absolutly so horrorfing bless your family , like here in ireland many difficult times in residendial homes here in ireland. Awful shameful and what has been done to you. many women and children were taken away from the families and then the church stole their babies,... so sad to hear the stories so sad, it is genocide no other words for this . Identities stolen lives lost horrific stories
absolutly so horrorfing bless your family , like here in ireland many difficult times in residendial homes here in ireland. Awful shameful and what has been done to you. many women and children were taken away from the families and then the church stole their babies,... so sad to hear the stories so sad, it is genocide no other words for this . Identities stolen lives lost horrific stories
Thank - you for your stories and your candor.
Also endured spiritual abuse
Hiy hiy Auntie Flora love Apisimososis iskwew