSkelhorne
    @XimenerSkelhorne 4 дня назад

    Cada camada é tão bem feita e criativa. Parabéns pelo trabalho incrível! 🎂🍉

    • @Sweetshop222
      @Sweetshop222  3 дня назад

      Thank you for taking the time to watch our video!

  • @CozmorMicklewicz
    @CozmorMicklewicz 4 дня назад

    Suas ideias de decoração são tão criativas! Mal posso esperar para experimentar! 🍉✨

    • @Sweetshop222
      @Sweetshop222  3 дня назад

      Your support makes our hard work worth it! Thank you!

  • @LinnaPyvis
    @LinnaPyvis 4 дня назад

    Amo como a melancia foi incorporada no design do bolo. Fica tão bonito! 🍉💖

    • @Sweetshop222
      @Sweetshop222  3 дня назад

      We’re so glad you enjoyed our colorful creation! Thank you!

  • @BenettarSaywood
    @BenettarSaywood 4 дня назад

    I’m in love with this rainbow and watermelon fusion. Perfectly executed! 🌈🍉

    • @Sweetshop222
      @Sweetshop222  3 дня назад

      Thank you for being part of our colorful baking journey!

  • @TPMiniCakes
    @TPMiniCakes 3 дня назад

    Just watching the process feels so relaxing

  • @FrascosGorrie
    @FrascosGorrie 4 дня назад

    Rainbow Kinder Cake with Oreo is truly the dessert of my dreams! 🌈🍪

  • @DanielarLoges
    @DanielarLoges 4 дня назад

    A base de Oreo adiciona a crocância perfeita a essa obra-prima doce. Muito bem! 🍪🎂

    • @Sweetshop222
      @Sweetshop222  3 дня назад

      Your love for our baking videos means so much to us! Thank you!

  • @PrentaCicculi
    @PrentaCicculi 4 дня назад

    The Oreo base adds the perfect crunch to this sweet masterpiece. Well done! 🍪🎂

  • @AnsellaCotton
    @AnsellaCotton 4 дня назад

    The way you crafted each detail is so inspiring. The watermelon effect is flawless! 🍉🍰

  • @NananeGoggen
    @NananeGoggen 4 дня назад

    Kinder and Oreo fans will absolutely love this masterpiece! Delicious! 🍪🍉

    • @Sweetshop222
      @Sweetshop222  3 дня назад

      Thanks for your time and love for our mini rainbow cake video!

  • @ConstanMcMarquis
    @ConstanMcMarquis 4 дня назад

    The watermelon color gradient is absolutely stunning! Great job! 🍉🌈

    • @Sweetshop222
      @Sweetshop222  3 дня назад

      Thank you for watching and being part of our baking family!

  • @CorisGlozman
    @CorisGlozman 4 дня назад

    Kinder Joy and Oreo together are a dream combo! This is a must-try! 🍪🍉

  • @HeallaGuile
    @HeallaGuile 4 дня назад

    Your cake-decorating skills are amazing! The watermelon colors are spot on! 🍉✨

  • @DerwardaLieber
    @DerwardaLieber 4 дня назад

    The rainbow effect adds so much charm to this cake. Great work! 🌈🎂

    • @Sweetshop222
      @Sweetshop222  3 дня назад

      We hope you enjoyed the video! Thank you for watching!

  • @KirstirMuge
    @KirstirMuge 4 дня назад

    This is the most creative use of Kinder Joy I’ve seen. Stunning! 🎂🍪

    • @Sweetshop222
      @Sweetshop222  3 дня назад

      Thank you for being part of our colorful baking journey!

  • @GalvanVanDaal
    @GalvanVanDaal 4 дня назад

    The miniatures are so cute and detailed. This is perfection! 療✨

    • @Sweetshop222
      @Sweetshop222  3 дня назад

      Your kindness keeps us motivated! Thank you!

  • @AnderearDemicoli
    @AnderearDemicoli 4 дня назад

    The tiny details on this cake are mind-blowing. Incredible work! 療✨

    • @Sweetshop222
      @Sweetshop222  3 дня назад

      A big thank you for watching and enjoying our mini cakes!

  • @LisabethaFagence
    @LisabethaFagence 4 дня назад

    I can’t get over how cute and creative this cake is. Keep up the amazing work! 🍰😊

    • @Sweetshop222
      @Sweetshop222  3 дня назад

      Your views mean the world to us! Thank you!

  • @LeighaCollum
    @LeighaCollum 4 дня назад

    Your cake designs always bring a smile to my face. Amazing work! 😊🍰

    • @Sweetshop222
      @Sweetshop222  3 дня назад

      Thank you for watching and sharing your thoughts on our video!

  • @ArdeliarGaughan
    @ArdeliarGaughan 4 дня назад

    A crocância do Oreo e o tema de melancia são a combinação perfeita. Delícia! 🍉🍪

  • @OderParlott
    @OderParlott 4 дня назад

    Combinação tão criativa! Arco-íris e melancia - duas das minhas coisas favoritas! 🌈🍉

  • @SaundrarCommins
    @SaundrarCommins 4 дня назад

    Such a creative combination! Rainbow and watermelon - two of my favorite things! 🌈🍉

  • @MicheaTeresse
    @MicheaTeresse 4 дня назад

    A combinação de Oreo e Kinder Joy é uma explosão de sabores! Adorei! 🍪🍉

    • @Sweetshop222
      @Sweetshop222  3 дня назад

      Thanks for making our baking adventures even more special!

  • @Bambisubertelli
    @Bambisubertelli 4 дня назад

    Esse bolo parece tão divertido de fazer quanto de comer! Amei! 🎂✨

  • @FraseraWibre
    @FraseraWibre 4 дня назад

    Esse bolo é um verdadeiro show de criatividade e talento! Ameeei! 🍉🎨

    • @Sweetshop222
      @Sweetshop222  3 дня назад

      Thanks for joining us in making mini rainbow cakes!

  • @DaffaPotteridge
    @DaffaPotteridge 4 дня назад

    A mistura de cores e sabores é tão impressionante! Um verdadeiro deleite! 🍉✨

  • @KennaRomanelli
    @KennaRomanelli 4 дня назад

    Parabéns pelo bolo incrível! Cada detalhe mostra o seu talento. 🍉✨

    • @Sweetshop222
      @Sweetshop222  3 дня назад

      We truly appreciate your support and love for our mini cake creations!

  • @MarcaMoreman
    @MarcaMoreman 4 дня назад

    Que obra de arte deliciosa! O tema melancia é tão criativo! 🍉🎂

    • @Sweetshop222
      @Sweetshop222  3 дня назад

      Your views brighten our day! Thank you!

  • @JerrinesConlaund
    @JerrinesConlaund 4 дня назад

    A atenção aos detalhes faz toda a diferença. Esse bolo é maravilhoso! 🍉✨

    • @Sweetshop222
      @Sweetshop222  3 дня назад

      A heartfelt thank you for watching our mini rainbow cake video!

  • @ReinoldaYorston
    @ReinoldaYorston 4 дня назад

    Such a delightful dessert! The watermelon Kinder cake is pure genius! 🎂💡

    • @Sweetshop222
      @Sweetshop222  3 дня назад

      We’re so grateful for your support on this sweet project!

  • @LilarHilliam
    @LilarHilliam 4 дня назад

    Essa ideia de decoração é tão linda! O bolo parece delicioso! 🍉🎂

  • @KarissarFerrillios
    @KarissarFerrillios 4 дня назад

    Esse bolo é uma combinação perfeita de sabores e criatividade. Maravilhoso! 🍪🍉