Ep available // Bruckner: Symphony No. 7 "Adagio" by Wilhelm Furtwängler **Listen to our latest mastering update (2024)** : bit.ly/3PxREiE 🎧 Qobuz cutt.ly/Ww6YZKMs Tidal cutt.ly/tw6YZ3jE 🎧 Deezer bit.ly/3Grcvgq Amazon Music amzn.to/3oq4SjT 🎧 Spotify spoti.fi/3gtbwkY RUclips Music bit.ly/3PxREiE 🎧 Napster bit.ly/3rp33pu Soundcloud bit.ly/3AVRY2e 🔊 Download the album (Hi-Res Master) cutt.ly/Classical-Music-Reference-Recording-Website-Furtwangler-1942 Anton Bruckner (1824-1896) Symphony No. 7 in E Major, WAB 107 Click to activate the English subtitles for the presentation (00:00-01:25) 00:00 Adagio. Sehr feierlich und sehr langsam Berliner Philharmoniker Wilhelm FURTWÄNGLER Legendary recording: 01/04/1942, at Berlin New mastering in 2022 by AB for CMRR 🔊 Join us with your phone on our WhatsApp fanpage (our latest album preview): cutt.ly/5eathESK 🔊 Find our entire catalog on Qobuz: cutt.ly/geathMhL 🔊 Discover our playlists on Spotify: cutt.ly/ceatjtlB ❤ Support us on Patreon www.patreon.com/cmrr/about Furtwängler comes straight from the 19th century. Son of an archaeologist specialized in ancient Greece, consciously or not, he certainly lived from the inside this mythical belief that Germany was the successor of Greece, bearer of an idealistic message, both Dionysian and Apollonian. What he gives us to hear, it is not a restored past, "historically informed", it is the sound product of a sensitivity and a thought deeply anchored in the romantic era, in the time of Wagner, Brahms, Bruckner. The work would be an organic being whose interpreter, acting like an inspired prophet and as if in a trance, would bring out and feel the telluric forces that work it. Nothing could be more anti-modern than this idealistic conception. This is why, when one listens to a Furtwängler interpretation, one feels a different emotion. Click to activate the English subtitles for the presentation (00:00-01:25) Furtwängler a toujours été le grand protagoniste de Bruckner. En 1942, la firme Telefunken persuada Furtwängler d'expérimenter les améliorations apportées dans la technique d'enregistrement. Ayant consenti, il opta pour le célèbre Adagio de la 7ème symphonie, et plus tard pour l'Ouverture d'Alceste de Gluck, en vue de vérifier, comme il l'a dit lui-même, si les microphones étaient capables de restituer l'ampleur de son orchestre, et particulièrement les fameuses contrebasses de Berlin. Les résultats furent étonnants. Cette interprétation de Bruckner par Furtwängler est la plus lente et pourtant la plus soutenue avec sa tension saisissante. Une fois de plus l'élément tragique et la grandeur du discours sont inégalés. C’est bien un enregistrement pour une île déserte, heureusement restauré pour la plus grande joie des mélomanes du monde, à garder et à chérir pendant toute leur vie. Ironiquement, sa grandeur tragique n'a pas dissuadé les nazis de diffuser cette enregistrement à Radio Berlin pour annoncer la mort de Hitler, bien après que Furtwängler ait fui l'Allemagne. Contentons-nous de dire simplement qu'aucun homme, aussi grand soit-il, ou a fortiori vil, n'est digne des dimensions de cette œuvre. Bruckner - Symphonies Nos.4 Romantic ,6,7,8 (Century's recording: Eugen Jochum, Concertgebouworkest): ruclips.net/video/30Inf9Ax9RI/видео.html Anton Bruckner PLAYLIST (reference recordings): ruclips.net/p/PL3UZpQL9LIxP5qgxVtNg7Dth9EusTYPHE
A cathedral. Bruckner would be so proud and humble at the same time. Furtwangler was a great human being, unfairly treated by many, he deserves respect.
The most beautiful Adagio of Anton Bruckner and Wilhelm Furtwängler directed the most impressive performance of this marvelous work. Many thanks CM/RR !
According to me the Adagio of Bruckner’s VIII by Furtwangler in Vienna 1944 is even more extraordinary. There is an infinite hope and love that appears at the end that is still hidden here behind the transcendent presence. This is a general trend of Furtwängler ‘s recording during WWII : 1942-43 still very tragic, 1944-45 the spiritual dimension transcends the tragedy.
The very best soundtrack to dead and frozen NAZI-soldiers! I ❤ it... Der Baum... 🍂🌱☘️🍀🌿🌳 Der Baum, auf dem die Kinder Der Sterblichen verblühn, Steinalt, nichts desto minder Stets wieder jung und grün. Er kehrt auf einer Seite Die Blätter zu dem Licht, Doch kohlschwarz ist die zweite Und sieht die Sonne nicht. Er setzet neue Ringe, So oft er blühet, an, Das Alter aller Dinge Zeigt er den Menschen an. In seine grüne Rinden Drückt sich ein Name leicht, Der nicht mehr ist zu finden, Wenn sie verdorrt und bleicht. So sprich, kannst du's ergründen Was diesem Baume gleicht? FRIEDRICH SCHILLER (1759-1805) Viele Menschen würden eher sterben als denken. Und in der Tat: Sie tun es. BERTRAND RUSSEL (1872-1970) Mathematiker/Philosoph Schriftsteller & Friedensaktivist 1950 Nobelpreis für Literatur Universität Cambridge London School of Economics Bertrand Russell war ein britischer Mathematiker, Philosoph und Nobelpreisträger. Er hatte maßgeblichen Einfluss auf die Entwicklung der mathematischen Logik. Zeit seines Lebens engagierte er sich im politischen und gesellschaftlichen Bereich, auch als dies negative Folgen für seine berufliche Karriere bedeutete. Er verfasste außerdem gemeinsam mit Alfred N. Whitehead die Buchreihe Principia Mathematica, mit der sie versuchten, die gesamte Mathematik mit Hilfe der Logik von einigen wenigen Axiomen abzuleiten. NATÜRLICH liegt das Wesen der Natur, dieser "göttlichen" Mathematik, der Musik und all ihren bildenden Künsten, in ihrer Freiheit...👥🌀 "Euer Gehorsam ist grenzenlos, und er wird, daß ich es euch nur sage, von Tag zu Tag unverzeihlicher." Rede an die Deutschen, Weihnachten 1940 Thomas Manns wichtigstes politisches Vermächtnis. Mit der Machtergreifung der Nationalsozialisten verließ Thomas Mann Deutschland und kehrte nie wieder zurück. Im Schweizer Exil verlor der deutsche Literaturnobelpreisträger 1936 seine Staatsbürgerschaft. Er emigrierte weiter nach Amerika, von wo aus er ab 1940 seine Anti-Kriegsreden sendete. In 58 verzweifelten, glühenden humanistischen Appellen redete er den deutschen Hörern bis November 1945 ins Gewissen. Seine Radioansprachen, auf abenteuerlichen Wegen von der BBC nach Europa übertragen, sind einzigartige Dokumente eines aufrechten Deutschen. »Ich kann mir nicht helfen: es tut doch wohl, Hitler so recht ins Gesicht hinein einen blödsinnigen Wüterich zu nennen.« THOMAS MANN (1875-1955)
Diese Temporückungen, genau richtig. Das ist Wilhelm Furtwängler. Er weiß es, wann man das Tempo modifizieren muss. aber das machen ja viele große Dirigenten. Jedoch bei ihm ist es immer organisch, wie etwas, dass sich aus dem Vorigen zum Neuen herausbildet. Unglaublich, das zu hören, aber das macht die Großartigkeit dieses Dirigenten aus: Er ist einmalig!
Furtwängler comes straight from the 19th century. Son of an archaeologist specialized in ancient Greece, consciously or not, he certainly lived from the inside this mythical belief that Germany was the successor of Greece, bearer of an idealistic message, both Dionysian and Apollonian. What he gives us to hear, it is not a restored past, "historically informed", it is the sound product of a sensitivity and a thought deeply anchored in the romantic era, in the time of Wagner, Brahms, Bruckner. The work would be an organic being whose interpreter, acting like an inspired prophet and as if in a trance, would bring out and feel the telluric forces that work it. Nothing could be more anti-modern than this idealistic conception. This is why, when one listens to a Furtwängler interpretation, one feels a different emotion. Click to activate the English subtitles for the presentation (00:00-01:25) Furtwängler a toujours été le grand protagoniste de Bruckner. En 1942, la firme Telefunken persuada Furtwängler d'expérimenter les améliorations apportées dans la technique d'enregistrement. Ayant consenti, il opta pour le célèbre Adagio de la 7ème symphonie, et plus tard pour l'Ouverture d'Alceste de Gluck, en vue de vérifier, comme il l'a dit lui-même, si les microphones étaient capables de restituer l'ampleur de son orchestre, et particulièrement les fameuses contrebasses de Berlin. Les résultats furent étonnants. Cette interprétation de Bruckner par Furtwängler est la plus lente et pourtant la plus soutenue avec sa tension saisissante. Une fois de plus l'élément tragique et la grandeur du discours sont inégalés. C’est bien un enregistrement pour une île déserte, heureusement restauré pour la plus grande joie des mélomanes du monde, à garder et à chérir pendant toute leur vie. Ironiquement, sa grandeur tragique n'a pas dissuadé les nazis de diffuser cette enregistrement à Radio Berlin pour annoncer la mort de Hitler, bien après que Furtwängler ait fui l'Allemagne. Contentons-nous de dire simplement qu'aucun homme, aussi grand soit-il, ou a fortiori vil, n'est digne des dimensions de cette œuvre. 🔊 FOLLOW US on SPOTIFY (Profil: CMRR) : spoti.fi/3016eVr 🔊 Download CMRR's recordings in High fidelity audio (QOBUZ) : bit.ly/2M1Eop2 ❤️ If you like CM//RR content, please consider membership at our Patreon page. Thank you :) www.patreon.com/cmrr
This remastered 1942 Version conducted by Furtwängler together with the Berlin Philharmonic is just beyond performance. I am totally impressed of how modern sound technology was able to invoke those one-off nuances, those miniscule detail that completes the overall mood from what can be ultimately deduce from the inspiration-- which is almost actually got lost given the recording equipment constraints of the time. It (Adiago) felt as if that being lost in the detail for seeing the forest for the trees-- wasn't so bad after all.
Wunderschöne und tiefempfundene Interpertation dieses ewigen und perfekt komponierten Satzes von Bruckners 7. Sinfonie mit gut harmonisierten und perfekt entsprechenden Tönen aller Instrumente. Der intelligente und unvergleichliche Maestro dirigeirt das weltklassige Orchester im detaillierten Tempo und mit perfekt kontrollierter Dynamik. Die verbesserte Tonqualität ist auch ziemlich hoch als eine Originaleaufnahme im Kriegsjahr 1942. Wahrhaft legendär!
Mr.Martin, what you think of perhaps concentrate then finish your book, then take time to centrally listen to this, so you have both maximum understanding so as learn.
Dolce e disfatto crepuscolo di ogni speranza: Furtwangler sembra saldare, con la leggerezza di una foglia che danza la sua fine, lo sfacelo dello spirito tedesco allo sfinimento dell'Impero Asburgico di Bruckner...Una comunanza spirituale che non sospinge alla spiegazione ma solo all'ascolto immerso nel capolavoro. Questo sguardo e questo incontro sono eventi irripetibili.
It always astounds me how music of such beauty can be created in the human mind, but then, I think of the precious gifts the Mighty Christian God gives many people, and then I can how Bruchner achieved such beautiful music.
Je n'avais jamais entendu une symphonie de Bruckner par Furtwängler !!! Cet Adagio est authentiquement au-dessus de tout ... il n'y a guère que Karajan, en son ultime enregistrement, peu avant sa mort, qui atteint ... ou plutôt ... qui approche une telle plénitude !!! Quelle différence avec les "baroqueux" qui se sont emparés de Bruckner aux fins d'en faire le "prétexte" à leur "démonstration" de ... "paléomusicologie" ... avec sons et instruments "d'époque" !!!
This beautiful Adagio by Bruckner was used to announce the death of the beloved German Fuhrer Adolf Hitler on Hamburg Rundfunk the evening of the 1st May 1945 as well as the defeat at Stalingrad in 1943.
@ Yes his death was announced using the Karl Bohm version which was played on the evening of May 1st 1945 by Hamburg Rundfunk. It was not this Furtwangler version.
What a shame that so little of Furtwangler's work was recorded, though in fact we are lucky to have ANY at all. After all Nijinsky's dance and Mahler's sound are lost forever to history ...
Yes we are in discussion with the label that blocked it. But you can find the album on RUclips Music ruclips.net/p/OLAK5uy_lI0GNVoYbr-IuJbI27q9_IYriUEHdBokc and on the main online listening platforms
Oh come on. This had nothing to do with Furtwaengler. He even fled Germany to avoid arrest by the Nazis. By the way, while composing this movement, Bruckner received news about the death of Wagner, the composer he admired most.
Great but not the greatest. If anyone can, watch Luchino Visconti's motion picture Senso. The adagio was used as sondtrack. Franco Ferrara conducted RAI Sinphony Orchestra of Torino. For me the best performance of this adagio
Sí, eso es cierto, pero hay que decir que Visconti eligió el adagio de la 7 bruckneriana a resultas de habérsela escuchada a Furtwängler y la Filarmónica de Berlín en Roma (1 de mayo de 1952).
Hundreds of the stupidest comments we've read, the ads are automatic and managed by the RUclips algorithm. Why do we link to different platforms? Because with a subscription you can enjoy music in better audio quality and without ads.
It beggars belief that these German musicians could produce such beauty in an era when their political masters were wreaking such evil upon Europe. And with such tacit or rapturous approval of the majority of ordinary people .......
Bruckner is sublime but only with Celibidache. Furtwengler is not bad either but is lacking the phenomenology of the music. Celibidache is unreachable.
🙏🏽🧡🙏🏽🧡 .I am praying for everyone who needs a Miracle. Only God can do the impossible, He can make a way when there seems to be no way. Today I pray God touches your health, your home, your family, your faith, and your finances. God bless you Amen!
Ep available // Bruckner: Symphony No. 7 "Adagio" by Wilhelm Furtwängler
**Listen to our latest mastering update (2024)** : bit.ly/3PxREiE
🎧 Qobuz cutt.ly/Ww6YZKMs Tidal cutt.ly/tw6YZ3jE
🎧 Deezer bit.ly/3Grcvgq Amazon Music amzn.to/3oq4SjT
🎧 Spotify spoti.fi/3gtbwkY RUclips Music bit.ly/3PxREiE
🎧 Napster bit.ly/3rp33pu Soundcloud bit.ly/3AVRY2e
🔊 Download the album (Hi-Res Master) cutt.ly/Classical-Music-Reference-Recording-Website-Furtwangler-1942
Anton Bruckner (1824-1896) Symphony No. 7 in E Major, WAB 107
Click to activate the English subtitles for the presentation (00:00-01:25)
00:00 Adagio. Sehr feierlich und sehr langsam
Berliner Philharmoniker
Legendary recording: 01/04/1942, at Berlin
New mastering in 2022 by AB for CMRR
🔊 Join us with your phone on our WhatsApp fanpage (our latest album preview): cutt.ly/5eathESK
🔊 Find our entire catalog on Qobuz: cutt.ly/geathMhL
🔊 Discover our playlists on Spotify: cutt.ly/ceatjtlB
❤ Support us on Patreon www.patreon.com/cmrr/about
Furtwängler comes straight from the 19th century. Son of an archaeologist specialized in ancient Greece, consciously or not, he certainly lived from the inside this mythical belief that Germany was the successor of Greece, bearer of an idealistic message, both Dionysian and Apollonian. What he gives us to hear, it is not a restored past, "historically informed", it is the sound product of a sensitivity and a thought deeply anchored in the romantic era, in the time of Wagner, Brahms, Bruckner. The work would be an organic being whose interpreter, acting like an inspired prophet and as if in a trance, would bring out and feel the telluric forces that work it. Nothing could be more anti-modern than this idealistic conception. This is why, when one listens to a Furtwängler interpretation, one feels a different emotion. Click to activate the English subtitles for the presentation (00:00-01:25)
Furtwängler a toujours été le grand protagoniste de Bruckner. En 1942, la firme Telefunken persuada Furtwängler d'expérimenter les améliorations apportées dans la technique d'enregistrement. Ayant consenti, il opta pour le célèbre Adagio de la 7ème symphonie, et plus tard pour l'Ouverture d'Alceste de Gluck, en vue de vérifier, comme il l'a dit lui-même, si les microphones étaient capables de restituer l'ampleur de son orchestre, et particulièrement les fameuses contrebasses de Berlin.
Les résultats furent étonnants. Cette interprétation de Bruckner par Furtwängler est la plus lente et pourtant la plus soutenue avec sa tension saisissante. Une fois de plus l'élément tragique et la grandeur du discours sont inégalés. C’est bien un enregistrement pour une île déserte, heureusement restauré pour la plus grande joie des mélomanes du monde, à garder et à chérir pendant toute leur vie.
Ironiquement, sa grandeur tragique n'a pas dissuadé les nazis de diffuser cette enregistrement à Radio Berlin pour annoncer la mort de Hitler, bien après que Furtwängler ait fui l'Allemagne. Contentons-nous de dire simplement qu'aucun homme, aussi grand soit-il, ou a fortiori vil, n'est digne des dimensions de cette œuvre.
Bruckner - Symphonies Nos.4 Romantic ,6,7,8 (Century's recording: Eugen Jochum, Concertgebouworkest): ruclips.net/video/30Inf9Ax9RI/видео.html
Anton Bruckner PLAYLIST (reference recordings): ruclips.net/p/PL3UZpQL9LIxP5qgxVtNg7Dth9EusTYPHE
A cathedral. Bruckner would be so proud and humble at the same time.
Furtwangler was a great human being, unfairly treated by many, he deserves respect.
Furtwangler was a Nazi. He really doesn't deserve all that much respect.
Une référence absolue, merci Wilhelm Furtwangler et encore plus merci Anton Bruckner pour cette musique sublime
Totally sublime. The best version of the slow movement of Bruckner’s VII
The most beautiful Adagio of Anton Bruckner and Wilhelm Furtwängler directed the most impressive performance of this marvelous work. Many thanks CM/RR !
According to me the Adagio of Bruckner’s VIII by Furtwangler in Vienna 1944 is even more extraordinary. There is an infinite hope and love that appears at the end that is still hidden here behind the transcendent presence. This is a general trend of Furtwängler ‘s recording during WWII : 1942-43 still very tragic, 1944-45 the spiritual dimension transcends the tragedy.
A magnificent observation !@@MegaClassicguy
The very best soundtrack to dead and frozen NAZI-soldiers!
I ❤ it...
Der Baum... 🍂🌱☘️🍀🌿🌳
Der Baum, auf dem die Kinder
Der Sterblichen verblühn,
Steinalt, nichts desto minder
Stets wieder jung und grün.
Er kehrt auf einer Seite
Die Blätter zu dem Licht,
Doch kohlschwarz ist die zweite
Und sieht die Sonne nicht.
Er setzet neue Ringe,
So oft er blühet, an,
Das Alter aller Dinge
Zeigt er den Menschen an.
In seine grüne Rinden
Drückt sich ein Name leicht,
Der nicht mehr ist zu finden,
Wenn sie verdorrt und bleicht.
So sprich, kannst du's ergründen
Was diesem Baume gleicht?
Und in der Tat: Sie tun es.
Schriftsteller & Friedensaktivist
1950 Nobelpreis für Literatur
Universität Cambridge
London School of Economics
Bertrand Russell war ein britischer Mathematiker, Philosoph und Nobelpreisträger. Er hatte maßgeblichen Einfluss auf die Entwicklung der mathematischen Logik. Zeit seines Lebens engagierte er sich im politischen und gesellschaftlichen Bereich, auch als dies negative Folgen für seine berufliche Karriere bedeutete. Er verfasste außerdem gemeinsam mit Alfred N. Whitehead die Buchreihe Principia Mathematica, mit der sie versuchten, die gesamte Mathematik mit Hilfe der Logik von einigen wenigen Axiomen abzuleiten.
NATÜRLICH liegt das Wesen der Natur, dieser "göttlichen" Mathematik, der Musik und all ihren bildenden Künsten, in ihrer Freiheit...👥🌀
"Euer Gehorsam ist grenzenlos, und er wird, daß ich es euch nur sage, von Tag zu Tag unverzeihlicher."
Rede an die Deutschen, Weihnachten 1940
Thomas Manns wichtigstes politisches Vermächtnis.
Mit der Machtergreifung der Nationalsozialisten verließ Thomas Mann Deutschland und kehrte nie wieder zurück. Im Schweizer Exil verlor der deutsche Literaturnobelpreisträger 1936 seine Staatsbürgerschaft. Er emigrierte weiter nach Amerika, von wo aus er ab 1940 seine Anti-Kriegsreden sendete. In 58 verzweifelten, glühenden humanistischen Appellen redete er den deutschen Hörern bis November 1945 ins Gewissen. Seine Radioansprachen, auf abenteuerlichen Wegen von der BBC nach Europa übertragen, sind einzigartige Dokumente eines aufrechten Deutschen.
»Ich kann mir nicht helfen: es tut doch wohl, Hitler so recht ins Gesicht hinein einen blödsinnigen Wüterich zu nennen.«
This sublime music is a deep sigh and longing for the Old Europe that will never come back again.
That Europe ended in 1945.
Well, 1914-1945. It was another 30 Years War.
This is an eye opener for me. So sensitive and intense. And the tension...
Diese Temporückungen, genau richtig. Das ist Wilhelm Furtwängler. Er weiß es,
wann man das Tempo modifizieren muss. aber das machen ja viele große Dirigenten.
Jedoch bei ihm ist es immer organisch, wie etwas, dass sich aus dem Vorigen zum Neuen
herausbildet. Unglaublich, das zu hören, aber das macht die Großartigkeit dieses
Dirigenten aus: Er ist einmalig!
Furtwängler comes straight from the 19th century. Son of an archaeologist specialized in ancient Greece, consciously or not, he certainly lived from the inside this mythical belief that Germany was the successor of Greece, bearer of an idealistic message, both Dionysian and Apollonian. What he gives us to hear, it is not a restored past, "historically informed", it is the sound product of a sensitivity and a thought deeply anchored in the romantic era, in the time of Wagner, Brahms, Bruckner. The work would be an organic being whose interpreter, acting like an inspired prophet and as if in a trance, would bring out and feel the telluric forces that work it. Nothing could be more anti-modern than this idealistic conception. This is why, when one listens to a Furtwängler interpretation, one feels a different emotion. Click to activate the English subtitles for the presentation (00:00-01:25)
Furtwängler a toujours été le grand protagoniste de Bruckner. En 1942, la firme Telefunken persuada Furtwängler d'expérimenter les améliorations apportées dans la technique d'enregistrement. Ayant consenti, il opta pour le célèbre Adagio de la 7ème symphonie, et plus tard pour l'Ouverture d'Alceste de Gluck, en vue de vérifier, comme il l'a dit lui-même, si les microphones étaient capables de restituer l'ampleur de son orchestre, et particulièrement les fameuses contrebasses de Berlin.
Les résultats furent étonnants. Cette interprétation de Bruckner par Furtwängler est la plus lente et pourtant la plus soutenue avec sa tension saisissante. Une fois de plus l'élément tragique et la grandeur du discours sont inégalés. C’est bien un enregistrement pour une île déserte, heureusement restauré pour la plus grande joie des mélomanes du monde, à garder et à chérir pendant toute leur vie.
Ironiquement, sa grandeur tragique n'a pas dissuadé les nazis de diffuser cette enregistrement à Radio Berlin pour annoncer la mort de Hitler, bien après que Furtwängler ait fui l'Allemagne. Contentons-nous de dire simplement qu'aucun homme, aussi grand soit-il, ou a fortiori vil, n'est digne des dimensions de cette œuvre.
🔊 FOLLOW US on SPOTIFY (Profil: CMRR) : spoti.fi/3016eVr
🔊 Download CMRR's recordings in High fidelity audio (QOBUZ) : bit.ly/2M1Eop2
❤️ If you like CM//RR content, please consider membership at our Patreon page.
Thank you :) www.patreon.com/cmrr
Time and again....when I hear beatiful music like Bruckner (and so manny others!) Furtwangler makes me feel as this was how it was ment.....thank you.
Absolutely glorious Bruckner! The mastering is also outstanding.
OH THANK YOU!!!....and so much more than mere words can ever possibly express...THANK YOU!!!!....
This remastered 1942 Version conducted by Furtwängler together with the Berlin Philharmonic is just beyond performance. I am totally impressed of how modern sound technology was able to invoke those one-off nuances, those miniscule detail that completes the overall mood from what can be ultimately deduce from the inspiration-- which is almost actually got lost given the recording equipment constraints of the time. It (Adiago) felt as if that being lost in the detail for seeing the forest for the trees-- wasn't so bad after all.
Wunderschöne und tiefempfundene Interpertation dieses ewigen und perfekt komponierten Satzes von Bruckners 7. Sinfonie mit gut harmonisierten und perfekt entsprechenden Tönen aller Instrumente. Der intelligente und unvergleichliche Maestro dirigeirt das weltklassige Orchester im detaillierten Tempo und mit perfekt kontrollierter Dynamik. Die verbesserte Tonqualität ist auch ziemlich hoch als eine Originaleaufnahme im Kriegsjahr 1942. Wahrhaft legendär!
Fantastic : Bruckner + Furtwängler. Thank you.
WoW WoW ❤❤❤beautiful merci France 10/2024
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!
Welch ein Universum uns Furtwängler eröffnet. Großartig!
This is magic ! Great work !
Admiration 🌹🥀🌷🌺
Beautiful. Found this now I can sit quietly and read my book 📖
I hope it's not Mein Kampf
Mr.Martin, what you think of perhaps concentrate then finish your book, then take time to centrally listen to this, so you have both maximum understanding so as learn.
Bravo! Bravo! Bravíssimo!
Dolce e disfatto crepuscolo di ogni speranza: Furtwangler sembra saldare, con la leggerezza di una foglia che danza la sua fine, lo sfacelo dello spirito tedesco allo sfinimento dell'Impero Asburgico di Bruckner...Una comunanza spirituale che non sospinge alla spiegazione ma solo all'ascolto immerso nel capolavoro. Questo sguardo e questo incontro sono eventi irripetibili.
Furtwängler is always great
Thank you.
No words to express feelings.
Wow!!! Thank you!
amazing sound!
Love! Just love!
Commovente. Viva Bruckner
It always astounds me how music of such beauty can be created in the human mind, but then, I think of the precious gifts the Mighty Christian God gives many people, and then I can how Bruchner achieved such beautiful music.
Linda música !👏👏👏👏👏
Tolles mastering, bravo!
This recording was played on RRG the day they announced my fathers death in the Berlin bunker! Amazing performance from Maestro Furtwangler.
Maybe A.H .....???
It was played on Hamburg Rundfunk on the evening of 1 May 1945.
Je n'avais jamais entendu une symphonie de Bruckner par Furtwängler !!! Cet Adagio est authentiquement au-dessus de tout ... il n'y a guère que Karajan, en son ultime enregistrement, peu avant sa mort, qui atteint ... ou plutôt ... qui approche une telle plénitude !!! Quelle différence avec les "baroqueux" qui se sont emparés de Bruckner aux fins d'en faire le "prétexte" à leur "démonstration" de ... "paléomusicologie" ... avec sons et instruments "d'époque" !!!
Люблю смотреть на это лицо. Великий Фуртвенглер.
The Best
4:26 in radio call of duty 1 ;)
Bruckner et Furtwangler, on est dans les constellations.
This beautiful Adagio by Bruckner was used to announce the death of the beloved German Fuhrer Adolf Hitler on Hamburg Rundfunk the evening of the 1st May 1945 as well as the defeat at Stalingrad in 1943.
Are you sure ?
@ Yes his death was announced using the Karl Bohm version which was played on the evening of May 1st 1945 by Hamburg Rundfunk. It was not this Furtwangler version.
What a shame that so little of Furtwangler's work was recorded, though in fact we are lucky to have ANY at all. After all Nijinsky's dance and Mahler's sound are lost forever to history ...
Est ce la version utilisée pour annoncer la mort du Fürher en 1945?
Para anunciar a derrota em stalingrado
Mahler said "yes"!
I Ja kazem yessss!
4:22 CoD1 radio music
that fateful German sound!
Not a jackboot in sight.
"The 6th Army is no more. Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus has surrendered at Stalingrad".
➽ .. from here : 4:07 ~
In memory for Stalingrad! Вечнаја памјат...
17:36 🥶
oh.. i loved that Rosenthal Ravel, did you get your hand slapped?
Yes we are in discussion with the label that blocked it. But you can find the album on RUclips Music ruclips.net/p/OLAK5uy_lI0GNVoYbr-IuJbI27q9_IYriUEHdBokc
and on the main online listening platforms
The real music still exists.
We should remember...this was played in those days for the memory of the death german soldiers of the battle of stalingrad. It was political
And before announcing the death of the Fuerher.
Oh come on. This had nothing to do with Furtwaengler. He even fled Germany to avoid arrest by the Nazis. By the way, while composing this movement, Bruckner received news about the death of Wagner, the composer he admired most.
do you have a source where we can listen this ?
Furtwangler was great because of TEMPO.
D ie schönste Angst
poor form to let a commercial interrupt this piece.
Great but not the greatest. If anyone can, watch Luchino Visconti's motion picture Senso. The adagio was used as sondtrack. Franco Ferrara conducted RAI Sinphony Orchestra of Torino. For me the best performance of this adagio
yes, that is a beautiful interpretation. I also really enjoy his interpretation of Respighi, especially the Antiche Danze & Arie - Suite.
@@Teddy_Toto yes l agree
Sí, eso es cierto, pero hay que decir que Visconti eligió el adagio de la 7 bruckneriana a resultas de habérsela escuchada a Furtwängler y la Filarmónica de Berlín en Roma (1 de mayo de 1952).
German radio played it after Stalingrad battle in february 4th 1943. Glory to Russian army👊
You put an ADVERTISEMENT right before the codetta of one of the most sublime themes in the history of music???!!! Shame on you, whoever you are!!!
Hundreds of the stupidest comments we've read, the ads are automatic and managed by the RUclips algorithm. Why do we link to different platforms? Because with a subscription you can enjoy music in better audio quality and without ads.
1000er 🫡
It beggars belief that these German musicians could produce such beauty in an era when their political masters were wreaking such evil upon Europe. And with such tacit or rapturous approval of the majority of ordinary people .......
Really makes you think lmao
@@jackworthington4660 If you laughed yo' ass off I doubt you actually thought about my comment at all.
@@ArtyFactual_Intelligence you've never thought about ww2 though have you?
@@jackworthington4660 Meaningless comment.
@@jackworthington4660 Worthless jackass comment.
Nazi conductor. 😂 Too bad. Bernstein is the Best ever. Adonai Ekhad.
Jesus loves you.
Bruckner is sublime but only with Celibidache. Furtwengler is not bad either but is lacking the phenomenology of the music. Celibidache is unreachable.
🙏🏽🧡🙏🏽🧡 .I am praying for everyone who needs a Miracle. Only God can do the impossible, He can make a way when there seems to be no way. Today I pray God touches your health, your home, your family, your faith, and your finances. God bless you Amen!
And may HaShem bless you for your kindness.
Pray that the Russian Nazis leave Ukraine.
Who the F is God?